HomeMy WebLinkAbout000283 Amendment 7 Seventh Amendment
To the Professional. Service Contract
Between City of Port Angeles and
Integral Consulting, Inc.
This amendment is entered into this . ( by and between the
City of fort Angeles a non-charter code city and municipal corporation of the State of
Washington("City„)and Integral Consulting, Inc. ("Contractor").
For and in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived herefro , the Parties
recite, covenant, and agree as follows:
I. The Parties entered into a Professional Service Contract on March 1, 2012,
with a budget of$16,700 and a scope of work that was limited to review
of Ecology's reports. The Professional Service Contract, together with all
later Amendments to it, are incorporated by this reference and may
hereafter be referred to as "the Agreement."
2. After March 1, 2012, due to the complexity and depth of technical analysis
required by the City's participation in preparation of a Remedial
Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) for cleanup of the harbor, the
Agreement was amended six times to add to the scope of work to be
performed by the Contractor. The Sixth Amendment dated August 28,
2017, increased the budget by 550,000 to a total maximum amount not to
exceed $1,564,459.
3. This proposed Seventh Amendment recognizes that a significant amount
of work has been accomplished, but that the Scope of Work needs to be
amended to continue work on several tasks to be accomplished in 2018.
4. Therefore, the Agreement is hereby amended by adopting the Seventh
Amendment Scope of Work as shown in the attached Exhibit A. The
budget is increased by $732,000, for a total maximum amount not to
ex $2,296,459.
5. The Agreement is also amended by adopting the Contractor's 2018
Standard Rates.
6. All other terms of the Agreement remain unchanged.
7. As amended, the Agreement is ratified and confirmed.
IAC 'STI":NESS WHEREOF,HE Off", the parties have executed this Amendment to the
Professional Services Contract in duplicate.
� ►,City,. ...,. William".. . .__.. ._.w ... ..�.....
W. Locke, President
Date: .._ ..._. .. . _. .........._ ,201
fl'I "EI S TO "
Jerthif Vcneklasen,City Clerk
Integral Consulting Inc.
719 2nd Avenue
Suite 700
Seattle,WA 98104
facsirnde:206.230 1
To: Dan McKeen,Bill Bloor;City of Port Angeles
From: Nicole Ott, Linda Baker
Date: September 21,2017
Subject- Scope of Work for Port Angeles Harbor: 2018,Amendment 7
Project No.: CF935
This scope of work and budget address work to support the City of Port Angeles(City)on
Western Port Angeles Harbor allocation issues in 2018. Work to be completed in 2018 is to
be funded under Amendment 7 to Integral's contract with the City dated March 1,2012.
Most of this work is a continuation of activities conducted at the direction of Foster Pepper
in 2016 and 2017.
The following four work elements are described below:
1. Rayonier cleanup
2. Insurance support to Foster Pepper
3. Natural resource Damage Assessment(NRDA)
4. Allocation.
Integral Scope and Budget
September 2017
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Integral will continue supporting the City on harbor-wide remedial investigation and
feasibility study(RI/FS)issues, including at the Western I-larbor and Rayonier sites.
Anticipated work includes:
1. Provide strategic consulting on technical issues
2. Prepare in-depth analyses on technical issues as requested by City staff and counsel
3. Review and summarize technical documents prepared by Rayonier
4. Attend in-person and telephone meetings with City staff and Foster Pepper.
The estimated budget for this task is$15,000 for 2018.
Integral will support Foster Pepper on insurance issues upon request.
The estimated budget for this task is$2,000 for 2018.
The City,along with the other members of the Western Port Angeles Harbor Group
(WPAF[G)and Rayonier, are in receipt of the August 2013 Preassessment Screen for Port
Angeles Harbor that was prepared by the Port Angeles Harbor Natural Resource Trustee
Council. Under the WPAHG's operating agreement, the WPAHG retained AnchorQEA to
address preliminary NRDA issues for the Western Harbor. The WPAHG met with the
Trustees in 2016 and 2017 to discuss potential restoration projects.
In addition to supporting the City's interest in WPAHG negotiations, Integral has been
completing the groundwork to support "BIRD allocation decisions. Integral reconstructed
the Trustees damages assessment model to allow for evaluation of natural resource
damages by area of the WPAH and by chemical.
Continuing on with the prior work, Integral will support the City's interests in the NRDA
process. Work that will be performed by Integral includes:
1. Advise the City on the NRDA process
2. Evaluate potential restoration projects and develop a conceptual design.
3. Support the City in settlement negotiations with the Trustees
Integral Q)nsulting Inc
Integral Scope and Budget
September 2017
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4. Evaluate the City's NRD liability
5. Support the City in the allocation of NRD liability.
The estimated budget for this task is$75,000 for 2018.
Integral began work on allocation in 2015. Work slowly ramped up through 2016,and level
of effort in 2017 has increased substantially over 2015 work. Under the direction of Foster
Pepper, Integral has been supporting allocation activities with the WPAf IG and, possibly,
other potentially responsible parties.
In 2018, Integral anticipates continuing work on tasks outlined in Amendment 5, approved
in 2016, as well as working on new tasks. In August 2017, Amendment 6 was approved to
expand the allocation scope of work.
The following task descriptions outline work for 2018.
Subtask 1. Project Management and Meetings
Subtask I covers routine administrative tasks to support the allocation and NRDA work,
technical team coordination and management, and general project meetings. Anticipated
project meetings include:
1. Biweekly team calls between Foster Pepper and Integral to discuss ongoing work
and action items
2. Off-week calls with a smaller legal/technical team to discuss action items
3. Quarterly meetings with City staff, Foster Pepper,and Integral. For budgeting
purposes we've assumed four meetings will occur in Seattle.
4. One meeting in 2018 with the insurance carriers.
The estimated budget for this allocation task is$50,000 in 201.8.
Subtask 2. Information Management
Document Management
Integral will continue to review documents and other information relevant to the allocation
of liability at WPAH.
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Integral Scope and Budget
September 2017
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Data Management
Integral maintains a copy of the Western Port Angeles I larbor Rl/FS database. The data
have been formatted for use with the Integral Data Analyst(IDA) system. This subtask
task covers keeping IDA up to date with new sediment data, formatting and loading newly
acquired aerial photos, loading CIS files from Floyd I Snider(prime consultant for the
RI/FS), and managing other key attributes such as locations of historical facilities.
CIS shapefiles developed by Integral through the course of allocation research and added
to IDA will be tracked under this task.
The estimated budget for all of allocation Task 2 is$125,000.
Subtask 3. Facility Research
Integral will conduct facility research that includes information related to ownership,
operations, industrial processes,related chemicals, pathways to the harbor, spills,and
environmental investigations to support preparation of allocation positions.
The estimated 2018 budget for this allocation task is$125,000.
Subtask 4. Quantitative Analyses
Integral conducted forensic analyses in 2016-2017 to analy7e, contaminants of concern and
their sources at the WPAIS site,including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH)and
dioxins/furans. Followup work is anticipated.
The estimated budget for all of allocation Task 4 is$40,000.
Subtask 5. Fate and Transport
The distribution of contaminants in sediments is affected by the location of the source, the
quantity of material released,and physical transport and sedimentation processes.
Understanding these processes is critically important for developing evidence of specific
sources. Integral has reviewed the available conceptual site models(CSMs)of sediment
transport developed for WPAH,as well as other available information.
Work anticipated for 2018 involves reviewing any newly found information on sediment
Integral Consii1ting Inc.
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September 2017
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The estimated budget for this allocation task is$40,000.
Subtask 6. Conveyance System Research
Continuing work conducted by Integral in 2016-2017, Integral will include research and
analysis of the evolution of the City's conveyance system over time, the nature and extent
of stormwater discharges, and the evolution of the City's combined sewer overflow
("CSO") system.
The estimated budget for this allocation task is$200,000.
Subtask 7. Research Regarding Aquatic Leases and In-Water Structures
Aquatic lands in Port Angeles 1-larbor have been leased from the state for log rafting and
other purposes. 'rhe leasehold history can be complex and is documented in a variety of
resources. Integral will continue to research available aquatic leases and water structures.
The estimated budget for this allocation task is$25,000.
Subtask 8. Research of City Properties/Leases
Properties that have been or are currently owned or leased by the City of Port Angeles will
be reviewed,
In 2018, Integral will continue to research city properties and leases. This will include the
additional research on the City Pier and historical municipal piers.
The estimated budget for this allocation task is$25,000.
Subtask 9. Other City Research
Other research as,needed and directed by Foster Pepper, ie.,research pertaining to other
City activities as they pertain to WPAH, will be researched if additional information comes
to light through work conducted under the other allocation tasks.
The estimated budget for this allocation task is$40,0M
hilegral Cotisultitig hzc.
Integral Scope and Budget
September 2017
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Subtask 10. Evaluation of Air Emissions
Hog fuel boilers have been identified as major sources of dioxins/furans to the WPAH.
Integral has compiled some information on historical boilers including locations, stack
height,and material burned. Additional information on combustion temperatures and
control measures uses,as well as wind patterns, will be reviewed by Integral.
Integral will summarize evidence of pollutants released to the air and their potential impact
to sediment areas in WPAH distant from the original source. Hog fuel boilers will also be
investigated as a source of cPAFfs to the harbor.
The estimated budget for this allocation task is$40,00101.
Integral anticipates that allocation activities with the WPAH Group will begin in spring
2018 after submittal of the Draft Final RI/FS to Ecology. The allocation structure and
schedule have not yet been developed. For budgeting purposes we assume that Integral
might assist Foster Pepper and the City with allocation preparations and support, including
information gathering and technical research and review.
The estimated budget for this allocation task is$150,000.
Per our contract with the City, Integral will complete work on a time and materials basis as
authorized by Foster Pepper and the City of Port Angeles, Work will be billed at our 2018
standard labor rates for work conducted after December 31,2017. All work conducted
prior to 2018 will be billed at Integral's 2017 standard labor rates,
The estimated budget for 2018 ($952,000)and the Amendment 7 budget request($732,000)
is tabulated below.
Integral Consulting Inc.
hitegral Scope and Budget
September 2017
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Estimated 201€3 Budget
Rayonier Cleanup 15,000
Insurance Support 2,000.
RDA 75,000
Allocation research 71.0,000
Allocation Structure 1.50,000
Budget Total $952,000
Anticipated Funds Remaining through 2017
Funds remaining as of 8-1-17 $470,000
Assumed spending for September-December,2017 $250,000
(5 months at$50,000/month)
Anticipated Remaining Funds at end of 2017 $220,000'
Amendment 7 Budget Request $732,000
Irate rrax Consulting hic