HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Boyle 01/11/2012 IV
JA N 1 ' 'M
Wednesday,January 1.1.,201.2 Iµ R e
To the City Council Members of Part Angeles
Re: Reappointment of Tim Boyle to the Port Angeles Planning Commission
On January 16,208, 1 was unanimously selected by the Port Angeles City Council Members to join the
Planning Commission as a Commissioner. My educational, business experience,accomplishments are
described in detail in my enclosed resume. In this correspondence,I will describe the progress I have
seen in Port Angeles,since my wife,Adrianne and I retired here in 2004. As illustrated in my resume I
have designed and placed into production large and small computerized financial and programmatic
systems nationally and internationally for local, state and our federal government. Therefore, I have
worked with local governments in many states. So, I am rarely surprised by the planning issues facing a
municipal Planning Commission.
In my nearly four years as a Port Angeles Planning Commissioner I have found the efforts of the
Community and Economic Development staff to be first rate.Their efforts produce well researched land
use positions and recommendations that translate into well written and clearly spoken presentations.
I have carefully evaluated each land use issue before the Planning Commission based on the legal
record presented to the Commission.
I took forward to interviewing with the City Council and any of the City's executive level management
regarding my reappointment to the Planning Commissioner position,
I like to mention,that since joining the Port Angeles community, I have joined the local Lions Club and
am now the Club's Treasurer. I enjoy/value the Club's efforts to support and finance the Vocal Food
Bank; I participate in building wheelchair ramps to allow enter/exit homes of those who can't afford to
build the ramps or don't have the skills needed to build the ramps.
Should you have questions regarding the activities outlined in my resume please contact me using the
information contained below.
Thank you,
in Boyle le,
806 Juma Coin ort Angeles WA 98363
360 457 01466;cell=477 5364;TimBoyle@wavecable.com
Application for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Committee
Board, Commission, or Committee to which you are seeking appointment:
Applicant Name and General Information
First MLast
I lonie.Stmxt Address
806 Juma Court Zip Code
Port Work phone number
I lome phone number
30 457 0466
F,�Mail Address:
Date of Birth I d are bc cosnp9ctcd only by appheants for Lava Entbreemcnit Advnmxy Board h.)r purposes of
c6minal history check to ensure,compliance widi 2. 6.020 PAM
Certification and Location Information (orcic one)
Are�OU Currently a City onplovec? No Are you a eitizen ofthe United States?Yes
Are you a City resident?Y" Do you own/manage as busmness in the City? No
Do you hold any protcsskoW licenses,repistrations or certificmes in any IiOd(fist helow)? No
Retired-Design large computer systems/evaluate organizations fin change,
Are Non aNkare,ofam,conflict of into'em%Ahich rnieht arise bv .our ser%lce on as Q::'kv Board or ornmissio n?lf'so.
please explain-NO -----------
In compliance with the Anterican Disabilities Act ifyou will need special acconinuKial ions because ol'a physical
hmiunion,pde ase contact the City Cle&417-4634.so appropriate arrangements can be made.
Work Exaerience
I.ist mosi recent experience first(or chibomn:on a resume ifyou prefier)SEE RESUME
Fmpoyer YourTifle From(MN) Jo(MN)
BriefJoh dvscription
F.111ployer Your I ffle t rom(MN) Tea(MN)
Brief"fob description
U mp�oyer N'our I Me I,rom(MN) I o(MN)
Brief job description
List most meeni experience firs't
Yes No
1¢a tatuu.fc>au/l,cueuataerru C I redits eamed.Major arca of'study Graduated?
Yes No
Insfitution/Lovation Credits earnedA14jor area of'stud) Oradd aced?
Yes No
Crextits earned/Major area of study Graduated?
Charitable, Social, and Civic Activities and Memberships
List maJor activifies you have participated in during the fwt five.years
Organization and lo"ifion LIONS("1,U B Group's purposer'O)Jmfive COMMUNITY SV RVICT 4 ofmcnibm
Brief dc-scription ofyour participation 1.1113 IRFASURFIR
Organization and kwation (Armp's purpose/objective 41 of memixts
Briet'deseription of'your parficipatk'm
.......... ..................--..........................
What in yrwr background or experience do you think wotfld help you m serving on this Board:
What is yow-understan(fing ofthe res1w nsi N l i ties of this pwicular Board/Carnmission?
Nease feel firee to add anv additional Cornment's vou might Wish to rnake regarding your applicaflow
Applicant Signature Date
Submit completed forms to: Office of the('itN (I r
City of Port Angeks
321 F-5th Street
11,0,BON 1150
Pearl Angeles.Washingwn.98362 IN8
Tim Boyle
806 Juma Court
Port Angeles,WA 98363
360 457-0466
Position(s)of Interest: Local Governmental Management Position, Policy and Planning Functional Direction; Budget
Direction, Prioritize Staff Efforts; Project Cost and Service Benefit analysis; Planning Communication;Third Party
Project Management.
IT and Financial organizations and functions managed include:
• As a consulting manager/partner or organizational executive I have planned and managed six,seven,eight
and nine dollar figure local (city and county),state(Alaska, Illinois,Indiana,Ohio, Michigan,Kansas,
Maryland and Wisconsin)and federal automation and planning engagements in the following subject areas:
Financial Accounting;Public Utilities; Land Use and Records;Criminal;Civil and Juvenile Courts; Law
Enforcement;Insurance, Health Care; Payroll and Human Resources
Over thirty years selling IT/financial/organizational solutions,leading multiple technical IT and accounting
teams, managing end to end strategic IT transitions, outsourcing of systems development tasks to
domestic and foreign vendors,for clients in banking, manufacturing;food distribution, retail[sales,
financial services; banking;custom application program development accomplished by domestic and
foreign development teams to accomplish service level defined specific performance..
PMO- Member of PMl since 1997; Established PMO consulting standards and procedures for national accounting and
consulting firms for fifteen years. Managed multiple teams of internal and third party IT financial consultants on
domestic and international engagements for clients in banking;federal,state,and local government; manufacturing
and financial services business sectors.Security-Quality Control Project Manager for development of large statewide
systems using Oracle and other relational data based file structures.Analyzed,designed,and managed large law
enforcement and court management systems having thousands of users. Procured and installed automated
fingerprint and facial (mug shot)identification systems.
Understand and use cryptography and PKI procedures in business and telecommunications applications.
Banking- Evaluated multi-location banking software applications for clients of national public accounting and
consulting firms. Responded to banking regulatory audit findings for client banks regarding data processing systems
findings,security and operational audit findings. Conducted systems audits of international banks for the World
Manufacturing-Enterprise level applications design of financial,job shop production, human resource
systems for manufacturing organizations. Development of standard costing systems used to manage
and report production results.
Business Continuity-Written and tested business continuity plans for organizations having hundreds of time
sensitive financial and programmatic production applications.
Represent large budget IT project management(thousands of users) (multimillion dollar budgets)(centralized and
remote software implementations)in domestic and international locations.
Accountable for profitability of implementation results. Primary contact for key customer and regulatory
management. Lead; motivate technical and operational teams working in multiple locations. Research,draft,
negotiate, present long and short term planning and budget documents. Strategic and operational interaction with
stakeholders. Developed and managed project management practices and procedures for national and regional
accounting and consulting firms,election/configuration of custom hardware architecture,requirements definition
and design of custom and packaged software operating systems and applications to satisfy client needs. Direct
structured change,solutions, integration, profitable project results andl follow-on business,opportunities. Provide
strategy from "hands on application development,infrastructure configuration and customer interaction
experience",customer support through trust building. Manage large technical teams(50-GO)through entire systems
development life cycle(SDLC)for projects having thousands of users interacting with WES based programs and large
communications centers. IT Management Professional skilled in defining,directing and managing major,multiple
location,complex IT situations and contractors including-enterprise integrations,legacy conversions, large technical
staff management, "C" level executive and customer trust development,solution presentation and closing, bottom
line responsibility,examples such as,supervise consulting staff and oversight management the rewrite of State of
Ohio 60,00,0 employee human resources and payroll system with many bargaining units.Selected by clients to
facilitate large strategy sessions. Negotiate and manage organizational change activities. Define Work Breakdown
Structures(WBS)with critical path analysis.
Define IT requirements for clients in many industries including job shop manufacturing, insurance claims processing,
public utilities, banking,retail,all government levels.Automation of the criminal,civil and juvenile courts in
Indianapolis,quality control project management of the automation,of the Indiana Department of Family and Social
Services Child Abuse and Neglect case management system (Oracle,Power Builder),(seventy plus counties),
automation of legal office practices,selecting,installing, auditing hospital/long term care and medical practice office
financial, patient care and insurance billing systems;designing and implementing third party reimbursement system
for medical claims processed by Dept. of Human Services in State of Ohio;automating the reconciliation of federal
funding of HICFA funds to the State of Illinois. Managed preparation and publication of State of Ohio, Department of
Administrative Services Year 2000 Business Continuity Plan Strong multi-platform (IBM MVS,client server, desktop)
enterprise wide financial transaction production processing large project management. Vendor selection with proven
experience in managing clients and vendors to the overall goal(s)of the project.
Software maturity evaluation from-organizational confusion to structured continuous improvement. Understanding
and use of Plyll,SEI and CMM techniques. Banking, insurance claims processing,financial services project experience.
Strong technical understanding,including infrastructure/networking(LAN/WAN,TCP/IP,NT,NOVEL, CICS), IP
definition and application. Internet protocol HTTP, Microsoft 11S. Relational database architecture and application
development-ORACLE,SQL,,ADABAS.Warehousing-DB2,ADABAS. Tool experience includes: MS Office,Word,
Excel, MS Project,VISIO, Ll L, Oracle Express,OFFICE 2000, and Lotus Notes. Methodology experience:SEI, RUP,
CMM, Method One.
Computer Languages-COBOL,CICS,IMS,ADABAS.Critical path project determination. Modeling: Ll L,competency.
Hardware capacity planning from desktop to client server and 5390 Sysplex.
As Quality Assurance Coordinator for local 300 million,dollar a year building manufacturing firm wrote cost benefit
analysis that described the goals and consequences of automating manual sales,administration, imanufacture and
construction of buildings for offices in 45 states.This plan identified improvements that would reduce 6 month
business cycle by 4 to 6 weeks.
As a Business Development/Project Manager for HAS, Inc. responsible for oversight management and marketing of
IT consulting services to financial,telecommunications,manufacturing and government clients. Perform client
needs assessments. Responsible for proposal development and presentation.Also manage the WEB based
programming activities of multiple programming teams.
Projects include:
Year 2000 Project Manager for the State of Ohio. Managed the completion of major feasibility studies for system
redesign or replacement (including state HRMS payroll and human resources system-70,000 employees, IT and
security systems at all state prisons). Recruit and select vendors, project managers and systems personnel.Managed
the requirement definition and design of Internet business applications. Evaluated applications used to fund Colleges
and Universities in the State of Ohio and provided oversight management for their rewrite to use a relational data
base architecture. Y2K compliance manager for all state AS400 systems. Managed the preparation of statewide IT
Continuity Plan for state's central IT agency to be used in Disaster Recovery situation. liaison to local governments
and business community leaders. Evaluated the State of Ohio lottery IT processes and programming for
Y21(compliance. (4)
Managed and wrote the long range IT plan for the Athletic Department of the University of Cincinnati.
Determined IT funding level for the Department, reconfigured NT servers and network security, developed
agenda to use University data warehouse for application development and business intelligence.
As owner of Complex Systems Design,ltd.,subcontracted to HAS, Inc. Responsible for
Strategic planning in,the design and implementation of enterprise computerized financial accounting procedures
including integrated ledgers, interfacing subsystems,and specifications for cash flow management. Defined
application specifications for financial accounting and cost reimbursement financial systems in LAN and client
server database environments.
Quality control manager for the development and implementation of the Indiana statewide(80 plus counties)child
abuse and neglect case management system. Database quality control and administration regarding integrated
relational files. Configuration,selection and installation management of major networks in mainframe client server
environments. Defined and maintained project development work plans and schedules,
As a Senior,Systems Consultant for HAS,Inc. responsible for the management of the design of Medicaid Third party
liability System for the State of Ohio. Evaluated client records,of health insurance carriers in Ohio to determine
carrier's potential liability for coverage of aid recipient'*s health care costs.
As the Deputy Director/Director of Data Processing for Marion County Justice Agency, responsible for the
implementation and management of a 1,200 program,6,000 plus user,SQL-based relational MVS,CICS on-line
mainframe/client server system,.This system managed all criminal,civil and juvenile court activities in Marion
County(Indianapolis, IN).
Also responsible for applications development management in defining computer hardware,
telecommunications, and application requirements. Contract negotiations with major
accounting/consulting firms and major hardware/software vendors. Managed internal and third party
technical design and programming efforts using SDLC management tools.
As a Consulting Manager for Plante& Moran, responsible for,the evaluation,selection and implementation of
integrated manufacturing systems,as well as,financial and patient care software for long-term care facilities.
Conducted systems audit of patient care and hospital administrative systems as part of financial and compliance
audits of Michigan hospitals. Evaluated enterprise systems for metropolitan department store and retail/wholesale
distribution firms. Selected and implemented integrated job shop manufacturing,financial and "just in time"
distribution systems. Managed and reviewed Michigan State Police manual and automated record keeping
procedures. Responsible for selection,design and management of SQL and Oracle integrated relational financlail and
programmatic applications for a national foundation's mainframe/server/OI C-VAX configuration,.Also responsible for
specification,design and determination of billing rates for several municipal Utility billing systems. Evaluated and
selected banking software for multi-location banking.
Redesigned and implemented a countywide-child support data information financial payments system.
As a Principal and Consulting Manager for Lester Witte& Co. provided analysis of financial condition of major
Caribbean,and South American banks for the World Bank. Responsible for design and development management
of a relational data based system to automate all land records for the State of Alaska.Also, responsible for IT
evaluation and planning for manufacturing clients. (5)
As a Lead Analyst for Boeing Computer Services, participated in the design and implementation of the automated
standard costing system (COBOL,CICS) used to manage the production of all aircraft part manufacturing and
"just in time,"' distribution systems. Managed and reviewed Michigan State Police manual and automated record
keeping procedures. Responsible for selection, design and management of SQL and Oracle integrated relational
financial and programmatic applications for a national foundation's mainframe/server/DEC-VAX configuration.
Also, responsible for specification, design and determination of billing rates for several municipal Utility billing
systems. Evaluated and selected banking software for multi-Vocation banking.
Redesigned and implemented a countywvide•child support data information,financial payments system. IT networking
and construction support for"smart" office buildings.
As a Consulting Manager for Clifton Gunderson& Co. managed the selection and implementation of automated
systems for,banking and other financial institutions.
Planned and conducted American Institute of Certified Public Accountants(AICPA) Management Consulting
seminar titled Workshop on Micro's in Manufacturing. Evaluated working capital requirements and expert witness
testimony in a large electric public utility rate case. Managed state agency systems audits and state government
health claims fiscal agents. Provided response to federal and state audit findings for client banks in Illinois.
Evaluated financial services systems for savings and loan associations.
As a Princioal and Consulting Manager for Lester Witte&CO. provided analvsis of financial condition of maior
Caribbean and South American banks for the World Bank resoonsible for design and development management of
a relational data based system to automate all land records for the State of Alaska. Also. resoonsible for IT
evaluation and planning for mianufacturine clients.As a lead Analvst for Boeing Comouter Services.Darticioated in
the design and Imolementation of the automated standard costing system(COBOL.aCS)used to manage the
production of all aircraft part manufacturing in the Fabrication Division of the Boeing Company.
Manage Project Management Office(PMO)activities at national and regional public accounting firms for fifteen years.
Manage multiple teams of IT professionals in diverse locations focused on best practices tasks.
Manage multiple projects in financial and IT organizations that deliver results.
Requirements definition for IT,telecommunications,network systems serving hundreds of location and thousands of
* Measure value added in all phases of SDLC(systems development life cycle) projects.
Manage/solve issue resolution of IT infrastructure, user/customer concerns.
Prepare and communicate verbally project or program progress to any user group or stakeholder.
Creation of modeling software to evaluate productivity of procedures and administrative processes.
Concurrent management of multiple projects and programs servicing a variety of business functions.
•year 20,00 Compliance Project Manager for the Department of Administrative Services of the State of Ohio.One
duty in this position was to evaluate the automated bill drafting and legislative systems of the Ohio,legislature for
Year 2000 compliance.
Over,fifteen years defining requirements,developing, implementing and maintaining COBOL, CICS, Oracle,and DB2
based state government financial,and programmatic applications through all phases of the Systems Development
life Cycle(SDLC).States served include Alaska, Illinois, Indiana,Ohio, Michigan,Maryland and Wisconsin.
Manage IT internal and consulting staffs of 50 to 60. Financial Accounting and Audit staffs of 15 to 30
Quality Control Manager for design and implementation of State of Indiana Oracle/PowerBuilder statewide(102
counties)child abuse and neglect case management system built by on-shore and off-shore Unisys technical
Analysis of client IT capabilities and applications for change management and business intelligence purposes.
Establish metrics and procedures to create continuous improvement in IT management procedures.
*Financial and cost accounting systems requirements definition.
#WEB based application development.
Oracle data base application development
N Project Management methodologies understood and used include:
1. PMI (Project Management Institute)
6. Banking systems requirement definition
T. Management of IT operations
8. Quality assurance and IV&V of IT systems
9. Integration of large ERP applications
10. Legacy conversions
Management of implementations having thousands of users and multiple locations.
• Define user liaison and management of support staff.
Management of budgets of$150,0100,000 and multi-location
organizations. (2)
University of Oregon, Eugene,OR
MBA Finance-Business Environment
Washington State University,Pullman,WN
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science
University of Illinois,Springfield, III
Graduate Accounting and Audit Program
(Instructor for Financial Systems Classes)