HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Morris 01/24/2012 LE
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Board, Commission or Committee to which you are seeking appointment:
Applicant Name and General Information
Pi t NII Last
Home Street Address
rc ��
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ome hone Work phone Cell phone
E-mail address
Date of Birth (to be completed only by applicants for Public Safety Advisory Board for purposes of criminal
history check to ensure compliance with Port Angeles Municipal Code 2.26.020)
Certification and Location Information(circle one)
Are you employed by the City of fort Angeles? Yes No
Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes No
Are you a City resident? Yes ^tido
If so,how long 2
Do you own/manage a business in the City? Yes ado
Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field? YesI No
If so,please list: (w
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on a City,Board or Commission? If so,please
exp ain:
Work Experience-List most recent experience first,or attach a resume ATT A-
Employer Title From(M/Y) To(MN)
Brief job description
Employer Title From(M/Y) To(M)'Y)
Brief job description
Employer Title From(M/Y) To(M/Y)
Brief job description
Education -List most recent experience first
Yes No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of study Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of study Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of study Graduated'
Charitable,Social and Civic Activities and Memberships -List major activities you have participated in
during the last five years
Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective 9 of members
Brief description of your participation:.
Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective 4 of members
Brief description of your participation: — ............
Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission?
What in your background or experience do you think would help you in serving on this Board?
What is your understanding of the responsibilities of this particular board or Commission?
Please feel free to add any additional cornments you wish to make regarding your application.
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pplice1 re Date
Submit completed forms to: OFFICE OF THE CITYMANAGER
City of Port Angeles
321 E. 5"' Street
PO Box 1154
Port Angeles, WA 98362
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical
limitation,please contact the City Manager's Office at 417.4500 so appropriate arrangements can he made.
R. Duane Morris, APL,D
Professional Background
1992 through 2009„ lecturer, Horticultural and Crop Science Department, College of
Agriculture, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Topics have
included the following-
Instructional Emphasis: Landscape Design, Contracting, Graphics
1982-1995 Owner and General Partner of San Luis Gardens, a California state
licensed landscape company in San Luis Obispo. San Luis Gardens supervised the
design, installation or maintenance of over 350 properties in a geographic area
extending through 5 counties in central and southern California. Projects under
management ranged in size from small condominiums to large residential estates in
excess of 10 acres; commercial landscapes from small office buildings to major
medical complexes, housing developments and shopping centers
❖ 1976-1982 Licensed Real Estate Broker in the State of California, San Luis Obispo
❖ 1971-1976 Vice President and General Manager of California Nursery Services, Inc. a
California Corporation specializing in: Landscape Construction Services —
California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, California, Bachelor of
Science degree in Ornamental Horticultural with an emphasis, in Landscape and
Architectural Design. (1971)
Cerfificates and Llcenses
• Association of Professional Landscape Designers
N APLD Certification Number 210
• California Landscape Contractor's C- 27 License
a State of California, #464082
• IRRT Certified Irrigation Auditor
• California Certified Nurseryman #270, California Association of Nurserymen
Professional Associations and Organizations
California Landscape Contractor's Association —member 1983 to 2009
The leading landscape professional organization in the United Sates representing 3300 members
in California
Santa Barbara Chapter— member board of directors
San Luis Obispo Chapter— Charter member and original coordinator
Chapter President 1994
Chapter Treasurer 1995 to 2002
Board of Directors - current
State Certification Committee— 1996 tO 2001
Certified Landscape Technician Written Test Chair 1998 to 2001
State Test Chair— 1'997
Association of Professional Landscape Designers - member 1998 to 2009
An international association of landscape professionals headquartered in Harrisburg, Penn
2100 members
Board of Directors, Director of Education 2006 to 2007
Web Site Master, 2001-2002
Education Committee— 2002 to 2007
Certification Committee— 2001 to 2004
Associated Landscape Contractors of America —currently PLANET, 3800 members
Associate Member from Cal Poly
California Association of Nurserymen 1974-1995 (Certificate # 270)
Activities with certificates/continuing education credits
Attendance and Presenter at Association of Professional Landscape Designer's
8 20...00 New York City, New York
a 2004 London, England (UK) Kew Gardens
a 2005 Salt Lake City, Utah
0 2006 Philadelphia, Penn.
2 2007 Pasadena, CA.
Attendance and participation in the following horticulture industry events:
• Landscape Industry Trade Show, California (March) 1990— present(18 years)
• Emerald Expo, Seattle (August 2003)
• Far West Expo, Portland (July 2004)
• Western Expo, Las Vegas (October 2005)
• Southwest Expo, Phoenix (September 2004)
• Can West Exposition, Vancouver, British Columbia (September 2003)
• MIDAM� , Horticulture Tradeshow, Chicago (January 2003)
• TNLA, Texas Nursery and Landscape, Houston 2002„ Dallas 2003
• CIE, Green Industry Expo (ALCA Spwisored), Nashville 2002, St Louis 2004,
Charlotte 2005
• SNA, Southeast Nursery Association Trade Show, Atlanta 2003, 2004
• APLD, Educational Conferences, organizer and presenter for landscape horticulture
professors and instructors. The following-
* 2005 — Toronto, Ontario, Canada
* 2006 - St. Charles, Illinois, (Chicago area)
* 2007 - Call Poly San Luis Obispo, California
* 2008— University of Minnesota
* 2010 - Columbus State University
Community Service
* 1988-1992 Architectural Review Commission, City of San Luis Obispo
Commissioner 1988-1991
Committee Chairperson 1991-1992
* 1990 Member, San Luis Obispo Downtown General Plan review Committee
* 1992-1996 Commissioner, San Luis Obispo Tree Committee
* Member Obispo Beautiful Association 1998 to 2000
Addendum #1
Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Commission?
My main interest is in helping the city council to direct the development and growth of the
city. Additionally to assist in guidance for the city council and city residents to provide a well
planned and aesthetically pleasing living environment. I have lived in and near small towns for
almost 50 years, during that time I have witnessed growth that has been sometimes appropriate
and well planned , in other instances growth has overpowered the planning process. I would like
to see Port Angeles maintain its heritage while providing for the well being of residents, their
children and grand children.
What in your background or experience do you think would help you in serving on this board?
There are three main areas that will be helpful in my serving as a commissioner.
1. My past education and professional experiences are paramount. My specialty throughout
my life has been the outdoor environment of people, its appropriateness, how it functions and its
aesthetic effects. I graduated from, Cal Poly State University, one of the most respected
Architecture and Planning Universities on the west coast. My 21 years as a business owner and my
experience in landscape construction and design can be of benefit in my service. I have been a real
estate broker and have broad knowledge of land ownership issues, land uses, ordinances, zoning
and the planning process that occurs in a city. Being self-employed with success in business
management and construction has honed my ability to make decisions. I have taught design and
construction at the university level for 17 years and enjoy the opportunity to share my knowledge
and experience.
2. 1 have been a volunteer in several different capacities throughout my career. Most
important might be my service as a member of the Architectural Review Commission for the City
of San Luis Obispo from 1988-1992. 1 served as the ARC committee chairperson for 1-1/2 years. My
experience in working on the San Luis Obispo Downtown General Plan Review Committee and
Tree Committee has provided added exposure to city issues and solutions. I have also been active
in the California Landscape Contractors Association and the Association of Professional Landscape
Designers serving on various committees and officer positions on both the state and national
levels. I spent a number of years in the Obispo Beautiful Association.
3. In the course of activities I have been fortunate to travel extensively throughout the United
States and also internationally which has provided me with an enormous resource of experiences
and knowledge upon which to draw.
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