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Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you are applying for?
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Work or Professional Experience-List most recent experience first, or attach a resume
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Briefjob description
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Briefjob descrition
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Brief job description
Education—List most recent experience first
A tr-1-1 t-fA a 5(-,t (-( 0 1)1 V(('5 t /N.D uNo
Instittition/Location Degree earned,(Major area of Study Graduated?
acs sbj, ( 0,)6JeCJ A eeart( hq (41jef'III &e No
Institution/lAwation Degree larridi/Major af-cA of Study -/ Graduated!
0(() isU No
Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated?
Charitable,Social and Civic Activities and Memberships—List major activities you have participated in
during the last five years
4 0e 6ik-qKV ��xpo�� Wctcl PO4LWA�
Cirganization/Ldcat'on Group's purp /objectivc
Brief description of your participation:
Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective
Brief description of your participation:
Apo"Cants Sig tura bate
Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk Jennifer Veneklasen
City of Port Angeles 360-417-4634
321 East 5111 Street jvenekla@.,?cityofpa.us
Port Angeles,WA 98362
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation,
please contact the City Manager's Office at 360-417-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made.
This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City Council
for appointment consideration. Additionally,it may become a pail of a City Council packet.
Benjamin W. Stanley, Ph.l)
118 W.4th St.
Port Angeles,WA 98362
Research Expertise
Urban sustainability, urban land use/development,urban political economy,
ecological economics,urban and environmental planning,comparative urban
history,social geography,social/critical theory,sustainability philosophy.
Doctor of Philosophy, December 2013.
School of Sustainability,Arizona State University,Tempe,AZ.
Dissertation: Sustainable Urban Development and the Political
Econo-my Qf Growth in Eboenix,Arizona
Master ofArts, May 2009.
School of Geographical Sciences,Arizona State University,Tempe,AZ.
Bachelor ofArts, December 2003.
Urban Studies Program, Columbia University, New York, NY.
Peer-reviewed Publications
Stanley, Benjamin W. 2017, Transparent Ili-ban Development:Building
sustainability amid speculation in Phoenix, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
ISBN 978-3-319-58909-1; DCII 10.1007/978-3-319-58910-7
Smith, Michael E., Barbara L. Stark,Wen-Ching Chuang,Timothy J. Dennehy,
Sharon L. Harlan,April Kamp-Whittaker, Benjamin W. Stanley,and Abigail
M.York. 2016. Comparative methods for premodern cities: Coding for
governance and class mobility. Cross-Cultural Research 50(5): 415-451.
Stanley, Benjamin W. 2016, Leveraging public land development initiatives
for private gain:The political economy of vacant land speculation in
Phoenix,Arizona. Urban Affairs Review 52(4): 559-590.
Stanley, Benjamin W.,Timothy J. Dennehy, Michael E. Smith, Barbara L. Stark,
Abigail York, George Cowgill,Juliana Novic,and Jerald Ek. 2016. Urban
service access in premodern cities: An exploratory comparison of spatial
equity.Journal of Urban History 42(1): 121-144.
Dennehy, Timothy J., Benjamin W. Stanley,and Michael E.Smith. 2016. Social
inequality and access to services in premodern cities. In Archaeology of the
Human Experience, ed, Michelle Ilegmon,pp,143-160.Archeological Papers
of the American Anthropological Association, no. 27,
Smith, Michael E.,Timothy J. Dennehy,April Kamp-Whittaker, Benjamin W.
Stanley, Barbara L. Stark,and Abigail York. 2016, Conceptual approaches to
service provision in cities throughout history, Urban Studies 53(8): 1574-
Stanley, Benjamin W.,Aaron Golub, Milagros Zingoni, Whitney Warman,and
Christian Solorio, 2015, Retrofitting the cul-de-sac in suburban Arizona:A
design proposal, In Retrofitting Sprawl,ed. Emily Talen,pp. 217-240.
Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press.
Stanley, Benjamin W. 2014, Local property ownership,municipal policy,and
Sustainable development in Phoenix,Arizona. Community Development
Journal(pub. online). DDI: 10.1093/cdj/bsuO62,
Stanley, Benjamin W., Barbara L. Stark, Katrina L. Johnston,and Michael E.
Smith. 2012. Urban open spaces in historical perspective:A
transdisciplinary typology and analysis, Urban Geography 33(8): 1089-
Stanley, Benjamin W. 2012.An historical perspective on the viability of urban
diversity: Lessons from socio-spatial identity construction in nineteenth-
century Algiers and Cape Town. Journal of Urbanism 5(1): 67-86.
York,Abigail, Michael E. Smith, Benjamin W,Stanley, Barbara L. Stark,Juliana
Novic,Sharon L. Harlan, George L. Cowgill,and Christopher Boone, 2011.
Ethnic and class-based clustering through the ages:A transdisciplinary
approach to urban social patterns, Urban Studies 48(11): 2399-2415.
Teaching Experience
Faculty Associatellnstructor, Fall 2013 B session, Spring 2014 A& B, Fall
2014 B, Spring 2015 B,Spring 2016 B, Fall 2016 A&B,Spring 2017 A& B,
Fall 2017 A& B,Spring 2018 A (17 classes, 1,795 students total)
SOS 100: Introduction to Sustainability (online)
School of Sustainability,Arizona State University,Tempe,AZ.
Teaching Assistant(and 2 guest lectures), Spring 2013,
SOS 323: Sustainable Urban Dynamics
School of Sustainability,Arizona State University,"Tempe,AZ,
Teaching Assistant(and Lab Section Lecturer), Fall 2006 - Spring 2008
(4 semesters,8 sections).
GPH 111: Introduction to Physical Geography
School of Geographical Sciences,Arizona State University,'rempe,AZ,
Research Experience
Postdoctoral Research Associate,Jan. 2014- June 2017.
Research Assistant,Aug, 2008-June 2009, May 2010 - Dec. 2012, May 2013
- Dec. 2013.
Late Lessons from Early History, Urban Org, through the Ages Project
Professor Michael E.Smith (et al,),School of Human Evolution and Social
Change, Arizona State University,Tempe, AZ.
Research conducted on history of segregated populations, urban open
spaces,neighborhood fort-nation, and social/spatial equity in service
access in ancient and modern cities. Contributed to writing successful
NSF grant on urban service access.Supervised 19 undergraduate
volunteers on textual research, data coding,and GIS analysis.
Research Assistant,Suninter 201 1.
"Retrofitting the Suburban Cul-de-Sac" Project
Professors Aaron Golub (School of Sustainability) and Milagros Zingoni (The
Design School),Arizona State University,Tempe,AZ
Worked with interdisciplinary team to merge sustainable
development principles into an urban design project aimed at
retrofitting a suburban subdivision in Avondale,AZ.
Research Assistant,Summer 2007.
Urban transportation research projects.
Assistant Professor Aaron Golub,School of Sustainability,Arizona State
Researched urban transportation history; transit and climate change.
Professional Presentations and Exhibitions
2015 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting
Chicago, IL,Apr. 21-25.
Presentation: The political economy of vacant land speculation in Phoenix,AZ
Smith, Michael E.,Christopher G. Boone,George Cowgill,Timothy J. Dennehy,
Sharon Harlan, Barbara Stark, Benjamin W. Stanley, and Abigail York.
2014 Social Science History Association Annual Conference
Toronto,ON, CAN, Nov. 6-9, 201.4
Presentation: Inequality in access to urban services in premodern cities:A
comparative study
City of Phoenix Coordination of Economic Development Activities meeting
Phoenix City Hall, City Managers' Office,Jan. 27, 2014
Presentation: Local property ownership, land speculation, and sustainable
development in downtown Phoenix
Downtown Voices Coalition meeting
Roosevelt Commons Clubhouse, Phoenix,AZ, Dec, 14, 2013
Presentation: Local property ownership, land speculation, arid sustainable
development in downtown Phoenix
Smith, Michael E.,Benjamin W. Stanley, and Timothy J. Dennehy.
Museum exhibit, "Who built your neighborhood?" in,Looking for the future in
the post:Archaeology's long-terra view.
Museum of Anthropology,Arizona State University, Feb. 7- May 31, 2013,
2011 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting
Seattle,WA,Apr. 12-16.
Presentation:An historical perspective on the viability of urban diversity.
Lessonsfi-orn socio-spatial identity construction in 19th century Algiers and
Cape Town
Participant,City of Phoenix Green Jobs Partnership Roundtable
Led by Mayor Phil Gordon and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson
Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix,AZ,Jan. 15, 2010.
2008 Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting
Boston, MA,Apr. 15-19.
Presentation: Embodied social capital through socio-spatial experience
Memberships and Service
Reviewer, W.W. Norton and Company, environmental science textbook
Reviewer, Urban Affairs Review
Reviewer, Community DevelopmentJournal
Reviewer, Cities and the Environment
Graduate Student Curriculum Revision Committee,School of Sustainability,
Arizona State University, Fall 2012
Joint Faculty-Graduate Student Curriculum Revision Committee, School of
Sustainability,Arizona State University,Spring 2013
Land Use/Open Space Committee,Valley Forward/Arizona Forward, 2012
Association of American Geographers member, 2008, 2011, 2014
Board Member and Director of Social Media, Port Angeles Friends of the
Library, North Olympic Library System, 2017, 2018
Artistic Exhibitions
Urban photography exhibition, "The Composition of Entropy"
The Drive-Thru Gallery and Studio, Phoenix,AZ, Jan, 2 - Feb. 1, 2015
Contested Cities photography exhibition (two photos selected)
Libreria Traficantes de Suehos, Madrid,Apr. 23 - May 15, 2013
Contested Cities photography exhibition (two photos selected)
Centro cultural de la cooperaci6n Floreal Gorini, Buenos Aires,Apr. 15 - May
27, 2013
PURL JAM Visual Research Exhibition
Phoenix Urban Research Lab, Phoenix,AZ,Oct.7, 2011
Presentation and photo exhibition: Visual rupture:A Jacobs-inspired attempt
to frame contrasts in mixed-use neighborhoods
Non-Academic Employment
Research Analyst,January 2018- present.
University City Exchange,Office of University Initiatives,Arizona State
Consultant, November 2014- December 2015.
GIS data analysis in contract with Hormarm and Associates LLC,for proposed
Roosevelt Row Evans-Churchill Enhanced Services District, Phoenix,AZ.
Project Manager,ASU Linx Project, May 2006 -August 2007.
Office Of Sustainability Initiatives,Arizona State University President's Office,
Research Analyst, November 2005 - May 2006.
Office of Sustainability Initiatives,Arizona State University President's Office,
Assistant and Paralegal to the Executive Division,August 2004-June 2005.
Alliance for Downtown New York, Inc., New York, NY.
Research Assistant,April 2003 -April 2004.
Center on Organizational Innovation, Institute for Social and Economic
Research Policy, School of International and Public Affairs,Columbia
University, New York, NY.
GIS Research Assistant,Summer 2000; September 2002 - May 2003,
Center for International Earth Science Information Network(CIESIN),
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory,Columbia University, Palisades, NY.
Planning Commission Applicant Questionnaire
1. Why are you interesting in becoming a Planning Commissioner?
I am interested in the position because I have a professional academic background in urban
planning and development, and would be interested in contributing my skills to further advance
sound planning practices and good government in Port Angeles.
2. Please describe the basic intent of the Washington State Growth Management Act.
The intent of Washington's GMA is to encourage the multiple benefits and returns on
investment gained from "smart growth" planning approaches: conserving natural and
agricultural land on urban fringes, encouraging growth in places with existing utility,
transportation, and streetscape infrastructure, and creating urban environments that encourage
the daily social interaction, healthy lifestyles, and dynamic mixed uses at the heart of urban
economic growth in the 21"century.
3. What is the importance of the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan and what role does it play in
City decision making?
The City's Comprehensive Plan is legally mandated by the Growth Management Act to provide
guidance in enacting local smart growth policies.The plan serves as a broad guide for specific
local ordinances regulating development, zoning, preservation,transportation, etc., as well as
for all proposed City government actions that affect the built environment.
4. Opposing viewpoints are sometimes expressed during public hearings. What factors would you
rely on to determine your response or action?
I would rely upon: any sound, relevant facts gathered about the issue; my previous experience
with planning and development policy; a fair assessment of the opposing viewpoint, including
the underlying motivations and interests behind that view;the viewpoints of other planning
commission members and from the public at large; and the larger vision for Port Angeles
development expressed through the Comprehensive Plan and through individual government
5. Are you familiar with the Conflict of Interest Law and Appearance of Fairness Doctrine of
Washington State? Based on your understanding, do you anticipate any potential conflicts that
may keep you from participating in matters heard the Planning Commission?
I am familiar with these legal issues, and I do not anticipate any potential conflicts. I am not
employed in Washington State on planning issues. My wife works as an attorney for Clallam
County, but her position does not include any land use law or other issues that intersect with
the Planning Commission.
6. Describe what you think makes Port Angeles a great place to live and work.
Obviously Port Angeles provides a fantastic combination of quality of life (especially for outdoor
enthusiasts) and cost of living. I like the diversity of occupations supported in the City,from
resource extraction to government employment, and I think it provides a great balance between
rural living and access to dynamic urban places like Seattle and Victoria.
7. What do you feel are some of the key issues facing the City today and in the next 3-5 years?
Some of the key issues in the next five years will be: encouraging the growth of downtown Port
Angeles and concomitant business/economic development opportunities; continuing recent
progress made toward environmental conservation and increased recreational opportunities;
encouraging more business development surrounding the Port of Port Angeles; increasing
tourism business as well as encouraging new types of telecommuting to the Seattle metro area;
and addressing the chronic shortage of housing.
8. Planning Commission meetings are on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Do you
foresee any problems attending these meetings on a regular basis?