HomeMy WebLinkAboutVreeland Application 02/14/2018 The City of Port Angeles,
Application for Appoinimen,",o-Boa,rd.,,,,(,:Pjnniission or Committee
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Board,Cc omission or C:'crrmmittee to whichyc►w ari seeIng ap 7roI1,4
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Do ymaa mm/manage a business Erre the C tN? ._. _... _ _ ... .. _. es
Do you hold any, larcref'�ssional licenses, registrations or ccertyfieaates in any fi«:fe9?_ "des �
of"sa:a.please HSt ......
Are wvrvtr aware erf`arty eaarafllct arS"lrstertst Mre c.la might arise byyOLW SCry we`on alae acfe carr} fare ark that yarn re<apaprlyitag f ar`a
Ifsar.please explain:
ar a ria
.. ._...._..�.........ru�...... "ifi�a^h� s .,.,.
Work or Professional Experience- List most recent experience first, or attach a resume
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Briet'job description
Br iet'job description
EmploN er
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Briet'job description
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tristitution/Location Degrec carned/Nlalicn-arra of'Study O'adUated?
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I n st i tu t i on A ocat i o n Degree cw-ried,,,MaJor wva of'SwdN Gra(!Uated'.
Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships-- 1 ist rnaJor aCtiVitiCS,YOU have participated in
during the last five years
Organization/Location Group's rxjrpose/obnecti%e
loris:t'ale scription of'Nmir pai-ficipation:
atieNt GrOU[)'S PUi[)OSO abjcctl%c
Briel"description ofyour part icipation:
Applicants Signature Date
Submit completed forms to: Mice of the C"ity Clerk Jennifer Veneklasen
City of Port Angeles 360-417-4634
321 1'ast 5"Street jvenekla,ii cityol'pa.LIS
Port Angeles, WA 98362
In compliance with the Americans"ith Disabilities Act.if'Nou need special acconirnodations because ofa p�isica4 Hynitation.
pease contact the(I ity Manager's Office at 300-417-4500 So appropi�hac'Arravigonents can lie made.
This docunient,and all atlached 4iforniation is considered a pubfic record and ma% be distributed to monbers ofthe Gly Councii
fior appointment consideration. AdditionatiN, it maN become a part ol'a(.'itN (Awn61 packet.
T1`0N Zimbra hur
TFON + Zimbra bvreeland@tfon.com
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Re: Utility Advisory Committee Application
From Bob Vreeland <bvreeland@tfon.com> Tine, Feb 13, 2018 02.23 PM
Subject Re: Utility Advisory Committee Application
To Jennifer Veneklasen <Jvenekla@cityofpa.us>
1. I don't have any specific experience or knowledge about Port Angeles utilities other than paying my utility bill and
occasionally hearing public testimony at City Council meetings from people complaining about the high cost to them of the
bills. I would like to know more about how the rates for utilities are set and how to help low income rate payers with utility
I also am an advocate for making Port Angeles fossil free. I'm a member and on the executive committee of the Olympic
Climate Action group. I chair the Fossil Free P.A. committee.
2. Being retired allows me the time to attend Tuesday afternoon meetings of the UAC and City Council meetings on Tues,
evening as needed.
Bob Vreeland
-----Original Message-----
From: "Jennifer Veneklasen" <Jvenekla@coofpa,us>
To: bvreeland@tfon.com
Cc: "Gregg King" <Gking@cityofpa,us>
Sent:Tuesday, February 13, 2018 1:53:41 PM
Subject: Utility Advisory Committee Application
Mr, Vreeland,
Thank you for your application to serve on the Utility Advisory Committee. Attached, please find the supplemental questions
(2)that the Committee and Council wffl refer to when choosing applicants to fill the two citizen-at-large positions. Please
return them to me at your earliest convenience.
Jennifer Venelklasen
City Clerk I Public Records Officer
City of Port Angeles
321 East Fifth Street
Port Angeles, WA,96.362
WW__W eClyrofa-us
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1 of' 1 213/2018, 2:18 PN4