HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Loewe 2/14/2018 The City of Port Angeles
Application for A o ntm � Committee
ent to Board, Commission or
FEB 1 2018
Ch 6 I.i'
Board,Commission or Committee to which you a ., 'piO,
Applicant Name and General Information
�i t' � I uA(- "....
First m' 11 3(w Last
City Stats ;dip
, ..
Home phone Work phone Cell phone
E-mail address
Certification and Location Information(circle one)
Are you employed b than;City of Port ._......... ......
Are you a citizen of the United .. ......, No
Are you a o istcred'V otv r? ..... _..�W��.� � ... . ��.,,r. ..� 'Des No
Are you a.C."ity+r�sid�rrt?.,.�.,. .....�.�,...., .... �.� ....�. ..., ..M., . � �...,...._�__......�._��.... _....,..�._ ....., _o:gym,„ o
If so,how long:
Do you owman/inanage a business in that City?
Do you hold any profemional licenses,registrations air certificau,s in any
If So,please list.
Are you aware of any conflict of interest which ought arise by your service on that,advisory board that you are applying for
It' o,please explainw
Work or Professional Experience-List most recent experience first, or attach a resume
1 b" J'r, .
Brief job description
riet'job description
rief.job description
Education_ List most recent experience first.
e, taC, a Yes No
Institution/Location Degree car ed/Major area cat''Study Graduated?
Yes No
Institution/Location Degree carned/I'uMajor area of Study Graduated?
Yes No
Inastitutio n/La atiarn l ;tree earned/y«taagor area of study GTaivated?
Charitable,Social and Civic activities and Memberships— List major activities you have participated in
during the past five years
Organization/Location GTOUp"s purpose/objective
Brief description of your participation:
Organization/Location Group's purpose/objective
Brief description of your partieipat ow
Applicants Signature Date
Submit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk Jennifer Veneklasen
City of bort Angeles 60417-4634
321 East 5°t",street jvenekla@cityofpa.us
Port Angeles,WA 9836
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act,if you need special accommodations because of physical limitation,
please contrtct the City Manager's Office at 360-417-4500 so appropriate arrangements can be made.
This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City Council
for appointment corLsideation. Additionally,it ntay became a part of a City Council packet.
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Lodging Tax Committee Applicant Questionnaire
1. Describe the Importance of balancing Lodging Tax related expenditures on:capital,operations,
events,and marketing. What do you feel is the highest priority and why?
I think it is important that we use a multi-faceted approach to balance and prioritize how we spend
our Lodging Tax dollars.We need to prioritize lodging tax spending to ensure that we not only
attract new visitors, businesses and professionals to our community, but also retain our unique local
flavor, promote livability, increase opportunities for social and cultural connections, and expand or
retain the local gems within our community.All expenditures should be weighed by how well they
meet our bottom line fore economic prosperity,environmental sustainability,and the social needs of
those who live here.
f think all expenditures listed are of equal priority.We need to build a stronger community brand
through marketing and events and increase community capability through capital and operations
2. Now will you support Implementation of event funding? Recognizing the fact that funding for
events is limited,explain how you feel historic events should be weighed against new event
opportunities. How will time of year play into your decision-making
As stated above,all expenditures,including events new or historic,should be weighed by how well
they meet our bottom line for economic prosperity,environmental sustainability, and the current
social needs of those who live here. All events receiving lodging funds should provide a financial
sustainability plan and be able demonstrate new event growth or increased visitation.An expected
outcome would be a diminishing need for supporting funds over time. From a heads in beds
perspective those events that bring in visitors during our low traffic times of year should be given
special weight.
3. What is your future vision of Port Angeles as a tourism destination?
While I want to bolster our community as a tourism destination I also want to see this balanced with
making Port Angeles an ideal community for those who live,work,and play here everyday. Tourism
presents excellent potential for positive growth in our community. My hope is that we will see
tourism as one of our means to build greater infrastructure capacity, local economic opportunity
and increased livability. We can effectively and creatively use our tourism dollars for smart growth
that also builds the wealth and stability of the community within. Port Angeles is incredibly well
positioned for tourism and it is my hope that we expand tourism opportunities while retaining our
best assets-the unique rural character,affordability, local flavor, and exceptional beauty of where
we live.
4. Based on your current Involvement in the tourism Industry (if any)do you perceive any conflicts of
Interest? How will you address any potential or perceived conflict of Interest?
I do not perceive any conflicts of interest and would recuse myself from decision making shoWd any
potential conflicts arise.