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Olympic Network Executives'
Consultant Services Agreement
Chent: CIty of Port Angeles, Mark Madsen, City Manager
Address: P.O. Box 1150
City, State, ZIP: Port Angeles, W A 98362
1. Retention and Description of Services: Dunng the term of this Agreement the Consultant agrees to
furnish consulting services and advice as specifically requested by Mark Madsen, City Manager, Client's
Primary Agent. The serVIces and advIce will relate to a Port Angeles City Council Retreat, will be within
the areas of Consultant's expertise and technical competence and will specifically include. prehminary
planning with City staff, strategizing with Mark Madsen and facilitation of retreat.
2. Term of Agreement: Consultant services shall be available to the Client from January 11. 2006 to
February 11. 2006
3. Place of Work: It is understood that Consultants services WIll be rendered largely from the Consultants.
facIlities, but the Consultant, on request, come to the Clients place of business or such other places as
desIgnated by the Client to meet with representatives of the client.
4. Consulting Hours: In the performance of the services, the hours the Consultant is to work on any given
day will be entirely within the Consultants control. The Consultant covenants to put devote sufficient hours
to fulfill the purpose and requirements of the agreement.
5. Compensation: Client w1l1 pay Consultant a consulting fee of $1.500.00 for work performed under this
agreement, which shall be the total compensation and consideration due the Consultant. Consultant will
invoice the Client after February 11,2006. Payment terms upon receipt of invoice.
6. Consultant an Independent Contractor: Consultant will furnish Consultant services as an independent
contractor and not as an employee of the Client or any company affiliation WIth the Client. Consultant has
no power or authority to act for, represent or bind the Client or any company affiliated with the Client in
any manner.
7. Consultant not to Engage in Conflicting Activities: During the time of thIS agreement the Consultant
agrees not to enter into any activity, employment or business arrangement whIch conflicts with Clients
interests or obligations as a part of this agreement.
8. Confidentiality: The Consultant will treat as proprietary any information belonging to the Chent, its
affiliated companies, or any third parties, dIsclosed to the consultant durlllg the Consultant services.
Consultant assigns and agrees to assign the Chent or its nominee all inventions and other proprietary
information conceived by the Consultant durlllg the term of thIS agreement with respect to work performed
by the Consultant.
9. Termination: EIther party may terminate this agreement with 30 days written notlce by registered or
certified rrtail, return receipt requested addressed to the other party. If thIS Agreement is termlllated by
either party, Client shall only be liable for payment of consulting fees earned as a result of work actually
performed prior to the effective date of termination.
10. Governing Law: ThIS Agreement is subject to and shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the
State ofWashlllgton.
11. Additional Provisions:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have Agreed and Executed this agreement 0 'AN
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Olympic Network Executlves LLC
POBox 3308, SeqUlm, W A 98382
Phone 360-457-8111 Fax. 360-582-1100
Olympic Network Executives
Consultant Services Agreement
ClIent: City of Port Angeles, Mark Madsen, CIty Manager
Address. P.O. Box 1150
City, State, Zip: Port Angeles, W A 98362
1. Retention and Description of Services: During the term of this Agreement the Consultant agrees to
furnish consultmg services and advice as specifically requested by Mark Madsen, Citv Manager, Client's
Primary Agent. The services and advice will relate to EconomIc Development, will be wIthin the areas of
Consultant's expertIse and technical competence and WIll specifically mclude collectIOn and preparation of
a communitv profile for Lockheed Martm VIsit including formal presentatIOn at dmner event.
2. Term of Agreement: Consultant services shall be available to the Client from January 11, 2006 to January
31 2006
3. Place of Work: It IS understood that Consultants services will be rendered largely from the Consultants
facilitIes, but the Consultant, on request, come to the Client's place of business or such other places as
designated by the Chent to meet WIth representatives of the client.
4. Consulting Hours: In the performance of the servIces, the hours the Consultant IS to work on any gIven
day will be entirely within the Consultants control. The Consultant covenants to put devote suffiCIent hours
to fulfill the purpose and requirements of the agreement.
5. Compensation: Client will pay Consultant a consulting fee of $1,000.00 for work performed under this
agreement, WhICh shall be the total compensation and conSIderation due the Consultant Consultant will
invoice the Client at the end ofJanuary 2006. Payment terms upon receIpt of invoice.
6. Consultant an Independent Contractor: Consultant will furnish Consultant services as an independent
contractor and not as an employee of the Chent or any company affiliatIOn with the Client Consultant has
no power or authOrIty to act for, represent or bind the Client or any company affihated with the Chent m
any manner.
7. Consultant not to Engage in Conflicting Activities: During the tIme of this agreement the Consultant
agrees not to enter mto any activity, employment or business arrangement WhICh conflicts WIth Clients
interests or obligations as a.part of thIS agreement.
8. Confidentiality: The Consultant will treat as proprIetary any mformation belonging to the Client, Its
affihated compames, or any third partIes, disclosed to the consultant during the Consultant servIces
Consultant aSSIgns and agrees to aSSIgn the Client or its nommee allmventions and other proprIetary
information conceived by the Consultant during the term of this agreement WIth respect to work performed
by the Consultant.
9. Governing Law: ThIS Agreement IS subject to and shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the
State of Washington.
10. Additional Provisions:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have Agreed and Executed this agreement OIl_/~ I) 2006.
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OlympIC Network Executives LLC
PO. Box 3308, Sequun, WA 98382
Phone 360-457-8111 Fax 360-582-1100