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Office & Mail: 919 W. Lauridsen Blvd, Port Angeles, W A 98363. Phone: (360) 452-2400
DATE: 3/7-/0 [; ~ STORAGESPACE# 1 se:-
~ Rei ~er" herby leases the above noted storage spa<Ee to: !J
, 1-) '[lll' ~d PolL ~ ;jf- J: GALt:./liIt-IOIti now known as "Renter".
Renter agrees & promi to comply with the fOllowing t & con tions & pay the fOllowing charges on the date due or sooner:
D Terms & rent: The term of this rental agreement is MONTHLY from the 2--V~ day of )j{~
Monthly Rent Fee is: $ J t fr.. 7 S- . Amount paid with this agreement (.iRe1atiiftg $40 depesit)js ~ ",...
Possession date is 3/2..10(0 Receipt #: - - . MONTHLY RENT IS DUE ON THE "J;:!'~' OF EACH MONTH.
Units rented before they are available are conditioned upon the existing tenant vacating the unit on the possession date specified above. The
deposit is not refunded if Renter cancels this contract prior to taking possession. A pictw'e ID is required of anyone given access to our facility.
D Renter's address & personal information:
Unless a written address ch~ is given to Own~ ~ence is to be mailed to the following address:
3 2.l k -!7 ~ SY-, r;;r~ vJll, 9f?3t~
4{2- q-s-fS 3/11'- 1J/1/ '
Phone Number Date of Birth Social Security Number Driver's License Number State
Backup Contact: Name, address, and phone number of another person, friend or relative, to whom Owner may
contact by phone, mail or subse<p1ent notices:
Name: 1JMy. ~f"tv> Pl,,_number. ~
Addre3s: 7"~.e
City, State, zip
erson authorized to access Renter's unit:
. es DO later than 7:30 P.M.
Main gate aa:ess hours are; 7;30 AM to 7:30 PM, seven days each week. EntranceIexit gates are locked at 7:30 P.M. To eul1ance the securi1y fur all Renters in the entire
complex, Renter agrees DOt to allow or authorize any person whose name is not on this contract to access Renter's unit or any other part ofdle complex, or possess a key to
Renter's unit Renter willoot make duplicatcl keys of any .key provided by Owner. :Reoter will keep confidential any Jock combination or security number for the Owner's
ficiJity or RerJter<s storage unit. Anyone that is to have accc:ss to Reuter's storage unit, or Owner's JiJci}ity JIJIISt be listed on Renter's CODtraet and provide Owner with a
photo I.D. to be attached to Ibis COIItIlu;t An ~ is aDowed fur IJOIl1eODe lI$isting the ownerwbile the owner' is ~ AU others will be considered trespassers
unless special pennission is oblained lfom Owner or manager.
~ Lien hoIder{!h
City, S1a1eand Zip Code Area Code. ~
~ Value estimate: TheRemer'sestimatechalueofSlO1edpropertyis: S 'J&cJ . ReDteragms lhatthe....w........valueofstored property is .
not to exceed $2,500 unless a written itemized inventOJy and value of1he same is provided fur Owner within three days of the starting date of this contract
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6l General UI'IDI .. eoudltlonr.
A. Renter bas inspected the unit described in this contract and deems it adequate for Renter's intended purpose. AIl storage units are rented
in one month increments. Pro-rations are not made on a daily basis. If a Renter keeps possession of a Wlit for one or more days past the
due date, it is construed as a renewal ofthe tenancy for another full month. Renter agrees that refunds are not made because Renter fails to
occupy the unit or vacates the unit before using the full month Renter bas paid for.
B. Owner is not engaged in the business of storing goods fur hire nor is Owner in the Warehouse business. Rather. Owner is renting space to
Renter for Renter's storage purposes, and Renter must take whatever steps he deems necessmy to safeguard the property that he stores in
his space. Renter holds Owner bannless from any and all expense. demands, claims, actions, and cause of action, arising directly or indi-
rectly from Renter's use of storage unit Garage type sales are not pennitted in the storage facility.
C. Renter will not use the storage space for an unlawful purpose. Renter will maintain rented storage unit in good condition, and will return
it to Owner as he found it, normal wear and tear excepted Storage of explosive, flammable, unusually odorous or harmful items are pr0-
hibited. Oil spilJsIleaks caused by a Renter's vehicle or storage will be cause for a $50 charge and eviction notice.
D. No Storage of eqUipment or container containing oil, gas or flammable material. Oil and :fuel must drained. Battery must be disconnected.
E. Locldng; Renter understands that the rented unit(s) must be locked within two days of the starting date of this contract even if the unit(s) is to
be left empty fur some time. Renter must keep the storage unit locked except when Renter is loading, unloading or sorting property in it. If
Owner finds a unit unlocked and empty, it is W1derstood that Owner can asswne that Renter has vacated the wit and it is available to rent to
a new Renter. Renter must provide his own lock and will be responSI'bIe fur the distn"bution ofkeys or a ambination to his lock. Renter agrees to
use a good quality lock, rather than a tiny, light duty or bicycle (long nect:) type lock. IfRenter's unit is filund unlocked, or locked open, Owner is
autboria:d to cut Renter's lock if necessaJy and secure the unit at Renter's expense. In this event, Renter must replace the lock: in three days. Renter
agrees that Owner can over-lock the unit (place Owner's lock on Renter's storage unit) when the terms of this contract are not oompIied with or
when rent, late fees. or other charges are unpaid Renter agrees that Owner can take up to five working da)'S to remove Owner's lock. Should it
beoome necessary fur Owner to over-lock Renter's storage unit, any attempt to cut, break or remove Owner's lock will be construed as "Breaking
and entering" under the law, and $500 will be eI1argjcd to Renter's aceount and/or ming of criminal dmges. No one is allowed to bring bolt cutters
into the storage fiIcility or use any devise to cut off a lock. If Renter's key is lost, Renter must have the manager remove the lock so that it can be
replaced. Up to S 10 is charged for this service. Should 1he Rada' filii 10 n:tumauy filcility keys 10 Owner or his agenlwilbin three days oCtile Renter's vacale date,
Owner will need 10 c:IIaDge kds and issue new keys 10 otber 1eIIaD1s. The cost oftbis shall be paid by Renter, up 10 $200.
F. Renter asswnes responsibility for any loss or damage caused by fire, explosion, theft, wind. water, earthquake, snow, ice, loss of heat, or
any other cause.
G. Owner shall not be liable to Renter, or to Renter's employees, patrons. visitors, invitees, or licensees, for any damage to persons or prop-
erty caused by acts of Owner, Owners agent. any other Renters, or building itseIt: Renter accepts storage unit as suitable for purposes.for
which it is leased. accepts the storage unit as is, waives defects therein, and agrees to bold Owner barmIess from claims for any damage.
H. Storage space shall not be used fur a toilet, dwelling purposes, or overnight aalOIllJDodations.
1. A photo ID is required of the Renter and anyone else that will have $:Cess to the rented storage wit.
J. We do not send out monthly statements.
K. There is a five mile speed limit within the fiwility. Drive with extra caution around corners (blind intersections).
L. Renters roming into the 18cility with a truck: larger than a pickup truck are to make arrangements With the office in advance.
M. Renter shall be responsible and liable to Owner for any damage to rented premises dwing the term of this agreement, normal wear and tear
excepted. Renter's must get pennission from the manager before installing shelving in a storage wit.
N. The deposit shall and can be used by the Owner for the purpose of needed cleaning, repairing damage to the rented premises, satisfY
unpaid rent, late charges, penalties and collection expenses and forfeiture situations. This agreement shall not be oonstrued as liquidated
damages. and the Renter shall be responst"ble for any debt owed to the Owner 1Dr the above if it should exceed the amount of deposit.
The deposit shall be returned by mail to the address provided by the Renter only on condition that the terms of this oontract are fulfilled by the
Renter. The deposit is not refimdabIe if the terms oftbis ClOtIlnK:t are not complied with.
O. When Renter vacates Renter's storage tmit. Renter agrees to DOIi1Y Owner or Owners apt when the unit is weant (all amtellts remov-
ed), Renter's lock: removed. unit sweep clean, and ~lable for a new tenant. Renter remains respomn"ble for additional rent and other charges
until all the conditions of this contract are met.
'7) IJdlHf1"~ Owner sbaJI pay aJllIODD8I utilities expeore rdated 10 the n:uted premises. Renter SHAlL NOT insIaIl extension COlds. plug in any bealer, &n. appliance or oIber
ekaricaI cIeYice except 10 replace a fi$bt bulb. Renters nmoving 1igIrt bulbs liom the stonIge UDif. balls or filciIity will be charged S 10 fOr eadJ ligbt bulb mkell. Ligbfs sbaIJ
be left turned oft' except when Renter is inside the rented premises. Teoams sometimes filii w turD lights oft' atld bum dtem out pn:matureIy. Owner is DOt JespOllsible 10
replace burned out Iigbt bulbs in Renter's sIorIIge unit.
Il Notimc Vacate or lien apd sale DOtices will be Peu by Ovmer1o Beater by CcdifiecI Mail wiIh setum n:ceipt n:quested and shall be deemed 10 have been "band deIiwrcd"
wbefher ddiwaed by Post office. or Rhu'DcllI by the post otIice IIII5ipecI. n:&sed, .........m-t or 8IIlIeIivcndtIe ilr lID)' tallOD. This mdaI COIItract will eonlinue ou a DIOIIlh to
DIODIb basis until the renIed space bas been wca1ed. Radl2' bas n:moved Rader's kd. Bader bas retumed any keys ilr the filciIily 01' baBways in Reuter's possession. and
Owner or bis ageDl has n:ceived writ1aJ notice of Rader's aIlencIomJxmt of the JaIled space or the intention w do so OIl a specific date. Renter or Owner sbaU have the right to
k:rmiDa1e tile teaam:y at any time by sMug wriUcD IIIIIice at last 20 days JRYious 10 the CIId of 8IIy IIIOIdIdy I1IllaI period. All DOtices called ilr ben:iI1l1haD be given at 1he
address oftbc RSpCCtive parties to tis ~ as SCI ilIdJ 1leRin. NoIic:c sIIaIJ bec:ilherpcnoua1ly senaI or cJeIivercd by Rader. Owner. Owoer-"s Agc:ot or by certified
mail. It sbaIl be the duty ofdle ReutcrIo fimIisb Owner or Ageut wiIh a signed wriaI::a DOticeofa change ofaddn:ss andIor.... number prompdy IJUt DO later 1ban seven
days after any addressor pbonc IIIIIDber &:baIip:. It is agm:d dJat Owoer QIIl keep file deposit. ifa wriaal YlIClIIc DOtiee is not 8iveo by RaIler as staled aI19ve or~
address has DOt been provided by JteoIec. . ~ "'\"
(CONTINUED ON THENEXf PAGE) Initials~ Date: 7" (/<J
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9) Remedies for derault:
lfRcnter violates or mils to comply wilh any provision of Ibis agreement, IiIiIs 10 pay n:nt wben due. or to YBClde premises prompdy when notice is given to do so, Owner sball
have the right to dccIare a termination of the Renter's possession righ1s. Owner can ~ Ratter and his property from said premises as provided by Law at the Renter's expense,
and keep the deposit. Under these cin:umslaDces, in addition to rights and remedies provided to Owner by Law, Owner is herby gmnted the rollowing rights:
A) AUcnONS &; LOCKS: Befure disposing of the contents ofn:nted premises because of Renter delimIt in 1be terms of this OOI1tract, by public auction or private sale,
Owner shan JDall to Renter, at Renter's Jastknownaddress, a written DOtic:e stating Owncrbas taken possession ofsucb con1eDIs and will dispose ofsame in a time ftame as
provided by Law. Notice will be given by CeItified Mail wilh RIun1 receipt requesIed and sbaU be deemed to have been "band delivered" wbelher delivered or returned by the
post office unsigned, refused, UIlCIaimcd or undeIiveraJIJe fur any n:asou. Renter gives Owner the right to break or remove my lock on the door belonging to Renter, eater
SlOI'lIge unit, and iDspect its cooteats, then place an Owner's Override lock thereon until such COIIteIl1s are disposed ofin a DlIDJIIll' bereiDafter provided. Renter shall owe Owner
a reasonable fee to cover COSIs of llJ11UIgiog and disposiIioa of sale of eoa&enls. If Reuter briBp the account current prior to 1be auction date, Renter is required to replace
Owner's override lock with oueofhisownat Renter"sexpense DO latertban 1Iueedays ala"the accoont is brougbt CUJR:Dl Afta' a lien and sale DOtic:e bas been given to Renter.
Owner shall not be obligated to ac:cept anything other than fiill payment of debt due Owner. and payment must be made in cash or by money order When Owner disposes of
contents of Rentet's ~ space pun;uaut 10 the fOrgoing provisions, he sbaII be under DO obligation or du1)' to realize thereftom. at public or private sale, enough to recover
aD aJDOUnts due to Owner. Renter will remain responsible fur any shortage ofmoney owed to Owner in rent, late charges, damages or other el()lCIISCS suffered by Owner. If
more fimds are realized from disposition of said contenIS than owed to Owner, Owner sba1I noti1Y Rentet of any such excess by JDall and shall them1fter bold said excess in trust
b Renter for a period of30 days after due date ofootice, without iDten:st, during MJicb time Rader sbaII be eatitkd to said fimds upoo danand, &iling wbicb, Owner sbaII be
eatided to keep proa:eds. Owner is not obligated to accept any bid from Renter at aD auction sale less than the full amount owed to Owner. When an auction is beId, the
proceeds will be applied to Renter's 8C(':OUIIt..
B) V ACA n: ORDERS: Should 1be Renter refuse to vacate the n:nted premises described herein when a proper vacate notice bas been given to 1be Renter, the Renter agrees
to pay the Owner $10 per day until the unit is -.acated Renter also agrees to pay b aD attorney fees and court costs needed to force Renter compliance.
c) REFUSAL TO LEAVE AT CLOSING TIMJ:: SbonId the Renter refiIse to leavethe storage &ciIity at or after closing time, the police will be suDDDOned to eject the
Renter, a $50 dJarBe will be added 10 Renter's IlCCOl1IIt, and Renter will be charged with eriminal tn:spass.
D) KEYs: SbouId the Reuter fail to relUm anyfaclli1y keys to Owner or bis.p wiIhin thn:e days of the Rater's vacate date, Owner will need to ~ locks and isme oew
keys 10 other tenants. The cost of this shaD be paid by Renter, but DO less 1baD $200.
E) PRE-RENTALS: When a storage unit is pre-mIled (reserved) by anyone. and subsequently canceUed or never used, Owner may keep the deposit.
10) DeD88itud -- to DRIIIilIes: RemersbaU ben:sponsible8Dd liabJe to Owner filrany damagelOradedpremisesduringthe tcrmofthisagrecmeut, normal wear aDd tear
~ In order 10 sec:we and protect the Owner. Reuter sIIaII deposit with OwDer"saput the sum of ~filrty doIIaIs). The deposit sbaII and c:an be used by the Owner fur the
JIQIP05C of needed cleaning, repairiBg damage 10 the Jaded premises, l!lltistY UIIpIIid RDt" late c1Jarges, peoaIIies, coIIectioD e:lqlfIISes aud any other cbaJge made under the terms of
this c:ontract This agnleOleId sIIaII DOt be consInIed as liquidaflld damages. and the Renter sbaD be responsible fur any debt owed to the Owner fur die above if it should exceed the
amount of deposit. The deposit will be returned by mail within 30 days after the Owner is notified 1bat the unit bas been vacated. The refund check will be sent to the address
povided by the Renter 0DIy 011 oondition 1bat the terms oflhis CODtrad are fi1IfiIIed by the Reatfr.
II) Slaelvilll!. ud At1KItmellts: Shelving is resIJicfed to fieo.sIaDding sbeIviug. Renter is not to pouud 011 waDs. drive oaiIs into the them. or alter them in any way without
written permission fi'om ~, An dectric ligbt is provided in some storage UDiIs. Renter aam:s DOt to use any outlet fur any JllIIJIOSe other than a single 60 watt light bulb.
J1) DisDOUl of abudoaecl DrOuem: ABy of Renter's property or 1IaSh left in Renter's storage tmit after the tmit is Sl'hcbmfig11y emptied and left DllIocIced. or personal property
leftunattenMf ou1SideofRenter"ssklrageunit will be considered abandoned. It can be n:moved by <>wueror Owner'sageot and disposed ofinany way convenient to Owner. The
cost to do so c:an be cbarged to Renter. Reuter is aware that surveillance cameras are in operation. Renter agrees to refiain ftom littering and disposing/dumping of trash, UIIWlUlted
finiture, etc. in the mcility and will pay the cost of deaning, disposal expense, cost of RIViewing surveiIJance tapes, and dump :files c:an be charged to Renter's account.
13) Modiftcadon: None oftbe provisions of this Rental Agreement sbaD be waived or c:banged unless by written agreement signed by Reater " Owner or Owner's Agent.
14) Biadia2 elfeet: This agreement shaD be binding IIJIOII the JlIIItia!, their SUCCCSllllIS and assigns.
JS) CoIIedimt Polin: If Renter fiIils to pay dIlI1p:smmed to Owner. Renter agrees that Owoa or his agent am assign this COIdIIICt to a coIJecdoo savic:e. Renter
will pay c:IIlUges made by them. Owner can also n:port Rc:otcr's paymeut his10Iy to the co1JecIion service company, to credit reporting agencies and oCher storage
fICiIity owuen. If it beeomes 1IllCCSII8IY fur Owner to file suit in court to make collection. Renter agrees to pay aD atIorney and IcgaI files as well as court costs.
16) Additicmal fees:
A. LATE FEES: Renter agrees to pay an additional 10".4 of any sum owed to Owner. ifpayment is not received by Owner on or before the due date. An additional SIS Iatei:c
will be added to Renter's 8Cl:OUnt ifrent is 30 days or more late.
B. BAD CHECKS: Renter agrees to pay $40 fi:Ir a mumcd checIt credited 10 the Renter's aa:ount. ifissueel by Renter or submitted on their behalf by a third party.
c. MAIL FEF..S: Renter agrees to pay fiIr tbecost ofCerUfied mail sent to RenterwJaea n:al is plStdue.
D. AUCTION" CLERICAL FEES: SI100Id it beDClCCSS81y filr Owner 10 sell RaJtcr's propenywbcu n:al is UIIpIid. Remer agn:es to pay a $7$ clericaJ, advc:nising
aDd aucIioo proc:essing fi:ewbidl will be added to the Renter's accODDt 7 days prior to a scbeduIed auction.
Eo MISCELLANEOUS FEES: Reuter agRlCS to pay Owner any and all other clIugcs to Rcutcr aDd expenses incurred by Owner COIIJICICted wilh defiwlt by Renter.
}1) AutJmrized &.eat: This agreement is valid 0DIy when sigaed by a dcsigIIated Agent autbori7ed by Owner to do so.
J8) AddraJ c"'es Reoter agRlC$that any and all DOtic:es c:an be SaJt to the addresses provided herein. It is the duty of the Renter to provide Owner or Owner's Agent a written
aud signed DOtic:e of a ehange ofaddRss and phone IDIJDber in' the Renter and backup conIact within 7 days of any cbange. Failllnl to keep Owner or Owner's agent in10nned of
Rader's curn:nt address aod phone munber sbaJI COOSIituIe a bra1d1 of c:ontract by Reuter. Reuter agm:s that 0wIIer may over~ the unit until a writ4m com:ct address and
JIhone DIJIIIber is received by Owner b the RaIla' aIId ReRtcr's backupCOlltaCt W'- mail is R\tUnJed 10 Owner by the post oftice, a wc:ate order will be sent to Renter by
Rgisaertd mail The vaeate notice and all other IJl)tiees C8II be sent to die last ImowD. address ofRenter' aDd Renter ~ Owner to consider them as eflectivdy deliven:d aDd
received by Remer.
Heater aerees to abide tile terms ..... CGIIditioas tIa.is eoatrad. TIle Renter assumes l'eSPOIISibiIitY for tile eondud of Reuter's
iItvitees to be iD COUIpBanee with the rules of the faeility aDd wm Inform iDvitees of sueh rules. ReDter has received a eoPY of this
has read a IS t for elarilieatioD about aD . that is Dot dearl
Date: .:5 I 2 / 06
Date: l/2- /~