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Memorandum of
Agreement between City
and Port for Airport Pohce
October 7, 2003
somethmg IS gomg to be done III the underground, then ventllatlOn, access on two SIdes,
hghtmg, and secunty will be reqUlred. There are many Issues that are not addressed
or funded by the $200,000 belllg consIdered. Councllman Headnck was prevlOusly
unfamlhar WIth the underground and, after havlllg toured the area and gathered further
mformatlOn, he now agrees the underground should be preserved Tills preservatlOn
could be accomphshed III dIfferent forms, and he reviewed the fmanclal raIDlficatlOns
upon the General Fund, suggestmg that the underground be left as it IS. Further, he
suggested that up to $50,000 be proVIded for structural enhancement for the
underground, with the expectatlon that the commuruty, property owners, and CIvic
orgamzatlons WIll step up and proVIde support for thIS. He felt that, as a hlstoncal SIte,
the underground IS worth much more exactly as It IS nght now than It would be WIth a
hd He compared the hd to putting paint on antlque furmture; the aesthetIc value
should not be destroyed. Therefore, Councilman Headrick moved to leave the
underground as it is, to allow and support its development with funds for
structural enhancement, and to leave it to the community to further develop this
area. The motion was seconded by Councilman Braun. Mayor WlgglllS sought
clanficatlOn that the motion IS related to the 300 feet from First Street to Front Street.
Councllman Headnck reahzed thIS was the area of main focus; however, he could see
no reason to not leave the block to Rallroad open as well. CouncIlman Wllhams
offered lllformatlOn about the underground between Rallroad and Front Street.
Councilman Headrick indicated his motion would include both blocks, from
Railroad to First Street on the west side of Laurel. Councllmember Enckson
queried as to how much III fundmg would be commltted by the CIty; and Councilman
Headrick clarified his intention that up to $50,000 would be made available from
different sources, whether from lodging taxes, real estate taxes, or other sources.
After further discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried
Mayor WIggins recessed the meeting for a break at 8:08 p.m. The meeting reconvened
at 8:20 p.m.
Bob Harblck, 1006 So. Lmcoln Street and PresIdent of the Pelll.llsula Water Sports
AssociatlOn, shared WIth the CouncIl the success of thIS past weekend's Vlctona
Express Stralt Thunder Challenge Hydroplane races. He expressed appreClatlOn to the
CIty, Jack Harmon OfVlctona Express, and the many volunteers who made thIS event
such a success. He offered specIal commendatlon to Marc Connelly and the entue CIty
staff for being so accommodating. Mayor Wlggms expressed the CIty'S appreclatlOn
to Bob and Jan Harblck for all of their work on thIS most successful event.
Paul Lamoureux, 602 WhIdby, reIterated past concerns on expenses related to the
contract for tree trlmmmg m the CIty. In addItion, he suggested that proJ ects requmng
contlllulllg mamtenance should be revlSlted in terms of the cost factors
Councihnember Rogers offered mput that tree trunmmg has proven to be extremely
helpful as relates to power outages due to tree growth in the power hnes. Mr.
Lamoureux then read a statement further expressing hIS opposition to fluondatlOn of
the CIty'S water supply.
Memorandum of Agreement between City of Port Angeles and Port of Port
Angeles for Airport Pohce Patrol.
Police ChlefRlepe presented the proposed Memorandum of Agreement sohdlfYlllg the
arrangement between the CIty and the Port of Port Angeles for pohce servIces at
Fauchild InternatlOnal AIrport. He llldicated the Port has entered llltO a Law
Enforcement Personnel ReImbursement Agreement WIth the Transportation Secunty
Admllllstratlon, a dlvlslOn ofthe Department of Homeland Secunty, whIch allows for
rermbursementto the CIty for pohce patrol services. Following bnef dISCUSS lOn, ChIef
RIepe clanfied that the agreement IS retroactive to June I, 2003, and that servIces can
be provided WIth current staffing, Councilman Braun moved to authorize the Mayor
- 7 -
October 7, 2003
Memorandum of
Agreement between City
and Port for AIrport Pohce
Patrol (Cont'd)
Intergovernmental Drug
Task Force Agreement-
Interlocal Agreement wIth
Kltsap County for ReceIpt
of Homeland Secunty
Grant Funds
SelectIOn of Underwnter
for W aster/W astewater
Revenue Bonds
to sign the proposed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the City of Port
Angeles and the Port of Port Angeles. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Williams and carried unanimously.
2 Intergovernmental Drug Task Force Agreement - OPNET'
Chief RIepe noted the attendance of members of the Drug Task Force: Washmgton
State Patrol Trooper Mike Graul, RetIred Washington State Patrol Trooper Bob Orth,
Clallam County Undersheriff Fred DeFrang, and Port Angeles Sgt. Enc Kovatch.
ChIef Riepe cIted the CIty'S deSIre to work toward the betterment of the commumtym
drug use and abuse by particIpating in the Drug Task Force for enforcement, educatIOn,
and treatment. To that end, the OPNET agreement enables the City to partlclpate WIth
other commumtles who are provldmg financial resources. SeqUIm and Jefferson
County will make monetary contributIOns toward the salary of the Port Angeles
OPNET officer, to mclude trammg, overtIme, vehIcle, and eqUIpment. The CIty IS
responSIble for one-half of the officer's salary and benefits. ChIef RIepe spoke of the
importance of thIS cooperatIve effort throughout the Penmsula
Mayor Wlggms noted this agreement IS tIed to the COPS grant and, If the grant IS not
forthcommg in future years, he asked about budgetmg for the positIOn. Manager
Qumn mdlcated the CIty has budgeted the remaining funds for thIS pOSItIon m the
General Fund m 2004 as an addItIonal cost. Councilmember Erickson suggested
something may need to be placed m the agreement regardmg dISsolutIOn and the
commItment of the agencies to fulfill their finanCial obhgatIOn. ChIef RIepe felt that,
if for some reason the other entItIes cannot meet theIr obligations, OPNET would stIll
be responSIble for the specified portion of the officer's salary. Attorney Knutson
agreed With CouncIlmember Erickson that if the agreement tenmnates, then the
financial arrangements set forth would also tenmnate. If there IS gomg to be a
contmuatIOn of thIS relatIonshIp between the City and the County thatwould proVIde
for the fundmg of the CIty'S officer, then that would need to be a separate arrangement
to be worked out with the County.
CouncIlmember Rogers mdicated she would be workmg WIth the ChIef and the CIty
Manager regarding the 2003 Federal COPS Grant from the CongressIOnal SIde.
Councilman Braun moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Intergovernmental
Drug Task Force Agreement. The motion was seconded by Councilmember
Rogers and carried unanimously.
3. Interlocal Agreement wzth Kitsap County for Recezpt of Homeland Securzty
Grant Funds (Emergency Plannzng)
FIre ChIef McKeen proVIded mformatIOn pertlnent to the Interlocal Agreement WIth
Kltsap County to receIve Federal grant funds for the purpose of plannmg upgrades and
enhancements to each Junsdlction's ComprehensIve Emergency Management Plans
Citing previous discussions on homeland security Issues and antiCIpated fundmg from
the Federal level, ChIef McKeen mdicated these grant funds filtered down to the local
level for the pnmary purpose of upgrading the plans WIth an enhanced terronsm
component, focusing on an all-hazard approach. The City partnered WIth the County
in this endeavor. After brief diSCUSSIOn, Councilman Campbell moved to authorize
the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and
Kitsap County. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried
4 Selection of Underwrzter for Water/Wastewater Revenue Bonds
Fmance DIrector ZIOmkowskI adVIsed the Council that the CIty wIll be financmg
several Water and Wastewater projects from proceeds from the revenue bonds, whIch
- 8 -
FILED rOFl RtCa;u :,1 fHf :![OJEST
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Z005 AUG 23 PH 2: 24
Filed at the Request of:
City of Port Angeles
City Clerk's Office
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362
m Hill I 1111 11111111 U
2005 1163442 Clallam
Interlocal Agreement
City Clerk File No.: f;(,~s
Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and YOI\:;' 0\ t:Ovt /Jcv....qe.Lt ~
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Dated: ~fdl>)oS Qp3 }D3
The parties to this Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA" or "Agreement") are the City of Port Angeles ("City") and the
Port of Port Angeles ("Port").
a. Purpose: The purpose of this Agreement is to assist the Port in fulfilling its responsibilities under
the Transportation Security Administration's Law Enforcement Personnel Reimbursement Agreement
DTSA20-03-P-0 1430 and the Memorandum of Agreement entered into between the U.S. Government
and the Port effective June 1, 2003
b. Services: The City will provide law enforcement services at the Fairchild International Airport. Said
services will consist of:
(I) Mamtaining a highly Visible uniformed officer presence at William R Fairchild International
Airport for a minimum of three hours per day;
(2) Promptly responding to problems at the airport when notice of such problems is provided by
Port, Airport, and/or Horizon Alrlme personnel; and
(3) Respond appropriately to airport secunty and criminal violations in accordance with the
followmg parameters:
(a) The City shall provide Said services seven (7) days per week between the hours of
5:00 a.m. and 8'00 pm, or as otherwise agreed by the parties.
(b) The City shall provide additional law enforcement services m excess of three (3)
hours per day upon request by the Port
(c) In no case shall the City be obligated to provide law enforcement services to
Fairchild InternatIOnal Airport for more than 10.5 hours per day at the
reimbursement rates established in this Agreement.
c. Payment: The Port will pay the City an hourly rate consistent with the rates outlined in the attached
appendices, Appendix A through Appendix A-4, as reimbursement for the City's costs m providing
law enforcement services at the Fairchild International Airport. Payment shall be made at an estimated
daily average of three (3) hours per day, which IS the amount to be paid by the Transportation Security
Admmistration to the Port pursuant to the reimbursement agreement referenced above Payment shall
be made Within 20 days of the City mailing Its monthly invoice setting forth the actual service time
by the City's police officers. The City shall be responsible for allocating the police officers' payment
benefits, incIudmg withholdmg of federal income tax and Social Security and any and all other
employee benefits.
d. Employment Status: During the performance of law enforcement services as provided herein, Port
Angeles police officers will continue to be City employees and to function under the policies and
procedures ofthe Port Angeles Police Department.
e. Indemnification: The Port of Port Angeles agrees to provide indemnification and defense and to hold
harmless the City of Port Angeles for any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, or suits, including
attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the acts, errors, or omissions of the Port.
This Agreement shall be effective as of the date it is mutmilly accepted by the parties and shall continue in effect until
September 30, 2007 or until earlier terminated by the parties as provided herein This agreement revises the
Memorandum of Agreement entered into by the parties which was effective May 1, 2002.
In addition to any other termination rights as provided by thiS MOA, either party may terminate this MOA at any time
prior to its expiration date, With or without cause, and without mcurring any liability or obligation to the terminated party
(other than payment of amounts due and owing and performance of obligations accrued, in each case on or prior to the
termmation date) by gIving the other party at least thirty (30) days pnor written notice oftennination.
City of Port Angeles
Port of Port Angeles
//J 19 Y~I(
DATE: 10. '1- O!!J
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C'\My Documents\Forms\Port MOO Final.wpd
August 12, 2003
(June 1,2003 - September 30, 2003)
Airport Code Total Average Reimbursable Daily Cost FY 2003 Costs
On-Site Hours Hourly Rate
Per Day
CLM 10.5 $24.63 $258.62 $31,551.03
~ I ' ~
(October 1, 2003 - September 30, 2004)
Airport Code Total Average Reimbursable Daily Cost FY 2004 Costs
On-Site Hours Hourly Rate
Per Day
CLM 10.5 $25.37 $266.39 $97,496.91
(October 1, 2004 - September 30, 2005)
Airport Code Total Average Reimbursable Daily Cost FY 2005 Costs
On-Site Hours Hourly Rate
Per Day
CLM 10.5 $26.13 $274.37 $100,143.23
(October 1, 2005 - September 30, 2006)
Airport Code Total Average Reimbursable Daily Cost FY 2006 Costs
On-Site Hours Hourly Rate
Per Day
CLM 10.5 $26.91 $282.56 $103,132.58
(October 1, 2006 - September 30, 2007)
Airport Code Total Average Reimbursable Daily Cost FY 2007 Costs
On-Site Hours Hourly Rate
Per Day
CLM 10.5 $27.72 $291.06 $106,236.90