HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.657 Original Contract
FILED fOR ReCO;)!:: r. T 1 Ht IiEaUEST
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200S AUG 23 PH 2: 24
Filed at the Request of:
City of Port Angeles
City Clerk's Office
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362
2005 1163443 Clallam
Interlocal Agreement
City Clerk File No.: S ~f)7
Agreement between the City o[Port Angeles and Dc..hc...... c~ ~ ~ ~
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Dated: ft,(;;i)()'\" lD/7Jl [Q"j
5. ttJ57
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referred to as the "Agreement" is entered into by and between Oallam County, the aties of Forks, Port Angeles
and Sequim.
WHEREAS, during the 2002 legislative season Substitute House Bill 2060 (SHB2060) was passed
recognizing housing affordability as a significant problem for a large portion of society in many parts of
Washington State, and
WHEREAS, SHB 2060 establishes a $10.00 surcharge to be collected by the County Auditor for each
recorded document, which will be in addition to any other charge authorized by law, and
WHEREAS, the Auditor may retain up to five percent (5%) of the funds collected to administer the
collection of these funds, and
WHEREAS, of the remaining funds, forty percent (40%) of the revenue generated by this surcharge will
be transmitted to the state treasurer who will deposit the funds into the Washington housing trust account, and
WHEREAS, sixty percent (60%) of revenue generated through this surcharge will be retained by the
County and be deposited into a fund that must be used by the County and its cities and towns for housing or
units within housing projects that are affordable to very low-income persons with incomes at or below fifty
percent of the area median income, and
WHEREAS, the remainder of the surcharge collected will be transmitted to the State for statewide low
income housing programs, and
WHEREAS, that portion of the surcharge retained by the County shall be allocated to very low-income
housing projects through an interlocal agreement between the County and the cities within the County,
consistent with countywide and local housing needs and policies.
WHEREAS, Housing Providers in Clallam County have reached consensus that the attached Exhibit A is
the process by which these funds shall be administered.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED through this interlocal agreement that the cities of Forks, Port
Angeles and Sequim and Clallam County hereby agree that low-income housing funds generated by SHB2060
shall be administered as set forth in Exhibit A.
This interlocal agreement shall remain in full effect until terminated by the parties.
CD ~
Mayor Walt Schubert
Original # 5 of six (6) originals
Appmwd.. to fonD: (}J'\
0lrIst0ph0r I4elJ;J
Chief Deputy Proaecatf. ~
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j:\users\bmartin\share\administration\issues\shb2060 interlocal agreemenldoc
1. Applications for SHB2060 funding shall be required to show how the program addresses
the Continuum of Care goals and priorities.
2. The Clallam County United Way will evaluate applications for SHB funding on an annual
basis, to make funding recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. This evaluation
shall determine whether the proposals meet the requirements of the statute, and shall
rank the proposals on the basis of how effectively they address the priorities and goals set
forth in the Continuum of Care developed by the Shelter Providers Network.
3. The Board of Commissioners shall receive the recommendations of the United Way and
make final determinations of award.
4. Through an interlocal agreement with the County, the Housing Authority of Clallam
County will administer the SHB2060 program. This will include disseminating information
about the program, developing and distributing application forms, reviewing
reimbursement requests and authorizing payment to project awarded funding, and
making status reports to the County on an annual basis.
Original # _ of six (6) originals
j '\users\bmartin\share\admin istration\issues\shb2060 interlocal agreement.doc
II Becky Upton :"206Q,BFP doc
&-U-52 ("
""""""~_" "" __ " Page 1 I
Clallam County
In 2002, the State Legislature enacted SHB 2060, an act relating to funds for operating and
maintenance of low-income hOUSing projects and for innovative housing demonstration projects.
This bill will generate an estimated $65,000 - $85,000 per year for Clallam County's affordable
housing needs. Estimated revenue for the 2003 Funding year is $25,000 to $35,000 due to a
reduced collection period. The Clallam County Commissioners have contracted with the
Housing Authority of the County of Clallam and the United Way to administer this program;
however, the County Commissioners will make all final funding decisions. Applicants must be
501 (c)3 agencies or governmental entities. Grantees will be required to submit a closeout report
upon completion of any project allocated SHB 2060 funds.
Permissible Uses of FundinQ
Permissible uses of these local SHB 2060 funds are as follows:
1. Acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of housing projects or units within housing
projects that are affordable to very-low income persons with incomes at or below fifty
percent of the area median income;
2 Supporting building operating and maintenance costs of housing projects or units within
hOUSing projects built with Washington State Housing Trust Funds, that are affordable to
very low-income persons with incomes at or below fifty percent of the are median income,
and that require a supplement to rent income to cover ongoing operating expenses;
3 Rental assistance vouchers for housing projects or units within housing projects that are
affordable to very low-income persons with incomes at or below fifty percent of the
median income, to be administered by a local public housing authority or other local
organization that has an existing rental assistance voucher program, consistent with the
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development's Section 8 rental
assistance voucher program standards; and
4 Operating costs for emergency shelters and licensed overnight youth shelters.
Funds generated by SHB 2060 shall not be used for construction of new housing if at any
time the vacancy rate for available low-income housing within the county rises above 10%.
For 2003, the vacancy rate is below 10%.
Indirect costs will be limited to 10% of the grant amount.
Only proposals meeting one of the above permissible uses will be eligible for funding.
FundinQ Decisions
Funding decisions will be based on the following criteria:
1 The proposal must be consistent with the Guiding Principle of the Clallam County
Continuum of Care for the Homeless Plan that services are coordinated, collaborative and
deSigned to serve a diverse population
2 The proposal must meet one of the "Priority Goals" or "Ongoing Needs" outlined in the
current Clallam County Continuum of Care for the Homeless Plan. For 2003, the
following Priority Goals and Ongoing Needs have been determined (not listed in any
specific order of importance):
Priority Goals
· Maintain existing shelters, housing and services. Do not lose any more capacity or
· Continue to develop shelter and services for homeless teenage youth. Explore the
feasibility of a shelter for homeless teenage youth.
· Increase all types of housing, including shelter, transitional and affordable
SHB2060 Fund
page 1
TBeckX Vpton - ~Q60 R~EP~doc -"
"" P~ge 2 I
Clallam County
permanent housing for the West End of the County.
. Increase funding and collaboration for supportive services for all types housing
types (shelter, transitional, permanent affordable), stressing efficiency, reduction of
overlap, and elimination of redundancy.
. Establish a Mental Health Crisis Center providing beds for the acutely mentally ill.
Ongoing Needs
. Lack of very substantial lack of affordable permanent housing in Clallam County.
. Great need for emergency shelter for families with children.
. General lack of shelter and transitional housing in the West End.
. Ongoing need for housing for those suffering chronic mental illness.
. Need for housing for post substance abuse treatment parents reunifying with
3 The organization must be determined to have the capacity to operate the proposed
4 The program must provide services only within Clallam County boundaries.
REQUIRED A TT ACHMENTS : Please attach one copy of each Item:
. ArtIcles of IncorporatIon
. Bylaws
. Current LIst of Board Members
· IRS 501 (c )(3) determmatlOn letter (If applicable)
· Audited Fmancml Statements, includmg Management Letter and Response, from preViOUS two years.
. OrgamzatlOnal Chart (if avallable)
To be considered for funding, please fill out the attached form and return it to the United Way
office by February 28, 2003.
SHB2060 Fund
page 2
'I Beckyl)pton ~2q60 R"FP-doc 'm
. paQe3l
Clallam County
Name of ApplIcant
Tax ID
Contact Person
Address CIty State Zip
Telephone Number Fax Number E-MaIl
Is the orgamzatIOn a nonprofit organizatIOn as defined by SectIOn 50 I (c )(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or a
government entIty?
[ ] Yes [ ]No
! Consultant (If the applzcatzon IS bemg completed by a consultant, complete this sectIOn)
Contact Person TItle
Address CIty State ZIp Code
Telephone Number Fax Number E-MaIl
( ) Ext. ( )
I SHB2060 Fund grant requested $ I
Project Name
Name of ProJect
Address CIty
County State ZIp Code
Proiect TVDe
Project Type (Please check all that apply)
[ ] ConstructIOn [ ] AcquisitIOn [ ] Rental AssIstance Vouchers
[ ] RehabIlItation [ ] Operatmg/Mamtenance Costs [ ] Operating Cost emerg. or youth shelter
[ ] OperatIOn/Mamtenance Costs for Trust Fund Project [ ] Other
Total Number of Units
I Total number of umts proposed or people/households served:
Income Level
Proposed mcome level to be served.
Ifnot at or below 50% of the medIan mcome, please explam:
SHB2060 Fund page 3 01/2002
[Becky l)pton - 2060 RFP doc""
Page 4 I
Clallam County
SHB2060 Fund
page 4
"i Becky Upton - 20~~~ RFP do~
Page 5 I
Clallam County
Bnefly descnbe the need for the project. Include a descnptlOn of what wIll happen to the project If SHB 2060
fundmg IS not awarded
Bnefly descnbe how thIs project is consistent wIth the Contmuum of Care Plan and how it meets at least one of the
"Pnonty Goals" or "Ongomg Needs" of that Plan.
SHB2060 Fund
page 5
.- -.< "" ~~
I Becky Upton - 2060 RFP doc
,page 6 I
Clallam County
Bnefly descnbe the project proposal. Include expected outcomes.
Start and Completion Date
EstImated Start Date for draw down of award
EstImated CompletIOn Date of project:
SHB2060 Fund page 6 01/2002
..----- ^
I Becky Upton - 2060 REE doc
Clallam County
Note' The 2060 Fund IS desIgned to be used wIthm 12 months of the award date
SHB2060 Fund
page 7
i Becky Upto~ ~ 2060 RFP doc
Page 8 I
Clallarn County
Sponsor Capacity Descnbe the sponsor's abIlIty to develop and manage the project as proposed Include the
orgamzatlOn's past expenence and descnbe the tasks that wIll be completed by other orgamzatlOns and mdlViduals.
If thIs IS the sponsor's first proJect, what other resources wIll you use to ensure successful completIOn? For
example, are there Board of DIrectors, consultants, etc.:
SHB2060 Fund
page 8
. ~~"'" '
I Becky Upton ,- 2060 RFP d<?"~
"~" Page 91
Clallam County
SHB2060 Fund
page 9
~--- ~ A> ""
i Becky Upton - 2929 RFP doc
"^~ P~ge 10 I
Clallam County
Applicant certIfies that the Clallam County SHB 2060 Fund Grant wIll be used as descnbed In thIS applIcatIOn
unless a change to thIS applIcatIOn has been approved In wntIng by the Clallam County ComrmssIOners.
ApplIcant certIfies that the InfOrmatIOn In thIS applIcation is true and correct.
Applicant also agrees to submit reports and certifications as the County may require.
SIgnature of ApplIcant RepresentatIve
Return thIS form to: Patty Hannah
Umted Way
P.O. Box 937
Port Angeles, W A 98362
TEL: (360) 457-3011
FAX: (360) 457-0529
SHB2060 Fund
page 10
O. ~57 5
Page 1 of2
~ RCW 36.22.178
Surcharge for low-income housing projects -- Forty percent to state treasurer -- Permissible uses.
(l) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, a surcharge of ten dollars per instrument shall be
charged by the county auditor for each document recorded, which will be in addition to any other charge
authorized by law. The auditor may retain up to five percent of these funds collected to administer the
collection of these funds. Of the remaining funds, forty percent of the revenue generated through thIS
surcharge will be transmitted monthly to the state treasurer who will deposit the funds into the
Washington housing trust account. The office of community development of the department of
community, trade, and economic development will develop gUidelines for the use of these funds to
support building operation and maintenance costs of housing projects or units wIthin housing projects
that are affordable to extremely low-income persons with incomes at or below thirty percent of the area
medIan income, and that require a supplement to rent income to cover ongoing operating expenses.
SIxty percent of the revenue generated by this surcharge will be retained by the county and be deposited
into a fund that must be used by the county and Its cities and towns for housing projects or units within
housing projects that are affordable to very low-mcome persons with incomes at or below fifty percent
of the area median mcome. The portion of the surcharge retained by a county shall be allocated to very
low-income housing projects or units within such housing projects in the county and the cities within a
county according to an interlocal agreement between the county and the cities within the county,
consistent with countywide and local housing needs and policies. The funds generated with this
surcharge shall not be used for construction of new housing if at any time the vacancy rate for aVailable
low-income housing within the county rises above ten percent. The vacancy rate for each county shall be
developed using the state low-income vacancy rate standard developed under subsection (3) of this
section. Permissible uses of these local funds are limited to:
(a) Acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation of housing projects or units within housing projects
that are affordable to very low-income persons with incomes at or below fifty percent of the area median
(b) Supporting building operation and maintenance costs of housing projects or units WIthin housing
projects bUllt with housing trust funds, that are affordable to very low-income persons with incomes at
or below fifty percent of the area median income, and that require a supplement to rent income to cover
ongoing operating expenses;
(c) Rental assistance vouchers for housing projects or units within housing projects that are
affordable to very low-income persons with incomes at or below fifty percent of the area median
mcome, to be administered by a local pubhc housing authority or other local organization that has an
eXlstmg rental assistance voucher program, consistent with the United States department of housing and
urban development's section 8 rental assistance voucher program standards, and
(d) Operating costs for emergency shelters and hcensed overnight youth shelters.
(2) The surcharge imposed in this section does not apply to assignments or substitutions of
previously recorded deeds of trust.
(3) The real estate research center at Washington State University shall develop a vacancy rate
standard for low-income housing in the state as described in RCW 18.85.540(1 )(i).
[2002 c 294 S 2 ]
http.l /www .mrsc.org/mc/rcwIRCW%20%2036%20%20TITLEIRCW%20%2036%20. %20. 10/6/2003
Page 2 of2
Findings -- 2002 c 294: "The legislature recognizes housmg affordability has become a significant
problem for a large portion of society in many parts of Washington state in recent years. The state has
traditionally focused its resources on housing for low-income populations. AdditIOnal funding resources
are needed for bUlldmg operation and maintenance activities for housing projects affordable to
extremely low-income people, for example farmworkers or people with developmental disabilities.
Affordable rents for extremely low-income people are not sufficient to cover the cost of building
operations and maintenance. In addition resources are needed at the local level to assist m development
and preservation of affordable low-income housing to address critical local housing needs." [2002 c 294
9 1.]
http://www.mrsc.org/mc/rcw/RCW%20%2036%20%20TITLE/RCW%20%2036%20. %20 .. lO/6/2003
5. u57 ~
October 10, 2003
TO: Mike Quinn, City Manager
FROM: Becky J. Upton, City Clerk/Management Assistant
SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement Regarding Distribution of SHB2060 Funds
Clallam County recently sent you a proposed Interlocal Agreement Regarding Distribution of SHB
2060 Funds. The Interlocal Agreement is between Clallam County and the cities of Port Angeles,
Sequim and Forks.
SHB2060 was adopted in 2002, establishing a surcharge for low-income housing projects. The
surcharge of$10.00 is collected by the County Auditor on each recorded document, in addition to the
other charges already imposed for document recording. The Auditor may retain up to five percent of
the funds collected to cover the administration costs for the collection of the funds. In addition, forty
percent of the funds collected are transmitted to the State Treasurer for deposit into the Washington
Housing Trust Account. The remaining sixty percent is to be retained by the County for use by the
County and its cities and towns for housing projects or units within housing projects that are
affordable to very low-income persons with incomes at or below fifty percent ofthe area median
income. The portion of the surcharge retained by the county is to be allocated to very low-income
housing projects or units within such housing projects in the county and the cities within a county
according to an interlocal agreement between the county and the cities wlthin the county, consistent
with countywide and local housing needs and policies [my emphasis). It is for this reason that
Clallam County is now asking that we enter into the Interlocal Agreement. A copy ofRCW
36.22.178 is attached for your information.
Exhibit A of the Interlocal Agreement establishes the funding process to be followed, to include
involvement on the part of United Way for evaluation and recommendation purposes, as well as the
Clallam County Housing Authonty for fund administration. I asked Pam Tietz, Housing Authority
Executive Director, to provIde me with further information, a copy of which is attached. Please note
that revenue projections for Clallam County are $65,000 - $85,000 per year. However, for 2003,
revenues are estimated to be from $25,000 - $35,000 due to a reduced collection period; applications
will be considered on an annual basis. Once the City of Forks has approved and signed the
agreement, it will be forwarded to us for approval and signature. We could plan to take this item to
the City Council on October 21 st if you'd like. Let me know if you need any further information.
j@Jk~,,9~!.~~~: ~g:~~~gr~e.fu~.nL ,h
Page r
"".. ~F _.~
From: Triggs, Julie<JTriggs@co.clallam.wa.us>
To: rodf. forks@centurytel net, citymgr@cl.port-angeles.wa.us, sequimcm@cl.sequim.wa.us,
BMartin@co.c1allam.wa us, hacc@olypen com
Date: Wed, Oct 1, 2003 3'01 PM
Subject: RE: Agreement
Here is the final interlocal agreement for the distribution of SHB2060
funds. I believe that we are ready to go so please take to your councils at
the earliest possible date for approval. Questions - please call me -
<<SHB2060 Interlocal agreement1.doc>>
Julie Triggs, PermIt Center Mgr./Office CoordInator
Clallam County Department of Community Development
223 East Fourth Street, SUite 5
Port Angeles, W A 98362
360.417.2443 FAX
.l~l~e qu:0n -, TE:XT,l1!~ -
_ <~ P':!9.e .1
Here is the final interlocal agreement for the dlstnbutlon of SHB2060 funds. I believe that we are ready
to go so please take to your councils at the earliest possible date for approval. Questions - please call me -
<<SHB2060 Interlocal agreement1.doc>>
Julie Triggs, Perrnlt Center Mgr.lOfflce Coordinator
Clallam County Department of Community Development
223 East Fourth Street, SUite 5
Port Angeles, WA 98362
360.417 .2321
360.417.2443 FAX
, [~Ike_ q~_lnn - .SH$?q60 -Ln\~~I()ca! agreeiT)~nt1 ~di<
!:,~g~ 1
referred to as the "Agreement" is entered Into by and between C1allam County, the Cities of Forks, Port Angeles
and SeqUlm.
WHEREAS, during the 2002 legislative season Substitute House Bill 2060 (SHB2060) was passed
recognizing hOUSing affordability as a significant problem for a large portion of sOCiety In many parts of
Washington State, and
WHEREAS, SHB 2060 establishes a $10.00 surcharge to be collected by the County Auditor for each
recorded document, which will be In addition to any other charge authorized by law, and
WHEREAS, the Auditor may retain up to five percent (5%) of the funds collected to administer the
collection of these funds, and
WHEREAS, of the remaining funds, forty percent (40%) of the revenue generated by thiS surcharge will
be transmitted to the state treasurer who will deposit the funds Into the Washington hOUSing trust account, and
WHEREAS, sixty percent (60%) of revenue generated through thIS surcharge will be retained by the
County and be deposited into a fund that must be used by the County and ItS Cities and towns for hOUSing or
units Within hOUSing projects that are affordable to very low-income persons with Incomes at or below fifty
percent of the area median income, and
WHEREAS, the remainder of the surcharge collected Will be transmitted to the State for statewide low
Income housing programs, and
WHEREAS, that portion of the surcharge retained by the County shall be allocated to very lOW-income
hOUSing projects through an interlocal agreement between the County and the Cities Within the County,
consistent With countywide and local hOUSing needs and poliCies.
WHEREAS, HOUSing PrOViders In C1allam County have reached consensus that the attached ExhIbit A IS
the process by which these funds shall be administered.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED through thiS Interlocal agreement that the cities of Forks, Port
Angeles and Sequim and C1allam County hereby agree that lOW-income housing funds generated by SHB2060
shall be administered as set forth In Exhibit A.
This Interlocal agreement shall remain In full effect until terminated by the parties.
Mayor Nedra Reed
Stephen P. Thannger, Chair
Michael C. Chapman
Mayor Glenn WigginS
Howard V. Doherty, Jr.
Ongmal # _ of SIX (6) ongmals
c \temp\shb2060 mterlocal agreementl doc
'[~Ike qUlnn : sFi~~OlfOi~te'rlo<?ar~'~tr~e~_~i1tT:~s>.~'
_.~Page 2
Mayor Walt Schubert
Applications for SHB2060 funding shall be required to show how the program addresses
the Continuum of Care goals and priorities.
2. The Clallam County United Way will evaluate applications for SHB funding on an annual
basis, to make funding recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. This evaluation
shall determine whether the proposals meet the requirements of the statute, and shall
rank the proposals on the basis of how effectively they address the priorities and goals set
forth in the Continuum of Care developed by the Shelter Providers Network.
3. The Board of Commissioners shall receive the recommendations of the United Way and
make final determinations of award.
4. Through an interlocal agreement with the County, the Housing Authority of Clallam
County will administer the SHB2060 program. This will include disseminating information
about the program, developing and distributing application forms, reviewing
reimbursement requests and authorizing payment to project awarded funding, and
making status reports to the County on an annual basis.
Ongmal # _ of six (6) orIgmals
c \templshb2060 mterlocal agreement I doc
S. lJ51 3
November 4, 2003
Michael Quinn, City Manager
Interlocal Agreement with Clallam County and Cities of Forks
and Sequim Regarding Distribution of SHB2060 Low Income Housing Funds
Summary: In 2002, the State Legislature established a surcharge of $10.00 on each recorded
document in the County Auditor's office in order to generate funds for low-income housing proj ects.
The legislation included the requirement that an Interlocal Agreement between the County and the
cities within the County be entered into for the administration of those funds.
Recommendation: That the City Council authorize the Mayor to sign the Interlocal
Agreement with Clallam County and the Cities of Forks and Sequim regarding distribution
of SHB2060 funds.
Back~round / Analysis: SHB2060 was adopted in 2002, establishing a surcharge for low-
income housing proj ects. A surcharge of$l 0.00 is collected by the County Auditor on each recorded
document, in addition to the other charges already imposed for document recording. The Auditor
may retain up to five percent of the funds collected to cover the administration costs for the
collection ofthe funds. In addition, forty percent ofthe funds collected are transmitted to the State
Treasurer for deposit into the Washington Housing Trust Account. The remaining sixty percent is
to be retained by the County for use by the County and its cities and towns for housing projects or
units within housing projects that are affordable to very low-income persons with incomes at or
below fifty percent of the area median income. The portion of the surcharge retained by the county
is to be allocated to very low-income housing projects or units within such housing projects m the
county and the cities within a county according to an interlocal agreement between the county and
the cities within the county, consistent with countywide and local houszng needs and polzcles [my
emphasis). It is for thIS reason that Clallam County IS now asking that we enter mto the Interlocal
Agreement; it has already been approved by the Cities of Forks and Sequim, and it enables the
disbursement of funds in all of Clallam County and its cities.
Exhibit A of the Interlocal Agreement establishes the funding process to be followed, to include
involvement on the part of United Way for evaluation and recommendation purposes, as well as the
Clallam County Housing Authority for fund administration. Revenue proj ections for Clallam
County are $65,000 - $85,000 per year. However, for 2003, revenues are estimated to be from
$25,000 - $35,000 due to a reduced collection period; applications will be considered on an annual
basis. Attachments
G \CNCLPKT\CTYMGR\Interlocal-County wpd
S. t..P5 ( J;<
, '-"
\ '. \-
referred to as the "Agreement:" Is entered into by and between Oallam County, the Oties of Forks, Port Angeles
and Sequim.
WHEREAS, during the 2002 legislative season Substitute House Bill 2060 (SHB2060) was passed
reoognizing housing affordability as a significant problem for a large portion of society in many parts of
Washington State, and
WHEREAS, SHB 2060 establishes a $10.00 surcharge to be collected by the County Auditor for each
recorded document, which will be in addition to any other charge authorized by law, and
WHEREAS, the Auditor may retain up to five percent (5%) of the funds collected to administer the
collection of these funds, and
WHEREAS, of the remaining funds, forty percent (40%) of the revenue generated by this surcharge will
be transmitted to the state treasurer who will deposit the funds into the Washington housing trust account, and
WHEREAS, sixty percent (60%) of revenue generated through this surcharge will be retained by the
County and be deposited into a fund that must be used by the County and its cities and towns for housing or
units within housing projects that are affordable to very low-income persons with incomes at or below fifty
percent of the area median income, and
, ,
WHEREAS, the remainder of the surcharge collected will be transmitted to the State for statewide low
income housing pr~r?ms, and
WHEREAS, triat portion of the surcharge retained by the County shall be allocated to very low-income
housing projects through an interlocal agreement between the County and the cities within the County,
consistent with countywide and local housing needs and policies.
WHEREAS, Housing Providers in Clallam County have reached consensus that the attached Exhibit A is
the process by which these funds shall be administered.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED through this interlocal agreement that the cities of Forks, Port
Angeles and Sequim and Clallam County hereby agree that low-income housing funds generated by SHB2060
shall be administered as set forth in Exhibit A.
This interlocal agreement shall remain in full effect until terminated by the parties.
-r<-, , -iJ I}
PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ;s - DAY OF 0.----1 viO-.J.2.--/
'. Chapman
Howard V. Doherty, Jr.
Mayor Walt Schubert
Original # lL of six (6) originals
Approvoct .. to form: (}1'\
am.tophcr Wc1l7
ChlclDeputy ProI~1 AtJ,otDJ:y
Cla11am County
j-\uscrs\bmartin\sharc\administration\issues\shb2060 inter10caJ agreement-doc
~~A /1,,~.o05
1. Applications for SHB2060 funding shall be required to show how the program addresses
the Continuum of Care goals and priorities.
2. The Clallam County United Way will evaluate applications for SHB funding on an annual
basis, to make funding recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. This evaluation
shall determine whether the proposals meet the requirements of the statute, and shall
rank the proposals on the basis of how effectively they address the priorities and goals set
forth in the Continuum of Care developed by the Shelter Providers Network.
3. The Board of Commissioners shall receive the recommendations of the United Way and
make final determinations of award.
4. Through an interlocal agreement with the County, the Housing Authority of Clallam
County will administer the SHB2060 program. This will include disseminating information
about the program, developing and distributing application forms, reviewing
reimbursement requests and authorizing payment to project awarded funding, and
making status reports to the County on an annual basis.
Original # _ of six (6) originals
J \use~\bmartm\share\admmistrallon\issues\shb2060 mterlocal agreement doc