HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.658 Original Contract
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5. l.RS8 :<,
Agreement No.,:
Name of Project:
City Project No.:
New Maximum Amount Payable:
LA 5617 & 5618
City of Port Angeles
8th Street Bridge Replacements
The Ci!y of Port Angeles (City) and Exeltech Consulting, Inc., (Consultant) desire to
supplement the standard Consultant Agreement executed on November 4, 2003.
All provisions in the Agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified in this
Supplemental Agreement as follows:
Section II, SCOPE OF WORK, shall be amended as follows:
The Scope of Work shall be supplemented to include the out of scope work that was
approved by the City of Port Angeles, as outlined in Change Controls 13 (Wetland Mitigation
Design), 14 (WSDOT Request for Historic Bridge Documentation), 17 (Streetscape Sketches
for Public Meeting), 18 (Bridge Soils Required Battered Piles and Bent Redesign), 23 (ESA
Critical Areas Analysis), 24 (Right of Way Title Reports and Construction Easement Plans),
25 (Traffic Analysis of Pine Street Connection and Cedar/Front), 27 (TS&L Design Re-
analysis), and 28 (Additional Sheets for Detail Foundation Design). Attached Exhibit B-1 a
(Scope of Work) supplements ExhiQit B-1 (Scope of Work) executed in the Standard
Consultant Agreement.
Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, remains the same.
Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows:
Maximum amounts payable for tasks have been modified from the original contract, as shown
I Original Contract Revised Contract
Amount Amount
(Executed on November 4, 2003\
Phase 1 $306,816.27 $284,138.49
Phase 2 $728,003.56 $705,621.65
Phase 3 $812,433.49 $1,041,457.15
Phase 4* $801,583.25* $798,838.28*
Management Reserve $50,000.00 $50,000.00
Contract Total $2,698,836.57 $2,880,055.57
*Phase 4 budget will be reviewed and if necessary, be revised by the Agency and Consultant
prior to the scheduled start of Phase 4.
Approved Change Controls (13,14,17,18,23; 24, 25, 27, and 28) with a total budget of
$181,219.00 shall constitute Supplement #1.
Payment shall continue to be cost plus fixed fee. Maximum additional payment for
Supplement #1 will be $181,219.00, amending the maximum amount payable to
$2,880,055.57. Attached Exhibit 8-2a (Task Order Agreement) replaces Exhibit B-2 (Task
Order Agreement) executed in the Standard Consultant Agreement, and defines maximum
amount payable for each phase of the project.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hav~xecuted this s plement and agree to the
changes as stated above as of this rr d , 0 5.
By ~~:v,~~ By
Date d., IJf~oS"
Agencylt~4 ~~ ()I1ffOf.-d/
Date (0-7-05
Consultant ~c.H &,;,rJSvu",,,~/
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Exhibit B-1 a
Supplemental Scope of Work for Approved Change Controls Beyond Original
Scope of Work
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project
City of Port Angeles and Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
Supplement Number 1 to Exeltech Project No. 0328 and City of Port Angeles
Project No. 02-15
. .
Exhibit B-1 a
Scope of Services
May 27, 2005
/~ --........,
Gary Kenworthy P.E.
Deputy Director of Engmeenng Services
City of Port Angeles
321 East Fifth Street
P.O. Boxl 150
Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217
':')'27,\ PC'~ln{Hll lone SVV'
01/mp'c \Ajj. QH.5d:) 57:l 1
I~: 30G 157 8L89
I,,, 360 3.'.>7 8,';>5
Re: 81b Street Bridges Replacements 02-15
Engmeenng Semces for Final Design
Dear Mr. Kenworthy:
This letter amends the letter sent to you on May 4, 2005 outlining the Cbange Controls that applied to
the Exeltech portIon of the contract amount. This lctter applies the Cbange Controls to the ennre
contract budget for Phase 3, Final DesIgn as submitted In the Apnl 30.2005 Budget Detail for the
On April 30, 2005, the contract budgct for Phase 3, Final DesIgn showed a Balance Remaining of
$120,157.51. Based on our level of effort over the last several months.lhe anticipated "cost to
complete" the Phase 3 100 % PS&E for the months of May, June and IJalfof August w1l1 be
approximately$3oo,850, excluding the additional scope and budget needed for Lochner to complete
the additional traffic analYSIS.
There were a number of prevIOusly approved Change Controls that were beyond the Scope and Budget
of the contract. These, along With a proposed Change Control for redesign of the bndge foundatlons
due to seismiC design and poor SOIls conditions, have caused the cost of1he project design to exceed
the original budget for the proJcct. The followmg IS a hst and descnption of the approved Change
Controls and the proposed Change Control that supports the poSlnon described above:
1. Change Control #13 - Wetland Mitigation Design - Task 60S
This cost was deferred when the project scope and budget was developed.
2. Change Control #14 - WSDOT Request for Histone Bndge Documentation
3. Change Control # 17 - City Requested Streetscape Sketches t<< public meeting
4. Change Control #18 - Bndge soils required battered piles and bent redesign
5. Change Control #23 - ESA Cntieal Areas Analysis - WSDOT request
6. Change Control #24 - R/W title reports/constrUctJon easemem plans
7. Change Control #25 - Lochner traffic analYSIS ofPme St. Cmm.. and CedarlFront
8. Change Control #27 - (Proposed) TS&L DeSign Re-analysls
9. Change Control #28 - (proposed) AdditIOnal sheets for detail foundahon deSlgn
Total Cost of Change Controls
:: ,-=,,1~t:11'!:: ~rll'l,:'l ~ r,I !...- 1'''=lf,....J th.] \/,,'(
Exhibit 8-1a
Scope of Services
Items # I through 7 were previously chscussed and approved by the City through the Change Control
administratIve review procedure established in the contract. Items 8 and 9 bave not been processed
and are included as an attachment to this letter. Your approval this Change Control #27 and #28 and
request for additional budget to cover aU previously approved change controls defined above would
greatly IDItigate the impacts to Exeltech and our management of the project design.
Your consideration and approval of this request would be greatly appreciated.
Bernie Chaplin, PLA
Project Manager
Santosh Kuruvilla
Exhibit B-1 a
Scope of Services
,a'me: Jeff Bohman
Change Control Plan
Date: CK!ober7, 2004
Change Tracking Number: Entrix
"fI:. / ~
Chanae Descriotion
Identify change A moderate change in scope far Entrix includes preparation of a
(please note If change will be minor, Wetland Mitigation Plan for designing replacement wetlands for
moderate, or substantial) unanticipated wetland impacts by the proposed project. The
biology report identified potential wetland impacts and
recommended mitigation strategies. This scope change reflects
the additional work that did not include any budget during the
initial scooina and budaet develooment for the oroiect.
Analyze effects of change The additional scope to prepare plans and specifications for
(please note scope, cost, and quality wetland replacement includes additional biological design, plan
effects) preparation, and specification writing for the contract documents.
Scope of work will be included in Task 608, Mitigation Design, with
. an estimated cost $14,208. Budget will be transferred from the
following Exeltech Tasks:
. Task 301 $ 1.91
. Task 302 $2,441.11
. Task 306 $ 348.74
. Task 320 $ 43.57
. Task 380 $ 33.40
. Task 390 $2,237.10
. Task 401 $,9.102.17
Total $14.208
Response strategy Completion of the task is necessary to complete the NEPA, SEPA
and permitting far the project.
Strategy communication and The scope of work and budget have been negotiated between
endorsement Entrix and Exeltech.
(please note how and who)
Work plan revisions This effort was identified in the scope of work but not budgeted
until the level of effort is clarified.
Exhibit B-1 a
Scope of Services
Change Control Plan
Name: Jeffrev R. Bohman
Date: 11/05/04
Change Tracking Number:
;Jt It(
Chanae Descriotion
Identify change New, out-of-scope changes needed to Cultural Resources
(please note if change will be minor, Technical Report, at estimated cost of $1,807. This represents a
moderate, or substantial) moderate, but unavoidable change that must be addressed to
meet reoortina reauirements.
Analyze effects of change WSDOT change of determination in eligibility status of bridges
(please note scope, cost, and quality necessitates unanticipated changes to cultural resources technical
effects) reports in most report sections: inventory forms for both bridges,
map of eligible properties, and Affected Environment, Impacts,
Mitigation, Unavoidable Adverse Impacts, and Significance of
Impacts sections, induding text, tables and graphics.
Response strategy Provide supplemental budget in amount of $1,807, as per
attached, to address changes.
Strategy communication and Change reviewed and acknowledged in preliminary discussion
endorsement between ENTRIX and Exeltech on 11/5/04.
(please note how and who)
Work plan revisions This does not represent a revision of the overall work plan, but
Simply a change in the work required within one element of the
work plan (the Cultural Resources Technical Report).
Other Comments:
This does not include cost of response to comments that mayor may not be requested upon
review of our revisions. Because there may not be any requested, we did not want to seek any
budget if it turns out to be unnecessary.
Acknowledged and signed by:
/, Change Advocate
if I (~
" P 1ect Manager
1/ A-ALJ
, Date I
Exhibit B-1a
Scope of Services
Change Control Plan
Name: Olympic Design Works (ODW)
Date: January 19, 2005
Change Tracking Number: Olvmo\c Desion Works #1
Chanae DescrlDtion
Identify change A minor change in work that includes preparation of two colored
(please note If change will be minor, perspective renderings of the bridge entrance/exit and viewpoints.
moderate, or substantial) The change came as a result of a meeting of ODW, the aty and
Analyze effects of change The additional scope to prepare two perspective renderings of the
(please note scope, cost, and quality bridges includes additional streetscape detailing of the plans, plan
effects) preparation of streetscape elements, and coordination with
Exeltech, rendering subconsultant and the City of Port Angeles
Public Works Department
Scope of work will be included in Task 510, Streetscape Design
Report, with an estimated cost of~. See the attached
breakdown of costs.
Budget will be transferred from the following Exeltech Tasks:
. Task 401 $ 17.05
. Task 402 $ 1,182.95
Total $ 1,200.00
Response strategy Completion of the task Is necessary to complete the Streetscape
preliminary design that will serve as the basis for public
communication, City Council communication and approval, and for
final design and construction plans for the streetscape elements of
the project.
Strategy communication and The scope of work and budget have been negotiated between
endorsement ODW and Exeltech.
(please note how and who)
A Supplemental Agreement between ODW and Exeltech will
formalize this chanae of budaet.
Work plan revisions This effort was not identified In the project scope of work or
budget but determined necessary to communicate the
- -- ~ ~-~ * - - - recommenclectstreetscape elements to the-public. ----
Other Comments:
This Change Control was prepared after the work was completed due to potential unknowns
regarding the review and revision of the renderings.
t1 /#~/cJ..J-
: M c,;S
Exhibit B-1 a
Scope of Services
Change Control Plan
Name: Exeltech Consulting
Date: March 3, 2005
Change Tracking Number:
Exeltech Change COntrol #1r i 91
Chal1Qe Description
Identify change The substantial complexity of bridge plans requires additional
(please note if change will be minor, budget over originally planned amount.
moderate, or substantial)
Analyze effects of change No change in scope or overall budget for Exeltech. Bottom line in
(please note scope, cost, and quality Phase 3 will not change. $56,000 will be transferred from
effects) Exeltech's Task 603 budget (Ovil Plans) to Exeltech's Task 604
budget (Bridge Plans) to cover complexity of bridge plans.
Response strategy Budget transfer will allow completion of bridge plans within the
revised budget.
Strategy communication and This Change Control will formalize this budget transfer.
(please note how and who)
Work plan revisions This extent of complexity was not anticipated in the original
project budget, but can still be completed within phase and overall
Exeltech budget.
Other Comments:
Date I
Oty of Port Angeles
Exhibit B-1 a
Scope of Services
Change Control Plan
Name: Jeff Bohman
Date: March 15, 2005
Change Tracking Number: Entrix
Exeltech #23
Chanae Descriotion
Identify change A minor change in scope for Entrix includes preparation of an
(please note if change will be minor, addendum to the Biological Assessment to address NOAA Rsheries'
moderate, or substantial) recent publication of proposed species and critical habitat.
Additionally, the remaining budget of $10.61 in Task 305 will be
transferred to Task 401 in order to close out Phase 1 of the
Analyze effects of change The additional scope to prepare an addendum to the Biological
(please note scope, cost, and quality Assessment includes an estimated cost of $1,218. Scope of work
effects) will be included in Task 401 (Discipline Reports & Biological
Assessment). Budget of $1,218 will be transferred from Northwest
Economic Associates' remaining budget in Task 401. Entrix budget
in Task 401 will then be $112,661.28 and overall budget will be
$158,998.85. NEA's budget In Task 401 will be reduced to
$15,659.69 and overall budget to $22,781.79.
To close out Phase 1 of the project, $10.61 will be transferred
from Task 305 to Task 401.
Response strategy Completion of the task is necessary to make sure that Endangered
Species Act regulations are fulfilled.
Strategy communication and The scope of work and budget have been negotiated between
endorsement Entrix and Exeltech.
(please note how and who)
Work plan revisions This effort was not identified in the original scope of work or
budget The scope of work will be completed within existing
project budget
Other Comments:
Approvedand signed bZ: /
~"( .? .
jf,;<!J 0~---4-t?;
Change Adyetate
./);:/ /;.- ,r
/y/;41~//;/ / { j.,('7r:'}-'>
Date' /
Project Manager
. .
Exhibit B-1a
Scope of Services
Name: Jim Wengler, Wengler Surveying
Change Control Plan
Date: March 25, 2005
Change Tracking Number: Wengler #2 Exeltech # 24
Chanae ' Descriotion
Identify change At the request of the aty, right-of-way plans will be prepared that
(please note if change will be minor, will include obtaining title searches, block and lot calculations,
moderate, or substantial) construction easement calculations, and preparation of plans.
Scope will be added to Wenaler SurvevinCl to accomplish.
Analyze effects of change The change will allow the dty and WSDOT to proceed with
(please note scope, cost, and quality acquisition of construction easements for the project prior to going
effectS) to contract. This is beyond the original scope of Wengler
Surveying. Cost is estimated to be $6,933.03 to be added to Task
Response strategy Budget to be transferred from Exeltech Task 690, $262.90; and
NEA budget $6,670.13.
Strategy communication and This Change Control will formalize the budget transfer.
(please note how and who)
Work plan revisions The scope of the project will not change.
Other Comments:
rk //.-- ----
//?:-fy.w-#1 ,;Z ,<j , ~~ <."
/ Date '
;ll~~ ,;2 Z ,~
Date /
City of Port Angeles
Exhibit B-1 a
Scope of Services
Change Control Plan #4
Name: H.W. Lochner Date: April 25. 2005
Change Tracking Number: Lochner # 4 Exeltech #25
Chamle Description
Identify change Conduct a Traffic Analysis and prepare an addendum
(please note if change wUl be minor, memorandum identifying additional mitigation measures to
moderate, or substantial) accommodate total closures for each of the two bridges over
valley Street and Tumwater Truck Route on 8th Street.
Analyze effects of change The results of the analysis will provide the necessary data to
(please note scope, cost, and quality determine the level of traffic control mitigation for the traffic
effects) detours during the closures of bridges during construction. The
analysis, documentatlon and follow-up plans are outlined In the
attached scope of work. Estimated cost is $39,628.72.
Budget will be added to Lochner Task 605; from Exeltech Tasks
603, 605, 620 and 690.
Response strategy
The results of the analysis will outline specific strategies on what
should be undertaken to mitigate traffic impacts during
constructIon. Options could include additional signing, traffic tum
Dockets. or temoorarv sianals.
Strategy communication The proposed plan has been reviewed and preliminarily approved
and endorsement by the City Engineer and Civil Engineer for the City (Gary
(please note how and who) Kenworthy and Jim Mahlum).
Work plan revisions The planned work is not included in the original scope of work and
requires a Supplemental Agreement between Exeltech and
Lochner. The Supplement has been approved by Lochner.
)/;, /(15
DatE( (
City of Port Angeles
Exhibit B-1 a
Scope of Services
Change Descriotion
Identify change Increased level of effort and additional justification of
(please note if change will be T.S. & L. Report
minor, moderate, or substantial) Major change - WSDOT review of T.S. & L. effort
required additional justification to rationalize the bridge
type selection.
Analyze effects of change Additional justification required to respond to WSDOT's
(please note scope, cost, and comments on the T. S. & L. report necessitated the need
quality effects) to complete a more detailed life-cycle cost analysis to
rationalize bridge type selection.
Cost was approximately $15,000 to perform the
additional analysis and support for the selected design.
Response strategy
We recommend following thru with this change since it
results in a more context sensitive sustainable solution,
Le., slant leg bridge which best addresses local
concerns and in-situ conditions.
Strategy communication
and endorsement
(please note how and who)
Work plan revisions
. . ~
Exhibit B-1a
Scope of Services I
Change Descriotion
Identify change Redesign and detailing of differing slant leg foundations
(please note if change will be at each side of both bridges.
minor, moderate, or substantial) Major change - Geotechnical investigations have
encountered dissimilar soil conditions at the slant leg
foundation locations at each side of both bridges.
Analyze effects of change This dissimilarity has resulted in two (2) sets of designs
(please note scope, cost, and and detailing at both (east and west) foundation
quality effects) locations at both bridges for various options of bridge
closure. This foundation anomaly has also necessitated
the need for additional geotechnical criteria at both
foundation locations and increased coordination with
geotechnical subconsultant.
The 2 sets of foundation designs have also resulted in
additional engineering and detailing effort. Original
SOW anticipated approximately 80 structural drawings
for both bridges. With this new complexity we are
anticipating 110 to 120 structural drawings resulting in
45% to 50% additional detailing and production effort.
Cost of this effort was a minimum of $45,000.
Response strategy We recommend following thru ,with this change, since
bridge foundations have to be designed to fit site
Strategy communication
and endorsement
(please note how and who)
Work plan revisions
Exhibit B-2a
Scope of Work
(Task Order Agreement)
Each item of work under this AGREEMENT will be provided by task assignment. Each assignment will be
individually negotiated with the CONSULTANT. The amount established for each assignment will be the
maximum amount payable for that assignment unless modified in writing by the AGENCY. The AGENCY is
not obligated to assign any specific number oftasks to the CONSULTANT, and the AGENCY'S and
CONSULTANT'S obligations hereunder are limited to tasks assigned in writing. Task assignments may
include but are not limited to, the following types of work:
Task assignments made by the AGENCY shall be issued in writing by a Formal Task Assignment Document
similar in format to page 2 of this exhibit.
An assignment shall become effective when a formal Task Assignment Document is signed by the
CONSULTANT and the AGENCY, except that emergency actions requiring a 24-hour or less response can be
handled by an oral authorization. Such oral authorization shall be followed up a Formal Task Assignment
Document within four working days, and any billing rates agreed to orally (for individuals, subconsultants, or
organizations whose rates were not previously established in the AGREEMENT) shall be provisional and
subject to final negotiation and acceptance by the AGENCY.
Page 1 of 5
Exhibit B-2a
Formal Task Assignment Document
Task Number Phase 1
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement LA 5617/18
Task Assignment.
shall be in full force and effect for this
Location of Project: Port Angeles, Washington
Project Title: 8th Street Brid2e Replacements
Maximum Amount Payable Per Task Assignment: $284.138.49
Completion Date:
Description of Work:
(Note attachments and give brief description)
Phase 1 - Alternatives Analysis and Type, Size & Location
Agency Project Manager Signature: A \ -. K <::> -
Oral Authorization Date: See Letter Dated:
Consultant Signature: Date:
Agency Approving Authority:
6 /~z.ooS-
Date: lo-1-D~
Page 2 of 5
. .
Exhibit B-2a
Formal Task Assignment Document
Task Number Phase 2
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement LA 5617/18
Task Assignment.
shall be in full force and effect for this
Location of Project: Port Angeles. Washington
Project Title: 8tb Street Brid2e Replacements
Maximum Amount Payable Per Task Assignment: $705.621.65
Completion Date:
Description of Work:
(Note attachments and give brief description)
Phase 2 - NEP AlSEP A Environmental Studies and Documentation and Preliminary Design
Agency Project Manager Signature:
t./Y'J cO'
, I
Agency Approving Authority:
See Letter Dated:
Oral Authorization Date:
Consultant Signature:
Date: b 1y(2<;)QS
Date: /.t; - 7 ~ /) 5
(Page 3 of 5
Exhibit B-2a
Formal Task Assignment Document
Task Number Phase 3
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement LA 5617/18
shall be in full force and effect for this Task
Location of Project: Port Angeles. Washington
Project Title: 8th Street Bridee Replacements
Maximum Amount Payable Per Task Assignment: $1.041 A57 .15
Completion Date:
Description of Work:
(Note atta~hments and give brief description)
Phase 3 - Final Design and Plans, Specifications & Estimate
Agency Project Manager Signature:
~~\-. V(
oat: 4/ 1)/ ~
Agency Approving Authority:
See Letter Dated:
Oral Authorization Date:
Consultant Signature:
Date: ~ 1'JfZ:,fI '>
Date: ~ - 7- ()~
Page 4 of 5
. .
. .
Exhibit B-2a
. .
Formal Task Assignment Document
Task Number Phase 4
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement
Task Assignment.
LA 5617/18
shall be in full force and effect for this
Location of Project: Port Angeles. Washington
Project Title: 8th Street Bride:e Replacements
Maximum Amount Payable Per Task Assignment: $798.838.28
Completion Date:
Description of Work:
(Note attachments and give brief description)
Phase 4 - Construction Management
Agency Project Manager Signature: ~ l_.
Oral Authorization Date: - \
GI/f'/ O~
Consultant Signature:
See Letter Dated:
~ ~ Date: "/J/~S-
~a ~ ~ Date: (/J-'7-tJ5
Agency Approving Authority:
Page 5 of 5
, \.,f'
(p /!5;lc b
5. 058 3,
4. - .
THIS AMENDMENT NO.3 is made and entered into this StA. day of ~~ Jl ~ ~ ,
2006, by and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non-charter code ci of the State of
Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY") and Exeltech, Inc., a Washington Corporation
(hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT").
WHEREAS, the CITY entered in to an AGREEMENT with the CONSULTANT on November 4,
2003, (the AGREEMENT) and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to amend the AGREEMENT to revise the Scope of Work,
Budget, and Time of Performance
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the representations and the terms, conditions,
covenants and agreements set forth in the original AGREEMENT and this AMENDMENT, the
parties hereto agree as follows:
The scope of professional services to be performed and the results to be achieved by the
CONSULTANT pursuant to the Agreement shall be amended to read as shown in the attached
Exhibit B-1. The Scope of Work shall include all services and material necessary to
accomplish the work.
The work for all Tasks shall be completed by December 16, 2006. The schedule for
completion for the tasks added by the amendment shall be as detailed in Exhibit B-1.
The CONSULTANT'S total compensation and reimbursement are stated in the attached
Exeltech Letter Dated May 1,2006 and detailed in Exhibits B-2, C, D-1, G, and G-1. The
budget for this amendment may be further adjusted by mutual agreement without an
amendment to the Agreement, as long as the lump sum compensation $622,500 for this
amendment is not exceeded.
Amendment No 3 to Exeltech Agreement
Page I of2
Except as modified herein, the original Agreement and its Exhibits shall remain in effect.
In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment NO.3 to the
Agreement as of the day and year first written above.
TITLE: ~~'~T
~t-J~Uc.."t:,~~, 'foJc...
Amendment No 3 to Exeltech Agreement
Page 2 of2
..~ "v
May 1, 2006
2627/', Parkmont Lc11lC SW
OI/mOld, WA 98502-5751
Mr. Gary Kenworthy, PE,
Deputy Director of Engineenng/City Engineer
Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department
City Hall, 321 E. Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, Washington 98632
eel 31-0 35/ >i289
fill< }60357 8275
SdfltCS~l@X:t( 01 CO'll
Subject: Engineering Estimate for redesigning 8th Street Bridge Replacements from Steel Slant
Leg spans to Standard WSDOT Prestressed Girder Spans, Project 02-15
Dear Mr. Kenworthy:
As you well know, we are all very disappointed with the outcome of the bid results on the previously
designed Steel Slant Leg Bridges. Given all the options you had at your disposal, we are indeed
honored and extremely thankful that you have decided to retain Exeltech Consulting, Inc. for
redesign services on the 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project. Thank You!
As a follow-up to our previous discussions we are including the following items for your review and
1. Scope of Work, Version - May 1, 2006
2. Detail of Labor Hours and Direct Expenses for Exeltech (High and Low Versions) and all our
subconsultants detailing work break down structure (WBS), hours, labor categones,
overhead, profit, direct costs composition, etc.
In your review of Item 2 above you will see two (2) versions for Engineering Estimate for redesign,
the High version for $738,218.42 and the Low version for $622,656.93. Essentially, the difference
between the two versions is that the Low version zeroes out the fixed fee or profit, and does not
allow any time for project administratIve costs. This;s our good faith effort in minimizing additional
engineenng cost incurred by the City which IS not funded by WSDOT. Estimates received from our
subconsultants were roughly 20% to 50% higher than currently shown individual subconsultant
estimates; subsequent negotiations have resulted in the lower $104,667.24 estimate for
subconsultants, and are more in line with lower budget (Low Version) approach for redesign.
If you find our proposal acceptable, we would like to suggest that a lump sum Professional Services
Agreement be executed for $622,500.00.
Should you have any questions regarding this submittal please don't hesitate to call me at (360)
357 8289 (x 117) or (206) 713 1241 (Cell).
Respectfully Submitted,
Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
Santosh J. Kuruvilla, PE, SE, PMP
Project Director/President
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Exhibit B-1
May 1, 2006
Scope of Work
Phase 3A
8th Street Bridges Replacement Project
Bridge Redesign
Exhibit B-1
Scope of Services
City of Port Angeles
8th Street Bridges Replacement Bridge Redesign, Project 02-15
Version Date: May 1, 2006
101. References
201. Project Management GUIde Update
202. Monthly Progress Reports
203. Project Schedule and Earned Value Report
204. Coordination
205. Project Management Deliverables
601. Revise Biological Assessment, Biology Report Addendum, and
Archaeological Report
602. Prepare Revised Documented CE and SEPA DNS
603. Update Environmental Permits
604. Mitigation Design
605. Update Public Information Plan
606. Revised Design Report - 30% Final Design
607. Traffic Circulation Redesign for Double Bridge Closure
608. Revised Final Geotechnical Report
609. Revised Hydraulic Analysis and Report
610. Revised Utilities Design Report
611. Preparation of 100% Civil Plans
612. Final Bridge Design - 100% Plans
613. Final Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) Deliverables
801. Intra-Inter Discipline QC Review
802. Calculations QC Review
803. Drawings QC Review
804. Specifications QC Review
805. Opinion of Probable Construction Cost QC Review
806. DocumenUTechnlcal Reports QC Review
807. Constructabllity Review
May 1, 2006
Exhibit B-1
Scope of Services
City of Port Angeles
Phase 3A - 8th Street Bridges Replacement Project Bridge Redesign
This Scope of Work outlines provisions for redesign of the Valley Creek and Tumwater
Creek Bridges on 8th Street. These bridges will be designed and constructed as five-
span or six-span concrete girder bridges that will carry two 12 foot travel lanes, two 5
foot bicycle lanes, two 6 % foot sidewalks, and two outside 1 % foot concrete rails. Total
bridge width will be 50 feet.
This redesign replaces the prevIous steel slant leg design that was advertised for
construction in Summer 2006 with contractor bids that were opened on February 10,
2006 and exceeded the engineers estimate by approximately $8 million. After analyzing
various options and consultation with the Washington State Department of
Transportation, the City has decided to pursue a more conventional concrete pre-
stressed girder bridge design in order to provide a bridge crossing within the federal cost
limitation of $20 Million.
The approach to the redesign is to proceed directly into preliminary design of a five-span
or six-span concrete pre-stressed girder bridge, hold a public open house/meeting within
two months of Notice to Proceed (NTP) to share and obtain public comment on the 30%
design. Total design time is estimated to be 7 months. Design reviews will be submitted
to the City at the 30% (1 % months after NTP), 90% (5 % months after NTP) and 100%
(7 months after NTP) stages of design. It is generally assumed that NTP will be issued
at the City Council Meeting of May 16, 2006.
Based on our contacts with several contractors during Exeltech's analysis of the
previous bids, a common response by contractors was to reduce overall construction
risk, and that both bridges should be closed concurrently during construction. Based on
thiS response, contingency scope items have been added for traffiC analysis and traffic
control for simultaneous bridge closure during construction.
Assumptions upon which this scope of work is based include:
1. It is assumed that no additional survey work will be needed.
2. The Social/Economic DiSCipline Report, Geology and SOils Discipline Report,
Visual Quality Discipline Report, Hazardous Materials DIscipline Report, and all
Technical Memorandums will not require updating.
3. No TS&L for the five-span or six-span concrete prestressed girder bridge will be
4. It IS generally assumed that the five-span or six-span conventional WSDOT
concrete prestressed girder bridge design will fit existing site surface and sub-
surface conditions, and that no specialized exploration or analysis other than the
norm for a conventional WSDOT concrete prestressed girder bridge Will be
5. Span arrangements, girder details, deck details, substructure details at both
locations (Valley Creek and Tumwater Creek) will be identical.
6. Architectural design such as archltecturallumniare and architectural bridge
railing from previous slant leg bridge design will be incorporated into this design
Without extensive rework. Else, standard WSDOT Bridge Pedestrian (BP)
Railing With standard luminaries will be used.
101. References
May 1, 2006
Exhibit B-1
This Scope of Work has been developed to coincide with the onglnal
Scope of Work in Agreement LA 5617/18, dated October 9, 2003 and
supplemental agreements. Overall project phasing, Phase 1 -
Alternatives Analysis & T.S. & L., Phase 2 - NEPA/SEPA Environmental
Studies and Documentation and Preliminary Design, Phase 3 - Final
Design and P.S.&E., and Phase 4 - Construction Management still
remain the same. Those sections not used from the original scope, are
denoted as "Not Used". This Scope of Work assumes that any necessary
redesign work associated with the five-span or six-span concrete
prestressed girder bndges will be completed under this Scope of Work,
Phase 3A - 8th Street Bridges Replacement Project Bridge Redesign,
which includes any updating of enVIronmental documents and permits.
The Consultant shall provide clear and concise documentation of work progress,
including coordinating work products by the design team that are critical to the overall
design effort. This task shall include the preparation of monthly progress reports and
monthly schedule reports.
201. Project Management Guide Update (Primary Responsibility -
In order to closely monitor, define, and schedule work products, the
Consultant will update the Project Guide prepared at the outset of the
project. The Project GUide will include chapters devoted to the following:
Project Plan, Directory, Budget Baseline, Schedule Baseline, Scope
Baseline, Dellverables Log, Communications Plan, Change Control Plan,
CADD Management, Project Closeout, and Cost Management, including
electronic schedule using Primavera Suretrak Scheduling software.
Assumption: Primanlya one-time setup activity.
Project Guide
202. Monthly Progress Reports (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Monthly progress reports shall be prepared to document work occurring
for each task. Monthly reports shall be forwarded to the project manager
for review and shall form the basis for tracking the progress of work
throughout the Project life.
Assumption: Anticipate seven (7) month project life cycle for
redesign effort.
Deliverable: Anticipate seven (7) Monthly Progress Reports
203. Project Schedule and Earned Value Report (Primary Responsibility -
The Consultant shall provide a schedule report that provides a concise
status of the work and critical Project milestones. The Consultant shall
use a single graphic to show both a summary schedule In bar-chart form
and a progress curve that allows comparison earned value of actual work
done to the baseline budget and the actual expenditures. The main
May 1, 2006 4
Exhibit B-1
elements of work completed shall be covered In more detail In the body of
the monthly narrative report. These reports shall be forwarded to the
project manager by the 10th of each month for the prevIous month's
activities. The Consultant shall make these reports available In electronic
format using Pnmavera (Suretrak) scheduling software.
Monthly Progress Schedule and Earned Value
204. Coordination (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
The Consultant shall provide thorough and continuous coordination to
ensure the overall success of the Project. The Consultant shall
accomplish this on multiple levels for the various disciplines involved. In
addition to the overall agency coordination required for this Project, the
Consultant shall provide in-house coordination as follows. The
Consultant shall hold monthly meetings or conference calls with the City's
project manager to provide an overall briefing of project activities. The
Consultant Will hold bi-weekly project team meetings that the City's
project manager is invited to attend.
Coordination meetings shall be required as part of this Project. For the
benefit of interested public entitles, the Consultant IS available to provide
project-related presentations to local Individuals or groups as requested.
The Consultant shall also prOVide briefings or assist in briefings to the
local governmental councils as reqUired.
Assumptions: Project period will be seven (7) months, two (2)
meetings/month, each meeting one (1) hour in length
Deliverable: Wntten summaries of all meetings. Action item
log that identifies actions or needs and resolution date and type
205. Project Management Deliverables (Primary Responsibility -
The Project Guide will outline all the Project Management deliverables for
the project.
Assumption: Direct expenses for mileage will be reimbursed at
the current Washington State Private Owned Vehicle Rate
Deliverable: Monthly Invoices will be per WSDOT LAG Manual
requirement for a cost plus fixed fee contract.
Not Used
Not Used
Not Used
May I, 2006
Exhibit B-1
601. Revise Biological Assessment, Biology Report Addendum, and
Archaeological Report (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech;
Secondary Responsibility - Northwest Archaeological Associates
Revise Biological Assessment, Archaeological Report, and Biology
Report Addendum based on bndge redesign, and resubmit to the City
and WSDOT Local Programs for forwarding on to FHWA and other
agencIes for approval. DiSCipline Report formats will continue to follow
EPM outlines.
Assumption: The Social/Economic Discipline Report, Geology and
Soils Discipline Report, Visual Quality Discipline Report, Hazardous
Materials Discipline Report, and all Technical Memorandums will not
reqUIre updating.
Archaeological Report (Primary Responsibility -
Northwest Archaeological Associates (NWAA))
The previous cultural resources technical report (Entnx 2004)
and available information concerning the project area including
soils and cultural data will be revIewed. Tasks will Include the
1. Background Research/Coordination - The Lower Elwha
Klallam Tnbe will be contacted regarding their participation
in the project and schedule of field work.
2. Field Work - Archaeologists will examine the location of
each support column uSing pedestnan transects spaced no
more than 3 meters apart. After examining each area and
In coordination with the geotechnical team, NWAA will dig
a shovel probe at the location of each geotech bore hole.
The shovel probes are estimated to extend to a depth of
less than 100 cm. Geotech excavation below thiS pOint will
be monitored by NWAA's archaeologist until non-Holocene
deposits are encountered. The location of probes and
geotech bore holes will be recorded uSing a GPS unit and
observations made while surveYing, digging probes and
monitoring geotechnical borings will be recorded on NWAA
field forms. Geotechnical bore hole locations and contents
Will be documented with photographs and sketches. No
artifacts Will be collected.
3. Analysis & Site Form Preparation - A map will be prepared
of the study area using the GPS data and design plans.
Stratigraphic profiles Will be reproduced graphically and
assembled with their matrix descriptions and digital
photographs as needed.
4. The results of these investigations will be presented in a
technical memo report for submission to the City, the
Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT), and
the State HistOriC Preservation Office. Draft and final
versions of the technical memo will be prepared presenting
results of field investigations, analyses, recommendations,
and mitigation strategies, if applicable.
May 1, 2006
Exhibit B-1
Assumptions: NWAA's technical memo will Include the tasks
accomplished by NWAA and will not duplicate the information
presented in the previous cultural resources technical report
(ENTRIX 2004). The Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe has been
notified of the redesign project and continued archaeological
assessment as part of WSDOT's Section 106 responsibility to
consult with affected tribes; locations of the geotechnical bore
holes will be marked on the ground either Immediately prior to
or at the time of NWAA's field investigations.
602. Prepare Revised Documented CE and SEPA DNS (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech)
Prepare Revised ECS and SEPA documentation based on bridge
redesign. Re-submit ECS to WSDOT Local Programs and FHWA and
SEPA documentation to City for review and approval.
Assumption: One (1) round of revisions to the Revised ECS and
Deliverables: Two (2) copies of Revised ECS for City, WSDOT
and FHWA for 30-day review; Consultant to incur cost of
advertisement In newspaper
603. Update Environmental Permits (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Prepare revised applications for permits from the regulatory agencies
including Hydraulic Project Approval from Washington Department of Fish
and Wildlife; Nationwide permit from United States Army Corps of
Engineers; 401 Water Quality Certification from the Washington
Department of Ecology.
Assumption: Consultant will coordinate with WDFW; WSDOT will
coordinate With the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe; City to submit
applications to agencies and pay any permit fees
Deliverable: Permit applications (excluding fees)
604. Mitigation Design (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Based upon findings of new wetland impacts, as documented in Biology
Discipline Report Addendum, a revised mitigation design will be
Deliverable: Wetland mitigation plans
605. Update Public Information Plan (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Prepare Public Information Plan
B. Conduct one public open house once bridge redesign concept has
been determined. Draft, prepare and post display advertisement.
Draft text for mailed notices publiCizing the event. Draft news release
publicizing the event. Draft text for one (1) handout for distribution at
the open house. Coordinate logistiCS for event, including room set-up
and presentation. Set up and break down event.
May 1, 2006 7
Exhibit B-1
Assumptions: One (1) four-hour open house at City Hall for one
hundred (100) people, Consultant to prepare notices for mailing
and newspaper publication; Consultant will incur costs for
duplication of up to five hundred (500) notices; Consultant will
develop mailing list that will be approved by the City; City is to be
billed for ad In one (1) edition of the Peninsula Daily Newspaper;
City to mail notices.
Deliverables: Wntten Summary of Comments received; Four
(4) exhibits; 500 mailing notices.
606. Revised Design Report - 30% Final Design (Primary Responsibility-
The Design Report will be updated to record the reevaluations of the
various disciplines, which result in design recommendations and, after
review and concurrence by the City, will provide the approved deSign.
The Design Report is instrumental in preparation of the R/W plans and
the PS&E. The Design Report must receive concurrence from the City
prior to beginning work on the PS&E.
New roadway sections will be analyzed to reduce the roadway widths.
Minor roadway section reviSions may be necessary on SR 117.
One bridge alternative, either the five-span or six-span concrete
prestressed girder bridge will be advanced to Final Bridge Redesign. In
thiS Design Report stage, previous DeSign Report will be revised to
Include 30% set of drawings showing Final Type, Size and Location of the
selected five-span or six-span concrete prestressed girder bndge and a
30% bridge cost estimate will be developed.
Assumptions: A five-span or six-span prestressed concrete
bridge will be the preferred alternative. The span configuration will
be the same for both Valley and Tumwater Creek bndges. The
deSign and detailing will Incorporate AASHTO and WSDOT
standard practices. Plans will be developed using English Units of
1. 30% Design Report Document
2. Horizontal and Vertical Alignment Plans
3. Typical Roadway Sections
4. Preliminary Cost Estimates for Redesign
5. Final Approach and Methods Report
6. Identify Utility Conflicts
7. 30% Preliminary Project Recommendations
8. 30% Preliminary Bridge DeSign Drawings
9. 30% Preliminary Bndge Cost Estimate
607. Traffic Circulation Redesign for Double Bridge Closure (Primary
Responsibility - Lochner)
Conduct additional traffic analysis and prepare an addendum
memorandum Identifying additional mitigation measures to accommodate
May 1, 2006 8
Exhibit B-1
the concurrent closures of both the Tumwater Creek and the Valley Creek
Bndges on the 8th Street Bndge project. Tasks will Include:
1. Additional Circulation Analysis:
Perform additional traffic analysIs and recommended mitigation as
necessary at the following locations:
o Marine Drive and Cedar Street
o SR 101 (Laundsen Blvd) and Pine Street! Black Diamond
Rd connecter Roadway
a. Prepare memorandum summanzmg analysis and Identifying any
necessary reVisions to the Traffic Control Plans.
b. Prepare for and Participate in one Open House In Port Angeles.
c. Coordinate with each of the following stakeholders: Clallam
Transit, City's police and fire emergency response, City's traffic
department and Port Angeles school distnct.
2. Illumination, Signing and Stnplng - Review and revise illumination,
signing and stnpping plans as necessary (sheets CH 01-CH06)
3. Prepare additional and/ or revise temporary Traffic Control plans as
necessary. Anticipate revision to Sheet TC 04 and TC 05. Possibly
add additional sheet for possible detour routing.
4. Revise specification and cost estimate as necessary.
Temporary Signals as originally deSign will be in place during
closure of the Bridges at:
o Marine Drive and Tumwater Street
o SR 101 and Pine Street cut-off ,
The new signal as originally designed at 8th Street and Pine Street
will remain.
. There are no anticipated changes to the Traffic Signal Sheets
. The illumination as originally designed for both bridges will remain
the same. The pole spacing and luminarie placement will remain
Alternate Traffic Circulation Study Report
608. Revised Final Geotechnical Report (Primary Responsibility-
The Consultant shall proVide the necessary geotechnical services for
update of environmental and Design Report documents. Perform
geotechnical field explorations and engineering studies to develop
geotechnical recommendations for redeSign of the project
Permits, including biological assessments/opinions and any
necessary permits from WSDOT Will be obtained by the City
May 1, 2006
Exhibit B-1
and Exeltech, with support from PanG EO in the form of a
field exploration plan.
Traffic control and lane closure of SR-117 will be needed to
access the locations for the bOrings at Tumwater Creek.
PanGEO will provide signing, as necessary. Traffic control
and flagging Will be subcontracted to PanGEO.
All drilling Will be completed under one mobilization uSing a
single track mounted drill rig in order to minimize cost.
Two days of support by a trackhoe is assumed to aid In
minor clearing and grading to provide access across the
. Drill crew and trackhoe (plus operator) Will be subcontracted
to PanGEO.
Mobilization and drilling can be accomplished dUring normal
daylight work hours, including weekends, if necessary.
The project Will be developed using English units of measure
and under LRFD design methodology.
608.1 Coordinate Field Explorations
. Perform site reconnaissance to mark boring locations in the
field for utility locates.
. Prepare a field exploration plan to assist others in obtaining
permits, etc.
608.2 Supervise Test Borings
. Drill a total of eight (8) test borings with total drill footage not to
exceed 650 feet at the approximate locations of the interior
piers. The eXisting abutment bOrings are assumed adequate
for design of the reconfigured layout. These bOrings may not
be located exactly at the location of piers where piers are
located on the eXisting steep slopes. The drill ng Will be
positioned as close as practical to the pier location(s), near the
toe of the eXisting slopes. Drill depths are expected to be in
the range of 50 to 100 feet, with the deeper borings advanced
at the locations of the most interior piers. PanG EO Will not drill
deeper than the aforementioned depths Without prior
authOrization. The borings will be monitored and logged under
the full-time observation of an engineer or engineering
geologist from PanGEO.
. Standard Penetration Test samples will be obtained at 5-foot
intervals as the borings are advanced. The site SOils are
assumed to be "clean" (i.e., no hazardous materials or
contamination), therefore drill cuttings will be disposed of on
608.3 Laboratory Testing
. Perform laboratory testing on select samples collected during
drilling for Index properties including moisture content and
grain site analysis.
608.4 Subsurface Profile
May 1, 2006 10
Exhibit B-1
. Subsurface profiles will be developed based on interpretations
of the bOrings and subsurface sOil and groundwater conditions
608.5 Engineering Analysis
. Perform engineering analysIs and evaluate data derived from
the subsurface exploration and laboratory testing program.
608.6 Draft Geotechnical Report
. Prepare a Draft Geotechnical Report containing the results of
PanGEa's geotechnical study to support preparation of the
PS&E, including descriptions of surface and subsurface
conditions, and a site plan showing bOring locations and other
pertinent features. Summary boring logs, charts and graphs
indicating laboratory test results will also be included. The
results of PanGEa's engineering evaluations and preliminary
geotechnical engineering recommendations pertaining to the
following Items will be presented:
Presence and Impacts to new bridge design and
construction of existing sOil conditions observed in
PanGEa's explorations.
Type and depth of deep foundations applicable for the
ground conditions. For feasible foundation types,
service, strength and extreme bearing resistances will
be recommended, along with minimum bearing
evaluations at each pier, and anticipated settlements of
foundation elements under service loading conditions.
Geotechnical design criteria for the bridge, including
seismic design requirements and liquefaction hazard
Recommendations for abutment support, including
global stability evaluations.
Preparation of special provisions and/or advisory
specifications to supplement the Bridge Special
Provisions and General Special Provisions for
geotechnical elements.
Constructabllity issues and concerns.
608.7 Final Geotechnical Report
. Prepare a Final Geotechnical Report incorporating responses
to comments from City and Exeltech.
608.8 Review PS&E
. Perform a review of the geotechnical elements included In the
90% or 100% PS&E package and prepare a letter
summarizing our comments.
609. Revised Hydraulic Analysis and Report (Primary Responsibility -
May I, 2006 11
\ .
Exhibit B-1
The hydraulic analysis and report will be updated to reflect site conditions
of the redesigned bridge concept. The current version of the Washmgton
State Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for
Western Washington (DOE Manual) will be used in the preparation of the
Hydraulic AnalysIs and Report, which will follow the WSDOT Local
Agency GUidelines. The report will Include calculations necessary to
identify and design the storm drainage conveyance system and water
quality and quantity facilities for the project. The report will include cost
estimates for the storm drainage system and facilities for the preferred
610. Revised Utilities Design Report (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Potential new conflict areas will be Identified throughout the project area
to reflect the bridge redesign. Limited coordination With public and private
utility agencies shall be provided during the redesign stage of thiS project
to faCIlitate orderly development for any added utility conflicts.
Deliverable: Revised Utilities Design Report
611. Preparation of 100% Civil Plans (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Civil plans will be updated to include the following:
611.1 Vicinity Map
The consultant shall prepare a vicinity map for mcorporation into
the PS&E document The vicinity map shall be prepared in
accordance With standard WSDOT format.
611.2 Index (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
The consultant shall prepare an index of plans for incorporation
into the PS&E document. The index shall be prepared in
accordance With standard WSDOT format.
611.3 Preparation of Site Plans (Alignment/Plan & Profile)
(Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
The Consultant shall prepare a complete set of site preparation
plans in accordance with the approved design report, preliminary
plans, field data, and other City furnished information. The plans
shall show all demolition, removal items, alignment, clearing and
grubbing, and other features, and restoration of the site.
611.4 Roadway Paving (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
The Consultant shall prepare a complete set of roadway paving
plans, paving details, and roadway sections in accordance with
the approved DeSign Report, the approved roadway sections,
the approved intersection plans, preliminary design plans, and
other City furnished information. Roadway Paving Plans shall
include paving limits, barrier location, wall locations, guardrail,
intersection configurations, and other associated Items The
roadway paving plans may be combined with the channelization
The Consultant shall prepare vertical profiles for only those
roadways being constructed as part of this Project.
May I, 2006 12
Exhibit B-1
Assumptions: Minor road work will likely be required on
Valley Street and SR 117. No major realignment of either
Valley Street or SR 117
611.5 Roadway Drainage and Utilities (Primary Responsibility -
The Consultant shall prepare a complete set of drainage / utility
plans, profiles, details, and structure notes, in accordance with
the approved Design Report, and other City furnished
information. Appropriate temporary erosion control and
sediment control devices shall be designed and coordinated
such that the Project area runoff Will be effectively controlled.
The Consultant shall prepare an addendum to the Hydraulic
Report if significant design changes are made dunng the PS&E
phase. The Consultant shall be responsible to locate and
include in the plans all existing or proposed utility lines that may
be in conflict during construction. Preliminary PS&E drainage
features prepared during the Hydraulic Report shall be
incorporated Into the final Design PS&E unless deemed
Assumptions: Minor roadwork on Valley Street and SR
117. No major realignment of either Valley Street or SR 117.
611.6 Illumination, Signing, and Striping (Primary Responsibility -
The Consultant shall prepare plans In accordance with approved
preliminary design plans, the WSDOT Design Manual, the
WSDOT Traffic Manual, and the Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices (MUTCD).
611.7 Traffic Control for Double Bridge Closure (Primary
Responsibility - Lochner)
The Consultant shall prepare detailed traffic control plans for
double bridge closure to accommodate each phase of the
Project dunng construction. Traffic control plans shall include all
signing, stnping, and delineation for each reqUired traffic shift.
Traffic control plans shall be closely coordinated With the City's
traffic department to ensure conformity With local codes and
regulations. All lane closures and roadway closures shall
require the concurrence of the City's traffiC department.
Temporary signal timing reVISions for approximately 6 signals
dunng construction and up to seven (7) temporary signal plans
will be Included in the traffiC control plans. (Two at each end of
each bridge if the bndges remain open to one lane of two-way
traffic and possibly three along the detour routes)
611.8 Reconfirm Right of Way Plans (Primary Responsibility -
May 1, 2006 13
Exhibit B-1
The need for additional Right of Way for Increased access under
the bndges will be addressed. Right of Way Plans for 8th Street,
Valley Street and Tumwater Truck Route (SR117) shall be
prepared in accordance with WSDOT Local Agency GUidelines
and WAC 332-130.
Parcels will be identified that require acquIsItion.
Assumption. Actual right-of-way acquisition services will
require additional scope and budget.
612. Final Bridge Design -100% Plans (Primary Responsibility-
612.1 Bridge Final Design
The final bridge design phase Involves complete design,
detailing, checking, and construction document preparation of a
five-span or six-span conventional WSDOT type concrete
prestressed girder bridge. Consultant will perform work in
accordance with the current AASHTO Specifications Including
Interim Specifications and WSDOT Bridge Design Manual and
Standard SpecifIcations. With the approval of the preliminary
bndge design by the City, final bridge design will begin.
A. Final Superstructure Analvsis
Final deck design, final superstructure and substructure
design will be completed utilizing WSDOT Standards.
Luminaries and utIlity support design, ornamental
handrail/bndge rail design from prevIous slant leg bridge
design will be reused for this design. Superstructure
details WIll then be finalized. Beanngs and expansion
joints (If required) will be designed and detailed as per
WSDOT standards.
B. Final Substructure & Seismic Analvsis
A final and detailed service load and seismic load
analysis will be performed of the finally selected
substructure elements to determine final foundation and
substructure layout.
C. Final Detallinq & Final Plans (Five-Span or Six-Span
Concrete Prestressed Girder Bridqe Alternate)
Consultant will assemble all the Final Bridge Plans with
supporting data. Develop Final Special Provisions and
Final Engineer's Cost Estimate. Data format will comply
with WSDOT and City of Port Angeles Design Standards.
May 1, 2006
D. Plan Sheet List (Sheet list representative of final desiqn
detallinq effort assumes a Five-Span Concrete
Prestressed Girder Bndqe)
1. Index
2. Layout
3. Section/General Notes
4. Construction Sequence
Exhibit B-1
5. Footing Layout
6. Pier 1
7. Pier 6
8. Pier 1, 6 15 Ft Wlngwalls
9. Pier 2 Column and Shafts
10. Pier 2 Column and Shaft Details
11. Plan Pier 2 Crossbeam
12. Elevation Pier 2 Cross beam
13. Pier 3 Column and Shafts
14. Pier 3 Column and Shaft Details
15. Plan Pier 3 Crossbeam
16. Elevation PIer 3 Crossbeam
17. Pier 4 Column and Shafts
18. Pier 4 Column and Shaft Details
19. Plan Pier 4 Cross beam
20. Elevation Pier 4 Crossbeam
21. Pier 5 Column and Shafts
22. Pier 5 Column and Shaft Details
23. Plan Pier 5 Crossbeam
24. Elevation Pier 5 Cross beam
25. Bearing Details
26. Typical Section and Framing Plan Span 1
27. Framing Plan Span 2,3
28. Framing Plan Span 4,5
29. WF74G Girder Details 1 of 3
30. WF74G Girder DetaIls 2 of 3
31. WF74G Girder Details 3 of 3
32. Slab Reinforcement Plan 1 of 2
33. Slab Reinforcement Plan 2 of 2
34. Slab Reinforcement Section Piers 2,3,4,5
35. Diaphragms
36. Diaphragm Details
37. Expansion JOint Details
38. Utility Details
39. Barrier Layout
40. Barner Details 1 of 2
41. Barrier Details 2 of 2
42. Bridge Railing Type BP 1 of 2
43. Bridge Railing Type BP 2 of 2
44. Architectural Bridge Railing
45. Architectural Light Standard
46. Bar List
1. Final 90% and 100% Bridge Plans (assume 80
o Valley Creek Bridge (20 drawings)
o Tumwater Creek Bridge (20 draWings)
o Common Details (40 draWings)
2. Final Special Provisions
3. Final Engineer's Cost Estimate
5. Final Calculations and Reports
May I, 2006
Exhibit B-1
6 Electronic files as required by the City of all
D. Final Detailed Plan-in-Hand Constructabilitv Review
Consultant will perform a final constructability review in
the field to determine site constraints and other
constructability Issues uSing the final bndge Plans.
612.2 QAlQC Review (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
The Consultants Internal QA/QC procedures will be utilized
throughout the design effort on this ProJect. Independent check
of the structural analysis and design calculations and structural
plans will be performed.
612.3 Plan-in-Hand Constructability Review (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech)
At the 30% and 90% design submittals, the Consultant will
conduct a one day plan-In-hand constructabllity review on site
for the Project. Experienced personnel, who are familiar with
WSDOT and industry construction practices, and the project
design criteria and constraints, will perform this review. The
findings of the reviews will be incorporated into the design as
determined appropnate.
613. Final Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) Oeliverables
(Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Plans will be prepared using WSDOT standard practices. As much as
possible every effort will be made to reuse Final Design Plans from the
Steel Slant Bridge Option.
613.1. Plans
A. General Plans - 30%,90%,100%
B. Roadway Plans - 90%, and 100% Submittals
C. TESC, Drainage and Stormwater Plans - 90%, and 100%
D. Sitework Plans - 90%, and 100% Submittals
E. Right of Way Plans - No Revisions Assumed. Incorporation into 90%,
and 100% Submittals
F. Street Lighting Plans - No Revisions Assumed. Incorporation into
90%, and 100% Submittals
G. Utility Plans - 90%,100% Submittals
H. Traffic Plans - Incorporation into 90% and 100% Submittals
I. Architectural Plans - No Revisions Assumed. Incorporation into 90%,
and 100% Submittals
J. Bridge Plans - 30%,90%, and 100% Submittals
May 1, 2006
AssumptIOn: Plans will be developed using English Units of
measure. Plans will be developed uSIng WSDOT Standards and
Exhibit B-1
Formats. Specialized plan preparation and detailing, wherein
plans from the prevIous steel slant bndge cannot be reused or
additional plan preparation and detailing required beyond the
scope of a five-span or six-span conventional WSDOT concrete
prestressed girder bndge will In general be considered beyond the
scope of this work. It IS generally assumed that the five-span or
six-span conventional WSDOT concrete prestressed girder bridge
design will fit existing site surface and sub-surface conditions, and
that no specialized exploration or analysis other than the norm for
a conventional WSDOT concrete prestressed girder bridge will be
613.2. Specifications
Specifications will be prepared using the WSDOT standard
specifications for road, bridge and municipal construction 2006, as
a base. Specifications will be submitted with the 90% and 100%
613.3. Cost Estimating
Cost estimates will be prepared using recent WSDOT construction
contracts as a base. Cost estimates will be submitted with the
30%,90% and 100% submittals.
Not Used. Assumed that Phase 4 tasks will remain intact, and be used from Agreement
LA 5617/18, and supplemental agreements within.
The quality assurance/quality control (QA/Qe) program activities for the project shall
follow Consultant's QA/QC process outlined in its Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Program Manual.
801. Intra-Inter Discipline QC Review (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Section QCP-601 of the QA/QC Manual provides guidelines for intra/inter-
discipline checking of drawings, calculations and specifications for
technical and formal review. This procedure applies to all projects unless
otherwise specified by the Project Manager. The intra-discipline review
process outlines procedures for the Originator, Checker, Originator
Follow-up Procedure (Backchecklng) and Rechecker. The inter-discipline
review procedure is to venfy consistency throughout project disciplines.
802. Calculation Quality Control Review (Primary Responsibility -
Design calculations should be of professional quality preparation of
design calculations shall follow Section QCP-620 of the Exeltech QA/QC
Manual, which sets for the procedures for calculation preparation and
803. Drawings Preparation, Checking and Reviewing Quality Control
Procedures (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Section QCP-630 of the Exeltech QA/QC Manual prescnbes the
procedure for preparation and checking of drawings for projects.
May 1, 2006 17
Exhibit B-1
804. Specifications Quality Control Procedures (Primary Responsibility -
Section QCP-640 of the Exeltech QNQC Manual outlines the procedure
for developing the specification format, preparation of speCIfications,
methods for checking and revIsing the speCifications.
805. Construction Cost Estimating Quality Control Procedures (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech)
Section QCP-650 of the Exeltech QA/QC Manual outlines the procedures
for developing ad maintaining the project construction cost estimates.
806. Preparation of Project Technical Reports Quality Control Procedures
(Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Section QCP-660 of the Exeltech QNQC Manual prescribes speCific
procedures and stands for preparing technical and Discipline Reports for
the project.
807. Constructability Review (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Prior to final 100% design of the project, a review to evaluate the
construction elements of the project Will be conducted. After
consideration of comments from the constructablllty review, revisions to
the project design, specifications or cost Will be compiled and
incorporated Into the project prior to contract advertising.
May 1, 2006 18
8th Street Bridges Replacement Project Start Date
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Archaeological End Date
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: NWAA Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Classification Direct Labor
Hours Rate Dollars
Sr. Archaeologist 75 x $30.20 = $2,265.00
Staff Archaeologist 16 x $21.11 = $337.76
Photographer 0 x $19.00 = $0.00
Researcher/lab tech 6 x $16.30 = $97.80
Production 10 x $23.35 $233.50
Graphics 8 x $17.02 = $136.16
Administrative Assistant 2 x $18.78 = $37.56
Total Hours 117
Total DSC $3,107.78
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '06 0 50 = $0.00
Escalation for '07 0 30 = $0.00
Escalated Total DSC = $3,107.78
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 115.70% x $3,595.70 = $3,595.70
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x (DSC) of 28.50% x $3,107.78 = $885.72
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Lodging (seasonal rate) 1 night @ $98.00 = $98.00
Meals 1 day @ $26.00 = $26.00
Film/ process/ pn nts/su pplies 1 roll @ $25.00 $25.00
Mileage 500 miles @ $0.485 = $242.50
Communication 1 month @ $50.00 = $25.00
Copies 200 pages @ $0.15 $30.00
Final Report Volumes 1 volumes @ $50.00 = $50.00
Miscellaneous 2 @ $50.00 = $75.00
Reimbursables Total $571.50
Grand Total $8,160.70
Prepared By:
Lorelea Hudson
Exhibit C
Consultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
(Specific Rates of Pay)
Exeltech Fee Schedule
8th Street Bridge Replacements Project
Discipline or Job Title
162 35%
162 35%
162 35%
$65 59
$52 47
Exhibit C
Consultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
(Specific Rates of Pay)
HW Lochner Fee Schedule
8th Street Bndge Replacements Project
Hourly Overhead Profit Hourly
Discipline or Job Title Rate @_% @_% Rate
Principal $62 85 16771% 28 50% $186 17
Project Manager $52 79 16771% 28 50% $15637
Senior Traffic Engineer $39 63 16771% 28 50% $11739
Traffic Engineer $28 23 16771% 28 50% $83 62
Drainage fUtilities Engineer $35 00 16771% 28 50% $10367
Civil Engineer 1 $29 43 16771% 28 50% $87 17
Civil Engineer 2 $26 39 16771% 28 50% $78 17
CADD Tech $23 26 16771% 28 50% $68 90
Admin Support $2719 16771% 28 50% $80 54
Exhibit C
Consultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
(Specific Rates of Pay)
Pan Geo Schedule
8th Street Bndge Replacements Project
Hourly Overhead Profit Hourly
Discipline or Job Title Rate @- % @- % Rate
Principal Geotechnical Engineer $57.49 127 85% 10 00% $13674
Geotechnical Project Manager $45.51 127 85% 10 00% $108 25
Senior Geotechnical Engineer $~6.50 127 85% 10 00% $86 82
Senior Engineering Geologist i $32.36 127 85% 10 00% $76 97
Project Geotechnical Engineer $4~.81 127.1:1!;i% 1 0 OQ,o,{o $70 90
Staff Geotechnical Engineer $2!?91 127.8!;i"lo 1 0 QO% $61 63
Administrative Assistant I $21.24 127,Q!;i% 10 00%: $50 52
Exhibit C
Consultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
(Specific Rates of Pay)
Northwest Economic Assoc. Fee Schedule
8th Street Bndge Replacements Project
Hourly Overhead Profit Hourly
Discipline or Job Title Rate @- % @- % Rate
Sr. Archaeologist $30 20 115 70% 28 50% $73 75
Staff Archaeologist $21 11 115 70% 28 50% $51 55
Photographer $19 00 115 70% 28 50% $46 40
Researcher/lab tech $1630 115 70% 28 50% $39 80
Production $23 35 115 70% 28 50% $57 02
Graphics $1702 115 70% 28 50% $41 56
Administrative Assistant $18.78 115 70% 28 50% $45 86
Exhibit 0-1
Consultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
(Lump Sum, Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Cost Per Unit of Work)
8th Street Bridges Replacement Start Date June 1, 2003
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Environmental through Construction End Date April 1, 2006
Fee Determination
Consultant: Exeltech Consulting, Inc. Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Code Classification Man Hours
LABOR Hours Rate Dollars
05 Project Director 0 x $59.00 0.00
15 Structural Lead 688 x $54.00 37,152.00
20 Structural Engineer 1 1,188 x $45.00 53,460.00
25 Structural Engineer 2 304 x $35.00 10,640.00
30 EnVironmental Lead 192 x $49.00 9,408.00
35 EnVironmental Support 400 x $25.00 10,000.00
40 CIVil Lead 208 x $45.00 9,360.00
45 CIVil Engineer 1 396 x $41.00 16,236.00
55 Construction Management Lead 0 x $49.00 0.00
55 Construction Engineer 1 0 x $41.00 0.00
55 Construction Engineer 2 0 x $43.00 0.00
55 Project Controller 0 x $42.00 0.00
55 Admin Support 1 0 x $26.00 0.00
55 Admin Support 2 0 x $18.00 0.00
55 Document Editor 0 x $26.00 0.00
55 CADD Tech 1 1,008 x $25.00 25,200.00
55 CADD Tech 2 1,104 x $20.00 22,080.00
Total Hours 5,488
Total DSC 193,536.00
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '06 0 40 0.00
Escalation for '07 0 20 0.00
Escalated Total DSC 193,536.00
Overhead (OH Cost -- Including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 162.35% x $193,536.00 314,205.70
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of 0.00% x $193,536.00 0.00
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Meals and Lodging 16 each @ $90.00 1,440.00
Plans - Plotting / Repro 1,200 each @ $4.50 5,400.00
Mapping/Photos/Surveys each @ $3.50 0.00
Reproduction and Printing 8,000 copies @ $0.15 1,200 00
Field EqUipment Rental Lump Sum 0.00
Construction Field Office Rental months @ $250.00 0.00
Postage and Supplies 150 Est @ $2.00 300.00
Ferry Fare 16 $8.00 128.00
Travel 4,000 miles @ $0.45 1,780.00
Reimbursables Total 10,248.00
Exeltech TOTAL 517,989.70
Subconsultant Costs (See Exhibit G) 104,667.24
Grand Total 622,656.93
Prepared By:
Santosh Kuruvllla, Karl Kirker, Berm
April 17, 2006
Exhibit G
Subcontracted Work
The agency permits subcontracted work for the following portions of the work of this agreement
Activity Subconsultant
Environmental through Construction H W Lochner
Geotechnical Pan Geo
Archaeological NWAA
Total Subcontracted Work
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement Start Date August 1, 2003
City' of Port Angeles
Task Description: Environmental through Construction End Date March 31, 2006
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: H.W. Lochner Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Classification Direct Labor
Hours Rate Dollars
Pnncipal 0 x $62.85 = 0.00
Project Manager 58 x $52.79 = 3,061.82
Senior Traffic Engineer 62 x $39.63 = 2,457.06
Junior Engineer 60 x $28.23 = 1,693.80
Drainage /Utillties Engineer 0 x $35.00 = 0.00
CIVil Engineer 1 0 x $29.43 0.00
CIVil Engineer 2 0 x $26.39 = 0.00
CADD Tech 32 x $23.26 = 744.32
Admin Support 6 x $27.19 = 163.14
Total Hours 218
Total DSC = 8,120.14
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '06 0 50 = 0.00
Escalation for '07 0 10 = 0.00
Escalated Total 8,120.14
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 167.71% x $8,120 = 13,618.29
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of 28.50% x $8,120 = 2,314.24
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Meals and Lodging 0 day @ $600.00 = 0.00
Mileage/ Ferry 1 mile @ $200.00 = 200.00
Ma ppl ng/Photos/Surveys 0 each @ $100.00 = 0.00
Reproduction and Pnntlng 1 copies @ $20.00 = 20.00
Field Equipment Rental 0 each @ $0.00 = 0.00
Miscellaneous 1 est. @ $50.00 = 50.00
Reimbursables Total 270.00
Grand Total 24,322.67
Prepared By:
"~... .
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement Start Date August I, 2003
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Geotechnical End Date March 31, 2006
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Pan Geo Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Classification Direct Labor
Hours Rate Dollars
Principal Geotechnical Engineer 4 x $57.49 $229.96
Geotechnical Project Manager 66 x $45.51 = $3,003.66
Senior Geotechnical Engineer 16 x $36.50 = $584.00
Senior Engineering Geologist 166 x $32.36 = $5,371. 76
Project Geotechnical Engineer 12 x $29.81 = $357.72
Staff Geotechnical Engineer 98 x $25.91 = $2,539.18
Administrative Assistant 8 x $21.24 $169.92
Total Hours 370
Total DSC $12,256.20
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '06 0 50 = $0.00
Escalation for '07 0 30 = $0.00
Escalated Total DSC = $12,256.20
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 127.85% x $12,256.20 = $15,669.55
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x (DSC) of 10.00% x $12,256.20 = $1,225.62
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Mileage 500 mile @ $0.45 = $222.50
Ferries 2 round trip @ $20.00 = $40.00
SubSistence & Lodging 30 days @ $99.00 = $2,970.00
Drilling Subcontractor 1 L.S. $32,500.00 = $32,500.00
Traffic Control/Flagging 1 L.S. $2,000.00 = $2,000.00
Laboratory Testing 1 L.S. $2,500.00 = $2,500.00
Field Consumables 1 L.S. $200.00 = $200.00
Support Trackhoe 2 day @ $1,300.00 = $2,600.00
Reimbursables Total $43,032.50
Grand Total $72,183.87
Prepared By:
Robert E. Kimmerhng
March 7, 2006
o. u5~ 1.
Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address Phone:
Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
Number 4 2590 Willamette Drive NE
Lacey, WA 98516
Original Agreement Number
LA 5617 & 5618 Phone: (360) 357-8289
Project Number Execution Date Completion Date
02-15 July 31,2007
Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project $ 4,460,257.99
Description of Work
The work consists of Environmental Permitting, Design Record, Hydraulic, Utility, and Geotechnical Reports,
Prelim. & Final Plans, PS&E, Public Involvement, and Construction Management.
The Local Agency of Citv of Port Anqeles
desires to supplement the agreement entered into with Exeltech Consultinq, Inc.
as executed on November 4. 2003 and identified as Agreement No. LA 5617 & 5618
All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement.
The changes to the agreement are described as follows:
Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read:
N/A - No chanqe in Scope of Work
Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days
for completion of the work to read: Proiect completion is extended to Julv 31. 2007
Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows:
N/A - No chanqe in Pavment Terms
If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated a ove, please sign in the appropriate
spaces below and return to this office for final action.
t:.xe-I-revh c,..bV1Su.,I+i~, 'Vlt;;.
, By sa"~~~re5Ide~
Approving Authonty Signature
.' DOT FormJ40-063 EF
Revised 9/2005
.' '
5. U 58 5.
Agreement No.:
Name of Project:
City Project No.:
New Maximum Amount Payable:
LA 5617 & 5618
City of Port Angeles
8th Street Bridge Replacements
The City of Port Angeles (City) and Exeltech Consulting, Inc., (Consultant) desire to
supplement the standard Consultant Agreement executed on November 4, 2003.
All provisions in the Agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified in this
Supplemental Agreement as follows:
Section II, SCOPE OF WORK, shall be amended as follows:
The Scope of Work shall be supplemented to include the out of scope work that was
approved by the City of Port Angeles, as outlined in Change Controls 13 (Wetland Mitigation
Design), 14 (WSDOT Request for Historic Bridge Documentation), 17 (Streetscape Sketches
for Public Meeting), 18 (Bridge Soils Required Battered Piles and Bent Redesign), 23 (ESA
Critical Areas Analysis), 24 (Right of Way Title Reports and Construction Easement Plans),
25 (Traffic Analysis of Pine Street Connection and Cedar/Front), 27 (TS&L Design Re-
analysis), and 28 (Additional Sheets for Detail Foundation Design). Attached Exhibit B-1 a
(Scope of Work) supplements Exhibit B-1 (Scope of Work) executed in the Standard
Consultant Agreement.
Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, remains the same.
Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows:
Maximum amounts payable for tasks have been modified from the original contract, as shown
Original Contract Revised Contract
Amount Amount
(Executed on November 4, 2003)
Phase 1 $306,816.27 $284,138.49
Phase 2 $728,003.56 $705,621.65
Phase 3 $812,433.49 $1,041,457.15
Phase 4* $801,583.25* $798,838.28*
Management Reserve $50,000.00 $50,000.00
Contract Total $2,698,836.57 $2,880,055.57
*Phase 4 budget will be reviewed and if necessary, be revised by the Agency and Consultant
prior to the scheduled start of Phase 4.
Approved Change Controls (13,14,17,18,23,24,25,27, and 28) with a total budget of
$181,219.00 shall constitute Supplement #1.
Payment shall continue to be cost plus fixed fee. Maximum additional payment for
Supplement #1 will be $181,219.00, amending the maximum amount payable to
$2,880,055.57. Attached Exhibit B-2a (Task Order Agreement) replaces Exhibit B-2 (Task
Order Agreement) executed in the Standard Consultant Agreement, and defines maximum
amount payable for each phase of the project.
lement and agree to the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties ~xecuted this s
changes as stated above as of this
ICUtz V" I L /"A
Consultant EA<e.L:r~CH a.....5"UL-T"/,.." Agency (J:.J-; J -2 ~ O"4PO~<l..--'
l#>.Ie. ~ '1
(0 -....., - ()~
" ,
I "
Exhibit B-1 a
Supplemental Scope of Work for Approved Change Controls Beyond Original
Scope of Work
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project
City of Port Angeles and Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
Supplement Number 1 to Exeltech Project No. 0328 and City of Port Angeles
Project No. 02-15
S. UJ 58
Exhibit B-1 a
Scope of Services
May 27, 2005
Gary Kenworthy P.E.
Deputy Director of Engmeermg Services
City of Port Angeles
321 East Fifth Street
P.O. Boxl150
Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217
2627A Porkmanl lone SVV
Olympia. WA 98502.5751
leI 360 357.8289
lox 360 3~7.13225
Re: 8th Street Bndges Replacements 02-15
Engmeenng ServIces for Final DesIgn
Dear Mr. Kenworthy:
ThIs letter amends the letter sent to you on May 4, 2005 outlimng the Change Controls that applied to
the Exeltech portIOn of the contract amount. This Ictter applies the Change Controls to the entire
contract budget for Phase 3, Fmal Design as submitted 10 the Apn130, 2005 Budget Detad for the
On April 30, 2005, the contract budget for Phase 3, Fmal Design showed a Balance Remammg of
$120,157.51. Based on our level of effort over the last several months, the anticipated "cost to
complete" the Phase 3100 % PS&E for the months of May, June and halfof August wlll be
approximately$300,850, excludmg the addItional scope and budget needed for Lochner to complete
the addItional traffic analysIs.
There were a number of previously approved Change Controls that were beyond the Scope and Budget
of the contract. These, along wIth a proposed Change Control for redeSIgn of the bridge foundations
due to seIsmiC design and poor soils condItions, have caused the cost of the project design to exceed
the ongmal budget for the project. The following IS a list and description of the approved Change
Controls and the proposed Change Control that supports the pOSItion described above:
1. Change Control #13 - Wetland Mitigation Design - Task 608
ThIS cost was deferred when the project scope and budget was developed.
2 Change Control #14 - WSDOT Request for Hlstonc Bridge Documentation
3. Change Control #17 - City Requested Streetscape Sketches for public meetmg
4. Change Control #18 - Bndge so1\s reqUIred battered pIles and bent redeSIgn
5. Change Control #23 - ESA Cn!tcal Areas Analysts - WSDOT request
6. Change Control #24 - RJW !ttle reports/constructton easement plans
7. Change Control #25 - Lochner traffic analYSIS ofPme St. Conn. and Cedar/Front
8. Change Control #27 - (Proposed) TS&L DeSIgn Rc-analysis
9. Change Control #28 - (Proposed) AdditIOnal sheets for detaIl founda!ton deSIgn
Total Cost of Change Controls
rn!Jineer,ng SolullOn, f 01 A Chang'''9 World
Exhibit B-1a
Scope of Services
Items #1 through 7 were previously dISCUSSed and approved by the City through the Change Control
administrative review procedure established in the contract. Items 8 and 9 have not been processed
and are included as an attachment to thIS letter. Your approval thIS Change Control #27 and #28 and
request for additional budget to cover all prevIOusly approved change controls defined above would
greatly mitigate the impacts to Exeltech and our management of the project design.
Your conSIderation and approval of this request would be greatly apprecIated.
Bernie Chaplin, PLA
Project Manager
Santosh Kuruvllla
Exhibit B-1a
Scope of Services
Change Control Plan
fame: Jeff Bohman Date: October 7, 2004
Change Tracking Number: Entrix #2 7:/=. I;
Chance Descriotion
Identify change A moderate change in scope for Entrix includes preparation of a
(please note If change will be minor, Wetland Mitigation Plan for designing replacement wetlands for
moderate, or substantial) unanticipated wetland impacts by the proposed project. The
biology report identified potential wetland impacts and
recommended mitigation strategies. This scope change reflects
the additional work that did not indude any budget during the
initial scooinc and budaet develooment for the oroiect.
Analyze effects of change The additional scope to prepare plans and specifications for
(please note scope, cost, and quality wetland replacement includes additional biological design, plan
effects) preparation, and specification writing for the contract documents.
Scope of work will be included in Task 608, Mitigation Design, with
an estimated cost $14,208. Budget will be transferred from the
following Exeltech Tasks:
. Task 301 $ 1.91
. Task 302 $2,441.11
. Task 306 $ 348.74
. Task 320 $ 43.57
. Task 380 $ 33.40
. Task 390 $2,237.10
. Task 401 $9.102.17
Total $14,208
Response strategy Completion of the task is necessary to complete the NEPA, SEPA
and permitting for the project.
Strategy communication and The scope of work and budget have been negotiated between
endorsement Entrix and Exeltech.
(please note how and who)
Work plan revisions This effort was identified in the scope of work but not budgeted
until the level of effort is clarified.
6/3/2005 3
Exhibit B-1a
Scope of Services
Change Control Plan
Name: Jeffrev R. Bohman
Date: 11/05/04
Change Tracking Number:
::ft 1'1
Change Descriotion
Identify change New, out-of-scope changes needed to Cultural Resources
(please note if change will be minor, Technical Report, at estimated cost of $1,807. This represents a
moderate, or substantial) moderate, but unavoidable change that must be addressed to
meet reoortinq requirements.
Analyze effects of change WSDOT change of determination in eligibility status of bridges
(please note scope, cost, and quality necessitates unanticipated changes to cultural resources technical
effects) reports in most report sections: inventory forms for both bridges,
map of eligible properties, and Affected Environment, Impacts,
Mitigation, Unavoidable Adverse Impacts, and Significance of
Impacts sections, including text, tables and graphics.
Response strategy Provide supplemental budget in amount of $1,807, as per
attached, to address changes.
Strategy communication and Change reviewed and acknowledged in preliminary discussion
endorsement between ENTRIX and Exeltech on 11/5/04.
(please note how and who)
Work plan revisions This does not represent a revision of the overall work plan, but
Simply a change in the work required within one element of the
work plan (the Cultural Resources Technical Report).
Other Comments:
This does not include cost of response to comments that mayor may not be requested upon
review of our revisions. Because there may not be any requested, we did not want to seek any
budget If it turns out to be unnecessary.
AcknOWledged and si~ned by:
. Change Advocate
/5 ( (~
'" Project Manager
/I A)lJ
, Date f
Exhibit B-1 a
Scope of Services
Change Control Plan
Name: Olympic Design Works (ODW)
Date: January 19, 2005
Change Tracking Number: Olvmoic Desion Works #1
Chanae Descrlotion
Identify change A minor change in work that includes preparation of two colored
(please note If change will be minor, perspective renderings of the bridge entrance/exit and viewpoints.
moderate, or substantial) The change came as a result of a meeting of ODW, the City and
Analyze effects of change The additional scope to prepare two perspective renderings of the
(please note scope, cost, and quality bridges includes additional streetscape detailing of the plans, plan
effects) preparation of streetscape elements, and coordination with
Exeltech, rendering subconsultant and the City of Port Angeles
Public Works Department.
Scope of work will be included in Task 510, Streetscape Design
Report, with an estimated cost of~. See the attached
breakdown of costs.
Budget will be transferred from the following Exeltech Tasks:
. Task 401 $ 17.05
. Task 402 $ 1,182.95
Total $ 1,200.00
Response strategy Completion of the task Is necessary to complete the Streetscape
preliminary design that will serve as the basis for public
communication, City Council communication and approval, and for
final design and construction plans for the streetscape elements of
the project.
Strategy communication and The scope of work and budget have been negotiated between
endorsement ODW and Exeltech.
(please note how and who)
A Supplemental Agreement between ODW and Exeltech will
formalize this chanae of budaet.
Work plan revisions This effort was not identified In the project scope of work or
budget but determined necessary to communicate the
--- --- ~- -- - -- - ---------- Tecommended-streetscape elements to the-public. -----
Other Comments:
This Change Control was prepared after the work was completed due to potential unknowns
regarding the review and revision of the renderings.
'0aI:e '
Exhibit 8-1a
Scope of Services
Change Control Plan
Name: Exeltech Consulting Date: March 3, 2005
Change Tracking Number: Exeltech Change Control #J / 91
Change Descriotlon
Identify change The substantial complexity of bridge plans requires additional
(please note If change will be minor, budget over originally planned amount.
moderate, or substantial)
Analyze effects of change No change in scope or overall budget for Exeltech. Bottom line in
(please note scope, cost, and quality Phase 3 will not change. $56,000 will be transferred from
effects) Exeltech's Task 603 budget (Civil Plans) to Exeltech's Task 604
budget (Bridge Plans) to cover complexity of bridge plans.
Response strategy Budget transfer will allow completion of bridge plans within the
revised budget.
Strategy communication and This Change Control will formalize this budget transfer.
(please note how and who)
Work plan revisions This extent of complexity was not anticipated in the original
project budget, but can still be completed within phase and overall
Exeltech budget.
Other Comments:
Date I
City of Port Angeles
Exhibit B-1 a
Scope of Services
Change Control Plan
Name: Jeff Bohman
Date: March 15, 2005
Change Tracking Number: Entrix
Exeltech #23
Chanae Description
Identify change A minor change in scope for Entrix includes preparation of an
(please note if change will be minor, addendum to the Biological Assessment to address NOAA Fisheries'
moderate, or substantial) recent publication of proposed species and critical habitat.
Additionally, the remaining budget of $10.61 in Task 305 will be
transferred to Task 401 in order to close out Phase 1 of the
Analyze effects of change The additional scope to prepare an addendum to the Biological
(please note scope, cost, and quality Assessment includes an estimated cost of $1,218. Scope of work
effects) will be included in Task 401 (Discipline Reports & Biological
Assessment). Budget of $1,218 will be transferred from Northwest
Economic Associates' remaining budget in Task 401. Entrix budget
in Task 401 will then be $112,661.28 and overall budget will be
$158,998.85. NEA's budget in Task 401 will be reduced to
$15,659.69 and overall budget to $22,781.79.
To close out Phase 1 of the project, $10.61 will be transferred
from Task 305 to Task 401.
Response strategy Completion of the task is necessary to make sure that Endangered
Species Act regulations are fulfilled.
Strategy communication and The scope of work and budget have been negotiated between
endorsement Entrix and Exeltech.
(please note how and who)
Work plan revisions This effort was not identified in the original scope of work or
budget The scope of work will be completed within existing
project budget
Other Comments:
Approve~9nd stgned b~: 4'
;tu/~<< (';r:~64
Change Ad~te
~ # ,- r
~,vz~/I; / f . ./c7c? .!;,
Date' /
Project Manager
Exhibit 8-1a
Scope of Services
Change Control Plan
Name: Jim Wengler, Wengler Surveying
Date: March 25, 2005
Change Tracking Number: Wengler #2 Exeltech # 24
Chanae Description
Identify change At the request of the City, right-of-way plans will be prepared that
(please note if change will be minor, will include obtaining title searches, block and lot calculations,
moderate, or substantial) construction easement calculations, and preparation of plans.
ScoDe will be added to Wenaler Survevina to accomDlish.
Analyze effects of change The change will allow the city and WSDOT to proceed with
(please note scope, cost, and quality acquisition of construction easements for the project prior to going
effects) to contract. This is beyond the original scope of Wengler
Surveying. Cost is estimated to be $6,933.03 to be added to Task
Response strategy Budget to be transferred from Exeltech Task 690, $262.90; and
NEA budget $6,670.13.
Strategy communication and This Change Control Will formalize the budget transfer.
(please note how and who)
Work plan revisions The scope of the project will not change.
Other Comments:
~t ~ .--'
~0 ;(,S,~~
/ .-
:?L?~~ ,;2,5; ,~
Date /
City of Port Angeles
Exhibit 8-1a
Scope of Services
Change Control Plan #4
Name: H.W. Lochner Date: April 25. 2005
Change Tracking Number: Lochner # 4 Exeltech #25
Change DescrlDtion
Identify change Conduct a Traffic Analysis and prepare an addendum
(please note If change wUl be minor, memorandum identifying additional mitigation measures to
moderate, or substantial) accommodate total closures for each of the two bridges over
Valley Street and Tumwater Truck Roote on 8111 Street.
Analyze effects of change The results of the analysis will provide the necessary data to
(please note scope, cost, and quality determine the level of traffic control mitigation for the traffic
effects) detours during the closures of bridges during construction. The
analysis, documentation and follow-up plans are outlined In the
attached scope of work. Estimated cost is $39,628.72.
Budget will be added to Lochner Task 605; from Exeltech Tasks
603, 605, 620 and 690.
Response strategy
The results of the analysis will outline specific strategies on what
should be undertaken to mitigate traffic impacts during
construction. Options COUld include additional signing, traffic tum
pockets. or temporary sionals.
Strategy communication The proposed plan has been reviewed and preliminarily approved
and endorsement by the City Engineer and Civil Engineer for the City (Gary
(please note how and who) Kenworthy and Jim Mahlum).
Work plan revisions The planned work is not induded in the original scope of work and
requires a Supplemental Agreement between Exeltech and
Lochner. The Supplement has been approved by Lochner.
5-0 z. - 0 5""'
Dat~ I
City of Port Angeles
Exhibit 8-1a
Scope of Services
Change Description
Identify change Increased level of effort and additional justification of
(please note if change will be T.S. & L. Report
minor, moderate, or substantial) Major change - WSDOT review of T.S. & L. effort
required additional justification to rationalize the bridge
type selection.
Analyze effects of change Additional justification required to respond to WSDOT's
(please note scope, cost, and comments on the T. S. & L. report necessitated the need
quality effects) to complete a more detailed life-cycle cost analysis to
rationalize bridge type selection.
Cost was approximately $15,000 to perform the
additional analysis and support for the selected design.
Response strategy
We recommend following thru with this change since it
results in a more context sensitive sustainable solution,
Le., slant leg bridge which best addresses local
concerns and in-situ conditions.
Strategy communication
and endorsement
(please note how and who)
Work plan revisions
Exhibit B-1a
Scope of Services
Change Descriotion
Identify change Redesign and detailing of differing slant leg foundations
(please note if change will be at each side of both bridges.
minor, moderate, or substantial) Major change - Geotechnical investigations have
encountered dissimilar soil conditions at the slant leg
foundation locations at each side of both bridges.
Analyze effects of change This dissimilarity has resulted in two (2) sets of designs
(please note scope, cost, and and detailing at both (east and west) foundation
quality effects) locations at both bridges for various options of bridge
closure. This foundation anomaly has also necessitated
the need for additional geotechnical criteria at both
foundation locations and increased coordination with
geotechnical subconsultant.
The 2 sets of foundation designs have also resulted in
additional engineering and detailing effort. Original
SOW anticipated approximately 80 structural drawings
for both bridges. With this new complexity we are
anticipating 110 to 120 structural drawings resulting in
45% to 50% additional detailing and production effort.
Cost of this effort was a minimum of $45,000.
Response strategy We recommend following thru with this change, since
bridge foundations have to be designed to fit site
Strategy communication
and endorsement
(please note how and who)
Work plan revisions
6. U 58
Exhibit B-2a
Scope of Work
(Task Order Agreement)
Each item of work under this AGREEMENT will be provided by task assignment. Each assignment will be
individually negotiated with the CONSULT ANT. The amount established for each assignment will be the
maximum amount payable for that assignment unless modified in writing by the AGENCY. The AGENCY is
not obligated to assign any specific number oftasks to the CONSULTANT, and the AGENCY'S and
CONSULT ANT'S obligations hereunder are limited to tasks assigned in writing. Task assignments may
include but are not limited to, the following types of work:
A. Phase 1 - Alternatives Analvsis and Type, Size & Location
B. Phase 2 - NEP A/SEP A Environmental Studies and Documentation and Preliminary Design
C. Phase 3 - Final Design and Plans, Specifications & Estimate
D. Phase 4 - Construction Management
Task assignments made by the AGENCY shall be issued in writing by a Formal Task Assignment Document
similar in format to page 2 of this exhibit.
An assignment shall become effective when a formal Task Assignment Document is signed by the
CONSULTANT and the AGENCY, except that emergency actions requiring a 24-hour or less response can be
handled by an oral authorization. Such oral authorization shall be followed up a Formal Task Assignment
Document within four working days, and any billing rates agreed to orally (for individuals, sub consultants, or
organizations whose rates were not previously established in the AGREEMENT) shall be provisional and
subject to final negotiation and acceptance by the AGENCY.
Page 1 of 5
Exhibit B-2a
Formal Task Assignment Document
Task Number Phase 1
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement LA 5617/18
Task Assignment.
shall be in full force and effect for this
Location of Project: Port Angeles, Washington
Project Title: 8th Street Brid2e Replacements
Maximum Amount Payable Per Task Assignment: $284.138.49
Completion Date:
Description of Work:
(Note attachments and give brief description)
Phase 1 - Alternatives Analysis and Type, Size & Location
Agency Project Manager Signature: ~ ,\..... ~
r \
Oral Authorization Date:
r Da:::::
Consultant Signature:
Agency Approving Authority:
Page 2 of 5
tJ; -( -OS
Exhibit B-2a
Formal Task Assignment Document
Task Number Phase 2
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement LA 5617/18
Task Assignment.
shall be in full force and effect for this
Location of Project: Port Angeles, Washington
Project Title: 8th Street Brid2e Replacements
Maximum Amount Payable Per Task Assignment: $705,621.65
Completion Date:
Description of Work:
(Note attachments and give brief description)
Phase 2 - NEP A/SEP A Environmental Studies and Documentation and Preliminary Design
Agency Project Manager Signature: ~...... }~ -=- -
\ I ~
Oral Authorization Date: See Letter Dated:
Consultant Signature: ~ ~ Date:
Agency Approving Authority: ~ ~~) Date:
~/ffj c6
~ /z.f'&Jo.s:-
Page 3 of 5
Exhibit B-2a
Formal Task Assignment Document
Task Number Phase 3
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement LA 5617/18
shall be in full force and effect for this Task
Location of Project: Port Angeles, Washington
Project Title: 8th Street Brid2e Replacements
Maximum Amount Payable Per Task Assignment: $1 ,041 A57 .15
Completion Date:
Description of Work:
(Note attachments and give brief description)
Phase 3 - Final Design and Plans, Specifications & Estimate
Agency Project Manager Signature: h
IJate: ~/~I o~
Oral Authorization Date: See Letter Dated:
Consultant Signature: ~ ~ --n------A-- Date: 6/~3bo.>
Agency Approving AUthOrity:C:x..ttliJi- - ~~ ~ Date: tf} - 'J -05
Page 4 of 5
Exhibit B-2a
Formal Task Assignment Document
Task Number Phase 4
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement
Task Assignment.
LA 5617/18
shall be in full force and effect for this
Location of Project: Port Angeles, Washington
Project Title: 8th Street Brid2e Replacements
Maximum Amount Payable Per Task Assignment: $798,838.28
Completion Date:
Description of Work:
(Note attachments and give brief description)
Phase 4 - Construction Management
Agency Project Manager Signature: ~
Oral Authorization Date:
Date: ~I 0/ tf[)
Date: ~/~or
Date: (Q -'1-()~
Page 5 of 5
o?-- 15. () ~ to.
June 7, 2004
Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities
sth Street Bridge Replacements Construction Approach and Amendment No. I to
the Exeltech Consultant Agreement.
Summary: The City Council selected and WSDOT approved the Steel Slant Leg for the stn
Street bridge replacements. Materials price increases and unforseen conditions have required
reevaluation of the construction methods. In addition changes in scope and unforseen conditions
have required an amendment to the consultant agreement. This evening a workshop will be
conducted to present the proposed constuction approach. Following the workshop Council
aprroval of the amendment to the constultant agreement will be requested.
Recommendation: Participate in the workshop and review the materials presented.
Following the workshop: 1.) Authorize Exeltech to proceed with the revised construction
approach in traffic is not maintained on the bridges during construction. 2.) Approve and
authorize the Mayor to sign amendment no. 1 to the engineering agreement with Exeltech
in the amount of $181,219.00 and further authorize allocation of added matching funds in
the amount of $36,243.80 from e:eneral funds.
Background/Analysis: City Council has selected the Steel Slant Leg alternative as the bridge
type to be constructed over Tumwater Creek and Valley Creek. This selection was supported by
WSDOT's approval ofthe Type, Size, and Location (TS&L) report. The consultant has
completed the final plans to the 90% level. At the time of the selections there were concerns
about the rising costs of steel as well as concrete and steel reinforcing materials. The rising steel
costs and unforseen foundation conditions have required us to reevaluate the construction
methods. One significant savings would be to not require that the bridges remain open during
construction. These items will be discussed in a workshop format with Council this evening.
In view of the proposed changes our consultant, Exeltech, was requested to interview the
businesses and agencies affected. Following the business and agency interviews an open house
was held on May 25, 2005 to discuss the donstruction and associated impacts with the public.
The interview and open house comments will also be presented at the workshop.
Following the workshop Coucil action to support the revised construction approach will be
N \CCOUNCIL\ORIGINAL\8th St Br Wrkshp & Amend doc
In addition CO}lncil will also be requested to approve a amendment no. 1 to the Consultant
~ Agreem,ent. The amendment is required to cover the cost of items that were not included or were
deferred in the original agreement scope as well as added engineering requied due to unforseen
geological conditions. The negotiated added costs included in amendment no. 1 are summarized
in the following table.
I Wetland Mitigation Design $ 14,208
2 WSDOT request for Historic Bridge Documentation $ 1,807
3 Streetscape Sketches for Public Meeting $ 1,200
4 Soils conditions required battered piles and bent redesign $ 56,000
5 ESA Critical Areas Analysis $ 1 ,218
6 R/W title reports/construction easements plans $ 6,933
7 Added detour traffic analysis PinelUS 101 and Cedar/Front $ 39,853
8 TS&L Design Re-analysis $ 15,000
9 Added structural detail foundation design $ 45,000
Total $181,219
By shifting of funds between tasks in the original agreement we have been able to avoid
multiple amendments. This proposed amendment reflects a 9.8% increase over the original
approved agreement amount for the pre construction phases 1, 2, and 3 of $1,847,253.32.
Funding for this phase of the project requires a 20% match or It is recommended that Council
approve and authorize the Mayor to sign amendment no. 1 to the engineering agreement with
Exeltech in the amount of$181,219.00 and further authorize allocation of added matching funds
in the amount of$36,243.80 from general funds.
DZ -f:).. oJi
5. 1.058
February 7,2006
Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public W orIes and Utilities ~wv
8th Street Bridge Replacements, Amendment No.2 to the Exeltech Consultant
Summary: The City Council selected, and WSDOT approved, the Steel Slant Leg for the 8tD Street
bridge replacements. Material price increases and WSDOT review comments have required
reevaluation of the construction methods to keep the project within the grant funding limits.
Additional permitting work beyond the current scope ofthe project was needed to complete the
design for fmal approval and advertisement for bids. In addition, the negotiations for the scope and
fees for the construction management phase of the project have been completed. These are included
in the amendment.
Recommendation: Approve and authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No.2 to the
Consultant Agreement with Exeltech in the amount of $977,702.42 and further authorize
allocation of added matching funds for design in the amount of $19,865.55 from general
governmental funds for capital projects. Funding for the construction management will be
limited to not exceed $50,000 until the construction pro.led is awarded by Council. //
Background/Analysis: City Council has selected the Steel Slant Leg alternative as the bridge type
to be constructed over Tumwater Creek and Valley Creek. This selection was supported by
WSDOT's approval of the Type, Size, and Location (TS&L) report. Following this selection, the
continuing rising of material costs and final design review co~ents by WSDOT have resulted in
added design efforts to evaluate and implement cost reduction measures. In addition, a change in the
determination by WSDOT on the historic status of the bridges required added documentation along
with the need to offer them for sale. This change added to the final permitting costs. The total
planning, permitting, preliminary and final engineering fees with the proposed amendment are 12%
of the estimated construction costs and are in line for a project of this size and complexity. These
design related costs will be grant funded at 80% with a 20% match from the City.
Negotiations with Exeltech related to the scope and fees for the construction management of this
phase of the project have been completed. The original agreement included a limited scope and fee
placeholder with the understanding that it would be renegotiated once the design was completed.
The final negotiated scope and fees for the construction management tasks are 10% of the estimated
construction costs and are in line for a project of this size and complexity. These construction tasks
will be grant funded at 100% provided that the 10tal construction related costs do not exceed
N:\CCOUNCIL\FINAL\Exeltech Agreemt Amndnl No 2-8th St Bridges.doc
February 7, 2006 City Council
Re: Exeltech Agreenmt Amndmnt No 2_Sth St Bridges
Page 2
$20,000,000. In that the contract has not been awarded, the consultant's fees will be limited to
$50,000 for pre-award bidding support and analysis activities. Only upon award of the project by .
Council will Exeltech be authorized to proceed with the full construction management tasks.
The negotiated added costs included in Amendment No.2 are summarized in the fonowing table.
I Added DesiJnl Costs $ 84,327.73
2 Historic Brid~e Documentation $ 15,000.00
3 DesiJnl Increase Subtotal ($79,462.18 Grant Funded, $19,865.55 City) $ 99,327.73
4 Original Construction Management Costs Placeholder $798,838.28
5 Added Construction Management Costs $878,374.69
6 Revised Construction Management Costs Total $1,677,212.97
Change Order No.2 Total (Items 3 & 5) $977,702.42
This proposed amendment will bring the total agreement amount to $3,837,757.99 and remain
within an acceptable range for the project. Staff is pleased with Exeltech's performance on the
project. It is recommended that Council approve and authorize the Mayor to sign Amendment No.2
to the Consultant Agreement with Exeltech in the amount of $977,702.41 and further authorize
allocation of added matching funds for design in the amount of$19,865.55 fromgenera1
governmental funds for capital projects. Funding for the construction management will be limited to
not exceed $50,000 until the construction project is awarded by Council. .
Attach: Consultant Fee Determination
. .
Exhibit D-1
Consultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
(Lump Sum, Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Cost Per Unit of Work)
8th Street Bridges Replacement Start Date June 1, 2003
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Environmental through Construction End Date April 1, 2006
Fee Determination
Consultant: Exeltech Consulting, Inc. Exeltech Project # 0328
Classification Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Code Man Hours
LABOR Hours Rate Dollars
05 Project Director 180 x $50.60 = 9,108.00
15 Structural Lead 0 x $44.50 0.00
20 Structural Engineer 1 760 x $40.00 = 30,400.00
25 Structural Engineer 2 40 x $25.50 = 1,020.00
30 Environmental Lead 0 x $39.50 = 0.00
35 Environmental Support 140 x $29.00 = 4,060.00
40 Civil Lead 0 x $39.50 = 0.00
45 Civil Engineer 1 208 x $28.00 = 5,824.00
55 Construction Management Lead 1,084 x $50.00 = 54,200.00
55 Construction Engineer 1 3,960 x $43.00 = 170,280.00
55 Inspector 1,600 x $39.00 = 62,400.00
55 Public Involvement Specialist 300 x $29.00 = 8,700.00
, 55 Admin Support 1 568 x $21.00 = 11,928.00
55 Admin Support 2 0 x $15.00 = 0.00
55 Document Editor 0 x $26.00 = 0.00
55 CADD Tech 1 0 x $23.00 = 0.00
55 CADD Tech 2 328 x $18.50 = 6,068.00
Total Hours 9,16B
Total DSC = 363,988.00
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '06 0 0 0.00
Escalation for '07 5 50 = 9,099.70
Escalated Total DSC 373,087.70
OVerhead (OH Cost - including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of , 165.00% x $363,988.00 = 600,580.20
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of 28.50% x $363,988.00 103,736.58
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Meals and Lodging 718 each @ $90.00 64,584.00
Plans - Plotting / Repro 1,925 each @ $4.50 8,662.50
Mapping/Photos/Surveys each @ $3.50 0.00
Reproduction and Printing 24,440 copies @ $0.25 6,110.00
Field Equipment Rental Lump Sum 25,000.00
Construction Field Office Rental 24 months @ $1,500.00 36,000.00
Construction Field Office Supplies @ Lump Sum 5,000.00
Postage and Supplies 250 Est @ $12.00 3,000.00
Ferry Fare 250 $8.00 2,000.00
Travel 74,880 miles @ $0.485 36,316.80
Reimbursables Total 186,673.30
Subconsultant Costs (See Exhibit G) 413,135.19
Grand Total 1,677,212.97
Prepared By:
santosh Kuruvilla & Rod Finkle
December 9, 2005
. ,'" .
Exhibit B-2
. .
.Formal Task Assignment Document
Task Number Phase 4
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement LA 5617/18
Task Assignment.
shall be in full force and effect for thi~
Location of Project: Port Angeles. Washington
Project Title: 8th Street Bride:e Replacements
. V "
Maximum ArnoUD! Payable Per Task Assignment: S8eI,583.25- I , (., 71l "Z-I"L. GJ7 *'" ~
Completion Date: JyI, 31, :2000- oS ,,'-, "'I, '2-<.= e rY" Iv' 'P
Description of Work:
(Note attachments and give brief description)
Phase 4 - Construction Management
Phase 4 includes Construction Management for the project as o~~lined in the tasks 700-717** of the project
scope of work, Exhibit B-I. Work also includes project management tasks 200-205 and quality control
provisions in tasks 800-809 to the project scope of work.
**Estimate of Cost for Task 717 is not included and will be developed at the initiation of Phase 4.
The estimated cost will be reviewed and if necessary, be revised by the Agency and Consultant prior to
initiation of Phase 4 Task Assignment.
Agency Project ManagerBignature: ~ t--. ~
, \
Oral Authorization Date:
Consullant Signature: , ~
Agency Approving Authority: .
f t
2/170 {;;,
,_ Date:
See Letter Dated:
Page 5 of 5
,I ,_
~ I ~ - F'1 (
t F \ -l-c-'
January 20, 2006
Mr. Santosh'J. Kuruvilla, P.E.
Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
2627 A Parlanont Lane SW
Olympia, Washington 98502-5751
RE: 8th Street Bridge Replacements, Project No. 02-15
Dear Mr. Chaplin:
We are transferring the remaining management reserve funds in the amount of $20,000 to
Phase III to offset added design costs. In addition we administratively extended the Phase I,
II, and III Phase completion dates to 12/31/05,3/1/06, and 3/1/06 respectively to be in line
with closure of these phases. You are authorized to proceed with limited Phase N support
during bidding. The Phase N funding and added funds for out of scope design and .
permitting work will be addressed in amendment no. 2 scheduled for Council action February
Gary W. Kenworthy P .E.
Deputy Director of Public Works/City Engineer
Attachment: Council Memo, Amendment No.2
N:\PROJECTS\02-J5 8th St Bndges\Consultant SeJectlOn\Agreement\Supplemental Agreement #] Transmlttal.doc
PHONE 360-417-4805" FAX 360-417-4542. TTY, 360-417-4645
E-MAIL pub1lcworks@cltyofpa US
5. lJ5g
Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address Phone:
Exeltech Consulting, lnc
Number 2 2590 Willamette Drive NE
Lacey, WA 98516
Original Agreement Number
LA 5617 & 5618 Phone. (360) 357-8289
Project Number Execution Date Completion Date
02-15 A- $l' . Din July 31,2007
Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project $ 3,837,757.99
Description of Work
Supplement includes out of scope Final Design work and the addition of HABS/HAER documentation for the
bridges. In addition, the Supplement accommodates for added Construction Management costs.
The Local Agency of Citv of Port Anqeles
desires to supplement the agreement entered into with Exeltech Consultinq. Inc.
as executed on November 4. 2003 and identified as Agreement No. LA 5617 & 5618
All provisions in the basIc agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement.
The changes to the agreement are described as follows:
Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, IS hereby changed to read:
Attached Exhibit B-1. Scope of Work. replaces Scope of Work for Phase 4 included In the Standard Consultant
Aoreement. This additional Scope of Work was documented in Chanqe Controls #38 and #39, as attached.
Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days
for completion of the work to read: N/A
Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows:
Pavment shall continue to be cost plus fixed fee. Maximum additional pavment for Supplemental Aqreement #2
shall be $977,702.42 ($957,702.42 additional budqet plus $20,000.00 from Manaqement Reserve), amendlnq
the maximum payable amount to $3,837,757.99.
Costs shall be allocated per the tasks Identified and as indicated in the followinq.
Exhibit B-2 (Phase 4) replaces Exhibit B-2 (Phase 4) executed In the Standard Consultant Aoreement
Exhibit D-1 Consultant Fee Determination - Summarv Sheet supplements previous Exhibits D-1
Exhibits G-1 Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summarv Sheet supplements previous Exhibits G-1
for applicable Subconsultants
If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate
spaces below and return to thiS office for final action.
I, I,
" ,
\ ( ,
tJ; 1 ~u - 0/1;
DOT Form 140-063 EF
p,evised 9/2005
1 "
Exhibit B-1
Scope of Work
Scope of Services for Phase 4 - Construction Management
City of Port Angeles
8th Street Bridge Replacements, Project 02-15
Version Date: December 9, 2005
Exhibit B-1
Scope of Services for Phase 4 - Construction Management
City of Port Angeles
8th Street Bridges Replacement, Project 02-15
Version Date: December 9, 2005
Project Management for Construction
Project Engineering
Office Engineering
Construction Staking
Inspection (Civil/Structural/Utilities)
Field Office
Construction Estimating
Claims/Change Order Administration
Scheduling for Construction Contracts
Construction Safety
Adm inistrative/Clerical
Additional Construction Management Services
Quality Control Services
Other Construction Management Services
Third Party Coordination
Develop and Carry out Construction-Phase Public Information Plan
Mitigation Inspection
Project Closeout
Exhibit B-1
Scope of Services
City of Port Angeles
8th Street Bridges Replacement Project
The Consultant shall provide engineering support to the City throughout the construction
duration of the Project. The consultant shall work under the City's Project Engineer /
Project Manager in charge of construction. The City will provide to the Consultant the
materials necessary to accomplish the services included within this Scope of Work.
The Construction Contract period will be from the effective date of Notice to Proceed for
the construction contractor to final project acceptance by the City. This Scope of Work
of the RFP consists of providing construction management services for the 8th Street
Bridge Replacements project, which are noted as follows:
General Assumptions on Which This Scope of Work Is Based
A. The Construction Contract period is assumed to consist of a total of 420 days.
This Construction Contract period is assumed to be supplemented by 90 days to
include pre-bid activities to the date of NTP and project completion activities after
final acceptance by the City. Schedule delays outside of Consultant control may
increase project cost.
B. The Contractor's work schedule is assumed to consist of an 8 hour work day, 5
days per week. No overtime work is assumed.
C. The Construction phasing is assumed to consist of that portrayed in the attached
D. The Consultant is assumed to attend monthly City Council meetings to provide
project status updates for a period of 18 months.
E. Hazardous Materials will not be found.
701. Project Management for Construction (Primary Responsibility -
A. Provide pre-construction activities including:
. Attend Pre-Bid Meetings (assumed to be one meeting)
. Assist in Bid Evaluations and Contract Award, as assigned (Bid
Evaluation assumed to include two meetings in Port Angeles)
. Evaluate Contractors for responsibility
. Attend Pre-construction Conference (Assumes one meeting,
preparation for meeting, attendance at meeting, and distribution
of meeting minutes)
. Attend City Council meeting to recommend contractor selection
(Assumes one meeting and preparation for meeting)
B. Prepare project plan including organization, schedule, and budget.
C. Administer the Construction Management Contract including providing
monthly status reports, invoices, and managing sub-consultants.
Exhibit B-1
D. Attend all contract related meetings and provide minutes to City staff.
E. Prepare cost proposals and negotiate timely amendments to this
Construction Contract.
F. Supervise, coordinate, and direct the Construction Management staff.
G. Perform the day-to-day Construction Contract administration,
including assisting City's Project Manager in conducting the pre-
construction conferences, reviewing the Contractor's initial
construction schedule of values, as well as other pre-construction
submittals. Answering Contractor's questions regarding Contract
Administration and coordinate/communicate with City staff regarding
these services.
702 Project Resident Engineering (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Manages all day-to-day construction and Contract activities. Serves
as the primary representative to the construction Contractors as
Resident Engineer (RE).
B. Manages and oversees the work of Construction Management staff.
Assure that all staff understand and meet contract requirements.
C. Acts as the focal point for all correspondence received from the
Contractor and sent to the Contractor. Responds to all Contract
correspondence with assistance from City and Consultant engineering
staff as necessary.
D. Conducts all weekly construction progress meetings, and all other
contract related meetings. Take and distribute minutes for same.
E. Tracks and resolves day-to-day construction disputes, and assist in
claims analysis, mitigation, and resolution.
F. Assigns inspectors to cover construction contract work schedule.
Assures performance and documentation of inspections.
G. Coordinates construction site access, staging logistics, and
construction interfaces between Contractors and local authorities.
Promotes the spirit of cooperation and coordination among all project
team members.
H. Ensures that Contractor complies with its own safety programs and
that Construction Management staff complies with the safety policies
of the City. Ensures that the Contractor is providing all documentation
and briefings regarding Job Hazard Analyses in accordance with the
City's and WSDOT's Construction Safety Manual.
I. Tracks progress for timely execution of all potential change orders.
Tracks issues and prepares change orders.
J. Coordinates emergency change work as directed by the City.
Secures approval for cost reimbursable work beyond the Scope of
Services. Track costs for payment.
K. Reviews the daily inspection reports of Construction Management
staff and the Contractor, documenting inspection, testing, and jobsite
activities. Elevates issues to Consultant Management and/or City as
appropriate for resolution.
Exhibit B-1
L. Approves, modifies or rejects Progress Payment invoices for
completed work after quantity checks have been made for WSDOT
LAG Manual and prepare correspondence explaining payment
M. Prepares all documentation for WSDOT audit for contract compliance.
Instigate procedural changes as necessary for compliance.
N. Reviews Contractor's initial and final detailed construction schedules,
and schedule of values, and all monthly updates.
O. Assists with Contract start-up, testing, and closeout.
P. Determines substantial completion and oversee production of
Contract punch lists and sign-off in work as it is completed in
accordance with the Contract Documents. Oversees the completion
of all safety certification testing and reporting as required by the City.
a. Recommends acceptance of the work to the City
R. Provides daily, weekly and monthly construction progress reports to
the City.
S. Reviews contract documents for mitigation issues to ensure that all
issues are addressed to satisfactory completion.
T. Monitors Contractor for Monthly Updates of As-built Drawings.
U. Reviews and distributes Contractor Submittals, Catalog Cuts, and
Shop Drawings for compliance with the Contract documents. Seeks
approvals and distributes in a timely manner.
V. Reviews Contractor proposed construction methods and procedures
for the various components of the structures, including
formworklfalsework submittals.
W. Provides clarification and interpretation of Contract drawings.
X. Seeks technical expertise when required for clarification/resolution.
Y. Attends City Council meetings to provide project status updates.
Z. Consultant shall review Contractor's As-Built drawings and develop a
conform set of CADD drawings.
AA.Review Contractor's shop drawings and color/texture choices.
1. A conform set of CADD revised drawings.
Office Engineering (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
(Secondary Responsibility - Lochner)
A. Assists Resident Engineer (RE) as required. Prepares
correspondence with RE oversight.
B. Assists the RE to mange the receipt, distribution, review and
compilation of comments and tracking and return of all submittals and
requests for information (RFI's) from the Contractor.
Exhibit B-1
C. Maintains and distributes current contract drawings and specifications,
and job-site record drawings. Confirm on a monthly basis that
Contractor is maintaining record drawings.
D. Provides technical and engineering support to Construction
Management staff.
E. Identifies potential Contract changes and maintain weekly logs for
submittals, RFl's, potential changes, and change orders.
F. Prepares summary weekly reports for RE.
G. Tracks materials deliveries and quantities of work performed.
Prepares filing system by items for payment to track all administrative
components of the project.
H. Provides contract information to the City.
I. Coordinates and oversees surveying and materials testing
consultants. Confirms periodic survey checks are performed.
J. Prepare Contract document file system in preparation for Federal
audit in accordance with the LAG Manual.
704. Survey Quality Assurance (Primary Responsibility - Wengler)
A. Provide random checks of Contractor's surveying for (1) Roadway;
and (2) Structures.
B. Complies with control requirements to check Contractor survey
geometrics for roadway and structures.
C. Ensure that all survey work will conform to all applicable Washington
State laws and regulations.
Oeliverables: Provide documentation to validate the Contractor's
705. Inspection and Testing (Civil, Structural, Utilities) (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech and Mayes Testing) (Secondary
Responsibility - Lochner)
A. Ensures compliance with plan specifications, Contract documents,
submittals and applicable codes and design standards.
B. Pro-actively inspects all on-site and off-site construction activities for
conformance with Contract Documents.
C. Coordinates design and specification clarifications from appropriate
Consultant and City engineering design staff.
D. Complete Inspector's Daily Reports as required by the Inspection
. Inspection reports to include all labor, equipment and materials
used, Contractor contacts made, visitors to the site, quality of
work, shortages, design issues, safety, traffic management,
accidents, environmental permit compliance, interfaces with other
agencies and government officials, identification of differing site
12/12/05 6
Exhibit B-1
conditions and contaminated materials and the influence of
external events such as weather and strikes.
. Track all scheduled construction bid items by bid item number.
E. Identifies any and all work that is nonconforming to the Contract
Documents. Establishes and maintains documentation of non-
conforming work. Assists the RE in tracking all corrective measures
to resolve any and all nonconforming issues/items. Elevates disputes
to the proper level.
F. Attends and participates in all weekly safety tool box meetings
conducted by the Contractor. Documents all issues discussed at
these meetings.
G. Assists the RE and Office Engineer in reviewing the monthly progress
H. Performs all quality control testing services.
I. Tracks and inspects all material deliveries, storage and protection.
J. Reports all unsafe working conditions. Oversees and schedules on
site and off site materials and quality control testing with materials
testing subconsultant.
K. Monitors and tracks all delays and extra work.
L. Takes and logs all construction photos (digital, video, and regular)
N. Prepares a punch list at every milestone. Tracks open items until
O. Performs other project related inspection services as required.
P. Coordinates project related utility construction impacts.
a. Maintains as-builts, and checks Contractor's as-builts monthly
Field Office (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Consultant will provide adequate field office for Construction
Management team. The field offices will be completely furnished and
maintained by the consultant. Line phones, cell phones, office
equipment, computers, fax machine, printers, scanners and DSL
Internet computer service will be included.
Claims/Change Order Administration (Primary Responsibility -
A. Reviews Contract correspondence and basis of proposed Contract
B. Provides advice and issues resolution alternatives to the City.
Responds to inquires and prepares draft correspondence.
C. Ensures that all contract issues raised by Contractors are addressed
and resolved in a timely manner.
D. Manages change order documentation and the change order tracking
E. Identifies potential disputes and issues and monitor related activities,
Exhibit B-1
F. Logs potential claims, documents actions and provides periodic
reports to the City.
G. Advises and assists the City in dispute avoidance/mitigation
H. Provides timely analysis of claims and recommends appropriate
negotiating strategies.
I. Manages construction contract closeout.
J. Prepares independent cost estimates of proposed changes for
comparison with Contractor's cost proposals and establishes a
negotiating position.
K. Supports RE in change order price negotiation.
L. Prepares claims analyses and estimates.
M. Performs cost-benefit analyses of proposed accelerations, schedules
workarounds, and claim mitigation.
N. Prepares independent cost estimates for evaluating and
substantiating change orders.
O. Works with Contractor on Cost Reduction Incentive Proposals
Scheduling for Construction Contracts (Primary Responsibility -
A. Reviews Contractor's Preliminary and bi-weekly Construction
Schedule at weekly meetings.
B. Coordinates the review process with the City Project Manager to
recommend approving or rejecting the Contractor's schedule.
C. Communicates schedule issues to the City with suggested
Construction Safety (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Coordinates Construction safety plans with local and state officials
and the City safety representatives.
B. Trains and maintains all Construction Management staff in
construction safety including, but not limited, to first aid, locklout-
tag/out procedures, confined space entry, traffic safety, CPR, crane
safety, trench and excavation safety, and personal protective
C. Monitors job site for safety.
D. Assists in resolving job site and public safety issues with the RE,
Contractors, and City staff. Maintains records of all staff safety
E. Audits Contractor's safety records. Discusses and documents non-
safe conditions with the Contractor.
Administrative/Clerical (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Exhibit B-1
A. Provides skilled administrative/clerical personnel to support RE.
B. Creates, logs, copies, distributes, and files all contract
correspondence and paperwork in accordance with approved file
guide system.
C. Takes and distributes meeting minutes
D. Performs office administrative tasks as directed by the RE.
Quality Control Services (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Manages all Construction Management quality control activities.
B. Maintains quality control records in field office for access by City
Project Manager as requested.
C. Subcontracts specialized quality control services as required.
D. Provides additional quality control services as directed by the City's
Project Manager.
E. Ensures that proper inspection and quality control standards are
observed. Ensures that all work complies with the Contract
documents and standards of applicable jurisdictions.
F. Directs the activities of the Construction Management surveying and
materials testing laboratory subconsultants.
G. Follows the intent of WSDOT Construction Manual, WSDOT Standard
Specifications as amended by the LAG Manual, and Materials Manual
to ensure quality guidelines are followed.
Third Party Coordination (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Coordinates with affected local utilities, emergency service providers,
transit, governments and agencies, as specified in the contract
documents, as to design, utilities, protection, hold points, schedule
coordination, permits, and other third-party issues as required.
B. Assists the City Utility Coordinator for project related activities, as
Develop and Carry Out Construction Phase Public Information Plan
(Primary Responsibility - Exeltech) (Secondary Responsibility for
Web Cameras - CPI Fiber)
A. Draft and disseminate written materials: News releases, fact sheets,
web postings, Transit rider alerts, etc.
B. Work with local businesses to minimize project impacts. If applicable,
coordinate with businesses to develop newspaper ads, websites, etc.
to publicize continued operation during construction. Costs of actual
ads, website development, etc are not included.
C. Present project updates at monthly City Council meetings, assumed
for a period of 18 months
D. Prepare and hold Open House with exhibit boards.
E. Prepare and distribute project update newsletters to the public as
. " .
Exhibit B-1
F. Coordinate web cam set up for construction monitoring and project
documentation, and work with City to update website on a monthly
G. Work with the City to prepare project update notices to be circulated in
monthly utility bills.
1. City Project Manager will be primary contact with news media.
2. Project update newsletters are assumed to be distributed
quarterly, for a total of six (6) newsletters.
3. Open House is assumed to include preparation of six (6) 24" x 36"
1. Monthly updates of web page
2. Open House, including preparation
3. Draft up to six (6) project update newsletters for public distribution
4. Time lapse digital documentation of bridge construction - set four
poles at strategic locations, install four cameras for continual
monitoring, provide power/communications cable, and link to City
714. Mitigation Inspection (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Monitor and track wetland mitigation plan for all mitigation commitments as part of
the project record. Prepare project documentation.
715. Project Closeout (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Once the project construction is completed, the project will be officially closed out
following criteria in WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines, City of Port Angeles protocol
and Exeltech Quality Assurance Manual.
Assumption: Budget for this task included in the Project Management
Task 701.
Name: Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
Change Control Plan
Date: February 1, 2006
Change Tracking Number: Change Control #39 (Exeltech #10)
Identify change
(please note if change will be minor,
moderate, or substantial)
Analyze effects of change
(please note scope, cost, and quality
Response strategy
Strategy communication and
(please note how and who)
Work plan revisions
Other Comments:
The change supplements the project budget to accommodate out of scope work
in Final Design associated with re-design of the bridge foundation and bearings,
as well as complete the HABS/HAER documentation. In addition, the change
supplements the project construction budget (Phase 4). The table below
outlines the increase in budget:
1. Added Design Costs - $84,327.73
2. Historic Bridge Documentation - $15,000
Subtotal = $99,327.73
*The Gty agreed to move the remaining $20,000.00 in the Management
Reserve to compensate for a portion of this budget, amending the
supplemented amount to $79,327.73. This is reflected in Change Control #38.
1. Added Construction Management Costs - $878,374.69
Subtotal = $878,374.69
TOTAL = $977,702.42
* New total agreement amount will be $3,837,757.99.
Please see the attached Change Control Project Budget Tracking Spreadsheet
which shows where budaet modifications were made.
This change supplements budget to accommodate for Final Design budget
.overruns and anticipated construction costs.
Additional budget will allow for project completion through Construction (Phase
We have been working with the City to update and review budgets for approval.
The City Council will provide final approval.
Revised Construction scope of work is included in the Supplemental Agreement.
~/1 /p(p
Change Control Plan
Name: Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
Date: January 15, 2006
Change Tracking Number:
Change Control #38 (Exeltech #9)
ChanQe Descriotion
Identify change The change transfers $20,000 budget from the Management Reserve to Phase 3
(please note if change will be minor, (Final Design) in order to compensate for out of scope design work completed in
moderate, or substantial) Final Design. Any budget remaining for Subconsultants post Final Design will be
transferred to Exeltech's budget to further compensate for this out of scope
Final Design work associated with the re-design of the bearings and foundation.
Please see the attached Change Control Project Budget Tracking Spreadsheet
which shows where budget modifications were made.
Analyze effects of change This change transfers budget to the tasks where actual work has over-run the
(please note scope, cost, and quality original budget. Budget remaining in the Management Reserve will be $0.00.
Response strategy Budget transfer offsets a portion of the labor charges incurred in Final Design.
Additional budget will be required to fully compensate for this out of scope
Strategy communication and Verbal communication to transfer budget from Management Reserve to Phase 3
endorsement has occurred between Santosh Kuruvilla and Gary Kenworthy. This Change
(please note how and who) Control will formalize the budget transfer request.
Work plan revisions The scope of the project will not change.
Other Comments:
I Date
i 6J lJ}c,
. .~ .
Exhibit B-2
.Formal Task Assignment Document
Task Number Phase 4
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement LA 5617/18
Task Assignment.
shall be in full force and effect for ~
Location of Project: Port Amzeles. Washinsrton
Project Title: 8th Street Bridee Reolacements
Comp~etion Date:
btl y 31. 1666'" ...::r Uc....,
. V "
I J (",1... 'Z-,"2.... ":J7]V- ~
"I), ~~ ~ ~
Maximum Amount Payable Per Task Assignment: $891.583.25-
Description of Work:
(Note attachments and give brief description)
Phase 4 - Construction Management
Phase 4 includes Construction Management for the project as o~tnned in the tasks 700-717.. of the project
scope of work, Exhibit B-1. Work also includes project management tasks 200-205 and quality control
provisions in tasks 800-809 to the project scope of work.
. '
. ..Estimate of Cost for Task 717 is not included and will be developed at the initiation of Phase 4.
The estimated cost will be reviewed and if necessary, be revised by the Agency and Consultant prior to
initiatioll of Phase 4 Task Assignment.
Agency Project Manager Signature: ~ t-.-.
, \
Oral Authorization Date:
CODSUItant Signature: \ ~
Agency Approving Authority:
2/170 fP
,_ Date:
See Letter Dated:
Page 5 of 5
Exhibit 0-1
Consultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
(Lump Sum, Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Cost Per Unit of Work)
8th Street Bridges Replacement Start Date
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Environmental through Construction End Date
Fee Determination
Consultant: Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
Code Classification Man Hours
LABOR Hours Rate
05 Project Director 180 x $50.60
15 Structural Lead 0 x $44.50
20 Structural Engineer 1 760 x $40.00
25 Structural Engineer 2 40 x $25.50
30 EnVironmental Lead 0 x $39.50
35 EnVironmental Support 140 x $29.00
40 CiVil Lead 0 x $39.50
45 CiVil Engineer 1 208 x $28.00
55 Construction Management Lead 1,084 x $50.00
55 Construction Engineer 1 3,960 x $43.00
55 Inspector 1,600 x $39.00
55 Public Involvement SpeCialist 300 x $29.00
55 Admin Support 1 568 x $21.00
55 Admin Support 2 0 x $15.00
55 Document Editor 0 x $26.00
55 CADD Tech 1 0 x $23.00
55 CADD Tech 2 328 x $18.50
Total Hours 9,168
Total DSC
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '06 0 0
Escalation for '07 5 50
Escalated Total DSC
Overhead (OH Cost -- Including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 165.00% x $363,988.00
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of 28.50% x $363,988.00
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Meals and Lodging 718 each @ $90.00
Plans - Plotting / Repro 1,925 each @ $4.50
Mapping/Photos/Surveys each @ $3.50
Reproduction and Pnntlng 24,440 copies @ $0.25
Field EqUipment Rental Lump Sum
Construction Field Office Rental 24 months @ $1,500.00
Construction Field Office Supplies @ Lump Sum
Postage and Supplies 250 Est @ $12.00
Ferry Fare 250 $8.00
Travel 74,880 miles @ $0.485
Reimbursables Total
Subconsultant Costs (See Exhibit G)
Grand Total
Prepared By:
Santosh Kuruvllla & Rod Finkle
June 1, 2003
April 1, 2006
Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
December 9, 2005
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Environmental through Construction
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: H.W. Lochner
Project Manager
Senior Traffic Engineer
Traffic Engineer
Drainage /Utllities Engineer
CiVil Engineer 1
CIvil Engineer 2
Admin Support
Total Hours
Total DSC
Escalation for '06
Escalation for '07
Escalated Total
Overhead (OH Cost -- Including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 165.14%
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of
Meals and Lodging
Mlleage/ Ferry
Reproduction and Pnnting
Field EqUipment Rental
Postage and Supplies
Reimbursables Total
0 x
0 x
0 x
0 x
0 x
2,862 x
0 x
0 x
0 x
% Increase
Start Date
August 1, 2003
End Date
March 31, 2006
Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Direct Labor
Rate Dollars
% of Work
Quantity Units Rate
1 day @ $600.00 300.00
1 mile @ $1,200.00 712.52
1 each @ $100.00 50.00
1 copies @ $500.00 250.00
0 each @ $0.00 0.00
1 est. @ $200.00 100.00
Grand Total
Prepared By:
Denny Ingham
June 17, 2003
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Geotechnical
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Pan Geo
Principal Geotechnical Engineer
Geotechnical ProJect Manager
Senior Geotechnical Engineer
Senior Engineering Geologist
ProJect Geotechnical Engineer
Staff Geotechnical Engineer
Administrative Assistant
Total Hours
Total DSC
Escalation for '06
Escalation for '07
Escalated Total DSC
o x
8 x
16.945 x
o x
o x
160 x
20 x
% Increase
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x OSC of 171.69%
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x (OSC) of
SubSistence & Lodging
Drilling Subcontractor
Traffic Control/Flagging
Laboratory Testing
Field Consumables
Field EqUip Rental (H20 Level indicator)
Reimbursables Total
Grand Total
Prepared By:
Robert E. Klmmerllng
Quantity Units
294 mile @
2 round trip @
2 days @
o L.S.
o L.S.
o L.S.
o L.S.
o day @
Start Date
August 1, 2003
End Date
March 31, 2006
Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Direct Labor
Rate Dollars
% of Work
June 17, 2003
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement Start Date August 1, 2003
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: SurveYing End Date March 31, 2006
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Wengler Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Classification Man
Hours Rate Dollars
Party Chief 32 x $66.00 $2,112.00
Chainman 40 x $66.00 $2,640.00
PrinCipal \ProJect Manager 64 x $81.00 $5,184.00
Cadd Operator 80 x $68.00 $5,440.00
Clencal 8 x $54.00 $432.00
Total Hours 224
Total DSC $15,808.00
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '06 3 0 $0.00
Escalation for '07 3 0 $0.00
Escalated Total DSC $15,808.00
Overhead (OH Cost -- Including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x D5C of 0.00% x $15,808 $0.00
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of 0.00% x $15,808 $0.00
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Meals and Lodging $0.00
Plans - Plotting / Repro 10 each @ $2.00 $20.00
Mapping/Photos/Surveys 12 each @ $2.00 $24.31
Reproduction and Pnntlng 0 copies @ $2.00 $0.00
Field Equipment Rental 0 $0.00 $0.00
Computers 0 $0.00 $0.00
Postage and Supplies 0 Est @ $0.00 $0.00
Outside Computer 0 $0.00 $0.00
Outside Consultants 0 $0.00 $0.00
Reimbursables Total $44.31
Grand Total $15,852.31
Prepared By:
James Wengler
June 17, 2003
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement Start Date August 1, 2003
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Architectural Services End Date March 31, 2006
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Olympic Design Works (ODW) Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Classification Negotiated
Hours Rate Dollars
Principal Architect 100 x $95.00 $9,500.00
Architect 20 x $75.00 $1,500.00
Total Hours 120
Total DSC $11,000.00
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '06 3 55 $181.50
Escalation for '07 3 45 $297.00
Escalated Total $11,478.50
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 0.00% x $11,479 $0.00
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of 0.00% x $11,479 $0.00
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Meals and Lodging 4 day @ $75.00 $300.00
Mileage (10 trips to Olympia) 2,247 mile @ $0.49 $1,089.59
Mapping/Photos/Surveys 0 each @ $400.00 $0.00
Reproduction and Printing 2,000 copies @ $0.08 $150.00
Field Equipment Rental 0 each @ $150.00 $0.00
Postage and Supplies 0 est. @ $1,000.00 $0.00
Reimbursables Total $1,539.59
Grand Total $13,018.09
Prepared By:
Stuart Bonney, AlA
June 17, 2003
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement Start Date August 1, 2003
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Testmg Services End Date March 31, 2006
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Mike Mayes Testing Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Hours Rate Dollars
Weldmg Engineer 60 x $38.41 $2,304.30
Project Engineer 40 x $34.75 $1,389.88
Inspector 1 240 x $22.68 $5,442.72
Inspector 2 140 x $26.33 $3,686.76
Inspector 3 420 x $27.43 $11,521.86
Inspector 4 50 x $29.26 $1,463.00
Total Hours 950
Total DSC $25,808.52
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '06 0 59 $0.00
Escalation for '07 0 90 $0.00
Escalated Total DSC $25,808.52
Overhead (OH Cost -- Including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 144.9% x $25,809 $37,396.55
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of 28.50% x $25,809 $7,355.43
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
5011 MOisture Density Relationship Test 6 each @ $190.00 $1,140.00
Selve AnalYSIS Test 6 each @ $175.00 $1,050.00
Asphalt Rice Density Test 2 each @ $90.00 $180.00
Asphalt Ignition/Gradation Test 2 each @ $180.00 $360.00
Concrete Compressive Strength Cylinder Test 220 each @ $18.50 $4,070.00
Asphalt Rice Density Test each @ $90.00 $0.00
Asphalt IgnitIon/Gradation Test each @ $180.00 $0.00
Mileage 8,248 miles @ $0.49 $4,000.28
Reimbursables Total $10,800.28
Grand Total $81,360.77
Prepared By:
Michael J. Mayes, P.E.
June 17, 2003
Exhibit G-1
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Camera Sub
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Camera Sub
Start Date August 1, 2003
End Date March 31, 2006
Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Total Hour
Total DSC
Escalation for '06
Escalation for '07
Escalated Total
% Increase
Overhead (OH Cost -- Including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 145.00%
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of
Reproductlon,Pnntl ng,Comm.
Field Equipment Rental
Postage and Supplies
Reimbursables Total
Direct Labor
$41. 00
Quantity Units Rate
day @ $0.00
0 ml @ $0.00 $0.00
0 each @ $0.00
0 copies @ $0.00
0 each @ $0.00
Est @ $0.00
Grand Total
Prepared By:
% of Work
.November 4, 2003
8th Street Bndge
Replacement Consultant
5. lJ; 5g '9.
that know more than he does and carefully decldmg who can be trusted. Mr. Glenn
indIcated hIS support offluondatIOn because nearly 100% of the doctors and dentists
m the commumty support water fluoridation. He has worked With these indIVIduals for
12 years in an enVIronment of lIfe and death, and he trusts them entlIely WIth
admmlstratIve Issues, as well as hIS lIfe and the lIfe of hIs famIly Further, Mr. Glenn
spoke in support of fluondatIOn, as seven out often Amencans currently benefit from
fluonde, and Port Angeles is m the mmority on that issue Mr. Glenn mdlcated the
Centers for DIsease Control call fluondatIon one of the ten greatest advancements m
publIc health in the last 100 years The Office of the Surgeon General supports
fluondatIOn, and a staff member prevIOusly wrote a letter to Dr Kennedy, ChIef
MedIcal Officer at OlympIc Medical Center, m support ofthlscommumty's effort to
fluondate the water. He felt the Issue to be one of trust, and he reIterated hIS trust m
the phYSIcians and dentists, the declSlons made by 70% ofthe populatIOn, the deCISIOns
of the Centers for DIsease Control, and the Surgeon General.
Peter Ripley, 114 E. 6th Street, #102, suggested that, mstead of gIvmg the donatIOn to
the CIty of Port Angeles, the money be provided to a trust fund for the use of those
needing assistance in the form of fluonde pills, dental hygIene, education, and the lIke.
Dr. Todd Irwm, 253 StraIt VIew Dnve, PresIdent of the OlympIC Penmsula Dental
SOCIety, indIcated that the cost of the fluonde project was ongmally prOjected to be
$260,000, and the tax would equate to approxImately $25,000. It was mtended that the
money raised would be used to pay the tax It IS not a bnbe He added that the
HospItal donates funds to the Community ActIOn program for free dental servIces, he
and many other doctors and dentists m the commumty donate a great deal of time m
caring for the community. They are doing everythmg possible to help, and they
appreCIate the CouncIl's efforts as well.
Dr. MIke Maxwell, 3215 South Laurel, is a family physician who wanted to make a
balancmg statement to the Council. Dr. Maxwell mdicated that he sees a WIde
spectrum of patients, and he has made It a pomt over the last few months to query the
patients to get a sense of theIr feelmgs on fluoride. Many have been surpnsed that the
water hasn't been fluondated already and were pleased With the CouncIl's deCISIOn.
Others feel that fluondatIOn is long overdue. When he asked his patIents why there
weren't more letters to the editor m support of fluonde, some drew a parallel that, If
someone were to say the world IS flat, there wouldn't likely be a lot ofresponses that
the world IS round. Dr. Maxwell felt that a majority of the community supports the
effort to fluoridate, and he congratulated the CouncIl on its leadershIp.
Barney Munger, 1504 McDonald Street, ongmally felt that fluonde IS safe and should
be used. However, after conductmg thorough research over the last few months, he has
come to questIOn the use of fluonde and now belIeves fluonde should not be used He
asked the Councilmembers to take another look at the matter by conductmg thelI own
personal research, as he was certain they would deCIde fluonde is not what they wanted.
Jesse WIlson returned to the podium, takmg exception to prevIOUS commentanes
offered by Dr. Maxwell. Mr. WIlson reIterated many of hIS preVIOUS comments m
oppositIOn to fluoride. Dr. Steve Chapman returned to the podium to offer clanficatIOn
on remarks made by Peter Ripley, m thatthe medIcal commumtycurrently donates time
and supplIes to the community. Dr. Scott Kennedy also returned to the podIUm,
informmg the CounCIl that he had written personal notes to all phYSICIans and dentists
asking them to donate funds to the United Way.
8th Street Bridge Replacement, Project 02-15, Consultant Agreement
Director Cutler, WIth the use of PowerPoint slides, provided the CouncIl WIth a
hlstoncal perspective of the 8th Street bndges, datmg back to trmber trestle bridges,
ClIca 1900. WIth the degradatIOn of the bridges over time, load restrIctIOns were
- 4 -
8th Street Bndge
Replacement Consultant
Agreement (Cont' d)
Madrona Woods Pmal
November 4, 2003
placed on the bndges m 200 I and, in 2002, staff was dIrected to proceed wIth
replacement of the bndges Director Cutler revIewed the ongmal cost projections for
bridge replacement, and the CIty'S match has been reduced sIgnificantly due to
Improved grant fundmg aVallable from the State. The match IS now projected at
approximately $400,000. Director Cutler dIscussed the cntena and process used m
consultant selectIOn, the development of the consultant agreement, the four phases of
the agreement, and the associated fee structure for each of the dIfferent phases
Mr. Santosh KuruvIlla, Project DIrector and PresIdent of Exeltech, also usmg
PowerPomt slIdes, advIsed the Council of the operating philosophy to build a landmark
structure to stimulate community pride and long-term development. He Identified what
Exeltech VIews as the project needs, such as fundmg, environmental studIes, processes
and perrmttmg; bndge desIgn; safety for vehicle, pedestrian, and bIcycle traffic,
aesthetics; traffic management; and construction management Mr. KuruvIlla revIewed
the people who will be involved m the project on behalf of Exeltech, to mclude local
companies. He mtroduced Mr. BernIe Chaplm, who wIll serve as the Project Manager
. for Phases 1 and 2. Mr. Chap 1m summanzed the dIfferent phases ofthe project, along
with the projected time line for each of the phases, With project closeout set for 2006.
He informed the Council of theIr plans to conduct publIc outreach tluoughout the
process so that the public is fully aware of the project's unplementatIOn and process.
Every effort wIll be made to commumcate throughout and to aVOId any confusIOn and
mconvemence. Mr. Chaplm Itermzed m detaIl the elements of the publIc outreach
program, after WhICh Mr. KuruvIlla presented the prelIrmnary alternative concepts
bemg consIdered for bndge desIgn. Mr. Kuruvllla assured the CouncIl of ExeItech' s
commitment to total clIent satisfaction tluoughout the project, stressmg qualIty, cost
effectiveness, schedule senSitiVIty, relIable solutions, and change control. He stated hiS
excitement about the project, and he thanked DIrector Cutler, Deputy DIrector
Kenworthy, and the Council for the opportunity.
Discussion followed concerning the alternative bndge designs as they dIrectly relate
to the seIsrmc gUIdelmes, the OppOrtunIty to have the bndges serve as a landmark, the
CIty'S contribution of $400,000 as a match to the grant fundmg, and the fact that
anythmg extra beyond the minImum reqUIrements would be a cost to the CIty
Councilman Headrick then moved to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the
agreement with Exeltech of Olympia, Washington, to provide engineering and
related services for the 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project 02-15 in the total
amount not to exceed $2,698,836.57, with initial authorization limited to Phase 1
and Phase 2 services which provide for alternatives analysis, environmental
reporting, permitting, and preliminary engineering in the amount not to exceed
$1,084,819.83 and the remaining Phase 3, final design, and Phase 4, construction
management, to be brought back to Council for fee authorization and approval
to proceed when these phases are required. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Braun and carried unanimously.
Madrona Woods Fznal SubdiVISIOn
CouncIlman Williams recused himself from the consideration due to appearance of
fairness, and he departed the Council Chambers at 7:20 p.m. Director CollIns then
reviewed detaIls pertment to the Madrona Woods fmal subdivision, noting that the
Plannmg CommIssIon had recommended approval. The proj ect has been funded WIth
grant funds and, because those grant funds will not be available to construct the
requIred mfrastructure until the final plat is approved, the Housing Authonty has
submItted an Interlocal Agreementto mstall the mfrastructure Improvements followmg
fmal plat approval. These types of Improvements are typIcally done pnor to final plat
approval; however, the Interlocal Agreement IS allowed by State statute. DIrector
Collms reported that, before any occupancy can occur, all roadway and utilIty
unprovements for Phase I must be complete. Improvement requIrements for Phase 2
have a deadlme of October, 2005. Because the CIty IS devlatmg from standard
- 5 -
. /...
"'~ ;",
Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address Phone:
Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
Number 5 2590 Willamette Drive NE
Lacey, WA 98516
Original Agreement Number
LA 5617 & 5618 Phone: (360) 357-8289
Project Number Execution Date Completion Date
02-15 December 31,2008
Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project $ 4,725,454.36
Description of Work
The work consists of Environmental Permitting, Design Record, Hydraulic, Utility, and Geotechnical Reports,
Prelim. & Final Plans, PS&E, Public Involvement, and Construction Management.
The Local Agency of City of Port Anqeles
desires to supplement the agreement entered into with Exeltech Consultinq. Inc.
as executed on November 4. 2003 and identified as Agreement No. LA 5617 & 5618
All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement.
The changes to the agreement are described as follows:
Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read:
Attached Exhibit B-1. Scope of Work. replaces Scope of Work for Phase 4 included in the Standard Consultant
Aqreement and Supplemental Aqreement #2.
Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days
for completion of the work to read: Proiect completion is extended to December 31.2008
Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows:
Payment shall continue to be cost plus fixed fee. Maximum additional payment for Supplemental Aqreement #5
shall be $265.196.37. amendinq the Phase 4 budqet to $1.942.409.34 ($50.000.00 previous Phase 4 and
$1.892.409.34 new Phase 4) and the maximum payable amount to $4.725.454.36.
Costs shall be allocated per the tasks identified and as indicated in the followinq:
Exhibit B-2 (Phase 4) replaces previous Exhibit B-2 (Phase 4)
Exhibit 0-1 Consultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet replaces previous Exhibit 0-1 for Phase 4
Exhibits G-1 Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet replaces previous Exhibits G-1 for Phase 4
for applicable Subconsultants
If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated
spaces below and return to this office for final action.
KJ..J IZ. U V , L.'-A
4-4 - D'7
DOT Form 140-063 EF
Revised 9/2005
5. ~5g
Exhibit B-1
Scope of Work
Scope of Services for Phase 4 - Construction Management
City of Port Angeles
8th Street Bridge Replacements, Project 02-15
Version Date: March 28, 2007
Exhibit B-1
Scope of Services for Phase 4 - Construction Management
City of Port Angeles
8th Street Bridge Replacements, Project 02-15
Version Date: March 28, 2007
Project Management for Construction
Project Resident Engineering and Office Engineering
Bridge Structural Engineering
Survey Quality Assurance
Inspection and Testing (Civil/Structural/Utilities)
Field Office
Claims/Change Order Administration
Scheduling for Construction Contracts
Construction Safety
Quality Control Services
Third Party Coordination
Develop and Carry out Construction-Phase Public Information Plan
Mitigation Inspection
Project Closeout
Exhibit B-1
Scope of Services
City of Port Angeles
8th Street Bridge Replacements Project
The Consultant shall provide engineering support to the City throughout the construction
duration of the Project. The consultant shall work under the City's Project Engineer /
Project Manager in charge of construction. The City will provide to the Consultant the
materials necessary to accomplish the services included within this Scope of Work.
The Construction Contract period will be from the effective date of Notice to Proceed for
the construction contractor to final project acceptance by the City. This Scope of Work
consists of providing construction management services for the 8th Street Bridge
Replacements project, which are noted as follows:
General Assumptions on Which This Scope of Work Is Based
A. The Construction Contract period is assumed to consist of a total of 16 months
for construction activities. This Construction Contract period is assumed to be
supplemented by 90 calendar days to include pre-bid activities to the date of NTP
and 90 calendar days to include project completion activities after final
acceptance by the City. Schedule delays outside of Consultant control may
increase project cost.
B. The Contractor's work schedule is assumed to consist of an 8 hour work day, 5
days per week. No overtime work is assumed.
C. The Construction phasing is assumed to consist of that portrayed in the attached
D. The Consultant is assumed to attend monthly City Council meetings to provide
project status updates for a period of 16 months.
E. Hazardous Materials and Archaeological materials and artifacts will not be
encountered on the project site.
701. Project Management for Construction (Primary Responsibility -
A. Provide pre-construction activities including:
· Assist with final bid PS&E document preparation and contract
advertisement through Builders Exchange.
· Respond to Agency review comments.
· Respond to Contractor bidding questions.
· Prepare Addendums #1, #2, and #3 during the advertisement
· Prepare final design calculation books incorporating all
· Assist with Engineer's estimate/Contractor bid evaluation.
· Prepare the Record of Material (ROM) for use during
3/30/07 3
Exhibit B-1
. Prepare 15 complete sets of the Project Manual for use during
construction, incorporating Addendums #1, #2, and #3.
· Attend Pre-construction Conference (Assumes one meeting,
preparation for meeting, attendance at meeting, and distribution
of meeting minutes)
. Attend City Council meeting to recommend contractor selection
(Assumes one meeting and preparation for meeting)
B. Prepare project plan including organization, schedule, and budget.
C. Administer the Construction Management Contract including providing
monthly status reports, invoices, and managing sub-consultants.
D. Attend all contract related meetings and provide minutes to City staff.
E. Prepare cost proposals and negotiate timely amendments to this
Construction Contract.
F. Supervise, coordinate, and direct the Construction Management staff.
G. Perform the day-to-day Construction Contract administration,
including assisting City's Project Manager in conducting the pre-
construction conferences, reviewing the Contractor's initial
construction schedule of values, as well as other pre-construction
submittals. Answering Contractor's questions regarding Contract
Administration and coordinate/communicate with City staff regarding
these services.
702 Project Resident Engineering and Office Engineering (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Manages all day-to-day construction and Contract activities. Serves
as the primary representative to the construction Contractor as
Resident Engineer (RE).
B. Manages and oversees the work of Construction Management staff.
Assure that all staff understand and meet contract requirements.
C. Acts as the focal point for all correspondence received from the
Contractor and sent to the Contractor. Responds to all Contract
correspondence with assistance from City and Consultant
engineering staff as necessary.
D. Conducts all weekly construction progress meetings, and all other
contract related meetings. Take and distribute minutes for same.
E. Tracks and resolves day-to-day construction disputes, and assist in
claims analysis, mitigation, and resolution.
F. Assigns inspectors to cover construction contract work schedule.
Assures performance and documentation of inspections.
G. Coordinates construction site access, staging logistics, and
construction interfaces between Contractors and local authorities.
Promotes the spirit of cooperation and coordination among all
project team members.
H. Ensures that Contractor complies with its own safety programs and
that Construction Management staff complies with the safety
3/30/07 4
Exhibit B-1
policies of the City. Ensures that the Contractor is providing all
documentation and briefings regarding Job Hazard Analyses in
accordance with the City's and WSDOT's Construction Safety
I. Tracks progress for timely execution of all potential change orders.
Tracks issues and prepares change orders.
J. Coordinates emergency change work as directed by the City.
Secures approval for cost reimbursable work beyond the Scope of
Services. Track costs for payment.
K. Reviews the daily inspection reports of Construction Management
staff and the Contractor, documenting inspection, testing, and
jobsite activities. Elevates issues to Consultant Management and/or
City as appropriate for resolution.
L. Approves, modifies or rejects Progress Payment invoices for
completed work after quantity checks have been made for WSDOT
LAG Manual and prepare correspondence explaining payment
M. Prepares all documentation for WSDOT audit for contract
compliance. Instigate procedural changes as necessary for
N. Reviews Contractor's initial and final detailed construction
schedules, and schedule of values, and all monthly updates.
O. Assists with Contract start-up, testing, and closeout.
P. Determines substantial completion and oversee production of
Contract punch lists and sign-off in work as it is completed in
accordance with the Contract Documents. Oversees the completion
of all safety certification testing and reporting as required by the
Q. Recommends acceptance of the work to the City
R. Provides daily, weekly and monthly construction progress reports to
the City.
S. Reviews contract documents for mitigation issues to ensure that all
issues are addressed to satisfactory completion.
T. Monitors Contractor for Monthly Updates of As-built Drawings.
U. Reviews and distributes Contractor Submittals, Catalog Cuts, and
Shop Drawings for compliance with the Contract documents. Seeks
approvals and distributes in a timely manner.
V. Reviews Contractor proposed construction methods and procedures
for the various components of the structures, including
formwork/falsework submittals.
W. Provides clarification and interpretation of Contract drawings.
X. Seeks technical expertise when required for clarification/resolution.
Y. Attends City Council meetings to provide project status updates.
3/30/07 5
Exhibit B-1
Consultant shall review Contractor's As-Built drawings and develop
a conform set of CADD drawings.
Review Contractor's shop drawings and color/texture choices.
Manages the receipt, distribution, review and compilation of
comments and tracking and return of all submittals and requests for
information (RFI's) from the Contractor.
Maintains and distributes current contract drawings and
specifications, and job-site record drawings. Confirms on a monthly
basis that Contractor is maintaining record drawings.
Identifies potential Contract changes and maintains weekly logs for
submittals, RFl's, potential changes, and change orders.
Tracks materials deliveries and quantities of work performed.
Prepares filing system by items for payment to track all
administrative components of the project.
Provides contract information to the City.
Coordinates and oversees surveying and materials testing
consultants. Confirms periodic survey checks are performed.
Prepare Contract document file system in preparation for Federal
audit in accordance with the LAG Manual.
II. Respond to RFI's for traffic signal and illumination systems, signal
phasing/timing, and detour operation.
1 . A conform set of CADD revised drawings.
703. Bridge Structural Engineering (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Manages the contract submittals, Requests for Information (RFI's),
shop drawings, falsework and formwork, cost reduction incentives,
Contractor proposals, and all technical issues related to the bridges
and walls.
B. Attends project meetings and visits the bridge sites when requested.
C. Provides structural recommendations to the Project Engineer in a
timely manner.
704. Survey Quality Assurance (Primary Responsibility - Wengler)
A. Supports Contractor with horizontal and vertical control requirements
and survey geometrics for roadway and structures.
705. Inspection and Testing (Civil, Structural, Utilities) (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech and Mayes Testing) (Secondary
Responsibility - PanGEO)
A. Ensures compliance with plan specifications, Contract documents,
submittals and applicable codes and design standards.
B. Pro-actively inspects all on-site and off-site construction activities for
conformance with Contract Documents.
3/30/07 6
Exhibit B..1
C. Coordinates design and specification clarifications from appropriate
Consultant and City engineering design staff.
D. Complete Inspector's Daily Reports as required by the Inspection
· Inspection reports to include all labor, equipment and materials
used, Contractor contacts made, visitors to the site, quality of
work, shortages, design issues, safety, traffic management,
accidents, environmental permit compliance, interfaces with other
agencies and government officials, identification of differing site
conditions and contaminated materials and the influence of
external events such as weather and strikes.
· Track all scheduled construction bid items by bid item number.
E. Identifies any and all work that is nonconforming to the Contract
Documents. Establishes and maintains documentation of non-
conforming work. Assists the RE in tracking all corrective measures
to resolve any and all nonconforming issues/items. Elevates disputes
to the proper level.
F. Attends and participates in all weekly safety tool box meetings
conducted by the Contractor. Documents all issues discussed at
these meetings.
G. Assists the RE and Office Engineer in reviewing the monthly progress
H. Performs all quality control testing services.
I. Tracks and inspects all material deliveries, storage and protection.
J. Reports all unsafe working conditions. Oversees and schedules on
site and off site materials and quality control testing with materials
testing subconsultant.
K. Monitors and tracks all delays and extra work.
L. Takes and logs all construction photos (digital, video, and regular)
N. Prepares a punch list at every milestone. Tracks open items until
o. Performs other project related inspection services as required.
P. Coordinates project related utility construction impacts.
Q. Maintains as-builts, and checks Contractor's as-builts monthly
R. Geotechnical construction support services are generally defined as
1. Review and provide comments on contractor's submittals,
including but not limited to drilled shafts and walls.
2. Make site visits when requested by the Resident Engineer to
observe aspects of the construction of geotechnical elements.
3. Respond to requests to review differing site conditions.
4. Review and provide comment on CSL test results for shafts.
Exhibit B-1
706. Field Office (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Consultant will provide adequate field office for Construction
Management team. The field offices will be completely furnished and
maintained by the consultant. Line phones, cell phones, office
equipment, computers, fax machine, printers, scanners and DSL
Internet computer service will be included.
Claims/Change Order Administration (Primary Responsibility -
A. Reviews Contract correspondence and basis of proposed Contract
B. Provides advice and issues resolution alternatives to the City.
Responds to inquires and prepares draft correspondence.
C. Ensures that all contract issues raised by Contractors are addressed
and resolved in a timely manner.
D. Manages change order documentation and the change order tracking
E. Identifies potential disputes and issues and monitor related activities,
F. Logs potential claims, documents actions and provides periodic
reports to the City.
G. Advises and assists the City in dispute avoidance/mitigation
H. Provides timely analysis of claims and recommends appropriate
negotiating strategies.
I. Manages construction contract closeout.
J. Prepares independent cost estimates of proposed changes for
comparison with Contractor's cost proposals and establishes a
negotiating position.
K. Supports RE in change order price negotiation.
L. Prepares claims analyses and estimates.
M. Performs cost-benefit analyses of proposed accelerations, schedules
workarounds, and claim mitigation.
N. Prepares independent cost estimates for evaluating and
substantiating change orders.
O. Works with Contractor on Cost Reduction Incentive Proposals
Scheduling for Construction Contracts (Primary Responsibility-
A. Reviews Contractor's Preliminary and bi-weekly Construction
Schedule at weekly meetings.
B. Coordinates the review process with the City Project Manager to
recommend approving or rejecting the Contractor's schedule.
C. Communicates schedule issues to the City with suggested
Exhibit B-1
Construction Safety (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Coordinates Construction safety plans with local and state officials
and the City safety representatives.
B. Trains and maintains all Construction Management staff in
construction safety including, but not limited, to first aid, lock/out-
tag/out procedures, confined space entry, traffic safety, CPR, crane
safety, trench and excavation safety, and personal protective
C. Monitors job site for safety.
D. Assists in resolving job site and public safety issues with the RE,
Contractors, and City staff. Maintains records of all staff safety
E. Audits Contractor's safety records. Discusses and documents non-
safe conditions with the Contractor.
AdministrativelClerical (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Provides skilled administrative/clerical personnel to support RE.
B. Creates, logs, copies, distributes, and files all contract
correspondence and paperwork in accordance with approved file
guide system.
C. Takes and distributes meeting minutes
D. Performs office administrative tasks as directed by the RE.
Quality Control Services (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Manages all Construction Management quality control activities.
B. Maintains quality control records in field office for access by City
Project Manager as requested.
C. Subcontracts specialized quality control services as required.
D. Provides additional quality control services as directed by the City's
Project Manager.
E. Ensures that proper inspection and quality control standards are
observed. Ensures that all work complies with the Contract
documents and standards of applicable jurisdictions.
F. Directs the activities of the Construction Management surveying and
materials testing laboratory subconsultants.
G. Follows the intent of WSDOT Construction Manual, WSDOT Standard
Specifications as amended by the LAG Manual, and Materials Manual
to ensure quality guidelines are followed.
Third Party Coordination (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Coordinates with affected local utilities, emergency service providers,
transit, governments and agencies, as specified in the contract
documents, as to design, utilities, protection, hold points, schedule
coordination, permits, and other third-party issues as required.
Exhibit B-1
B. Assists the City Utility Coordinator for project related activities, as
713. Develop and Carry Out Construction Phase Public Information Plan
(Primary Responsibility - Exeltech) (Secondary Responsibility for
Web Cameras - CPI Fiber)
A. Draft and disseminate written materials: News releases, fact sheets,
web postings, Transit rider alerts, etc.
B. Work with local businesses to minimize project impacts. If applicable,
coordinate with businesses to develop newspaper ads, websites, etc.
to publicize continued operation during construction. Costs of actual
ads, website development, etc are not included.
C. Present project updates at monthly City Council meetings, assumed
for a period of 16 months
D. Prepare and hold Open House with exhibit boards.
E. Prepare and distribute project update newsletters to the public as
F. Coordinate web cam set up for construction monitoring and project
documentation, and work with City to update website on a monthly
G. Work with the City to prepare project update notices to be circulated in
monthly utility bills.
H. Alex Young will render an 11 x17 drawing depicting the three barrier,
rail and luminarie alternatives for use at a City Council Meeting.
1. City Project Manager will be primary contact with news media.
2. Project update newsletters are assumed to be distributed
quarterly, for a total of six (6) newsletters.
3. Open House is assumed to include preparation of six (6) 24" x 36"
1. Monthly updates of web page
2. Open House, including preparation
3. Draft up to six (6) project update newsletters for public distribution
4. Time lapse digital documentation of bridge construction - set four
poles at strategic locations, install four cameras for continual
monitoring, provide power/communications cable, and link to City
Mitigation Inspection (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Monitor and track wetland mitigation plan for all mitigation commitments
as part of the project record. Prepare project documentation.
Project Closeout (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Exhibit B-1
Once the project construction is completed, the project will be officially
closed out following criteria in WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines, City of
Port Angeles protocol and Exeltech Quality Assurance Manual.
Exhibit B-2
Scope of Work
(Task Order Agreement)
Each item of work under this AGREEMENT will be provided by task assignment. Each assignment will be
individually negotiated with the CONSULTANT. The amount established for each assignment will be the
maximum amount payable for that assignment unless modified in writing by the AGENCY. The AGENCY is
not obligated to assign any specific number of tasks to the CONSULTANT, and the AGENCY'S and
CONSULTANT'S obligations hereunder are limited to tasks assigned in writing. Task assignments may
include but are not limited to, the following types of work:
A. Phase I - Alternatives Analysis and Type. Size & Location
B. Phase 2 - NEP AlSEP A Environmental Studies and Documentation and Preliminary Desitm
C. Phase 3 - Final Design and Plans, Specifications & Estimate
D. Phase 4 - Construction Management
Task assignments made by the AGENCY shall be issued in writing by a Formal Task Assignment Document
similar in format to page 2 of this exhibit.
An assignment shall become effective when a formal Task Assignment Document is signed by the
CONSULTANT and the AGENCY, except that emergency actions requiring a 24-hour or less response can be
handled by an oral authorization. Such oral authorization shall be followed up a Formal Task Assignment
Document within four working days, and any billing rates agreed to orally (for individuals, subconsultants, or
organizations whose rates were not previously established in the AGREEMENT) shall be provisional and
subject to final negotiation and acceptance by the AGENCY.
Page 1 of 2
Exhibit B-2
Formal Task Assignment Document
Task Number Phase 4
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement
Task Assignment.
LA 5617/18
shall be in full force and effect for this
Location of Project: Port Angeles, Washington
Project Title: 8th Street Brid2e Replacements
Maximum Amount Payable Per Task Assignment: $1,942,409.34
Completion Date:
December 31, 2008
Description of Work:
(Note attachments and give brief description)
Phase 4 - Construction Management
Phase 4 includes Construction Management for the project as outlined in the tasks 700-715 of the project scope
of work, Exhibit B-1. Phase budget also includes $50,000.00 previously released and invoiced for pre-award
services of the steel slant leg bridges.
Agency Project Manager Signatu~ l. 'l~ Date: f ~/o 1-
Oral Authorization Date: See Letter Dated:
Agency Approving Authority r
Consultant Signature:
Date: 4/ 1/'U30 7
Date: </ - </ - (J 7
Page 2 of 2
Exhibit D-l
Consultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
(Lump Sum, Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Cost Per Unit of Work)
Prepared By:
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
Robert E. Kimmerling
March, 2007
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement Start Date May 1, 2007
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Surveying End Date December 31, 2008
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Wengler Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Classification Man
Hours Rate Dollars
Party Chief 32 x $66.00 $2,112.00
Chainman 40 x $66.00 $2,640.00
Principal \Project Manager 64 x $81.00 = $5,184.00
Cadd Operator 80 x $68.00 $5,440.00
Clerical 8 x $54.00 $432.00
Total Hours 224
Total DSC = $15,808.00
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '07 3 0 = $0.00
Escalation for '08 3 0 = $0.00
Escalated Total DSC = $15,808.00
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 0.00% x $15,808 = $0.00
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of 0.00% x $15,808 = $0.00
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Meals and Lodging $0.00
Plans - Plotting / Repro 10 each @ $2.00 = $20.00
Mapping/Photos/Surveys 12 each @ $2.00 = $24.31
Reproduction and Printing 0 copies @ $2.00 $0.00
Field Equipment Rental 0 $0.00 = $0.00
Computers 0 $0.00 $0.00
Postage and Supplies 0 Est @ $0.00 $0.00
Outside Computer 0 $0.00 = $0.00
Outside Consultants 0 $0.00 $0.00
Reimbursables Total $44.31
Grand Total $15,852.31
Prepared By:
James Wengler
March, 2007
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement
City of Port Angeles
Task Description:
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: H.W. Lochner
Senior Traffic Engineer
Traffic Engineer
Total Hours
Total DSC
Escalation for '06
Escalation for '07
Escalated Total
Start Date
May 1, 2007
End Date
December 31, 2008
Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Direct Labor
Rate Dollars
% Increase
% of Work
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 170.48%
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of
Rei mbursables
Meals and Lodging
Mileage/ Ferry
Reproduction and Printing
Field Equipment Rental
Postage and Supplies
Reimbursables Total
Grand Total
Prepared By:
Gerry Wilhelm
Quantity Units Rate
1 day @ $100.00 50.00
150 mile @ $0.485 72.75
each @ $5.00 0.00
100 copies @ $0.15 15.00
each @ $0.00 0.00
5 est. @ $10.00 50.00
Date: March, 2007
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Testing Services
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Mike Mayes Testing
Inspector I
Inspector II
NDE Technician
Staff Engineer
Project Manager
OT Provision
Total Hours
Total DSC
Escalation for '07
Escalation for '08
Escalated Total DSC
Start Date May 1, 2007
End Date December 31, 2008
Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Hours Rate
536 x $23.25
144 x $26.25
52 x $28.00
5 x $30.00
40 x $27.00
45 x $40.00
% Increase % of Work
0 59
5 50
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 134.3%
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of
Asphalt Ignition/Gradation Test
Asphalt Rice Density Test
Ferry Charge
Asphalt Superpave Set Test
Masonry Motor Compressive Strength Test
Masonry Prism Test
Seive Analysis Test
Shotcrete Panel Test
Soil Moisture Density Relationship Test
Lab Mobilization Fee
Lab Demobilization Fee
Monthly Lab Charge
ReimbursabJes Total
Grand Total
Prepared By:
Michael J. Mayes, P.E.
each @
each @
each @
each @
each @
each @
11,560 miles @
6 each @
each @
6 each @
miles @
1 Lump Sum @
1 Lump Sum @
26 Months @
March, 2007
. ,
Exhibit G-1
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Cameras
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: CPI
Start Date May 1, 2007
End Date December 31, 2008
Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Direct Labor
Hours Rate
0 x $32.00
x $41.00
x $26.00
x $25.00
% Increase % of Work
0 100
0 0
Camera Installer
Total Hour
Total DSC
Escalation for '06
Escalation for '07
Escalated Total
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 145.00%
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of
Initial Set Up
Camera Activation Fee (4 cameras)
Monthly Fee
Field Equipment Rental
Postage and Supplies
Reimbursables Total
Prepared By:
Craig Johnson
Quantity Units Rate
1 Lump Sum @ $13,200.00 $12,200.00
1 Lump Sum @ $6,600.00 = $6,600.00
17 months @ $441.10 $7,498.70
1 Lump Sum @ = $2,320.25
0 each @ $0.00
Est @ = $0.00
Date: March, 2007
Grand Total
, "
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement Start Date May 1, 2007
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Architecture End Date December 31, 2008
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Alex Young Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Classification Direct Labor
Hours Rate Dollars
Alex Young 8 x $105.00 = $840.00
Total Hours 8
Total DSC = $840.00
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '06 0 50 = $0.00
Escalation for '07 0 30 $0.00
Escalated Total DSC = $840.00
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 0.00% x $840.00 $0.00
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x (DSC) of 0.00% x $840.00 = $0.00
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Mileage mile @ $0.45 $0.00
Ferries round trip @ $20.00 = $0.00
Copies and Reproduction days @ $0.45 = $0.00
Reimbursables Total $0.00
Grand Total $840.00
Prepared By:
Alex Young
March, 2007
5. /P 58
Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address Phone:
Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
Number 6 2590 Willamette Drive NE
Lacey, WA 98516
Original Agreement Number
LA 5617 & 5618 Phone: (360) 357-8289
Project Number Execution Date Completion Date
02-15 December 31,2008
Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project $ 4,795,454.36
Description of Work
The work consists of Environmental Permitting, Design Record, Hydraulic, Utility, and Geotechnical Reports,
Prelim. & Final Plans, PS&E, Public Involvement, and Construction Management.
The Local Agency of City of Port Anqeles
desires to supplement the agreement entered into with Exeltech Consultinq, Inc.
as executed on November 4, 2003 and identified as Agreement No. LA 5617 & 5618
All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement.
The changes to the agreement are described as follows:
Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read:
The Scope of Work is supplemented to include additional work as approved by the Port Anqeles City Council
on June 3. 2008. This additional work is shown in Exhibit B-1.
Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days
for completion of the work to read: No Chanqe
Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows:
Payment shall continue to be cost plus fixed fee. Maximum additional payment for Supplemental Aqreement #6
shall be $70.000.00, amendinq the Phase 4 budqet to $2.012,409.34 and the maximum payable amount to
Costs shall be allocated per the tasks identified and as indicated in the followinq:
Exhibit B-2 (Budqet Detail) shows allocation of additional budqet and revised budqet amounts for each task.
If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate
spaces below and return to this office for final action.
By: SOvn.tv.5 h T \LvGv LA V i \ I CG
~ ~~~~~~/ j/~~
. v
~ ;. .'<
Approving Authority Signature
,-- .~
~- Je; -()~
DOT Form 140-063 EF
Revised 9/2005
Exhibit B-1
Scope of Work
Scope of Services for Supplement #6
City of Port Angeles
8th Street Bridge Replacements, Project 02-15
Version Date: June 3, 2008
Exhibit B-1
Supplemental Scope of Services
City of Port Angeles .
8th Street Bridges Replacement Project
Since the award of the contract there have been several unanticipated design,
inspection, and project documentation requirements on the project. This additional
work, as approved by the Port Angeles City Council on June 3, 2008 includes:
1. Support documentation for the unforeseen hazardous material (petroleum
contaminated soil) found on the site.
2. The development and monitoring of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Plan (SWPPP), due to the new Stormwater NPDES requirements.
3. Design, inspection and documentation of the Tumwater Pier 1 modified
footing, due to the unsuitable soil.
4. Design, inspection and documentation of re-routing the 8" water line on the
west end of Tumwater.
5. Design, inspection and documentation of the SR 117 Drainage Revision.
Exhibit B-2
Budget Detail
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project
Phase 1 - Alternative Analvsis and TS&L
301 Prepare ObjectiveslPurpose & Need
302 Develop Funding Strategies
303 PrepareJlmplement Public Outreach Plan
304 Develop Prelim Set Reasonable Alts
305 Evaluate Alts & Select Preferred Alt
306 Prepare Alt Analysis/Bridge Site Data, etc.
320 Project Management
380 QNQC
390 Direct Costs
Total Phase 1 245,312.64
Phase 2 - NEPA/SEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
401 Discipline Repts & Biol09ical Assessments 26,629.73
402 Qualitative Evaluation 13,432.11
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments 7,579.15
404 Prelim NEPA Documented CE & SEPA DNS 7,974.41
405 Public Open House/ Hearin9 10,177.57
406 Response to Comments 2,4 78.00
407 Revised Documented CE & SEPA DNS 6,032.18
408 Environmental Permits 12,155.63
420 Project Management 20,161.66
480 QNQC 10,152.23
490 Direct Costs 5,674.40
Total Phase 2 NEPA / SEPA
Phase 2 - Preliminary Desion
501 Desi9n Report
502 HorizontalNertical Ali9nment Plans
503 Traffic Circulation Study
504 Roadway Sections
505 Preliminary Bridge Design
506 Surveyin9
507 Geotechnical Report
508 Hydraulic Analysis & Report
509 Utilities Design Report
510 Preliminary Streetscape Report
520 Project Management
580 QNQC
590 Direct Costs
Revised Budget
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design
Phase 3 - Final Desion and PS&E
602 Develop/Imp!. Final Design Public Info Plan
603 Civil Plans
604 Bridge Pians
605 Final Design and PS&E Deliverables
606 Specifications
607 Cost Estimating
609 Historic Bridge Documentation
620 Project Management
680 QA/QC
690 Direct Costs
Total Phase 3
Phase 3A - Bridoe Redesion
200 Project Management
601 Revise Biological assessment, etc.
602 Prepare revised CE & SEPA DNS
603 Update Environmental Permits
604 Mitigation Design
605 Update Public Information Plan
606 Revised Design Rept - 30% Final Design
607 Traffic Circulation Redesign
608 Revised Final Geotech Rept
609 Revised Hydraulic Analusis & Rept
610 Revised Utilities Design Rept
611 Preparation of 100% Civil Plans
612 Final Bridge Design - 100% Plans
613 Final PS&E Deliverables
800 Quality Assurance I Quality Control
900 Direct Costs
Total Bridge Redesign
Exhibit B-2
Budget Detail
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project
Original Revised Budget
Budget Changes Remaining
Phase 4 - Construction Manaaement
701 Project Management for Construction 145,511.88 18,000.00 163,511.88
702 Project ResidenUOffice Engineering 452,021.74 30,000.00 482,021.74
703 Bridge Structural Engineering 215,127.07 10,000.00 225,127.07
704 Survey Quality Assurance 2,021.63 2,021.63
705 Inspection and Testing 300,871.25 300,871.25
706 Field Office 13,880.20 13,880.20
707 Claims I Change Order Administration 77,573.81 77,573.81
708 Scheduling for Construction Contracts 14,484.23 14,484.23
709 Construction Safety 3,143.39 3,143.39
710 Administrative I Clerical 150,700.66 150,700.66
711 Quality Control Services 38,216.78 5,000.00 43,216.78
712 Third Party Coordination 40,531.18 40,531.18
713 Construction Phase Public Information 34,589.56 34,589.56
714 Mitigation Inspection 88,862.26 88,862.26
715 Project Closeout 33,369.19 33,369.19
790 Direct Costs 155,011,05 155,011.05
Escalation 13,392.02 13,392.02
Total Phase 4 1,779,307.90 63,000.00 1,842,307.90
Total Exeltech Contract Amount 3,771,214.79 63,000.00 3,834,214.79
David Evans & Associates
Phase 3 - Bridae Redesian
601 Revise Biological assessment, etc.
Total Bridge Redesign
Total DEA Contract Amount
Alex Youna Northwest
Phase 2 - Preliminarv Desian
510 Preliminary Streetscape Report
4,368.00 4,368.00
4,368.00 4,368.00
3,610.00 3,610.00
3,610.00 3,610.00
840.00 840.00
840 .00 840.00
8,818.00 8,818.00
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design
Phase 3A - Bridae Redesian
605 Update Public Information Plan
Total Phase 3! - Bridge Redesign
Phase 4 - Construction Manaaement
713 Public Information Plan
Total Phase 4
Total Alex Young Contract Amount
Exhibit B-2
Budget Detail
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project
H.W. Lochner
Phase 1 - Alternative Analvsis and TS&L
302 Develop Funding Strategies
303 Prepare/Implement Public Outreach Plan
305 Evaluate Alts & Select Preferred Alt
390 Direct Costs
Revised Budget
Total Phase 1 19,390.51
Phase 2 - NEPA/SEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
402 Qualitative Evaluation
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments
405 Public Open House / Hearing
406 Response to Comments
490 Direct Costs
Total Phase 2 NEPA I SEPA
Phase 2 - Preliminary Desian
501 Design Report
502 HorizontalNertical Alignment Plans
503 Traffic Circulation Study
504 Roadway Sections
505 Preliminary Bridge Design
508 Hydraulic Analysis & Report
509 Utilities Design Report
590 Direct Costs
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design
Phase 3 - Final Desian and PS&E
603 Civil Plans
604 Bridge Plans
605 Final Design and PS&E Deliverables
606 Specifications
607 Cost Estimating
690 Direct Costs
Total Phase 3
Phase 3 - Bridae Redesian
607 Traffic Circulation Redesign
611 Preparation of 100% Civil Plans
613 Final PS&E Deiiverables
900 Direct Costs
Total Bridge Redesign
Phase 4 - Construction Manaaement
702 Project Resident & Office Engineering
790 Direct Costs
Total Phase 4
Total Lochner Contract Amount
Phase 1 - Altemative Analvsis and TS&L
303 Prepare/Implement Public Outreach Plan
305 Evaluate Alts & Select Preferred Alt
320 Project Management
390 Direct Costs
Total Phase 1 15,162.47
Phase 2 - NEPA/SEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
401 Discipline ReptsiBiological Assessment 112,446.57
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments 2,128.93
406 Response to Comments 7,739.53
408 Environmental Permits 84.50
420 Project Management 3,439.27
490 Direct Costs 3,556.48
Total Phase 2 NEPA / SEPA
Phase 3 - Final Desion and PS&E
608 Mitigation Design
Total Phase 3
Total Entrix Contract Amount
Exhibit B-2
Budget Detail
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project
Phase 1 - Altemative Analvsis and TS&L
305 Evaluate Alts & Select Preferred Alt
390 Direct Costs
1 ,232.87
Total Phase 1 1,232.87
Phase 2 - NEPAlSEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
401 Discipline Repts IBiological Assessment 5,575.12
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments
490 Direct Costs 78.88
Total Phase 2 NEPA I SEPA
Phase 2 - Preliminarv DesiQn
507 Geotechnical Report
590 Direct Costs
Revised Budget
7,000.00 27,066.30
7,000.00 28,101.70
7,000.00 225,147.33
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design
Phase 3 - Final DesiQn and PS&E
604 Bridge Plans
690 Direct Costs
Total Phase 3
Phase 3 - BridQe RedesiQn
200 Project Management
608 Revised Final Geotech Rept
900 Direct Costs
Total Bridge Redesign
Phase 4 - Construction ManaQement
705 Inspection and Testing
790 Direct Costs
700-007 Tumwater Pier 1
Total Phase 4
Total PanGEO Contract Amount
Michael Minor
Phase 2 - NEPAlSEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
402 Qualitative Evaluation 6,160.00
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments
406 Response to Comments
420 Project Management
490 Direct Costs
Total Phase 2 NEPA I SEPA 6,160.00
No Escalation for Michael Minor
Total Michael Minor Contract Amount 6,160.00
Phase 2 - Preliminarv DesiQn
506 Surveying
520 Project Management
590 Direct Costs
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design
Phase 3 - Final DesiQn and PS&E
603 Civil Plans
605 Final Design and PS&E Deliverables
620 Project Management
690 Direct Costs
Total Phase 3
Phase 4 - Construction ManaQement
701 Project Management for Construction
704 Survey Quality Assurance
790 Direct Costs
Total Phase 4
No escalation for Wengler
Total Wengler Contract Amount
Exhibit B-2
Budget Detail
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project
Olvmcic Desion Works
Phase 1 - Alternative Analvsis and TS&L
303 Prepare/Implement Public Outreach Plan
304 Develop Prelim Set Reasonable Alts
390 Direct Costs
Revised Budget
Total Phase 1 3,040,00
Phase 2 - NEPAlSEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
401 Discipline Repts & Biological Assessments 3,040,00
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments 190,00
405 Public Open House I Hearing 570,00
490 Direct Costs
Phase 2 - NEPAlSEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
401 Discipline Repts & Biological Assessment 12,868,60
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments 3,056,68
406 Response to Comments
420 Project Management
490 Direct Costs 186,38
Total Phase 2 NEPA I SEPA
Total Phase 2 NEPA / SEPA
Phase 2 - Preliminary Desian
510 Preliminary Streetscape Report
590 Direct Costs
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design
Phase 3 - Final Desian and PS&E
603 Civil Plans
690 Direct Costs
Total Phase 3
Total ODW Contract Amount
Phase 4 - Construction Manaaement
705 Inspection & Testing
790 Direct Costs
Total Phase 4
Total Mayes Contract Amount
Northwest Economic Associates
Total NEA Contract Amount
Phase 4 - Construction Manaaement
690 Direct Costs
Total Phase 4
Total CPI Contract Amount
Northwest Archaeoloov
Phase 3 - Final Desian and PS&E
609 Historic Bridge Documentation
690 Direct Costs
Total Phase 3
Phase 3 - Bridae Redesian
601 Revise Biological assessment, etc,
900 Direct Costs
Total Bridge Redesign
Total NW Arch Contract Amount
13,634,19 13,634,19
549,96 549.96
14,184.15 14,184.15
7,560.46 7,560.46
1,170.45 1,170,45
8,730.91 8,730.91
22,915.06 22,915.06
Exhibit B-2
Budget Detail
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project
Revised Budget
Budoet Chanoes Remaininq
Proiect Totals
Phase 1 - Altemative Analvsis and TS&L
301 Prepare Objectives/Purpose & Need 3,968.77 3,968.77
302 Develop Funding Strategies 18,035.38 18,035.38
303 Prepare/Implement Public Outreach Plan 98,694.21 98,694.21
304 Develop Prelim Set Reasonable Alts 36,241.56 36,241.56
305 Evaluate Alts & Select Preferred Alt 31,323.52 31,323.52
306 Prepare Alt Analysis/Bridge Site Data, etc. 52,968.09 52,968.09
320 Project Management 21,932.30 21,932.30
380 QAlQC 14,384.87 14,38487
390 Direct Costs 6,589.79 6,589.79
Total Phase 1 284,138.49 284,138.49
Phase 2 - NEPAlSEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
401 Discipline Repts & Biological Assessments 160,560.02 160,560.02
402 Qualitative Evaluation 20,414.30 20,414.30
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments 15,157.47 15,157.47
404 Prelim NEPA Documented CE & SEPA DNS 7,974.41 7,974.41
405 Public Open House / Hearing 13,008.07 13,008.07
406 Response to Comments 13,864.14 13,864.14
407 Revised Documented CE & SEPA DNS 6,032.18 6,032.18
408 Environmental Permits 12,240.13 12,240.13
420 Project Management 23,600.93 23,600.93
480 QAlQC 10,152.23 10,152.23
490 Direct Costs 9,711.62 9,711.62
Escalation -
Total Phase 2 NEPA / SEPA 292,715.50 292,715.50
Phase 2 - Preliminary Desion
501 Design Report 12,823.17 12,823.17
502 HorizontalNertical Alignment Plans 13,320.48 13,320.48
503 Traffic Circulation Study 29,917.98 29,917.98
504 Roadway Sections 16,247.03 16,247.03
505 Preliminary Bridge Design 116,143.80 116,143.80
506 Surveying 40,109.10 40,109.10
507 Geotechnical Report 38,952.67 38,952.67
508 Hydraulic Analysis & Report 30,578.47 - 30,578.47
509 Utilities Desi9n Report 14,590.22 - 14,590.22
510 Preliminary Streetscape Report 18,793.10 - 18,793.10
520 Project Management 17,712.51 17,712.51
580 QAlQC 10,180.25 10,180.25
590 Direct Costs 52,214.73 52,214.73
Escalation -
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design 411,583.51 411,583.51
Phase 3 - Final Desion and PS&E
602 Developllmpl. Final Design Public Info Plan 10,310.92 10,310.92
603 Civil Plans 244,547.01 244,547.01
604 Bridge Plans 530,662.75 530,662.75
605 Final Design and PS&E Deliverables 199,487.42 199,487.42
606 Specifications 33,953.09 33,953.09
607 Cost Estimating 14,724.45 - 14,724.45
608 Mitigation Design 14,179.08 - 14,179.08
609 Historic Bridge Documentation 13,682.10 - 13,682.10
620 Project Management 20,009.99 20,009.99
680 QA/QC 84,405.33 84,405.33
690 Direct Costs 6,145.38 6,145.38
Escalation -
Total Phase 3 1,172,107.52 1,172,107.52
Phase 3 - Bridoe Redesion
200 Project Management 19,833.10 19,833.10
601 Revise Biological assessment, etc. 14,893.02 14,893.02
602 Prepare revised CE & SEPA DNS 4,680.32 - 4,680.32
603 Update Environmental Permits 5,708.74 - 5,708.74
604 Mitigation Design 15,111.36 - 15,111.36
605 Update Public Information Plan 22,489.19 22,489.19
606 Revised Design Rept - 30% Final Design 83,647.67 83,647.67
607 Traffic Circulation Redesign 11,452.68 11,452.68
608 Revised Final Geotech Rept 32,893.52 32,893.52
609 Revised Hydraulic Analusis & Rept 8,647.06 - 8,647.06
610 Revised Utilities Design Rept 8,174.83 - 8,174.83
611 Preparation of 100% Civil Plans 76,414.49 76,414.49
612 Final Bridge Design -100% Plans 174,479.31 174,479.31
613 Final PS&E Deliverables 56,331.30 56,331.30
800 Quality Assurance / Quality Control 33,853.64 33,853.64
900 Direct Costs 53,889.77 - 53,889.77
Total Bridqe Redesiqn 622,500.00 622,500.00
Exhibit B-2
Budget Detail
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project
Phase 4 - Construction ManaQement
701 Project Management for Construction
702 Project Engineering
703 Office Engineering
704 Survey Quality Assurance
705 Inspection & Testing
706 Field Office
707 Claims I Change Order Administration
708 Scheduling for Construction Contracts
709 Construction Safety
710 Adminisrative I Clerical
711 Quality Control Services
712 Third Party Coordination
713 Public Information Plan
714 Mitigation Inspection
715 Project Closeout
790 Direct Costs
700-001 SWPP
700-002 Qwest Added Conduit Request
700-003 Additional Environmental Permitting
700-004 Archeology
700-005 Hazardous Material Substance Disposal
700-006 69 KV Power Line
700-007 Tumwater Pier 1 Unstable
700-008 Waterline 8" By Pass
700-009 SR 117 Drainage Revisions
Total Phase 4
Total Contract Amount
Original Revised Budget
Budnet Channes Remaininn
145,943.88 18,000.00 163,943.88
469,465.09 30,000.00 499,465.09
215,127.07 10,000.00 225,127.07
17,397.63 17,397.63
375,410.73 7,000.00 382,410.73
13,880.20 13,880.20
77,573.81 77,573.81
14,484.23 14,484.23
3,143.39 3,143.39
150,700.66 150,700.66
38,216.78 5,000.00 43,216.78
40,531.18 40,531.18
35,429.56 35,429.56
88,862.26 88,862.26
33,369.19 33,369.19
208,849.06 208,849.06
Escalation 14,024.62
70,000.00 2,012,409.34
70,000.00 4,795,454.36
5. ~5'?
Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address Phone:
Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
Number 7 2590 Willamette Drive NE
Lacey, WA 98516
Original Agreement Number
LA 5617 & 5618 Phone: (360) 357-8289
Project Number Execution Date Completion Date
02-15 December 31,2008
Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project $ 4,943,854.36
Description of Work
The work consists of Environmental Permitting, Design Record, Hydraulic, Utility, and Geotechnical Reports,
Prelim. & Final Plans, PS&E, Public Involvement, and Construction Management.
The Local Agency of City of Port Anaeles
desires to supplement the agreement entered into with Exeltech Consultino. Inc.
as executed on November 4.2003 and identified as Agreement No. LA 5617 & 5618
All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement.
The changes to the agreement are described as follows:
Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read:
The Scope of Work is supplemented to include additional work as approved by the Port Anqeles City Council
on March 17. 2009. This additional work is shown in Exhibit B-1.
Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days
for completion of the work to read: No Chanqe
Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows:
Payment shall continue to be cost plus fixed fee. Maximum additional payment for Supplemental Aqreement #7
shall be $148.400.00. amendinq the Phase 4 budaet to $2.160.809.34 and the maximum payable amount to
Costs shall be allocated per the tasks identified and as indicated in the followinQ:
Exhibit B-2 (Budaet Detail) shows allocation of additional budaet and revised budqet amounts for each task.
If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate
spaces below and return to this office for final action.
<.j - ,!)~ - 04
/ .
DOT Form 140-063 E F
Revi.sed 9/2005
Exhibit B-1
Scope of Work
Scope of Services for Supplement #7
City of Port Angeles
8th Street Bridge Replacements, Project 02-15
Version Date: March 17,2009
Exhibit B-1
Supplemental Scope of Services
City of Port Angeles
8th Street Bridges Replacement Project
Since the award of the contract there have been several unanticipated design,
inspection, and project documentation requirements on the project. This additional
work, as approved by the Port Angeles City Council on March 17, 2009 includes:
1. Support documentation for the unforeseen hazardous material (petroleum
contaminated soil) found on the site.
2. The continued monitoring of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan
(SWPPP), due to the new Stormwater NPDES requirements.
3. Design, inspection, and documentation of the Tumwater Pier 1 modified
footing, due to the unsuitable soil.
4. Design, inspection, and documentation of re-routing the 8" water line on the
west end of Tumwater.
5. Design, inspection, and documentation of the SR 117 Drainage Revision.
6. Due to weather delays, and several other events and unforeseen conditions,
the length of this project will be approximately 2 ~ months longer than was
budgeted for. This caused the materials testing and project management to
be done over a longer period of time, which directly impacts the budget for
7. During the design phase, various design methods incorporate safety factors
to account for uncertainties and random deviations in material strength,
fabrication, construction, durability, and loadings. Bridge Load Ratings are
required by the Federal Highways Administration (FHWA) for all new bridges
when they become part of the Washington State inventory of bridges. This
load rating is used to determine the usable live load capacity of a bridge.
Supplemental Agreement #7
Phase 1 - Alternative Analvsis and TS&L
301 Prepare Objectives/Purpose & Need
302 Develop Funding Strategies
303 Prepare/Implement Public Outreach Plan
304 Develop Prelim Set Reasonable Alts
305 Evaluate Alts & Select Preferred Alt
306 Prepare Alt Analysis/Bridge Site Data, etc.
320 Project Management
380 QAlQC
390. Direct Costs
\ Total Phase 1 245,312.64
Phase 2 - NEPAlSEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
401 Discipline Repts & Biological Assessments 26,629.73
402 Qualitative Evaluation 13,432.11
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments 7,579.15
404 Prelim NEPA Documented CE & SEPA DNS 7,974.41
405 Public Open House / Hearin9 10,177.57
406 Response to Comments 2,478.00
407 Revised Documented CE & SEPA DNS 6,032.18
408 Environmental Permits 12,155.63
420 Project Management 20,161.66
480 QAlQC 10,152.23
490 Direct Costs 5,674.40
Total Phase 2 NEPA / SEPA
Phase 2 - Preliminarv Desian
501 Design Report
502 HorizontalNertical Alignment Plans
503 Traffic Circulation Study
504 Roadway Sections
505 Preliminary Bridge Design
506 Surveying
507 Geotechnical Report
508 Hydraulic Analysis & Report
509 Utiiities Design Report
510 Preliminary Streetscape Report
520 Project Management
580 QAlQC
590 Direct Costs
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design
Phase 3 - Final Desian and PS&E
602 Develop/Imp!. Final Design Public Info Plan
603 Civil Plans
604 Bridge Plans
605 Final Design and PS&E Deliverables
606 Specifications
607 Cost Estimating
609 Historic Bridge Documentation
620 Project Management
680 QA/QC
690 Direct Costs
Total Phase 3
Phase 3A - Bridae Redesian
200 Project Management
601 Revise Biological assessment, etc.
602 Prepare revised CE & SEPA DNS
603 Update Environmental Permits
604 Mitigation Design
605 Update Public Information Plan
606 Revised Design Rept - 30% Final Design
607 Traffic Circulation Redesign
608 Revised Final Geotech Rept
609 Revised Hydraulic Analusis & Rept
610 Revised Utilities Design Rept
611 Preparation of 100% Civil Plans
612 Final Bridge Design - 100% Plans
613 Final PS&E DeliverabJes
800 Quality Assurance / Quality Control
900 Direct Costs
Total Bridge Redesign
Supplemental Agreement #7
Phase 4 - Construction Manaaement
701 Project Management for Construction
702 Project Resident/Office Engineering
703 Bridge Structural Engineering
704 Survey Quality Assurance
705 Inspection and Testing
706 Field Office
707 Claims I Change Order Administration
708 Scheduling for Construction Contracts
709 Construction Safety
710 Administrative I Clerical
711 Quality Control Services
712 Third Party Coordination
713 Construction Phase Public Information
714 Mitigation Inspection
715 Project Closeout
790 Direct Costs
Total Phase 4
Total Exeltech Contract Amount
David Evans & Associates
Phase 3 - Bridae Redesian
601 Revise Biological assessment, etc.
Total Bridge Redesign
Total DEA Contract Amount
Alex Youna Northwest
Phase 2 - Preliminarv Desian
510 Preliminary Streetscape Report
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design
Phase 3A - Bridae Redesian
605 Update Public Information Plan
Total Phase 31 - Bridge Redesign
Phase 4 - Construction Manaaement
713 Public Information Plan
Total Phase 4
Total Alex Young Contract Amount
1,833,017 .02
1,927,417 .02
4,368.00 4,368.00
4,368.00 4,368.00
3,610.00 3,610.00
3,610.00 3,610.00
840.00 840.00
840.00 840.00
8,818.00 8,818.00
Supplemental Agreement #7
H.W. Lochner
Phase 1 - Alternative Analvsis and TS&L
302 Develop Funding Strategies
303 Prepare/Implement Public Outreach Plan
305 Evaluate Alts & Select Preferred Alt
390 Direct Costs
Total Phase 1 19,390.51
Phase 2 - NEPA/SEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
402 Qualitative Evaluation
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments
405 Public Open House / Hearing
406 Response to Comments
490 Direct Costs
Total Phase 2 NEPA / SEPA
Phase 2 - Preliminarv Desian
501 Design Report
502 HorizontalNertical Alignment Plans
503 Traffic Circulation Study
504 Roadway Sections
505 Preliminary Bridge Design
508 Hydraulic Analysis & Report
509 Utilities Design Report
590 Direct Costs
Esca lation
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design
Phase 3 - Final Desian and PS&E
603 Civil Plans
604 Bridge Plans
605 Final Design and PS&E Deliverables
606 Specifications
607 Cost Estimating
690 Direct Costs
Total Phase 3
Phase 3 - Bridae Redesian
607 Traffic Circulation Redesign
611 Preparation of 100% Civil Plans
613 Final PS&E Deliverables
900 Direct Costs
Total Bridge Redesign
Phase 4 - Construction Manaaement
702 Project Resident & Office Engineering
790 Direct Costs
Total Phase 4
Total Lochner Contract Amount
Phase 1 - Alternative Analvsis and TS&L
303 Prepare/Implement Public Outreach Plan
305 Evaluate Alts & Select Preferred Alt
320 Project Management
390 Direct Costs
Total Phase 1 15,162.47
Phase 2 - NEPAlSEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
401 Discipline ReptslBiological Assessment 112,446.57
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments 2,128.93
406 Response to Comments 7,739.53
408 Environmental Permits 84.50
420 Project Management 3,439.27
490 Direct Costs 3,556.48
Total Phase 2 NEPA / SEPA
Phase 3 - Final Desian and PS&E
608 Mitigation Design
Total Phase 3
Total Entrix Contract Amount
Supplemental Agreement #7
Total Phase 1 1,232.87
Phase 2 - NEPAlSEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
401 Discipline Repts IBiological Assessment 5,575.12
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments
490 Direct Costs 78.88
Total Phase 2 NEPA I SEPA
Phase 2 - Preliminarv Desian
507 Geotechnical Report
590 Direct Costs
Phase 2 - NEPA/SEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
402 Qualitative Evaluation 6,160.00
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments
406 Response to Comments
420 Project Management
490 Direct Costs
Total Phase 2 NEPAl SEPA 6,160.00
No Escalation for Michael Minor
Total Michael Minor Contract Amount 6,160.00
Phase 1 - Alternative Analvsis and TS&L
305 Evaluate Alts & Select Preferred Alt
390 Direct Costs
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design
Phase 3 - Final Desian and PS&E
604 Bridge Plans
690 Direct Costs
Total Phase 3
Phase 3 - Bridae Redesian
200 Project Management
608 Revised Final Geotech Rept
900 Direct Costs
Total Bridge Redesign
Phase 4 - Construction Manaaement
705 Inspection and Testing
790 Direct Costs
700-007 Tumwater Pier 1
Total Phase 4
Total PanGEO Contract Amount
Michael Minor
Phase 2 - Preliminarv Desian
506 Surveying
520 Project Management
590 Direct Costs
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design
Phase 3 - Final Desian and PS&E
603 Civil Plans
605 Final Design and PS&E Deliverables
620 Project Management
690 Direct Costs
Total Phase 3
Phase 4 - Construction Manaaement
701 Project Management for Construction
704 Survey Quality Assurance
790 Direct Costs
Total Phase 4
No escalation for Wengler
Total Wengler Contract Amount
Supplemental Agreement #7
OlvmDic DesiQn Works
Phase 1 - Alternative Analvsis and TS&L
303 Prepare/Implement Public Outreach Plan
304 Develop Prelim Set Reasonable Alts
390 Direct Costs
Total Phase 1 3,040.00
Phase 2 - NEPA/SEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
401 Discipline Repts & Biological Assessments 3,040.00
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments 190.00
405 Public Open House I Hearing 570.00
490 Direct Costs
Total Phase 2 NEPA / SEPA
Phase 2 - Preliminarv Desion
510 Preliminary Streetscape Report
590 Direct Costs
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design
Phase 3 - Final Desion and PS&E
603 Civil Plans
690 Direct Costs
Total Phase 3
Total ODW Contract Amount
Phase 4 - Construction Manaoement
705 Inspection & Testing
790 Direct Costs
Total Phase 4
63,764.06 54,000.00 117,764.06
23,864.60 23,864.60
Escalation 518.20 518.20
88,146.86 54,000.00 142,146.86
88,146.86 54,000.00 142,146.86
Total Mayes Contract Amount
Northwest Economic Associates
Phase 2 - NEPA/SEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
401 Discipline Repts & Biological Assessment 12,868.60 12,868.60
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments 3,056.68 3,056.68
406 Response to Comments
420 Project Management
490 Direct Costs 186.38 186.38
Total Phase 2 NEPA I SEPA 16,111.66 16,111.66
Total NEA Contract Amount 16,111.66 16,111.66
Phase 4 - Construction Manaoement
690 Direct Costs 28,618.95 28,618.95
Total Phase 4 28,618.95 28,618.95
Total CPI Contract Amount 28,618.95 28,618.95
Northwest ArchaeoloQV
Phase 3 - Final Desion and PS&E
609 Historic Bridge Documentation 13,634.19 13,634.19
690 Direct Costs 549.96 549.96
Total Phase 3 14,184.15 14,184.15
Phase 3 - Bridoe Redesion
601 Revise Biological assessment, etc. 7,560.46 7,560.46
900 Direct Costs 1,170.45 1,170.45
Total Bridge Redesign 8,730.91 8,730.91
Total NW Arch Contract Amount 22,915.06 22,915.06
Supplemental Agreement #7
Budnet #7 Budllet
Proiect Totals
Phase 1 - Alternative Analvsis and TS&L
301 Prepare Objectives/Purpose & Need 3,968.77 3,968.77
302 Develop Funding Strategies 18,035.38 - 18,035.38
303 Prepare/lmplement Public Outreach Plan 98,694.21 - 98,694.21
304 Develop Prelim Set Reasonable Alts 36,241.56 - 36,241.56
305 Evaluate Alts & Select Preferred Alt 31,323.52 - 31,323.52
306 Prepare Alt Analysis/Bridge Site Data, etc. 52,968.09 - 52,968.09
320 Project Management 21,932.30 21,932.30
380 QAlQC 14,384.87 - 14,384.87
390 Direct Costs 6,589.79 - 6,589.79
Escalation - -
Total Phase 1 284,138.49 . 284,138.49
Phase 2 - NEPAlSEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
401 Discipline Repts & Biological Assessments 160,560.02 - 160,560.02
402 Qualitative Evaluation 20,414.30 - 20,414.30
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments 15,157.47 15,157.47
404 Prelim NEPA Documented CE & SEPA DNS 7,974.41 - 7,974.41
405 Public Open House / Hearing 13,008.07 - 13,008.07
406 Response to Comments 13,864.14 - 13,864.14
407 Revised Documented CE & SEPA DNS 6,032.18 - 6,032.18
408 Environmental Permits 12,240.13 - 12,240.13
420 Project Management 23,600.93 - 23,600.93
480 QAlQC 10,152.23 - 10,152.23
490 Direct Costs 9,711.62 - 9,711.62
Escalation - -
Total Phase 2 NEPA / SEPA 292,715.50 - 292,715.50
Phase 2 - Preliminarv DesiQn
501 Design Report 12,823.17 - 12,823.17
502 HorizontalNertical Alignment Plans 13,320.48 - 13,320.48
503 Traffic Circulation Study 29,917.98 - 29,917.98
504 Roadway Sections 16,247.03 - 16,247.03
505 Preliminary Bridge Design 116,143.80 - 116,143.80
506 Surveying 40,109.10 - 40,109.10
507 Geotechnical Report 38,952.67 - 38,952.67
508 Hydraulic Analysis & Report 30,578.47 - 30,578.47
509 Utilities Design Report 14,590.22 - 14,590.22
510 Preliminary Streetscape Report 18,793.10 - 18,793.10
520 Project Management 17,712.51 - 17,712.51
580 QAlQC 10,180.25 - 10,180.25
590 Direct Costs 52,214.73 - 52,214.73
Escalation -
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design 411,583.51 - 411,583.51
Phase 3 - Final DesiQn and PS&E
602 Developllmpl. Final Design Public Info Plan 10,310.92 - 10,310.92
603 Civil Plans 244,547.01 - 244,547.01
604 Bridge Plans 530,662.75 - 530,662.75
605 Final Design and PS&E Deliverables 199,487.42 199,487.42
606 Specifications 33,953.09 - 33,953.09
607 Cost Estimating 14,724.45 - 14,724.45
608 Mitigation Design 14,179.08 - 14,179.08
609 Historic Bridge Documentation 13,682.10 - 13,682.10
620 Project Management 20,009.99 - 20,009.99
680 QA/QC 84,405.33 - 84,405.33
690 Direct Costs 6,145.38 - 6,145.38
Escalation - -
Total Phase 3 1,172,107.52 . 1,172,107.52
Phase 3 - BridQe RedesiQn
200 Project Management 19,833.10 - 19,833.10
601 Revise Biological assessment, etc. 14,893.02 - 14,893.02
602 Prepare revised CE & SEPA DNS 4,680.32 - 4,680.32
603 Update Environmental Permits 5,708.74 . 5,708.74
604 Mitigation Design 15,111.36 - 15,111.36
605 Update Public Information Plan 22,48919 - 22,489.19
606 Revised Design Rept - 30% Final Design 83,647.67 . 83,647.67
607 Traffic Circulation Redesign 11,452.68 - 11,452.68
608 Revised Final Geotech Rept 32,893.52 . 32,893.52
609 Revised Hydraulic Analusis & Rept 8,647.06 - 8,647.06
610 Revised Utilities Design Rept 8,174.83 - 8,174.83
611 Preparation of 100% Civil Plans 76,414.49 - 76,414.49
612 Final Bridge Design -100% Plans 174,479.31 - 174,479.31
613 Final PS&E Deliverables 56,331.30 - 56,331.30
800 Quality Assurance / Quality Control 33,853.64 - 33,853.64
900 Direct Costs 53,889.77 . 53,889.77
Escalation - -
Total Bridlle Redesilln 622,500.00 . 622,500.00
Supplemental Agreement #7
Phase 4 - Construction Manaoement
701 Project Management for Construction
702 Project Engineering
703 Office Engineering
704 Survey Quality Assurance
705 Inspection & Testing
706 Field Office
707 Claims I Change Order Administration
708 Scheduling for Construction Contracts
709 Construction Safety
710 Adminisrative I Clerical
711 Quality Control Services
712 Third Party Coordination
713 Public Information Plan
714 Mitigation Inspection
715 Project Closeout
790 Direct Costs
700-001 SWPP
700-002 Qwest Added Conduit Request
700-003 Additional Environmental Permitting
700-004 Archeology
700-005 Hazardous Material Substance Disposal
700-006 69 KV Power Line
700-007 Tumwater Pier 1 Unstable
700-008 Waterline 8" By Pass
700-009 SR 117 Drainage Revisions
Total Phase 4
Total Contract Amount
Escalation 14,024.62
148,400.00 2,160,809.34
148,400.00 4,943,854.36
5. 1.058
Supplemental Agreement Organization and Address Phone:
Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
Number 7 2590 Willamette Drive NE
Lacey, WA 98516
Original Agreement Number
LA 5617 & 5618 Phone: (360) 357-8289
Project Number Execution Date Completion Date
02-15 March 15, 2009
Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project $ 4,943,854.36
Description of Work
The work consists of Environmental Permitting, Design Record, Hydraulic, Utility, and Geotechnical Reports,
Prelim. & Final Plans, PS&E, Public Involvement, and Construction Management.
The Local Agency of City of Port Anqeles
desires to supplement the agreement entered into with Exeltech Consultinq. Inc.
as executed on November 4. 2003 and identified as Agreement No. LA 5617 & 5618
All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement.
The changes to the agreement are described as follows:
Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read:
The Scope of Work is supplemented to include additional work as approved by the Port Anqeles City Council
on March 17. 2009. This additional work is shown in Exhibit B-1.
March 31. 2009
Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows:
Payment shall continue to be cost plus fixed fee. Maximum additional payment for Supplemental Aqreement #7
shall be $148.400.00. amendinq the Phase 4 budqet to $2.160.809.34 and the maximum payable amount to
Costs shall be allocated per the tasks identified and as indicated in the followinq:
Exhibit B-2 (Budqet Detail) shows allocation of additional budqet and revised budqet amountsJor each task.
If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate
spaces below and return to this office for final action.
By: 5 t7'--Y)+vs Y,
By: g.AE{V & A.J) N I MJr. y 0 F{~
. J:L~ 0~~~
Ap~onty Signature
. .
5-1- DC}
DOT Form 140-063 EF
Revised. 9/2005
Supplemental Agreement
Number 8
Original Agreement Number
Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
8729 Commerce Place Drive NE, Suite A
Lacey, WA 98516
Project Number
02 -15
Organization and Address Phone
LA 5617 & 5618 Phone: (360) 357 -8289
Execution Date Completion Date
December 31, 2009
Project Title New Maximum Amount Payable
Port Angeles 8th Street Bridge Replacements Project $ 4,946,354.36
Description of Work
The work consists of Environmental Permitting, Design Record, Hydraulic, Utility, and Geotechnical Reports,
Prelim. & Final Plans, PS &E, Public Involvement, and Construction Management.
The Local Agency of Citv of Port Angeles
desires to supplement the agreement entered into with Exeltech Consulting. Inc.
as executed on November 4. 2003 and identified as Agreement No LA 5617 & 5618
All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement.
The changes to the agreement are described as follows'
Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read
The Scope of Work is supplemented to include additional audit support work. This additional work is shown in
Exhibit B -1.
By 0.--.1/6 , 1 _ Art& JIrn, 1�F I� ''
DOT Form 140 -063 EF
Revised 9/2005
December 31. 2009
Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows.
Payment shall continue to be cost plus fixed fee. Maximum additional oavment for Supplemental Agreement #8
shall be $2.500.00, amending the Phase 4 budaet to $2.163,309.34 and the maximum savable amount to
Costs shall be allocated per the tasks identified and as indicated in the following.
Exhibit B -2 (Budget Detail) shows allocation of additional budaet and revised budaet amounts for each task.
If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate
spaces below and return to this office for final action.
B _Mai
Approvi Authority Signature ----'
Exhibit B -1
Scope of Work
Scope of Services for Supplement #8
City of Port Angeles
8th Street Bridge Replacements, Project 02 -15
Version Date: November 23, 2009
Exhibit B -1
Supplemental Scope of Services
City of Port Angeles
8 Street Bridges Replacement Project
Task 703 Office Engineering
The Consultant will provide support to the City of Port Angeles during the
WSDOT Project Audit on December 3, 2009. This support will include up
to two days of preparation for the audit in coordination with the City of
Port Angeles, and participation in the one day WSDOT project audit.
Phase 1 - Alternative Analysis and TS &L
301 Prepare Objectives/Purpose & Need
302 Develop Funding Strategies
303 Prepare/Implement Public Outreach Plan
304 Develop Prelim Set Reasonable AIts
305 Evaluate Alts & Select Preferred Alt
306 Prepare Att Analysis/Bridge Site Data, etc.
320 Project Management
380 QA/QC
390 Direct Costs
Supplemental Agreement #8
Original Supplement Revised
Budget tt8 Budget
21, 725.22
3,968 77
8,000 00
52,968 09
Total Phase 1 245,312.64 245,312.64
Phase 2 - NEPA!SEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
401 Discipline Repts & Biological Assessments 26,629.73 26,629.73
402 Qualitative Evaluation 13,432.11 13,432.11
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments 7,579.15 7,579.15
404 Prelim NEPA Documented CE & SEPA DNS 7,974.41 7,974.41
405 Public Open House 1 Hearing 10,177.57 10,177,57
406 Response to Comments 2,478.00 2,478.00
407 Revised Documented CE & SEPA DNS 6,032.18 6,032.18
408 Environmental Pen - nits 12,155.63 12,155.63
420 Project Management 20,161 66 20,161.66
480 QAIQC 10,15223 10,152.23
490 Direct Costs 5,674 40 5,674.40
Escalation -
Total Phase 2 NEPA I SEPA 122,447.07 122,447.07
Phase 2 - Preliminary Design
501 Design Report 9,320.87 9,320 87
502 HorizontatNertical Alignment Plans 9,787 46 9,787 46
503 Traffic Circulation Study 822.50 822 50
504 Roadway Sections 14,727.62 14,727 62
505 Preliminary Bridge Design 113,291.21 113,291 21
506 Surveying 1,812.60 1,812.60
507 Geotechnical Report 244.32 244.32
508 Hydraulic Analysis & Report 2,232.50 2,232.50
509 Utilities Design Report 1,713.64 1,71364
510 Preliminary Streetscape Report 5,925.10 5,925 10
520 Project Management 15,552.51 15,552 51
580 0A1QC 10,180.25 10,78025
590 Direct Costs 1,437 49 1,437 49
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design 187,048.07 187,048.07
Phase 3 - Final Desian and PS &E
602 Developllmpl. Final Design Public Info Plan 10,310.92 10,310.92
603 Civil Plans 136,469.15 136,469 15
604 Bridge Plans 505,408.97 505,408.91
605 Final Design and PS &E Deliverables 136,344.49 136,344.49
606 Specifications 26,709.94 26,709.94
607 Cost Estimating 10,353.00 10,353.00
609 Historic Bridge Documentation 47.91 47.91
620 Project Management 20,009.99 20,009.99
680 QA 1 RC 84,405.33 84,405.33
690 Direct Costs 5,188.79 5,188.79
Escalation - -
Total Phase 3 935,248.43 935,248.43
Phase 3A - Bridge Redesign
200 Project Management 18,133.63 18,133.63
601 Revise Biological assessment, etc. 5,469.64 5,469.64
602 Prepare revised CE & SEPA DNS 4,680.32 4,680.32
603 Update Environmental Permits 5,708.74 5,70$ 74
604 Mitigation Design 15,111.36 75,771.36
605 Update Public Information Plan 18,879.19 18,879 19
606 Revised Design Rept - 30% Final Design 83,647 67 83,647 67
607 Traffic Circulation Redesign (29.79) (29 79)
608 Revised Final Geotech Rept (1,429.56) (1,429.56)
609 Revised Hydraulic Analusis & Rept 8,647 06 8,647 06
610 Revised Utilities Design Rept 8,174.83 8,174.83
611 Preparation of 100% Civil Plans 65,764.20 65,764.20
612 Final Bridge Design - 100% Plans 174,479.31 174,479.31
613 Final PS &E Deliverables 54,341 36 54,341 36
800 Quality Assurance I Quality Control 33,853.64 33,653 64
900 Direct Costs 6,419.08 6,419.08
Escalation -
Total Bridge Redesign 501,850.68 501,850.68
Supplemental Agreement #8
Original Supplement Revised
Budget #8 Budget
Phase 4 - Construction Management
701 Project Management for Construction 168,511.88 168,511.88
702 Project Resident/Office Engineering 532,021 74 2,500.00 534,521.74
703 Bridge Structural Engineering 237,527.07 237,527.07
704 Survey Quality Assurance 2,021.63 2,021.63
705 Inspection and Testing 321,371.25 321,371.25
706 Field Office 13,880.20 13,880.20
707 Claims / Change Order Administration 84 ,073.81 84,073.81
708 Scheduling for Construction Contracts 14,484.23 14,484.23
709 Construction Safety 3,143.39 3,143.39
710 Administrative / Clerical 150,700.66 150,700.66
711 Quality Control Services 33,925.90 33,925.90
712 Third Party Coordination 40,531 18 40,531 18
713 Construction Phase Public Information 34,589.56 34,589.56
714 Mitigation Inspection 88,862.26 88,862.26
715 Project Closeout 33.369.19 33,369.19
790 Direct Costs 155,011.05 155,011.05
Escalation 13,392.02 13.392.02
Total Phase 4 1,927.417.02 2,500.00 1,929,917.02
Total Exeltech Contract Amount 3,919.323.91 2,500.00 3,921,823.91
David Evans 8, Associates
Phase 3 - Bridae Redesian
601 Revise Biological assessment, etc. 1,862.92 1,862.92
Total Bridge Redesign 1,862.92 1,862.92
Total DEA Contract Amount 1,862.92 1,862.92
Alex Young Northwest
Phase 2 - Preliminary Design
510 Preliminary Streetscape Report 4,368.00 4,368.00
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design 4,368.00 4,368.00
Phase 3A - Bridae Redesign
605 Update Public Information Plan 3,610.00 3,610.00
Total Phase 3! - Bridge Redesign 3,610.00 3,610.00
Phase 4 - Constriction Manaaement
713 Public Information Plan 840.00 840.00
Total Phase 4 840.00 840.00
Total Alex Young Contract Amount 8,818.00 8,818.00
H.W. Lochner
Total Lochner Contract Amount
Phase 1 - Alternative Analysis and TS &L
303 Preparelrnplement Public Outreach Plan
305 Evaluate Alts & Select Preferred Alt
320 Project Management
390 Direct Costs
Supplemental Agreement #8
Total Phase 1 15,162.47
Phase 2 - NEPAFSEFA Environmental Studies & Do umentaQ
401 Discipline Repts/Biological Assessment 112,448.57
403 Revise Disc Repts & 8ia Assessments 2,128.93
406 Response to Comments 7,739.53
408 Environmental Permits 84.50
420 Project Management 3,439.27
490 Direct Costs 3,556.48
Total Phase 2 NEPA/ SEPA 129,395.28
Phase 3 - Final Design and PS &E
608 Mitigation Design 14179.08
Total Phase 3 14,179.08
Original Supplement Revised
Budget N8 Budget
Phase 1 - Alternative Analysis and TS &L
302 Develop Funding Strategies 10,035.38 10,035.38
303 Prepare/Implement Public Outreach Plan 8,133.36 8,133.36
305 Evaluate Alts & Select Preferred Alt 1,057 10 1,057 10
390 Direct Costs 164.67 164.67
Escalation -
Total Phase 1 19,390.51 19,390.51
Phase 2 - NEPAISEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
402 Qualitative Evaluation 822 19 822.19
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments 2,202 71 2,202.71
405 Public Open House) Hearing 2,260 50 2,260.50
406 Response to Comments 3,646 61 3,646.61
490 Direct Casts 215.48 215.48
Total Phase 2 NEPA / SEPA 9,147 49 9,147 49
Phase 2 - Preliminary Design
501 Design Report 3,502.30 3,502.30
502 Hon= ntaWertical Alignment Plans 3,533.02 3,533.02
503 Traffic Circulation Study 29,095.48 29,095.48
504 Roadway Sections 1,519.41 1,519.41
505 Preliminary Bridge Design 2,852.59 2,852.59
508 Hydraulic Analysis & Report 28,345.97 28,345.97
509 Utilities Design Report 12,876.58 12,876.58
590 Direct Costs 102.27 102.27
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design 81,827.62 81,827.62
Phase 3 - Final Design and PS&E
603 Civil Plans 79,593.11 79,593.11
604 Bridge Plans 6,610 13 6,610.13
605 Final Design and PS &E Deliverables 52,591 46 52,591 46
608 Specifications 7,243.15 7,243.15
607 Cost Estimating 4,371 45 4,371 45
690 Direct Costs 317.72 317 72
Escalation - -
Total Phase 3 150,727.02 150,727.02
Phase 3 - Bridge Redesion
607 Traffic Circulation Redesign 11,482.47 11,482.47
611 Preparation of 100% Civil Plans 10,650.29 10,650.29
613 Final PS &E Deliverables 1,989.94 1,989.94
900 Direct Costs 199.97 199.97
Escalation -
Total Bridge Redesign 24,322.67 24,322.67
Phase 4 - Construction Management
702 Project Resident & Office Engineering 20,663 36 20,663.36
790 Direct Costs 389 15 389.15
Total Phase 4 21,052.51 21,052.51
306,467.82 306,467.82
3,556 48
Total Entrix Contract Amount 158,736.83 - 158,736.83
Phase 1 - Altemative Analysis and TS &L
305 Evaluate Alts & Select Preferred Alt
390 Direct Casts
Total Phase 1 1,232.87
Phase 2 - NEPAISEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
401 Discipline Repts Biological Assessment 5,575.12
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments -
490 Direct Costs 78.88
Escalation -
Total Phase 2 NEPA 1 5EPA 5,654.00
Phase 2 - Preliminary Desinn
507 Geotechnical Report 38,708.35
590 Direct Costs 50,602.97
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design 89,311.32
Phase 3 - Final Desinn and PS &E
604 Bridge Plans
690 Direct Costs
Total Phase 3
Phase 3 - Bridge Redesign
200 Project Management
608 Revised Final Geotech Rept
900 Direct Costs
Total Bridge Redesign
Phase 4 - Construction Management
705 Inspection and Testing
790 Direct Costs
700 -007 Turnwater Pler 1
Supplemental Agreement #8
Escalation -
Original Supplement Revised
Budget #8 Budget
1,699.47 1,699.47
34,323.08 34,323.08
46,100.27 46,100.27
82,122.82 82,122.82
921 00
5,575 12
18,643 71
Escalation 11440 114.40
Total Phase 4 28,101.70 28,101.70
Total PanGEO Contract Amount 225,147.33 225,147.33
Michael Minor
Phase 2 - NEPAISEPA Environmental Studies 8. Documentation
402 Qualitative Evaluation 6,160 00 6,160.00
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments - -
406 Response to Comments -
420 Project Management -
490 Direct Costs - -
Total Phase 2 NEPA f SEPA 6160.00 6,160.00
No Escalation for Michael Minor
Total Michael Minor Contract Amount 6,160.00 6,160.00
Phase 2 - Preliminary Desinn
506 Surveying 38,296 50 38,296.50
520 Project Management 2,160 00 2,160.00
590 Direct Costs 72 00 72.00
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design 40,528.50 40,528.50
Phase 3 - Final Desion and PS &E
603 Civil Plans 5,578.00 5,578.00
605 Final Design and PS&E Deliverables 10,551 47 10,551 47
620 Project Management -
690 Direct Costs 8.00 8.00
Total Phase 3 16,137.47 16,137 47
Phase 4 - Construction Manaaement
701 Project Management for Construction 432.00 432.00
704 Survey Quality Assurance 12,155.99 12,155.99
790 Direct Costs 44.31 44.31
Total Phase 4 12,632.30 12,632.30
No escalation for Wangler
Total Wangler Contract Amount 69,298.27 - 69,298.27
Otymnic Design Works
Phase 1 - Alternative Analysis and TS &L
303 Prepareflmplement Public Outreach Plan 2,280 00 2,280.00
304 Develop Prelim Set Reasonable Ails 760 00 760 -00
390 Direct Costs - -
Total Phase 1 3,040.00 3,040.00
Phase 2 - NEPA/SEPA Environmental Studies & Documentatron
401 Discipline Repts & Biological Assessments 3,040 00 3,040.00
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments 190 00 190.00
405 Public Open House! Heanng 570.00 570.00
490 Direct Costs -
Escalation - Total Phase 2 NEPA 1 SEPA 3,800.00 3,800.00
Phase 2 - Preliminary Desion
510 Preliminary Streetscape Report 8,500.00 8.500.00
590 Direct Costs - -
Escalation - -
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design 8,500.00 8,500.00
Phase 3 - Final Desion and PS &E
603 Civil Plans 22,906.75 22,906.75
690 Direct Costs - -
Escalation - -
Total Phase 3 22,906.75 22,906.75
Total ODW Contract Amou 38,246.75 38,246.75
Phase 4 - Construction Management
705 Inspection & Testing 117,764.06 117,764.06
790 Direct Costs 23,864 60 23,864.60
Escalation 518 20 518.20
Total Phase 4 142,146.86 142.146.86
Total Mayes Contract Amount 142.146.86 142.146.86
Northwest Economic Associates
Phase 2 - NEPA/SEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
401 Discipline Repts & Biological Assessment 12,868.60
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments 3,056.68
406 Response to Comments -
420 Project Management
490 Direct Costs 186.38
Northwest Archaealaart
Total Phase 2 NEPA 1 SEPA 16,111.66
Total NEA Contract Amount
Phase 4 - Construction Management
690 Direct Costs 28,618.95 28,618.95
Total Phase 4 28,618.95 28,618.95
Total CPI Contract Amount
Phase 3 - Final Design and AS &E
609 Historic Bridge Documentation
690 Direct Costs
Total Phase 3
Phase 3 - Bridan Redesion
601 Revise Biological assessment, etc.
900 Direct Costs
Total Bridge Redesign
Total NW Arch Contract Amount
Supplemental Agreement #8
Original Supplement Revised
Budget 118 Budget
16,111.66 16,111.66
28,618.95 28,618.95
13,634 19 13,634.19
549 96 549.96
14,184.15 14,184.15
7,560 46 7,560 46
1,17045 1,17045
8,730.91 8,730.91
2Z915.06 22, 915.06
Proiect Totals
Supplemental Agreement #8
Original Supplement Revised
Budaet #8 Budaet
Phase 1 - Alternative Analysis and TS &L
301 Prepare Objectives/Purpose & Need 3.968.77 3,968.77
302 Develop Funding Strategies 18,035.38 18,035 38
303 Prepare/Implement Public Outreach Plan 98,694.21 98,694 21
304 Develop Prelim Set Reasonable Alts 36,241 56 - 36,241 56
305 Evaluate Alts & Select Preferred Alt 31,323.52 31,323.52
306 Prepare Alt Analysis/Bridge Site Data, etc. 52,968.09 - 52,968.09
320 Project Management 21,932.30 - 21,932.30
380 QA/QC 14,384.87 14,384.87
390 Direct Costs 6,589 79 6,589.79
Escalation - -
Total Phase 1 284,138.49 284,138.49
Phase 2 - NEPA/SEPA Environmental Studies & Documentation
461 Discipline Repts & Biological Assessments
402 Qualitative Evaluation
403 Revise Disc Repts & Bio Assessments
404 Prelim NEPA Documented CE & SEPA DNS
405 Public Open House 1 Hearing
406 Response to Comments
407 Revised Documented CE & SEPA DNS
408 Environmental Permits
420 Project Management
480 QA/QC
490 Direct Casts
Total Phase 2 NEPA 1 SEPA
Phase 2 - Preliminary Desian
501 Design Report
502 Honzonta Wertical Alignment Plans
503 Traffic Circulation Study
504 Roadway Sections
505 Preliminary Bridge Design
506 Surveying
507 Geatechnical Report
508 Hydraulic Analysis & Report
509 Utilities Design Report
510 Preliminary Streetsrape Report
520 Project Management
580 QA/QC
590 Direct Costs
Total Phase 3
Phase 3 - Brdoe Redesign
200 Project Management
601 Revise Biological assessment, etc
602 Prepare revised CE & SEPA DNS
603 Update Environmental Permits
604 Mitigation Design
605 Update Public Information Plan
606 Revised Design Rept - 3014 Final Design
607 Traffic Circulation Redesign
608 Revised Final Geotech Rept
609 Revised Hydraulic Analusis & Rept
610 Revised Utilities Design Rept
611 Preparation of 100% Civil Plans
612 Final Bridge Design - 10045 Plans
613 Final PS&E Deliverables
800 Quality Assurance 1 Quality Control
900 Direct Costs
Total Phase 2 Preliminary Design
Phase 3 - Final Desian and PS &E
602 Developllmpl. Final Design Public Info Plan
603 Civil Plans
604 Bridge Plans
605 Final Design and PS&E Deliverables
608 Specifications
607 Cost Estimating
608 Mitigation Design
609 Historic Bridge Documentation
620 Project Management
680 QA /QC
690 Direct Costs
160,560.02 160,560.02
20,414.30 20,414.30
15,157 47 15,157 47
7,974.41 - 7,974 41
13,008.07 - 13,008.07
13,864.14 - 13,864.14
6,032.18 - 6,032.18
12,240.13 - 12,240.13
23,600.93 - 23,600.93
10,152.23 10,152.23
9,711 62 9,71 1.62
292,715.50 292,715.50
12,823 17 12,823.17
13,320 48 - 13,320.48
29,917 98 - 29,917.98
16,247 03 - 16,247.03
116,143,80 - 116,143.80
40,109.10 - 40,109.10
38,952.67 - 38,952.67
30,578.47 30,578.47
14,590.22 14,590.22
18,793.10 18,793.10
17,712.51 17,712.51
10,180.25 - 10,180.25
52,214.73 - 52,214 73
411,583.51 411,583.51
10,310.92 10,310 92
244,547.01 244,547 01
530,662.75 530,662.75
199,487 42 199,487 42
33,953.09 33,953.09
14,724.45 1 4,724.45
14,179.08 14,179.08
13.682.10 - 13,682.10
20,009.99 20,009.99
84,405.33 84,405.33
6,145.38 - 6,145.38
1,172,107.52 1,172,107.52
19,833.10 19,833.10
14,893.02 14,893.02
4,680.32 4,680.32
5,708.74 5,708,74
15,111.36 15,111,36
22,489.19 - 22,489.19
83,647.67 83,647.67
11,452.68 - 11,452.68
32,893.52 32,893.52
8,647.06 8,647.06
8,174.83 8,174.83
76,414.49 - 76,414.49
174,479.31 - 174,479.31
56,331.30 56,331.30
33,853.64 33,853.64
53,889.77 - 53,889.77
Total Bridge Redesign 622,500.00 622,500.00
Phase 4 - Construction Management
701 Project Management for Construction
702 Project Engineering
703 Office Engineering
704 Survey Quality Assurance
705 Inspection & Testing
706 Field Office
707 Claims! Change Order Administration
708 Scheduling for Construction Contracts
709 Construction Safety
710 Adminisrative / Clerical
711 Quality Control Services
712 Third Party Coordination
713 Public Information Plan
714 Mitigation Inspection
715 Project Closeout
790 Direct Costs
700 -001 SWPP
700 -002 Qwest Added Conduit Request
700 -003 Additional Environmental Permitting
700 -004 Archeology
700 -005 Hazardous Material Substance Disposal
700 -006 69 KV Power Line
700 -007 Tumwater Pier 1 Unstable
700 -008 Waterline 8° By Pass
700 -009 SR 117 Drainage Revisions
Total Phase 4
Total Contract Amount
Supplemental Agreement #8
Original Supplement Revised
Budoet #8 Budget
237,527 07
14,177 62
40,531 18
14,484 23
150, 700.66
40,531 18
88,862 26
33,369 19
Escalation 14,024.62 14,024.62
2,160,809.34 2,500.00 2,163,309.34
4,943,854.36 2,500.00 4,946,354.36
Washington State
Department of Transportation
Paula J. Hammond, P.E.
Secretary of Transportation
Mr. Glen Cutler
Public Works Director
City of Port Angeles
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, Washington 98362 -0217
Dear Mr. er:
February 4, 2010
City of Port Angeles
8th and Tumwater Bridge
BRM- 7544(006)
Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S.E.
P O Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504 -7300
360 705 -7000
TTY. 1- 800 833 -6388
www wsdot.wa.gov
You may proceed with the administration of this project in accordance with your
WSDOT approved Certification Acceptance agreement.
Stephanie Tax
Manager, Program Management
Highways Local Programs Division
Neal Campbell, Olympic Region Local Programs Engineer, MS 47440
S 2010
,.,tv OF ?OR ..,CuKS
Enclosed for your information and file is a copy of Supplement Number 5 to Local
Agency Agreement LA -6517 for the subject project between the state and your agency.
This supplement modifies the funding for this project to the amounts shown below:
All costs exceeding those shown on this agreement are the sole responsibility of your
Washington State
Department of Transportation
Port Angeles
Federal Aid Project Number
BRM 7544(006)
Description of Work No Change
Reason for Supplement
Over obligated Project
Federal Aid
Ratio for PE
Right of Way f. Aoencv
Federal Aid
Ratio for RW
Federal Aid
Ratio for CN
DOT Form 140 -041 EF
Revised 1/2007
Type of Work
a. Aoencv
b. Other
c. Other
d. State
e. Total PE Cost Estimate (a +b +c +d)
n .rlthpr
h. Other
i. State
Agreement Number
LA 6517
The Local Agency desires to supplement the agreement entered into and executed on
All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement.
The changes to the agreement are described as follows:
Project Description
Name 8th Tumwater Bridges
Does this change require additional Right of Way or Easements?
Local Agency Agreement Supplement
Yes No
Estimate of Funding
(3) (4)
Estimated Total Estimated Agency
Project Funds Funds
i. Total R/W Cost Estimate (f +a +h +i) I I
Construction k. Contract 9,000,000.001 9,000,000.001
I Other 880,000.001 880,000.001
m Other 1 1
n. Other 1 1
o. Aaencv 70,000.001 70,000.001 70,000.00
p. State 50,000.00 18,400.00 31,600.001 31,600.00
a Total CN Cost Estimate (k+l+m+n+o+p) 18.400.00 9.981.600.00 I 9.981.600.00
r. Total Project Cost Estimate (e+i+o) 11.023.000,0J 18,400.00 11.004.600.00 I 204,600.00 10,800.000.00
The Local Agency further stipulates that pursuant to said Title 23, regulations and policies and procedures, and as a condition
to payme the Federal funds obligated, it accepts and will comply with the applicable provisions.
Agen O icial Washington State D pa' ent of Tra sportation
Title Y C
Date Executed
Director of Highways and Local Programs
Supplement Number
CFDA No. 20.205
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance)
Length .14
8,600.00 I
192,600.00 I
204,600.00 I
Federal Funds
JAN 282010
iâ– â–
Washington State
1 Department of Transportation
Paula J. Hammond, P.E.
Secretary of Transportation
Mr. Glen Cutler
Public Works Director
City of Port Angeles
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, Washington 98362 -0217
Dear Mr. Cutler:
July 13, 2010
Transportation Building
310 Maple Park Avenue S E
P.O. Box 47300
Olympia, WA 98504 -7300
City of Port Angeles
8` and Valley Bridge Replacement
BRM- 7544(007)
LA -5618, TA -2622
Administrative Review
360 705 -7000
TTY 1- 800 833 -6388
JUL 162010
The Highways Local Programs Division has conducted an administrative review (see enclosure) of
the reimbursement of federal funds to your agency for the subject project with the following results:
Net Balance Due Agency 21,729.11
Total Federal Expenditures 10,800,000.00
An electronic fund transfer for this amount was processed on June 16, 2010, in the final settlement of
the project.
This final accounting constitutes settlement and closure of this agreement. Representatives of the
State Auditor's Office, WSDOT and the federal government may perform a financial and/or
procedural audit of the cost records pertaining to this agreement within a three -year period. If these
activities occur and discrepancies are noted, this final settlement may require adjustment. In
accordance with Federal and State regulations, the agency shall retain such records and
accounts on this project until at least July 13, 2013.
6- 658
The Highways Local Programs Division is pleased to have assisted you in this project by facilitating
the transfer of federal funds to your agency.
Kathleen B. Davis
Highways Local Programs Division
cc: Neal Campbell, Olympic Region Local Programs Engineer, MS 47440
Project Support Services, MS 47420
Olympic Region Accountant, MS 47440
Agency Accounting
TA -2622
Agency PE
Consultant PE
State PE
State CE
Project Total
State Costs
Total State Costs
Less Federal Share
Indirect Costs
Amount Due from Agency
Amount Received from Agency
Due from Agency
Issue a Warrant in the Amount of
Federal Project Number:
Work Orders:
Local Agency Costs
Total Federal Funds Due to Agency
Federal Funds Paid to Agency
Federal Funds Due to Agency
46,060 69
1,069,054 96
7,856 28
1,073,372 92
15,585 85
11,701,530 84
11,701,530 84
City of Port Angeles
LA -5618
TA -2622
0 00
0 00
0 00
0 00
0 00
0 00
0 77
0 77
0 77
10,778,129 88
10,756,400 00
21,729 88
23,442 13
21,870 12
1,572 01
0 00
1,572 01
1,571 24
0 77
$21,729 11
BRM- 7544(007)
Fed Appropriation:
Effective Date:
Pro Rata:
Costs in
Excess of
1,060 66
106,054 99
0 00
394,569 69
193,372 92
3,300 57
0 00
698,358 83
698,358 83
Federal Share -PE
Federal Share -RW
Federal Share -CN
Federal $s Authorized
(Inc) /Dec. in Obligation
45,000 03
962,999 97
7,856 28
9,000,000 00
880,000 00
91,729 88
15,585 08
11,003,171 24
11,003,171 24
8th Valley Bridge Replacement
1 140/H 120/L1 CO
PE 09/10/03
CN 11/21/05
80 00%
6,285 04
91,729 88
15,585 08
10,800,000 00
10,800,000 00
812,685 04
0 00
9,987,314 96
10,800,000 00
10,800,000 00
0 00
5.uSg I,
~:.-, ~-':,,...
Consu ItanU Address/T elephone
Standard Consultant 2627 A Parkmont Lane SW
Agreement OlympIa, W A 98502
Agreem.ent Number (360) 357-8289
LA 5617 & 5618
Federal Aid Number Project Title And Work Descnption
BRM-7544(006) & (007) 8th Street Bridge Replacements
Agreement Type (Choose one) The work consIsts of Environmental PermIttmg,
DesIgn Record, Hydraulic, UtIhty, and GeotechnIcal
D Lump Sum Reports, Prehm. & Fmal Plans, PS&E, Pubhc
Lump Sum Amount $ Involvement, and Construction Management.
~ Cost Plus Fixed Fee
Overhead Progress Payment Rate 162.35 % DBE Participation
Overhead Cost Method DYes ~No %
~ Actual Cost WBE Participation
D Actual Cost Not To Exceed % DYes ~No %
~ Fixed Rate 28.5 Federal 10 Number or Social Secunty Number
% 91-1491880
Fixed Fee $ Do you require a 1099 for IRS? Completion Date
DYes ~ No July 31, 2006
D Specific Rates Of Pay
D Negotiated Hourly Rate Total Amount Authorized $ 2,648,836.57
D Provisional Hourly Rate Management Reserve Fund $ 50,000.00
D Cost Per Unit of Work Maximum Amount Payable $ 2,698,836.57
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered Into this 4 day of November 2003
between the Local Agency of CITY OF PORT ANGELES , Washington, hereinafter called the
"AGENCY" , and the above organization hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT'.
WHEREAS, the AGENCY desires to accomplish the above referenced proJect, and
WHEREAS, the AGENCY does not have sufficient staff to meet the required commitment and therefore
deems It advisable and desirable to engage the assistance of a CONSULTANT to provide the necessary
services for the PROJECT; and
WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that he/she is in compliance with the Washington State
Statutes relating to profeSSional registration, If applicable, and has signified a Willingness to furnish
Consulting services to the AGENCY,
NOW THEREFORE, In consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants and performance contained
herein, or attached and incorporated and made a part hereof, the parties hereto agree as follows:
DOT Form 140-089 EF
Revised 12/99
Page 1 of 8
The work under this AGREEMENT shall consist of
the above described work and services as herein
defined and necessary to accomplish the completed
work for this PROJECT. The CONSULTANT shall
furnish all services, labor and related equipment
necessary to conduct and complete the work as
designated elsewhere in this AGREEMENT.
The Scope of Work and project level of effort for this
project is detailed in Exhibit "B" attached hereto, and
by this reference made a part of this AGREEMENT.
All aspects of coordination of the work of this
AGREEMENT, with outside agencies, groups or
individuals shall receive advance approval by the
AGENCY. Necessary contacts and meetings with
agencies, groups or individuals shall be coordinated
through the AGENCY.
The CONSULTANT shall attend coordination,
progress and presentation meetings with the
AGENCY or such Federal, Community, State, City
or County officials, groups or individuals as may be
requested by the AGENCY. The AGENCY Will
provide the CONSULTANT sufficient notice prior
to meetings requiring CONSULTANT participation.
The minimum number of hours or days notice -
required shall be agreed to between the AGENCY
and the CONSULTANT and shown in Exhibit "B"
attached hereto and made part of this AGREEMENT.
The CONSULTANT shall prepare a monthly
progress report, in a form approved by the AGENCY,
that will outline in written and graphical form the
various phases and the order of performance of the
work in suffiCient detail so that the progress of the
work can easily be evaluated Goals for Disadvan-
taged Business Enterprises (DBE) and Women
Owned Business Enterprises (WBE) if required shall
be shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT.
All reports, PS&E materials, and other data, furnished
to the CONSULTANT by the AGENCY shall be
returned. All designs, drawings, specifications,
documents, and other work products prepared by the
CONSULTANT prior to completion or termination of
this AGREEMENT are Instruments of service for this
PROJECT and are property of the AGENCY. Reuse
by the AGENqY or by others acting through or on
behalf of the AGENCY of any such instruments of
service, not occurring as a part of this PROJECT,
shall be without liability or legal exposure to the
The CONSULTANT shall not begin any work under
the terms of thiS AGREEMENT until authorized in
writing by the AGENCY. All work under this
AGREEMENT shall be completed by the date
shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT under
completion date.
The established completion time shall not be extended
because of any delays attributable to the CONSUL T-
ANT, but may be extended by the AGENCY, in the
event of a delay attributable to the AGENCY, or
because of unavoidable delays caused by an act of
GOD or governmental actions or other conditions
beyond the control of the CONSULTANT. A prior
supplemental agreement issued by the AGENCY is
required to extend the established completion time.
The CONSULTANT shall be paid by the AGENCY
for completed work and services rendered under this
AGREEMENT as proVided in Exhibit "C" attached
hereto, and by thiS reference made part of this
AGREEMENT. Such payment shall be full compen-
sation for work performed or services rendered and
for all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, and
incidentals necessary to complete the work
specified In Section II, "Scope of Work". The
CONSULTANT shall conform with all applicable
portions of 48 CFR 31.
Page 2 of 8
The AGENCY permits subcontracts for those items
of work as shown in Exhibit G to this Agreement.
Compensation for this subconsultant work shall be
based on the cost factors shown on Exhibit G, at-
tached hereto and by this reference made a part of thIs
The work of the subconsultant shall not exceed its
maximum amount payable unless a prior written
approval has been issued by the AGENCY.
All reimbursable direct labor, overhead, direct non-
salary costs and fixed fee costs for the subconsultant
shall be substantiated in the same manner as outlined
in Section V. All subcontracts exceeding $10,000 in
cost shall contain all applicable provisions of this
The CONSULTANT shall not subcontract for the
performance of any work under thiS AGREEMENT
without prior written permission of the AGENCY. No
permission for subcontracting shall create, between
the AGENCY and subcontractor, any contract or any
other relationship.
The CONSULTANT warrants that he/she has not
employed or retained any company or person, other
than a bona fide employee working solely for the
CONSULTANT, to solicit or secure this contract, and
that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or
person, other than a bona fide employee working
solely for the CONSULTANT, any fee, commission,
percentage, brokerage fee, gift, or any other consider-
ation, contingent upon or resulting from the award or
making of this contract. For breach or violation of this
warrant, the AGENCY shall have the right to annul
this AGREEMENT Without liabIlity, or in ItS discre-
tion, to deduct from the AGREEMENT price or
consideration or otherwise recover the full amount of
such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift,
or contingent fee.
Any and all employees of the CONSULTANT or
other persons while engaged In the performance of
any work or services required of the CONSULTANT
under this AGREEMENT, shall be considered
employees of the CONSULTANT only and not of the
AGENCY, and any and all claims that mayor might
arise under any Workmen's compensation Act on
behalf of said employees or other persons while so
engaged, and any and all claims made by a third party
as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of
the CONSULTANT's employees or other persons
while so engaged on any of the work or services
provided to be rendered herein, shall be the sole
obligation and responsibility of the CONSULTANT.
The CONSULTANT shall not engage, on a full or
part time basis, or other basis, during the period of the
contract, any professional or technical personnel who
are, or have been, at any time during the period of the
contract, In the employ of the United States Depart-
ment of Transportation, the STATE, or the
AGENCY, except regularly retired employees,
without written consent of the pUblic employer of
such person.
The CONSULTANT agrees not to diSCriminate
against any client, employee or applicant for employ-
ment or for services because of race, creed, color,
national Origin, marital status, sex, age or handicap
except for a bona fide occupational qualification with
regard to, but not limited to the follOWing: employ-
ment upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or
any recruitment advertising, a layoff or terminations,
rates of payor other forms of compensation, selection
for training, rendition of services. The CONSUL T-
ANT understands and agrees that if it violates this
proviSion, this AGREEMENT may be terminated by
the AGENCY and further that the CONSULTANT
shall be barred from performing any services for the
AGENCY now or in the future unless a showing is
made satisfactory to the AGENCY that discrimina-
tory practices have terminated and that recurrence of
such action is unlikely.
During the performance of this AGREEMENT, the
CONSULTANT, for itself, ItS assignees and
successors In Interest agrees as follows:
CONSULTANT shall comply with the Regula-
tions relative to nondiSCrimination in the same
manner as In Federal-assisted programs of the
Page 3 of 8
D~partment of Transportation, TItle 49, Code of
Federal Regulations, Part 21, as they may be
amended from time to time, (hereinafter referred
to as the Regulations), which are herein incorpo-
rated by reference and made a part of this
AGREEMENT. The consultant shall comply
with the American Disabilities Act of 1992, as
with regard to the work performed by it during the
AGREEMENT, shall not discriminate on the
grounds of race, creed, color, sex, age, marital
status, national origin or handicap except for a
bona fide occupational qualification in the selec-
tion and retention of subconsultants, including
procurements of materials and leases of equip-
ment. The CONSULTANT shall not participate
either directly or indirectly in the discrimination
prohibited by Section 21.5 of the Regulations,
including employment practices when the contract
covers a program set forth in Appendix II of the
ALS AND EQUIPMENT: In all solicitations
either by competitive bidding or negotiation made
by the CONSULTANT for work to be performed
under a subcontract, including procurements of
materials or leases of equipment, each potential
subconsultant or supplier shall be notified by the
obligations under this AGREEMENT and the
Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the
grounds of race, creed, color, sex, age, marital
status, national origin and handicap.
CONSULTANT shall provide all information
and reports required by the Regulations, or
directives issued pursuant thereto, and shall
permit access to Its books, records, accounts,
other sources of information, and its facilities as
may be determined by the AGENCY to be
pertinent to ascertain compliance with such
Regulations or directives. Where any Information
required of the CONSULTANT is in the exclu-
sive possession of another who fails or refuses to
furnish this information the CONSULTANT shall
so certify to the AGENCY, or the United States
Department of Transportation as appropriate, and
shall set forth what efforts it has made to obtain
the Information.
event of the CONSULTANT's noncompliance
with the nondiscrimination provisions of this
AGREEMENT, the AGENCY shall impose
such sanctions as it or the Federal Highway
Administration may determine to be appropriate,
including, but not limited to:
1. Withholding of payments to the CONSUL T-
ANT under the AGREEMENT until the
CONSULTANT complies, and/or
2. Cancellation, termination or suspension of the
AGREEMENT, in whole or in part.
CONSULTANT shall Include the provisions of
paragraphs (A) through (G) in every subcontract,
including procurements of materials and leases of
equipment, unless exempt by the Regulations or
directives issued pursuant thereto. The CON-
SUL T ANT shall take such action with respect to
any subconsultant or procurement as the
AGENCY or the Federal Highway Administra-
tion may direct as a means of enforCing such
provisions including sanctions for noncompli-
ance, provided, however, that, In the event a
CONSULTANT becomes involved in, or is
threatened with, litigation with a subconsultant or
supplier as a result of such direction, the CON-
UL TANT may request the AGENCY to enter
Into such litigation to protect the interests of the
AGENCY, and In addition, the CONSULTANT
may request the United States to enter Into such
litigation to protect the interests of the United
CONSULTANT shall comply with RCW
Page 4 of 8
The right is reserved by the AGENCY to terminate
this AGREEMENT at any time upon ten days wntten
notice to the CONSULTANT.
In the event this AGREEMENT IS terminated by the
AGENCY other than for default on the part of the
CONSULTANT, a final payment shall be made to the
CONSULTANT as shown in Exhibit F for the type of
No payment shall be made for any work completed
after ten days following receipt by the CONSUL T-
ANT of the Notice to terminate. If the accumulated
payment made to the CONSULTANT prior to Notice
of Termination exceeds the total amount that would
be due computed as set forth herein above, then no
final payment shall be due and the CONSULTANT
shall immediately reimburse the AGENCY for any
excess paid.
If the services of the CONSULTANT are terminated
by the AGENCY for default on the part of the CON-
SUL TANT, the above formula for payment shall not
apply. In such an event, the amount to be paid shall be
determined by the AGENCY with consideration
given to the actual costs incurred by the CONSUL T-
ANT in performing the work to the date of
termination, the amount of work originally required
which was satisfactorily completed to date of termina-
tion, whether that work is in a form or a type which is
usable to the AGENCY at the time of termination;
the cost to the AGENCY of emploYing another firm
to complete the work required and the time which
maybe required to do so, and other factors which
affect the value to the AGENCY of the work per-
formed at the time of termination. Under no
circumstances shall payment made under this subsec-
tion exceed the amount which would have been made
using the formula set forth in the previous paragraph.
If it is determined for any reason that the CONSUL T-
ANT was not in default or that the CONSULTANT's
failure to perform is without it or It'S employee's fault
or negligence, the termination shall be deemed to be a
termination for the convenience of the AGENCY in
accordance with the provision of this AGREEMENT.
In the event of the death of any member, partner or
officer of the CONSULTANT or any of its supervi-
sory personnel assigned to the project, or, dissolution
of the partnership, termination of the corporation, or
disaffiliation of the principally involved employee,
the surviving members of the CONSULTANT hereby
agree to complete the work under the terms of this
AGREEMENT, if requested to do so by the
AGENCY. The subsection shall not be a bar to
renegotiation of the AGREEMENT between the
surviving members of the CONSULTANT and the
AGENCY, if the AGENCY so chooses.
In the event of the death of any of the parties listed in
the previous paragraph, should the surviving members
of the CONSULTANT, with the AGENCY's concur-
rence, desire to terminate this AGREEMENT,
payment shall be made as set forth in the second
paragraph of thiS section.
Payment for any part of the work by the AGENCY
shall not constitute a waiver by the AGENCY of any
remedies of any type it may have against the CON-
SUL T ANT for any breach of this AGREEMENT by
the CONSULTANT, orforfailure of the CONSULT-
ANT to perform work reqUired of it by the
AGENCY. Forbearance of any nghts under the
AGREEMENT Will not constitute waiver of entitle-
ment to exercise those nghts with respect to any
future act or omission by the CONSULTANT.
The CONSULTANT shall make such changes and
revIsions in the complete work of this AGREEMENT
as necessary to correct errors appearing therein, when
required to do so by the AGENCY, without additional
compensation thereof. Should the AGENCY find It
desirable for its own purposes to have previously
satisfactonly completed work or parts thereof
changed or revised, the CONSULTANT shall make
such revisions as directed by the AGENCY. This
work shall be considered as Extra Work and will be
paid for as herein provided under Section XIV.
Page 5 of 8
Any dispute concerning questions of fact in connec-
tion with the 'work not disposed of by AGREEMENT
between the CONSULTANT and the AGENCY shall
be referred for determination to the Director of Public
Works or AGENCY Engineer, whose decision in the
matter shall be final and binding on the parties of this
AGREEMENT, provided however, that if an action is
brought challenging the Director of Public Works or
AGENCY Engineer's decision, that decision shall be
subject to de novo judicial review.
In the event that either party deems It necessary to
institute legal action or proceedings to enforce any
right or obligation under this AGREEMENT, the
parties hereto agree that any such action shall be
Initiated in the Superior court of the State of Washing-
ton, situated In the county the AGENCY is located in.
The parties hereto agree that all questions shall be
resolved by application of Washington law and that
the parties to such action shall have the right of appeal
from such decisions of the Superior court in accor-
dance with the laws of the State of Washington. The
CONSULTANT hereby consents to the personal
jurisdiction of the Superior court of the State of
Washington, situated In the county in which the
AGENCY is located In.
The CONSULTANT shall comply with all Federal,
State, and local laws and ordinances applicable to the
work to be done under this AGREEMENT. This
AGREEMENT shall be interpreted and construed in
accord with the laws of Washington.
The CONSULTANT shall indemnify and hold the
AGENCY and the STATE, and their officers and
employees harmless from and shall process and
defend at its own expense all claims, demands, or
SUitS at law or equity arising In whole or In part from
the CONSULTANT's negligence or breach of any of
ItS obligations under this AGREEMENT; provided
that nothing herein shall require a CONSULTANT to
indemnify the AGENCY and the STATE against and
hold harmless the AGENCY and the STATE from
claims, demands or suits based solely upon the
conduct of the AGENCY and the STATE, their
agents, officers and employees and provided further
that if the claims or suits are caused by or result from
the concurrent negligence of (a) the
CONSULTANT's agents or employees and (b) the
AGENCY and the STATE, their agents, officers and
employees, this indemnity provision with respect to
(1) claims or suits based upon such negligence, (2) the
costs to the AGENCY and the STATE of defending
such claims and suits, etc. shall be valid and enforce-
able only to the extent of the CONSULTANT's
negligence or the negligence of the CONSULTANT's
agents or employees.
The CONSULTANT's relation to the AGENCY shall
be at all times as an independent contractor.
The CONSULTANT specifically assumes potential
liability for actions brought by the CONSULTANT's
own employees against the AGENCY and, solely for
the purpose of this indemnification and defense, the
CONSULTANT specifically waives any immunity
under the state industrial insurance law, Title 51
RCW. The CONSULTANT recognizes that this
waiver was specifically entered into pursuant to the
provisions of RCW 4.24.115 and was the subject of
mutual negotiation.
Unless otherwise specified in the AGREEMENT, the
AGENCY shall be responsible for administration of
construction contracts, if any, on the project. Subject
to the processing of an acceptable, supplemental
agreement, the CONSULTANT shall provide on-call
assistance to the AGENCY during contract adminiS-
tration. By providing such assistance, the
CONSULTANT shall assume no responsibility for:
proper construction techniques, Job site safety, or any
construction contractor's failure to perform its work
in accordance with the contract documents.
The CONSULTANT shall obtain and keep In force
during the terms of the AGREEMENT, or as other-
wise required, the following insurance With
companies or through sources approved by the State
Insurance Commissioner pursuant to RCW 48.
Page 6 of 8
Insurance Coverage
A. Worker's compensation and employer's liability
insurance as required by the STATE.
B. General commercial liability insurance in an
amount not less than a single limit of one million
and 00/100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00) for bodily
injury, including death and property damage
per occurrence.
Excepting the Worker's Compensation insurance and
any professional liability Insurance secured by the
CONSULTANT, the AGENCY Will be named on all
certificates of Insurance as an additional insured. The
CONSULTANT shall furnish the AGENCY With
verification of insurance and endorsements required
by this AGREEMENT. The AGENCY reserves the
right to require complete, certified copies of all
required insurance policies at any time.
All insurance shall be obtained from an insurance
company authorized to do business In the State of
Washington. The CONSULTANT shall submit a
verification of insurance as outlined above within
14 days of the execution of this AGREEMENT to
No cancellation of the foregoing policies shall be
effective without thirty (30) days prior notice to
The CONSULTANT's professional liability to the
AGENCY shall be limited to the amount payable
under this AGREEMENT or one million dollars,
whichever is the greater unless modified by
Exhibit H. In no case shall the CONSULTANT's
professional liabIlity to third parties be limited in
any way.
The AGENCY Will pay no progress payments
under Section V untIl the CONSULTANT has fully
complied with this section. This remedy IS not exclu-
sive; and the AGENCY and the STATE may take
such other action as is available to them under other
provisions of thiS AGREEMENT, or otherwise In law.
A. The AGENCY may at any time, by written order,
make changes Within the general scope of the
AGREEMENT in the services to be performed.
B. If any such change causes an Increase or decrease
in the estimated cost of, or the time required for,
performance of any part of the work under this
AGREEMENT, whether or not changed by the
order, or otherwise affects any other terms and
conditions of the AGREEMENT, the AGENCY
shall make an equitable adjustment in the
(1) maximum amount payable; (2) delivery or
completion schedule, or both; and (3) other
affected terms and shall modify the AGREE-
MENT accordingly.
C. The CONSULTANT must submit its "request
for equitable adjustment" (hereafter referred to
as claim) under this clause within 30 days from
the date of receipt of the written order. However,
if the AGENCY decides that the facts justify it,
the AGENCY may receive and act upon a claim
submitted before final payment of the
D. Failure to agree to any adjustment shall be a
dispute under the Disputes clause. However
nothing in this clause shall excuse the CON-
SU L T ANT from proceeding With the
AGREEMENT as changed.
E. Notwithstanding the terms and condition of
paragraphs (a) and (b) above, the maximum
amount payable for this AGREEMENT, shall
not be increased or considered to be increased
except by specific written supplement to thiS
The CONSULTANT shall place hiS endorsement on
all plans, estImates or any other engineering data
furnished by him.
Page 7 of 8
This document and referenced attachments contains
all covenants, stipulations and provisions agreed upon
by the parties. No agent, or representative of either
party has authority to make, and the parties shall not
be bound by or be liable for, any statement, represen-
tation, promise or agreement not set forth herein. No
changes, amendments, or modifications of the terms
hereof shall be valid unless reduced to writing and
signed by the parties as an amendment to this
The Federal Highway Administration and the
Washington State Department of Transportation
shall have the right to participate in the review or
examination of the work in progress.
Attached hereto as Exhibit "A-1", are the
Certifications of the Consultant and the Agency,
ExhIbit "A-2" Certification regarding debarment,
suspension and other responsibility matters - primary
covered transactions, Exhibit "A-3" Certification
regarding the restrictions of the use of Federal funds
for lobbying, and Exhibit "A-4" Certificate of Current
Cost or Pricing Data. Exhibits "A-3" and "A-4" are
only required in Agreements over $100,000.
( ."
This AGREEMENT may be simultaneously executed
in several counterparts, each of which shall be
deemed to be an original having identical legal effect.
The CONSULTANT does hereby ratify and adopt all
statements, representations, warranties, covenants,
and agreements contained in the proposal, and the
supporting materials submitted by the CONSUL T-
ANT, and does hereby accept the AGREEMENT and
agrees to all of the terms and conditions thereof.
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the day and year first
above written.
~,rlWl ---
l1~ i1>>.t ~
Page 8 of 8
Exhibit A-1
Certification Of Consultant
Project No.
Local Agency
I hereby certify that I am Santosh 1. Kuruvilla, President
representative ofthe firm of EXEL TECH CONSULTING, INC
2627 A Parkmont Lane SW, Olympia, W A 98502
firm I here represent has:
and duly authorized
whose address is
and that neither I nor the above
(a) Employed or retained for a commission, percentage, brokerage, contingent fee or other consideration, any
firm or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for me or the above CONSULTANT) to
solicit or secure this contract.
(b) Agreed, as an express or imphed condition for obtaming this contract, to employ or to retain the sefVIces of
any firm or person in connection with carrying out the contract.
(c) Paid, or agreed to pay, to any firm, organization or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely
for me or the above CONSULTANT) any fee, contribution donation or consideration of any kind for, or in
connection with procunng or carrying out the contract; except as here expressly stated (if any):
I further certify that the firm I hereby represent IS authorized to do busmess in the State of Washington and
that the firm is in full compliance Wlth the requirements of the board of Professional Registration.
I acknowledge that this certIficate is to be available to the State Department of Transportation and the Federal
Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, in connection with this contract involving
participation of Federal aid funds and is subject to applicable State and Federal laws, both criminal and civil.
Certification of Agency Official
I hereby certify that I am the AGENCY Official of the Local Agency of City of Port Angeles Washington
and that the above consulting firm or their representative has not been required, directly or mdlrectly as an
express or Imphed condition in connection with obtaining or carrying out this contract to:
(a) Employ or retain, or agree to employ or retam, any firm or person, or
(b) Payor agree to pay to any firm, person or orgamzation, any fee, contribution, donatIon or consIderation of
any kmd, except as here expressly stated (if any).
I acknowledged that thIS certificate is to be avallable to the Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of
Transportation, in connectlOn with this contract involving particlpatlOn of Federal aId highway funds and it
subject to applicable State and Federal laws, both criminal and civil.
11- 4- 0-5
~ Signature
Exhibit A-2
Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility
Matters-Primary Covered Trans'actions
1. The prospective primary participant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its
(a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily
excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency; ,
(b) Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment
rendered agamst them for commission or fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining,
attemptmg to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) transaction or contract under a publIc
transaction; violation of federal or state antitrust statues or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery,
bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property;
(c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal,
state, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph l.b. of this certification;
(d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public
transactions (federal, state, or local) terminated for cause or default.
2. Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification,
such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal.
10 I~ t.~o3
Exhibit A-3
Certification Regarding The Restrictions
of The use of Federal Funds for Lobbying
The prospective partIcipant certifies, by signing and submitting this bid or proposal, to the best of his or her
knowledge and belief, that:
1. No federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any
person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a membc::r of
Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with
the awarding of any federal contract, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the
entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or
modIfication of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
2. If any funds other than federal appropnated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for
influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a member of Congress, .
an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with this federal
contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard
Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instructions.
This certificatIOn is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction
was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is 'a prerequisite for making or entering into this
transaction Imposed by Section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required
certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each
such failure.' . ' . . , ,I .
I .
The prospective partICIpant also agrees by submitting his or her bId or proposal that he or she shall require
that the language of this certification be included in all lower tier subcontracts which exceed $100,000 and
that all such subrecIpients shall certify and disclose accordingly.
, 0 ( , L 24Q ~
(Da )
la of Consultant
Exhibit A-4
Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data
This is to verify that, to the best of my lmowledge and belief, the cost or pricing data (as defined in
section 15.401 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and required under FAR subsection 15.403-4)
submitted, either actually or by specific identification in writing, to the contracting officer or to ,the
contracting officer's representative in support of
* are accurate, complete, and current as of **. This certification includes
the cost or pncing data supporting any advance agreements and forward pricing rate agreements between
the offeror and the Government that are part of the proposal.
Name Santosh J. Kuruvilla
Title President
I' /~(2..00 :>
Date of Execution***
* Identify the proposal, quotation, request for price adjustment, or other submission involved,
giving the appropriate identifying number (e.g., RFP No.).
.** Insert the day, month, and year when price negotiations were concluded and price agreement
was reached.
*** Insert the day, month, and year of signing, which should be as close as practicable to the date
when the price negotiations were concluded and the contract pnce was agreed to.
Exhibit B-1
Scope of Work
8th Street Bridges Replacement
Project 02-15
Exhibit B-1
Scope of Services
City of Port Angeles
8th Street Bridges Replacement, Project 02-15
Version Date: October 9, 2003
Project Management Manual
Monthly Progress Reports
Project Schedule Report
Project Management Deliverables
Prepare Objectives/Purpose and Need
Develop Funding Strategies
Prepare/Implement Public Outreach Plan
Develop Preliminary Set of Reasonable Alternatives
Evaluate Alternatives and Select Preferred Alternative
Prepare Alternatives Analysis/TS&L Report
Prepare Discipline Reports and Biological Assessment
Qualitative Evaluation of Non-Critical Environmental Elements
Revise Biological Assessment and Discipline Reports
Prepare Preliminary NEPA Environmental Classification Summary
(Documented Categorical Exclusion) and SEPA Mitigated DNS
Advertise and Conduct Public Open House/Hearing
Prepare Response to Comments
Prepare Revised Documented CE and SEPA DNS
Environmental Permits
Design Report
Develop Horizontal and Vertical Alignment Plans
Traffic Circulation Study
Roadway Sections
Preliminary Bridge Design - Final Type, Size, & Location Plans (T.S. &L.)
Geotechnical Report
Hydraulic Analysis and Report
Utilities Design Report
Preliminary Streetscape Report
Conceptual Mitigation Design
Value Engineering Study
Exhibit B-1
Description of Work
Developllmplement Final Design Public Information Plan
Preparation of Civil Plans
Preparation of Bridge Plans
Final Design and PS&E Deliverables
Cost Estimating
Final Mitigation Design
Project Management for Construction
Project Engineering
Office Engineering
Construction Staking
Inspection (Civil/Structural/Utilities)
Field Office
Construction Estimating
Claims/Change Order Administration
Scheduling for Construction Contracts
Construction Safety
Additional Construction Management Services
Quality Control Services
Other Construction Management Services
Third Party Coordination
Develop and Carry out Construction-Phase Public Information Plan
Mitigation Inspection
Project Closeout
Intra-Inter Discipline QC Review
Calculations QC Review
Drawings QC Review
. Specifications QC Review
Opinion of Probable Construction Cost QC Review
Document/Technlcal Reports QC Review
Construction Administration QC Review
Value Engineering
Constructability Review
Exhibit B-1
Scope of Services
City of Port Angeles
8th Street Bridges Replacement, Project 02-15
A. Prepare Scope and Budget
The project work will be planned and performed in four distinct phases: Phase
One, alternatives analysis, funding strategies and type, size and location; Phase
Two, preliminary engineering and environmental analysis; Phase Three, final
design; and Phase Four, construction management.
This agreement consists of preparing a NEPA Documented Categorical Exclusion,
SEPA Environmental Checklist and Determination of Non Significance, Design
Report, Traffic Analysis, Surveying, Hydraulic Report and Drainage Analysis, Utility
Report, Geotechnical Report, Right-of-Way Plans, Preliminary Roadway and
Bridge Plans, Final Roadway and Bridge PS&E Plans, Outreachllnformation
Plans, and Bridge Load Rating Reports. The services provided under this
agreement will also include Project Management, Construction Management,
Material Testing and Construction Support. It is the City's intent that the entire
development from the alternatives development, preferred alternative selection
and environmental studies, preliminary and final engineering and construction
management through the final project closeout be included within this scope of
services as detailed herein.
This project will replace the two existing structurally deficient timber trestle bridges
over Valley Creek and Tumwater Creek with bridges that meet seismic standards
for 75 years and traffic design standards for a design period of 20 years. The
existing bridges are approximately 750 feet long with a 24 foot roadway width and
5 foot sidewalks on each side. The replacement bridges approved by the Bridge
Replacement Advisory Committee (BRAC) will accommodate two (2) 12 foot traffic
lanes, two (2) 6 foot shoulders (36 feet curb to curb) and two (2) 6 1/2 foot
sidewalks. The Type, Size and Location Study will evaluate and recommend the
need for a wider (40 feet curb to curb) structure. It is generally assumed that an
estimate of probable construction costs for these bridges and approach roadway is
around $13 million, design and construction management of $3.5 million for a total
cost of about $16.5 million.
A major goal for this project is timely completion of work, pending funding and
coordination with other projects in the City of Port Angeles.
B. Project Logistics
The City will provide overall direction for the Project. The Consultant shall
accomplish studies as may be pertinent and necessary as approved and
requested by the City to provide as documented within this scope of work. When
alternatives are being considered, the City will have the right of selection. To
facilitate an orderly and efficient preparation of contract documents, the Consultant
will coordinate work with the City's project office in the City of Port Angeles.
The Consultant shall provide labor and services necessary to complete the work of
this agreement as described in this scope of services, including supplies,
equipment, inCidentals and materials, except as designated elsewhere in thiS
10/31/03 4
Exhibit B-1
C. Collection of Available Data
Upon receipt of notice-to-proceed, the Consultant shall initiate the Project related
activities as follows:
A. Review pertinent information and technical data generated and provided to
date by the City and other agencies. This is to gain detailed familiarity with the
Project for the purposes of public outreach.
B. Assemble Project data available and identify that which is needed.
C. Conduct a kick off meeting close to the site.
D. Confirm design criteria to be utilized in the development of the design.
E. Confirm procedures to be followed in connection with preparing and/or
carrying out the public outreach.
F. Other agency public information data assembly and procedures.
Establishing the Project design criteria will be one of the key elements in the early-
on work efforts. Design criteria and standards will be developed in accordance
with AASHTO Guidelines, City of Port Angeles guidelines, and WSDOT manuals
and practices. These standards will include channelization requirements, design
speed, side and back slopes, structural design requirements, clearance windows,
and traffic control requirements.
Data collection items to be provided by the City will include (as available):
A. As-Built or As-Designated Roadway Plans
B. City Street Standards
C. Any available traffic Data
D. City Redevelopment Design Plans and Criteria Standards
E. Maintenance Data
F. Right-Of-Way Mapping
G. Existing Survey Control Data
H. Existing Environmental Documents
I. Any available Environmental Data
J. City-owned Utility Routing
K. In addition to any technical documents/data that will assist in gaining
familiarity with the Project itself, the following information will be necessary
to proceed with the public outreach aspects of the Project:
1. Any news releases, articles, presentations or other information
presented to the public to date regarding the Project.
2. A list of contacts and phone numbers for approval of news releases
and other collateral used in informing and educating the public about
the Project.
3. Information and procedural direction regarding submittal of
information for posting on the City's website and, potentially,
establishment of a Project-centered webpage on the City's website.
L. Other pertinent project data as may be available
10/31/03 5
Exhibit B-1
Data collection items (as available), which will be requested by the Consultant
from other agencies, include:
A. Power, Telephone, fiber optics, water, sewer, storm and TV Utility Routings
(From Respective Utility Owner)
B. School Bus Routes
C. Emergency Vehicle Routes
D. Local and Regional Transit Agencies
E. Environmental Data (GIS, critical areas, regulations and mapping)
F. Other Pertinent Project Data (as may be available)
Consultant will:
1. Identify multi-jurisdictional collaborative procedures for sharing information
with the public. This may include Clallam Transit, Port Angeles Schools,
the Chamber of Commerce, local businesses, etc. Assumes a meeting
w/public information representatives from these agencies.
2. Develop multi-jurisdictional contact list for Public Information Officers.
3. Determine methods for submitting materials to non-City websites and other
information outlets.
G. Develop scope of work, anticipated budget and work assumptions to carry out
the tasks of the project.
The project management activities described herein will be conducted in all four (4)
phases of the project. The activity budget for these four (4) phases will be apportioned
as such and documented in summary form. The Consultant shall provide clear and
concise documentation of work progress, including coordinating work products by the
design team that are critical to the overall design effort. This task shall include the
preparation of monthly progress reports and monthly schedule reports.
201. Project Management Manual (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
In order to closely monitor, define, and schedule work products, the Consultant will
prepare a manual that summarizes significant Project activities. The manual will
be developed with chapters devoted to the following: Project Plan, Directory,
Budget Baseline, Schedule Baseline, Scope Baseline, Deliverables Log,
Communications Plan, Change Control Plan, CADD Management, Project
Closeout, and Cost Management, including electronic schedule using Primavera
Suretrak Scheduling software.
Assumption: Primarily a one-time setup activity in Phase one
for Phase One thru Phase Three. Subsequently revised and
updated prior to start of Phase Four.
202. Monthly Progress Reports (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Monthly progress reports shall be prepared to document work occurring by each
discipline member. Monthly reports shall be forwarded to the project manager for
Exhibit B-1
review and shall form the basis for tracking the progress of work throughout the
Project life.
Assumption: Anticipate twenty-eight (28) month project life
cycle for Phase One thru Phase Four.
Deliverable: Anticipate twenty-eight (28) Monthly Progress
Reports provided
203. Project Schedule Report (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
The Consultant shall provide a schedule report that provides a concise statement
of the status of the work and critical Project milestones. The Consultant shall use a
single graphic to show both a summary schedule in bar-chart form and a progress
curve that allows comparison earned value of actual work done to the baseline
budget and the actual expenditures. The main elements of work completed shall
be covered in more detail in the body of the monthly narrative report. These
reports shall be forwarded to the project manager by the 10th of each month for
the previous month's activities. The Consultant shall make these reports available
in electronic format using Primavera (Suretrak) scheduling software.
204. Coordination (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
The Consultant shall provide thorough and continuous coordination to ensure the
overall success of the Project. The Consultant shall accomplish this on multiple
levels for the various disciplines involved. In addition to the overall agency
coordination required for this Project, the Consultant shall provide in-house
coordination as follows. The Consultant shall hold monthly meetings or
conference calls with the City's project manager to provide an overall briefing of
project activities. Secondly, the Consultant shall hold the weekly project team
conference calls that the City's project manager is invited to attend.
Coordination meetings shall be required as part of this Project. For the benefit of
interested public entities, the Consultant is available to provide project-related
presentations to local individuals or groups as requested. The Consultant shall
also provide briefings or assist In briefings to the local governmental counCils as
Assumptions: Project period for Phase One thru Phase Three
will be Eighteen (18) months, two (2) meetings/month, each
meeting one (1) hour in length
Five (5) presentations per year, 1.5 years, five (5) hours required
to prepare each. Doesn't include coordination activities for Phase
Deliverable: Written summaries of all contracts/meetings and
coordination efforts
Action item log that identifies actions or needs and resolution date
and type
205. Project Management Deliverables (Primary Responsibility -
The Project Management Manual will outline all the Project Management
deliverables for the project. It will provide the details that will be included for each
of the following items.
10/31/03 7
Exhibit B-1
A. Project Plan
B. Project Team Directory
C. Budget Baseline
D. Schedule Baseline
E. Scope Baseline
F. Deliverables Log
G. Communications Plan
H. Change Control Plan
I. CADD Management Plan
J. Project Closeout Plan
K. Other Deliverables
. Schedule - Monthly Updates
. Budget Tracking (task and deliverables log)
· Meeting Minutes Documentation
. Documentation Management Log
· Action Item Log
. Project Archival Records
· Subconsultant Monthly Progress Reports and Invoices
· Monthly Progress Reports
. Monthly Invoices
Assumption: Direct expenses for mileage will be reimbursed at
the current Washington State Private Owned Vehicle Rate
Deliverable: Monthly Invoices will be per WSDOT LAG Manual
requirement for a cost plus fixed contract.
301. Prepare ObjectiveslPurpose and Need (Primary Responsibility -
In cooperation with the City, develop objectives of the project that will serve as the
basis for development of conceptual alternatives and design elements. Submit to
the City approval.
Assumption: Presumes project qualifies as a NEPA
Documented Categorical Exclusion.
Deliverable: Draft project Description, Objectives and Final
Environmental Classification Summary
Exhibit B-1
302. Develop Funding Strategies {Primary Responsibility - Lochner}
A variety of funding strategies will be developed and pursued to help the City
obtain the necessary funding resources to complete the project within the timeline
identified in its Capitol Improvement Program. The planning strategy includes:
302.1 Assess Fund Sources
A. Review Secured Funds
B. Match with likely new sources
C. Preliminary discussions with funding agencies
302.2 Develop Funding Strategy
A. Assess City's Match Capability
B. Develop Strategy to Maximize External Sources
C. Report contacts and summary of communications
302.3 Build Agency Funding Consensus
A. Set Up Joint Meeting with Targeted agencies
B. Invite Agencies, Set Agenda, Take Notes
C. Tour Project Site for Bridge Replacement Understanding
D. Generate Excitement; Get Assistance Pledges
302.4 Secure Funds
A. Grant Writing
B. Continuous Grant Agency Coordination
C. Secure Toll Credit Match
D. Support Congressional Funding Allocations
E. Attend Funding Agency Meetings for Presentations/Updates
302.5 Ensure Funding Compliance
A. Clearly Monitor Commitments
B. Respond to Agency Questions
C. Provide Progress Reports to Grant Agencies
303. Prepare and Carry out Public Outreach Plan {Shared Responsibility
- City and Exeltech}
The Public Outreach Plan (POP) will identify stakeholders, and pinpoint the
methods and milestones for involving stakeholders and other members of the
public during the design, environmental and construction phases of the project. It
will also include publicity plans for encouraging pUblic participation. Contents of
the POP will include those provisions outlined in Section 24.34 of the Local
Agency Guidelines. The POP will be submitted to the City for review and
Assumptions: One (1) round of revisions of the POP
Oeliverables: Public Outreach Plan
Public Mailing List, E-mail Notification
303.1 Interview Businesses and Service Agencies {Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech}
At the outset of the Public Outreach process, all businesses abutting and
potentially affected by the project, schools, transit, and energy services
Exhibit B-1
will be interviewed to identify issues and coordinate development of
mitigation strategies. ,
A. Draft interview questions with assistance of team and edit summary
report. (Assume two (2) sets of interview questions to draft).
B. Conduct interviews
C. Compile results and prepare responses to those who were
D. Draft and edit two Summary Reports.
Assumptions: Two (2) Interviews with each business, schools,
and transit during the Preliminary Design Phase.
Twenty (20) businesses, each interviewed twice
Deliverables: Summary of Interview questions, responses and
issues to address.
Responses to businesses and service agencies
303.2 Conduct Stakeholders Workshop (Shared
Responsibility - City and Exeltech)
Once a preliminary set of design options are developed, conduct a
Workshop with the key stakeholders to review project objectives, further
identify issues, review conceptual design alternatives and develop new
design concepts for consideration. Two additional workshops will be
conducted, one prior to selection of the preferred alternative and another
after receipt of comments from the public.
Three (3) four-hour workshops
Preliminary list of stakeholders to be determined by the City of
Port Angeles.
Up to four (4) exhibits.
Written Summary of Workshops
303.3 Meet with Resource Agencies
(Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
(Secondary Responsibility - Entrix)
Once a preliminary set of design options are developed, meet with
resource agencies to identify key permit or regulatory issues that need to
be taken into consideration.
Assumption: Two (2) hour meeting each with six (6) resource
agencies (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, NOAA
Fisheries, USFWS, Washington Department of Ecology, U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe)
Written Summary of resource agency meetings
Exhibit B-1
303.4 Advertise and Conduct Public Open House in Project
Area (Shared Responsibility - City and Exeltech)
Once a preliminary set of design options are developed, and after the
initial stakeholders workshop is completed, conduct a public open house
to display project objectives, key issues, and conceptual design concepts
considered, project construction phasing and seek input.
A. Draft, prepare and post display advertisement. Draft text for mailed
notices publicizing the event.
B. Draft news release publicizing the event.
C. Draft text for one (1) handout for distribution at the open house.
D. Coordinate logistics for event, including site reconnaissance, room
set-up, etc.
E. Present Design Options and answer questions
F. Set up and break down event.
Assumptions: Four-hour open house within project vicinity for
one hundred (100) people
Consultant to prepare notices for mailing and newspaper
publication. Consultant will incur costs for mailing and duplication
of up to five hundred (500) notices
Consultant will develop mailing list that will be approved by the
City ;s to be billed for ad in one (1) edition of the newspaper.
Up to ten (10) exhibits as needed
Deliverables: Written Summary of Comments received
Four additional exhibits for display
Fifty (50) copies of one handout, comment sheets and signup
303.5 Presentation to City Council (Primary Responsibility-
Prior to a preferred alternative (design option) being selected, make two
(2) presentations to the City Council that includes the following:
A. First Meeting - Present history of Project; Objectives of the Project;
Project Issues; Conceptual Alternatives considered; Input from the
Public, Stakeholders, and Resource Agencies
B. Prior to second meeting, notify public and media of recommended
preferred alternative.
C. Second meeting - recommend Preferred Alternative (design option)
for council action.
Assumption: Project Manager and Environmental Manager
and/or Phase Manager to attend meeting
Prepared presentation to the City Council
Exhibit B-1
303.6 Neighborhood Meetings (Shared Responsibility - City
and Exeltech)
Plan and participate in neighborhood meetings throughout Phases 1, 2
and 3 to discuss issues and design concepts under consideration.
Assumption: Up to six (6) meetings will be conducted to
discuss project issues and receive comments on the project.
Summary of each meeting held.
303.7 Project Website Management (Primary Responsibility-
In cooperation with City staff, prepare and update a project website on the
City's Webpage. The Website will include relevant project information
regarding the design and construction events that are current on the
303.8 Coordination (Shared Responsibility - City and
As issues arise with business owners, the press and residents,
coordination with them through individual meetings, telephone
conversations and interviews with the news media will be conducted to
clearly communicate current project events and resolve issues of interest.
Assumptions: Ten (10) interviews with the media.
twenty (20) meetings with business or residents
Deliverables: Summaries of all meetings.
304. Develop Preliminary Set of Reasonable Alternatives (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech)
A preliminary set of five (5) design concepts that meet the project objectives will be
developed. In a workshop setting with the City and stakeholders, this five (5)
alternatives will be refined and a sixth potential alternative will be developed and
up to six (6) conceptual alternatives will be carried forward to a public open house
for comment and further evaluation.
Assumption: Up to six (6) design options/conceptual
alternatives will be carried forward for public review.
Deliverable: Conceptual plan of each alternative that Will
include list of advantages, disadvantages and preliminary cost of
305. Evaluate Alternatives and Select Preferred Alternative (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech)
In cooperation with the City, develop evaluation criteria based on existing available
literature and collected field data. Criteria will include, but not be limited to: traffic;
water quality; disruptions and relocation; aesthetics; cost; land use and other
criteria discovered during the reconnaissance and public process. A preferred
alternative will be selected based on application of the evaluation criteria to each
of the alternatives under consideration.
. I
Exhibit B-1
Assumptions: Up to six alternatives will be evaluated and
screened. Traffic analyses and hazardous materials research will
be conducted. Evaluation analysis will be conducted based on
existing documentation, reports and inventories. One preferred
alternative will be selected
Deliverable: Technical Memorandum summarizing the
screening process.
306. Prepare Alternatives Analysis/Preliminary TS&L Report (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech)
Two (2) new bridges over Valley Creek and Tumwater Creek are anticipated for
this project. The design and alternates of the new bridge will proceed following
assuming six (6) basic alternates. These alternates are: 1) WSDOT Type Precast
Concrete Girder Bridge, 2) Cast in Place Concrete Arch Bridge, 3) Concrete Box
Girder Bridge, 4) Steel Delta Frame with Concrete Deck B'ridge, 5) Steel Slant Leg
Frame with Concrete Deck Bridge; and potentially one mo're to be identified during
the public process. These structural alternates will be reviewed and confirmed
based on the following criteria: :
. Cost
. Functionality
. Length of the crossing
· Impacts to Tumwater Creek and Valley Creek
· Foundation material, liquefaction potential and sub-surface characteristics
· Seismicity - Performance Category C I
. Aesthetic Issues
· Environmental Issues during construction (fisheries,' traffic-impact, driveway
access, noise and long term maintenance issues)
. Construction Staging and Site Constraints
Field Visit & Data Collection (3 Field Trips) ,
This task will include up to three (3) field visits to review existing conditions,
reviewing the foundation investigation report, coordination with Geotechnical sub
consultant, reviewing utilities to be supported by the bridgel, reviewing existing
documentation regarding the bridge site issues and geometric considerations.
Bridqe Geometrics
This task will include bridge site geometrics and determination of the crossing
length and structural configuration. i
Alternatives Analysis & Substructure Layout !
This task will include developing six (6) alternatives and substructure layouts.
WSDOT Type Precast Concrete Girder Bridqe Alternate - ctoncept Desiqn
This task includes feasibility analysis and layout of a WSD0T Type Precast
Concrete Girder Bridge. Span Lengths considered will range from 90ft to 140ft.
Cast in Place Concrete Arch Bridqe Alternate - Concept Desiqn
This task includes feasibility analysis and layout of a Cast ih Place Concrete Arch
Bridge. Arch Span Lengths considered will range from 400ft to 700ft.
Exhibit B-1
Concrete Box Girder Bridqe Alternate - Concept Desiqn
This task includes feasibility analysis and layout of a Concrete Box Girder Bridge.
Span Lengths considered will range from 140ft to 250ft.
Steel Delta Frame with Concrete Deck Bridqe Alternate - Concept Desiqn
This task includes feasibility analysis and layout of a Steel :Delta Frame with
Concrete Deck Bridge. Span Lengths considered will rang:e from 90ft to 300ft.
Steel Slant Leq Frame with Concrete Deck Bridqe - Concebt Desiqn
This task includes feasibility analysis and layout of a Steel ,Slant Leg Frame with
Concrete Deck Bridge. Span Lengths considered will range from 150ft to 450ft.
Bridqe Renderinqs for Public Meetinqs .
This task includes development of bridge renderings and g~aphics and displays for
public meetings. Displays and graphics should adequatel~ convey general size
and shape of bridge architectural components. :
Bridqe Site Data. Feasibilitv Report and Preliminary 1. S. & L. Report
This task includes preparation of Bridge Site Data, Feasibility Report and
Preliminary Type, Size and Location (1.S. & L.) for six (6) ~Iternates. This report
should include general bridge site conditions and issues, review of six (6)
alternates including conceptual layout sketches, various cqnsiderations for
alternate selection, recommendation for a selected alternate and preliminary cost
estimates to support alternate selection. i
Deliverables: i
. Bridge Site Data & Feasibility Report I
. Preliminary Cost Estimate
· Preliminary 1. S. & L. (2 schematic drawings per alternate)
. Preliminary TS&L Report I
401. Prepare Discipline Reports and Biological As~essment
Prepare Discipline Reports based on preliminary design o~ the preliminary
preferred alternative that includes horizontal and vertical al,ignment, proposed
improvements footprint, and preliminary right-of-way limits.! Discipline Reports
shall follow the outline for the specific Discipline Report anp Biological Assessment
checklists included in the WSDOT Environmental Procedures Manual (M 31-11)
for the following elements: i
Assumptions: Analysis for discipline reports based on
approximately 30% preliminary design.
Elements requiring discipline reports coulq change once more
detailed information of the Project is discoyered
Hazardous Waste analysis and Discipline Report is based on an
Initial Site Assessment. '
No analysis of farmlands, secondary and cumulative impacts, wild
and scenic rivers, coastal areas, energy, and air quality will be
necessary .
Exhibit B-1
The City of Port Angeles will provide copies of geotechnical
information of previous projects completed along the corridor.
Other site history information collected by ,others will be provided
to us for review.
401.1 Water Quality (Primary Responsibility - Entrix)
The Water Quality analysis will be a qualitative analysis that follows
Section 431 ofWSDOT's Environmental Procedures Manual. Studies will
be performed to investigate, assess, describe, an~ mitigate the potential
water quality impacts that could occur from the project. The analysis will
be integrated into the Biology Report as described in Section 401.3. The
water quality study will: ,
A. Characterize existing surface water, wetlands, and shallow
groundwater resources and associated water :quality in the project
area, including water quality of roadway runoff;
B. Identify and describe probable adverse impac~s of the screened
project alternatives on water quality; I
C. Identify and recommend mitigation measures 'that could be
implemented for unavoidable adverse impacts, and to ensure that
requirements of the Clean Water Act (CWA) are met.
Assumptions: No new permanent wetland mitigation design will
be required. No separate Water Quality Discipline Report will be
Deliverable: A Water Quality Qualitati~e Analysis will be
prepared and included in the Biology Discipline Report (Section
401.3) presenting a discussibn of existing :water quality,
characterization of probable impacts from the screened
alternatives, and recommended mitigationi measures.
401.2 Hazardous Materials (Primary R~sponsibility - Entrix)
The scope of work for the hazardous materials cdmponent of the project
will address two (2) parallel and overlapping processes in support of the
NEPAlSEPA processes and for hazardous materials investigations to
characterize contaminated media prior to construction. This scope of
work includes a qualitative analysis of the project following guidance in
Section 447 of the WSDOT Environmental Procedures Manual. In
addition, the scope of work addresses the Implementing Agreement
between Ecology and WSDOT concerning hazardous waste management
and reduction, site remediation, and regulatory compliance that is
designed to allow the state agencies to meet statutory obligation and
state transportation requirements and to protect public health and safety
and the natural environment. I
Assumptions: No hazardous materials testing will be required.
Deliverables: Hazardous Materials Technical Memorandum
401.3 Biology Report (Primary Responsibility - Entrix)
The Biology Report will be prepared following WSDOT's provisions in
Sections 436 and 4370f the Environmental Procedures Manual (include
Exhibit B-1
water quality analysis from Section 401.1). This task will involve a
preliminary assessment of the project's preliminary design of the
preferred alternative compliance with NEPA and Section 7 of the ESA.
Additionally, this task will assess the project's compliance with Section 9
of the ESA, SEPA as supplemented in 1983, RCW 43.12C, SEPA rules,
WAC 197-11, and local ordinances (WSDOT M31;-11). Compliance with
wetland regulations will also be assessed and determinations will be
made to estimate "no net loss." I
Biology Discipline Report ,(including water quality
401.4 Biological Assessment (Primary Responsibility -
Most likely a BA will be required. Upon completion of Task 401.3, a
determination will be made whether or not a biological assessment will be
required. If any aspect of the project has a federal nexus, could impact a
listed or proposed species or its critical habitat, and is not covered by an
existing PBA, then a BA must be prepared. If the:project biologist
determines during preliminary evaluations that the project will not have
any effect on a federally listed species, then no-effect letters will be
submitted to NMFS andlor USFWS (WSDOT M31-11). The majority of
the data collection will be conducted as part of the 401.3 task. Some
additional research regarding threatened or endaragered species
potentially impacted may be necessary.
From the information collected, assess the biological impacts and prepare
the BA with the applicable information in the Biological Assessment
Checklist (Version 8) (WSDOT Exhibit 436-4).
Biological Assessment
401.5 Bicycles and Pedestrians (Primary Responsibility-
Lochne~ I
Analysis of Bicycles and Pedestrians will follow gl;Jidance of Section 460
(Transportation) of WSDOT's Environmental Procedures Manual. The
results of this analysis will be included as part of Task 503, Traffic
Circulation Study.
See section 503, Traffic qirculation Report
401.6 Historical, Cultural and Archaeological Resources
(Primary Responsibility -Entrix; :Secondary
Responsibility - Exeltech) i
The historical, cultural and archaeological analysis shall comply with
Section 456 of WSDOT's Environmental Procedures Manual which in turn
will meet the requirements of NEPA, SEPA, Section 106 of the National
Historic Preservation Act, and Section 4(f) of the Department of
Transportation Act. Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act
requires that any federal or federally-assisted project or any project
requiring federal licensing or permitting consider the effect of the action
on historic properties listed in or eligible for the NCiltional Register of
Historic Places. Under this law, bridge replacem~nt projects, which will
Exhibit B-1 I
include federal funding, require a cultural resources assessment to
determine if historic resources would be affected by the proposed
projects. Section 4(f) specifies that the FHW A will not approve any
program or project which requires the use of any publicly owned public
park, recreation area, or wildlife or waterfowl refuge, or any land from an
historic site of national, state, or local significance unless:
1) There is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use, and
2) All possible planning to minimize harm resulting from such use is
included. I
Section 106 Consultation with the State Office of f.rchaeology and
Historic Preservation and Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe will be conducted
and coordinated through WSDOT Local Program~ office
Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) dJcumentation for the two
(2) existing bridges will be conducted following N~tional Park Services
HAER guidelines. I
Deliverables: Historical, Cultural, and Archaeological
Resources Discipline Report
. HAER Documentation
401.7 Visual Quality (Primary Responsibility - Olympic
Design Works) I
The visual quality discipline report will be prepared based on the checklist
in the WSDOT Environmental Procedures Manual Section 459 (Exhibit
459-1). The report will cover impacts to visual re~ources including
temporary and permanent impacts, relationship of the impacts to potential
viewers of and from the project, and measures to lavoid or reduce
impacts. The basic approach to preparing the DR will be to:
1) Scope the extent of the investigation with projebt participants;
2) Identify visual resources in the project area; I
3) Gather data including conducting visual simulations;
4) Analyze data for project;
5) Prepare draft report;
6) Review comments on draft report and revise report; and
7) Prepare final report. I
Deliverable: Visual Quality Discipline report
401.8 SociallEconomic (Disruptions, D1isPlacements)
(Primary Responsibility - NEA)
The Social Economic analysis will follow guidelines outlined in Section
457 of WSDOT's Environmental Procedures ManLal with emphasis being
placed on business and residential disruptions, di~placements, and
relocation requirements.
Exhibit B-1 I
Deliverable: Social Economic DiScipline Report
documenting the data sources, assumptio~s, analytical methods,
and the results of the analysis, impacts of the project on
businesses and residents in the project ar~a.
401.9 Geology and Soils (Primary Res~onsibility - PanGeo)
The Geology and Soils analysis will be in accordahce with Section 507 of
this Scope of Work and Section 420 of WSDOT's iEnvironmental
Procedures Manual. Elements of the report will include:
A. Collect and review available soils information including boring logs,
laboratory test results, and reports from previdus geotechnical studies
for projects completed along the corridor. ReView published geologic
information and site history. I
B. Develop description of affected environment irycluding geology,
geologic hazards, and general topographic setting.
C. Evaluate potential impacts for the preliminary breferred alternative
and develop recommendations for mitigation of these impacts.
Deliverable': Geotechnical Report as OLtlined in Section 507.
402. Qualitative Evaluation of Non-Critical Environmental Elements
(Primary Responsibility - Exeltech) I
An evaluation of non-critical environmental elements likely to have minor
impacts will be conducted.
402.1 NoiseNibration (Primary Responsibility - Michael
Minor & Associates) I
The noise and vibration study approach will meet the requirements of the
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and folloW the Washington State
Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Noise MaAual. The noise study
approach will be approved by the City of Port Angeles prior to commencing
Deliverable: Noise Technical Memorandum
402.2 land Use (Primary Responsibilit~ - Exeltech)
Following gUidance outlined in Section 450 of WSDOT's Environmental
Procedures, a qualitative analysis of land use in UTIli e project area will be
A. Land Use issues related to the construction ofl new 8th Street bridges
will be evaluated. This will involve a survey o~ existing uses in the
project area, an analysis of the affected land l!ses relative to the City
of Port Angeles's Zoning Maps and Compreh~nsive Plans, and a
review of the plans, codes and policies that pertain to the re-
construction of the bridges. I
B. This review of City, and other, plans and policies may result in
recommended mitigation measures for the City and other entities to
consider. Because the construction of these bridges is consistent with
the City's overall Public Works plan, it is not e*pected that any
18 I
particular land use conflicts will arise, except quring the actual
construction period. :
Deliverable: Land Use Technical Membrandum that includes a
qualitative analysis of the land use characteristics and impacts of
the project. :
402.3 Public Services and Utilities (pri~ary Responsibility -
Lochne~ I
The public services and utilities analysis with proc,edures will follow
guidance provided in WSDOT's Environmental MCjlnual, Section 470.
Impacts during construction and operation will be ~valuated.
Exhibit B-1
Deliverable: Public Services and Utilities Technical
Memorandum I
403. Revise Biological Assessment and Discipline Reports (Primary
Responsibility - E~eltech) i
Submit Discipline Reports and Biological Assessment to City and WSDOT Local
Programs for review. Revise Biological Assessment and resubmit to the City and
WSDOT Local Programs for forwarding on to FHWA and NOM Fisheries Service
for approval. Revise Discipline Reports per comments reckived from City and
404. Prepare Preliminary NEPA Environmental Classification Summary
(Documented Categorical Exclusion) and SEPA Mitigated DNS
(Primary Responsibility - Exeltech) i
Prepare Preliminary Environmental Classification Summary and SEPA
Environmental Checklist for approval by the City. If desired the City may forward
the ECS to WSDOT Local Programs for review and commbnt.
Assumptions: Thirty (30) day agency re~iew period by the City.
Deliverable: Five (5) copies of prelimi,ary documents.
405. Advertise and Conduct Public Open House/He'aring (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech) I
A. Draft mailed notices publicizing the event fifteen (15) pays in advance. Draft
news release publicizing the event Draft up to two (2) handouts for
distribution at the open house. Coordinate logistics for event, including site
reconnaissance, room set-up, etc I
B. Set up and break down event. ,
C. Advertise in the newspaper of general circulation fifte~n (15) days in advance
of Open House, date; and availability of design and environmental documents
for 3D-day public review period. I
D. Distribute up to twenty-five (25) copies of documents Ito public libraries,
agencies and other designated locations.
E. Conduct combined open house / public hearing a min:imum of fifteen (15)
days after availability of SEPA checklist and Mitigated DNS as advertised to
the public. I
Exhibit B-1
Assumption: Four (4) hour combined o~en house I public
hearing I
Ten (10) exhibits to be prepared for open house
City to pay court reporter directly !
Deliverables: I
Prepare a legal notice for the newspaper. I
Reproduce up to twenty-five (25) copies environmental and design
documents I
Prepare up to five hundred (500) mailing notices
Prepare up to ten (10) exhibits for Open House
Prepare up to two (2) handouts for Open ~ouse
Prepare Response to Comments (Responsibility - Exeltech and All
Subconsultants) I
Upon conclusion of the 3D-day public review period, evalu~te public and agency
comments received and prepare responses to comments. I
Assumption: Preparation of responseslfor up to fifty (50)
comments on different issues will be prepared.
Deliverable: Summary of significant cJmments and
recommended action or response I
Prepare Revised Documented CE and SEPA DINS (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech)
Prepare Revised Environmental Reports and other documents, that will include
revised ECS text, hearing transcript, responses to comme~ts, and Discipline
Reports and Technical Memorandums. Submit approved Biological Assessment
and final ECS to WSDOT Local Programs and FHWA for ~pproval.
Assumption: One (1) round of revision1 to the Revised ECS
and Biological Assessment. I
Deliverables: Two (2) copies of Revise~ ECS for City, WSDOT
aod FHW A for 3D-day review
Project Commitment File
Consultant to incur cost of advertisement in newspaper
SEPA adoption notice
408. Environmental Permits
(Primary Responsibility - Exeltech) I
(Secondary Responsibility - Entrix)
Prepare applications for permits from the regulatory agencies
, I
Assumptions: Permit applications Will in:c1ude the JARPA form
for the Shoreline Substantial Development from City of Port
Angeles; Hydraulic Project Approval from Washington Department
of Fish and Wildlife; Nationwide permit frqm United States Army
10/31/03 . 20 I
Corps of Engineers; 401 Water Quality Certification from the
Washington Department of Ecology. i
Consultant will coordinate with agencies and the Lower Elwha
Klallam Tribe. I
City to submit applications to agencies anq pay any permit fees
Exhibit B-1
Permit applications (exclu,ding fees)
501. Design Report (Primary Responsibility - Exelt~ch)
The Design Report is a formal documentation of design considerations and may
be prepared concurrent with the environmental studies and documentation and the
Right-of-Way Plans (R/W). The Design Report records the evaluations of the
various disciplines, which result in design recommendation1s and, after review and
concurrence by the City, will provide the approved design. : The Design Report is
instrumental in preparation of the R/W plans and the PS&E. The Design Report
must receive concurrence from the City prior to beginning work on the PS&E.
Deliverables: I
A. A Draft Working Paper on Forecasting Results for Existing,
Future Baseline and Future Alternati~es
60%, 95%, and 100% Design Report Document
Horizontal and Vertical Alignment Plans
Typical Roadway Sections [I
Preliminary Cost Estimates for Each Alternative
Final Approach and Methods Report!
Develop Horizontal and Vertical Alignment Plains (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech) I
The horizontal and vertical alignments are to be developed to such refinement that
horizontal and vertical clearances can be reasonably chec~ed, drainage concepts
resolved, utility conflicts identified and R/W requirements accurately estimated.
These plans shall be developed in a manner consistent with design criteria
established for this Project. i
Preliminary Horizontal and Vertical Plans
503. Traffic Circulation Study (Primary Responsibility - Lochner)
The traffic circulation study including bicycle and pedestnan circulation will
combine temporary detour route analysis and final alignmdnt traffic analysis. The
study shall also meet the requirements of Section 401.5. The temporary detour
route analysis will address the following: I
A. Capacity analysis of the temporary circulation route I
B. Signal timing analysis (assume six (6) intersections to include signal revisions
during construction) I
C. Signal needs study for possibly three (3) temporary sighal along detour route
D. Interconnect and signal optimization i
E. Fire preemption
F. Transit signal priority as needed (temporary for this project only)
G. Conceptual layout and schematics of the roadways and intersections
Several coordination meetings with stakeholders will be eslential to support the
detour route analysis. I
Assumption: Meetings will be held with each of the following
. Two (2) meetings with Clallam Transit
· One (1) meeting with City's Police/Fire Emergency response
. Two (2) meetings with City's traffic dep1artment
· One (1) meeting with non-referenced glroups
· Two (2) meetings with Port Angeles Sdhool District
Deliverable: Traffic Circulation Study Report
504. Roadway Sections (Primary Responsibility - ElelteCh)
The Consultant shall prepare roadway sections for the bridges and approaches, to
be used on the Project. The typical sections shall be the basis for preparing
preliminary cost estimates for the Project. The typical sections shall show lane
widths, shoulder widths, and other pertinent features. I
Assumptions: Minor roadwork on Valley jStreet and SR 117. No
major realignment of either Valley Street or SR 117.
Exhibit B-1
Preliminary Roadway and Bridge Sections
505. Preliminary Bridge Design - Final Type, Size & Location Plans
(T.S. &L.) (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech) I
Based on the findings and conclusions of the Bridge Site Data, Feasibility Report
and Preliminary T. S. & L. the approved alternate will be adyanced to Preliminary
Bridge Design. In this phase a 30% set of drawings showin@ Final Type, Size and
Location of the bridge crossing will be developed. Final Type, Size and Location
plans will take the approved Foundation Investigation Repo~, Final
recommendations of the Environmental Assessment, trafficlstaging, constructability
issues and location of existing utilities into consideration. As part of this task,
Consultant will also finalize the preliminary cost estimate arlalysis of the bridge.
Assumption: It is generally assumed th~t Steel Slant Leg
Frame with Concrete Deck Bridge will be a1dvanced to preliminary
design. Plans will be developed using English Units of measure.
Preliminary Superstructure Analvsis I
This task will consist of determining the number and spacing of frames and/or
girders, type of concrete deck and applied loads to provide design stresses,
deflections, cambers, and factored moments.
Preliminary Substructure & Seismic Analvsis
A preliminary service load and seismic load analysis will alse be performed of the
substructure elements. This task will include the selection of a final foundation
and/or pile type based on information provided by the Geot~chnical sub-consultant.
Exhibit B-1
Tvpe. Size & Location Drawinqs (Steel Slant Leo Frame with Concrete Deck
Bridoe Alternate)
Consultant will assemble all the Preliminary Bridge Design Plans with supporting
data for a Final Type, Size and Location Review. Data format will comply with
WSDOT and City of Port Angeles Design Standards. Consultant will develop
drawings of the boring logs and investigate foundation alternatives and their
capacities from information supplied by the Geotechnical sub-consultant.
Electronic submittals can be made at this time to ensure system compatibility with
City of Port Angeles of CAD files. '
Preliminary Plan-in-Hand Constructabilltv Review ,
Consultant will perform a constructability review in the field :to determine site
constraints and other constructability issues using the T.S. & L. Plans.
. Final Bridge Selection Narrative
· Preliminary Engineer's Cost Estimate
· Bridge Type, Size & Location Plans (Assumed five (5)
drawings) ,
· Final TS&L Report ready for WSDOT review and approval
506. Surveying (Primary Responsibility - Wengler) I
All Surveying shall be the responsibility of the Consultant. The Consultant shall
review as-built data and produce additional field surveys a~ requested by the City
Project Engineer and shall include but not be limited to the following:
A. Horizontal and vertical control for topographic and ae~ial mapping: Using
existing City of Port Angeles control points the Consultant will establish all
necessary horizontal and vertical control in the vicinity of the project. The
horizontal datum will be referenced to the Washingto~ coordinate system
grid, north zone, North American datum of 1983, and ,1991 adjustment
(NAD83/91). The vertical datum will be referenced tol the North American
Datum of 1988 (NA VD88). !
B. Topographic Surveying: Topographic surveying will donsist of but not limited
to the following: I
1.) Centerline, edge of pavement, and limits of sidewalk on the existing
bridges. !
2.) Centerline, edge of pavement, sidewalks, structures, utilities, houses
and any other features within 100 feet north and south of the
centerline of Eighth Street for a distance of 200 feet easterly and
westerly of each bridge. Utility survey (surface and subsurface) will
include rim elevations for manholes, valve boxes and inverts for storm
and sanitary sewers. It will include location Of, all overhead lines and
where they connect.
3.) Topography under the existing structures for 150 feet north and south
of the centerline of the bridges including but npt limited to the
following: I
a) Existing timber structure foundations,.
b) Utilities (surface and subsurface), including rim elevations for
manholes, valve boxes and inverts f~r storm and sanitary
Exhibit B-1 I
sewers. The location of all overhead lines and where they
connect. I
c) Drainage including direction of flow and elevations at any
drainage ditch crossings. I
d) Clear zone inventory (non-utility related fixed objects).
e) Ordinary high water mark of both Valley and Tumwater
creeks and 100 year flood plain if applicable.
f) Wetland delineations marked.
g) Trees over 8" Diameter at Breast Height (DBH)
h) Houses and driveways. !
i) Location of Geotechnical borings I
j) The physical location of both Tumwater Truck Route (State
Route 117) and Valley Street. '
C. Final Map Production: The final map will include but not be limited to the
1.) Contours at a 1-foot interval. :
2.) Elevations on hard surfaces to 0.01 feet whenjshown.
3.) Elevations on ground surfaces to 0.10 feet wh~:m shown.
4.) Elevations of all high and low points of paved surfaces.
5.) Location of existing right-of-way for Eighth Street, Valley Street and
Tumwater Truck Route (State Route 117).
6.) Location of all documentation to be protected during the course of the
project. i
7.) Reference to the horizontal and vertical datum used to produce the
8.) All dimensions will be in U.S. survey feet.
9.) Right of Way map for eXisting 8th Street, Valley Street and Tumwater
Truck Road (SR117). (See Section 603.11) I
Oeliverables: I
1.) Hard copy of topographic Survey on stpndard 24" x36" D size
transbond paper :
2.) Digital AutoCad release 2000 format fille in 3D.
3.) Any other electronic support files including any ortho digital
Digital information will be provided on a CD-ROM.
507. Geotechnical Report (Primary Responsibility -i PanGeo)
The Consultant shall provide the necessary geotechnical services for preparation
of environmental and Design Report documents. Maximum use shall be made of
existing soils information. Available geologic studies by ot~ers and previous City
studies shall be reviewed. The Project site and site historyl shall be reviewed in
the field to determine geotechnical site conditions. I
Perform geotechnical field explorations and engineering studies to develop
geotechnical recommendations for preliminary design of thb project.
507.1 Field Explorations I
A. Make site visit to locate borings and evaluate traffic control needs.
Exhibit B-1
B. Perform utility check by calling the public utility locating service (one-
call center). Private utility locates in the field are not included in the
Scope of Work. Coordinate with the City of Port Angeles for boring
locations, site access, Street-Use permits, and utilities.
C. Drill four (4) borings per bridge at proposed abutment locations to
depths of 120 feet in three of the four (4) abutment locations on the
plateaus to confirm the transition into the underlying sedimentary rock
unit. At the fourth abutment location, a 60 foot hole will be dnlled.
Two (2) holes will be drilled to a 60 foot depth in the valley bottoms.
Total estimated drill footage: 540 feet. Drilling method will be based
on conditions encountered.
D. Geotechnical Soil samples will be obtained generally at 2.5-foot
intervals in the upper 25 feet of each borehole and at 5-foot intervals
thereafter using the Standard Penetration Test (SPT). An experienced
engineer/geologist will record the drilling and sampling information
and prepare a field log of the boring.
E. Four (4) observation wells will be installed in borings performed to
observe groundwater levels and obtain groundwater samples. (One
on each valley bottom and one at a selected plateau for each bridge).
F. Following completion of the borings, the holes will be backfilled
according to State and Federal regulations and a concrete patch
placed at the ground surface. A paint mark wil,1 be placed at the
borehole location for surveying by others, if ne'cessary.
507.2 Groundwater Monitoring
Develop monitoring wells to provide connection to:groundwater table and
suitable clarity for environmental sampling.
Obtain groundwater level measurements in each well approximately once
every two (2) months for duration of twelve (12) months.
507.3 Laboratory Testing
Perform geotechnical index testing on soil samples obtained from the
borings. Water content determinations will be performed on all non-
gravel samples. Grain size analyses and Atterberg Limits determinations
will be conducted on selected samples.
507.4 Boring Logs and Subsurface Profile
The field record of the boring will be entered into a geotechnical database
and a drafted boring log including laboratory test results will be generated
for each boring. A generalized subsurface profile will be prepared along
the proposed bridges based on the existing and new subsurface
information. Geologic units and groundwater data will be identified and
noted on the boring logs and profile
507.5 Geotechnical Engineering Studies
Based on the geometric and conceptual design information for the
preferred alternative and the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions
Exhibit B-1
encountered, geotechnical recommendations will be developed for
preliminary design.
A. Foundations Alternative Analvsis - Foundation alternatives will be
evaluated considering the ground conditions encountered at each
bridge site. If spread footings are not feasible, deep foundations will
be recommended. Deep foundations could include driven piles or
B. Seismic Site Characterization - This will include developing
recommendations for design peak ground accelerations for that have
a 10% probability of exceedence in 50 years in accordance with
AASHTO and the WSDOT Bridge Design Manual. The acceleration
will be recommended based on existing seismic hazard mapping.
Site-specific ground response analysis will not be performed. The
appropriate AASHTO soil profile type will be identified.
C. Spread Footinq Recommendations - If feasible from a bearing
capacity, settlement and scour protection perspective, design
recommendations will be presented for:
· Bearing capacity, as a function of footing width and permissible
· Minimum embedment requirements
· Lateral resistance from base friction and passive pressure
· Lateral stiffness in terms of shear modulus as a function of strain
D. Deep Foundation Recommendations - Design recommendations will
be presented for both driven piles and shafts if both options are
considered constructible. Recommendations will be provided for:
· Axial compression and tensile capacity as a function of tip
· Downdrag loads, if applicable
· Lateral foundation response, including p-y curve parameters for
use with LPILE or COM624
· Recommended factors of safety (ASD) or resistance factors
E. Approach Embankment Desiqn and Construction - The static stability
of bridge approaches will be analyzed. Recommendations will be
developed for stable slope configurations. Dynamic (seismic) stability
of slopes will only be performed if the slope has an effect on a
substructure element.
Exhibit B-1
F. Retaininq Wall Desiqn and Construction -If retaining structures are
included in the project provide recommendations for the geotechnical
design of the walls, including lateral earth pressures, bearing
capacities, global stability analyses, settlement estimates and sliding
resistance. It is assumed that recommendations for non-standard,
non-proprietary walls (e.g., soil nail walls, soldier pile or tieback walls)
will not be required, with the exception of temporary shoring that may
be needed for strut-leg or arch foundations in steep slope areas.
G. Construction Considerations and Advisory Specifications -
Construction considerations will be identified and discussed for the
feasible foundation types and the approach fills. Where appropriate,
advisory specifications consistent with the current WSDOT Standard
Specifications, General Special Provisions or Bridge Special
Provisions will be developed for inclusion in the contract special
provisions regarding geotechnical issues and ground conditions
expected to be encountered.
· Drill crew subcontracted to PanG EO.
· Access for borings will be by truck or track mounted drill
· Mobilization and drilling can be accomplished during normal
daylight work hours
· Right-of-entry and permits to be provided by the City of Port
Angeles, with assistance from PanGEO in the form of a drilling
· Traffic control will be necessary at the drill hole locations along
8th Street and will be provided by the City of Port Angeles.
· Survey locations of test hole locations by Exeltech or their
· The project will be developed using English units of measure.
· Foundation recommendations will be developed using either
allowable stress design or load and resistance factor design
(LRFD) methodologies, but not both.
· The Project Team will provide preliminary design information
(including maps, alignments, proposed project features,
structural information, etc.).
· The City of Port Angeles and Project Team will assist with
obtaining rights-of-entry required to complete the field
10/31/03 27
Exhibit B-1
explorations. City permit fees will be paid by the City as part
of the project.
· The locations of the borings will be measured from existing
site features using a cloth tape and will therefore be
· We assume that we would be required to attend no more than
two meetings (in Olympia or Port Angeles) with the Project
Team during this phase of the project.
· Studies related to potential environmental issues such as soil
or groundwater contamination are not included.
Deliverable: A draft geotechnical report presenting the results
of the field explorations and laboratory testing, generalized
subsurface profile, engineering studies and geotechnical
recommendations for the preferred alternative. The report will be
submitted as draft for review and will be finalized during the PS&E
phase (see Task 503.4). The report will include the following:
A. Summary of Work Performed
B. Site and Project Description
C. Results of Current and Previous Field Explorations
D. Results of Current and Previous Laboratory Testing
E. Subsurface Description and Recommended Design Soil
F. Geotechnical Design Recommendations
G. Construction Considerations
508. Hydraulic Analysis and Report (Primary Responsibility - Lochner)
The current version of the Washington State Department of Ecology Stormwater
Management Manual for Western Washington (DOE Manual) will be used in the
preparation of the Hydraulic Analysis and Report. The DOE Manual considers
existing roadway area that is completely replaced as new impervious, regardless
of its current use as existing roadway. Removal and replacement of the two (2)
bridges falls into this category and will necessarily be classified as new
impervious. T his triggers a DOE Manual threshold requiring that detention and
water quality treatment be provided for all of the new and existing impervious
areas. Proposed stormwater facilities will be designed and sized to accommodate
runoff from the total project length, approximately 2000 total feet from beginning to
end of the new bridges. Surface water runoff will be collected and conveyed in a
system of new catch basins and storm pipe to proposed stormwater quality and
quantity facilities. An underground detention vault is the most likely option for
quantity control, as open area for a pond does not appear readily available.
Quality control will be provided in bioswales or a media-filter vault.
The Consultant will prepare the Hydraulic report and drainage analysis per the
WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines. The report will include calculations necessary
to identify and design the storm drainage conveyance system and water quality
and quantity facilities for the project. The report will include preliminary cost
Exhibit B-1 I
estimates for the storm drainage system and facilities for the preferred
509. Utilities Design Report (Primary Responsibility - Lochner)
A comprehensive research and analysis of existing utilities and potential conflict
areas will be performed throughout the project area. Extensive coordination with
public and private utility agencies shall be provided during the early stages of the
project to facilitate orderly development.
Mapping of underground utilities will be conducted following Subsurface Utility
Engineering (SUE) principles.
The proposed bridge reconstruction alignment is anticipated to impact all existing
utilities throughout the project corridor. Utilities such as power, fiber optics,
communications, water, sewer and storm will be relocated as necessary.
Coordinate with City and Utilities to determine and design a facility to
accommodate utilities on the bridge.
It is assumed that the following public and private utilities are impacted on this
· Power- Approximately 2000 ft of power including vaults, boxes, streetlights
and street connections.
· Communications- Approximately 2000 ft including vaults, boxes and street
Water- Approximately 2000ft of waterline including services, fire hydrants, valves,
manholes and street connections will be relocated as necessary.
· Sewer- Approximately 2000 ft of sewer including manholes and street
· Storm- Approximately 2000 ft of storm including catch basins, manholes, and
street connections.
Utilities Design Report
510. Preliminary Streetscape Design Report (Primary Responsibility -
Olympic Design Works)
The preliminary streetscape design report will reflect the results of the stakeholders
and public involvement efforts.
511. Conceptual Mitigation Design
When the impacts and mitigation concepts have been determined, scope and
budget will be developed to undertake the Conceptual Mitigation Design task.
Assumption: Budget for this task will be established when
mitigation concepts are identified.
512 Value Engineering Study
Near the conclusion of preliminary design and prior to initiation of final design of
the project, the City in cooperation with WSDOT will make a decision whether a
value engineering study will be warranted for this project.
Assumption: Budget for this task will be established when a
deciSion is made to conduct a value engineering study.
Exhibit B-1
601. Description of Work
This work consists of preparing one complete PS&E package for the Project. The
work shall be in accordance with the approved Design Report and other pertinent
preliminary design documents.
602. Develop/Implement Final Design Information Plan (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Identify key milestones in the final design process where the public will need
to be kept apprised of progress.
B. Prepare purpose statement, key audiences, tools, tactics, budget, timeline
and key messages.
C. Provide updating information/education regarding the project to the public per
the public information plan.
Assumption: One (1) cycle of plan revisions.
Three (3) to five (5) written pieces (news releases/website
Deliverable: . Design-Phase Public information plan
Written summaries of media or public outreach meetings
- 603. Preparation of Civil Plans (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
The work described in this section shall be included in the deliverables
described in Section 605.
603.1 Vicinity Map
The consultant shall prepare a vicinity map for incorporation into the
PS&E document. The vicinity map shall be prepared in accordance with
standard WSDOT format.
603.2 Index (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
The consultant shall prepare an index of plans for incorporation into the
PS&E document. The index shall be prepared in accordance with
standard WSDOT format.
603.3 Preparation of Demolition Plan (Primary Responsibility -
The Consultant shall prepare a complete set of plans for demolition of the
existing bridges and additional structures that may be demolished as part
of the bridge replacement project.
603.4 Preparation of Site Plans (Alignment/Plan & Profile)
(Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
The Consultant shall prepare a complete set of site preparation plans in
accordance with the approved design report, preliminary plans, field data,
and other City furnished information. The plans shall show all demolition,
removal items, alignment, clearing and grubbing, and other features, and
restoration of the site.
Exhibit B-1
603.5 Roadway Paving (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
The Consultant shall prepare a complete set of roadway paving plans,
paving details, and roadway sections in accordance with the approved
Design Report, the approved roadway sections, the approved intersection
plans, preliminary design plans, and other City furnished information.
Roadway Paving Plans shall include paving limits, barrier location, wall
locations, guardrail, intersection configurations, and other associated
items. The roadway paving plans may be combined with the
channelization plans.
The Consultant shall prepare vertical profiles for only those roadways
being constructed as part of this Project.
Assumptions: Minor road work will likely be required on Valley
Street and SR 117.
No major realignment of either Valley Street or SR 117
603.6 Roadway Drainage and Utilities (Primary Responsibility -
The Consultant shall prepare a complete set of drainage / utility plans,
profiles, details, and structure notes, in accordance with the approved
Design Report, and other City furnished information. Appropriate
temporary erosion control and sediment control devices shall be designed
and coordinated such that the Project area runoff will be effectively
controlled. The Consultant shall prepare an addendum to the Hydraulic
Report if significant design changes are made during the PS&E phase.
The Consultant shall be responsible to locate and include in the plans all
existing or proposed utility lines that may be in conflict during
construction. Preliminary PS&E drainage features prepared during the
Hydraulic Report shall be incorporated into the final Design PS&E unless
deemed inapplicable.
Assumptions: Minor roadwork on Valley Street and SR 117.
No major realignment of either Valley Street or
SR 117
603.7 Walls (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
The Consultant shall prepare PS&E for the retaining walls necessary for
the Project. Retaining wall design shall be in accordance with the
approved Design Report, Design Manual, approved Geotechnical Report,
structural design criteria and other pertinent data. WSDOT pre-approved
proprietary wall designs shall be considered as well as other wall designs
for this Project.
603.8 Illumination, Signing, and Striping (Primary Responsibility -
The Consultant shall prepare plans in accordance with approved
preliminary design plans, the WSDOT Design Manual, the WSDOT Traffic
Manual, and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).
Exhibit B-1
603.9 Traffic Control (Primary Responsibility - Lochner)
The Consultant shall prepare detailed traffic control plans to
accommodate each phase of the Project during construction. Traffic
control plans shall include all signing, striping, and delineation for each
required traffic shift.
Traffic control plans shall be closely coordinated with the City's traffic
department to ensure conformity with local codes and regulations. All
lane closures and roadway closures shall require the concurrence of the
City's traffic department.
Temporary signal timing revisions for approximately 6 signals during
construction and up to seven (7) temporary signal plans will be included
in the traffic control plans. (Two at each end of each bridge if the bridges
remain open to one lane of two-way traffic and possibly three along the
detour routes)
603.10 Streetscape (Primary Responsibility - Olympic Design
The Consultant shall prepare landscape mitigation and enhancement
plans for environmental mitigation and pedestrian amenities.
Landscaping features shall incorporate features and themes and
mitigation strategies determined during the Environmental Phase. The
Consultant shall receive prior concurrence from the City Park Department
for inclusion of landscaping enhancements into the Project PS&E
Assumptions: Minor roadwork on Valley Street and SR 117. No
major realignment of either Valley Street or SR 117.
603.11 Right of Way Plans (Primary Responsibility - Wengler)
Right of Way Plans for 8th Street, Valley Street and Tumwater Truck
Route (SR117) shall be prepared in accordance with WSDOT Local
Agency Guidelines and WAC 332-130.
Parcels will be identified that require acquisition.
Assumption: Actual right-of-way acquisition services will
require additional scope and budget.
603.12 Items for Complete PS&E (Primary Responsibility -
The Consultant shall furnish the following items, which make up the
complete PS&E for the construction contract:
A. One (1) set of all sheets comprising the set of plans for the
construction contract on the City's title and block format. No tape or
stickons are allowed. Black line prints on paper or vellum shall be
acceptable for 60% and 95% submittals. The 100% submittal shall
be on half size reproducible and full size mylars. Quantity
tabulations, structure notes, sign specifications, and other
spreadsheet files shall be printed on sheets conforming to City of
Port Angeles standard title and border blocks format. All sheets shall
be signed and stamped for inclusion into the PS&E document.
Exhibit B-1
B. One (1) set of Contract Special Provisions for the construction
contract. A listing of the General Special Provisions with fill-ins
completed and amendments to the Standard Specifications required
for this Project shall be provided.
c. A draft Summary of Quantities, with unit and lump sum prices, from
which an Engineer's Estimate will be developed. Sufficient backup
information to substantiate lump sum, estimated, or nonstandard
items shall be provided.
D. Prepare letter of Financial Responsibility to file per chapter 44 of the
LAG Manual
604. Preparation of Bridge Plans (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
604.1 Structures Final Design
The final bridge design phase involves complete design, detailing,
checking, and construction document preparation. Consultant will
perform work in accordance with the current AASHTO Specifications
including Interim Specifications and WSDOT Bridge Manuals and
Specifications. With the approval of the Type, Size and Location plans by
the City, final design will begin for a single selected final alternate.
Analysis and design of superstructure and substructure will be fully
documented with design notes, detailing notes, checkers comments and
computer output.
An in-progress set of plans, or 60% submittal, will be submitted to the City
for preliminary review and discussion. This intermediate submittal will
streamline the design review and concurrence process by the City and
minimize project budgeUschedule overruns and other project risk items.
The results of this initial review will be incorporated into the final design
and detailing of the structure.
A. Final Superstructure Analysis
Final deck design, final superstructure and substructure design,
luminaries and utility support design, ornamental handrail/bridge rail
design will be developed utilizing WSDOT Standards. Superstructure
details will then be finalized. Bearings and expansion joints (if
required) will be designed and detailed as per WSDOT standards.
B. Final Substructure & Seismic Analysis
A final and detailed service load and seismic load analysis will be
performed of the finally selected substructure elements to determine
final foundation and substructure layout.
C. Final Detailinq & Final Plans (Steel Slant Leq Frame with Concrete
Deck Bridqe Alternate)
Consultant will assemble all the Final Bridge Plans with supporting
data. Develop Final Special Provisions and Final Engineer's Cost
Estimate. Data format will comply with WSDOT and City of Port
Angeles Design Standards.
Exhibit B-1
Bridge Design Deliverables:
1. In-Progress (60%) Plans (Assume 50 drawings)
2. Final 95% and 100% Bridge Plans (assume 80 drawings)
o Valley Creek Bridge (20 drawings)
o Tumwater Creek Bridge (20 drawings)
o Common Details (40 drawings)
3. Final Special Provisions
4. Final Engineer's Cost Estimate
5. Final Calculations and Reports
6. Electronic files as required by the City of all submittals
D. Final Detailed Plan-in-Hand Constructabilitv Review
Consultant will perform a final constructability review in the field to
determine site constraints and other constructability issues using the
final bridge Plans.
604.2 QAlQC Review (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
The Consultants internal QAlQC procedures will be utilized throughout
the design effort on this Project. Independent check of the structural
analysis and design calculations and structural plans will be performed.
Checks will also be made of computer program input as well as the
accurate use of the results. Drawings and details will be reviewed for
constructability and conformance to the design and the approved drawing
604.3 Plan-in-Hand or Constructability Review (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech)
Prior to the 60% design submittal, the Consultant intends to conduct a
plan-in-hand or constructability review on site for the various elements on
the Project. Experienced senior engineers who are familiar with
construction practices will perform this review. A 60% set of plans will be
used for the review wherein they will be checked for coordination with
existing facilities, site constraints, utilities, construction staging,
construction access, and various other constructability issues that are site
604.4 Geotechnical Services (Primary Responsibility-
The Consultant shall analyze and provide foundation documentation to
substantiate the types of retaining walls, and tunnel foundations proposed
in this Project. The tasks required to complete the geotechnical work will
be as outlined below.
Once the project features have been finalized, the draft geotechnical
report prepared during the preliminary engineering phase will be updated
and finalized (see Task 507).
Technical memoranda with geotechnical recommendations will be
submitted, as needed, throughout the final design process. These
memoranda will be incorporated into the final geotechnical report.
Review of the geotechnical portions of the 60%, 95% and 100% plans
and specifications will be performed.
Exhibit B-1
Assumptions: The Project Team will provide final design
information (including maps, alignments, project features,
structural information, etc.) to PanGEO.
Plans and specifications will be prepared by others.
Deliverables: Technical Memoranda (Maximum of three)
Final Geotechnical Report
605. Final Design and PS&E Deliverables (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. General Plans - 60%, 95%, 100%
B. Demolition Plans - 60%, 95%, and 100% Submittals
C. Roadway Plans - 60%, 95%, and 100% Submittals
D. Cross Section Notebook
E. TESC, Drainage and Stormwater Plans - 60%, 95%, and 100%
F. Sitework Plans - 60%,95%, and 100% Submittals
G. Right of Way Needs (takes, permanent and construction easements)
H. Right of Way Plans - Incorporation into 60%, 95%, and 100%
I. Street Lighting Plans - 60%, 95%, and 100% Submittals
J. Utility Plans - 60%, 95%, 100% Submittals
K. Traffic Plans - Incorporation into 60%,95% and 100% Submittals
L. Architectural Plans - Incorporation into 60%, 95%, and 100%
M. Bridge Plans - Incorporation into 60%, 95%, and 100% Submittals
(See Section 604 for Detail)
Assumption: Plans will be developed using English Units of
measure. Plans will be developed using WSDOT Standards and
606. Specifications
Specifications will be prepared using WSDOT's standard specifications as a
baseline. Specifications will be submitted with the 60%, 95% and 100%
607. Cost Estimating
Cost estimates will be submitted with the 60%, 95%and 100% submittals in a
format agreed upon with the City.
608. Mitigation Design
When preliminary mitigation design has been agreed upon and approved by the
City and WSDOT, the Final Mitigation Design will be prepared for inclusion In the
permitting documents, and contract plans and specifications.
Exhibit B-1
Assumption: Budget for this task will be established at
beginning of final design.
The Consultant shall provide engineering support to the City throughout the construction
duration of the Project. The consultant shall work under the City's Project Engineer /
Project Manager in charge of construction. The City will provide to the Consultant the
materials necessary to accomplish the following services, and the consultant shall keep
the City informed of the progress of these services:
A. Attend Pre-Bid Meetings
B. Assist the City in Contract Award
C. Attend the Preconstruction Conference (Assumes meeting and preparation for
D. Attend Weekly Coordination Meetings
E. Prepare Final As-Built Drawings for the Project
F. Monitor Contractor for Monthly Updates of As-built Drawings
G. Review Contractor Submittals, Catalog Cuts, and Shop Drawings for Compliance
with The Contract Documents
H. Review Contractor Proposed Construction Methods and Procedures for the
Various Gomponents of the Structures, including Formwork Submittals
I. Provide the Clarification and Interpretation of Contract Drawings
The Construction Contract period will be for one (1) year, from the effective date of
Notice to Proceed to the construction contractor to Substantial completion of the
construction. However, the City reserves the right to extend this Contract for additional
years, not to exceed a total of three (3) years.
Assumption: The scope of work discussed under Phase Four
(4) Construction Management is a planning level estimate. Full
definition of services and costs under this phase will be developed
by consultant and City and the contract amendment executed
prior to the 100% design submittal in Phase Three (3).
701. Project Management for Construction (Primary Responsibility -
A. Prepare project plan including organization, schedule, and budget.
B. Administer the Construction Management Contract including providing
monthly status reports, invoices, and managing sub-consultants.
C. Attend and provide minutes of meetings related to this Contract with
City Staff.
D. Prepare cost proposals and negotiate timely amendments to this
Construction Contract.
E. Supervise, coordinate, and direct the Construction Management staff.
Exhibit B-1
F. Provide pre-construction activities including:
. Assist in Bid Evaluations as assigned
. Prepare bid analyses
. Evaluate Contractors for responsibility
. Attend bid evaluation meetings
G. Perform the day-to-day Construction Contract administration,
including assisting City's Project Manager in conducting the pre-
construction conferences, reviewing the Contractor's initial
construction schedule of values, as well as other pre-construction
submittals, and answering all of the Contractor's questions regarding
Contract Administration and keep the City informed of the progress of
these services.
H. Assist in the public information program. Coordinate with City's
program development staff.
702 Project Resident Engineering (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Manage all day-to-day construction and Contract activities and be the
primary representative to the construction Contractors as Resident
Engineer (RE).
B. Manage and oversee the work of Construction Management staff.
Assure that all staff understand and meet contract requirements.
C. Act as the focal point for all correspondence received from the
Contractor and sent to the Contractor. Respond to all Contract
correspondence with assistance from City and Consultant engineering
staff as necessary.
D. Conduct all weekly construction progress meetings, and all other
contract related meetings. Take and distribute minutes for same.
E. Resolve day-to-day construction disputes, and assist in claims
analysis, mitigation, and resolution.
F. Assign inspectors to cover every shift when construction contractors
are working. Assure performance and documentation of inspections.
G. Coordinate construction site access, staging logistics, and
construction interfaces between Contractors and local authorities.
Promote cooperation and coordination among all project team
H. Ensure that Contractor complies with its own safety programs and that
Construction Management staff complies with the safety policies of
the City. Ensure that the Contractor is providing all documentation
and briefings regarding Job Hazard Analyses in accordance with the
City's and WSDOT's Construction Safety Manual.
I. Develop potential change orders, change orders, negotiate same, and
track execution of all potential change orders and change orders.
J. Coordinate emergency change work as directed by the City. Track
cost reimbursable work.
Exhibit B-1
K. Review the daily inspection reports of Construction Management staff
and the Contractor, documenting inspection, testing, and jobsite
L. Approve, modify or reject Progress Payment invoices for completed
work after quantity checks have been made for WSDOT LAG Manual
and prepare correspondence explaining payment decisions.
M. Review and approve Contractor's initial and final detailed construction
schedules, and schedule of values, and all monthly updates.
Negotiate the same as required
N. Assist with Contract start-up, testing, and closeout.
O. Determine substantial completion and oversee production of Contract
punch lists and sign-off in work as it is completed in accordance with
the Contract Documents. Oversee the completion of all safety
certification testing and reporting as required by the City.
P. Recommend acceptance of the work to the City
Q. Provide daily, weekly and monthly construction progress reports to the
703 Office Engineering (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
(Secondary Responsibility - Lochner)
A. Assist Resident Engineer (RE) as required including letter writing.
S. Assist the RE to mange the receipt, distribution, review and
compilation of comments and tracking and return of all submittals and
requests for information from the Contractor.
C. Maintain and distribute current contract drawings and specifications,
and job-site record drawings. Confirm on a monthly basis that
Contractor is maintaining record drawings.
D. Provide technical and engineering support to Construction
Management staff.
E. Identify potential Contract changes and maintain weekly logs for
submittals, RFl's, potential changes, and change orders.
F. Prepare summary weekly reports for RE.
G. Track materials deliveries and quantities of work performed.
H. Provide contract information to the City.
I. Coordinate with surveying and materials testing consultants. Confirm
periodic survey checks are performed.
704. Construction Staking (Primary Responsibility - Wengler)
B. Establish monuments and controls for the construction of the project.
C. Detailed survey records will be maintained, including a descnption of
the work performed, methods utilized, and the control points used.
D. All survey work will conform to all applicable Washington State laws
and regulations.
Exhibit B-1
Contractor will provide the daily construction staking for the
project, once the monuments and controls are established.
If construction staking is needed by the Consultant, additional
budget for construction survey staking of the project will be
established at beginning of the construction phase.
Deliverables: Monuments and controls for construction of
the project;
Electronic files of all survey data
705. Inspection (Civil, Structural, Utilities) (Primary Responsibility -
Exeltech) (Secondary Responsibility - Lochner)
A. Know and apply all plans specifications, Contract documents,
submittals and applicable codes and design standards.
B. Pro-actively inspect all on-site and off-site construction activities for
conformance with Contract' Documents.
C. Coordinate design and specification clarifications from appropriate
Consultant and City engineering design staff.
D. Complete Inspector's Daily Reports as required by the Inspection
· Inspection reports to include all labor, equipment and materials
used, Contractor contacts made, visitors to the site, quality of
work, shortages, design issues, safety, traffic management,
accidents, environmental permit compliance, interfaces with other
agencies and government officials, identification of differing site
conditions and contaminated materials and the influence of
external events such as weather and strikes.
· Track all scheduled construction activities by activity number.
E. Identify any and all work that is nonconforming to the Contract
Documents. Establish and maintain documentation of non-
conforming work. Assist the RE in tracking all corrective measures to
resolve any and all nonconforming issues/items.
F. Attend and participate in all weekly safety tool box meetings
conducted by the Contractor. Document all issues discussed at these
G. Assist the RE and Office Engineer in reviewing the monthly progress
H. Witness and observe all quality control testing activities conducted by
the Contractor. Assist the RE in coordinating and conducting all
quality assurance testing.
I. Track and inspect all material deliveries, storage and protection,
J. Report all unsafe working conditions.
K. Monitor and track all delays and extra work.
L. Take and log all construction photos (digital, video, and regular)
Exhibit B-1
M. Provide special inspection services as required by the municipal,
county, and state jurisdictions.
N. Prepare a punch list at every milestone. Track open items until
O. Perform other inspection services as required.
P. Coordinate shutdown, work-a-rounds and re-energization of affected
utilities and traffic lanes as appropriate.
O. Maintain as-builts, and check Contractor's as-builts monthly
706. Field Office (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Consultant will provide adequate field office for Construction
Management team. The field offices will be completely furnished and
maintained by the consultant. Line phones, cell phones, office
equipment, computers, fax machine, printers, scanners and DSL
Internet computer service will be included.
707. Construction Estimating (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Prepare independent cost estimates of proposed changes for
comparison with Contractor's cost proposals and establish a
negotiating position.
B. Support RE in change order price negotiation.
C. Prepare claims analyses and estimates.
D. Perform cost-benefit analyses of proposed accelerations, schedule
workarounds, and claim mitigation.
708. Claims/Change Order Administration (Primary Responsibility -
A. Review Contract correspondence and basis of proposed Contract
B. Provide advice to the City, respond to inquires and prepare draft
C. Ensure that all contract issues raised by Contractors are addressed
and resolved.
D. Manage change order documentation and the change order tracking
E. Identify potential disputes and issues and monitor related activities,
F. Log potential claims, document actions and provide periodic reports to
the City.
G. Advise and assist the City in dispute avoidance/mitigation
H. Provide timely analysis of claims and recommend appropriate
negotiating strategies.
I. Manage construction contract closeout.
Exhibit B-1
Scheduling for Construction Contracts (Primary Responsibility -
A. Review Contractor's Preliminary and monthly Construction Schedule.
B. Coordinate the review process with the City Project Manager to
recommend approving or rejecting the Contractor's schedule.
Construction Safety (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Coordinate Construction safety plans with local and state officials and
the City safety representatives.
B. Train and maintain all Construction Management staff in construction
safety including, but not limited, to first aid, lock/out-tag/out
procedures, confined space entry, traffic safety, CPR, crane safety,
trench and excavation safety, and personal protective equipment.
C. Monitor job site for safety.
D. Assist in resolving job site and public safety issues with the RE,
Contractors, and City staff. Maintain records of all staff safety
E. Audit Contractor's safety records.
Administrative/Clerical (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
· Provide skilled administrative/clerical personnel to support RE.
· Create, log, copy, distribute, and file all contract correspondence and
· Take and distribute meeting minutes
· Perform office administrative tasks as directed by the RE.
Additional Construction Management Services (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech)
Perform other construction management services as directed by the City
Project Manager.
Quality Control Services (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Manage all Construction Management quality control actiVities.
B. Provide monthly quality control reports to the City Project Manager.
C. Subcontract specialized quality control services as required.
D. Provide additional quality control services as directed by the RE.
E. Ensure that proper inspection and quality control standards are
observed. Ensure that all work complies with The Contract
documents and standards of applicable jurisdictions.
F. Direct the activities of the Construction Management surveying, sub-
consultants and materials testing laboratory.
Other Construction Management Services (Primary Responsibility -
Exhibit B-1
A. Provide other construction management services and products as
directed by the City Project Manager.
715. Third Party Coordination (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
A. Coordinate with local utilities. Governments and agencies as to
design, utilities, protection, hold points, schedule coordination,
permits, and other third-party issues as required.
B. Assist the City Utility Coordinator as required.
C. Coordinate with City Police, fire, transit and school department and/or
716. Develop and Carry Out Construction Phase Public Information Plan
(Shared Responsibility - City and Exeltech)
A. Draft and disseminate written materials: News releases, fact sheets,
web postings, Transit rider alerts, etc.
B. Coordinate web cam set up for construction monitoring.
Assumptions: City to coordinate all formal communication with news
Oeliverables: Monthly updates of web page
Draft five (5) news news releases for city approval and distribution.
717 Mitigation Inspection
As an integral part of the construction effort, mitigation strategies will be
incorporated and inspected.
Assumption: Budget for this task will be established at beginning of the
construction phase.
718 Project Closeout
Once the project construction is completed, the project will be officially closed out
following criteria in WSDOT Local Agency Guidelines, City of Port Angeles protocol
and Exeltech Quality Assurance Manual.
Assumption: Budget for this task included in the Project Management
Task 701.
The quality assurance/quality control (QAlQC) program activities for the project shall
follow Consultant's QAlQC process outlined in its Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Program Manual. Each member of the consultant team will be expected to subscribe to
Section QAP-600 - Quality Control Reviews and QAP-700 - Quality Assurance
Measurement. The quality assurance/quality control activities described herein will be
conducted in all four (4) phases of the project. The activity budget for these four (4)
phases will be a pportioned ass uch and documented ins ummary form. The specific
elements of the program activities include:
Exhibit B-1
801. Intra-Inter Discipline QC Review (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Section QCP-601 of the QAlQC Manual provides guidelines for intra/inter-
discipline checking of drawings, calculations and specifications for technical and
formal review. This procedure applies to all projects unless otherwise specified by
the Project Manager. The intra-discipline review process outlines procedures for
the Originator, Checker, Originator Follow-up Procedure (Backchecking) and
The inter-discipline review procedure is to verify consistency throughout project
disciplines. Project standards will be provided to all disciplines that will provide the
desired quality product. The process for inter-discipline reviews include: inter
discipline coordination review meeting preparation; inter disciplinary coordination
review meeting; client submission; and review and revision after receipt of
(3) only
Phase One (1). Phase Two (2), and Phase Three
802. Calculation Quality Control Review (Primary Responsibility -
Design calculations should be of professional quality preparation of design
calculations shall follow Section QCP-620 of the QAlQC Manual, which sets for the
procedures for calculation preparation and review. Design calculations shall
conform to all applicable code regulations established or adopted by the City of
Port Angeles and shall form a complete record of the design process, including
tried and rejected solutions.
(3) only
Phase One (1), Phase Two (2), and Phase Three
803. Drawings Preparation, Checking and Reviewing Quality Control
Procedures (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Section QCP-630 of the Consultant QAlQC Manual prescribes the procedure for
preparation and checking of drawings for projects.
(3) only
Phase One (1), Phase Two (2), and Phase Three
804. Specifications Quality Control Procedures (Primary Responsibility -
Section QCP-640 of the Consultant QA.QC Manual outlines the procedure for
developing the specification format, preparation of specifications, methods for
checking and revising the specifications.
Phase Three (3) only
805. Construction Cost Estimating Quality Control Procedures (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech)
Section QCP-650 of the Consultant QAlQC Manual outlines the procedures for
developing ad maintaining the project construction cost estimates. The procedure
includes consultation with the City of Port Angeles and project cost estimator to
define the contractual cost estimating criteria. In the absence of City standards,
Exeltech Consulting, Inc.'s standards will apply.
Exhibit B-1
(3) only
Phase One (1), Phase Two (2), and Phase Three
806. Preparation of Project Technical Reports Quality Control Procedures
(Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Section QCP-660 of the Consultant QAlQC Manual prescribes specific procedures
and stands for preparing technical and Discipline Reports for the project. All
technical reports will follow the same general format unless otherwise modified by
the Project Manager. The procedure outlines content and format, document
format standards, technical report review, and technical report approval.
Phase One (1) and Phase Two (2) only
807. Construction Administration Quality Control Procedure (Primary
Responsibility - Exeltech)
Section QCP-670 of the Consultant QAlQC Manual prescribes guidelines for the
documentation of all correspondence, clarifications, site observations, and
submittal reviews for the project construction. All interactions with the contractor,
owner, or other design team members shall be documented and filed with the City.
Phase Four (4) only
808. Value Engineering (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Value Engineering will be integrated into the project as a philosophy rather than a
one-time effort. Project team meetings and discussions will consider ideas and
proposals that will improve the project and final product. Value Engineering effort
will occur near the end of Phase 2 Preliminary Design to verify and/or modify
assumptions used in the design of the project. Consultant shall participate in a
Value Engineering study prior to submittal of final T.S. & L. (Type, Size and
Location) plans.
Phase Two (2) only
809. Constructability Review (Primary Responsibility - Exeltech)
Prior to final design of the project, an independent review by a party not involved in
the design of the project will conduct a review to evaluate the construction
elements of the project. After consideration of comments from the independent
constructability review, revisions to the project design, specifications or cost will be
compiled and incorporated into the project prior to contract advertising.
Phase Three (3) only
Exhibit B-2
Scope of Work
(Task Order Agreement)
Each item of work under this AGREEMENT will be provided by task assignment. Each assignment will be
individually negotiated with the CONSULTANT. The amount established for each assignment will be the
maximum amount payable for that assignment unless modified in writing by the AGENCY. The AGENCY is
not obligated to assign any specific number oftasks to the CONSULTANT, and the AGENCY'S and
CONSULTANT'S obligations hereunder are limited to tasks assigned in writing. Task assignments may
include but are not limited to, the following types of work:
A. Phase 1 - Alternatives Analysis and Tvpe, Size & Location
B. Phase 2 - NEP A/SEP A Environmental Studies and Documentation and Preliminary Design
C. Phase 3 - Final Design and Plans, Specifications & Estimate
D. Phase 4 - Construction Management
Task assignments made by the AGENCY shall be issued in writing by a Formal Task Assignment Document
similar in format to page 2 of this exhibit.
An assignment shall become effective when a formal Task Assignment Document is signed by the
CONSULTANT and the AGENCY, except that emergency actions requiring a 24-hour or less response can be
handled by an oral authorization. Such oral authorization shall be followed up by a Formal Task Assignment
Document within four working days, and any billing rates agreed to orally (for individuals, subconsultants, or
organizations whose rates were not previously established in the AGREEMENT) shall be provisional and
subject to final negotiation and written acceptance by the AGENCY.
Page 1 of 5
Exhibit B-2
Formal Task Assignment Document
Task Number Phase 1
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement LA 5617/18
Task Assignment.
shall be in full force and effect for this
Location of Project: Port Angeles, Washington
Project Title: 8th Street Brid2e Replacements
Maximum Amount Payable Per Task Assignment: $306,816.27
Completion Date:
July 3 L 2004
Description of Work:
(Note attachments and give brief description)
Phase 1 - Alternatives Analysis and Type, Size & Location
Phase 1 includes the alternatives analysis and preparing the preliminary type, size and location study, as
outlined in the tasks 300 to 306 ofthe project scope of work, Exhibit B-1. Work also includes project
management tasks 200-205 and quality control provisions in tasks 800-809 to the project scope of work.
Agency Project Manager Signature:
Oral Authorization Date:
See Letter Dated:
Consultant Signature:
Agency Approving Authority:
Page 2 of 5
Exhibit B-2
Formal Task Assignment Document
Task Number Phase 2
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement LA 5617/18
Task Assignment.
shall be in full force and effect for this
Location of Project: Port Angeles, Washington
Project Title: 8th Street Bride:e Replacements
Maximum Amount Payable Per Task Assignment: $728,003.56
Completion Date:
December 31, 2004
Description of Work:
(Note attachments and give brief description)
Phase 2 - NEP A/SEP A Environmental Studies and Documentation and Preliminary Design
Phase 2 includes NEP A/SEP A Environmental Studies and Documentation as outlined in the tasks 400-408**
and Preliminary Design as outlined in the tasks 500-511 ofthe project scope of work, Exhibit B-1. Work also
includes project management tasks 200-205 and quality control provisions in tasks 800-809 to the project scope
of work.
**Estimate of Cost for Task 511 is not included and will be developed when mitigation concepts are identified.
Agency Project Manager Signature:
Oral Authorization Date:
See Letter Dated:
Consultant Signature:
Agency Approving Authority:
Page 3 of 5
Exhibit B-2
Formal Task Assignment Document
Task Number Phase 3
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement LA 5617/18
shall be in full force and effect for this Task
Location of Project: Port Angeles, Washington
Project Title: 8th Street Brid2e Replacements
Maximum Amount Payable Per Task Assignment: $812,433.49
Completion Date:
July 31, 2005
Description of Work:
(Note attachments and give brief description)
Phase 3 - Final Design and Plans, Specifications & Estimate
Phase 3 includes Final Design and Plans, Specifications & Estimate as outlined in the tasks 600-608** of the
project scope of work, Exhibit B-l. Work also includes project management tasks 200-205 and quality control
provisions in tasks 800-809 to the project scope of work.
**Estimate of Cost for Task 608 is not included and will be developed at the initiation of Phase 3.
Agency Project Manager Signature:
Oral Authorization Date:
See Letter Dated:
Consultant Signature:
Agency Approving Authority:
Page 4 of 5
Exhibit B-2
Formal Task Assignment Document
Task Number Phase 4
The general provisions and clauses of Agreement
Task Assignment.
LA 5617/18
shall be in full force and effect for this
Location of Project: Port Angeles, Washington
Project Title: 8th Street Brid2:e Replacements
Maximum Amount Payable Per Task Assignment: $801,583.25
Completion Date:
July 31, 2006
Description of Work:
(Note attachments and give brief description)
Phase 4 - Construction Management
Phase 4 includes Construction Management for the project as outlined in the tasks 700-717** of the project
scope of work, Exhibit B-l. Work also includes project management tasks 200-205 and quality control
provisions in tasks 800-809 to the project scope of work.
**Estimate of Cost for Task 717 is not included and will be developed at the initiation of Phase 4.
The estimated cost will be reviewed and if necessary, be revised by the Agency and Consultant prior to
initiation of Phase 4 Task Assignment.
Agency Project Manager Signature:
Oral Authorization Date:
See Letter Dated:
Consultant Signature:
Agency Approving Authority:
Page 5 of 5
Exhibit C-2
(Cost Plus Fixed Fee)
The CONSULTANT shall be paid by the AGENCY for completed work and services rendered under this
AGREEMENT as provided hereinafter. Such payment shall be full compensation for all work performed or
services rendered and for all labor, materials, eqmpmept, and incidentals necessary to complete the work
specified in Section II, "Scope of Work." The CONSULTANT shall conform with the applicable portion of 48
CFR 31.
A. Actual Costs
Payment for all consulting services for this project shall be on the basis ofthe CONSULTANT's actual cost
plus a fixed fee. The actual cost shall include direct salary cost, overhead, and direct nonsalary cost.
1. Direct Salary Costs
The dIrect salary cost is the direct salary paid to principals, professional, technical, and clerical personnel
for the time they are productively engaged m work necessary to fulfill the terms of this AGREEMENT.
2. Overhead Costs
Overhead costs are those costs other than direct costs which are included as such on the books of the
CONSULTANT in the normal everyday keeping of its books. Progress payments shall be made at the
rate shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT, under "Overhead Progress Payment Rate." Total
overhead payment shall be,based on the method shown in the,heading of the AGREEMENT. The three,
options are explamed as follows:
a. Actual Cost Not To Exceed Maximum Percent: Ifthis method is indicated in the heading ofthis
AGREEMENT, the AGENCY agrees to reimburse the CONSULTANT at the actual overhead rate
verified by audit up to the maximum percentage shown m the space provided. Final overhead payment
when accumulated with all other actual costs shall not exceed the total maximum amount payable
shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT.
b. Fixed Rate: If this method is indicated in the heading of the AGREEMENT, the AGENCY agrees to
reimburse the CONSULTANT for overhead at the percentage rate shown. This rate shall not change
during the life of the AGREEMENT.
A summary of the CONSULTANT's cost estimate and the overhead computation are attached hereto as
Exhibit D-l and by this reference made part of this AGREEMENT. When an Actual Cost method, or the
Actual Cost Not To Exceed method is used, the CONSULTANT (prime and all sub consultants) will
submIt to the AGENCY within three months after the end of each firm's fiscal year, an overhead
schedule in the format reqmred by the AGENCY (cost category, dollar expenditures, etc.) for the purpose
of adjustmg the overhead rate for billing purposes. It shall be used for the computation of progress
payments during the following year and for retroactively adjusting the previous year's overhead cost to
reflect the actual rate.
Failure to supply this information by either the prime consultant or any of the sub consultants shall
cause the agency to withhold payment of the billed overhead costs until such time as the required
information is received and an overhead rate for billing purposes is approved.
The STATE and/or the Federal Government may perform an audit of the CONSULTANT's books and
records at any time during regular business hours to determine the actual overhead rate, if they so desire.
3. Direct N onsalary Costs
Direct nonsalary costs will be reimbursed at the actual cost to the CONSULTANT. These charges may
include, but are not limited to the following items: travel, printing, long distance telephone, supplies,
computer charges, and fees of subconsultants. Air or train travel will only be reimbursed to economy class
levels unless otherwise approved by the AGENCY. Automobile mileage ror travel will be reimbursed at
the current rate approved for AGENCY employees and shall be supported by the date and time of each trip
with origin and destination of such trips. Subsistence and lodging expenses will be reimbursed at the same
rate as for AGENCY employees. The billing for nonsalary cost, directly identifiable with the Project, shall
be an itemized listing of the charges supported by copies of original bills, invoices, expense accounts, and
miscellaneous supporting data retained by the CONSULTANT. Copies of the original supporting
documents shall be provided to the AGENCY upon request. All of the above charges must be necessary
for the services to be provided under this AGREEMENT.
4. Fixed Fee
The fixed fee, which represents the CONSULTANT's profit, is shown in the heading of this
AGREEMENT under Fixed Fee. This amount does not include any additIOnal fixed fee which could be
authorized from the Management Reserve Fund. This fee IS based on the scope of work defined in this
AGREEMENT and the estImated man-months required to perform the stated scope of work In the event
a suppiemental agreement is entered Into for additional work by the CONSULTANT, the supplemental
agreement may include provisions for the added costs and an appropriate additional fee. The fixed fee will
be prorated and paid monthly in proportion to the percentage of work completed by the CONSULTANT
and reported in the monthly progress reports accompanyIng the invoices.
Any portIOn of the fixed fee earned but not previously paid in the progress payments will be covered In the
final payment, subject to the provisions of Section IX, Termination of Agreement.
5. Management Reserve Fund
The AGENCY may deSIre to establIsh a Management Reserve Fund to provide the Agreement
Administrator the flexibility of authoriZIng additional funds to the AGREEMENT for allowable
unforeseen costs, or reimbursing the CONSULTANT for addItional work beyond that already defined in
this AGREEMENT. Such authorization(s) shall be in writing and shall not exceed the lesser of $50,000
or 10% of the Total Amount Authorized as shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT. The amount
Included for the Management Reserve Fund is shown in the heading of thIS agreement. This fund may be
replemshed in a subsequent supplemental agreement. Any changes requiring additional costs in excess of
the "Management Reserve Fund" shall be made in accordance with Section XN, "Extra Work"
6. Maximum Total Amount Payable
The maXImum total amount payable, by the AGENCY to the CONSULTANT under this AGREEMENT,
shall not exceed the amount shown in the heading of this AGREEMENT.
The MaxImum Total Amount Payable is comprised of the Total Amount Authorized, which includes the
Fixed Fee and the Management Reserve Fund. The MaXImum Total Amount Payable does not include
payment for extra work as stipulated In Section XN, "Extra Work"
B. Monthly Progress Payments
The CONSULTANT may submit invoices to the AGENCY for reimbursement of actual costs plus the
calculated overhead and fee not more often than once per month dunng the progress of the work. Such
invoices shall be in a format approved by the AGENCY and accompanied by the monthly progress reports
required under Section ill, General Requirements, ofthis AGREEMENT. The invoices will be supported by
an itemized listing for each item including direct salary, direct nonsalary, and allowable overhead costs to
which will be added the prorated Fixed Fee. To provide a means of verifying the invoiced salary costs for
CONSULTANT employees, the AGENCY may conduct employee interviews. These interviews may consist
of recording the names, titles, and present duties of those employees perfonmng work on the PROJECT at the
time of the interview. '
C. Final Payment
Final payment of any balance due the CONSULTANT of the gross amount earned will be made promptly
upon its verification by the AGENCY after the completion ofthe work under this AGREEMENT,
contingent upon receIpt of all PS&E, plans, maps, notes, reports, and other related documents which are
required to be furnished under this AGREEMENT. Acceptance of such final payment by the
CONSULTANT shall constitute a release of all claims for payment which the CONSULTANT may have
agamst the AGENCY unless such claims are specifically reserved in writing and transmitted to the
AGENCY by the CONSULTANT prior to its acceptance. Said final payment shall not, however, be a bar
to any claims that the AGENCY may have against the CONSULTANT or to any remedies the AGENCY
may pursue with respect to such claims. The payment of any bIlling will not constitute agreement as to the
appropriateness of any item and that at the time of final audit, all required adjustments will be made and
reflected in a final payment. In the event that such final audit reveals an overpayment to the
CONSULTANT,'the CONSULTANT will refund such overpayment to the AGENCY within ninety (90)
days of notice of the overpayment. Such refund shall not constitute a Waiver by the CONSULTANT for any
claims relating to the validity of a finding by the AGENCY of overpayment.
,I '
D. Inspection of Cost Records
The CONSULTANT and the subconsultants shall keep available for mspection by representatives of the
AGENCY and the United States, for a period of three years after final payment, the cost records and
accounts pertaining to this AGREEMENT and all Items related to or bearing upon these records with the
following exception: if any litigation, claim, or audit arising out of, in connectIOn with, or related to this
contract is initiated before the expiration of the three-year penod, the cost records and accounts shall be
retamed until such litigation, claim, or audit involving the records is completed.
Exhibit 0-1
Consultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
(Lump Sum, Cost Plus Fixed Fee, Cost Per: Unit of Work)
8th Street Bridges Replacement Start Date June 1, 2003
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Environmental through Construction End Date April 1, 2006
Fee Determination
Consultant: Exeltech Consulting, Inc. ExelteCh Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Code Classification Man Hours
LABOR Hours Rate Dollars
05 Project Director 876 x $50.60 44,325.60
15 Structural Lead 1,480 x $44.50 65,860.00
20 Structural Engineer 1 2,736 x $40.00 109,440.00
25 Structural Engineer 2 824 x $25.50 21,012.00
30 Environmental Lead 1,499 x $39.50 59,210.50
35 Environmental Support 778 x $29.00 22,562.00
40 Civil Lead 541 x $39.50 21,369.50
45 CIVil Engineer 1 302 x $28.00 8,456.00
55 Construction Management Lead 1,704 x I $37.00 63,048.00
55 Construction Engineer 1 0 x $30.00 0.00
55 Construction Engineer 2 0 x $27.00 ' 0.00
55 Project Controller 240 x $27.00 6,480.00
55 Admin Support 1 1,192 x $21.00 25,032.00
55 Admin Support 2 120 x $15.00 1,800.00
55 Document Editor 223 x $26.00 5,798.00
55 CADD Tech 1 2,080 x $23.00 47,840.00
55 CADD Tech 2 1,784 x $18.50 33,004.00
Total Hours 16,379
Total DSC 535,237.60
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '04 3 40 6,422.85
Escalation for '05 3 20 6,422.85
Escalated Total DSC 548,083.30
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 162.35% x $548,083.30 889,813.24
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of 28.50% x $548,083.30 156,203.74
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Meals and Lodging 130 each @ $15.00 1,950.00
Plans - Plotting / Repro 5,400 each @ $4.50 24,300.00
Mapping/Photos/Surveys each @ $3.50 == 0.00
Reproduction and Printing 25,000 copies @ $0.15 == 3,750.00
Field Equipment Rental Lump Sum 10,000.00
Construction Field Office Rental 24 months @ $250.00 == 6,000.00
Postage and Supplies 300 Est @ $2.00 == 600.00
Ferry Fare 40 $8.00 320.00
Travel 24,000 miles @ $0.36 8,640.00
Reimbursables Total 55,560.00
Subconsultant Costs (See Exhibit G) 999,176.29
Grand Total 2,648,836.57
Prepared By:
Santosh Kuruvilla & Bernie Chapl
October 8, 2003
Exhibit E
Breakdown of Overhead Cost
Exeltech Consulting, Inc.
December 31, 2000
as reported by WSDOT Audit June 2001
Account Titles
1.'1 32,365
of Direct Labor
Direct Labor Base
Indirect Expenses
Indirect Salaries
Sick Leave
FICA & Medicare
Employment Security
Health Insurance
Pr-TR Differences - Salaries
401 (k) Matching Contributions
Personnel Recruitment
B&O Taxes
Property Taxes
Computer Services
Bank Charges
Postage & Equipment Rental
Lease Equipment
Computer Software
Supplies - Clerical
Supplies - Drafting
Supplies - Maintenance & Computer
Postage & Freight
Printing & Reproduction
Professional Seminars
Client Meetings & Meals
Travel - Meals
Travel - Mileage
Travel - Transportation
Travel. LOdging
Moving - Job Related
Vehicle Expense - Gas & Misc
ProfeSSional Literature
Insurance - Auto
Insurance - Professional liability
Insurance - Disability
Insurance - General Liability
Staff Functions
Coffee & Suppies
54 00%
Exhibit F
Payment Upon Termination of Agreement
By the Agency Other Than for
Fault of the Consultant
(Refer to Agreement, Section IX)
Lump Sum Contracts
A final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT which when added to any payments previously made shall
total the same percentage of the Lump Sum Amount as the work completed at the time of termination is to the
total work required for the PROJECT. In addition, the CONSULTANT shall be paid for any authorized extra
work completed.
Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contracts
A final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT which when added to any payments previously made, shall
total the actual costs plus the same percentage of the fixed fee as the work completed at the time of termination is
to the total work reqUired for the Project. In addition, the CONSULTANT shall be paid for any authorized extra
work completed.
Specific Rates of Pay Contracts
A final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT for actual hours charged at the time of terminatIOn of this
AGREEMENT plus any dIrect nonsalary costs incurred at the time oft.ermination of this AGREEMENT.
Cost Per Unit of Work Contracts
A final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT for actual units of work completed at the time of
termination of this AGREEMENT.
Exhibit G
Subcontracted Work
The agency permits subcontracted work for the following portions of the work of this agreement
Activity Subconsultant
Economic Services Northwest Economic Assoc. (NEA)
Public Information/Involvement Plan (PilI The Demich Group
Testing Services Mike Mayes Testing
Architectural Services Olympic Design Works (ODW)
Surveying Wengler
Support Services Michael Minor & Assoc.
Geotechnical Pan Geo
Support Services
Environmental through Construction
H.W. Lochner
Total Subcontracted Work
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Economic Services
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Northwest Economic Assoc. (NEA)
Start Date
August 1, 2003
End Date
March 31, 2006
Sr. Economist - Greene
Sr. Economist - Fox
Economist - Chilton
Admin Assist. - Christensen
Total Hour
Total DSC
80 x
80 x
60 x
40 x
% Increase
Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Direct Labor
Rate Dollars
Escalation for '04
Escalation for 'OS
Escalated Total
% of Work
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 145.00%
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of
Field Equipment Rental
Postage and Supplies
Reimbursables Total
Grand Total
Quantity Units Rate
day @ $1,000.00
0 mi @ $0.00 $0.00
0 each @ $0.00
0 copies '@ I $300.00 I '
0 each @ $0.00
Est @ $0.00
Prepared By:
June 17, 2003
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Public Information/Involvement Plan (PUP)
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: The Demich Group
Project Manager
Project Coordinator
Total Hours
Total DSC
Escalation for '04
Escalation for 'OS
Escalated Total DSC
% Increase
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of
Meals and Lodging
Outside Graphic Design Services
. Reproduction and Printing
Reimbursables Total
Quantity Units
o each
o each
o copies
Grand Total
Prepared By:
Leslie S. Demich
Start Date
August 1, 2003
End Date
March 31, 2006
Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Rate Dollars
$100.00 .
% of Work
June 17, 2003
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement ' Start Date August 1, 2003
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Testing Services End Date March 31, 2006
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Mike Mayes Testing Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Hours Rate Dollars
Clencal1 50 x $12.85 $642.50
Clencal 2 30 x $18.00 $540.00
Inspector 1 200 x $23.50 $4,700.00
Inspector 2 800 x $26.25 $21,000.00
Staff Engineer 25 x $26.74 $668.50
PrinCipal 100 x $59.42 $5,942.00
Total Hours 1,205
Total DSC $33,493.00
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '04 3 50 $502.40
Escalation for '05 3 50 $1,004.79
Escalated Total DSC $35,000.19
Overhead (OH Cost -- Including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 137.1% x $35,000 $47,985.25
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of 28.50% x $35,000 $9,975.05
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Meals and Lodging $0.00
Plans - Plotting / Repro 0 each ,@ $0.00 $0.00
Mapping/Photos/Surveys, 0 each @, ,,$0.00 $0.00
Reproduction and Pnnting 3,000 copies @ $0.15 $450.00
Field EqUipment Rental 100 each @ $15.00 $1,500.00
Postage and Supplies 350 Est @ $0.40 $140.00
MIleage 4,000 miles @ $0.36 $1,440.00
Reimbursables Total $3,530.00
Grand Total $96,490.49
Prepared By:
Michael J. Mayes, P.E.
June 17, 2003
1 0/9/03
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement Start Date August 1, 2003
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Architectural Services End Date March 31, 2006
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Olympic Design Works (ODW) Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Classification Negotiated
Hours Rate Dollars
Principal Architect 392 x $95.00 $37,240.00
Architect 72 x $75.00 $5,400.00
Total Hours 464
Total DSC $42,640.00
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '04 3 55 $703.56
Escalation for 'OS 3 45 $1,151.28
Escalated Total $44,494.84
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 0.00% x $44,49~ $0.00
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of 0.00% x $44,495 $0.00
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Meals and Lodging 0 day @ $0.00 $0.00
Mileage (10 trips to Olympia) 2,411 mile @ $0.36 $868.00
Mapping/Photos/Surveys 8 each @ $400.00 $3,200.00
Reproduction and Printing 10,000 copIes @ $0.08 $750.00
Field Equipment Rental 1 each @ $150.00 $150.00
Postage and Supplies 1 est. @ $1,000.0~ = $1,000.00
Reimbursables Total $5,968.00
Grand Total $50,462.84
Prepared By:
Stuart Bonney, AlA
June 17, 2003
Exhibit G-1
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement ,
Start Date August 1, 2003
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Surveying End Date March 31, 2006
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Wengler Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Classification Man
Hours Rate Dollars
Party Chief 215 x $66.00 $14,190.00
Chainman 215 x $66.00 $14,190.00
Pnnclpa I \ProJect Manager 134 x $81.00 $10,854.00
Cadd Operator 164 x $68.00 $11,152.00
Clerical 45 x $54.00 $2,430.00
Total Hours 773
Total DSC $52,816.00
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '04 3 0 $0.00
Escalation for '05 3 0 $0.00
Escalated Total DSC $52,816.00
Overhead (OH Cost -- Including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 0.00% x $52,816 $0.00
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of 0.00% x $52,816 $0.00
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Meals and Lodging = $0.00
Plans - Plotting / Repro 60 each " '@ " $2.00 $120.00
Mapping/Photos/Surveys 60 each @ $2.00 $120.00
Reproduction and Printing 60 copies @ $2.00 $120.00
Field Equipment Rental 0 $0.00 $0.00
Computers 0 $0.00 $0.00
Postage and Supplies 0 Est @ $0.00 $0.00
Outside Computer 0 $0.00 $0.00
Outside Consultants 0 $0.00 $0.00
,Reimbursables Total $360.00
Grand Total $53,176.00
Prepared By:
James Wengler
June 17, 2003
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Support Services
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Michael Minor & Assoc.
Start Date
August 1, 2003
End Date
March 31, 2006
Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Michael Minor
Carl Bloom
Keri Stone
Total Hours
Total DSC
, $75.00
Escalation for '04
Escalation for 'OS
Escalated Total DSC
% Increase
% of Work
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of
Meals and Lodging
Plans - Plotting / Repro
Reproduction and Printing
Field Equipment Rental
Reimbursables Total
Quantity Units Rate
0 each @ $0.00 $0.00
0 each @ $0.00 $0.00
0 COp!~~ ,~ $0.<)0 $0.00
0 each $0.00 $0.00
Grand Total
Prepared By:
Michael Minor
June 17, 2003
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement Start Date August 1, 2003
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Geotechnical End Date March 31, 2006
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Pan Gee Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Classification Direct Labor
Hours Rate Dollars
Principal Geotechnical Engineer 8 x $51.11 $408.88
Geotechnical Project Manager 122 x $38.22 $4,662.84
Senior Geotechnical Engineer 74 x $31.04 $2,296.96
Senior Engineering Geologist 236 x $28.77 $6,789.72
Project Geotechnical Engineer 20 x $27.26 $545.20
Staff Geotechnical Engineer 380 x $22.60 $8,588.00
Administrative Assistant 76 x $17.85 $1,356.60
Total Hours 916
Total DSC = $24,648.20
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '04 3 I 50 $369.72
Escalation for 'OS 3 30, $443.67
Escalated Total DSC $25,461.59
Overhead (OH Cost -- Including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 171.69% x $25,461.59 $43,715.00
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x (DSC) of 28.50% x $25,461.59 $7,256.55
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Mileage 2,200 mile @ $0.36 $792.00
Ferries 20 round trip @ $19.00 $380.00
Subsistence & Lodging 30 days @ $107.00 = $3,210.00
Drilling Subcontractor 1 L.S. $26,400.00 $26,400.00
Traffic Control/Flagging 1 L.S. $2,300.00 = $2,300.00
Laboratory Testing 1 L.S. $2,400.00 $2,400.00
Field Consumables 1 L.S. $200.00 $200.00
Field Equip Rental (H20 Level indicator) 6 day @ $15.00 $90.00
Reimbursables Total $35,772.00
Grand Total $112,205.15
Prepared By:
Robert E. Klmmerllng
June 17, 2003
1 0/9/03
...., ,,"v
Exhibit G-1
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Support Services
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: Entrix
Senior Consultant 2
Senior Consultant 1
Sr. Project Scientist/Engineer 2
Sr. Project Scientist/Engineer 1
Project Scientist/Engineer 2
Project Scientist/Engineer 1
Sr. Staff SCientist/Engineer 2
Staff Scientist/Engineer 2
Staff Scientist/Engineer 1
Asst. Staff SCientist/Engineer 1
Project Assistant 2
Total Hour
Total DSC
Escalation for '04
Escalation for 'OS
Escalated Total
% Increase
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 177.00%
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of
Food & Lodging
Reproduction and Printing
Field Expenses
Sampling AnalysIs
Reimbursables Total
Grand Total
Prepared By:
Jeff Bohman
1 0/9/03
28.50% x
, ,'I
Quantity Units
3833 Miles @
Start Date
August 1, 2003
End Date
March 31, 2006
Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Direct Labor
Rate Dollars
x' $61.01
x $48.15
x $40.69
x $36.47
x $32.22
x $27.66
x $23.92
x $20.38
x $17.65
x $14.85
x $17.50
% of Work
June 23, 2003
.. '"
Exhibit G-l
Subconsultant Fee Determination - Summary Sheet
8th Street Bridges Replacement Start Date August 1, 2003
City of Port Angeles
Task Description: Environmental through Construction End Date March 31, 2006
Subconsultant Fee Determination
Subconsultant: H.W. Lochner Exeltech Project # 0328
Port Angeles Project # 02-15
Classification Direct Labor
Hours Rate Dollars
Principal 143 x $62.85 8,987.55
Project Manager 250 x $48.27 12,067.50
Senior Traffic Engineer 224 x $45.00 10,080.00
Traffic Engineer 357 x $36.70 13,101.90
Drainage /Utilitles Engineer 242 x $35.00 8,470.00
Civil Engineer 1 3,088 x $29.43 = 90,879.84
Civil Engineer 2 288 x $26.39 = 7,600.32
CADD Tech 320 x $20.61 6,595.20
Admin Support 82 x $24.38 1,999.16
Total Hours 4,994
Total DSC 159,781.47
% Increase % of Work
Escalation for '04 3 50 = 2,396.72
Escalation for '05 3 10 958.69
Escalated Total 163,136.88
Overhead (OH Cost -- including Salary Additives)
OH Rate x DSC of 165.14% x $163,137 269,404.25
Fixed Fee (FF):
FF Rate x DSC of 28.50% x $163,137 46,494.01
Itemized Quantity Units Rate
Meals and Lodging 1 day @ $600.00 600.00
Mileage/ Ferry 1 mile @ $1,200.00 1,200.00
Mapping/Photos/Surveys 1 each @ $100.00 100.00
Reproduction and Printing 1 copies @ $500.00 500.00
Field EqUipment Rental 0 each @ $0.00 0.00
Postage and Supplies 1 est. @ $200.00 200.00
Reimbursables Total 2,600.00
Grand Total 481,635.14
Prepared By:
Denny Ingham
June 17, 2003