HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication 1/5/2017D I crrY (;F PORT ANGELES CITY CLEFIK EGEIVE JAN 5 2017I}ORTANGBLES AppLrcATroN ron ArponuMENTTo BolRD, coltltmsrox oR coMMrrrEE Boerd, Commission or Committee which you are seekingL)r11 d VrSd Applicent Nrme ead Generd Informetion t: [f)ol Filst ks1llt,t €$& sl IIoDe SEeit Addr€ss An ].. City Statc 3@q 57 - qll ?/bbo 1o<l (o tL{ Hoephm Wort pbooe Ccll phooe r J A!-cpho {ev. E-mail addrcss D!& of Birtt (to bc coDpleted oDly by rpplicEtrtr for public Srfety Advtrory Boerd for purpeces of crhltr.l history check to emure coEplir[c€ with Port Aryeler Mudcipd Code 2r.6.020) Cert'fication and Locetion Informrtion (circtc one) AtD yDu c@loycd by thr City of Pott ADgEtcs? Ar! ,,ou I sitiz.a of tb Udtrd Starrs? Ar" ,,qr a RrgirsEd vot€r'? Arc you a City rcsiicaP Do pu hold my pmftssiooal lic€osos, rrgistntio[s or certificates in any 6eld? @ No No No No @ lfso, how Do 1ou own/managc a iu thc Citfn Yes Ifr,plarli* I crl \' ol G-,WASHINGTON, U.S.A. MI dA Zrp Ycs €DGqd @ Are you qphiu: auzre of any cmflict of itcrcst uihich mighr arise e by your scrvicc on a City Board or Conmissiod If so, plcae 5u + /ne 5 Work or hfessiond Experienoe - Lisr oost r€c€nt €xperi€dc€ first, or strach a rpsume Ltrv-rbet( Tide re,,l "lce,l o Bricfjob desciptioo + ac- Eqloyer Eryloycr of VC n ooo(M,ry) ro 0 /b FroB (M,ry)@/n of k t,n Title ob,..e4 arke,hn O cnwn{r,t_sLtn Bricfjob descriptioa l^\l{A,J J,ri,or. At,CEO A tr^2,oo 3 Froln (M/l') To (M/Y) o(^n FrE lol,tr Dr."t Tid€ ro( il' 'iv,lps Briefjob description EdUCedOU - Ust oost rcc€ol cxpqicoc€ 6rst L n n .A,unrcefYn Degrec eamod/Iv1ajor area of surdy o d""h,n B,A m IC Itae IDsdnrtioD/I-ocation Dcgrcc carned,tv{ajor area of study Graduatcd? Y No Instiu.rtioo/Location Degree earocdrlvlajor arca ofsurdy Graduarcd? Chrrfteblc, Socid end Civlc Activifies eud Memberships - List mnjor activitics you bave panisipcrod i! driug the last five ycars all EL-<.O^ofl^. t c + Orgldzedoollocad,oE Bdcf dcecripim of yoru prrticipatiou # ofmenbers + Sc {t]'rY(V. A ff.a.t ,an< l/ ,.+*i" Gu rrevn Pnrao4,.n !P1 OrgEiz.tio,DA.etrd,or Bricf dacrbtio of yqE pdtioip.tiou iloand, [0n^6* Grorp's pwposcr'objective # of @Dbcls 2 Gmup's pr:rpose/objectivc Questions Why are you interested in serving on this particular Board or Cotnrnission'.) l1r "J -q)e (u J l,lro t" tn our background expeflencc do 1'ou thi d irel vou ln s gon his l]oard'.) u c7\r<,;Lgr) eli ktta.oa whar rur understandi ng I o/<.,"^ irx*,--\) z Please feel free to add any additional cornrnenls you rrish ro make re!6rding )'orrr applicalion. "UIfr *t::'i.fr "ii''"#,,''f,IHHT;H"'oL_.,LuL.l , /r/,," Applicant S Dalc Submit completed forms to:Ol FlcE oFT E Ct rt Cl.r.:Rr,i JE\\tFF.R vE\[lir--\sr.]\. Crr\ Cr,t:Rti 360-4 I 7-,1634 or jvenella?cit1 oljra.us CilY of Port Angeles f2l E. 56 st.""r P() Box I150 Pon Angeles. WA 9836: ln compliance wirh the Americans with Disabilities Act, ifyou net'd sp€cial accorrlrodations because of a physical limitation. pleese coniact thc CiO Manager's OfIice at 417.4500 so appropriate trrangenrents cao be made. ft,.L,tn.o 9-rt-,t' Lodging Tax Committee Candidate Questionnaire 1. Describe the importance of balancing Lodging Tax related expenditures on: capital, operations, events, and marketing. What do you feel is the highest priority and why? I believe there needs to be a balance that reflects and respects the spirit of the RCW's while working to support Port Angeles as a growing tourism destination that needs infrastructure investment as well as marketing. In my mind,there is not one "highest priority'. Funding should be balanced and based on a project's readiness for funding as well as the return on that investment for the long-term health of Port Angeles tourism. Because there is no other funding source for marketing activity, a portion of LTAC funds should support that function. Marketing expenditures should result in at least a 5 to 1 return on investment and positive exposure for Port Angeles. LTAC also has an important role to play in the refurbishment, maintenance and construction of our playfields as well as other sporting and tourism facilities. These facilities put"heads in beds" and are the right kind of investment for lodging tax funds. 2. How will you support implementation of event funding? Recognizing the fact that funding for events is limited, explain how you feel historic events should be weighed against new event opportunities. How will time of year play into your decision making? Event funding is one of the most important functions of the LTAC. Over the last several years,the LTAC has increased funding for events from an average of$70,000 to today's$85,000. 1 vocally supported this increase and believe it to be nearly commensurate with the increase in tax receipts. I further support the efforts to continue to develop, evolve and improve LTAC scoring matrixes for event grants, with adjustments to encourage development of new events while continuing to support both large and small existing events. Scoring matrixes provide a more objective decision-making process that supports the city's goals for the LTAC funds (within the bounds of the RCW's). Our largest events can sell out nearly every room in the city, representing well over 600 room nights per day. On a per-room basis, these events can represent an enormous return on investment from LTAC support. New events should be recognized for their potential to generate room nights, and that potential should be factored into the weighting of their score. Events that fall outside of our traditional busy season of May to September should be given additional consideration, although an event that falls within our season due to its seasonal nature should still be given consideration based on its ability to attract visitors from outside the area and future or residual marketing value. 3. What is your future vision of Port Angeles as a tourism destination? Tourism can be a regional growth-driver and is one of the best"export" industries in our community. Port Angeles has a tremendous number of tourism assets. Some need to be marketed, some developed, some improved. Tourists also help support and develop the things locals love like great restaurants and activities. To get to our greatest potential as a tourist destination,we need to work together on "Destination Management";which involves selling what we already have, improving and filling "holes" in the overall tourist offering in the region, and supporting entrepreneurial innovation. While still respecting residents' needs, Port Angeles can become a much more significant player in regional tourism. 4. Based on your current involvement in the tourism industry(if any) do you perceive any conflicts of interest? How will you address any potential or perceived conflict of interest? As a tourism-focused business, Black Ball Ferry Line supports a great number of community events and organizations through financial or in-kind donations. Most of the events that come before the LTAC group are also events that our business donates to. We have a vested interest in growing Port Angeles as a place people want to visit,which is consistent with the interests of the LTAC. In my opinion, every LTAC member benefits from the success of these facilities or events. While everyone has a personal bias, I believe I can be objective in evaluating requests of LTAC. Should there be an objection to my participation or an issue arises where a conflict of interest might exist, I would happily recuse myself.