HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.6592 Original Contract CITY COUNCIL MEETING October 7, 2003 Memorandum of Agreement between City and Port for AIrport PolIce Patrol (Cont'd) Intergovernmental Drug Task Force Agreement- OPNET Interlocal Agreement wIth Kltsap County for ReceIpt of Homeland Secunty Grant Funds SelectIOn of UnderwrIter for Waster/Wastewater Revenue Bonds S, uSq - ~ to sign the proposed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the City of Port Angeles and the Port of Port Angeles. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. 2 Intergovernmental Drug Task Force Agreement - OPNET ChIef RIepe noted the attendance of members of the Drug Task Force: Washmgton State Patrol Trooper Mike Graul, RetIred Washington State Patrol Trooper Bob Orth, Clallam County Undershenff Fred DeFrang, and Port Angeles Sgt Eric Kovatch ChIef RIepe CIted the CIty'S desire to work toward the betterment of the commumty m drug use and abuse by partIcIpating m the Drug Task Force for enforcement, educatIon, and treatment. To that end, the OPNET agreement enables the CIty to partIcIpate WIth other communItIes who are provldmg financial resources SeqUIm and Jefferson County wIll make monetary contrIbutIOns toward the salary of the Port Angeles OPNET offIcer, to include trammg, overtime, vehIcle, and eqUIpment The City IS responsIble for one-half of the officer's salary and benefits. ChIef RIepe spoke of the importance of thIS cooperatIve effort throughout the Peninsula. Mayor W Iggms noted this agreement IS tied to the COPS grant and, If the grant is not forthcommg m future years, he asked about budgeting for the pOSItIon Manager Quinn mdlcated the CIty has budgeted the remammg funds for thIS pOSItIon m the General Fund m 2004 as an addItIonal cost. CouncIlmember Enckson suggested somethmg may need to be placed in the agreement regardmg dIssolution and the commItment of the agencIes to fulfill theIr fmanclal oblIgatIon. ChIef RIepe felt that, If for some reason the other entItIes cannot meet their oblIgations, OPNET would still be responsible for the specIfied portIOn of the officer's salary. Attorney Knutson agreed with Councllmember Erickson that if the agreement termmates, then the financIal arrangements set forth would also terminate. If there IS gomg to be a continuatIOn of thIS relatIOnshIp between the CIty and the County thatwould provide for the funding ofthe CIty'S officer, then that would need to be a separate arrangement to be worked out with the County CouncIlmember Rogers indicated she would be working WIth the ChIef and the CIty Manager regardmg the 2003 Federal COPS Grant from the CongressIOnal SIde Councilman Braun moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Intergovernmental Drug Task Force Agreement. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Rogers and carried unanimously. 3. lnterlocal Agreement WIth Kltsap County for ReceIpt of Homeland Security Grant Funds (Emergency Plannzng): FIre ChIef McKeen provIded mformation pertment to the Interlocal Agreement With Kitsap County to receIve Federal grant funds for the purpose of planning upgrades and enhancements to each jurisdictIOn's ComprehensIve Emergency Management Plans CIting previous dIscussIOns on homeland secunty Issues and antICIpated fundmg from the Federal level, ChIef McKeen indIcated these grant funds filtered down to the local level for the pnmary purpose of upgradmg the plans WIth an enhanced terronsm component, focusing on an all-hazard approach. The CIty partnered WIth the County in this endeavor. After bnef dIscussion, Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Kitsap County. The motion was seconded by Councilman Williams and carried unanimously. 4. Selectzon of Underwriter for Water/Wastewater Revenue Bonds Fmance Director ZIOmkowski adVIsed the Council that the CIty WIll be fmancmg several Water and Wastewater projects from proceeds from the revenue bonds, WhICh - 8 - fiLED FOH REC;iI~::l t.l ':!-It ;:l,Cr:~EST :~fJ-{l:. <:-'~.tL. ,........ORDt.[J ;;"t -;..f ,'...'~' T,.... ~ "tH CO 2005 AUG 23 PI''i 2: 25 Filed at the Request of: City of Port Angeles City Clerk's Office P. O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 IIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111 ~ II 2005 1163444 g~~I~; w Interlocal Agreement City Clerk File No.:C5.~ 5~ Agreement between the City o[Port Angeles and ~ ~ c~ Purpose: -R"V\lAO {.SS.lli~4 -tz, ~Q ~ Sec~ e~. Dated: &(7)1; 10 ~ \t !g4/D':j . . t, 5,1..05 q KITSAP COUNTY DEPT. OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 1720 Warren Ave. Bremerton, W A 98337 (360) 616-5870 ThITERLOCALAGREEMENT KC - 393 - 03 THIS AGREEMENT IS between the City of Port Angeles, a munIcIpal corporatiOn, and Kitsap County, a mumclpal corporation, all m the State ofWashmgton WHEREAS, Kltsap County Department of Emergency Management has entered mto a contract with Washington State Mlhtary Department to become the RegiOn 2 Homeland Security Coordmatmg Agency and to act in the best mterest of the regiOn and to; Develop RegiOn 2 Homeland Secunty Regional eouncd consistmg of representatiOn from other county, CIty and trIbal emergency management offices, responder dlsclphlles and other appropnate entitles wlthm the regiOn, 2 ASSISt in the updatmg and/or development of all-hazard Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs) as appropnate to mclude proVISiOns for terronsm and weapons of mass destruction, m accordance WIth Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requirements, for each cour;ty, CIty and trIbe designated as mdependent emergency management entltles wlthm the RegiOn. Rather than deve10pmg and publishmg a separate EOP, trIbes. CIties and towns may elect to be mc1uded ill the EOP of the county ill whIch they reSIde, 3 ASSISt, through plannmg grants, the updatmg and/or development of local haurd and nsk assessments or Hazard IdentificatiOn and VulnerabIhty Analyses (HIV A) to detenmne emerg~ncy mallagement plannmg pnontles relative to the EOP process, 4 Develop a strategy for ImplementatiOn of wntten mter-ano mtra-regiOnal mutual aId agreements and mamtam an mdex of estabhshed agreements, 5 PartICIpate m state and regiOnal planrung efforts, 6 Coordmate plannmg and mtegrate Emergency OperatIons Center (EOe) assessments and future upgrade needs and ml tia tIVes; 7 Increase the regiOn's ablhty to respond to all hazards, and WHEREAS, the Department of Homeland Secunty, Office for DomestIc Preparedness (ODP), IS encouragmg regiOnal cooperation m homeland secunty and the City 01 Port Angeles IS a partlclpatmg member of ReglOn 2 Homeland Secunty RegiOnal CouncIl and therefore ehglhle for fundmg as a subgrantee, and WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles has requested fundmg aSSIstance to enhance homeland secunty efforts m the City of Port Angeles, and WHEREAS, the Interlocal CooperatiOn Act, RCW 39 34, further authonzes the parties hereto to enter mto thIs agreement; Page I of 3 . . , f II ThITERLOCALAGREEMENT II NOW, THEREFORE, the partIes agree as follows: 1 SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of tlus agreement IS to acknowledge the partIes' mutual mterest to enhance homeland secunty efforts and prepare for all hazards as set forth m Attachment A, Scope of Wark. 2. TERMS AND CONDITIONS. All rights and obhgations of the parties to tlus Agreement shall be subject to and governed by the Terms and Conditions contained in the text of thIS Interlocal Agreement and as may be attached and Illcorporated herem 3 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE. Subject to ItS other provisions, the period of performance of this Agreement shall commence on Apnll, 2003 and termInate December 31, 2005, or until tenrunated by either party m wntIng. 4 REIMBURSEMENT AND PAYMENT. Terronsm grants through WashIngton State to the regIOns are fixed pnce, rermbursement agreements. WIthin the total grant amount, travel, subcontracts, salaries and wages, benefits, eqUIpment, and other goods and services or other budget categories WIll be reImbursed on an actual cost basIs unless otherwIse provided III thIS agreement Some flexlblhty to shift funds between/among budget categories IS allowed as follows: Changes to any single budget category, except for the eqUIpment line item, in excess of 10% or $100, whIchever IS greater, will not be rermbursed wIthout the pnor written authonzatIOn of KIt sap County Department of Emergency Management, Region 2 Homeland Security Coordinating Agency. Increases to the equipment hne Item reqUITe wntten approval of KIt sap County Depar~ment of Emergency Management, RegIOn 2 Homeland Security Coordmating Agency. Budget categones are as speCIfied or d~fmed m the budget sheet of thiS agreement. 5. FUNDING. Fundmg for thiS grant shall not exceed the speCIfied amount in each grant and shall be amended as new grants are awarded to the regIOn and its partiCIpating membership Fundmg is set forth m Attachment B, Budget. 6. BILLING PROCEDURE. Quarterly inVOIces must be subrmtted wltfun IS/days followmg the end of the quarter!n whIch the work was performed. Fmal IllVOlce shall not exceed overall grant amount. Each grant WIll speCIfy the date all work must end, however the subgrantee has up to 30 days after the expIration date to subrmt all final bIllIng. 7 REPORTS. A serm-annual report IS due wlthm 30 days followmg the end of the six-month penod In whIch the work was performed. A final report IS due WIth the final bllhng 8 COMPLIANCE WITH LEGAL REOUIREMENTS Each party accepts responsIbIlity for comphance WIth federal, state or local laws and regulatIOns. 9. FILING Executed copies of thIS agreement shall be filed as requIred by SectIOn 39 34 040 of the ReVIsed Code of Washmgton pnor to thIS agreement becormng effective 10. NOTICES. All notIces and other communicatIons to be given by eIther party may be gIven In wrItIng, deposltmg the same m the Umted States maIl, postage prepaId and addressed to the appropriate party as follows: KItsap County: PhylliS A. Mann, DIrector Kitsap Co. Dept. of Emergency Management 1720 Warren Ave. Bremerton, WA 98337 CIty of Port Angeles' FIre Cluef Dan McKeen 102 E 5th Street Port Angeles, W A 98362-3014 Page 2 of 3 " , , II INTERLOCALAGREEMENT II II. NON-DELEGA TIONINON-ASSIGNMENT NeIther party may delegate the performance of any contractual obhgatlOn, to a third party, unless mutually agreed m wntmg Neither party may assign thIS agreement wIthout the written consent of the other party. 12. HOLD HARMLESS To the extent permitted by law, the CIty of Port Angeles shall protect, defend, hold harmless and mderruufy Kltsap County, and their officers and employees from any and all claImS, SUItS, costs, damages of any nature, or causes of action, includmg the cost of defense and attorneys fees, by reason of the acts or omiSSIOns, whether neghgent, willful, or reckless, of ItS own officers, employees, agency or any other person ansmg out of or m connection with any acts or activIties authonzed by tills agreement, and will pay all Judgments, If any, rendered. This obhgatlOn shall not mclude such clanns, costs, damages or other expenses that may be caused by the sole neghgence of KIt sap County or their authonzed agents or employees. 13. SEVERABILITY Any provIsion of thiS agreement, wluch is prohIbIted or unenforceable, shall be ineffectIve to the extent of such prolubltIon or unenforceablhty, Without mvalidatmg the remainmg provIsion or affecting the vahdlty or enforcement of such provIsion. 14. ENTIRE AGREEMENT Tlus Agreement is the entire agreement ofthe partIes and supersedes all pnor negotiatIons and agreements whether written or oral. Tills Agreement may be amended only by written agreement and no purported oral amendment to the Agreement shall be vahd. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement IS signed by the partIes thIS~ day of No" c. hi b ~ ,20~. CITY OF PORT ANGELES PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS KITSAP COUNTY, WASHINGTON ~-~ .. ~~o:d' .7~'" J ~n Wiggms, Mayor ATIEST: ~~~,,~^- Bee J. on, i ty 1 r ATTEST 1& M /..Jb~r- Opa Robertson CLERK OF THE BOARD . ~~t '- tt. t>.H Hhof3 f _ ,,' ~'\ \: r 0 It ~:~/;~ ,".:\ ..,\..",~("OQ(.(',., t .~ _.....,.t ,t{t\ Oc:; c!>~...t :;.- ".. .... n.... >Oc- tf,..1 ~"',,: '...._~ ",,," );~<r C1tJ ~....... '; .: . " ,: f-; 1l";.'\ [\ L ~ ~.'~ ~ :'-. -',\ O""',t It. ....'d ,... c_: (,..' ,~..J .J.' "" ' '" II"": '; - ~fO to f 1.... ~.1 \ .. :tPQ t,~ ;; ;f!;tl" ~ 1-, 00 ,..~1vY t.,'" ..., C'> / .. 0 ~.~~ ~... ...., ft: Oc", ~I'Q~<# ~' . '~~~p 4 ~1 "~ It " .. ~ ) Q ~ \J ~'"' ~r(.. oJ t-! PJ G. ' cfJ',,1e'~DOi:~U~~ ' Page 3 of 3 . .' { ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF WORK Introduction The Department of homeland Security, Office for Domestic Preparedness (ODP) through Washington State Military Department, Emergency Management Division (EMD), is providing funding to enhance the preparedness of the nation to combat terrorism. This funding is being provided to the Homeland Security Regions in Washington State to address the unique equipment, exercise, training, planning and administration needs of local emergency responders. Region 2 Homeland Security Council has determined the best use of grant monies is to fund planning grants to enhance each County's, City's, and/or Tribe's preparedness and planning efforts to prepare for all hazards. The City of Port Angeles is awarded the following grant: · $14,000 Emergency Operations Planning Grant - April 1, 2003 - March 1, 2004 The City of Port Angeles through the Fire Department will: · Coordinate with Clallam County in contracting with a part-time administrative support position (Contractor) to provide administrative support to the City of Port Angeles Emergency Management Coordinator and Clallam County' Emergency Management Coordinator to assist with the updating of the City's and County's Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans. Project Deliverables: Phase 1 - April 1, 2003 through March 1,2004 - $14,000 ~ Update the City of Port Angeles and Clallam County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans (CEMP) ~ Establish a county-wide resource manual, utilizing technology that will integrate with personal digital assistants ~ Assist in the development of earthquake, flood, and weather hazard specific annex to the City CEMP ~ Assist in the updating and revising of the City's and County's procedures as related to each jurisdictions CEMP ~ Coordinate with Clallam County Emergency Management in updating the County CEMP ~ Submit final products (CEMP, Annexes, etc.) To the Region 2 Coordinating Agency, Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management, upon completion ~ Participate in Region 2 Homeland Security Council activities, meetings, exercise, etc. . .4 r ATTACHMENT B BUDGET FIXED COST - $14,000 This is a fixed price, reimbursement agreement. Within the total grant amount, travel, subcontracts, salaries and wages, benefits, equipment, and other goods and services or other budget categories will be reimbursed on an actual cost basis unless otherwise provided in this agreement. Some flexibility to shift funds between/among budget categories is allowed as follows: Changes to any single budget category, except for equipment line items, in excess of 10% or $100, whichever is greater, will not be reimbursed without the prior written authorization of Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management, Region 2 Homeland Security Coordinating Agency. Increases to the equipment line item require written authorization of the Coordinating Agency. Budget categories are as specified below: Budget - Phase 1 -April 1, 2003 - March 1,2004 Award - $14,000 Contractor Fees $13,000 ($7,500 from Clallam County Planning Grant) Copies, Supplies, travel $1,000 Total $14,000