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FED 331M
Memorandum of Agreement
City of Port Angeles
Clallam County Department of Community Development
This Memorandum of Agreement is between the CIty of Port Angeles (herein after referred to as "the
City") and the Clallam County Department of Community Development (herein after referred to as "the
Department") for the purpose of volunteer recruitment, traming and coordination for water quality
monitoring, and assocIated data storage and reporting. Funding for this work IS through the CIty of Port
The City desires to discover and remedIate sources of fecal coliform to the streams and harbor of Port
Angeles. In order to search for water quality problems m a systematic way, the CIty would like to
monitor its fresh water courses usmg SCIentific procedures and a sampling plan. To thIS end, the CIty
would like to use the services of the County's Streamkeepers program.
It IS mutually agreed that:
The Department's responsIbilIties:
1. RecruIt and tram volunteers through the Streamkeepers of Clallam County program to collect
quarterly water samples m the Port Angeles area. Sampling SItes will be agreed upon by
Streamkeepers and the CIty, and will have safe public access. In the instance that a samplIng SIte is
not accessIble from a public road or other easement, landowner permiSSIOn to access the site for
sampling purposes will be obtained by the CIty.
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2. Coordinate quarterly sampling for a period of one year beginning in January 2004. Number of SItes
sampled each quarter will depend upon funding and laboratory costs.
3. Submit samples to the County Environmental Health lab for analysis, record the results, and report
them to the City.
The City's responsibilities:
1. Provide direction as to overall sampling design, including particular sites to be sampled on a regular
or occasional basis, and total number of samples to be collected each quarter.
2. In the instance that a sampling site is not accessible from a publIc road or other easement, landowner
permission to access the site for sampling purposes will be obtained by the City.
3. Arrange with the Department's Environmental Health Division for payment for laboratory fecal
coliform analysis of samples, at the going rate (currently $23 per sample).
4. Arrange with Streamkeepers for payment for people- and data-management services, at the rate of
$150.00 per quarterly sampling seSSIOn.
c erwlse agreed by the parties, this agreement IS effectIve from January 1, 2004
until December 31, 2004.
The followmg general condItIons will apply to thIS agreement.
Amendment or TerminatIon: ThIS agreement may be amended or altered only by written agreement of the
designated representatIves of both the City and the Department upon the signature of such
representatives. The amendment shall explicitly state that it is an amendment to this agreement. ThIs
agreement may be terminated by either party 60 days after receipt of written notIce of intent to terminate.
Ownership of Items Produced. All writings, programs, data, public records or other matenals prepared by
the Department andior its consultants, subcontractors, or volunteers, in connecnon with performance of
this Agreement shall be the sole and absolute property of the City and constItute "work made for hire" as
that phrase is used in federal and/or state intellectual property laws.
Non-Discrimination. The Department shall not discriminate against any person on the basis of race,
creed, political Ideology, color, natIOnal origin, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, age, or the
presence of any sensory, mental or physical handIcap.
, 20J BY:
.J-.... Mayor
City of Port Angeles
321 E. Fifth St.
Port Angeles, W A 98362
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Date J f
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Date '
Board of Clallam County Commissioners
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Port Angeles, W A 98362.........?o1 '5'
Approved as to form:
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CIty of Port Angeles - Clallam County Department ofCommumty Development MOU Fecal coliform samplmg
November 2001