HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.667 Original Contract
January 20,2004
Contract wIth Chamber of
Commerce for 2004
Tounsm PromotIOn
Consultant Agreement wIth
Parametrix, Inc., for 2004
Engmeenng ServIces
Amendment No.3 to
Consultant Agreement wIth
SkIllIngs-Connolly for
Engmeenng ServIces
5, l.olt; 7 :2.
Contract with Chamber of Commerce for 2004 Tourzsm PromotIOn Services:
EconomIc Development Director Smith presented the 2004 contract wIth the Chamber
of Commerce for tourism promotion services. As proposed, the contract is for a total
of $238,215, wIth $55,000 allocated for the Visitor Center, $527.00 for Chamber
membership dues, and $182,688 for tOUrIsm promotion servIces The latter figure
represents expenditures for specIal events and a potentIal capItal project m the form of
a new mural up to $10,000. Mr. Smith mdicated thIS IS a typIcal annual contract that
was included in the 2004 adopted budget. However, he pointed out that there had been
a shortfall in revenue for 2003, so the new contract is marginally less than was
originally recommended by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee and approved by the
Council m the 2004 budget. Followmg a meetmg he held with Fmance DIrector
Ziomkowski and Chamber DIrector Russ Veenema, the contract was developed at
$5,117 less. Discussion followed, and Mr. Srmth mdicated that the contract amount
also included an allocatIOn of $20,000 for Parks & RecreatIon.
Councilmember Rogers moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with
the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce for 2004 tourism information and
promotion services and capital projects in the amount of $238,215. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Braun. Chamber of Commerce Director Russ
Veenema adVIsed the CouncIl that he would continue with the practice of provIdmg the
Council with quarterly updates on these expenditures. Councilman Munro mqUIred as
to 2004 projections, and Mr. Veenema responded that nationwide forecasts for 2004
tourism are quite pOSItIve, and he was hopeful tills part of the country would be
consistent with the national predictions. As the economy grows, people feel more
comfortable with travel. Manager Quinn added that the 2003 expenence was $28,000
less than amended m the budget, and he noted the revenues for the last half ofthe year
exceeded the same months for the prior year. He indIcated the City IS looking
posItIvely toward 2004. Mr. Veenema expressed the hope that he could return to the
Council m August or September to revise the budget. A vote was taken on the
motion, which carried unanimously.
2. Consultant Agreement with Parametrix, Inc ,for 2004 Engineerzng Services:
Deputy DIrector of Engineermg Services Kenworthy presented mformatIOn pertment
to the proposed consultant agreement WIth ParametrIx, noting that ParametrIx has been
working on Landfill engineenng, as well as support engmeenng at the Wastewater
Treatment Plant. The consultant, along With the City, has been heavily involved with
the County and the City of Sequirn with regard to a transfer station, and the CIty has
been very pleased with the consultant's support. Councilman Braun suggested the
dollar amount for the contract should have a "not to exceed" amount specified, and
Councilman Braun then moved to authorize the Mayor to sign an Agreement for
Professional Services with Parametrix in an amount not to exceed $501,532.00
and proceeding with Tasks 1 - 6. The motion was seconded by Councilmember
Rogers and carried unanimously.
3 Amendment No. 3 to Consultant Agreement with Skillings-Connolly for
Engineering Services:
Deputy Director Kenworthy presented the amendment to the contract with Skillmgs-
Connolly for 2004 engmeering services. The consultant designed the extenSIOn of the
water transmission lme from the Peabody ReservOIr across Peabody Creek, but the bIds
for the project had to be rejected. The City is now addmg to that project and plans to
rebid in the spring. Other work will involve sewer replacement m Park A venue from
Race to Porter Streets, which is part of gaining addItIonal sewer capacIty to serve the
Campbell/Porter area. Deputy DIrector Kenworthy mdicated that other work wIll
involve the provision of sewer and storm design to ellIDlllate Pump Station No. I m
order to convert to a gravity system. He stated that SkIllings-Connolly has proven to
- 2 -
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THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this a,1Jd.. day of
_, 2004, by and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non-charter code cit
of the State of Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY") and PARAMETRIX, INC., a
Washington Corporation (hereinafter called the "CONSULTANT").
WHEREAS, the CITY desires engineering consulting and planning services related to
solid waste, landfill and wastewater systems, and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to engage the professional services and assistance of a
qualified consulting firm to perform the scope of work as detailed in Exhibit A, and
WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it is in full compliance with the statutes
of the State of Washington for professional registration and/or other applicable
requirements, and
WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it has the background, experience, and
ability to perform the required work in accordance with the standards of the profession,
WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that it will provide qualified personnel and
appropriate facilities necessary to accomplish the work;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the terms,
conditions, covenants and agreements set forth below, the parties hereto agree as
The scope of professional services to be performed and the results to be achieved by
the CONSULTANT shall be as detailed in the attached Exhibit A and shall include all
services and material necessary to accomplish the work.
The CITY may review the CONSULTANT'S work product, and if it is not satisfactory,
the CONSULTANT shall make such changes as may be required by the CITY. Such
changes shall not constitute "Extra Work" as related in Section XI of this Agreement.
The CONSULTANT agrees that all services performed under this Agreement shall be in
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accordance with the standards of the profession and in compliance with applicable
federal, state and local laws.
The Scope of Work may be amended upon written approval of both parties.
Upon completion of the work, all documents, exhibits, photographic negatives, or other
presentations of the work shall become the property of the CITY for use without
restriction and without representation as to suitability for reuse by any other party
unless specifically verified or adapted by the CONSULTANT. However, any alteration
or reuse of the documents, by the City or by others acting through or on behalf of the
City, will be at the City's sole risk.
Each party shall designate its representatives in writing. The CONSULTANT'S
representative shall be subject to the approval of the CITY.
The CONSULTANT may begin work upon execution of this Agreement by both parties
and the duration of the Agreement shall extend through January 31,2005. The work
shall be completed in accordance with the schedule set forth in the attached Exhibit C.
The CITY shall pay the CONSULTANT as set forth in this section of the Agreement.
Such payment shall be full compensation for work performed, services rendered, and
all labor, materials, supplies, equipment and incidentals necessary to complete the
A. Payment shall be on the basis of the CONSULTANT'S cost for actual labor,
overhead and profit plus CONSULTANT'S direct non-salary reimbursable costs as
set forth in the attached Exhibit B.
1. Labor costs shall be based on the hourly rates shown in Exhibit B. Hourly rates
shall be based upon an individual's hourly wage, times the total number of hours
worked, times a multiplier of 3.1. The multiplier shall include overhead, CADD,
computer and profit.
General clerical time shall be considered an overhead item, except where
specific work items are involved that require one hour or more continued effort,
in which case time will be charged on the basis of hours worked.
2. The direct non-salary reimbursable costs are those directly incurred in fulfilling
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the terms of this Agreement, including, but not limited to travel, subsistence,
telephone, reproduction and printing, and supplies. No overhead may be added
to direct non-salary reimbursable costs. The CONSULTANT may add a markup
to Subconsultants and outside services subject to approval by the City.
B. The CONSULTANT shall submit invoices to the CITY on a monthly basis. Invoices shall detail the
work, hours, employee name, and hourly rate; shall itemize With receipts and InVOices the non-salary
direct costs, shall indicate the specific task or activity in the Scope of Work to which the costs are
related; and shall indicate the cumulative total for each task.
C. The CITY shall review the invoices and make payment for the percentage of the project that has
been completed less the amounts previously paid.
D. The CONSULTANT invoices are due and payable Within 30 days of receipt. In the event of a
disputed billing, only the disputed portion will be withheld from payment.
E. Final payment for the balance due to the CONSULTANT will be made upon the completion of the
work and acceptance by the CITY.
F. Payment for "Extra Work" performed under Section XI of this Agreement shall be as agreed to by the
parties in writing.
Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties, the CONSULTANT'S total compensation and
reimbursement under this Agreement, including labor, direct non-salary reimbursable costs and outside
services, shall not exceed the maximum sum of $501 ,532.00.
Employees of the CONSULTANT, while engaged in the performance of any work or services under this
Agreement, shall be considered employees of the CONSULTANT only and not of the CITY, and claims
that may arise under the Workman's Compensation Act on behalf of said employees while so engaged,
and any and all claims made by a third party as a consequence of any negligent act or omission on the
part of the CONSULTANT'S employees while so engaged, on any of the work or services provided to be
rendered herein, shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the CONSULTANT
In performing this Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall not employ or contract with any CITY employee
Without the City's written consent.
The CONSULTANT shall conduct its business In a manner, which assures fair, equal and non-
discriminatory treatment of all persons, Without respect to race, creed or national origin, or other legally
protected classification and, In particular:
A. The CONSULTANT shall maintain open hiring and employment practices and will welcome
applications for employment in all positions, from qualified individuals who are members of minorities
protected by federal equal opportunity/affirmative action requirements; and,
B. The CONSULTANT shall comply with all requirements of applicable federal, state or local laws or
regulations issued pursuant thereto, relating to the establishment of non discriminatory requirements
in hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all persons without discnmination as
to any person's race, color, religion, sex, Vietnam era veteran status, disabled veteran condition,
phYSical or mental handicap, or national origin.
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A The CONSULTANT shall not sublet or assign any of the work covered by this Agreement without the
written consent of the CITY.
B. The CONSULTANT will be using the firms submitted with Its proposal as subcontractors.
Subcontractors other than those listed shall not be permitted without the written consent of the CITY.
C. In all solicitation either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the CONSULTANT for work to
be performed pursuant to a subcontract, including procurement of materials and equipment, each
potential subconsultant or supplier shall be notIfied by the CONSULTANT of Consultant's obligations
under this Agreement, including the nondiscrimination requirements.
Other than changes directed by the CITY as set forth in Section I above, either party may request changes
in the scope of work. Such changes shall not become part of this Agreement unless and until mutually
agreed upon and incorporated herein by written amendments to this Agreement executed by both parties.
The CITY may desire to have the CONSULTANT perform work or render services in connection with this
project, in addition to the Scope of Work set forth in Exhibit A and minor revisions to satisfactorily
completed work. Such work shall be considered as "Extra Work" and shall be addressed in a written
supplement to this Agreement. The CITY shall not be responsible for paYing for such extra work unless
and until the written supplement is executed by both parties.
A. The CITY may terminate this Agreement at any time upon not less than ten (10) days wntten notice
to the CONSULTANT. Written notice Will be by certified mail sent to the consultant's designated
representative at the address provided by the CONSULTANT.
B. In the event thiS Agreement is terminated prior to the completion of the work, a final payment shall be
made to the CONSULTANT, which, when added to any payments previously made, shall
compensate the CONSULTANT for the percentage of work completed.
C. In the event this Agreement is terminated prior to completion of the work, documents that are the
property of the CITY pursuant to Section" above, shall be delivered to and received by the CITY
prior to transmittal of final payment to the CONSULTANT.
The CONSULTANT agrees to indemnify the CITY from any claims, damages, losses, and costs,
including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and litigation costs, ansing out of claims by third parties for
property damage and bodily injury, Including death, caused solely by the negligence or willful misconduct
of the CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT employees, affiliated corporations, officers, and subcontractors In
connection with the work performed under this Agreement.
The CITY agrees to indemnify the CONSULTANT from any claims, damages, losses, and costs,
Including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and litigation costs, arising out of claims by third parties for
property damage and bodily injury, including death, caused solely by the negligence or willful misconduct
of the CITY, CITY's employees, or agents in connection with the work performed under this Agreement.
If the negligence or willful misconduct of both CONSULTANT and CITY (or a person identified above for
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whom each is liable) is a cause of such damage or Injury, the loss, cost, or expense shall be shared
between the CONSULTANT and the CITY in proportion to their relative degrees of negligence or willful
misconduct and the right of indemnity shall apply for such proportion.
Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement IS subject to RCW 4.24.115, then,
in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused
by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the CONSULTANT and the CITY, its officers, officials,
employees, and volunteers, the CONSULTANT'S liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the
CONSUL TANT'S negligence. It is further specIfIcally and expressly understood that the Indemnification
provided herein constitutes the CONSULTANT'S waiver of immunity under Industrial Insurance, Title 51
RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the
parties. The provIsions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement.
However, the CONSULTANT expressly reserves its rights as a third person set forth in RCW 51.24.035.
The CONSULTANT shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against
claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the
performance of the work hereunder by the CONSULTANT, its agents, representatives, employees or
The CONSULTANT shall provide a Certificate of Insurance evidencing:
1. Automobile Liability insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for
bodily injury and property damage; and,
2. Commercial General liability insurance written on an occurrence basis with limits no less than
$1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for personal injury, bodily
Injury and property damage. Coverage shall Include but not be limited to: blanket contractual;
products/completed operations; broad form property damage; explosion, collapse and underground (XCU)
if applicable; and employer's liability; and,
3. Professional Liability Insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000 limit per occurrence.
Any payment of deductible or self insured retention shall be the sole responsibility of the CONSULTANT.
The CITY shall be named as an additional insured on the Commercial General Liability insurance policy,
as respects work performed by or on behalf of the Consultant and a copy of the endorsement naming
the CITY as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance. The CITY reserves
the right to review a certified copy of all required insurance policies in the CONSULTANT's office.
The CONSULTANT'S insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage shall apply separately to
each insured against whom claIm is made or suit is brought, except with respects to the limits of the
insurer's liability.
The CONSULTANT'S insurance shall be primary insurance as respects the CITY, and the CITY shall be
given thirty (30) days prior wntten notice of any cancellation, suspension or matenal change in coverage.
This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of
Washington, and In the event of dispute the venue of any litigation brought hereunder shall be Clallam
This Agreement, including its exhibits, constitutes the entire Agreement, supersedes all prior written or
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oral understandings, and may only be changed by a wntten amendment executed by both parties. The
following exhibits are hereby made a part of this Agreement:
Exhibit A - Scope of Work
Exhibit B - Budget
Exhibit C - Schedule
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first
written above.
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Scope of Work for Landfill Engineering Services 2004
ThIS Scope of Work identtfies landfill engmeering servIces for the CIty of Port Angeles for the penod of
February 1, 2004 through December 31, 2004. ThIS work is a contmuatton of Parametnx' work for
Landfill Engmeenng Services as descnbed m our preVIOUS contract agreement dated October 26, 2000
and Amendment #2 dated May 27, 2003. The baSIS of work IS denved from mput received from CIty
staff dunng the penod of Apnl through December 2003. Specific work elements mclude:
Task 1
Engineering Assistance for Solid Waste Management
This element of work will provide for engineering services to support routine solid waste
handling actiVIties and landfill operations. Parametrix wIll work with City personnel to
Identtfy and develop operattons cntena and perform servIces as dIrected by the CIty m
response to SIte development or system maintenance requirements.
Under thIS task, Parametrix wIll perform overall project management, cost control,
schedule mamtenance, scope development and routme chent commumcattons necessary
to deliver project elements of work m accordance WIth scope, budget, and schedule
Specific components of the work anttclpated dunng the period of thIS contract mclude:
Task 1.1 Uvdate Fill Sequence Plans - Parametrix wIll work WIth landfill staff to update
fill sequence plans for opttmal waste placement, compactIOn, and dally cover operattons.
This effort WIll mclude aSSIstance in decidmg when the landfill WIll stop takmg wastes,
design services for modIfymg capaCIty to accommodate addittonal matenal, and prOVIde
guidance on costs and benefits of changes.
Task 1 2 Site Life Verification - Parametrix will conduct quarterly measurement and
evaluatIOn of waste placement, mcludmg compacttve effort esttmates and effecttve
denSIty calculatIOns. We WIll prepare letter reports descnbmg the findmgs of each
quarterly event. In support of thIS effort, a VIsual SIte hIStory using LDD software WIll be
prepared and used m esttmatmg landfill atrspace usage WIth a target closure data of
December 31, 2006.
Task 1.3 Gas Svstem Maintenance and Monitoring - Parametrix will evaluate gas system
operatIOns data and aSSIst CIty forces m contmuing operatIOns of the landfill gas systems.
We WIll communicate to CIty operations staff issues concerning the proper gas system
operattons and adjustments. We will conduct quarterly inspections and wntten
recommendations regardmg system modificatIOns.
Task 1.4 General Overations Assistance - Parametrlx will proVIde on-call technIcal
aSSIstance to landfill staff regardmg conditions and Issues that arise dunng the year. ThIS
CIty of Port Angeles
Landfill Engmeermg 2004
January 2004
work wIll mclude constructIon observatIOn, landfill management, materials management,
and system mamtenance and 1 mprovement, as necessary. T rackmg and r eportmg C PG
grant expenditures wIll be performed under thIS task.
Task 1.5 Proiect Management and CoordmatIOn - Parametnx will manage project
actIvItIes, allocate resources, monitor schedules and budgets, mamtain chent
communicatIons and provIde monthly project status reports.
Deliverables: Parametrix antIcIpates the followmg work products for thIS task:
. Monthly progress reports and inVOIces.
. An updated project schedule.
. An updated Fill Sequence Plan.
. Four letter reports describing site capacity analyses.
. Quarterly reports to Ecology on CPG grant expenditures.
. Routine communIcations and wntten recommendations for gas system, co-
composting, and general operations aSSIstance tasks. Maximum one per month.
Assumptions: The Scope of Work and cost estImate IS based on the following assumptions:
. The Contract penod is from February 1,2004 through December 31,2004.
. Survey actIVIties wIll be performed by NT! of Port Angeles.
. MIleage, reproductIon and plottmg costs are mcluded in this task for budget
. Co-compostmg support associated with operations, permits, and matenals handlmg
wIll be handled by another consultant
. Gas system monitonng does not mclude deSIgn of system improvements.
. CPG grant support mcludes only the admimstratIOn of authonzed grants. It does not
include wntmg, addItIonal scope of work or a detailed proposal for the supplemental
grant process.
. Parametnx staff wIll VISIt the P ALF a mmimum of once per month to review landfill
operatIons and meet WIth the operations team.
Parametnx will complete Task 1 servIces for $89,075.
Czty of Port Angeles
Landfill Engmeermg 2004
January 2004
Task 2
Permitting and Compliance Support
This element of work wIll provIde regulatory reportmg and permIt coordination for
landfill operatIOns. Work WIll include assIstmg the CIty WIth the collection of operatIOnal
and enVIronmental data and the preparatIOn of routme reports for submIttal to the Clallam
County EnvIronmental Health Department or Department of Ecology. Reportmg will be
completed to achieve complIance WIth the solId waste operating permit and the Mmimum
FunctIOnal Standards for SolId Waste FaCIlItIes (WAC 173-351).
SpeCIfic components of thIS work mclude:
Task 2.1 Solid Waste Permit Submittal 2005 - Parametrix WIll compIle mformatIon and
prepare the SolId Waste Operatmg PermIt application for 2004. The submIttal will
mclude the SolId Waste Annual Report for landfill operations.
Task 2 2 Groundwater Monitoring Reports - Parametnx WIll update the sampling and
analysis plan (SAP) and pOSSIbly reduce the sampling frequency to twIce annually.
Parametrix will provide technIcal aSSIstance and peer review of groundwater momtonng
reports prepared by the City. Parametnx WIll prepare and submit to Ecology and CCHD
the annual groundwater momtoring report. ThIS report will mclude the findmgs of the
fourth quarter sampling (to be prepared by the CIty).
Task 2.3 Amend Development and Closure and OperatLOns and Maintenance Plans -
Parametrix WIll meet WIth landfill staff to Identify deSIred modIfications or changes m
conditIOns to the eXIsting Landfill Closure Plan and the eXIstmg OperatIOns and
Maintenance Manual pursuant to reqUIrements of WAC 173-351. Parametnx WIll
prepare the modIficatIons or changes in the form of an amendment that WIll be submItted
to CCHD for mclusion m the eXIsting plans.
Task 2.4 Landfill NPDES Permit Support - Parametnx WIll, WIth Ecology's mput,
finalIze the storm water management plan m order to clear the way for planned
Improvements. ThIS WIll mclude a meetmg WIth Ecology to dISCUSS and valIdate the
CIty'S plan for stormwater management and development of a final plan based on
Ecology's mput.
Task 2.5 Site Development Permit Support - Parametnx WIll evaluate permit
reqUIrements for closure, post closure, and transfer statIon operatIOns. Determme SEP A,
NEPA, FAA, USDA, OAPCA, Ecology, EPA, WDNR, FfW or other permit reqUIrements
related to long range development and post closure mamtenance plans. Parametnx will
coordmate WIth CIty staff to ensure no duplicatIon of efforts with work bemg performed
for the PAWTP.
Task 2.6 Shoreline Improvement Permit Support - ParametrIx will continue to aSSIst the
CIty with permittmg efforts aSSOCIated WIth the shorelme Improvements. ThIS support
will include meetmgs with agenCIes includmg DNR, Ecology, FISh and WIldlIfe and
other mterested partIes. ParametrIx wIll work WIth City plannmg staff to coordinate he
publIc process and meet conditional use reqUIrements as needed. Parametrix will review
and respond to comments from agencies and resolve outstandmg issues from existmg
permIt applicatIOns. Parametnx WIll gIve a presentation at a publIc meeting as reqUIred.
City of Port Angeles
Landfill Engmeermg 2004
January 2004
Deliverables: Parametnx will prepare the followmg work products:
. Draft and Fmal SolId Waste Operatmg Permit submIttals for calendar year 2004
. Draft and Fmal reVIsed Field SamplIng Plan
. Final Annual Groundwater Momtonng Report.
. Amendments to the Closure Plan and Operations and Maintenance Plans.
. Fmal revised NPDES Permit and SWPPP and associated monitonng plan.
. Techmcal Memorandum detaIlmg permItting strategy for landfill closure and post-
closure development.
. Revised and addItional permIts for shoreline Improvements.
. A techmcal presentation on shoreline Improvements at a publIc meetmg.
· Written response to mspectIOn reports from the Health Department or Department of
G Correspondence necessary to coordmate solid waste operatIOns wIth outsIde
Assumptions: The Scope of Work and cost esttmate IS based on the followmg assumptIOns:
· The City will provide data necessary to complete the 2005 SolId Waste Annual
Report. This includes but is not lImIted to closure fund financial analYSIS, disposal
and scale records, waste screening reports, regulatory mspection summanes, and
other operatIOnal records mamtamed by CIty personnel and reqUIred for inclUSIOn m
the permIt submIttal.
. City staff WIll prepare groundwater momtoring reports for submIttal to Ecology.
. One meeting will be held wIth CIty staff to dISCUSS amendments to the O&M and
DCP plans.
· One meetmg wIll be held wIth Ecology and DNR staff tor esolve issues wIth the
shorelIne permIttmg process. ThIS may mclude a site walk.
· One public meeting will be held to fulfill requirements of the shorelIne permitting
process. Parametnx will prepare a presentatIOn for this meeting.
· The City WIll prOVIde Parametrix with copIes of each groundwater momtoring report
m electromc and hard copy format.
City of Port Angeles
Landfill Engmeenng 2004
January 2004
. The draft permit submIttal wIll be complete by December 15,2004. The final wIll be
submItted based on comments receIved from the City and Health Department.
. The CIty wIll pay all permIt fees aSSOCIates WIth the submittal.
Parametnx wIll complete Task 2 servIces for $45,046.
Task 3
Waste Export System Acquisition
Parametrix will work wIth CIty Staff t 0 define waste export system requirements and
prepare bId documents for the competItIve selectIOn of contractors. The City will solicIt
bIds from vendors for the folloWIng programs:
. Transfer Station desIgn and construction
. Transfer StatIOn operations and maintenance
. Long haul and dIsposal of wastes
Primary bId options wIll Include:
. RecyclIng operatIOns
. Co-compo sting operations
. Moderate nsk waste facIlIty operatIOns.
. Landfill post closure maintenance
. CurbSIde recyclIng pickup
SpeCIfic components of thIS work include:
Task 3 1 RFP Design and Preparation - Parametrix and subconsultants wIll proVIde
technIcal assistance to develop the RFP structure and determIne roles and responsIbIlitIes
of all partICIpants dunng the procurement process. This WIll Include two meetIngs In Port
Angeles to organIze a nd compIle RFP contents, p resent bid optIOns, define terms and
lImIts, evaluate lease-buyback alternatIves, and determIne the procurement selection
cntena and schedule. Parametnx wIll develop general critena for operatIOns and faclhty
Parametnx, workIng WIth subconsultants wIll prepare and Issue to the CIty a draft RFP
for reVIew. We WIll Incorporate reVIew comments and prepare 5 hard copIes and an
electronIc copy of the RFP for bidding
Task 3.2 Biddinf! Assistance - Parametrlx and subconsultants will aSSIst CIty staff,
respond to requests for clanfication, requests for Information from contractors, and issue
addenda. Parametnx and subcontractors wIll aSSIst III review of bIds, and review and
make recommendatIOns on the contractor's design. Parametrix will assist the CIty WIth
Cuy of Port Angeles
Landfill Engmeermg 2004
January 2004
requests for Best and Fmal offers (If reqmred) and provIde recommendatIOns for final
selectIOn of a contractor.
Task 3.3 Rate Analvsis SUlJlJort - Parametrix will provide support and review of rate
analYSIS performed by others for the CIty. Parametrlx WIll provIde mformatIOn on capItal
costs, operational consideratIOns, and WIll help coordinate data compIlatton and analYSIS.
Deliverables: Parametnx will prepare the following work products:
. Technical Memorandum on RFP desIgn.
. RFP OutlIne based on informatton obtamed during Task 3.1.
. Draft and Fmal Waste Export RFP for blddmg of the planned system.
. Up to 2 RFI's are needed to facIlItate the bid process.
. A memorandum makmg a recommendatton for selectIOn of a contractor (mcludmg
the CIty).
Assumptions: The Scope of Work and cost estimate is based on the followmg assumptIOns:
. The CIty WIll plan and SOhClt advertlsmg of the RFP
. The CIty WIll reproduce and Issue the RFP for bId.
. Parametnx WIll attend one meetmg at the sIte wIth prospecttve bIdders to answer
final questIOns after the release of the RFP.
. Parametrix WIll prOVIde a draft RFP for review and approval
· Parametnx WIll make one presentatIOn to the UAC or CIty CounCIl.
. There will be a maXImum of 3 RFP team meetmgs
. There WIll be a maXImum of 8 bId opttons
. The RFP WIll be issued in a desIgn/bmld/operate/mamtam format
. The CIty WIll prepare finanCIal and legal elements of the RFP.
Parametnx will complete Task 3 servIces for $56,477.
Task 4
Design Services
Under the current construction schedule, the CIty WIll InIttate sIte development in 2004
and proceed through 2008. ThIs task covers desIgn servIces reqmred m 2004. The
desIgns for bId WIll include constructIOn documents.
Cay of Port Angeles
Landfill Engmeermg 2004
January 2004
SpecIfic components of thIS work mclude:
Task 4.1 Phase I Storm water Imvrovements - ThIS work IS a complete desIgn for
stormwater Improvements m the vIcImty of the co-composting facility and a 30% desIgn
for the final sIte-wIde stormwater system. The design focus IS on mtegratmg constructIOn
controls and P A WTP final wIth sIte-wide management plan.
Task 4.2 Co-composting Improvements - ThIS work mvolves the expansion of the
eXIstmg aeratIOn system to 3 bays and mstalhng new asphalt storage and working area
design WIth dramage control. Parametrix WIll coordmate WIth ECS and price-Moon
Enterprises. DeSIgn WIll focus on improving grades, dramage and access on the south and
west of the facihty. ThIS WIll be bid concurrently with the eXIstmg gas system expanSIOn
for Cell 3.
Task 4.3 Shoreline Improvements - ThIs work involves defining construction condIttons
and methods to be used dunng construction of a revetment during 2006-2007. Work
reqUlred in 2004 WIll evaluate shorehne condItIons and finahze deSIgn cntena WIth the
intent of completing a 10% deSIgn by the end of 2004. The 10% deSIgn WIll be used to
validate presumed constructIOn methods and incorporate changes required by the
permitting agenCIes in preparatton Design cnteria to be finalized include: bathymetry,
tidal flux to determine stagmg needs, mIttgation cntena from permIttmg agenCIes, anchor
trench configuratton, toe configuration, rock SIze, erosion control, gradmg and waste
management, slope restoratton, deSIgn hfe, and coastal engmeenng deSIgn.
Parametnx WIll perform a senes of tasks as follows:
. Bathymetric Survey
Parametrix will complete a multIbeam bathymetry survey of the nearshore zone seaward
of the stabihzatIOn area to prOVIde data for coastal engmeenng analyses and to confirm
the area is clear of naVIgatIOnal hazards to allow importmg rock by barge.Bathymetry
data IS needed as an mput to the coastal engmeenng deSIgn task (Task 4) to allow
assessment of future beach erOSIOn, SIze rock, evaluate wave run-up, and other analyses.
A Parametnx oceanographer WIll complete a multtbeam sonar survey of an area
approxImately 1,000 feet long and extending approxImately 200 feet seaward from the
MHHW lme.
. Geotechnical Investigations
Geotechmcal work completed by AMEC m February and May 2002 mcludes 1) reVIew
of hIstoncal geotechnical data, and 2) completion of 4 bonngs at the top of the bluff and
6 borings on the beach at the toe of the bluff. Bonngs on the bluff were successfully
completed, and no addIttonal bluff geotechnIcal work is proposed. Borings completed on
the beach met refusal a t depths of 3 to 4 feet due to the I ight duty rig used, a nd are
therefore of limited value.
The goal of the 2004 investtgatIOn IS to complete a geotechnIcal investtgatIOn to evaluate
1) stabihty of the solid waste fill and stabIlity of the beach stabihzation measures, both
dunng and after constructton, and 2) stabihty of construction access.
City of Port Angeles
Landfill Engmeermg 2004
January 2004
. .
Parametnx proposes to retam AMEC to complete the geotechnIcal investIgatIOns and
analyses. AMEC wIll complete the followmg work:
. Engmeenng desIgn analyses of slope stabIlIty and other factors to support desIgn of
the stabilIzation design, refuse excavatIon, slope regrading, and constructIon
. Complete four test pItS to 15 to 20 feet deep on the beach between MHHW and the
toe of the bluff to provIde desIgn data for anchonng the proposed revetment. ThIs
task would provIde direct VIsual observatIon of soIls, and provide Improved
IdentificatIon of site condItIons compared to bonngs.
. Complete four 50-foot deep borings on the beach between MHHW and the toe of the
slope to prOVIde desIgn data for sheet pIlmg at the toe of the proposed stabilIzatIOn
structure and prevent future undermining of the revetment.
. Coastal Engineering Design
The proposed s cope of work for 2004 is intended to assIst incompletIOn of t he final
design of the revetment during 2005. InformatIOn gathered wIll be used to develop desIgn
cntena and prelIminary plans and specIficatIOns provIded. Parametnx wIll complete
analyses of the following:
. Long-term shorelIne erOSIOn and longshore transport
. Downdnft impacts to adjacent propertIes.
. Flankmg and shorelIne stabIlization structure end protectIOn.
. Wmd, wave, and swell heights.
. Design cnteria for shorelme stabilIzation, mcludmg rock size, toe elevatIons, and
crest elevatIOns.
Coastal engineenng analyses wIll IdentIfy exposure condItions appropnate for desIgn of a
"50-year desIgn lIfe," whIle r ecognIzmg that msufficIent h Istoncal data IS a vmlable to
document the statIstIcal return pen ods of extreme events.
Parametrix wIll retam a coastal engmeenng subconsultant to complete the followmg
. Task A - Assess SIte and Gather EXIstmg Data
. Task B - Coastal Engmeenng Analyses and DesIgn
. Task C - Non-DIrectIonal Wave Momtonng
City of Port Angeles
Landfill Engineermg 2004
January 2004
For Task B, the sub consultant wIll complete modelmg of wave condItions and longshore
transport at the sIte. Long-term wmd records are reportedly avaIlable from the Port
Angeles airport, and can provIde a baSIS for assessmg extreme storm events at the sIte.
CollectIon of sIte-specIfic wave data m )'ask C, together WIth wmd data collected
sImultaneously at the aIrport, WIll allow for cahbratIon of the wave hmdcastmg and
longshore transport model.
. Shoreline Survey
In order to understand the eroSIOn rate along the shoreline, a survey will be performed
using set benchmarks (the eXIsting shoreline wells) as measurement pomts to measure
erOSIOn from the hIllSIde and evaluate the effects of tIdal actIon over time. Random gnd
points wIll be determined along the hIllSIde area and WIll be penodIcally measured
(quarterly) during 2004 and 2005 from the benchmark pomts.
Deliverables: Parametnx wIll prepare the followmg work products:
. A 10% design report summarizing changes to the prelimmary design, the results of
the bathymetrIC survey, geotechnical work and coastal engmeering design, cost
estimate, and constructIon plan.
Assumptions: The Scope of Work and cost estImate IS based on the followmg assumptions:
. No weather delays will be incurred
. Honzontal accuracy will be the best aVailable usmg DIfferentIal GPS (at thIS time
apprOXImately 0.5-1.0 meter usmg the nearest aVailable USCG beacon at Robmson
. Single-beam hydrographIC data wIll be collected concurrently to aSSIst in venfymg
accuracy of multIbeam soundmgs. AddItIonally, a mInImUm of 3 lead-hne point
depth measurements, preCIsely pOSItIoned wIthm the survey area will be measured
across the SIte covenng the range of depths.
· Measurements wIll be done as a supplementary venficatIOn check on the multibeam
system for assessment of overall depth accuracy. It IS expected the survey will
require one day to complete, plus one day to mobIlize the vessel from Seattle to Port
Angeles and 1/2-day to complete the cahbratIon.
· The horizontal reference datum will be m US survey feet, Washmgton State Plane,
North Zone, NAD83. The survey WIll be camed out m accordance WIth the U.S.
Army Corps of Engmeers (USACE) Class I gUIdelmes, as descnbed m USACE EM
1110-2-1003, Hydrographic Survey Manual (USACE 1994).
· A recordmg tide gauge wIll be installed at an appropnate location near the survey
area, or an eXIstmg tIdal gauge at a nearby locatIon will be used.
City of Port Angeles
Landfill Engmeermg 2004
January 2004
. All hydrographic data wIll be tIde corrected and adjusted to the Mean Lower Low
Water (MLL W) datum.
. Pnor geotechmcal mvestIgatIons of refuse and soIl conditIons on the bluff slopes are
adequate for complete desIgn. If any condItIons are observed that negate this
assumptIOn, addItIonal slope geotechnical work may be warranted.
. Coastal Engmeenng desIgn analyses wIll be based on published avaIlable data from
NOAA and 0 ther sources, whIch may bel imited in scope, representatIveness, and
histoncal penod.
. Complete coastal engineermg design analyses m accordance with recommendations
in the USACE Coastal Engineenng Manual.
. Parametnx staff wIll attend two meetings wIth City staff and regulatory agencies to
dISCUSS design and changes to the plan based on comments received during the
permitmg process.
. A total of 8 engineenng sheets WIll be prepared to support the 30% design report.
. The revetment IdentIfied m the corrective action plan is the preferred alternatIve.
Parametnx wIll complete Task 4 servIces for $135,165.
NPDES Permit Support
Parametnx WIll proVIde a sedIment momtonng and outfall evaluatIOn as reqUIred by
Waste DIscharge PermIt No. W A0023973.
SpeCIfic components of thIS work include:
Task 5.1 Sediment Monitoring Negotiations -results of baselme sedIment momtonng
mdlcate that sedIment quahty m the vlcimty of one CSO discharge does not comply with
Sediment Management Standards (Chapter 173-204 WAC). The Sediment Source
Control Standards User Manual, Appendix B: Sediment Sampling and Analysis Plan
(Ecology 1 995) states that when the standards are exceeded, a SedIment Impact Zone
(SIZ) authonzatIon IS hkely to be necessary. The purpose of thIS task IS to prOVIde the
CIty of Port Angeles wIth technIcal support m negotIatmg further reqUIrements resulting
from Ecology's mterpretatIOn of the SedIment Data Report that presents the results of
2003 sedIment momtoring. ThIs task WIll mclude meetmg WIth the City and Ecology to
negotIate further requirements, developmg a plan to collect the informatIOn reqUIred to
support SIZ modeling, or proposmg a dIfferent strategy to address Ecology concerns.
The speCIfic actIVItIes and dehverables under thIS Task will depend on the response from
Ecology m revlewmg the SedIment Data Report.
Task 5.2 Ravonier Outfall Sediments Evaluation -The City of Port Angeles and Rayomer
have drafted an agreement to assIgn the DNR lease for the Rayonier outfall to the City.
Parametnx WIll conclude our evaluation, begun m 2003, of sediment condItIons in the
outfall vlclmty and prepare a recommendatIOn to the City of Port Angeles on the potentIal
Cuy of Port Angeles
Landfill Engmeermg 2004
January 2004
, .
nsks assocIated with sedIment contammatIOn, If any. Parametnx wIll review a copy of
sectIOns of the 1997 EP A Expanded SIte Investigation to determme the nature and extent
'Of sedIment qualIty compared to SedIment Management Standards. Parametnx WIll also
contact the Department of Ecology and discuss their mterpretatIOn of existmg sedIment
quahty mformation and future monitonng requirements.
Deliverables: Parametnx antICIpates the followmg work products for thIS task:
. Parametnx will prepare a technical memorandum presentmg our review of eXIstmg
sedIment qualIty data, documentmg our dIScussIons with Ecology, and provIdmg our
recommendations regardmg the potentIal nsks and alternatIve approaches assocIated
wIth sedIment contammation, If any.
Assumptions: ThIS Scope of Work and cost estImate IS based on the followmg assumptIOns:
. No further sediment sampling and chemIcal or biologIcal analyses will be conducted
under thIS task. No outfall evaluatIon work is included because the remobtlizatIOn
and further outfall and dIffuser mspectIOn budgeted m 2003 and scheduled for 2004
will satIsfy Ecology requirements for outfall eva~uation.
. ThIS scope of work does not mclude an evaluatIOn of phYSIcal condItion of the
Rayomer outfall nor an engmeenng reVIew of the outfall. No addItIonal sedIment
charactenzatIon work IS proposed at this tIme to support the outfall acqUIsItIon.
. The CIty of Port Angeles WIll obtam a copy of the 1997 EP A document, or the
requested sectIOns of thIS document, for Parametnx to review. Parametnx does not
assume any responsIbIlIty for the accuracy or completeness of the data that we
reVIew. Future momtoring of sedIments m the outfall area could dIscover
contammants that were not found in past momtonng efforts.
Cost: EstImated costs for the NPDES permItting support IS $9,114
Construction Support Services
This element of work WIll mvolve provIding on sIte constructIOn support servIces dunng
vanous activItIes planned for 2004 includmg stormwater system Improvements, co-
compostmg faCIlIty Improvements, and gas system mstallatIOn.
SpecIfic components of thIS work include:
Task 6 J Storm water Svstem Improvements - Parametrix WIll provIde constructIon
support for the CIty dunng stormwater utIlIty construction. Parametnx staff WIll aSSIst
CIty staff in ensunng contractor complIance WIth scope of work and quality mspectIons.
Task 6.2 C o-composting Improvements - P arametnx WIll prOVIde constructIon support
for the CIty dunng co-compo sting utIlIty constructIon. Parametnx staff WIll aSSIst CIty
staffm ensunng contractor complIance WIth scope of work and qualIty mspections.
Cay of Port Angeles
Landfill Engmeermg 2004
January 2004
, .
Task 6.3 Gas System InstallatIOn - Parametnx wIll provIde constructIOn support for the
CIty dunng gas system utIlity installatIOn. Parametnx staff wIll assIst CIty staff m
ensunng contractor complIance wIth scope of work and qualIty inspectIOns.
Task 6.4 Transfer Station Contractor Administrative Support - Parametrix wIll provIde
support for the CIty followmg contractor selectIon for a 6-month penod followmg the
RFP process. T hIS WIll mclude coordmation of schedule and general a SSIstance to the
CIty wIth contractor management dunng 2004.
Deliverables: Parametrix will prepare the following work products:
. Trip reports for each sIte VISIt (16 reports)
Assumptions: The Scope of Work and cost estimate is based on the followmg assumptIOns:
. Attendance at one pre-bId meeting, and one pre-construction meetmg for each
constructIon event.
. One intenm VISIt during each construction event.
. Final construction mspectIon wIth City staff for each constructIOn event.
Parametnx wIll complete Task 6 serVIces for $21,329
Conditional and Optional Support Services
Parametnx WIll provIde additIOnal support on several tasks at the CIty'S sole option and
at theIr specIfic direction. Each optIOnal Item WIll be mdIVIdually authonzed by the CIty
on a case-by-case basIs.
Task 7.1 Construction Debris Planning -ThIs task will be performed upon receIpt of the
CPG grant fundmg from Ecology]arametrIx wIll assIst the CIty m development of long-
range planmng and polIcy development for dIversion of constructIon debns (CD). ThIS
effort wIll include estimatmg CD wastes county wIde, IdentIfymg pnvate sector dIsposal
alternatIves, and developmg methods of dIversIOn of thIS waste stream from landfill and
future transfer statIOn operatIOns. Funds for thIS work are from CPG grants obtamed from
Ecology ($14,814).
Task 7.2 Prepare City Counter-bid - ThIs task wIll be performed if the CIty decIdes to
act as a partICIpant in the RFP process and competitIvely bId on the DBOM of the
transfer statIOn. ParametrIx wIll develop a 30% design of a transfer statIon and all
components of work being bId m the RFP to allow the CIty to compete on cost dunng the
RFP. Parametrix will update the engmeermg constructIOn estImate to faCIlItate
reasonableness of bIds receIved. ThIs task wIll only be performed If the City deCIdes to
compete m the Waste Export System RFP process ($22,545).
Task 7.3 Moderate Risk Waste Facilzty Design - ThIS task wIll be performed If the CPG
Supplemental grant from Ecology IS obtained. Parametrix wIll complete a 90% desIgn of
the moderate nsk waste handlmg faCIlIty to be mcorporated into the faCIlIty following
closure of the landfill and constructIOn of the transfer station facilIty. Exact locatIOn of
CIty of Port Angeles
Landfill Engmeermg 2004
January 2004
, .
thIS facihty wIll be determmed m coordmatIOn wIth the contractor (or the CIty) that IS
selected dunng the RFP process (Task 3). If the supplemental grant IS not obtamed, thIS
task wIll not be performed, and desIgn and constructIOn of the facIhty wIll be
mcorporated mto the RFP or deferred to 2005 at the CIty'S dIscretIOn. DesIgn of the
Moderate RIsk Waste FacIhty wIll only occur if fundmg IS obtamed from Supplemental
CPG grants. Fmal deSIgn and bId documents wIll be prepared m 2005 ($48,067).
Deliverables: Parametrix will prepare the followmg work products:
. DocumentatIon to support 30%, 60% and 90% design will be performed for
constructIon of a Moderate RIsk Waste handhng facIhty during 2005.
. A set of 30% deSIgn documents for all aspects of the waste export system, mcludmg
a cost estimate for the CIty desIgnmg, bUIldmg operatmg and maintammg the system.
. Technical Memorandum on CD diversIOn planning.
Assumptions: The Scope of Work and cost estImate IS based on the followmg assumptIOns:
. Attendance at: one pre-bId meetmg, and one pre-constructIOn meetmg,
. One interim VISIt during constructIon.
. Fmal construction mspectIOn WIth City staff
Parametnx wIll complete Task 7 servIces for costs descnbed above.
Directed Services
ThIs element of work provides for unforeseen engmeermg or other servIces that may be
reqUIred dunng the contract duratIOn. ThIS effort wIll typIcally mvolve constructIOn
observatIon and inCIdental deSIgn for mmor repairs or improvements. SpecIfic work
assignments wIll require a negotIated scope, budget and schedule and written dIrectIOn
from the City on proceedmg WIth the work.
Parametnx wIll complete Task 8 services for $50,000.
City of Port Angeles
Landfill Engmeermg 2004
January 2004
Task 1
Engmeenng AssIstance for SolId Waste Management ......................................................... $89,075
Task 2
PermItting and compliance Support... .......... ....... ......................... ............... ........... ............... $45,046
Task 3
Waste Export System AcquisitIOn ........ ...................... ............ ......... .......... ......... ..... ............. $56,477
Task 4
DesIgn ServIces... ..... ............................. ............. ....................... ......... .......... ............ ........... $135,165
Task 5
NPDES Permit Support........... ........ ..... .............................. .................. ........................... ........ $9,114
Task 6
Construction Support ServIces.............................................................................................. $21,329
Task 8
DIrected Services.................................................................................................................. $50,000
BUDGET TOTAL .................................................. $426,027
Task 7 (Optional Services) ... . .. ................... ........... ........ ......... ..................................... ......... ......... ..... ........ ....
Task 1.1 Construction Debns P1anmng....................................................... . . .. ... . .... . .... ... . . ... . $14,814
Task 7.2 Prepare CIty Counter-bId........................... ................. ................................. .............. ..... ...... $22,545
Task 7.3 Moderate Risk Waste FacIlIty Design .................................................................................. $48,067
Cay of Port Angeles
Landfill Engzneerzng 2004
January 2004
Exhibit B
PROJECT: Landfill Engineering and Environmental Services
CLIENT: City of Port Angeles
PMX# BILLING PlllIect Managing Project PlllIect Englneenng EnVIronmental
STAFF Manager/Sr Staff Engineer Staff Saenllsl: CADOI Graph", Project Coordmator ClencallAdmln
2352191008-Phase 2 MULTIPLIER Eng Pnnctpal En91neel' Sctenbst Ted1 Ted1 Expense
TASK SubTask ORG CODE 310 BILL RATES $1259' $14531 $11141 $10850 $8525 $7363 $8781 $5813 $8761 $839. $5000 HOURS TolalFee TASK TOTAL
1 Operallons-Englneenng Ass!. $69,635
11 Fill Sequence 2 1 6 40 8 12 2 2 73 $6,042 $6,042
12 Site Life VenficatJon 2 4 12 24 2 44 $3,325 $3,325
13 Gas System Mo",lonng 24 8 4 2 38 $3,712 $3,712
1,4 General Operabons Assistance 96 80 40 40 40 40 8 48 12 404 $40,830 $40,830
15 Project ManagemenVCoordlOanon 96 16 8 16 136 $15,727 $15,727
2 Compliance Support $45,046
21 Solid Waste Permit 4 2 32 16 8 4 2 68 $5,599 $5,599
22 Groundwater Reports/SAP 4 60 40 60 16 12 8 200 $15,699 $15,699
23 Amend DCP and OM Plan 2 1 16 12 8 6 2 1 48 $4,330 $4,330
24 NPDES Permrt Support 8 2 24 6 16 8 4 2 70 $6,467 $6,467
25 Site Development PermlttJn9 2 8 24 6 40 $3,573 $3,573
26 Shoreline Permits 32 2 16 8 16 16 6 96 $9,379 $9,379
3 Waste Export AcqUlsrtJon $26,777
31 RFP Deslgn/Preparanon 8 48 64 40 24 16 200 $18,486 $18,486
32 BlddlOg Assistance 2 16 16 16 2 52 $4,785 $4,785
33 Rate AnalysIs Support 2 16 4 6 2 30 $3,506 $3,506
4 Design SelVlces $58,165
41 Stormwater Facdlbes 16 2 60 48 6 48 96 12 6 294 $24,356 $24,356
42 Co-composbn9 Improvements 2 4 8 40 32 12 2 100 $8,172 $8,172
43 Shoreline Improvements 60 12 80 16 12 40 24 20 264 $25,637 $25,637
5 Waste Water Ubllty Support $9,114
51 Sediment Mo",tonn9 Negobabons 2 8 16 16 8 8 58 $5,010 $5,010
52 Rayo",er Outfall Sediments Evaluabon 2 16 8 8 4 38 $4,104 $4,104
6 Construcbon Support Services $21,329
61 Slormwater Improvements 2 24 8 6 2 42 $3,952 $3,952
62 Gas System Observanon 2 24 8 6 2 42 $3,952 $3,952
63 Co-composbog F aCllibes 2 24 8 6 2 42 $3,952 $3,952
64 RFP Contractor Support 16 32 16 8 6 2 80 $9,474 $9,474
8 Directed SelVlces $50,000 $50,000
labor Subtotal 364 258 368 68 266 98 188 100 306 238 107 2459 $280,065 $280,065
Exhibit B
PROJECT: Landfill Engineering and Environmental Services
CLIENT: City of Port Angeles
PMX# BILLING ProJ<Cl ManaW"9 PrOject Proj<Cl I SlaffE"9lneer Engmeenng Environmental
MULTIPLIER STAFF Manager/Sr Pnnclpal Engineer Saenltsl Staff Saenbst Tech Tech CADOIGraphlcs PTOjectCoordlll8tor ClencallAdmm
2352191008-Phase 2 E"9 TOTAL SubTask 8q>ense
TASK T SubTask I ORG CODE 310 BILL RATES $12594 $145 31 111141 $10850 I $8525 17363 $6781 $5813 $6781 $6394 $5000 HOURS Total Fee TASK TOTAL
In-House Expense Item Number Umt Cost Umt Direct Cost Task Element ~ .0 - ;)id&~Jit:
Mileage 4,000 $036 mile $1,44000 Mulltple Tasks (billed In Task 1) -- ; $1,440
Reproducbon 6,000 $005 sheet $300 00 Mulltple Tasks (billed In Task 1) $300
Plots 100 $100 sheet $10000 Mullbple Tasks (billed In Task 1) - $100
~(';; ,
Outside Expenses Descnpbon Direct Cost I Markup % .""'i."" ifl ' ' / f"; ,i>"I
BoaUD,ve Loglsbcs $9,00000 10% Bathymetnc Survey, Task 4 $9,900
Other Expenses ;
, f
Clint Stanovsky $22,00000 10% RPF DeslgnlWnbng/Bld ReView (Task 3) r ~; ~?p $24,200
Be01man and Henninger $5,00000 10% RFP SupportlQA (Task 3) * $5,500
NorthWest T emtones $16,00000 10% Site Life Venficabon/Shorellne Survey (Task 1) ) $17,600
Subconsultants AMEC $50,00000 10% Geotechnical Assessment (shoreline) (Task 4) ;~;' $55,000
~c ~~ >~,~
/~A:" / ~, ~zi
Pacific Internabonal $20,00000 10% Coastal Engineering DeSign (shoreline) (Task 4) !;)" 'ii, "/4' <lib" $22,000
7 Opbonal Services I
71 Construcbon Demollbon Waste Planning 20 16 24 48 24 24 12 168 $14,814 $14,814
72 Prepare City counter 16 ~ 64 64 100 252 $22,545 $22,545
73 Moderate Risk Waste FacIlity deSign 32 16 160 48 40 148 32 40 516 $45,067 $3,000 $48,067
Prepared By
Approved By
(Project Manager)
(Office Manager)
PAGE 20F 2
ID T..!~_~~~~____________________________J Duratl~l~___ FInish
1 Operatlon.Englnee-rlng Assl I 240 days Mon 2/2104 FrI12/31/04
1 1 Fill Sequence 65 days Man 3/1/04 ,- - Fn 10/29/04
1 2 Site Life Verification 65 days; Mon 3/1104 Fn 10/29/04
1 3 Gas System Monltonng 22 -days Thu 7/1104 Fn 7/30/04
---6--- 1 4 General Operations Assistance 240 days Man 2/2104 : Fn 12131/04
---r- 1 5 Project Management/Coordination 240 days Mon 2/2104 Fn 12131104
2 Compliance Support 240 days Mon 2/2/04 FrI12131/04
2 1 Solid Waste Permit 45 days Man 11/1/04 Fn 12131104
~10 2 2 Groundwater Reports/SAP B7 days -Mon-311i04-- Fn 12131/04
11 23 Amend DC? and OM Plan 66 days Fn 10/1/04 Fn 12131/04
12 24 NPDES PermIt Support 240 days Mon 2/2/04 Fn 12/31/04
--13 25 Site Development Permlttmg 240 days Man 212104 Fn 12131/04
--1<1 26 Shoreline Permits B6 days t Man 212104 Man 5/31/04
15 3 Waste Export Acquisition 96 days Mon 2/2/04 Mon 6/14/04
16 3 1 RFP DeSign/PreparatIOn B7 days Mon 2/2104 Tue 6/1/04
17 3 2 Bidding ASSistance 96 days Mon 212104 Man 6/14/04
---1jj--~ 3 3 Rate AnalysIs Support 43 days Man 212104 Wed 3/31/04
19 4 Design Services 240 days Mon 2/2/04 FrI12/31/04
20 4 1 Stormwater Facilities 109 days, Tue 312104 Fn 7/30/04
21 42 Co-compostlng Improvements 43 days Mon 2/2/04 Wed 313-1/04
22 43 Shoreline Improvements 154 d-ays Tue 6/1/04 Fn 12131/04
-23-- 5 Waste Wala, Utility Support 65 days Mon 2/2/04 ~ Frl 4/30/04
24 5 1 Sediment MOnltorlng Negotiations 45 days Man 3/1/04 Fn 4/30/04
25- 52 Rayonler Outfall Sediments EvaluatIon 65 days: Mon 2/2/04 Fn 4/30/04
~ 6 Construction Support Services 240 days Man 212104- FrI12/31/04
27 6 1 Stormwater Improvements 44 days' Tue 6/1/04 Fn 7/30/04
2B 6 2 Gas System Observation 22 days Thu 7/1/04 Fn 7/30/04
~- 63 Co-compestlng FaCIlities 43 days Man 2/2104 Thu 4/1/04
30 6 4 RFP Contractor Support 154 days Tue 6/1/04 Fn 12131/04
31 7 Optional Services 240 days Man 212/04 . FrI12131/04
32 7 1 Construction Demolition Waste PlannIng, 111 days Man 3/1/04 Man 812104
~ 7 2 Prepare CIty counter 87 days Mon 2/2/04 Tue 6/1/04
34 73 Moderate Risk Waste FaCIlity deSIgn 154 days Tue 6/1/04 Fn 12/31/04
35 8 Directed Services 240 days Mon 2/2/04 FrI12131/04
City ot Port Angeles
2004 Landfill Engmeenng & EnVironmental ServIces
Exhibit C
11st Quarter
Dec i __~~__-<
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