HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.675 Original Contract 05/03/2004 12:15 8002340485 LEASING SERVICES PAGE 01 5.~7S GreJtAnH~1 iL3 - . ' ISIlI: ~ Lease Agreement G",tAmenca ~~~. e2! ~t S!/ftt 5E. PO Box rog c_ Rapids. lA 5Z401.ol109 Lease NO~ 55 f ~ ~ -~ S' ..... \ QUIlIbly ~~ \ = ~ MONTHLY RENTAL PAYJlIEHTS OF S '.001 a lus tax PURCHASE OmON: FAIR ftlARKET VALUE Q Sl.00 or SECURITY DEPOSIr S ~ Q OTHER (~,. of equipment ~ost) lJA5E AGaI'(M!NT AND fUSs You (the l~sea lpl!oliall alllM!) ",nt to KqVira tint all~ EqUl~"",nt from Vendor. You want Us. GrutAmtli~a l.e.s1ng ClJIllOration. to bYy ttle Eqllipment a"4 then lelSt 1t to You. Tim l.easl Agl'Ctlllleftt (thi$ LKse) will be;ln on the date tile EquiClIllent I~ c1ellvmd to lau (ot .ny ~ IIate We de$ignal/l). We may a.111je 'fDlJ a If>lISIlnQ~ ~ to CCMlf doc1ml.m:at1an and wle5tlgmon costs. Th'$ LAse i$ NON..(AtlCELLAlLE fOR TIll I!tmltE LIASf mM. YOU UNDO$LUlD THAT Wl lUtE IUYDlG nil EClUJPMPfT lIA5P ON YOUR UItCDtlDlTlOMAL ACCl!rTMCE Of !ME I EQUIPMENT A"1l '/'OUR !'WON1Sl 'fl) PAY US U"DEl TIlE rUMS OF TH1S WSE. wlTtlOUT stT..offS, MN IF 1M! !QUIPlllOO DOES NOT WOkk 'PIlDPfRLY OR 15 DAMAGED FOR ANY IlE~ON, I [/tCUJDlIlfi RIASOtU THAT ME PlOT YOUR FAULT. If any .mount payable to Us 1$ nat pailS when due, You WIll pay Us . "late c~arge' ecrw\ tel: 1) tn. ~ater l1f ten (10) cents I 'or ~ch cIo\\.Ir D'leldu. 9' ~fix dollilrs ($26.00); Of Z) ~. hlgll6t lawful cha~ w11lchevet Is less. NO WARRAN1Y: We are ltas1ng tilt Equlpl1lfl'1t to You \ AS IS. We do nllt I'/llInufi.c;tura the ~Q1I1pcnent and are not: ,elated to the Vendor. Vall select" tile Equ'Pllletlt anll tile Venda~ based on your 0\IIIl jUGgmlllnt. Vou NY eonatt the Venoor far a stiCIIIll1tllt of till warranties. " any. l:hat the I Venda, or lIIanufKtu"" Is pro,,;ding. W. hlrelly ~gs1 to YOII tfte warranties giv.n to Us, 1f any. WE KAItE NO WARRANTIES. EXPROS 01 IMPlIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF ,"!.CMANTA.UlTY 011 nnclSS I FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, IN COM"ECTtON WIt'H TIllS \-psi. You igllIl to sew any disPllle You tlIay have I regardi"g perrorm.1lnee of tile Equipment dlrect1y .vf1l1 the man..ntcturer or \hi ndor. ,EOUlPMElIT US( AN D 11("'11, You agrn tl'l. \ EQ\llpmenl WIll 0. used fur b\jJ:ln8S& ~\lrposes only. 'Iou are r,~pol\Sible for It!epmg tin, Eqlnpment 1n 900d WOdring order Except for nOllllal wear and t.af. You ... respOft.ible for any dama~ or 1000ts to th. ~Illp",ant. We aJll not I ,.sDon51l>lo fer. and YoU wi\llndamnlfy Us against. any cl.ims. losses or damages, inclUding ilttarmeyfees, Rlated to your use or pOlSessian lJf the EQul~ment. In no event shall We b. .....polloll" for allJ COllnqlllllt1l1 or lftdfrett A"'''' eND OF TEIIt: If YOIl fall to 1) l'l!tIIm ttlll E'llllp""nt M ~P<<1fled belllw .t the end l1f the Ins!! NfT1l (or any rellewal ~I If 'Iou dO not lliIY ally wm by It:1 cIIle cat:.. or 'Iou breach any otllllt ttfm of 1tI1s IAaJe or any atIIer apment with Us, \tItn 'lOll vn\l be In ~uit of this Lease. If You default. we miIY ft!qui~ that You PlY 1) all past dlIt llllOllRU ultller tllis Lease. _ 2) III futIIl1I amDllnU owM for me un~d twrm. dlscoulltl!d It the rite of 6... pe, anllUlll. UPDII a ~It. .... lU'/ i11so moose to repllae5S tile EqlIiplltlnt. If W. do nat <:hDose ta repasMSS tilt elNi~mant, Vall W111 i1150 PIIY to US our booked m~ value for the Equiplllelrt. We can atsG U5I all)' a~ all. """.dies I'Abble to Us "l\lIef tt.. uet or any othlr WW. You au'" to ~w aU the <;lists lIl'd tlqlelIAS. Induclillg atlDmlY's feG. W. incul III arTY cliqlutl! ..w~ to tills Le- 01' tile Equ\\llllent. Vou also agree tII pay IrlteIl!5t an aU part dIIa amounts, I'i'om t~e due datt until plrid. at tIl. lower of Olll! .1Id one+h.tf peltvllt (U<r.) per montl1 or the highest lawful ~ Will). of 2) tin\.~ pay 1/11 Pllrchas. "lItion. then tIN Letie will lIl1tonl.bcaUy rwnew an IA same terms on a tIlolltlllY basis Yntll VIe Ealripment is property Il!!lJmd. at your exJIenst. In A'feflIqe 54leabie Condition to a illation duilJnmll by Us. ""YIlrilJt $aL!able Condition" means the ~l~nt ~ Imm.lately am'-bIs for \lSe by ",other ~ wlthO&lt the .- or allY~' Yw also iIlJ- to l8\Il1bUlH U5 for re~r cons. If You alll glinted a ~n:hl5e "pdOIl, aM provided You t>ave nDC 4ltfBU1t>>d ul\dlM' this Lell!e. Vall mlly ~urchase tile Eqllipn1ellt from US "WIlEIIE rs, AS IS" for the aptlDtl pric:t at 12H! II1d of the Lall!e term. At tlnI termination of ltn5 Lease, if You han lIot defallltecl, ya"f iIImrily llePOS1t will De milnded to VOU wittmut lntllrest.. Your Sll;Ilrily d~ "''Y be commingled w1tIl our other assets. You ",~y not payoff ttlIS lMSe In full and mum me E'llllpmtnt prio, to till! el'll of \:ill! Lust tBlm wlt/lout au' ton. $A!nt and We may thalge You. 11\ addltlon to the otner a ts Qwed under tlns L.e1lSt. in tarlY t1!rm1natlan fee equa percent (5"") of tne total amount W. ~.id for the ~ OWNI'l5MIP TlTLE AND ute's: Except foftw~re ~overelS bY tIlis ~lI$e tile "Software", owner of the EqIri~ment and nave titlJo to it. You appoint as attamey.,n-latt to execute and fill! Oft yOur bella If. and at )'OlIr east. UnIform ClIl1llllercial toGl! (Ute) ffnanC11l9 statement($) to s/low oUf'mefISt In tile tqlllD""ll\t ~ We do mJt haye title to lI1a Softwill!. WI! al1l not rGllOns,ble tor the Software or the ablirtatlons o\ll!G Dy "tiler YOll or the licensor under any Lictll!e Alj_rnent for the Sottwve. If YOII pfOllen.y tIllIIK1SlI th. purch.s, optlon, ,f alfy. for tht ~quipment. VOII understand tI1at We do not own the Saftw.., and canl\D't tran. it to You. E.xcltpt as provlCltd In tI1is paragraph. all ~ncl!5 to "Equlpmllnt" In thll LellSe incluGl!5 the Software. I.OS5 AND III'ilJRANCEI YOu...U ket!~ the EQl,Ilpment fullY 'MUM ll98\ntt 10" and will om," a general pub\1t liall.l1ty 1llSYI1Ince poli<;y covenng \:ill! Equi~ment ami IU use. Vou w.U n....e Us as llli.5 ~Y"' and an .ddlt1ona\ IftSUllId InG ptav,de Us witI1 evIdenCl: of 1nsullInte. If Yall do not. We may obtaIn In'iIlTllnce m You ancl .deI an ,"O",*l'<:e ftc toO lfle p.qInllM imaul\ts dIIe from You- JAgS: You Iljree that 'fou "'1\ pay ..hen due all taxes r9lotinq to tills LeISe and tht Equipmel1t. If this Lease lneUlC!es a Sl purchasl option. YOIl agree to file any ,""lied ~'rlGnal ~I1lPl!lty l3J\ fet\IITIS. You ~ve no rigllt to 5111. Ira~. assign Equipmllllt or tItls leas.. We NY sell. s .,e or 0\11' rights '1\ the EquiplIlent. IIn or trinsfef tillS leeu. tIl. . but it ril not bt subject to aR'j tllat You ._It ag.1I15t Us I1r 8lr! other llB~ I You 19r... that tills Lease 1$ . "fillllll<:e Iell!." U thlt tlIr11l1s dlfflneclln Article 2A of the UCe. Vou tll!reby agrte to .,.we any ~ aU "911b ",d reIl1eclies glilnt>ed to YolI by SQctlons 2A-5OB thl'OU9h ~"'S22 of the Uet. lndwl;ng the "'.lilt to rtiec:t or revoke '(Ol!pt31lC1 of the ElI\Ilpment. M3mLANlOUSI You aglft \hot this L.ase 11 thl! anti" a~nt betWeen 'tau ill\d Us regarlS,nll tile Iotase of tile Eqll1Pme!lt .nIl su~"rsedllS any lIUrchase Onllf You lUll!!. A,ny change lIIIISt be In ..,mng and .lgnecl by elch \)lIrty. We may accept I facsimile copy of th1s Lease as an orilJlniIL ANY CLA1M ULATlll 'Rl nus UASE Wll.1. IE GDVEIlMEO BY IOWA LAW A"D wnL IE A~UOlCATEO I" ,. STATE OR f'El)EIlAl eoullT ~OCATED 1" CEDAR "'''IllS. IOWL YOU HEREB' tONSENT TO PEIlSONAL JURtSDlt1l0N AND VUlIlE IN 5UC14 COUIO' AND wAIVE ANY liGHT TO TIWl5FU V1iNUE. EACH p~ WAlVIS ANY JIli)lT TO 11lJAL BY JURY. ~DIIIG DK~ZG" BELOw. By ~ DatAl Atce (S;gnatu~) - prmt I'Iaf1Ie & TItle: /' UMCONDmOMAL GUARAN1Y I fhe und~5i\lned unconditionally gualilntee5 that the ~S$ee will timely perl'orm all obllglltions undef thlS \.ease. The undersigned also wa1ve5 any notifir;ation if the Leue! is ln default and consents to any extensions Qr modffications granted to the Lessee. In the event at default. ~ und~l~ned W111 immediately pay all5ums due under the tl!rms I of tills, least WIthout ,elllJ1I'l"9 ~ss~r ~ PIOC':ed :CJalnst Less91l, any othl!t party or the fqll,pment. The undErsigne<l ,0nSllnts to ptl'sol1s1 jurisdIction. venue. d10Ice of law and JUry wl walvllT ~ rtated in tile Ml1aUaneous pmgraph above and agrees to pay all ~ost:s alld ex1lenses, including attomey'5 fees. lnOllTtd /ly W10r related to this I guaranty. 'x (,AlC 0.. p,~ (0202) DatIl../~(;6..J . rndivid"aUy x . IndividuoU.y . -, ----_......------~---- ------ SCHEDULE A PO # 001230, 1-each Sharp AR-M205P2 digital copier system SIN 35043010, for Public Works @ $59.98 monthly. PO # 001 231, 1-each Sharp AR-M450U digital copier system SIN 35048299, for City Light Downtown @ $172.20 monthly. PO # 001232, 1-each Sharp AR-M450U digital copier system SIN 35051309, for the City Attorney @ $256.56 monthly. PO # 001233, 1-each Sharp AR-M280U digital copier system SIN 30001227, for the Fire Department @ $196.52 monthly. PO # 001234, 1-each Sharp AR-M350U digital copier system SIN 35018728, for the Senior Center @ $158.26 monthly. PO # 001235, 1-each Sharp AR-M280U digital copier system SIN 30001747, for the Building Department @ $159.76 monthly. Sign: ~~~_____ Print: ~de / c}2,/..." Title: Cr',y /Y~.-1 ~ ,.co.... / ,./ Date: I~,//~...J ~":!S GreatAmerica- ~L.A'IM. CC>R"'OItATIO" HARD WORK .. IJflEGRITY .. EXCIl1S+CE LESSOR: GreatAmer1ca leasing Corporation P.O. Box 609 Cedar Rapids, rewa 524Q6-<J609 NON-APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS ADDeNDUM This Addendum will become part of that certain Lease ~reement # 2 S".$' I S"lo dated as of (UAgreement") between Lessor and ca;~~ ~s ~:':;1n ~~~~um which are not defined herein shall have the ~~'~I~ to such terms in the Agreement. You hi!reby represent and warrant to Us that as of the date of the Agreement, and throughout the Agreement Term: (a) the indMdual who executed the Agreement had at the time of execution of the Agreement Nil power and authority to execute the Agreement; and ttlat all required procedures necessary to make the Agreement a legal and binding obligation of the Lessee have been followed; (b) the Equipment Is essential to the Immediate performance of a governmental or proprietary functlon by You within the scope of Your authority and snail be used during the Agreement Term only by You and only to perform such function; (c) that all payments due and payable fur the current fiscal year are Within the current budget and are within an available, unexhaust:ed and unencumbered appropriation. In the event You are not granted funds in future fiscal years for the Equipment subject to the Agreement or for equipment which is functionally similar to the Equipment and operating funds are not otherwise available to You to pay the Rent and other payments due under the Agreement, and there is no other legal procedure or available funds by or with which payments can be made to Us, and the appropriation did not result from an act or omission by You, You shall have the right to retum the Equipment in accordance with the section in the Agreement titled, Location, Inspection and Return of Equipment and terminate the Agreement on the last day of the fiscal period for which appropriations were received. At least thirty (30) days prior to the end of Your fiscal year, Your legal counsel shaH certlFy (n wrttlng that (a) funds have not been appropriated for the next fiscal year, (b) sudl non-appropriation did not result from any act or failure to act by You; and (c) You have exhausted all funds legally available For payment of Rent. If you terminate the Lease because of non-appropriation of funds, You may not purchase, lease or rent, during such fiscal period, eqUipment performing functlons similar to those performed by the Equlpmenr for a pericd of t'Ne!ve (12) months. lESSOR: LESSEE: GREATAMERlCA LEASING CORPORATION Pnnted Name: By: ~..~3f2;.'~~ Printed Name:~c%/ ~(~..., TItle: CI'1Y /0/." ....,c.r / ./ Date: t:ar;k~-J By: Title: Date: PUR C HAS E o R D E R PAGE: 1 P.o. #: 001230 DATE: 11/01/03 INVOICE TO: City of Port Angeles ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 TO: SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SHARP PLAZA PO BOX 650 MAHWAH, NJ 07430 SHIP TO: City of Port Angeles 321 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 VENDOR # 19071 REQ. NO. REQUISITIONED BY CHAGAR SHIP VIA: F.O.B. TERMS NET QUANTITYUOM ITEM NO. AND DESCRIPTION 1.00EA COPIER CONTRACT - PUBLIC WORKS EXTENDED UNIT CO COST .00 .00 SUB-TOT TOTAL .00 .00 REMARKS: GOVERNMENT CONTRACT OMPR-803 DATED THRU 11/28/2003 SHARP CAPITAL SERVICES COMPANY'S MUNICIPAL FMV LEASE AGREEMENT WITH EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE, AND SHARP SHAP ORDER AGREEMENT. ------------------------------------ 60 MONTH LEASE AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $59.98 PER MONTH FOR A SHARP AR-M205P2 DIGITAL COPY MACHINE, WITH 2 500 SHEET PAPER DRAWERS STANDARD. INCLUDED IN THE AR-M205P2 LEASE ARE THE FOLLOWING ACCESSORIES: AN AR-RP6 REVERSING SINGLE PASS FEEDER, AND A AR-EB7 FUNCTION UPGRADE KIT. ALSO INCLUDED IN THE LEASE IS AN AR-DU4 DUPLEX MODULE, AN OFFSETTING FINISHER AR-FN6, A AR-TE3 EXIT TRAY EXTENSION AND AN AR-205ABDH DELUXE COPIER CABINET. ALSO INCLUDED IS AN AR-D5130NT DIGITAL POWER FILTER. ON-SITE LEASED MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR A SHARP DIGITAL COPY MACHINE MODEL AR-M205P2, WHICH INCLUDES ALL OF ITS' ACCESSORIES. INCLUDED ARE ALL SERVICE CALLS, PARTS, LABOR, AND CONSUMABLE SUPPLIES (EXCEPT PAPER) AT A PER COpy CHARGE OF $0.0159 PER IMPRESSION. AUTHORIZED BY~~~~ PUR C HAS E o R D E R PAGE: 1 P.O. #: 001231 DATE: 11/01/03 ..() ~t? ~r ANG~\": INVOICE TO: City of Port Angeles ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 TO: SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SHARP PLAZA PO BOX 650 MAHWAH, NJ 07430 SHIP TO: City of Port Angeles 240 W FRONT ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 VENDOR # 19071 REQ. NO. REQUISITIONED BY CHAGAR SHIP VIA: F.O.B. TERMS NET QUANTITYUOM ITEM NO. AND DESCRIPTION 1.00EA COPIER CONTRACT - CITY LIGHT DOWNTOWN EXTENDED UNIT CO COST .00 .00 SUB-TOT TOTAL .00 .00 REMARKS: STATE OF WASHINGTON CONTRACT 05899 DATED THRU 09/30/04, SHARP CAPITAL SERVICES COMPANY'S MUNICIPAL FMV LEASE AGREEMENT WITH EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE, AND SHARP SNAP ORDER AGREEMENT. ------------------------------------------- 60 MONTH LEASE AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $172.20 PER MONTH FOR A SHARP AR-M450UXA DIGITAL COpy MACHINE, WITH ONE 500 SHEET PAPER DRAWER STANDARD. INCLUDED IN THE AR-M450UXA LEASE ARE THE FOLLOWING ACCESSORIES: AN AR-EF1 SCANNER/D-SPF, AN AR-RK1 SCANNER RACK, AN AR-D13N WITH TWO PAPER DRAWERS INCLUDING A (AR-DC1) POWER SUPPLY. ALS INCLUDED IN THE LEASE IS AN AR-DU4 DUPLEX MODUL AN OFFSETTING FINISHER AR-FN6, A AR-TE3 T TRAY EXTENSIO~ . INCLUDED AT NO CHARGE IS. AN AR-D5130NT DIGITAL POWER FILTER. --------------------------------------------- ON-SITE LEASED MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR A SHARP DIGITAL COPY MACHINE MODEL AR-M450UXA, WHICH INCLUDES ALL OF ITS' ACCESSORIES. INCLUDED ARE ALL SERVICE CALLS, PARTS, LABOR, AND CONSUMABLE SUPPLIES (EXCEPT PAPER AND STAPLES) AT A PER COPY CHARGE OF $0.011 PER IMPRESSION. AUTHORIZED BY~~~~ G~ PUR C HAS E o R D E R PAGE: 1 P.o. #: 001232 DATE: 11/01/03 .() ~~ ~ ANG~v INVOICE TO: City of Port Angeles ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 TO: SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SHARP PLAZA PO BOX 650 MAHWAH, NJ 07430 SHIP TO: City of Port Angeles 321 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 VENDOR # 19071 REQ. NO. REQUISITIONED BY CHAGAR SHIP VIA: F.O.B. TERMS NET QUANTITYUOM ITEM NO. AND DESCRIPTION 1.00EA COPIER CONTRACT - CITY ATTORNEY EXTENDED UNIT CO COST .00 .00 SUB-TOT TOTAL .00 .00 REMARKS: STATE OF WASHINGTON CONTRACT 05899 DATED THRU 09/30/04, SHARP CAPITAL SERVICES COMPANY'S MUNICIPAL FMV LEASE AGREEMENT WITH EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE, AND SHARP SNAP ORDER AGREEMENT. ----------------------------------------------- 60 MONTH AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $256.56 PER MO FOR A SHARP AR-M450UXA DIGITAL COPY MACHINE, WITH ONE 500 SHEET PAPER DRAWER STANDARD. INCLUDED IN THE AR-M450UXA LEASE ARE THE FOLLOWING ACCESSORIES: AN AR-EF1 SCANNER/D-SPF, AN AR-RK1 SCANNER RACK, AN AR-D13N WITH TWO PAPER DRAWERS INCLUDING A (AR-DC1) POWER SUPPLY. ALSO INCLUDED IN THE LEASE IS AN AR-DU3 DUPLEX MODULE, AN OFFSETTING FINISHER AR-FN7, WITH A 3-HOLE PUNCH AR-PN1B, A AR-TE4 EXIT TRAY EXTENSION AND AN AR-FX5 FACSIMILE KIT. IT IS NETWORK READY INCLUDING AN AR-P14 PRINTER EXPANSION, AN AR-NC5J INTERFACE CARD, AN AR-HD3 HARD DISK DRIVE, AND A AR-NS2 SCANNING KIT. INCLUDED AT NO CHARGE IS AN AR-D5130NT DIGITAL POWER FILTER. --------------------------------------------- ON-SITE LEASED MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR A SHARP DIGITAL COPY MACHINE MODEL,AR-M450UXA, WHICH INCLUDES ALL OF ITS' ACCESSORIES. INCLUDED ARE SERVICE CALLS, PARTS, LABOR, AND CONSUMABLE SUPPLIES (EXCEPT PAPER AND STAPLES) AT A PER COPY CHARGE OF $0.011 PER IMPRESSION.....~~~_~O~~s~ AUTHORIZED BY~ ~,....,~ *------ PUR C HAS E o R D E R PAGE: 2 C\lY OJ:' ~ ~=- ------ -... '-- P.O. #: 001232 DATE: 11/01/03 ..0 <<."t? ~ ANG~v INVOICE TO: City of Port Angeles ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 TO: SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SHARP PLAZA PO BOX 650 MAHWAH, NJ 07430 SHIP TO: City of Port Angeles 321 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 VENDOR # REQUISITIONED BY F.O.B. 19071 CHAGAR REQ. NO. SHIP VIA: TERMS NET EXTENDED QUANTITYUOM ITEM NO. AND DESCRIPTION UNIT CO COST INITIAL SET-UP NETWORK SUPPORT IS INCLUDED, ADDITIONAL SUPPORT IS AVAILABLE PER THE STATE CONTRACT AT $87.50 PER HOUR. AlITHORIZED BY ~~....:.... PUR C HAS E o R D E R PAGE: 1 P.o. #: 001233 DATE: 11/01/03 INVOICE TO: City of Port Angeles ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 TO: SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SHARP PLAZA PO BOX 650 MAHWAH, NJ 07430 SHIP TO: City of Port Angeles FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 VENDOR # REQUISITIONED BY F.O.B. 19071 CHAGAR REQ. NO. SHIP VIA: TERMS NET EXTENDED QUANT I TYUOM ITEM NO. AND DESCRIPTION UNIT CO COST 1. 00 EA COPIER CONTRACT - FIRE .00 .00 DEPARTMENT SUB-TOT .00 TOTAL .00 REMARKS: STATE OF WASHINGTON CONTRACT 05899, DATED THRU 09/30/04, SHARP CAPITAL SERVICES COMPANY'S MUNICIPAL FMV LEASE AGREEMENT WITH EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE, AND SHARP SNAP ORDER AGREEMENT. ------------------------------------- 60 MONTH LEASE AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $196.52 PER MONTH FOR A SHARP AR-M280UXB DIGITAL COPY MACHINE, WITH ONE 500 SHEET PAPER DRAWER STANDARD. INCLUDED IN THE AR-M280UXB LEASE ARE THE FOLLOWING ACCESSORIES: AN AR-EF1 SCANNER/D-SPF, AN AR-RK1 SCANNER RACK, AN AR-D14N WITH THREE 500 SHEET PAPER DRAWERS INCLUDING A (AR-DC1) POWER SUPPLY. ALSO INCLUDED IN THE LEASE IS AN AR-DU4 DUPLEX MODULE, AN OFFSETTING FINISHER AR-FN6, A AR-TE3 EXIT TRAY EXTENSION AND AN AR-FX5 FACSIMILE KIT. IT IS NETWORK READY INCLUDING AN AR-P14 PRINTER EXPANSION, AN AR-NC5J INTERFACE CARD, AND A AR-NS2 SCANNING KIT. INCLUDED AT NO CHARGE IS AN AR-D5130NT DIGITAL POWER FILTER. -------------------------------------- ON SITE LEASE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR A SHARP DIGITAL COPY MACHINE MODEL AR-M280UXB, WHICH INCLUDES ALL OF ITS' ACCESSORIES. INCLUDED ARE ALL SERVICE CALLS, PARTS, LABOR, AND CONSUMABLE SUPPLIES (EXCEPT PAPER AND STAPLES) AT A PER COPY CHARGE OF $0.011 PER IMPRESSION. TWO HOURS OF INITIAL SET-UP NETWORK SUPPORT IS INCLUDED, ADDITIONAL SUPPORT IS AVAILABLE PER THE ST~ . AUTHORIZED BY~ _~~ .l;'U!{L:HA::i 1.Nj.1-' *------ PUR C HAS E o R D E R PAGE: 2 P.O. #: 001233 DATE: 11/01/03 INVOICE TO: City of Port Anqeles ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 TO: SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SHARP PLAZA PO BOX 650 MAHWAH, NJ 07430 SHIP TO: City of Port Angeles FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 VENDOR # 19071 REQ. NO. REQUISITIONED BY CHAGAR SHIP VIA: F.O.B. TERMS NET QUANTITYUOM ITEM NO. AND DESCRIPTION EXTENDED UNIT CO COST CONTRACT AT $87.50 PER HOUR. AUTHORIZED BY~~" - .r'UJ:(L:HA::;.L~ PUR C HAS E o R D E R PAGE: 1 P.o. #: 001234 DATE: 11/01/03 INVOICE TO: City of Port Angeles ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 TO: SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SHARP PLAZA PO BOX 650 MAHWAH, NJ 07430 SHIP TO: City of Port Angeles SENIOR CENTER 328 E 7TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 VENDOR # 19071 REQ. NO. REQUISITIONED BY CHAGAR SHIP VIA: F.O.B. TERMS NET QUANTITYUOM ITEM NO. AND DESCRIPTION 1.00EA COPIER CONTRACT - SENIOR CENTER EXTENDED UNIT CO COST .00 .00 SUB-TOT TOTAL .00 .00 REMARKS: STATE OF WASHINGTON CONTRACT 05899, DATED THRU 09/30/04, SHARP CAPITAL SERVICES COMPANY'S MUNICIPAL FMV LEASE AGREEMENT WITH EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE, AND SHARP SNAP ORDER AGREEMENT. ----------------------------------------------- 60 MONTH LEASE AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $158.26 PER MONTH FOR A SHARP AR-M350UXA DIGITAL COPY MACHINE, WITH ONE 500 SHEET PAPER DRAWER STANDARD. INCLUDED IN THE AR-M350UXA LEASE ARE THE FOLLOWING ACCESSORIES: AN AR-EF1 SCANNER/D-SPF, AN AR-RK1 SCANNER RACK, AN AR-D13N WITH TWO PAPER DRAWERS INCLUDING A (AR-DC1) POWER SUPPLY. ALSO INCLUDED IN THE LEASE IS AN AR-DU4 DUPLEX MODULE, AN OFFSETTING FINISHER AR-FN6, AND AN AR-TE3 EXIT TRAY EXTENSION. INCLUDED AT NO CHARGE IS AN AR-D5130NT DIGITAL POWER FILTER. ------------------------------------------------- ON-SITE LEASED MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR A SHARP DIGITAL COPY MACHING MODEL AR-M350UXA, WHICH INCLUDES ALL OF ITS' ACCESSORIES. INCLUDED ARE ALL SERVICE CALLS, PARTS, LABOR, AND CONSUMABLE SUPPLIES (EXCEPT PAPER AND STAPLES) AT A PER COPY CHARGE OF $0.011 PER IMPRESSION. AUTHORIZED BY~~~ .1:' U.K L:HA~ 1.N G......-A PUR C HAS E o R D E R PAGE: 1 , C\1Y O/:' ~ ~~ ___w '---- P.O. #: 001235 DATE: 11/01/03 ~ ~t? ~ ANG1f:-V INVOICE TO: City of Port Angeles ATTN: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 1150 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 TO: SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP SHARP PLAZA PO BOX 650 MAHWAH, NJ 07430 SHIP TO: City of Port Angeles 321 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 VENDOR # 19071 REQ. NO. REQUISITIONED BY CHAGAR SHIP VIA: F.O.B. TERMS NET QUANTITYUOM ITEM NO. AND DESCRIPTION 1.00EA COPIER CONTRACT - BUILDING DEPARTMENT EXTENDED UNIT CO COST .00 .00 SUB-TOT TOTAL .00 .00 REMARKS: STATE OF WASHINGTON CONTRACT 05899, DATED THRU 09/30/04, SHARP CAPITAL SERVICES COMPANY'S MUNICIPAL FMV LEASE AGREEMENT WITH EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE, AND SHARP SNAP ORDER AGREEMENT. --------------------------------------------- 60 MONTH LEASE AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $159.76 PER MONTH FOR A SHARP AR-M280UXA DIGITAL COpy MACHINE, WITH ONE 500 SHEET PAPER DRAWER STANDARD. INCLUDED IN THE AR-M280UXA LEASE ARE THE FOLLOWING ACCESSORIES: AN AR-EF1 SCANNER/D-SPF, AN AR-RK1 SCANNER RACK, AN AR-D13N WITH TWO PAPER DRAWERS INCLUDING AN (AR-DC1) POWER SUPPLY. ALSO INCLUDED IN THE LEASE IS AN AR-DU4 DUPLEX MODULE, AN OFFSETTING FINISHER AR-FN6, A AR-TE3 EXIT TRAY EXTENSION AND AN AR-FX5 FACSIMILE KIT. INCLUDED AT NO CHARGE IS AN AR-D5130NT DIGITAL POWER FILTER ON-SITE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR A SHARP DIGITAL COPY MACHINE MODEL AR-M280UXA, WHICH INCLUDED ALL OF ITS' ACCESSORIES. INCLUDED ARE ALL SERVICE CALLS, PARTS, LABOR, AND CONSUMABLE ,SUPPLIES (EXCEPT PAPER AND STAPLES) AT A PER COPY CHARGE OF $0.011 PER IMPRESSION. AUTHORIZED BY~~~ _ ~U~CHA~~~~~