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1003 W 17th St - Building
Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Owner JONES BRENT /RANDI 1028 W 13TH ST PORT ANGELES Structure Information 000 000 C &G #06 22 Permit CLEAR GRADE Additional desc C &G #06 22 Permit pin number 87957 Permit Fee 35 00 Issue Date 10/02/06 Expiration Date 3/31/07 Qty Unit Charge Fee summary Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent T.Wolicies \1102.15R [1/051 WA 98363 Per CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 06 00001070 652400 1003 W 17TH ST 06 30 00 0 4.4195 0000 CLEARING GRADING COMMERCIAL NEIGHBORHOOD 0 BASE FEE Contractor OWNER Plan Check Fee Valuation Special Notes and Comments Install sediment control measures prior to land disturbing activity To be installed during rough grading and hauling of materials Notify Engineering when completed Charged Paid Credited Permit Fee Total 35 00 35 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 Grand Total 35 00 35 00 00 Date 10/02/06 Due Extension 35 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit become null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandons for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the las inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. Ali provisions o laws and ordinances goveming this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does nc presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of 4 construction. CALL 417 4807 FOR UTILITY INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. PW UTILITIES (Engineering Division) WATERLINE METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE SITE EROSION CONTROL PARKING SIDEWALK CURB BE GUTTER DRIVEWAY APPROACH BACK -FLOW DEVICE T•\Policies \1102.15R [1/05] RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION RW PW/ ENGINEERING 417 -4807 FIRE 417 -4653 PLANNING DEPT 417 -4750 BUILDING 417 -4815 PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED YES 1 NO 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COMMENTS FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/USE DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES 1 NO 1 1 1 1 1 1 CONSTRUCTION RW PW ENGINEERING FIRE DEPT PLANNING DEPT BUILDING 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 COy CLEARING AND GRADING PERMIT APPLICATION APPLICANT Yet JOY•e. S APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS. 1©a C W. 13 L 5+. i s A ciU_C 8'3 APPLICANT PHONE NUMBER: (...C. 5 o ?-Fs PLAN PREPARER (Architect/Engineer): PREPARER ADDRESS. PREPARER PHONE NUMBER. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL (Street address or lot and block number): 1-r -s 15 i a- 31 note- 0630000.eigi /4SA060 OWNER OF PROPERTY (If not applicant, attach letter of authorization from property owner): Q. ,o91 c y DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL (Also attach plans, sketches or other important information which would assist in our review): -6 d jar? -s.I C�l�dp ��a ccs r At 1 dt 1M r°k P t J pp icant or authorized representative Clearing Grading Application No. This box for City use only DONE I PERMIT CONDITION REVIEW ROUTING I To City Engineer for engineering requirements To Dept. Of Community Development for ESA and SEPA requirements I To Engineering Permitting I Copy of Draft Permit with conditions to Applicant Estimated Amount of Material, in cubic yards, to be excavated, imported, or exported: 8/31)0,6 Date N: \PWKS \ENGINEER \Urban Standards Revised12006 c&g application.doc Page 1 of 2 March 2006 0(0 zZ I DATE 19 -5 -0L If the answer to any of the following questions is yes, an Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) application with a SEPA checklist and associated fees are required to be submitted with this application and will be processed according to the City's consolidated permitting process. 1 Is the excavati n or fill associated with the development of a parking lot for more than 20 vehicles? N' 2. Is the total amount of excavation or fill expected to exceed 100 cubic yards? Jl )T) 3. Will any portion of the grading excavating or filling occur within 200 feet of any of the following? (If the answer is yes, please check the appropriate condition(s))* iJ b Shoreline N 0 Stream /Creek Kb 40% or greater slope. The applicant hereby affirms and commits that the information submitted for this permit is accurate and that the applicant will comply with the terms and conditions• of this permit and the City of Port Angeles Clearing and Grading Ordinance. s CLEARING AND GRADING PERMIT APPLICATION Page two for City use only 1 THE PROPOSED ACTION HAS BEEN DETERMINED TO BE EXEMPT FROM A CLEARING AND GRADING PERMIT, BASED UPON THE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE APPLICANT THE BASIS FOR THIS EXEMPTION IS AS CHECKED BELOW A. Land clearing, grading filling, sandbagging, diking, ditching, or similar work during or after periods of extreme weather or other emergency conditions which have created situations such as flooding or high fire danger that present immediate danger to life or property, as authorized by the City Engineer B. Land clearing necessitated by order of the City Council related to the abatement of a public nuisance, where the work is administered by the City C Removal of dead trees, or of diseased or damaged trees which constitute a hazard to life or property D Clearing by a public agency or a franchised utility within a public right of-way or upon an easement, for the purpose of installing and maintaining water, storm, sewer, power, cable or communication lines. E. Cemetery graves. F Non destructive vegetation trimming with proper removal and disposal of debris. EXEMPTIONS °G" THROUGH J" SHALL NOT APPLY IN SITUATIONS WHERE THE PROPERTY INCLUDES AN ESA. G Land that is one acre or less, except where an adjacent area under the same ownership or chain of ownership has been similarly exempted so that the combined area is greater than one acre and erosion control has not been re- established. H. If a building permit is issued, no additional clearing grading, or filling permit or associated fee will be required; provided that the standards established in the City's Urban Services Standards and Guidelines shall be applied to the issuance of said building permit. I. Developments larger than one acre in improved areas served by paved streets, curbs gutters storm drains and other drainage facilities, as authorized by the City Engineer J Work, when approved by the City Engineer in an isolated self contained area, if there is no danger to private or public property )42. THE PROPOSED`` 10 IS NOT EXEMPT C&G PERMIT REQUIRED Qz6 beparfinent of ommunit Economic Development Date i'i 7 o4, city Engineer (.1 Date N: \PWKS \ENGINEER \Urban Standards Revised\2006 c&g application.doc Page 2 of 2 March 2006 ti r CLEARING AND GRADING PERMIT N \PWKS \ENGINEER \Urban Standards Revised\2006 c&g permit.doc Page 1 of 3 March 2006 PERMIT NO. e96' I. PERMIT FEE CALCULATIONS (ORDINANCE 3177) 1 Grading and filling plan review and permit fee 0 -250 cubic yards (CY) and <4' of cut/fill ($30.00) 251 1,000 CY ($35.00) 3 5 1,001 10,000 CY ($35.00) 10,000+ CY ($35.00 $15.00 per 10 000 CY) 2. Clearing and drainage plan review and permit fee Less than one acre ($40.00) One acre to 5 acres ($70.00) Over 5 acres ($14.00 per acre) 3. Additional plan review of changes, additions, or revisions to submitted or approved plans at $40.00 per hour regular and $60.00 per hour overtime O 4 SEPA review ($100.00) 5 TOTAL PERMIT SEPA REVIEW FEE. II. CONDITIONS APPLIED TO ALL PERMITS 1 Notify the City (417 -4807) forty -eight (48) hours before beginning any land- disturbing activity 2. Notify the City (417 -4807) within forty -eight (48) hours of completion of any control measures. 3. Obtain written permission from the City prior to modifying any plans. 4 Install all control measures as identified in the approved plans. 5. Maintain all road drainage systems, stormwater drainage systems, control measures, and other facilities identified in the plans. 6. Repair siltation or erosion damage to adjoining surfaces and drainage ways resulting from land developing or disturbing activities. 7 Inspect the construction control measures at least once each week during construction, and after each rain of 0.5 inches or more (over a 24 -hour period), and immediately make any needed repairs. 8. Allow the City to enter the site for the purpose of inspecting compliance with the plans or for performing any work necessary to bring the site into compliance with the plans. 9 Keep an up -to -date, approved copy of the plans on the site. 10 Ensure that all workmanship and materials are in accordance with the City of Port Angeles Urban Services Standards and Guidelines, and the most current edition of Washington State Department of Transportation's Standard Specifications for Road Bridge and Municipal Construction. 11 Contact the City Engineer (417 -4803) immediately if hazardous materials or soils are encountered. 1 4 (NI Of eltc 4c A-p II PLANNING PERMITS REQUIRED J I 1 SEPA Checklist (Excavation or filling 100 CY or more or part of exempt project) J 2. ESA Application /Approval 3 Wetlands Permit Application /Approval 4 Other r IV. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS TO INCLUDE A. AN ACCURATE PLAN OF THE ENTIRE SITE AS IT EXISTS AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION, WHICH MUST INCLUDE: O 1 All property lines. 2. Contours over the entire site (5 -foot contours are standard, but other intervals may be required). 3. The date, basis, and datum of the contours. 4 Graphic representations of all existing vegetation on the site, designated by their common names, the amount of bare ground, and the amount and type of impervious material (rock and artificial). 5. The location of all existing drainage facilities, natural and man -made. 6. The locations of any wet areas and estimated capacity of any areas which impound surface water 7 The location and estimated discharge of all visible springs. 8. The location of all structures, utilities, and their appurtenances, including structures and utilities on adjacent properties when such information is reasonably available. 9 Date, north arrow and adequate scale as approved by the City Engineer on all maps and plans. 10. Identification of and mitigation measures for on -site areas which are subject to severe erosion, and off -site areas which are especially vulnerable to damage from erosion and /or sedimentation. B. THE PROPOSED WORK SCHEDULE, WHICH DETAILS THE FOLLOWING: 1 Sequence for clearing, grading, filling, drainage alteration, and other land disturbing activities. 2. On -site soil or earth material storage locations and source of import materials, and location of the site where spoils will be disposed. 3. Schedule for installation and removal of all interim erosion and sediment control measures, including vegetative measures. 4 Schedule for construction of final improvements, if any 5. Schedule for the installation and maintenance of required permanent erosion and sediment control devices. 6. Outline of the methods to be used in clearing vegetation and storing and disposing of the cleared vegetation. C. AN ACCURATE FINISHED GRADE PLAN OF THE ENTIRE SITE AS IT WOULD APPEAR AFTER THE COMPLETION OF WORK COVERED BY THE PERMIT, WHICH MUST INCLUDE: 1 Finished contours achieved by grading (at the same intervals as the existing contours). 2. Boundaries of all areas to remain undisturbed with identification and the location of all other vegetation shown on the plan that will remain after the completion of all work. 3. Drainage and related facilities to be constructed with and as part of the work. 4 Boundaries of all areas where surface water runoff will be retained, detained, or infiltrated. 5. Method for discharging surface water off -site, including the provisions required to control the velocity and direction of discharge to protect downstream properties. 6 Location of building set -back lines and approximate limits of cuts and fills foundations, retaining walls, driveways, etc. 7 Location and dimensions of sensitive areas and any associated buffer zones and other areas to be maintained or established 8 Location and description of proposed erosion and sedimentation control devices or structures. 9 Off -site grading shall be noted on the plans, and a dated letter of permission from the property owner(s) of the land effected shall be provided and noted on the plans. V. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED O 1 Hydrologic and hydraulic computations. o 2. Engineering geology and soils reports. 3. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. 4 Engineering cost estimate of drainage facilities and erosion control plan. 5. Inspection and maintenance agreement. 6. Letter(s) of permission for off -site work. 7 Copies of other required permit(s) N \PWKS \ENGINEER \Urban Standards Revised\2006 c &g permit.doc Page 2 of 3 March 2006 4 8. Other information: 9 Security deposit, bond, or other approved method of guaranteeing performance (circle one), in the amount of O 10 Insurance required in the amounts of per occurrence and aggregate. VI. PERMIT APPROVAL This certifies that the named applicant is granted a Clearing And Grading Permit for the work described and the purpose shown in the application This permit is granted subject to the terms of the agreement contained in the application, subject to the provisions of the City of Port Angeles Municipal Code and subject to all special conditions which are attached to this permit or as noted in sections II through VI above and section VII below Nothing permitted hereunder shall be deemed to override the provisions of any applicable law of the City County State or Federal Government. This permit expires one year from the date of issuance, unless otherwise specified by the City Engineer 1/2q/d City Engineer Date D ept. of Community Development Date VII. INSPECTIONS AND SIGN -OFFS Call 417 -4807 to schedule required inspections Date Inspection Date Work Req'd. No. Description of Activity Requested Completed 1 Installation of sediment control measured prior to land disturbing activity 2 During construction of sediment basins or stormwater management structures. 3 During rough grading, including hauling of materials 4 Prior to removal or modification of sediment control measure. 5 Notice of completion received from permittee. 6 At completion of final grading. 7 Final establishment of vegetation /re- vegetation 8 Completion of final erosion control measures. 9 As -built grading plan required. 10 Soils grading report required 11 Geologic grading report required. N• \PWKS \ENGINEER \Urban Standards Revised12006 c&g permit.doc Page 3 of 3 March 2006