HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.706 Original Contract :5:7010 -3 "1b o-z1t s(os CR RESOLUTION Nil 0& , 2005 BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT OF A PORTION OF US 101 RIGHT OF WAY WIl1-IIN THE WESTERN UGA TO BE WITHIN THE CORPORATE BOUNDARY OF THE OTY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON THE BOARD OF CLALLAM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS finds as follows: 1. An area within Section 9, Township 30 North, Range 6 West falls within the jurisdiction Clallam County, and has also been identified as within the Western Urban Growth Area. 2. The City of Port Angeles has annexed property to the north US 101 between Valley Street and Doyle Road, but did not annex the highway right of way. 3. RCW 3SA.21.210 authorizes a county and a code city located within the county, by agreement, to revise the corporate boundary of the dty with respect to a road on the edge of that boundary. 4. The County of Oallam and the City of Port Angeles mutually desire to have the corporate boundary of the city revised such that the right-of-way of US 101 will be fully included within the corporate limits and boundary of the Oty of Port Angeles as set forth in the attached following two pages: 1) "EXHIBIT A: WESTERN UGA RIGHT OF WAY FOR OTY OF PORT ANGELES"; 2) "EXHIBIT B: ADJUSTMENT OF OTYI COUNTY BOUNDARY". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Clallam County Commissioners, in consideration of the above findings of fact: 1. That the Board hereby declares its intent, by mutual agreement, to revise the corporate boundary of the City of Port Angeles pursuant to RCW 3SA.21.210. 2. That the boundary of the Oty of Port Angeles is hereby revised to incorporate into the Oty of Port Angeles, for all purposes and with the same legal right, liabilities, and obligations as if said road portions were being annexed into the Oty, all of US 101 as described in the attached Exhibit A, this being a segment lying within the S Y2 of S9, DON, R6W, W.M., situate in the County of Clallam, State of Washington. ' 3. That the boundary of the County of Clallam is hereby also revised to exclude that portion of US 101 as described in Exhibit A and above. PASSED AND ADOPTED this lSVM day of ~dJ;"~ 2005 BOARD OF CLALLAM COUNTY COMMISSIONERS '7, ATTEST: tvl'StA 7~otr Trish Perrott, CMC, Oerk of the Board \. CR RESOLUTION NO. 0" ,2005 J:\Users\LFOX\ResoIutlons\RES western UGA RW to PA aty 2ooS.doc EXHIBIT A Western UGA Right-of-Way For City of Port Angeles A portion of the south half of Section 9, Township 30 North, Range 6 West of the Willamette Meridian, Clallam County, Washington, described as follows: All of the U.S. Highway 101 right of way lying between the east margin of Doyle Road and a northerly prolongation thereof and the west margin of Valley Street and a northerly prolongation thereof. Containing 19.05 acres more or less. J:\Users\LFOX\Resolutions\RES western UGA RW to PA Oty 200S.doc Adjustment of City/County boundary I ~ ~ - L~ ~LJ ~ ~ 01-- OJ. r ,_ !Jtd1 ILl . I l Exhibit B j J -- . . ) / /r-- '", ~"- . /. / " L"--- '"(,J /) '-./ , /....i::::-i. fo-, / " ~ -a~" I I"~ "vi r./. I (;;'"..z... )-~ 1 "- , L ~[ --....!ld8~n ~. I'>-..............:./.'~ I /'"l-.. ""-/ '?::;~/I~...'- c--------lJSJ ,,' ____.. ar-- /')-... V '" .I I,~ ' / / j /' *'J'1 " ?- "d ~ - ,I-... )'f,jJ --,::--,-/ l"'-!.. ,~v/ I ------/ ~ I rrw ~ "'1.1 ",,:~ ~, z.... / .~{ ... ",~.1 I ~ ------./ "'---,/ /....- <. 17 ?tit"'-- . ~ > "--- ---<(, l~~'7~ ~ ~ n tt ~-/~< A~>[_ / _ ,,JL... '~~~ ~ US 1 U I nv" - - ----------CJ IT::: I J I r---......-.., -~-- L- ' ,_ C(J~ L--1..J. r-L ['-'-I~- / }{C-{ =rl-LJ 10 ED.[I ! / 1,1 r---i>-~~ r I L- I ...., r-___._ I i N ~ I Adjustment Area -- -- Existing City Limits US 101 Right-of-Way between Valley St. and Doyle Rd Area proposed for inclusion into City of Port Angeles '- t)O() .0500 I FILED FOR RECORD AT ,kt ~[OUESl OF 6oc.G '\ECOROLO p/.- _:~~"--;ZC:.lLAH co - . .. ',. " . RETURN ADDRESS 2005 MAY 17 At1 8: 06 2005 1156642 Clallam County C0 f)ocp RL -r-Lccrd W CoYve-cf tYlttf - . "T":;"," Please print neatly or type infonnatlon '-, 'c. Document Title(s) 'IA~v(oct<R ~t"u~A'it -6hj l' ft1Yf ~e--(es Reference Numbers(s) of related documents Additional Reference #'5 on page_ Grantor(s) (last, Rrst and Middle Initial) ~Ct7Vvn~ Additlonal Grantors on page_ G ra n tee( S) (last. Rrst and Middle Initial) ~ or 'frvr AYqUes Additional Grantees on page_ Legal Description (abbreviated fonn: lot. block, plat or section, township, range, quarter/Quarter) f1rt/wahm wl,h C}1/ ~1S u>>.WI1 UrbtU1.Growlf1. AreA Additional legal is on page_ Assessor's Property Tax Parcell Account Number Additional parcel #'s on page_ The Auditor/Record will rely on the Infonnation provided on this (onn. The staff will not read the document to verify the aCOJracy or completeness o( the indexing in(om:'3tlon provided herein. \ . ~'." .' .)) ~.- FILED fOil REC()~J .\ i HiL nC\Jl$1 'Ir 1L.Q.~~~--, "r@[;~rj!).' ,..,~~':">".,L:.?~CI:' bDCv 2005FEB 24 AN II: 02 @ RETURN ADDRESS 2005 1151355 Clallam County Please print neatly or type information Document Title(s) 'fn-le.v(ocd /qrJ&mUl-f CbH1 't_Pt9,-f hqeJe5 Reference Numbers(s) of related documents Additional Reference #'5 on page_ Grantor(s) (Last. First and Middle Initial) CUJJ1am {}~~ Additional Grantors on page_ Grantee( s) (Last. First and Middle Initial) ~ it fort'" ~fJ6 Additional Grantees on page_ Legal Description (abbreviated form: lot. block, plat or section, township, range, quarter/quarter) A11 nua:h6Yl with t:he. ~~ vJt~n t{rh~ {;;rffWlVt ~ . Additional legal Is on page_ Assessors Property Tax Parcell Account Number Additional parcel #'5 on page_ The Auditor/Record will rely on the Information provided on this form. The staff will not read the document to verify the aCOJracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein. Agreement: 000.05.001 Zj o~u'llo0 . . . -.. Inter-local Agreement between Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles Concerning Annexation within the City's Western Urban Growth Area This Agreement, made pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW, is between CLALLAM COUNTY (hereinafter, the County), a political subdivision of the State of Washington, and the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, (hereinafter, the City), municipal subdivisions of the State of Washington. WHEREAS, the City has proposed annexation of an area in the Port Angeles West Urban Growth Area (WUGA) including the right of way for SR101 and all property south of SR101 from the current wes! city limits to the western boundary of the WUGA; and WHEREAS, the County and City both intend to address issues of concern that provide for orderly annexation of the WUGA. Those concerns include future annexation boundaries, transition of services, addressing, and provision of utilities; and WHEREAS, the County and City desire to continue working together to reach agreement on other cooperative management issues within the WUGA; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, terms and conditions contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Future Annexations. The City agrees that any future annexations of the WUGA will be according to the boundaries depicted and in the order depicted in Attachment A. Upon agreement of both the City and County, the City may utilize alternative annexation boundaries. Future annexations in the WUGA shall include the entire-right of way of -all public roadways along the annexation border. 2. Utilities. The City agrees to develop a phased plan for the construction and implementation of City utilities to the annexed area. Phase one, depicted in Attachment B, will be completed within 12 months of the date of execu~ion of this agreement. 3. Addressing. The City and County agree to maintain the current addressing for any area annexed, pursuant to an existing agreement dated 15 October 1992 between the City and County. 4. Coordinated Development. The County and City will continue to address coordinated development within the WUGA, including mutual agreement on standards for infrastructure and capital improvement funding. 5. Boundary Review. The County agrees that, upon execution of this agreement, it will not oppose the proposed annexation of property within the WUGA on and south of SR101 or invite the Boundary Review Board to invoke jurisdiction on this proposal. 6. Duration. This Agreement will remain in effect until the terms of the Agreement are fulfilled. There are no other terms agreed to by the parties. 7. Filing. When fully executed, this Agreement shall be filed with the Clallam County C:\Documehts and Settmgs\Mquinn\Local Settlngs\Temp\West UGA agreement.doc . . ; . '- "". Agreement: 000.05.001 Auditor. 8. Notices. Any notices required by this Agreement shall be delivered, or mailed postage prepaid, and addressed to: ' Clallam County Clerk of the Board Clallam County Commissioners 223 E. 4th Street, Suite 4 Port Angeles, WA 98362 City of Port Angeles City Manager City of Port Angeles 321 E. 5th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 9. Administration. Each party shall administer the Agreement as to its own responsibilities under the Agreement. 10. Addendums. Both parties have identified other topics related to management of the City's designated WUGA where the development of management principles may best serve the parties and their citizens. Both parties intend to continue discussions, and may reach agreements on other revenue and management topics. Addendums may be added to this agreement with the same force and effect, and subject to the same terms and conditions as contained within this Agreement. 11. Waiver. Failure by the County or City to enforce any term or condition of this Agreement shall not be construed to constitute a waiver of any other term or condition, or of any subsequent breach of any provision of this Agreement. 12. Entire Agreement. This Agreement includes the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to any matter addressed in this Agreement. 13. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only upon the written agreement of the parties made with the same formalities as those required for its original execution. 14. County-wide Planning Policy. To the extent that anything in this Agreement may be found to be inconsistent with any part of the adopted Clallam County-wide Planning Policies, the County and City will review the applicable parts of the County-wide Planning Policy and revise them in accordance with this Agreement as part of the City/County update of their respective Comprehensive Plans. C:\Documents and Settings\Mqulnn\Local Settmgs\Temp\West UGA agreement.doc . . ,'" . . ~.;........ . '-- Agr~ement: 000.05.001 15. Disputes. Disputes over interpretation of this agreement that are un-resolvable between the parties shall be referred to the Clallam County Superior Court. 16. Effective Date. This Agreement shall take effect upon execution by both parties. r&- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed this XL day of ~tfJ(tA 11/Y1~2005. BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS ~;yon Michael C. Chapman, Chair ..F...., ATTEST: ~~,dJpto^ APPROVED AS TO FORM: ..",.,.ll. . ..e .., ,......; s ., 1 j:J f:' .' " 'Y J. ~. ~ \.' q 0 I ~, /" ATTEST' .:"..... ~'?' "I/o '<' I . 5 A : '1 ,>' . / -'/ (;So' ..... 'I'OC. -r;/'7l< ?~~<2&~ '~C/',;-"-'-"u :~, Trish Perrott, Clerk ciftge1~J)ard ~,,') I) ('-~ .: /",,</,,-" r;' . APPROVED AS TO FORM:.l/(! .:l ,) .~~~.} J~--, ~ William Bloor City Attorney f~,<A.ft-w --'-kf/- Chris Melly Deputy Prosecuting Attorney .,.tI\I'''''" "III' P 'til ,,\ 'J f 0 If "~ .......' ...., ...~.... r .dr,. f ~ '4..- .:"...-/ ....-;,. ...." .f:!'-{.....,... ~J_'t ,.~ ~ :.(J;- J,of~(~~.':.,CJ'~, :' . ' 'om:: , -....SEA-L~ - z....... (.' (,..r,:, -:.:c: '_ :""1':' ~ r- ~ . ;...' ~/~r: Vl ~ ~ 'C.~ !-""'d q. "'~~ .. (J .....,: ~ ....~':. '-:~.. ,:" ..., q~ ....... ~,,\ .' '''''I, 'S'HtIl.I (J"\ .."., '/#. .\1 ,~ , I'.'Ult "". C:\Documents and Settings\Mqulnn\Local Settings\Temp\West UGA agreement.doc ~ I SOsr ~V~'~'P'Ort^Angei'es. ~~.A~exation Regi~s~ w /t1IDU /1l'/-4 IJ ~~~~~~}!JSf!tY~&~~~ vD ~~ ~Q~~~~ ~ I. ~- '-::.:: ""'" - ) 0--- 5" - Ll-, ", ~ -.. 1.C'::-~~8L _ ~~ D Port Angeles I~ ~ W ED'EWOOL I, r-+ '" 'J ~~ ~ - Roads I~ b ~ 1,1 !Ie- ~~ r:C J ~~" "~'~El" ~~ "~~~~ \ l~ ]:' ~fL- --r- ~ ~B ~: ~ .,./J'-lurg l:lE~ /!_~~~~ ~ ~ ~ IJJs ~ ~ - - "l;' ~ Il.a::fffit=:: ~ i~,'(( ~j -\ ~ h - I ~ \ ; :FOD CXll5m1 ~j:3 ~ ~ 1~llJJ_~ ~[ ~~.:::l~ : '--- LdD 1iIli!Im~ ..~L.= II ~ ,.' If-' a:: I I) a:: I 5] 1--1 c::r:JIl rrr- ~ - w JAKES ROCl)! ~ ~'~-l ~ L E ~E3E: ~ -.!E ----Ir~ / N M I IIJ Cl)i L- .-l [. _ rn -- QT {I r- ~ m'! V'm-nL I~ I H I ~ - I I . I ~,.._ TT'--- -~ ~ P 1161 ~I ~ If--- I "1 I vi H/GIj1 @,1011. ri-""- OJL r- t- a I ~~ /I ! 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F~ on T 1 m ;:1 - / ~'tl '" r-- \ X ) ;7 1'''-- - I~ \",- _____V ~f ( . . ~ ~~ s C-s:> ~ r; 5.7DLp iiL€D FG~ ~t.C'J;~') ~\ r 111'_ ~'[L~Jl:. t .~_.__f3.0L~__~_- t G t~' ~ :..:' ", ' '" :\ ' :.!.. :. : ~ L' eJDCv 2005 FEB 24 hH 1\: 02 @ RETURN ADDRESS 2005 1151355 Clallam County Please print neatly or type information Document Title(s) "1YtJOlocd /t21ol-mvn f 0AT1 dt_PtJrf ~deJ Reference Numbers(s) of related documents Additional Reference #'5 on page_ Grantor(s) (Last. Rrst and Middle Initial) twJJ.arn COUn~ Additional Grantors on page_ Grantee(s) (Last. Rrst and Middle initial) ~ 05 fjvr ~d.6 Additional Grantees on page_ Legal Description (abbreviated form: lot, block. plat or section, township, range, Quarter/Quarter) 411nN{{tL~ wi,/] ~ (~~ vJf~n t{rhlw1 6;rtTWf?t ~ Additional legal Is on page_ Assessor's Property Tax Parcel! Account Number Additional parcel #'5 on page_ The Auditor/Record will rely on the Information provided on this form. The staff will not read the document to verify the aCUlracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein. Agreement: 000.05.001 3j o~u'(lo0 Inter-local Agreement between Clallam County and the City of Port Angeles Concerning Annexation within the City's Western Urban Growth Area This Agreement, made pursuant to Chapter 39.34 RCW, is between CLALLAM COUNTY (hereinafter, the County), a political subdivision of the State of Washington, and the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, (hereinafter, the City), municipal subdivisions of the State of Washington. WHEREAS, the City has proposed annexation of an area in the Port Angeles West Urban Growth Area (WUGA) including the right of way for SR101 and all property south of SR101 from the current west city limits to the western boundary of the WUGA; and WHEREAS, the County and City both intend to address issues of concern that provide for orderly annexation of the WUGA. Those concerns include future annexation boundaries, transition of services, addressing, and provision of utilities; and WHEREAS, the County and City desire to continue working together to reach agreement on other cooperative management issues within the WUGA; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, terms and conditions contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Future Annexations. The City agrees that any future annexations of the WUGA will be according to the boundaries depicted and in the order depicted in Attachment A. Upon agreement of both the City and County, the City may utilize alternative annexation boundaries. Future annexations in the WUGA shall include the entire,right of way of all public roadways along the annexation border. 2. Utilities. The City agrees to develop a phased plan for the construction and implementation of City utilities to the annexed area. Phase one, depicted in Attachment B, will be completed within 12 months of the dat€ of execu~ion of this agreement. 3. Addressing. The City and County agree to maintain the current addressing for any area annexed, pursuant to an existing agreement dated 15 October 1992 between the City and County . 4. Coordinated Development. The County and City will continue to address coordinated development within the WUGA, including mutual agreement on standards for infrastructure and capital improvement funding. s. Boundary Review. The County agrees that, upon execution of this agreement, it will not oppose the proposed annexation of property within the WUGA on and south of SR101 or invite the Boundary Review Board to invoke jurisdiction on this proposal. 6. Duration. This Agreement will remain in effect until the terms of the Agreement are fulfilled. There are no other terms agreed to by the parties. 7. Filing. When fully executed, this Agreement shall be filed with the Clallam County C:\Documents and Settmgs\MqUlnn\Local Settings\Temp\West UGA agreement.doc Agreement: 000.05.001 Auditor. 8. Notices. Any notices required by this Agreement shall be delivered, or mailed postage prepaid! and addressed to: Clallam County Clerk of the Board Clallam County Commissioners 223 E. 4th Street! Suite 4 Port Angeles, WA 98362 City of Port Angeles City Manager City of Port Angeles 321 E. 5th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 9. Administration. Each party shall administer the Agreement as to its own responsibilities under the Agreement. 10. Addendums. Both parties have identified other topics related to management of the City's designated WUGA where the development of management principles may best serve the parties and their citizens. Both parties intend to continue discussions! and may reach agreements on other revenue and management topics. Addendums may be added to this agreement with the same force and effect, and subject to the same terms and conditions as contained within this Agreement. 11. Waiver. Failure by the County or City to enforce any term or condition of this Agreement shall not be construed to constitute a waiver of any other term or condition, or of any subsequent breach of any provision of this Agreement. 12. Entire Agreement. This Agreement includes the entire Agreement of the parties with respect to any matter addressed in this Agreement. 13. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended only upon the written agreement of the parties made with the same formalities as those required for its original execution. 14. County-wide Planning Policy. To the extent that anything in this Agreement may be found to be inconsistent with any part of the adopted Clallam County-wide Planning Policies, the County and City will review the applicable parts of the County-wide Planning Policy and revise them in accordance with this Agreement as part of the City/County update of their respective Comprehensive Plans. C:\Documents and Settings\Mquinn\Local Settings\Temp\West UGA agreement doc Agreement: 000.05.001 15. Disputes. Disputes over interpretation of this agreement that are un-resolvable between the parties shall be referred to the Clallam County Superior Court, 16. Effective Date. This Agreement shall take effect upon execution by both parties. riL IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed this ~ day of VtD(vfaXLI /2005. APPROVED AS TO FORM: ." '. ,0" C' :)1 J II . ....... 1 J..J ..J \.IIV f ........... ~~~ 4#"" ~ ' lj IS, ;' ArrEST' :-..... .~:.-" .J,/. '<", . - c;J '/ ,;>' ~.;:..,; 1 ,"~;> 1._ -r;('~ ?~vrQJt~ t:p~ ,,' . . JU :; Trish Perrott, Clerk of1ge13pard ~~ I} \ <- ~ ~,..... <~' ., 1."'\ r)' .; .' APPROVED AS TO FORM:' /1/ .:',';' A TIEST: .hQ~ .-lApin'- Becky Upt Ci Clerk J~~ ~. William Bloor City Attorney 1L Iq / k#- !;, ~0 )0/ ~ Chris Melly U Deputy Prosecuting Attorney ~\' "t'''' ~f ';.."'. \~\ C P 11 0',. .- ~ 1 v if' ,~ ,...' _, ....... r 4r.... ... ".- 0.. ~ ~ ~ ". ~< ..-(1 ~... .;: .........- :,~....,- ~ 2 ~ -. v ~.. _ c . . ""'" (,,. .. c' - ~ ": S EAff '~\f\;: 'I ;l1J: . ( L;r:;. 7_%:';' :rrl=- ~ ~ ~ ~"t:;.:i{f : (r) ~ ';.. 1:J. ,l,,_<. .. ,. 'Co -..' ......";.. (J ~.. ~ ' -. ~ ~.. \.. ...... ", (f,,. -...... ~\.... " r,~,,"iSHfllG"\ ,.\,., "/~f ~~ ,. I", fl.41 H'~' C:\Documents and Settings\Mquinn\Local Settings\Temp\West UGA agreement.doc