HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.712 Original Contract
The Peninsula Trails Coalition agrees to volunteer our services to perform only the services as outlined in the
attached scope of volunteer work for the City. We understand that we will not be compensated for our work but
we volunteer to perform in a responsible manner. If we decide to discontinue volunteer service our contact
person (designated below) will notify the Director of the Parks Department
We understand that and agree that
. None of the group is to appear for volunteer service under the influence of any drugs or alcohol;
. The City has included our hours of volunteer service in the State Labor and Industries coverage for
volunteer workers,
. Our organization is responsible for directly supervising the activities of all the individuals in our group who
will be doing volunteer work, and therefore, in consideration of our organization and members being permitted
to perform services on City property, our organization agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City
of Port Angeles and its officials, employees and agents from any damage claim or lawsuit for injury, illness,
damage or other loss of any kind to anyone including members of our organization that might arise out of our
activities or the actions of any individuals of our group, except for injuries or damages caused by the sole
negligence of the City
. Our Organization gives permission to have photos/video tapes taken during the volunteer activities of adults
and/or minor participants, without recompense, to be used for publicity purposes
. We understand if we have minors under the age of 18 involved in volunteer functions, the organization will
be solely responsible, and assume all risk of liability, for the minor's actions, injuries, damages, or other
consequences and hold the City harmless from all such related claims against the City; except for injuries and
damages caused by the sole negligence of the City
. Either party may terminate this agreement at any time without cause, and that we are volunteering our
services at will and may be asked to discontinue such without prior notice or reason
This agreement will be in effect forcthE<. duration of our volunteer services beginning this date.
Dated this 7..-n- day of ~~%A , 20 6 L( .
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Name of~~atlOn , \......-/ 4
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Slg~e on behalf of or~alllza~n ()
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Printed N}!1. lOe /_~Itle I t!? / tv /9-
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City of
Phone Number
CI Scope of work for the Peninsula Trails Coaliuon
a ;> Mallltenance Activities:
[J :> PTC agrees to organize, coordinate, and manage volunteer efforts for
[J :> mamtaining completed, CIty-owned portions of the OlympIc Disco\'ery Trml
[J > (ODT), known locally as the Waterfront Trail, and the associated spur trail 011 Edil.: Hook
CI > All \\ork including Adopt-A-Trail programs shall be approved and coordmaled
[J > through the City Parks and Cemetery Superintendent PTC shall manage the
CI > program in accordance WIth the PTC TraIl Maintenance Handbook, Report No
[J > 01-1 3, Rev. 2, includingtlIDe reporting, orientatiol\lI:D8 ~'M50
[J "> ~Ql'efa.ge Copies of all repomng documents and program papenvork shall be
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o > given to Ule City Parks and Cemetery Supenntendent for proper filing and
o > record retenuon.
o > PTC mamtenance efforts will include vegetation control, noxious weed
[J > remo\'al, litter removal, periodIC inspection, and other approved maintenance
[J > activIties that can reasonably be perfomled by volunteers.
[J > PTC will advise the CIty when conditIons are found that they feel require
o > City repmr or additional maintenance efforts. The CH5' v.'ill ~0Ffefm. n~jol:
[J > moiRtQA.!m'>~ all€! l'@l'lairEJ s9R€itt@Rt Wl~l 9uQ~t pfieri~-w9Fk-:tOi'Ge
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o :> Scope of this Agreement This agreement covers the e~(]stin.!! sectlon of the
o :> ODT (WaterfTont Trail) between Straight View Drive and Valley Creek EstuaI)
o :> and extending to Ediz Hook (excepting the section along the downtown
[J > "aterfront that uses Railroad Ave). Unfinished portions of the ODT will bc
o > added to thiS agreement as they are completed.