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MARCH 6, 2018
City of Port Angeles Council Meeting Agenda Summary
City Council Chambers, 321 East 5fh Street
The Mayor may determine the order of business for a particular City Council meeting. The agenda should be arranged to best serve
the needs and/or convenience of the Council and the public. The Mayor will determine time of break. Hearing devices are available
for those needing assistance. The items of business for regular Council meetings may include the following:
A. Called to Order— Special Meeting at 5:00 p.m. —An Executive Session was held under authority of RCW
42.30.110(1)(i),to discuss potential litigation with legal counsel. The Executive Session concluded at 5:30 p.m. No action was taken.
Called to Order—Regular Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
B. Roll Call, Pledge of Allegiance
Ceremonial Matters, Proclamations & Employee Recognitions
1. Proclamation Celebrating 50th Anniversary of the League of Women Voters of Clallam County
2. Proclamation of Appreciation for AmeriCorps Volunteers
C. Public Comment
The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an
orderly, timely manner.At its most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the first Public
Comment period and shall be concluded not later than 9:45p.m. for the second Public Comment period. Individuals may speak
for three minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak.If more than 20 people are signed up to speak,
each speaker may be allocated two minutes (Council Rules of Procedure Section 12).
D. Late Items I To be placed on this or future agendas, including any executive session needed during or at the end of the
1. At the request of Councilmember Schromen-Wawrin, the Mayor added a discussion about hosting the AWC (Association of
Washington Cities) Essentials Webinar Series as a Special City Council Meeting to the agenda as Item I-4 under Other
2. Manager McKeen pulled item JI,the Light Operations Temporary Facility Lease,noting that the lease was not complete and
staff wanted Council to have plenty of time to review full lease before considering approval.
E. Consent Agenda I Approved 7-0
1. City Council Minutes:February 20, 2018.................................................................................................................E-1
2. Expenditure Report:From February 10 to February 23, 2018 in the amount of$1,173,361.93..................................E-5
3. Parks,Recreation&Beautification Commission Appointments.................................................................................E-30
4. Civil Service Commission Appointment...................................................................................................................E-55
5. Extension to Forest Land Response Agreement with the Department of Natural Resources........................................E-61
6. Utility Advisory Committee Appointments...............................................................................................................E-81
F. Public Hearings 16:30 p.m. or Soon Thereafter
1. Plastic Bag Policy Ordinance/Conducted First Reading/Continued to March 20th ................................................F-1
G. Ordinances Not Requiring Council Public Hearings
1. Ordinance Adopting Policies for Purchasing&Bidding/Conduct Second Reading/Ordinance Adopted 7-0............G-1
March 6,2018 Port Angeles City Council Meeting Page 1
H. Resolutions Not Requiring Council Public Hearings
1. Resolution Adopting Financial Policies/Item H-1 is included in memo for Item G-1/Approved 7-0.........................H-1
2. Resolution Adopting 2018 Community Work Plan/Approved 7-0............................................................................H-44
I. Other Considerations
1. Water Use Efficiency Goals/Approved 7-0..............................................................................................................I-1
2. Water System Plan Update/Approved 7-0...............................................................................................................I-3
3. Appoint Ad Hoc Committee to Review Applications for LTAC and Planning Commission/Council appointed an Ad Hoc
Committee comprised of Mayor Bruch,and Councilmembers Merideth and Schromen-Wawrin to review applications.
4. AWC(Association of Washington Cities)Essentials Webinar Series/Council agreed by consensus to host the 4-part
webinar series as open public meetings.
J. Contracts & Purchasing
1. Light Operations Temporary Facility Lease/Postponed until March 20rh ................................................................J-1
K. Council Reports
L. Information
City Manager Reports:
1. Public Safety Advisory Board Student Representative Appointment..........................................................................L-1
2. Parks,Recreation&Beautification Minutes .............................................................................................................L-5
M. Second Public Comment
The City Council desires to allow the opportunity for Public Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an
orderly, timely manner.At its most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes for the first Public
Comment period and shall be concluded not later than 9:45p.m. for the second Public Comment period. Individuals may speak
for three minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak.If more than 20 people are signed up to speak,
each speaker may be allocated two minutes (Council Rules of Procedure Section 12).
Adjournment—9:36 p.m.
Public hearings are set by the City Council in order to meet legal requirements. City Council may set a public hearing in order to
receive public input prior to making decisions which impact citizens.Certain matters may be controversial and City Council may
choose to seek public opinion through the public hearing process.
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