HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.728 Original Contract 5. 7~8 Microsoft Licensing, GP Tel 775-823-5600 6100 Neil Road Fax 775-826-0506 Reno, NV 89511-1137 A Microsoft Company Volume Licensing Customer, Microsoft~ Welcome to the Microsoft Volume Licensing Program. Enclosed is your copy of your new Volume Licensing Agreement with Microsoft, which is now in effect with your company. By now you should have received an email notification from Microsoft regarding acceptance of the terms and conditions of your Volume Licensing Agreement. The email notification contains current contract information such as licensing pools, participant contact information, and more. In addition to the electronic email acceptance letter, you should have received a second email from Microsoft with information regarding an online resource, called Microsoft Volume Licensing Services (MVLS), contains detailed and confidential information regarding your Microsoft Volume Licensing account, including transaction history, product downloads, and Volume Licensing Product Keys. If you have not received your electronic acceptance notification or MVLS instructions please contact your Large Account Reseller or Enterprise Software Advisor for assistance. Keep this contract in a secure location. It is important that you understand all of the terms and conditions contained within, and can access the information if questions arise. Thank you, Microsoft Licensing, GP Microsoft LicenSing, GP IS an equal opportunity employer ;, Microsoft Select Enrollment- State and Local Microsoft Business Agreement number (If applicable) Reseller or MIcrosoft affiliate to complete Select Agreement number Reseller or MIcrosoft aff1l,ate to complete Enrollment number Microsoft aff1llate to complete ~ OIS:.(PAO{P{P PrevIous enrollment number Reseller to complete 3S4 3..2. b :2.. Select Agreement Explralion Date Reseller or MIcrosoft aff1llate to complete 5-- 3/"08 Previous agreement end date Reseller to complete ~y 311 2..00S- This Microsoft Select Enrollment IS entered mto between the following entities Each party Will notify the other In wrltmg If any of the mformation In the following table changes Customer Postal code .:?b;2... Contact Name /' L /J I ~Q I'V . orWf:=~ (ThIS person handles accesslfo onlme Information, and receives notices unless a different contact IS rovlded below Contact E-mail Address (required for online access) I ~ 6,..op~s~ l!tfy 19+ ~. u.s Phone 3bo- 4/7- h11 Fax 3bo-l.{(7 - </fooa Microsoft Account Manager E-mail Name of Entity L;~ o~ fort An ell'S Street a dress 32{ Microsoft Account Manager Name Microsoft Licensing, GP - 6100 Neif Road, SUite 210 - Reno, Nevada USA 89511-1137 - Dept. 551, Volume Licensln If online access and notices should be provided to someone or some place other than above, complete this section: Name of Entity Contact name Street address Contact e-mail address City State/Province Phone Country Postal code Fax SLG Microsoft Select Enrollment v6 1 (North America) September 1, 2003 Cover Page Page 1 of7 If duplicate electronic contractual notices should be provided to someone or some place in addition to the above, complete this section: Name of Entity Contact Name Street Address Contact Email Address (reqUIred for electronic notices) City State/Province Phone Country Postal Code Fax Definitions. When used in this enrollment, "you" refers to the entity that signs this enrollment with us and "we" or "us" refers to the Microsoft entity that signs this enrollment All other definitions in the Microsoft Select Agreement identified above apply here Effective date. If you are renewing Software Assurance coverage (or similar upgrade protection) from one or more prevIous Microsoft agreements, then the effective date of thiS enrollment Will be the day after the earliest expiration of such coverage Otherwise the effective date Will be the date thiS enrollment IS signed by us. Where a prevIous Microsoft agreement is being used, your reseller will require the agreement number and agreement end date to complete the applicable boxes above Term. ThiS enrollment Will expire on the date on which the Microsoft Select Agreement expires, unless it is terminated earlier as provided for In that Agreement. Representations and warranties. By signing this enrollment, the parties agree to be bound by the terms of thiS enrollment, and you represent and warrant that: (i) you have read and understood the Microsoft Business Agreement (If any) and the Microsoft Select Agreement, including any amendments to those documents, and the product use rights, and agree to be bound by those; (ii) you are either the entity that signed the Microsoft Select Agreement or its affiliate; (iil) during the initial term of this enrollment you do not expect to purchase licenses equal to at least 750 points and will not receive a CD kit or subscription; and (IV) the information that you provide on each of the attached forms is accurate. Non-exclusivity. This enrollment is non-exclUSive. Nothing contained in it reqUires you to license, use or promote Microsoft software or servIces exclusively. You may, if you choose, enter into agreements With other parties to license, use or promote non-Microsoft software or services. Microsoft Volume Licensing Web Sites (Note: We will adVise you orany changes to these URLs.) Product Use Rights http'//microsoft.com/licensino/resources Product List http://microsoft.com/licensinq/resources Microsoft Volume Licensing Services (MVLS) https //Iicenslno.microsoft.com (password protected site to view orders under thiS enrollment) SLG Microsoft Select Enrollment v6 1 (North Amenca) September 1,2003 Cover Page Page 2 of 7 Notices to Microsoft should be sent to: Copies should be sent to: Microsoft Licensing, GP 6100 Nell Road, SUite 210 Reno, Nevada USA89511-1137 Dept 551, Volume Licensing Microsoft Law and Corporate Affairs One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052 USA Volume Licensing Group (425) 936-7329 fax Copies should also be sent to: Washington State Department of Information Services Contract Administrator PO Box 42445 Olympia, WA 98504-2445 This enrollment consists of (1) this cover page, (2) the Software Assurance Election Form, and (3) the Reseller Information Form. Contracting Microsoft Affiliate Microsoft Licensing, GP Signature (:l,/ -L--- L. I5rCYi>t.s Printed nam Printed title S 5 fefrls 6>1),d/~Q Signature date A. {; 2..00..s- UL NELSON Printed title CONTRACT A or Signature date (date Microsoft affiliate countersigns) MAY 27 2005 Effective Date (may be different than our signature date) -(-()b SLG Microsoft Select Enrollment v6 1 (North Amenca) September 1, 2003 Cover Page Page 3 of 7 Software Assurance Election Form 1. Software Assurance Membership election: To become a Software Assurance Member, you must agree to purchase and maintain Software Assurance for all copies of all products licensed under this enrollment from at least one product pool For a descnptlon of benefits resulting from choosing one or more product pools below and additional details regarding the Software Assurance Membership program, please consult your reseller or Microsoft account manager. For each product pool, markth? "yes" or "no" to indicate whether you are committing to purchase and maintain Software AS$urance for all copies of all products licensed from that pool under this enrollment. Yes No Applications D ~ Systems D lXJ Servers D ~ . .. Note: If you mark "Yes", we will not accept orders for Licenses without Software Assurance 2. Election to renew Software Assurance (or similar upgrade protection): If you are renewing Software Assurance (or similar upgrade protection) from a previous Microsoft agreement; mark the box below and 'provide your previous enrollment number and enrollment end date or Mlcros,oft Open Licen's8,Authorization Number and end date to your reseller for it to complete the applicable boxesj3fthetop 'onhe COYer page' of this enr~lIment. " - For an explanation of the circumstances under which you may renew, see subsection 3(a) (Placing orders) of the Select Agreement D Yes, I am renewing Software Assurance. SLG Microsoft Select Enrollment v6 1 (North Amenca) September 1, 2003 Software Assurance Election Form Page 4 of 7 Reseller Information Form Use this form to Identify your selected reseller and have your reseller complete the Information below and acknowledge your selection by signing below Reseller Information: Reseller Company Name EN POINTE TECHNOLOGIES Street address 100 N SEPULVEDA BLVD, 19TH FLOOR City and State/Province and Postal Code EL SEGUNDO CA 90245 Country USA Contact name ARLENE DANIELS Phone 310-725-9782 Fax 310-725-1156 Emall address ada nlels@enpolnte.com The underSigned confirms that the Reseller Information is correct Name of Reseller EN POINTE TECHNOLOGIES Signature Printed name ARLENE DANIELS Printed title STRATEGIC PRODUCT MANAGER Date S~\bI~ SLG Microsoft Select Enrollrne'lt v6 1 (NOlih Arnellca) September 1,2003 R8seller !l1formaMn Form Page 5 of 7 Appendix Media Shipping Information Form - Starter CD Kit !" Enrollment Information Reseller Contact Agreement # Company Name En Pomte Technologies ,Reseller or Microsoft OISlpAo~1o affiliate to complete) Enrollment # Contact Name Arlene Daniels (i,llcrosoft affiliate to complele) Customer Contact (d1tt.A{ 1.-. /};f(U) t.5 Contact Emall Name adanlels@enpolnte com Contact Phone 310-725-9782 At your option, Starter CD kits and CD-ROM subSCriptions relating to your Select Enrollment (Identified above) will be shipped to the address set out below Terms used but not defined In thiS form have the meanings given to them In your enrollment -- CD Kit Ship To Information (* indicates required information) Company Name' Contact Name' Street Address' Contact Email Address' City and State I Province' Contact Phone Number' Country and Postal Code Contact Fax Number If you choose below to receive media, then upon our acceptance of your enrollment, we Will send you your starter CD kit (media) In the language(s) you select ThiS starter CD kit will be prOVided at no additional charge, In order to permit you to exercise the license rights granted under your enrollment and the related Select License Agreement You may also subscribe to updates In the form of CDs, or upon reasonable notice, electronic download or similar other means If you need additional CD kits and updates, you may order these through your reseller for a fee For a complete list of the conte,nts of any kit, VISit the web site at hltp Ilselectuq mslicense com C I want to receive a starter CD kit (media) o I want to subscribe to receive kit updates [g] I do not want to receive a starter CD kit (media) ~ I do not want to subscribe to receive kit updates The charges for any purchased media may pe subject to sales taxes based upon where media delivery occurs If you are exempt from sales taxes In the media delivery location, please prOVide the applicable sales tax exemption documentation with youl enrollment. SLG Select Enrollment Media Olde' Form v6 I (North Ameflca) September 1, 2003 i\ppend,x Page 6 of 7 Media Shipping Information Form - Starter CD Kit (Continued) For each language and group you wish to receive, mark the corresponding box with an X Apphcallons Pool S stems Pool Windows Client Business o o o o Servers Pool Mapping . Training and Learnln o Server A licatlons o o o o o o Language En hsh En hsh/MultlLan ua e Ara bl c Brazlhan Portu uese Chinese Slm hfied Chinese Traditional Chinese Traditional Hong Kong/Pan- Chinese Czech 0 Danish 0 Dutch 0 Finnish 0 French 0 German 0 Greek 0 Hebrew 0 Hun anan 0 Italian 0 Ja anese 0 Korean 0 Norwe Ian 0 Pan Chinese 0 Pohsh 0 Portu uese 0 Russian 0 S anlsh 0 Swedish 0 Thai 0 Turkish 0 0 * Mapping Kit IS not available for use In or shipment to, India, Morocco, Pakistan, China, Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and Turke Not Available Products for Macintosh o Windows Servers o o SLG Select Enrollment Media Order Form v6.1 (North America) September 1, 2003 Appendix o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 70f7