HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.737 Original Contract 5.757-0< L} WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSIlY 'EXTENSION ~~ ill Introductory Letter and Agreement Food Stamp Nutrition Education WSU Extension forms partnerships with multiple community agencies to provide nutrition education for thousands of low-income people each year. Food Sense is partially funded by federal funds for Food Stamp Nutrition Education (FSNE). To receive federal funds for FSNE, WSU Extension must document equal contributions in matching public funds from state, county, city, or tribal governments. The matching public funds must not be from federal sources and must not already be matched to federal funds. In each partner agency, the fiscal authority is responsible for verifying that the funds used as match qualify. Federal dollars and funds already matched to federal dollars pass through many state, county, city, and tribal agencies. For the purpose of this program, federal funds never lose their identity. In addition, partner agencies must document that clients served by this program are at or below 185% of the federal poverty guidelines.\ Federal requirements must be met for both the federal share of expenses and the matching funds. Local WSU faculty and staff assist community partners in meeting the requirements by providing instructions and worksheets and answering questions. The cost principles are specified under OMB Circulars A-87, A-21, and A-122.2 Allowable costs are also defined by FNS Departmental rules at 7 CFR 3016 and Food Stamp Program rules at 7 CFR Part 217/ and the Food Stamp Nutrition Education Guidance issued annually. Extension's community partners document the value oftheir matching funds as a best estimate on the Letter of Support, using provided worksheets for details. Community partners document actual, after-the-fact contributions quarterly with a Letter of Verification and supporting details. Partner agencies agree to maintain records of their expenses used as match for audit for six years. WSU programs are subject to federal, state, and internal audits. **************** LETTER OF AGREEMENT FOR NUTRITION EDUCATION Contingent on the award offederal funds, WSU Food Sense will provide education and other services as outlined in the Food Stamp Nutrition Education State Plan. In consideration ofthose services and the opportunity to participate in the program Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Program is agreeing to enter into a Letter of Support (attached) and to keep and provide the records and services outlined in this Introductory Letter and Agreement. I. PURPOSE & SCOPE This is an agreement between Washington State University Extension and Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Program to provide support for the delivery of nutrition education for the eligible clients of Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Program who are Food Stamp recipients and applicants. This agreement: 1. Identifies the roles and responsibilities of each party for this activity. 2. Confirms the intent ofWSU to provide nutrition education services to eligible clients of Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Program who are Food Stamp recipients and applicants. 3. Confirms the intent of Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Program to provide non-federal public funds as matching funds detailed in the Letter of Support to increase nutrition education for eligible clients. 4. Supports WSU's contract with the Department of Social and Health Services to deliver nutrition education for Basic Food (Food Stamp) recipients and applicants, including adults and youth. 1 http://aspe.os.dhhs.gov/poverty/poverty .shtml 2 http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/index.htm I 3 http://www.gpoaccess.gov/cfr/index.html For FSNE FY 2006 budget cycle - Commumty Partners II. UNDER THIS AGREEMENT WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WILL: 1. Develop a plan for the delivery of the nutrition education. 2. Hire, supervise, and train staff to deliver the nutrition education program. 3. Provide travel costs, demonstration supplies, and printed materials for nutrition education classes. 4. Provide technical assistance in preparing required documentation. 5. Maintain enrollment records of clients reached, and evaluate the impacts of the nutrition education intervention. Ill. UNDER THIS AGREEMENT PORT ANGELES PARKS & RECREATION PROGRAM WILL: Document that at least 50 percent of clients participating in this program are within 185% of federal poverty guidelines. Maintain records of matching fund contributions for audit for 6 years, and (check all that apply) o Provide staff to assist with the delivery of nutrition education classes. o Promote the nutrition education program with its clientele. o Provide space for classes to meet. o Provide other goods and services to support the education. o Other (describe) IV. IT IS MUTUALLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PARTIES THAT: 1. Modification: This agreement may be amended by mutual agreement of the Parties. Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the Parties. 2. Termination: This agreement may be terminated by either party hereto upon written notice delivered to the other party at least thirty (30) days prior to the intended date of termination. By such termination, neither party may nullify obligations already incurred prior to the date oftermination. 3. Each party to this agreement shall be responsible for its own acts or omissions and those of its officers, employees, and agents. No party to this agreement shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of those not a party to this agreement and each party shall indemnify and hold the others harmless for any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits, including attorneys fees, arising out of its own acts or omissions and those of its officers, employees and agents. V. FUNDING This agreement is contingent on the award of federal funds. This agreement does not include the reimbursement of funds between the two parties. VI. EFFECTIVE DATE AND SIGNATURE This agreement shall be effective upon the signature of Washington State University and Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Program authorized officials. It shall be in force from October 1,2005 to September 30, 2006. Washington State University and Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Program indicate agreement by their signatures. ~ Daniel G. Nordquist, Director, OGRD/APSP Washington State University O!A~ Ctm.kj ~ Signature to /U l~ Date A;J S. ~F1= .'\ Orj DI~E (f-r-D(L DF 'KE"L lLeA1:-IOkJ ngeles Parks & Recreation Program Project location: Clallam County ~ z.. QS' re D~ d!>1L ~ ~lL..L~~R. ~12-l~~ YA~ For FSNE FY 2006 budget cycle - Community Partners. 5.757 " LETTER OF AGREEMENT FOR NUTRITION EDUCATION I. PURPOSE & SCOPE This agreement is between Washington State University (WSU) and Port Angeles Parks and Recreation to provide nutrition education for youth day camp participants who are Food Stamp recipients or applicants. This agreement: 1. Identifies the roles and responsibilities of each party for this activity. 2. Confirms the intent ofWSU to provide the nutrition education services to eligible clients of Port Angeles Parks and Recreation. 3. Confirms the intent of Port Angeles Parks and Recreation to provide public, non-federal funds as matching funds listed on the Letter of Support to increase nutrition education for their clients. 4. Supports WSU's contract with the Department of Social and Health Services to provide nutrition education for Basic Food (Food Stamp) recipients and applicants, including adults and youth. II. UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, WSU WILL: 1. Develop a mutually agreeable plan for the delivery of nutrition education to the clients of Port Angeles Parks and Recreation. 2. Hire, supervise, and train staff to deliver the nutrition education program. 3. Provide travel costs, demonstration supplies, and printed materials for nutrition education classes. 4. Provide technical assistance in preparing required documentation. 5. Refer clients to other nutrition services when need is identified. 6. Maintain enrollment records of clients reached. 7. Evaluate the impacts of the nutrition education intervention. III. UNDER THIS AGREEMENT Port Angeles Parks and Recreation will: 1. Provide staff to assist as needed with the delivery of nutrition education classes. 2. Promote the nutrition education program with its clientele. 3. Provide space for classes to meet. 4. Maintain records of matching fund contributions for audit for 6 years. IV. IT IS MUTUALLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE P ARTIES THAT: 1. Modification: This agreement may be amended by mutual agreement of the Parties. Such amendments shall not be binding unless they are in writing and signed by personnel authorized to bind each of the Parties. 2. Termination: This agreement may be terminated by either party hereto upon written notice delivered to the other party at least thirty (30) days prior to the intended date oftermination. By such termination, neither party may nullify obligations already incurred prior to the date of termination. V. FUNDING This agreement is contingent on the award of federal funds. This agreement does not include the reimbursement of funds between the two parties. VI. EFFECTIVE DATE AND SIGNATURE This agreement shall be effective upon the signature of Parties A and B authorized officials. It shall be in force from October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005. Washington State University and Port Angeles Parks and Recreation indicate agreement by their signatures. \9'- Daniel G. Nordquist, Director, OGRD/APSP - - ~itle: ~OTV ~IRG:'- Tc.'rt- OF "j<..Cic::..~...kT,b~ Signature Date \b III f~ ate~lo~ Washington l u... ~ le. oR.. ~ Iv 'F~tJ..7