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5.748 Original Contract
• 5.748 SOLICITATION/CONTRACT/ORDER FOR COMMERCIAL ITEMS 1. REQUISITION NUMBER PAGE OF OFFEROR TO COMPLETE BLOCKS 12,17,23,24,630 0040096555 1 5 2.CONTRACT NO. 3.AWARD/ 4.ORDER NUMBER 5.SOLICITATION NUMBER 8.SOLICITATION EFFECTIVE DATE P13 PXD 1428 ISSUE DATE 07/24/2013 T. FOR SOLICITATION a.NAME O.TELEPHONE NUMBER (No collect cells) 8.OFFER DUE DATE/LOCAL TIME INFORMATION CALL: ' Darrin Knapp 303-969-2055 9.ISSUED BY CODE PD5 10.THIS ACQUISITION IS 11 UNRESTRICTED OR ❑SET ASIDE: %FOR: WOMEN-OWNED SMALL BUSINESS NPS, DSC Contracting Services Div ❑SMALL BUSINESS D(AOSB)ELIGIBLE UNDER THE WOMEN-OWNED 12795 W. Alameda Pkwy D HUBZONE SMALL SMALL BUSINESS PROGRAM NAI05'. P.O. Box 25287 BUSINESS D EDWOSB Denver CO 80225-0287 ❑SERVICE-DISABLED 0 8(A) VETERAN-OWNED SIZE STANDARD: SMALL BUSINESS 11. DELIVERY FOR FOB DESTINA- 12.DISCOUNT TERMS 13b.RATING TION UNLESS BLOCK IS PP30 013a. THIS CONTRACT IS MARKED RATED ORDER UNDER 14.METHOD OF SOLICITATION D SEE SCHEDULE DPAS(15 CFR 700) DRFQ DIFB ❑RFP 15.DELIVER TO CODE 0009060749 18.ADMINISTERED EY CODE PDS NPS,DSC-Design & Construction DOI, NPS, DSC Contracting Services (Via Courier) 12795 W. ALAMEDA PARK 12795 W. Alameda Pkwy LAKEWOOD CO 80228 P.O. Box 25287 Denver CO 80225-0287 17a.CONTRACTOR/ CODE 0071307366 FACILRY 18%PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CODE IPP INV OFFEROR CODE PORT ANGELES, CITY OF Invoice Processing Platform System 321 E 5TH ST US Department of Treasury PORT ANGELES WA 98362-3206 http://www.ipp.gov TELEPHONE NO. 0178.CHECK IF REMITTANCE IS DIFFERENT AND PUT SUCH ADDRESS IN OFFER 18b.SUBMIT INVOICES TO ADDRESS SHOWN IN BLOCK 18a UNLESS BLOCK BELOW IS CHECKED OSEE ADDENDUM 10. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. ITEM NO. SCHEDULE OF SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT OLYM 005375 "URGENT" Task Agreement 19 with City of Port Angeles. Re-rate bridge crane. TA 19 - Re-rate Bridge Crane - H9500050094 Project Team: PM/PS/COR: Karl von Rosenberg CO: Darrin Knapp CS: Audrey winters REQ IPP: Dina Martinez Suggested COR: DMARTIN4 Delivery: 09/30/2013 Continued . . . (Use Reverse and/or Attach Additional Sheets as Necessary) 25.ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 26.TOTAL AWARD AMOUNT(For Govt.Use Only) 01 $4,000.00 27a.SOLICITATION INCORPORATES BY REFERENCE FAR 52.212-1,52.212-4. FAR 52.212-3 AND 52.212-5 ARE ATTACHED. ADDENDA D ARE D ARE NOT ATTACHED. o 27b.CONTRACT/PURCHASE ORDER INCORPORATES BY REFERENCE FAR 52.212-4.FAR 52.212-5 IS ATTACHED. ADDENDA DARE D ARE NOT ATTACHED. 02E3 CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO SIGN THIS DOCUMENT AND RETURN RI 29.AWARD OF CONTRACT: TA -19 OFFER COPIES TO ISSUING OFFICE. CONTRACTOR AGREES TO FURNISH AND DELIVER DATED . YOUR OFFER ON SOLICITATION(BLOCK 5), ALL ITEMS SET FORTH OR OTHERWISE IDENTIFIED ABOVE AND ON ANY ADDITIONAL INCLUDING ANY ADDITIONS OR CHANGES WHICH ARE SET FORTH SHEETS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SPECIFIED. - S AI CEPTED AS TO ITEMS: All - Bridge Crane 30a.SIGNATURE OF OFFEROR/CONTRACTOR 31. NITED �%9 RIC (SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER) 1 7 308.NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER(Type or print) . 30c.DATE SIGNED 31b.NAME OF CONTRACTING OF IC (Type or print) 31c.DATE SIGN D Darrin Knapp 1I 2, (3 AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPRODUCTION STANDARD FORM 1449(RE .2/2012) PREVIOUS EDITION IS NOT USABLE Prescribed by GSA-FAR(48 CFR)53.2 2 • 2 of 5 19. ITEM NO, SCHEDULE OF SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT Account Assignment: K G/L Account: 6100.411C0 Business Area: P000 Commitment Item: 411C00 Cost Center: PPPWOLYMS3 Functional Area: PLCLILIO5.CN0000 Fund: XXXP103905 Fund Center: PPPWOLYMS3 Project/WBS: PX.P0005375N.D0.4 PR Acct Assign Line: 01 Period of Performance: 07/10/2013 to 09/30/2013 • • . 00010 OLYM-005375 Task Agreement 19 H9500050094 4,000.00 See Attached Task Agreement 19 Executed by Parties IT Approval Num: N The total amount of award: $4,000.00. The obligation for this award is shown in box 26. 32a.QUANTITY IN COLUMN 21 HAS BEEN ❑ RECEIVED ❑ INSPECTED ❑ACCEPTED,AND CONFORMS TO THE CONTRACT,EXCEPT AS NOTED: 32b.SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 32n DATE 32d.PRINTED NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE • 32e.MAILING ADDRESS OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 32f.TELEPHONE NUMBER OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 32g.E-MAIL OF AUTHORIZED GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVE 33.SHIP NUMBER 34.VOUCHER NUMBER 35.AMOUNT VERIFIED 36.PAYMENT 37.CHECK NUMBER CORRECT FOR ❑COMPLETE ❑PARTIAL ❑ FINAL ❑PARTIAL ❑ FINAL 38.SIR ACCOUNT NUMBER 39.SIR VOUCHER NUMBER 40.PAID BY 41a.I CERTIFY THISACCOUNT IS CORRECT AND PROPER FOR PAYMENT 42a.RECEIVED BY(Print) 410.SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF CERTIFYING OFFICER 41c.DATE 42b.RECEIVED AT(Location) 42c.DATE RECD(YY?4M/DD) 42d,TOTAL CONTAINERS STANDARD FORM 1449(REV.2/20121 BACK TASK AGREEMENT NO. 19 Between the United States Department of Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington ARTICLE I—GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094, including Amendment 1, between the National Park Service (NPS) and the City of Port Angeles (City) shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II— STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees to: 1. Contract for services necessary to rerate the bridge crane from 6,000 pounds to 6,500 pounds. The service provider will perform load test and adjust bridge crane settings as necessary for new rating. 2. Provide copy of final report on crane rerating and of invoice to City for the work. ARTICLE III—SCHEDULE AND TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT Work will be completed on schedule to be established by the City. All work to be completed by September 30, 2013. ARTICLE IV—AWARD AND PAYMENT A. Financial Assistance: The NPS will provide funding to the City for their actual cost of having service provider provide services necessary to rerate the bridge crane. Funding provided will be in the amount of$4,000. NPS and the City mutually agree that payment of the above amount to accomplish the work described satisfies any remaining NPS responsibility for the task relating to the Bridge Crane described in correspondence from Ed Tafoya to Glenn Cutler in letter dated January 27, 2010. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: XXXP 103905 PPPWOLYMS3 PLCLILI05.CN0000 PX.P0005375N.D0.4 $ 4,000.00 B. DOI Local Clause- Electronic Invoicing and Payment Requirements-Internet Payment Platform(IPP) (September 2011) Payment requests must be submitted electronically through the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Internet Payment Platform System (IPP). Page 1 of 3 • "Payment Request means any request for contract financing payment or invoice payment by the Contractor. To constitute a proper invoice, the payment request must comply with the requirements identified in the applicable Prompt Payment clause included in the contract,or the clause 52.212-4 Contract Terms and Condition-Commercial Items including in commercial item contracts. The IPP • website address is: baps://www.ipp.gov. Under this contract, the following documents are required to be submitted as an attachment to the IPP: Back-up documentation as required by the order as defined in the scope of services. The Contractor must use the IPP website to register, access and use 1PP for submitting requests for payment. The Contractor Government Business Point of Contact(as listed in CCR) will receive enrollment instructions via email from the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston(FRBB) within 3 -5 business days of the contract award date. Contractor assistance with enrollment can be obtained by contacting the IPP Production Helpdesk via email ippgroup@bos.frb.org bos.frb.org or phone(866) 973-3131. If the Contractor is unable to comply with the requirement to use IPP for submitting invoices for payment, the Contractor must submit a waiver request in writing to the Contracting Officer with its proposal or quotation. (End of Local Clause) ARTICLE V- 52.223-18 ENCOURAGING CONTRACTOR POLICIES TO BAN TEXT AUGUST 2011 MESSAGING WHILE DRIVING (a)Definitions. As used in this clause— "Driving"- (1) Means operating a motor vehicle on an active roadway with the motor running, including while temporarily stationary because of traffic, a traffic light,stop sign, or otherwise. (2) Does not include operating a motor vehicle with or without the motor running when one has pulled over to the side of,or off,an active roadway and has halted in a location where one can safely remain stationary. "Text messaging"means reading from or entering data into any handheld or other electronic device, including for the purpose of short message service texting,e-mailing, instant messaging, obtaining navigational information,or engaging in any other form of electronic data retrieval or electronic data conununication.The term does not include glancing at or listening to a navigational device that is secured in a commercially designed holder affixed to the vehicle, provided that the destination and route are programmed into the device either before driving or while stopped in a location off the roadway where it is safe and legal to park. (b)This clause implements Executive Order 13513, Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving, dated October 1, 2009. (c)The Contractor is encouraged to (1) Adopt and enforce policies that ban text messaging while driving- (i) Company-owned or-rented vehicles or Government-owned vehicles; or (ii) Privately-owned vehicles when on official Government business or when performing any work for or on behalf of the Government. (2) Conduct initiatives in a manner commensurate with the size of the business, such as (i) Establishment of new rules and programs or re-evaluation of existing programs to prohibit text messaging while driving; and (ii) Education, awareness,and other outreach to employees about the safety risks associated with texting while driving. (d) Subcontracts.The Contractor shall insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph(d),in all subcontracts that exceed the micro-purchase threshold. ARTICLE V-AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Karl von Rosenberg, Denver Service Center Program Manager, Elwin River Restoration, karl_vonrosenberg @nps.gov, (303) 969-2491. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, geutler n cityofpa.us, (360) 417-4800. Page 2 of 3 ARTICLE VI- SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Park Service Signature: e.1 Name: Darrin Knapp Title: Contracting Officer Date: 1 PLI I r 3 For the City of Port Angeles Signature: S - Name: Dan McKeen Title: City Manager Date: 1 I 111 ; 3 Attest / / Signature: A.a .r4 ' . L t" Name: essa Hurd Title: City Clerk Date: 7-/7-I3 Approved as to Form �j Signature: l/(/, //rie 6 V,- Name: William E. Bloor Title: City Attorney Date: 7— /5- - /7 Page 3 of 3 ARTICLE I GENERAL TERMS ARTICLE II STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees to TASK AGREEMENT NO. 18 P 12AT20100 Between the United States Department of Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094, including Amendment 1, between the National Park Service (NPS) and the City of Port Angeles (City) shall apply to this Task Agreement 1 Design and build insulation behind unused generator louver at Ranney Well building. Louver size is approximately 10' x 10' and is shown as Item 5 on drawings A -13A and A -14, by constructing an insulated partition behind the louver. Design and build a hard wired light switch for Pump Room lighting adjacent to door between Pump Room and Electrical Room. Reference drawing E -5. 3 Design and build 1 -1/2 inch air release pipe from top of 24 inch side outlet tee located at northeast corner of filters Route air release line to top of filter wall with 180° return and screened end Reference drawing P -6, approximate gnd location H -5 4 Design and build reroute of 1 -inch Schedule 80 PVC backwash line from water softener to different drain location Reference drawing P -1. Line will be routed from approximately grid location E -9 to grid location D -7. 5 Provide three additional alum pumps. Each pump sized to allow feed rate of 1 ppm for plant flow rate of 5.6 mgd, within manufacturer's stated range of operation including two calibrations cylinders Pumps to be as manufactured by Milton Roy Company or approved equal Reference drawing P -21 at approximate grid location B -8. ARTICLE III SCHEDULE AND TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT Work will be completed on schedule to be established by the City. ARTICLE IV AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: The NPS will provide funding to the City in the amount of 23,148 for the work descnbed in Article II. Payment will be made upon receipt of invoice from the City after execution of the Task Agreement P 12AT20100 Page 1 of 3 5, 7 q �s ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS ARTICLE VI SIGNATURES NPS and the City mutually agree that payment of the above amount to accomplish the work described will satisfy all remaining NPS responsibility for tasks described in correspondence from Ed Tafoya to Glenn Cutler in letters dated January 27, 2010 and February 4, 2010, copies attached, with the exception of providing updated information for the OMSI manual in relation to the Filter Valves and work relating to Bridge Crane in letter of January 27, 2010. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 2012 9500 -3041 -477- 23,148.00 ARTICLE V- Prohibition on Text Messaging and Using Electronic Equipment Supplied by the Government while Driving Executive Order 13513., Federal Leadership On Reducing Text Messaging While Driving, was signed by President Barack Obama on October 1, 2009 (ref.: httn: /edocket. access. gno.eov /2009/ndf/E9- 24203.ndf). This Executive Order introduces a Federal Government -wide prohibition on the use of text messaging while driving on official business or while using Government- supplied equipment. In accordance with Section 4 of that Executive Order, the National Park Service encourages the City and its contractors to adopt and enforce policies that ban text messaging while driving when on official business or performing any work under this Task Agreement. The National Park Service also encourages the City and its contractors to adopt and enforce initiatives of the type described in Section 3(a) of the Executive Order. For the NPS: Karl von Rosenberg, Denver Service Center Program Manager, Elwha River Restoration, karl von_rosenberg @nps.gov, (303) 969 -2491. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, gcutler @cityofpa.us, (360) 417 -4800. IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. P I2AT20100 Page 2 of 3 For the Nation. ark S ice J./kid/AA Signature: Name: Title: Contracting Officer Date: Bethany A. Mil 3 /aa/ao For the City of Port Angeles Signature: Name: Kent Myers Title: Date: Attest Signature: Name: essa Hurd Title: City Clerk Date: 3/ f s /ef Approved as to Form si /Zo/ z Name: William E. Bloor Title: City A)torney -17114 '44tete, P 12AT20100 City Manager 73//V&( 2— Page 3 of 3 IN REPLY REFER TO D5217 (DSC -CS) OLYM- 005375 1443C800007091 1 City Manager City of Port Angeles 321 East 5 Street PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA. 98362 -0217 United States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE DENVER SERVICE CENTER 12795 W. Alameda Parkway P.O. Box 25287 Denver, Colorado 80225 -0287 Subject: Items Requiring Corrective Action NATIONAL PARK SERVICE January 27, 2010 Dear Mr. Myers: Reference: Olympic National Park, Clallam County, Washington, Contract No. 1443C8000070911, Park General, Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant, Package No. OLYM- 005375 During inspection of Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant, several items have been identified that could impact the long term operation of the water treatment plant. The City has expressed concern with accepting the plant unless the items are either corrected prior to acceptance or the National Park Service (NPS) provides a letter that documents its plan for taking corrective action. This letter is to acknowledge National Park Service commitment to ensuring that corrective action will be taken on the following items that have been identified at Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant. Filter Valves NPS acknowledges the determination by City of Port Angeles and Washington Department of Health that the Filter Effluent (FE) and Filter to Waste (FTW) Valves are not capable of providing adequate control of the water flow through the filters for the full range of plant operations and should be modified. NPS will work with the designer, URS, to obtain design of a satisfactory resolution of this issue. Filter modulating valves will be provided with capability to report valve position to the SCADA system. Addition of modulating capability will include all necessary changes to provide the valves, including updates to the SCADA system. The OMSI manual will be updated to reflect revised operating and maintenance procedures. Filter Differential Pressure Indication The City has requested that differential pressure readings across each filter be provided. NPS will provide a pressure transducer on the filter effluent line. Information from this transducer will be reported to the SCADA system. Differential pressure will be computed based on this data and the water elevation in the filter. The filter differential pressure for each filter will be displayed on the filter information page of SCADA for each filter. Alum Pumps The current alum pumps do not allow setting of alum flow rate below a feed rate of approximately 2 ppm at minimum plant flow rate. The 2 ppm setting is below the 2 Sincerely, manufacturer's stated range of operation for the pumps furnished. The City needs the capability to dose Alum at lower rates when treating Ranney Well water in direct filtration mode. NPS agrees to provide and install two new pumps or pump heads with capability to provide a feed rate of 1 ppm within the manufacturer's stated range of operation. Selection of new pump or pump head will be based on determination of design engineer with input from pump manufacturer. Backflow Preventer Access Platform The City Building Inspection department has determined that access capability must be provided to allow required testing and service of elevated backflow preventer assemblies The City has determined that adequate access would be afforded by a portable, dual personnel lift, Genie Industries DPL -25S DC. NPS agrees to provide funding in the amount of $13,538.00 for this lift in order to provide required access. Bridge Crane The weight of the electric motors provided for the High Service pumps exceed the capacity of the provided 3 -ton bridge crane. NPS has requested that the design engineer provide a suitable solution to this issue. NPS agrees correcting this issue must be done to provide satisfactory long term maintenance capability. Light Switch for Pump Room The City has determined that a light switch must be provided at the entrance to the pump room from the electrical room. NPS will issue a modification to provide this switch. Suitability of Material for Recycle Basin Liner and Bird Balls The liner and floating "bird balls" in this tank are fabricated from high density polyethylene (HDPE). The materials do not have an NSF -61 rating. A question has been raised as to whether this material is appropriate. NPS has requested the design engineer to verify the suitability of the materials used, or to propose an alternative resolution. Preliminary report from the engineer is that non -NSF rated HDPE may be used for raw water storage. Engineer is documenting the suitability of the material and will provide information for review by NPS, City, and DOH. Based on his report, NPS will work with the City to assure a satisfactory resolution of this item. Work is currently proceeding on developing an acceptable solution for the above items. Several, including the filter modulating valves and the resolution of bridge crane may take some time to finalize. NPS agrees to pursue this work and to keep the City informed of progress. Implementing all of the items above is subject to obtaining approval of necessary funding. NPS understands the need to accomplish the work above in a timely manner and that the work must be done to provide the full treatment capability the plant was intended to provide. Fund requests will be submitted as soon as actual cost information is available for the work described. I do not anticipate that funding will be an issue, but it must be noted. Should there be a problem in obtaining funds NPS will notify City personnel. The City will retain the option to pursue further action in accordance with the terms of the transfer agreement. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact me at (303) 969 -2116 or DSC Elwha Program Manager, Karl von Rosenberg at (303) 969 -2491. i✓ Edward L. Tafoya Contracting Officer 1 cc: Glenn Cutler, City of Port Angeles Superintendent, Olympic National Park Elwha Project Manager, Olympic National Park DSC -DC, von Rosenberg IN REPLY REFER TO D5217 (DSC -CS) OLYM- 005375 1443C8000070911 City Manager City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th Street PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA. 98362 -0217 United States Department of the interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE DENVER SERVICE CENTER 12795 W. Alameda Parkway P.O. Box 25287 Denver, Colorado 80225 -0287 February 4, 2010 Dear Mr. Myers: Reference: Olympic National Park, Clallam County, Washington, Contract No. 1443C8000070911, Park General, Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant, Package No. OLYM- 005375 Subject: Additional Discussion of Items Requiring Corrective Action Substantial Completion of Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant This letter is to follow up on my previous letter to you of January 27, 2010, regarding items requiring correction at Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant PAWTP). Since that letter, the City has identified additional items requiring correction. In addition, it has been requested that we clarify the National Park Service (NPS) position in relation to the "PAWTP Transfer Agreement" between the City and the NPS dated October 7, 2008. Pursuant to the PAWTP Transfer Agreement, NPS agrees that it will correct these items found to keep the plant from meeting Washington Department of Health (DOH) requirements, Washington Department of Labor and Industry (L &I) safety requirements, City Fire Marshall requirements, and other issues that would relate to reliable production of water and safe plant operation. NPS agrees that it will complete the work described in our letter of January 27 and the work described in this letter with the understanding that the City will forward their letter of concurrence with NPS' decision that the plant is substantially complete and will begin operating under the interim operating conditions when and as approved by DOH while the necessary work is completed. Where the work is not yet fully defined, NPS reserves the right to implement the most reasonable and cost effective solution, subject to obtaining required regulatory approvals. All work is subject to obtaining approval of required funding. These clarifications are intended to supplement and clarify our understanding of the Agreement and not to change its terms. The City retains the option to pursue further action in accordance with the terms of the PAWTP Transfer Agreement should a dispute over interpretation of, or compliance with any provision of the Agreement. New items that have been identified are as follows: 1. Fire Extinguishers NPS agrees to provide funding for City to purchase and install 10 fire extinguishers as recommended by City Fire Marshall. (Building Inspection) 2 2. Labeling of Fire Piping Designer did not include labeling of fire sprinkler lines since they are not normally a part of day to day operations. City believes they should be labeled. NPS agrees to install labeling on main fire sprinkler lines with labels recommended/approved by City Fire Marshall. Labeling is not to include lateral sprinkler and risers to ceiling that can be clearly recognized as part of sprinkler system. (Building Inspection) 3. Chemical feed floor drains and water softener City has requested that floor drains in chemical feed area be blocked to prevent drainage to recycle basin. NPS agrees to have URS provide recommendation for removable seals for the floor drains and to provide and install the seals. The MIOX water softener drains to this area and the drain will need to be relocated. City has agreed this can be disposed to sewer and NPS agrees to prepare necessary design and contract for installation of revised softener drain routing. 4. Loading dock lift capacity testing results and labeling A load test for the loading dock lift was not specified. The capacity of the lift varies with the nature of load, based on recommendations of manufacturer. Maintaining stated capacities requires regular maintenance in accordance with manufacturer recommendations. NPS recommends appropriate information be included in OMSI Manual and that as part of the OMSI process a label for the loading dock area be developed. 5. Provide visual barrier for loading dock Building inspection requires that removable visual barrier be provided for loading dock. Barrier to be two strands of yellow plastic chain or equivalent. NPS agrees to provide visual barrier. 6. Four spare conduits outside of containment area City has requested this be provided with high visibility yellow demarcation line or cover. NPS agrees to provide. 7. Missing five doorstops City has identified five missing doorstops that could cause damage to wallboard if not provided. NPS agrees to provide. 8. Beam capacity for hoists not correctly labeled City has questioned why hoist beams are labeled to same capacity as hoist, believing beam should be higher. NPS does not believe this is a design issue, but an item that requires additional conversation with Contractor personnel who provided beam labels. NPS agrees to research how beams were labeled and provide input to City. If a problem is identified that beams do not provide specified capability or should be relabeled, NPS agrees to repair. 9. NPS agrees to provide a maximum room occupancy sign in the training/lunch room (Building Code Inspection). 10. NPS agrees to provide a door label for the electrical room in the administrative area (Building Code Inspection). 11. NPS agrees to provide tactile ADA labels for the vision impaired for the Men's and Women's restrooms (Building Code Inspection). 12. NPS agrees to label air lines in the Treatment Room (Building Code Inspection). 13. NPS agrees to provide the Building Inspector the technical specifications and UPC approval for the installed trap guards. Additionally, the Building Inspector requires a second inspection with the caps removed so that he can verify that trap guards arc actually in place. In addition, the existing trap seal primer tubing needs to be finished, e.g., fix mounted to the wall at least 18 inches above the floor and with a proper termination on the ends, e.g., hose bid. 14. NPS agrees to provide filter valve sump area restraints for the top of the permanent access ladders to the sump to prevent movement of handrails. As interim measure for building occupancy, the Building Inspector will allow ladders to be roped off with yellow rope and caution sign. Ladders can be used on limited basis by personnel who understand rails may wobble and will take care. The ladders will be roped off other than those limited times. In addition, while the temporary measures are in place, only Public Works and Utilities Department staff; NPS, URS, and HDR staff involved in the project; and contractor staff will be allowed in the non administrative areas of the facilty. This interim measure can remain no longer than 2 weeks, otherwise building occupancy will be revoked. (Building Code Inspection required before occupancy). 15. NPS agrees to provide emergency backup lighting for the mezzanine area in the Treatment Room. One light needs to be relocated and 3 additional lights installed. Of these, at least one needs to point directly down on the stairs and another in the area of the control panel. In addition, when power interruption was tested, the existing system did not work. This also requires correction. As interim measure for building occupancy, the Building Inspector will allow temporary measures of requiring anyone on the mezzanine to carry a flashlight. This interim measure can remain no longer than 2 weeks, otherwise building occupancy will be revoked. In addition, while the temporary measures are in place, only Public Works and Utilities Department staff; NPS, URS, and HDR staff involved in the project; and contractor staff will be allowed in the non administrative areas of the facility. NPS is verifying whether this is construction contractor or designer responsibility. (Building Code Inspection required before occupancy). 16. NPS agrees to reorient the direction the exit signs in the Treatment Room so that they are visible from each comdor. The Building Inspector has provided specific requirements for this. (Building Code Inspection required before occupancy). NPS agrees that it will complete all work described above and that its agreement to complete the work continues even after the City acknowledges substantial completion of the PAWTP, accepts transfer of the PAWTP and/or takes over operation of the PAWTP. If you have any questions about this matter, please contact me at (303) 969 -2116 or DSC Elwha Program Manager, Karl von Rosenberg at (303) 969 -2491. Sincerely, E war. L. Tafoya Contracting Officer c c: Glenn Cutler, City of Port Angeles Superintendent, Olympic National Park Elwha Project Manager, Olympic National Park DSC -DC, von Rosenberg AWARD /CONTRACT 2 CONTRACT (Proc cost 'dent) P12AT20100 5 ISSUED BY DSC -CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service, Denver Service Center 12795 W Alameda Parkway Lakewood, CO 80228- 7 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR PORT ANGELES, CITY OF 321 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 -3206 CODE M 11 SHIP TO /MARK FOR Karl von Rosenberg DSC Design and Construction NPS DSC -PM 12795 W ALAMEDA PKWY 15A ITEM NO CI D I E I FI G I H I (Signature of person authonzed to sign) AUTHORIZED FOR LOCAL REPRODUCTION Previous edition is usable NO 3 EFFECTIVE DATE 01/232012 CODE I 2080 LAKEWOOD, CO 80228 13 AUTHORITY FOR USING OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION n10USC 2304(c) n 41 USC 253(c)( 1 (No, street, city, county, State and ZIP Code) I 8 DELIVERY FOB Origin Other (See below) 9 DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT I FACILITY CODE CODE 1 2011 15B SUPPLIES /SERVICES SEE LINE ITEM DETAIL (X) ISECI DESCRIPTION PART I THE SCHEDULF A I SOLICITATION CONTRACT FORM B I SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES /COSTS DESCRIPTION /SPECSNVORK STATEMENT PACKAGING AND MARKING INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE DELIVERIES AND PERFORMANCE CONTRACT ADM IN ISTRAT ION DATA SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS 17 CONTRACTOR'S NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT (Contractor is required to sign this document and return copies to issuing office) Contractor agrees to furnish and deliver all items or perform all the services set forth or otherwise identified above and on any continuation sheets for the consideration stated herein The rights and obligations of the parties to this contract shall be subject to and governed by the following documents (a) this award /contract, (b) the solicitation, if any, and (c) such provisions, representations, certifications, and specifications, as attached or incorporated by reference herein (Attachments are listed herein 19A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or pant) 19B NAME OF CONTRACTOR 19C DATE SIGNED By THIS CONTRACT IS A RATED ORDER UNDER DPAS (15 CFR 700) 5 4 REQUISITION /PURCHASE REQUEST PROJECT NO R2011121084 6 ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 5) CODE I I J Denver, CO 80225- 10 SUBMR INVOICES (4 Copes unless other -wise specrfied) To THE ADDRESS SHOWN IN I 12 PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CODE 1 2081 DSC -CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service P O Box 25287 14 ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 2012 -9500- -252Z- -477- -3041 1 15C QUANTITY 15D UNIT 15E UNIT PRICE I 15F AMOUNT 15G. TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT II4 23,148 00 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE(S) I (X) ISECI DESCRIPTION PART II CONTRACT CLAUSES I I I CONTRACT CLAUSES PART III LIST OF DOCUMENTS, EXHIBITS AND OTHER ATTACH I LIST OF ATTACHMENTS PART IV REPRESENTATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS, AND K OTHER STATEMENTS OF OFFERORS L I INSTRS CONDS AND NOTICES TO OFFERORS M I EVALUATION FACTORS FOR AWARD CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL COMPLETE ITEM 17 OR 18 AS APPLICABLE 18 Q AWARD (Contractor is not required to sign this document) Your offer do Solicitation Number including the additions or changes made by you which additions or changes are set forth in full above, is hereby accepted as to the items listed above and on any continuation sheets This award consummates the contract which consists of the following documents (a) the Governments solicitation and your offer, and (b) this award /contract No further contractual document is necessary 20A NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER BethanyA Mills II Rating ITEM 12 20C DAT SIGNE Page of Pages 1 I I PAGE(S) I 1 3 a 020 /.Z STANDARD FORM 26 (REV 4/2008) Prescribed by GSA- FAR (48 CFR) 53 214(a) Line Item Summary Total Funding: $23,148 00 0001 Task Agreement No 18 Funding Information 2012 9500 252Z 477 3041 $23,148 00 e Document Number Title P12AT20100 OLYM 005375 FYs Fund Budget Org Sub Object Class Sub Program Cost Org Sub ProyJob No. Sub Reporting Category 2012 9500 252Z 477 3041 Division Closed FYs Cancelled Fund Line Item CLIN Delivery Date Unit of Total Cost Number Description Ref (Start Date to End Date) Quantity Issue Unit Price y (Includes Discounts) Cooperative Agreement H9500050094 as amended Task Agreement 18 0001 (01/23/2012 to 01/22/2013) 1 00 Is $23,148 000 23,148 00 New Task Order 18 for cooperative agreement H9500050094 with the City of Port Angeles Miscellaneous corrective work on Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant JUSTIFICATION Required to provide the CoPA with a complete and fully functioning facility City would not accept facility without these corrective actions Ref Req No R2011121084 Page 2 of 5 Total Cost: $23,148 00 Award /Contract Document No. Document Title P12AT20100 OLYM 005375 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION C Descnptions and Specifications 4 C 1 Statement of Work/Specifications 4 Page 3 of 5 ARTICLE I GENERAL TERMS ARTICLE II STATEMENT OF WORK The'City agrees to Award /Contract Document No. Document Title P12AT20100 OLYM 005375 SECTION C DESCRIPTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS C.1 1489.210 -110 STATEMENT OF WORK/SPECIFICATIONS NOVEMBER 2002 TASK AGREEMENT NO. 18 P 12AT20100 Between the United States Department of Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated m Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094, including Amendment 1, between the National Park Service (NPS) and the City of Port Angeles (City) shall apply to this Task Agreement. 1. Design and build insulation behind unused generator louver at Ranney Well building. Louver size is approximately 10' x 10' and is shown as Item 5 on drawings A -13A and A -14, by constructing an insulated partition behind the louver. Page 4 of 5 2 Design and build a hard wired light switch for Pump Room lighting adjacent to door between Pump Room and Electrical Room. Reference drawing E -5 3 Design and build 1 -1/2 inch air release pipe from top of 24 inch side outlet tee located at northeast corner of filters Route air release line to top of filter wall with 180° return and screened end. Reference drawing P -6, approximate grid location H -5 4 Design and build reroute of 1 -inch Schedule 80 PVC backwash line from water softener to different dram location. Reference drawing P Line will be routed from approximately grid location E -9 to grid location D -7 5. Provide three additional alum pumps. Each pump sized to allow feed rate of 1 ppm for plant flow rate of 5 6 mgd, within manufacturer's stated range of operation including two calibrations cylinders Pumps to be as manufactured by Milton Roy Company or approved equal Reference drawing P -21 at approximate grid location B -8 ARTICLE III SCHEDULE AND TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT Work will be completed on schedule to be established by the City ARTICLE IV AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: The NPS will provide funding to the City in the amount of 23,148 for the work described in Article II. Payment will be made upon receipt of invoice from the City after execution of the Task Agreement Award /Contract Document No. Document Title P12AT20100 OLYM 005375 NPS and the City mutually agree that payment of the above amount to accomplish the work described will satisfy all remaining NPS responsibility for tasks descnbed m correspondence from Ed Tafoya to Glenn Cutler m letters dated January 27, 2010 and February 4, 2010, copies attached, with the exception of providing updated information for the OMSI manual in relation to the Filter Valves and work relating to Bridge Crane in letter of January 27, 2010. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 2012 9500- 3041 -477- 23,148 00 ARTICLE V- Prohibition on Text Messaging and Using Electronic Equipment Supplied by the Government while Driving Page 5 of 5 Executive Order 13513 Federal Leadership On Reducing Text Messaging While Driving, was signed by President Barack Obama on October 1, 2009 (ref.: httg://edocketaccess.gpo.gov/2009/ndf/E9-24203.n_dp. This Executive Order introduces a Federal Government -wide prohibition on the use of text messaging while driving on official business or while using Government- supplied equipment. In accordance with Section 4 of that Executive Order, the National Park Service encourages the City and its contractors to adopt and enforce policies that ban text messaging while driving when on official business or performing any work under this Task Agreement The National Park Service also encourages the City and its contractors to adopt and enforce initiatives of the type descnbed in Section 3(a) of the Executive Order ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Karl von Rosenberg, Denver Service Center Program Manager, Elwha River Restoration, karl von_rosenberg @nps.gov, (303) 969 -2491. For the City Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, gcutler @cityofpa us, (360) 417 -4800. ARTICLE VI SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below See signature page attached to the task agreement AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION /MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 2. AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REQUISITION /PURCHASE REQ. NO. 5. PROJECT NO. (If applicable) 0004 10/03/2011 See Lines OLYM -005375 3.08 6. ISSUED BY DSC-CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service,P.O. Box 25287 Denver, CO 80225 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., street, county, State and Zip Code) PORT ANGELES, CITY OF 321 E 5TH ST CODE J 2081 7. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 6) CODE! PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 -3206 (X) 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT /ORDER NO. J2011101299 (X) 10B. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) CODE IPACILITY CODE 05/07/2010 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers 0 is extended, is not extended. Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods: (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted; or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received pnor to the opening hour and date specified. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If required) 0 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTS /ORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT /ORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. CHECK ONE A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authonty) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN n THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT /ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying office, appropnation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103(b). C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF: D. OTHER (Specify type of modification and authonty) Mutual Agreement of the Parties See Article VII of the Agreement E. IMPORTANT: Contractor I I is not 15B. CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR 15C. DATE SIGNED 16B. Un (Signature of person authorized to sign) NSN 7540-01 152 -8070 PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE is required to sign this document and return 2 copies to the issuing office. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicrtation/contnact subject matter where feasible.) OLYM 005375, City of Port Angeles, WA; Cooperative Agreement J2011101299, Task Agreement No. 17; Modification No. 0004 First Street Stormwater Improvements This Task Agreement Modification No. 0004 incorporates the effort to clear the outlet of the Valley Creek culvert to factilitate proper drainage of the first street soomwater impreovements and deobligate the remainder of the funds for use on future requirments. The total number of pages of this modification No. 0004 is eight Except as provided herein, all terns and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or punt) 16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or pent) Bethanya4. Mills BY erica ignature of C. cling Officer) 1. CONTRACT ID CODE 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. 9B. DATED (SEE ITEM 11) Page 1 of 7 16C. DATE SIGNED 4101 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV 10-83) Prescnbed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 Line Item Summary Line Item Number Description Cooperative Agreement H9500050094 as amended Task Agreement 17 Document Number Title 0003 Provide funding to the City of Port Angeles to 12/31/2011 modify the design and construction First Street storm Change in Delivery Date, Performance Penod For Award, approved with Fund Request PW -11 -055 #197 Ref Req No: R2011111189 J201 1 101299/0004 PWR -ARRA -OLYM 05375 -3.08 Delivery Date (Start date to End date) Page 2 of 7 Unit of Quantity Issue Unit Price Total Cost 0001 Provide funding to the City of Port Angeles to 12/31/2011 0.00 ea $0.00 correct storm drainage problems, in lieu of construct (05/05/2010 to 12/31/2011) Change in Delivery Date, Performance Period Work to include design, construction and construction management. This task agreement is funded via the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). To assist you in registering and completing the Recovery Act reporting requirements, the following codes are provided: NAICS Code is 237110 Funding Agency Code is 1443 Awarding Agency Code is 1443. Government Contracting Office Code is 20000 Project Number is OLYM-005375, Restore Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Program, Construction LEKT Wastewater Collection and Transport System Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) is 14 -1041 The CFDA number, if required, is 15.236 ,ref Req No: R2011101299 0002 Provide funding to the City of Port Angeles to 12/31/2011 0.00 ea modify the design and construction of the Dry Creek p (05/05/2010 to 12/31/2011) Change in Delivery Date, Performance Penod Provide funding to the City of Port Angeles to modify the design and construction of the Dry Creek pedestrian bndge to support the Tribal waste water force main. Ref Req No: R2011101299 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Task Agreement 17 Modification 1,J2011101299 to City of Port Angeles, cost escalation for Item 1 (design and construction of storm sewer system), from $1,520,000 to $1,610,680.00: 1 a. Permitting, Design, NE Services dunng construction: Increase from $209,000 to $258,500. 1 b. City Administration, Construction Management, Archeology: Increase from $177,000 to $187,513. lc. Community Outreach: No change, $25,000 1d. Construction: Increase from $924,652 to $1,036,067. le. Contingency: Decrease from $184,348 to $103,600. Line Item Summary Line Item Number Description Document Number Title J2011101299/0004 PWR ARRA OLYM 05375 3.08 Delivery Date (Start date to End date) Page 3 of 7 Unit of Quantity Issue Unit Price Total Cost Previous Total: $1,710,780.00 Modification Total: $0.00 Grand Total: $1,710,780.00 (Includes Discounts) This task agreement is funded via the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). See extended description in line 0001 for specific ARRA reporting information Title Address Detail PWR -ARRA -OLYM 05375 -3.08 Shipping Addresses Code Detail 0001 Org: Addr. Invoice Addresses DSC Design and Construction NPS DSC -PM 12795 W. ALAMEDA PKWY LAKEWOOD CO 80228 Attn: Scott McCollough, Project Manager Phone: (303) 969 -2939 ext. Fax: (303) 969 -2736 ext. Code Detail 0001 Org: DSC -CS Contracting Services Division Addr. National Park Service P.O. Box 25287 Denver CO 80225 Attn: Steve Paul Contracting Officer Phone: (303) 969 -2469 ext. Fax: (303) 987 -6646 ext. Document Number Page J2011101299/0004 4 of 7 Award /Contract Document No. Document Title Modification J2011101299/0004 PWR -ARRA -OLYM 05375 -3.08 TABLE OF CONTENTS COMMERCIAL CLAUSES 6 1 Modification No. 04 6 Page 5 of 7 Award /Contract Document No. Document Title Modification J2011101299/0004 PWR -ARRA -OLYM 05375 -3.08 COMMERCIAL CLAUSES 1 MODIFICATION NO. 04 ARTICLE I GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094, including Amendment 01, shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees to: (Create lh as described in paragraph 1) 1. Clear the outlet of the Valley Creek culvert to facilitate proper drainage of the First Street stormwater improvements. Correction to TA 17 Mod 0003: 1. Change if to read lg (Financial Assistance) 2. Create lg to be all work associated with Article II item 1, 2 and 3 of Mod 0003. ARTICLE III SCHEDULE AND TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT The work of this Task Agreement Modification is extended and will be performed not later than December 31, 2011. ARTICLE IV AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: For the work specified in this Task Agreement, the National Park Service will permit the use of funding provided in Task Agreement 17 Modification 2 (account number 2011- 9500 -252Z -477- 3082). Item 1d, $1,036,067 is reduced to $1,012,302 or a net decrease of $23,765.00. Item le is reduced from the current funding level of $97,425.00 (Per Mod 0003) to $0.00. Create new itemslh: $65,049 for Article II item 1 above. TASK AGREEMENT NO. 17 (2011101299) Modification Number 0004 Between the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, Olympic National Park and The City of Port Angeles, Washington Balance Remaining on Item le is $56,141 and shall be de- obligated from this task agreement for use on future task agreements as required. The $65,049 consists of the following elements: 1. Clear the outlet of the Valley Creek culvert for a cost share firm fixed price of $65,049. ARTICLE V- Prohibition on Text Messaging and Using Electronic Equipment Supplied by the Government while Driving Page 6 of 7 Award /Contract Document No. Document Title Modification J2011101299/0004 PWR -ARRA -OLYM 05375 -3.08 Page 7 of 7 Executive Order 13513., Federal Leadership On Reducing Text Messaging While Driving, was signed by President Barack Obama on October 1, 2009 (ref.: httn: /edocket. access. eoo. eov /2009 /ndt7E9- 24203.odf). This Executive Order introduces a Federal Government -wide prohibition on the use of text messaging while driving on official business or while using Government supplied equipment. In accordance with Section 4 of that Executive Order, the National Park Service encourages the City and its contractors to adopt and enforce policies that ban text messaging while driving when on official business or performing any work under this Task Agreement. The National Park Service also encourages the City and its contractors to adopt and enforce initiatives of the type described in Section 3(a) of the Executive Order. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500- 3082 -477 ARTICLE VI- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Scott McCollough, Project Manager, scott_mccollough @nps.gov, 303 969 -2939. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, gcutler @cityofpa.us, (360) 417 -4800. ARTICLE VII SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. See Signature Page Attachment for City of Port Angeles ARTICLE I GENERAL TERMS ARTICLE II STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees to: (Create 1h as described in paragraph 1) Correction to TA 17 Mod 0003: TASK AGREEMENT NO. 17 (2011101299) Modification Number 0004 Between the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, Olympic National Park and The City of Port Angeles, Washington Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094, including Amendment 01, shall apply to this Task Agreement. 1. Clear the outlet of the Valley Creek culvert to facilitate proper drainage of the First Street stormwater improvements. 1. Change l f to read lg (Financial Assistance) 2. Create lg to be all work associated with Article II item 1, 2 and 3 of Mod 0003. ARTICLE III SCHEDULE AND TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT The work of this Task Agreement Modification is extended and will be performed not later than December 31, 2011. ARTICLE IV AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: For the work specified in this Task Agreement, the National Park Service will permit the use of funding provided in Task Agreement 17 Modification 2 (account number 2011- 9500 -252Z- 477 3082). Item ld, $1,036,067 is reduced to $1,012,302 or a net decrease of $23,765.00. Item 1 e is reduced from the current funding level of $97,425.00 (per Mod No. 0003) to $0.00. Create new itemslh: $65,049 for Article II item 1 above. Balance Remaining on Item le is $56,141 and shall be de- obligated from this task agreement for use on future task agreements as required. The $65,049 consists of the following elements: 1. Clear the outlet of the Valley Creek culvert for a cost share firm fixed price of $65,049. ARTICLE V- Prohibition on Text Messaging and Using Electronic Equipment Supplied by the Government while Driving Executive Order 13513., Federal Leadership On Reducing Text Messaging While Driving, was signed by President Barack Obama on October 1, 2009 (ref.: httn: /edocket access.ano,eov /2009 /ndf /E9 -24203 ndf). This Executive Order introduces a Federal Government -wide prohibition on the use of text messaging while driving on official business or while using Government supplied equipment In accordance with Section 4 of that Executive Order, the National Park Service encourages the City and its contractors to adopt and enforce policies that ban text messaging while driving when on official business or performing any work under this Task Agreement. The National Park Service also encourages the City and its contractors to adopt and enforce initiatives of the type described in Section 3(a) of the Executive Order. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500- 3082 -477 ARTICLE VI- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Scott McCollough, Project Manager, scott_mccollough @nps.gov, 303 969 -2939. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, gcutler @cityofpa.us, (360) 417 -4800. ARTICLE VII SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Park Service Signature: 7 A, yf'v Name: Bethany Mill 4 Title: Contractng Officer Date: IJ— 0 --I- For the City of Port Angeles Signature: Name: Kent Mye, Title: Date: Attest Signature: Name: asa Hurd Title: City Clerk Date: /1 /CO /2-0/1 I 1 City Manager /04/2 I Approved as to orm Signature: Name: William E. Bloor /'1G Date: o u 7 Title: City Attorney At1'iiENt'!;virENT OF SOLICITATION /MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1 CONTRACT ID CODE Page 1 of 5 2 AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION NO 3 EFFECTIVE DATE 4 REQUISITION /PURCHASE REQ NO 5 PROJECT NO (Ifapplcable) 0003 07/12/2011 See Lines OLYM- 005375 6 ISSUED BY CODE I 2081 7 ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 6) CODE' DSC -CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service,P 0 Box 25287 Denver, CO 80225 8 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No street, county, State and Zip Code) PORT ANGELES, CITY OF 321 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-3206 (X) 10A MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT /ORDER NO J2011101299 1 (X) 10B DATED (SEE ITEM 13) CODE (FACILITY CODE 1 05/07/2010 11 THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS n The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14 The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning copies of the amendment, (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted, or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified 12 ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If required) CHECK ONE I A THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO IN ITEM 10A 13 THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTS /ORDERS IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT /ORDER NO AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14 C THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF D OTHER (Specify type of modification and authority) Mutual Agreement of the Parties See Article VII of the Agreement The total number of pages of this Modification No 03 is five BY (Signature of person authonzed to sign) ignature of ontracting Officer) NSN 7540 -01- 152 -8070 PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO 9B DATED (SEE ITEM 11) B THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT /ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43 103(b) x.748' is extended, is not extended E IMPORTANT Contractor is not, I X I is required to sign this document and return copies to the issuing office 14 DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solcitat on/contract subject matter where feasible OLYM- 005375, City of Port Angeles, WA, Cooperative Agreement J2011101299, Task Agreement No 17, Modification No 3 Preparation of Utility Advisory Committee Memorandum This Task Agreement Modification No 03 incorporates the effort to prepare a Utility Advisory Committee memrandum for accepting sewage from 17 county parcels adjacent to the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal reservation For the work specified in this Task Agreement Modification No 03, the National Park Service will permit the use of funding provided in Task Agreement 17 Modification 2 Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect 15A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orpnnt) 16A NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or print) Walter Schmidt 15B CONTRACTOR /OFFEROR 15C DATE SIGNED 16B Un /ed Fates erica c 16C DATE SIGNED 7 //3 1i� STANDARD ORM 3f) (REV 10-83) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53 243 Line Item Summary Line Item Number Description Cooperative Agreement H9500050094 as amended Task Agreement 17 No Changed Line Item Fields Document Number Title J2011101299/0003 PWR -ARRA -OLYM 05375 -3.08 Delivery Date (Start date to End date) Quantity Unit of Issue Unit Price Total Cost Previous Total: Modification Total: Grand Total: Page 2 of 5 $1,710,780 00 $0 00 $1,710,780 00 This task agreement is funded via the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) See extended description in line 0001 for specific ARRA reporting information i Address Detail PWR-ARRA -OLYM 05375 -3.08 Shipping Addresses Code Detail 0001 Org: Addr: Invoice Addresses Code Detail 0001 Org: Addr: Title Document Number DSC Design and Construction NPS DSC -PM 12795 W. ALAMEDA PKWY LAKEWOOD CO 80228 Attn: Scott McCollough, Project Manager Phone: (303) 969 -2939 ext. Fax: (303) 969 -2736 ext. DSC -CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service P.O. Box 25287 Denver CO 80225 Attn: Steve Paul Contracting Officer Phone: (303) 969 -2469 ext. Fax: (303) 987 -6646 ext. J2011101299/0003 Page 3 of 5 .4 Agreement Document No. Document Title 4 Modification 03 J2011101299/0003 PWR -ARRA -OLYM 05375 -3.08 ARTICLE I GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094, including Amendment 1, shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees to: 1. Develop a list of issues to be included in a new contract or an amendment to the existing contract between the City and LEKT to permit acceptance of the additional sewage from the 17 parcels (approximately 49 ERUs). 2. Prepare a Utility Advisory Committee (UAC) Memorandum requesting that the UAC forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council to approve the concept of accepting the sewage from 17 parcels (approximately 49 equivalent residential units) adjacent to the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe's reservation. 3. If a favorable recommendation is forwarded by the UAC then prepare a City Council (CC) Memorandum requesting that the CC approve the concept of accepting the sewage from 17 parcels (maximum of 46 equivalent residential units (ERUs)) adjacent to the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe's reservation. ARTICLE III SCHEDULE AND TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT The work of this Task Agreement will be performed not later than October 1, 2011. ARTICLE IV AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: For the work specified in this Task Agreement, the National Park Service will permit the use of funding provided in Task Agreement 17 Modification 2 (account number 2011- 9500 -252Z- 477 3082). The $6,175 consists of the following elements: TASK AGREEMENT NO. 17 (F2011101299) Modification Number 3 Between the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, Olympic National Park and The City of Port Angeles, Washington 1. Prepare list of issues to be addressed in a new contract or amended existing contract and prepare the UAC memorandum. This includes making a presentation to the UAC at one meeting for a firm fixed price of $4,750. If it requires additional research or finding for the UAC to make a decision then additional fees may be required. 2. Prepare the CC memorandum. This includes making a presentation to the CC at one meeting for a firm fixed price of $1,425. If it requires additional research or finding for the UAC to make a decision then additional fees may be required. Agreement Document No. Document Title 5 Modification 03 J2011101299/0003 PWR -ARRA -OLYM 05375 -3.08 ARTICLE V- Prohibition on Text Messaging and Using Electronic Equipment Supplied by the Government while Driving Executive Order 13513., Federal Leadership On Reducing Text Messaging While Driving, was signed by President Barack Obama on October 1, 2009 (ref.: httn. /edocket. access. eno.eov /2009/ndf/E9- 24203.odf). This Executive Order introduces a Federal Government -wide prohibition on the use of text messaging while driving on official business or while using Government- supplied equipment In accordance with Section 4 of that Executive Order, the National Park Service encourages the City and its contractors to adopt and enforce policies that ban text messaging while driving when on official business or performing any work under this Task Agreement. The National Park Service also encourages the City and its contractors to adopt and enforce mitiatives of the type described in Section 3(a) of the Executive Order. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500- 3082 -477 ARTICLE VI- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS• Scott McCollough, Project Manager, scott_mccollough @nps.gov, 303 969 -2939. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, gcutler @cityofpa.us, (360) 417 -4800 ARTICLE VII SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Park Service: Signature: Name: Walter D. Schmidt Title: Contracting Officer Date. 7�i ?/1/ For the City of Port Angeles: Signature: Name: Kent Mye Title: City Manager Date Wail2Pit Attest: Signature: Name: Title: City Clerk Date: 1 /S Approved as to F rm: t Signature: Name: William E. Bloor Date: 4 14- J/ AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION /MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 2 AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION NO 0002 6 ISSUED BY DSC -CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service,P 0 Box 25287 Denver, CO 80225 PORT ANGELES, CITY OF 321 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 -3206 CODE (FACILITY CODE E IMPORTANT Contractor 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REQUISITION /PURCHASE REQ NO 5. PROJECT NO (If applicable) 03/28/2011 See Lines CODE 2081 j7 ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 6) CODE 8 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No street, county, State and Zip Code) 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14 The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers ri is extended, pi is not extended Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment pnor to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning copies of the amendment, (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted, or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received pnor to the opening hour and date specified 12 ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If required) 2011 9500 252Z 477 3082 $90,680 00 CHECK ONE A THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO (Specify authonty) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN r I THE CONTRACT ORDER NO IN ITEM 10A B THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT /ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43 103(b) C THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF D OTHER (Specify type of modification and authonty) Mutual Agreement of the Parties- See Article VII of the Agreement is not, Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or pent) 116A NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER Walter Schmidt 15B. CONTRACTOR /OFFEROR 15C. DATE SIGNED 16B. United •ta, of eri (Signature of person authonzed to sign) NSN 7540.01- 152 -8070 PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE 13 THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTS /ORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT /ORDER NO AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14 Is required to sign this document and return 1. CONTRACT ID CODE 9B. DATED (SEE ITEM 11) tractor BY .4 'Sign: ture of C �Officer) 5. 7 4 -I Page 1 of 7 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. (X) 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT /ORDER NO J2011101299 (X) 1 108 DATED (SEE ITEM 13) 05/07/2010 copies to the issuing office. 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation /contract subject matter where feasible OLYM- 005375, Cooperative Agreement H9500050094, Task Agreement 17, City of Port Angeles, WA This task agreement is modified to provide funding to reflect the increased costs to the City of Port Angeles, WA, to construct a storm sewer system along First Street in downtown Port Angeles, WA, and to extend the completion date to September 1, 2011 The increased costs were identified by City engineers who discovered poor soil conditions along the construction route See attached to assist with a detailed de =cn. ut- -m um •e 0003 on page 2 1 RECE8V MAY 25 CITY P OF B PORT ANGELES WORKS (Type or punt) 16C. DATE SIGNED 05/12/2011 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV 10-83) Prescnbed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53 243 Line Item Summary Total Funding: $1,710,780.00 FYs Fund Budget Org Sub Object Class Sub Program Cost Org Sub Proj /Job No. Sub Reporting Category Division Line Item Number Document Number Title 0003 Provide funding to the City of Port Angeles to modify the design and construction First Street storm This is a New Line For Award, approved with Fund Request PW -11 -055 #197 ,ref Req No R2011111189 J2011101299/0002 PWR -ARRA -OLYM 05375 -3.08 Closed FYs Cancelled Fund Delivery Date Description (Start date to End date) Cooperative Agreement H9500050094 as amended Task Agreement 17 Unit of Quantity Issue Unit Price Total Cost 1.00 $90,680 00 $90,680 00 Task Agreement 17 Modification 1,J2011101299 to City of Port Angeles, cost escalation for Item 1 (design and construction of storm sewer system), from $1,520,000 to $1,610,680.00. la Permitting, Design, A/E Services dunng construction Increase from $209,000 to $258,500 1 b City Administration, Construction Management, Archeology Increase from $177,000 to $187,513 lc Community Outreach. No change, $25,000 1 d. Construction. Increase from $924,652 to $1,036,067 le Contingency Decrease from $184,348 to $103,600 Page 2 of 7 Previous Total: $1,620,100 00 Modification Total: $90,680 00 Grand Total: $1,710,780 00 (Includes Discounts) This task agreement is funded via the Amencan Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) See extended descnpt,on in line 0001 for specific ARRA reporting information Contract Level Funding Summary Title Page PWR -ARRA -OLYM 05375 -3 08 3 of 7 Reference Requisition R2011111189 Document Number J2011101299/0002 Fundina Stria Code Chanae in Funded Amount 2011 9500 252Z 477 3082 $90,680 00 Title Address Detail PWR -ARRA -OLYM 05375 -3 08 Shipping Addresses Code Detail 0001 Org: Addr: Invoice Addresses Code Detail 0001 Org: Addr: DSC Design and Construction NPS DSC -PM 12795 W. ALAMEDA PKWY LAKEWOOD CO 80228 Attn: Scott McCollough, Project Manager Phone: (303) 969 -2939 ext Fax: (303) 969 -2736 ext. DSC -CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service P.O. Box 25287 Denver CO 80225 Attn: Steve Paul Contracting Officer Phone: (303) 969 -2469 ext Fax: (303) 987-6646 ext Document Number J2011101299/0002 Page 4 of 7 Modification No. 2 Document No. Document Title J2011101299/0002 PWR -ARRA -OLYM 05375 -3.08 1 TASK AGREEMENT NO. 17, (2011101299) Modification Number 2, Between the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, Olympic National Park and The City of Port Angeles, Washington ARTICLE I GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094, including Amendment 1, shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II STATEMENT OF WORK The Statement of Work remains unchanged. ARTICLE III SCHEDULE AND TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT The work of this Task Agreement will be performed not later than September 1, 2011. ARTICLE IV AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: The $1,710,780 consists of the following elements: c. $25,000 remains unchanged for community outreach shall be fixed price. d. $924,652 is increased to $1,036,067 for the actual construction contract award. Page 5 of 7 For the work specified in this Task Agreement, the National Park Service will provide funding to the City in the following amount of $1,620,100 is being increased to $1,710,780. In the event that the costs increase or decrease from $1,710,780, the City and NPS will negotiate a mutually acceptable equitable adjustment to this task agreement. 1. $1,520,000 is increased to $1,610,680 for design and construction of the dedicated storm drainage system described in Article II, Items 1 -2, of the original task agreement. The $1,610,680 consists of the following elements: a. $209,000 is increased to $258,500 for the permitting and design, bid evaluation services and consultant post award services shall be fixed price. b. $177,000 is increased to $187,513 for the City administration, construction management and field archaeological costs shall be fixed price unless the construction contract price exceeds the award amount of the construction contract by 10 percent or the duration of the construction contract is extended by 10 percent of the original contract time allowed in the bid documents this cost shall be renegotiated. e. $184,348 is decreased to $103,600 provided for contingency funds and shall be used by the City in consultation with the NPS. Modification No. 2 Document No. J2011101299/0002 Document Title PWR -ARRA -OLYM 05375 -3.08 Page 6 of 7 f. Change orders to the construction contract consistent with the scope of work for item 1 shall be reimbursed to the City for the amount of the change order; and in the event that the costs increase or decrease from $1,610,680, the City and NPS will negotiate an equitable adjustment to this task agreement. 2. $100,100 will remain unchanged for design, construction and construction management of a structural system including the hangers, carrier pipe and abutment modifications to support the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe's 8 -inch pressure sewer main on the pedestrian bridge which will be constructed by the City that will span Dry Creek in the Milwaukee Railroad Grade (Article II, item 3 above). The sewer line will be installed by the NPS or Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe. The price will be adjusted if the final cost of the bridge constructed by the City varies by plus or minus 5 ARTICLE V- Prohibition on Text Messaging and Using Electronic Equipment Supplied by the Government while Driving Executive Order 13513., Federal Leadership On Reducing Text Messaging While Driving, was signed by President Barack Obama on October 1, 2009 (ref.: httn: /edocket. access. zoo.aov /2009/Ddf/E9- 24203.adf). This Executive Order introduces a Federal Government -wide prohibition on the use of text messaging while driving on official business or while using Government supplied equipment. In accordance with Section 4 of that Executive Order, the National Park Service encourages the City and its contractors to adopt and enforce policies that ban text messaging while driving when on official business or performing any work under this Task Agreement. The National Park Service also encourages the City and its contractors to adopt and enforce initiatives of the type described in Section 3(a) of the Executive Order. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500- 6082 -477 ARTICLE VI- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Scott McCollough, Project Manager, scott_mccollough @nps.gov, 303 969 -2939. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, gcutler @cityofpa.us, (360) 417 -4800. Modification No. 2 ARTICLE VII SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this I ask Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Park Service Signature: Name: Title: Contracting Officer Date: For the City of Port Angeles Signature: Name: Kent My Title: Date: Attest Signature: Name: essa Hurd Title: Date: Walter D. Schmidt City Manager qii CA City Clerk h i///4 Approved as to orm Signature: Name: William E. Bloor Title: City Attorney Date: 7 /iil Document No. J2011101299/0002 .4)i, Document Title PWR- ARRAtOLYM 05375 -3.08 Page 7 of 7 ARTICLE I GENERAL TERMS TASK AGREEMENT NO. 17 (J2011101299) Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094, including Amendment 1, shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II STATEMENT OF WORK Between the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, Olympic National Park and The City of Port Angeles, Washington The City agrees to: 1. Implement the Alternative 1, Storm Drain on First Street to Valley Street Storm Drain, from the Brown and Caldwell Report dated January 5, 2010, by constructing a new storm drainage facility in lieu of constructing a dedicated Tribal waste water storage facility. a. Obtain all necessary federal, state, and local permits and approvals b. Design and construct the stormwater system in First Street, to mitigate CSO- related impacts to the City's wastewater system from Tribal waste water flows. c. To connect the new system into the existing Valley Street stormwater system d. Operate and maintain the new stormwater system in First Street. e. Comply with and accomplish reporting required by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act per attached Recovery Act Guidance National Park Service, Standard Terms and Conditions for Cooperative Agreements and Grants, version 2, released 9/23/2009. 2. Provide monthly written status reports as follows: a. A Summary of overall progress on the work identified in Article II Statement of Work item 1 herein; b. Any problems or favorable or unusual developments; c. Other information pertinent to the work. 3. Design and construct a structural system including the hangers, carrier pipe and abutment modifications to support the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe's 8 -inch pressure sewer main on the City pedestrian bridge to be constructed by the City that will span Dry Creek in the Milwaukee Railroad Grade. 4. The City will not be obligated to perform items 1 and 2 if any Federal or State regulatory agency(ies) does not permit approval for the project. 5. Request NPS review and approval of design and contract documents, including proposed change orders. NPS agrees its review will be timely, and that NPS approval will not be unreasonably withheld. ARTICLE III SCHEDULE AND TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT The work of this Task Agreement will be performed not later than June 15, 2011. ARTICLE IV AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: For the work specified in this Task Agreement, the National Park Service will provide funding to the City in the following amount of $1,620,100; provided that in the event that the costs increase or decrease from $$1,620,100, the City and NPS will negotiate a mutually acceptable equitable adjustment to this task agreement. The $$1,620,100consists of the following elements: 1. $1,520,000 for design and construction of the dedicated storm drainage system described in Article II, Items 1 -2, above. The $1,520,000 consists of the following elements: Appropriation Data: a. $209,000 for the permitting and design, bid evaluation services and consultant post award services shall be fixed price. b. $177,000 for the City administration, construction management and field archaeological costs. shall be fixed price unless the construction contract price exceeds the award amount of the construction contract by 10 percent or the duration of the construction contract is extended by 10 percent of the original contract time allowed in the bid documents this cost shall be renegotiated. c. $25,000 for community outreach shall be fixed price. d. $924,652 for the construction contract. The actual amount reimbursed to the City shall be the award amount. e. $184,348 provided for contingency funds and shall be used by the City in consultation with the NPS. Change orders to the construction contract consistent with the scope of work for item 1 shall be reimbursed to the City for the amount of the change order; and in the event that the costs increase or decrease from $1,520,000, the City and NPS will negotiate an equitable adjustment to this task agreement. 2. $100,100 for design, construction and construction management of a structural system including the hangers, carrier pipe and abutment modifications to support the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe's 8 -inch pressure sewer main on the pedestrian bridge which will be constructed by the City that will span Dry Creek in the Milwaukee Railroad Grade (Article II, item 3 above). The NPS or Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe will install the sewer line. The price will be adjusted if the final cost of the bridge constructed by the City varies by plus or mirnis 5 The current cost of the bridge is estimated to be $723,050 for design, permitting, construction and construction management. ARTICLE V- Prohibition on Text Messaging and Using Electronic Equipment Supplied by the Government while Driving Executive Order 13513., Federal Leadership On Reducing Text Messaging While Driving, was signed by President Barack Obama on October 1, 2009 (ref htto• /edocket.access npo.aov /2009 /ndf /E9- 24203.ndf). This Executive Order introduces a Federal Government -wide prohibition on the use of text messaging while driving on official business or while using Government- supplied equipment In accordance with Section 4 of that Executive Order, the National Park Service encourages the City and its contractors to adopt and enforce policies that ban text messaging while driving when on official business or performing any work under this Task Agreement. The National Park Service also encourages the City and its contractors to adopt and enforce initiatives of the type described in Section 3(a) of the Executive Order. The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500- 3081 -FSN ARTICLE VI- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Scott McCollough, Project Manager, scott_mccollough @nps gov, 303 969 -2939. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, gcutler @cityofpa.us, (360) 417 -4800. ARTICLE VII SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Park S rvice Signature: Name: Edward L. Tafoya Title. Date: Contracting ffi er ?0 J O For the City o Post Angeles Signature: Name: Dan Di Guiho Title: Mayor Date: /2na Attest Signature: Ck/tediodeleW Name: Vanessa Hurd Title: City Clerk Date: 5/1//2.�la Approved as to Form Signature: Ute._46 Name: William E. Bloor 1 THIS CONTRACT IS A RATED ORDER UNDER DPAS (15 CFR 350) 2 CONTRACT (Proc inst /dent) NO 3 EFFECTIVE DATE J2011101299 05/05/2010 5 ISSUED BY CODE I 2081 DSC -CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service P 0 Box 25287 AWARD /CONTRACT Denver, CO 80225- 7 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR PORT ANGELES, CITY OF 321 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 -3206 CODE 11 SHIP TO /MARK FOR No Shipping Information (No street, city, county, State and ZIP Code) FACILITY CODE CODE 13 AUTHORITY FOR USING OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION T110 U S C 2304(c) 41 U S C 253(c) 15A ITEM NO CI D I E I F (Signature of person authonzed to sign) NSN 7540 01 152 8069 PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE 15B SUPPLIES /SERVICES SEE LINE ITEM DETAIL ISECI DESCRIPTION PART I THE SCHEDULE A SOLICITATION CONTRACT FORM B SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES /COSTS DESCRIPTION /SPECS/WORK STATEMENT PACKAGING AND MARKING INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE DELIVERIES AND PERFORMANCE G CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA H I SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS 17 CONTRACTOR'S NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT (Contractor is required to sign this document and retum copies to issuing office) Contractor agrees to furnish and deliver all items or perform all the services set forth or otherwise identified above and on any continuation sheets for the consideration stated herein The rights and obligations of the parties to this contract shall be subject to and governed by the following documents (a) this award /contract, (b) the solicitation, if any, and (c) such provisions, representations, certifications, and specifications, as attached or incorporated by reference herein (Attachments are listed herein 19A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or pnnt) 19B NAME OF CONTRACTOR 19C DATE SIGNED By Rating 1 Page of Pages 1 I 3 V riR RE1JEST PROJECT NO 6 ADMINI TERED Item 5) COrL:I 1 12 PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY USDI /National Park Service/WASO- Accounting Operations Center P 0 Box 100000 13461 Sunnse Valley Drive, 2nd Floor Herndon, VA 20171 -3288 14 ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 2009 2010 9500 252Z FSS 3081 15C QUANTITY 115D UNIT 15E UNIT PRICE 15G. TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE(S) ISECI DESCRIPTION PART II CONTRACT CLAI ISPS I I CONTRACT CLAUSES 20ZU By M k( 1 1 2010 ort 41\1 r,ELES 8 DELIf�PU er (See below) 6 4 J�6iSCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT 10 days 20 days 30 days days 10 SUBMIT INVOICES (4 Copes unles other wise specified) To THE 12 ADDRESS SHOWN IN CODE ITEM 1 2626 PART III LIST OF DOCUMENTS, EXHIBITS AND OTHER ATTACH I LIST OF ATTACHMENTS PART IV REPRESENTATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS, AND K OTHER STATEMENTS OF OFFERORS L I INSTRS CONDS AND NOTICES TO OFFERORS M 'EVALUATION FACTORS FOR AWARD CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL COMPLETE ITEM 17 OR 18 AS APPLICABLE 18 0 AWARD (Contractor is not required to sign this document) Your offer on Solicitation Number including the additions or changes made by you which additions or changes are set forth in full above, is hereby accepted as to the items listed above and on any continuation sheets This award consummates the contract which consists of the following documents (a) the Government's solicitation and your offer, and (b) this award /contract No further contractual document is necessary 20A NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER Edward L Tafoya T S STATE 41.1. (Signature of Contracting Offi V U 20C DATE SIGNED 05/07/2010 15F AMOUNT 1,620,100 00 1 PAGE(S) STANDARD FORM 26 (REV 4 85) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53 214(a) Line Item Summary Total Funding: $1,620,100 00 Line Item Number Description Cooperative Agreement H9500050094 as amended Task Agreement 17 Document Number Title FYs Fund Budget Org Sub Object Class Sub Program Cost Org Sub Proj /Job No. Sub Reporting Category 2009 2010 9500 252Z FSS 3081 Division Closed FYs Cancelled Fund J2011101299 PWR ARRA OLYM 05375 3 08 CLIN Delivery Date Ref (Start Date to End Date) Quantity 0001 Provide funding to the City of Port Angeles 0001 06/15/2011 1 00 ea $1,520,000 000 1,520,000 00 to correct storm drainage problems, in lieu of construct (05/05/2010 to 06/15/2011) Unit of Issue Unit Price Page 2 of 3 Total Cost (Includes Discounts) Work to include design, construction and construction management This task agreement is funded via the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) To assist you in registenng and completing the Recovery Act reporting requirements, the following codes are provided NAICS Code is 237110 Funding Agency Code is 1443 Awarding Agency Code is 1443 Government Contracting Office Code is 20000 Project Number is OLYM- 005375, Restore Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Program, Construction LEKT Wastewater Collection and Transport System Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) is 14 -1041 The CFDA number, if required, is 15 236 Ref Req No R2011101299 0002 Provide funding to the City of Port Angeles 0002 06/15/2011 1 00 ea $100,100 000 100,100 00 to modify the design and construction of the Dry Creek p Ref Req No R2011101299 (05/05/2010 to 06/15/2011) Provide funding to the City of Port Angeles to modify the design and construction of the Dry Creek pedestnan bndge to support the Tribal waste water force main Total Cost: $1,620,100 00 This task agreement is funded in whole via the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) See extended descnphon in line 0001 for specific ARRA reporting information RECEIVED MAY 1 1 2010 CITY OF LICWO ANGELES KS Contract Level Funding Summary 2009 2010 9500 252Z FSS 3081 $1,620,100 00 Reference Requisition R2011101299 Document Number Title J2011101299 r PWR -ARRA -OLYM 05375 -3 08 Page 3 of 3 Total Funding: $1,620,100.00 Modification 2 to Cooperative Agreement H9500050094 Between the United States Department of the Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles This Modification is entered into this 9 111 day of May, 2010 by and between the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, acting through the DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK (NPS -ONP), and the CITY OF PORT ANGELES "the City For and in consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived herefrom, the Parties recite, covenant, and agree as follows: 1. On September 23, 2005, the Parties entered into Agreement Number H9500050094, a Cooperative Agreement Between the United States Department of the Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park, and the City of Port Angeles. The Parties subsequently entered into Modifications 1 and 2 to the September 23, 2005 Agreement, That Agreement together with the Modifications to that Agreement are incorporated by this reference and may hereafter be collectively referred to as "the Agreement" 2. Article I of the Agreement, Background and Objectives, is amended to add the following paragraph to the end of Article I: Removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon Dams will result In an increase of sediment in the river, which is anticipated to raise the ground water level in the Lower Elwha Valley, rendering the septic systems used by the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (Tribe) ineffective, As a result, the NPS has agreed to construct a wastewater collection and transportation system for the Tribe. The City and the Tribe on May 30, 2007 reached a written agreement on the acceptance and treatment of the wastewater from the Tribe's new wastewater system. One component of that project was a "storage facility" to mitigate impacts to the City's combined sewer system. See, para. 2,f. of the May 30, 2007 Agreement. After the 2007 Agreement the City, NPS and the Tribe have considered and analyzed alternatives to the storage facility. The City, NPS, and the Tribe have concluded that, because of the high construction and the long term maintenance required by the storage facility, construction of dedicated storm drainage facilities within the City is a 1 5.74 better alternative. The City concludes the new storm drainage system is in Its best interests, and is consistent with its commitment to assist in the EREFRA project, NPS has independently concluded the construction of the storm drainage system, in lieu of a storage facility, represents a substantial savings to the taxpayers. The Tribe has indicated its concurrence with this alternative. 3. Article III of the Agreement, Statement of Work, is amended to add the following to Paragraph A, The NPS -ONP agrees to: 19. Negotiate the transfer of sufficient funds to plan, design and construct the storm drainage facilities within the City as described In Article I above and consistent with the alternative described in the Brown and Caldwell Report of January 5, 2010; and consistent with NPS cost estimates. 4. Article III of the Agreement, Statement of Work, is amended to add the following to Paragraph B, The CITY agrees to: 15. Develop a schedule for, and conduct, the environmental and other necessary compliance requirements, obtain Washington Department of Ecology concurrence, secure permitting, design, and construct a new dedicated storm drainage facilities within the City along First Street consistent with the alternative described in the Brown and Caldwell Report of January 5, 2010. 16. Submit a Task Agreement to NPS for review and approval, and further discussion if necessary, reflecting the storm drainage work to be accomplished by the City. This Amendment is contingent on the negotiation of an acceptable Task Agreement and approval by the Washington State Department of Ecology of alternative number one, Storm Drain on First Street to Valley Street Storm Drain in the Brown and Caldwell Report ofianuary 5, 2010 and issuance of appropriate regulatory permits. 17. The new storm drainage facility is in lieu of, and is approved as an alternative to, the dedicated Tribal wastewater storage facility, referenced in 2.f. of the City Tribal wastewater agreement. 5. Article III of the Agreement, Statement of Work, is amended to add the following to Paragraph C, Project facilities scope and design: 5. The City shall plan, design, construct, and operate alternative number one, Storm Drain on First Street to Valley Street Storm Drain in the Brown and Caldwell Report of January 5, 2010 and issuance of appropriate regulatory permits, dedicated drainage facilities within the City. In doing so, the City will do its best to obtain concurrence of the Washington Department of Ecology to construct the system, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. 2 6. Article III of the Agreement, Statement of Work, is amended to add the following to Paragraph D, Construction: The City will construct the new storm drainage facilities within the City, if approved by the Washington State Department of Ecology in accordance with the provisions of this agreement, and consult with NPS and the Tribe as appropriate. 7. Article III of the Agreement, Statement of Work, is amended to add the following to Paragraph E, Operation and Maintenance: The City will be responsible for all operations and maintenance costs associated with the new storm drainage facilities constructed within the City, alternative number one, Storm Drain on First Street to Valley Street Storm Drain in the Brown and Caldwell Report of January 5, 2010, 8. As amended, the Agreement is ratified and confirmed. Dan Di Guilio, Mayor Date: _AI 2010 CITY OF POR ANGELES d City Clerk y l ,2010 Approved as to Form: William E. )3 or, City Attorney Date: ,..57 2010 3 FOR THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Karen Date: Edward afoya, Contracting 0 Date: 2010 dLet G. ILSGAL1AGRESMHNTS&CONfRACTSVOla Aguuts &Coutracts\NP3- CLly.Coop Agint H9500050094,Modlricalion 3,042010.doc AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION /MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1 CONTRACT ID CODE Page 1 of 2 2 AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION NO 0004 3 EFFECTIVE DATE 05/042012 4. REQUISITION /PURCHASE REQ NO. See Lines 5 PROJECT NO (If applicable) 6 ISSUED BY CODE 2081 7. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 6) CODE DSC -CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service,P 0 Box 25287 Denver, CO 80225 (Signature of person authonzed to sgn) 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No street, county, State and Zp Code) Glenn Cutler PORT ANGELES, CITY OF 321 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-3206 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO 9B DATED (SEE ITEM 11) (X) 10A MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT /ORDER NO H9500050094/J2011101025 X O 10B DATED (SEE ITEM 13) 11/03/2009 CODE !FACILITY CODE 15A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orpnnt) 16A NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type orpnnt) Bethan Mills 15B CONTRACTOR/OFFEROR 15C: DATE SIGNED 16B- Urn -d S es *fi 1 ca BY II 04/4A 1 44 16C DATE 1O IGNED (Signature of person authonzed to sgn) (Signature of Con fing Officer) The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14 The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers 12 ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If required) See Line Item Detail CHECK ONE Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specifiea in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning copies of the amendment, (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted, or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified A THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN THE CONTRACT ORDER NO IN ITEM 10A B THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT /ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43 103(b) C THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF D OTHER (Specify type of modification and authonty) E IMPORTANT Contractor xI is not II 14 DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headngs, including solcitation /contact subject matter where feasible OLYM 005375, City of Port Angeles, WA, Cooperative Agreement J2011101025, Task Agreement No 17, Modification No 04 is to than date of the task agreement This Task Agreement Modification No 04 makes no additional changes All other terms and conditions remain unchanged NSN 7540-01- 152 -8070 PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE 11 TI ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS 13 THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTS /ORDERS IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT /ORDER NO AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14 is required to sign this document and return copies to the issuing office Except as promded herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect is extended, 4.355 is not extended STANDARD FORM 36 (REV 10-83) Prescnbed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53 243 Line Item Summary Document Number J2011101025/0004 Title OLYM 005375 Page 2 of 2 Total Funding: $179,186 00 FYs Fund Budget Org Sub Object Class Sub Program Cost Org Sub Proj /Job No. Sub Reporting Category See Line Item(s) Division Closed FYs Cancelled Fund Line Item Number Description Delivery Date (Start date to End date) Quantity Unit of 2 1 Issue Unit Total Cost 0002 Provide funding to the City of Port Angeles to 05/012011 correct storm drainage problems (03/10/2010 to 05/31/2011) Change in Performance Penod Work to include NEPA, State DOE concurrence, Tnbal concurrence 0.00 job -$0.00 To assist you in registenng and completing the Recovery Act reporting requirements, the following codes are provided NAICS Code s 237110 Funding Agency Code s 1443 Awarding Agency Code is 1443 Govemment Contracting Office Code is 20000 Project Number is OLYM -005375, Restore Elwha River Ecosystem and Fishenes Program, Construction LEKI Wastewater Collection and Transport System Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) is 14 -1041 The CFDA number, if required, s 15 AAT Ref Req No R2011101106 Previous Total: $179,186 00 Modification Total: $0 00 Grand Total: $179,186 00 (Includes Discounts) $0 00 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION /MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 2 AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION NO 0003 6 ISSUED BY DSC -CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service,P 0 Box 25287 Denver, CO 80225 8 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No, street, county, State and Zip Code) Glenn Cutler PORT ANGELES, CITY OF 321 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 -3206 CODE D OTHER (Specify type of modification and authonty) Mutual agreement of the parties (Signature of person authorized to sign) NSN 7540 -01 -152 -8070 PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE 3 EFFECTIVE DATE 10/21/2010 CODE p 2081 (FACILITY CODE C THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF 4 REQUISITION /PURCHASE REQ NO 5 PROJECT NO (If applicable) See Lines BY 1 CONTRACT ID CODE 17 ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 6) CODE 11 THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14 The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers is extended, Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning copies of the amendment, (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted, or (c) By separate letter or telegram which Includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified 12 ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If required) See Line Item Detail 13 THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTS /ORDERS IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT /ORDER NO AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14 CHECK ONE A THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN i THE CONTRACT ORDER NO IN ITEM 10A B THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT /ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43 103(b) E IMPORTANT Contractor X is not, is required to sign this document and return copies to the issuing office 14 DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation /contract subject matter where feasible No cost time extension, extend period of performance to May 1, 2011, circumstances are beyond the control of the City of Port Angeles and the NPS Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanqed and in full force and effect 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or pant) 116A NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or pant) Edward L Tafova 15B CONTRACTOR /OFFEROR 15C DATE SIGNED 16B Unite atelf Amenc (Signature of Contracting Officer 9A AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO 9B DATED (SEE ITEM 11) (X) 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT /ORDER NO H9500050094/J2011101025 1 (X) 10B. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) 1 11/03/2009 Page 1 of 2 10/21/2010 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV 10 -83) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53 243 5.71 g is not extended 16C DATE SIGNED y Line Item Summary Total Funding: Division J2011101025/0003 OLYM 005375 Line Item Number Description $179,186 00 Document Number Title FYs Fund Budget Org Sub Object Class Sub Program Cost Org Sub Proj/Job No. Sub Reporting Category See Line Item(s) Closed FYs Cancelled Fund 0002 Provide funding to the City of Port Angeles to 05/01/2011 correct storm drainage problems Delivery Date (Start date to End date) Quantity (03/10/2010 to 05/01/2011) Change in Delivery Date, Performance Period Work to include NEPA, State DOE concurrence, Tnbal concurrence Unit of Issue 0 00 job Unit Price Total Cost To assist you in registering and completing the Recovery Act reporting requirements, the following codes are provided NAICS Code is 237110 Funding Agency Code is 1443 Awarding Agency Code is 1443 Government Contracting Office Code is 20000 Project Number is OLYM- 005375, Restore Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Program, Construction LEKT Wastewater Collection and Transport System Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) is 14 -1041 The CFDA number, if required, is 15 AAT Ref Req No R2011101106 $0 00 $0 00 Previous Total: $179,186 00 Modification Total: $0.00 Grand Total: $179,186.00 (Includes Discounts) Page 2of2 ARTICLE 1— GENERAL TERMS ARTICLE 11— STATEMENT OF WORK TASK AGREEMENT NO. 16 (J2011.1.01.025) Modification. Number 2 Between the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port. Angeles, Washington Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 shall apply to this Task Agreement. The City agrees to prepare a General Sewer Plan and Facility Plan Amendment for Department of Ecology Approval and prepare the associated National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for Park Service review and action. This work will include the following, 1. Update the City's Sewer Facility Plan to include acceptance of waste water from the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe (LEKT), as defined in the Wastewater agreement between the City and. LEKT dated. May 30, 2007. 2. Define service requirements of 'flow volumes and peak rates and their timing, 3. Identify alternatives for accommodating Tribal wastewater flow including phasing of improvements, if appropriate. The National Park Service shall provide general diagrams or maps of storage or flow reduction projects provided for the LEKT Sanitary Sewer Project to be included in the Amendment. No storage projects are to be considered. 4. Summarize system improvement requirements consistent with the City of Port Angeles and LEKT Wastewater Agreement. 5. Submit and review a General Sewer Plan and Facility Plan Amendment (a descriptive memorandum) with the Washington State Department of Ecology. The amendment will address programmatic issues and is not project- specific beyond the selection of a storage or flow reduction option. This task includes one teleconference meeting, one meeting with Department of Ecology and one final technical memorandum. 6. Gather environmental information and prepare NEPA documentation per attachment, scope of work for environmental documentation dated January 29, 2010, on which NPS shall make a project determination. 7. Review the LEKT's project bid documents for conformance with service agreement. ARTICLE III -- SCHEDULE AND TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT The work of this Task. Agreement will be completed not later than October :1 , 2010. . if the NEPA or Washington State Department of Ecology process is delayed due to no fault of the City a time extension will not be unreasonably withheld. Page 1 of 3 ARTICLE IV — AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial. Assistance: I. The National Park Service will provide funding to the City for expenses of performing and managing the work of Brown and Caldwell, City consultant, in an amount not -to- exceed $150,786 for expenses of the work described in Article II. 2. The City will submit monthly invoices for the cost of work completed. The NPS will pay for work accomplished up to the not -to- exceed amount. 3. The City will monitor the cost of the work and will promptly inform NPS if it determines that additional funds are required to complete the project. No payment can be made for the cost of work exceeding the not -to- exceed amount without prior written approval of the NPS Contracting Officer. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500 -308 l -FSN ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Scott McCollough, Project Manager, scott_mccolloughL nps.gov, 303 -969 -2939. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities (360) 417 -4800. Page 2 of 3 ARTICLE VI — SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth. below. For the National Par Signature: Name: Edward L. Tafoya Title: Contracting Officer Date: For the City of Port Angeles Signature: Name: Kent Myers Title: City Manager Date: 3/1 /21? lo Attest Signature: Name: Title: Date: Janessa Hurd City Clerk. 3 Ari 1c7 Approved as to Form Signature: Name: William. E. Bloor Title: City ^ ttorney Date:! Servic ° ' 20 )0 �© Page 3 of 3 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION /MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 2. AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION NO 3 EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REQUISITION /PURCHASE REQ. NO 5. PROJECT NO. (If applicable) 0001 11/23/2009 R2011101025 6 ISSUED BY CODE 2081 7. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 6) CODE DSC -CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service,P 0 Box 25287 Denver, CO 80225 8 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., street, county, State and Zip Code) Glenn Cutler PORT ANGELES, CITY OF 321 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 -3206 LODE * 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers I I is extended, ❑ is not extended. Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods: (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted; or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (Ifrequired) 2010 - - - 9500 - - 252Z - - 477 - - - 3081 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTS /ORDERS. R MODIFIES THE CONTRACT /ORDER NO AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. CHECK ONE A THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN ❑ THE CONTRACT ORDER NO IN ITEM 10A. ❑ B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT /ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103(b). L'J C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF D OTHER (Specify type of modification and authority) Mutual agreement of the parties E. IMPORTANT Contractor et is not, 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION (FACILITY CODE 156 CONTRACTOR /OFFEROR 15C DATE SIGNED 16B. United 1 CONTRACT ID CODE 9B DATED (SEEITEMII) is required to sign this document and retum copies to the issuing office. Page 1 of 2 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO (x) 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT /ORDER NO H9500050094/J2011101025 I (x) 10B DATED (SEE ITEM 13) 11/03/2009 (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation /contract subject matter where feasible.) Provide funding for City of Port Angeles' employee and consultant to participate in meeting in Seattle re the LEKT Waste Water design review meeting. Funding is to cover travel - related costs not -to- exceed $2,000.00 Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed. remains unchanged and in full force and effect. 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or print) 16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CON RACTING OFFICER (Type or print) Edward L. Tafoya 1' BY RECEIVED 1\10v 3 0 2 .009 ClTYP a;(c KS .,:les •f 'men -= 1 (Signature of person authorized to sign) (Signature of Contracting Officer) NSN 7540-01- 152 -8070 PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE UJU 16C. DATE SIGNED I/ 3/.20a STANDARD FORM 30 (REV 10-83) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 ,,l4' { e. Line Item Document Number Title Page Summary J2011101025/0001 OLYM 005375 2 of Total Funding: $28,400.00 FYs Fund Budget Org Sub Object Class Sub Program Cost Org Sub Proj /Job No. Sub Reporting Category Division Line Item Number Description Closed FYs Cancelled Fund Delivery Date (Start date to End date) Quantity 0001 Task Agreement with City of Port Angeles to 12/17/2009 provide analysis of options to wastewater storage. Change in Unit Price JUSTIFICATION: This analysis is necessary in order to evaluate cost saving options to wastewater storage. clef Req No: R2011101025 Unit of Issue 0.00 Is Unit Price Total Cost $2,000.00 $2,000.00 Previous Total: $26,400.00 Modification Total: $2,000.00 Grand Total: $28,400.00 (Includes Discounts) ARTICLE I — GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE 11— STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees to• TASK AGREEMENT NO. 16 (J2011101025) Modification Number 1 Between the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington 1. Provide an analysis by their consultant, Brown and Caldwell, to evaluate options to providing a 430,000 gallon storage tank and other facilities for new flows to the city sewer system from the Lower Elwha Klallam Reservation and potentially some properties adjacent to the reservation. Estimated initial and future flow quantities have been previously documented in Brown and Caldwell letter report on Lower Elwha flow impact evaluation, dated January 20, 2009. 2. The evaluation will provide options that could counteract the new flows and eliminate higher volume or frequency of City overflows during wet weather flow events. Having the ability to make improvements in more than one location could provide flexibility in that work could be done initially to eliminate impacts from initial Tribal flows, followed by a later and probably larger project to eliminate impacts from potential future Tribal and county flows. 3. For the options developed, provide preliminary information describing capital cost, the amount of tribal flow that would be offset, and a brief description of the work required. A range of alternatives is preferred in order to consider the percent of flow that can be offset versus cost and to select a preferred project or group of projects. For projects that eliminate infiltration / inflow, it is anticipated Department of Ecology will expect these to more than offset predicted Tribal flows. 4. Options that can eliminate requirements for significant operation and maintenance (O &M) requirements are much preferred to those that require higher O &M. 5 Participate in a two hour review meeting on November 17 or 18, 2009 with NPS. It is expected a representative of Brown & Caldwell would participate in the meeting as well. Purpose of the meeting would be to review the options developed with City and NPS and select a preferred approach to develop and present to Washington Department of Ecology. Formal presentation or memorandum is not required prior to this meeting. A spreadsheet that provides a brief description of each option, amount of flow offset, and estimated capital cost is requested for discussion at the meeting. The goal of meeting will be select a preferred plan. Page 1 of 3 •1 6. Following the meeting, Brown and Caldwell will document results in a technical memorandum. Draft of technical memorandum will be completed by December 10, 2009. Final copy of technical memorandum will be completed by December 17, 2009. ARTICLE 111— SCHEDULE AND TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT The work of this Task Agreement will be performed between the time City is notified to proceed, estimated at October 23, 2009 and December 17, 2009. ARTICLE IV — AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: The National Park Service will provide funding to the City for actual costs, not -to- exceed $26,400.00 for expenses of the work described in Article 11. This modification provides and additional amount not to exceed $2,000.00 for the City of Port Angeles employee's travel to Seattle for LEKT Waste Water design review meeting. This also provides funding for the City of Port Angeles engineering consultant, Brown & Caldwell, to attend the meeting. The amounts being paid on this Task Agreement are for the cost of the City retaining their consultant, Brown and Caldwell. The City of Port Angeles will not charge any of their labor hours and associated mark -up on labor for this Task Agreement. It is agreed that providing these City services will be accepted as the $3,560 in services the City has agreed to provide under Task Agreement 14. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500 -3081 -477 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Karl von Rosenberg, Ehaha Program Manager, karl von rosenberarZ nos.aov , 303 -969- 2491. For the City: Glenn A Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities (360) 417 -4800. Page 2 of 3 ARTICLE VI — SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Park Service Signature: Title: City Clerk Date: ////0/0' Approved as to F 19 Signature: :- Name: William E. Bloor Title City Attorney Date: ii /0 0 9 Name: Edward L. Tafoya Title: Contractin Officer Date: I I 3/MO For the City of Port Angeles Signature. Name: Kent Myers Title: City Manag Date 11//0/61 Attest G L r Signature: 9/1401111 Name Becky-}ri4riton JQ OISSA third Page 3 of 3 ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers. 1 DATE OF ORDER 11/03/2009 3. ORDER NO. J2011101025 5. ISSUING OFFICE (Address correspondence to) DSC -CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service P.O Box 25287 Denver CO 7 TO a. NAME OF CONTRACTOR Glenn Cutler b. COMPANY NAME PORT ANGELES, CITY OF c. STREET ADDRESS 321 E 5TH ST 2. CONTRACT NO (If any) H9500050094 4 REQUISITION /REFERENCE NO R2011101025 d. CITY le. STATE f. ZIP CODE PORT ANGELES WA 98362 -3206 9. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 2010 - - - 9500 - - 252Z - - 477 - - - 3081 11 BUSINESS CLASSIFICATION O a. SMALL 12. F O.B. POINT Destination 13. PLACE OF a. INSPECTION b. ACCEPTANCE ITEM NO SUPPLIES OR SERVICES (a) (b) SEE BILLING INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE 18. SHIPPING POINT SEE LINE ITEM DETAIL a. NAME DSC -CS Contracting Services Division b. STREET ADDRESS (or P 0 Box) National Park Service,P 0 Box 25287 c. CITY Denver 22. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY (Signature) NSN 7540 -01 -152 -8083 Previous edition not usable 80225 6. SHIP TO a. NAME OF CONSIGNEE No Shiooina Information b. STREET ADDRESS c. CITY (Check appropriate box(es)) Q b. OTHER THAN SMALL 14. GOVERNMENT B/L NO 21. MAIL INVOICE TO: Edward Tafoya If. SHIP VIA a. PURCHASE REFERENCE YOUR: Please furnish the following on the terms and conditions specified on both sides of this order and on the attached sheet, if any, including delivery as indicated. 10. REQUISITIONING OFFICE DSC - Design and Construction 17. SCHEDULE (See reverse forReiections) QUANTITY ORDERED (c) c. DISADVANTAGED 15. DELIVER TO F.O.B. POINT ON OR BEFORE (Date) 19. GROSS SHIPPING WEIGHT 20. INVOICE NO 12/17/2009 UNIT (d) 8 TYPE OF ORDER UNIT PRICE (e) ''AGE OF PAGES 1 I d. STATE e. ZIP CODE b. DELIVERY - Except for billing instructions on the reverse, this delivery order is subject to instructions contained on this side only of this form and is issued subject to the terms and conditions of the above - numbered contract. d. WOMEN -OWNED 16. DISCOUNT TERMS 10 days 20 days 30 days days AMOUNT (f) 5:71e QUANTITY ACCEPTED (9) 17(h) TOT (Cont. pages) 17(i) $26,400.00 GRAND TOTAL e. ZIP CODE 80225 23. NAME (Typed) Edward L. Tafoya TITLE. CONTRACTING /ORDERING OFFICER OPTIONAL FORM 347 (REV 6/95) Prescribed by GSA/FAR 48 CFR 53.213(e) ITEM NO SUPPLEMENTAL INVOICING INFORMATION PAGE NO. 2 of 4 If desired, this order (or a copy thereof) may be used by the Contractor as the Contractor's invoice, instead of a separate invoice, provided the following statement, (signed and dated) is on (or attached to) the order: "Payment is requested in the amount of $ No other invoice will be submitted" However, if the Contractor wishes.to submit an invoice, the following information must be provided; contract number (if any), order number, item number(s), description of supplies or service, sizes, quantities, unit prices, and extended totals. Prepaid shipping costs will be indicated as a separate item on the invoice. Where shipping costs exceed $10 (except for parcel post), the billing must be supported by a bill of lading or receipt. When several orders are invoiced to an ordering activity during the same billing period, consolidated periodic billings are encouraged. RECEIVING REPORT Quantity in the "Quantity Accepted" column on the face of this order has been: ❑ inspected, by me and conforms to contract. Items listed below have been rejected for the reasons indicated. SHIPMENT PARTIAL I DATE RECEIVED SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED U.S. GOV'T REP. NUMBER FINAL TOTAL CONTAINERS GROSS WEIGHT RECEIVED AT TITLE REPORT OF REJECTIONS SUPPLIES OR SERVICES UNIT QUANTITY REJECTED accepted, received DATE REASON FOR REJECTION OPTIONAL FORM 347 (REV 6/95) BACK ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers., DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO 11/03/2009 H9500050094 ITEM NO (a) SUPPLIES OR SERVICES (b) 0001 Task Agreement with City of Port Angeles to provide analysis of options to wastewater storage. JUSTIFICATION: This analysis is necessary in order to evaluate cost saving options to wastewater storage. Delivery Date End Date 12/17/2009 12/17/2009 NSN 7540 - 01 - 152 - 8082 Reference Requisition: R2011101025 QUANTITY UNIT QUANTITY ORDERED UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ACCEPTED (c) (d) (e) (f) (9) 1.00 Is ORDER NO TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM 171) -> $26,400.00 J2011101025 26,400.000 26,400.00 PAGE NO 3 of 4 OPTIONAL FORM 348 (10 -83) Prescribed by GSA -FAR (48 CFR) . Contract Level Document Number Funding Summary J2011101025 2010 - - - 9500 - - 252Z - - 477 - - - 3081 $26,400.00 Reference Requisition: R2011101025 Title OLYM 005375 Total Funding: $26,400.00 Page 4 of 4 ARTICLE I — GENERAL TERMS TASK AGREEMENT NO. 16 (J2011101025) Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II — STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees to: Between the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington 1. Provide an analysis by its consultant, Brown and Caldwell, to evaluate alternative solutions to providing a 430,000 gallon storage tank and other facilities for controlling new flows to the city sewer system from the Lower Elwha Klallam Reservation and potentially some properties adjacent to the reservation. Estimated initial and future flow quantities have been previously documented in Brown and Caldwell's letter report on Lower Elwha flow impact evaluation, dated January 20, 2009. 2. The evaluation will provide options that could mitigate potential impacts that the new flows may have on the volume or frequency of City overflows during wet weather flow events. Having the ability to make improvements in more than one location could provide flexibility in that work could be done initially to eliminate impacts from initial Tribal flows, followed by a later and probably larger project to eliminate impacts from potential future Tribal and county flows. 3. For the options developed, provide preliminary information describing capital cost, the amount of Tribal flow that could be managed, and a brief description of the work required. A range of alternatives is preferred in order to consider the percent of flow that can be offset versus cost and to select a preferred project or group of projects. For projects that eliminate infiltration / inflow, it is anticipated Department of Ecology will expect these to more than offset predicted Tribal flows. 4. Options that can eliminate requirements for significant operation and maintenance (O &M) requirements are much preferred to those that require higher O &M. 5. Participate in a two hour review meeting on November 17 or 18, 2009 with NPS. Brown & Caldwell will participate in the meeting as well. Purpose of the meeting would be to review the options developed with City and NPS and select a preferred approach to develop and present to Washington Department of Ecology. Formal presentation or memorandum is not required prior to this meeting. A spreadsheet that provides a brief description of each option, amount of flow offset, and estimated capital cost is requested for discussion at the meeting. The goal of meeting will be to select a preferred plan. 6. Following the meeting, Brown and Caldwell will document the results of items 1 through 5 in a technical memorandum. Draft of technical memorandum will be completed by Page 1 of 3 December 10, 2009. Final copy of technical memorandum will be completed by December 17, 2009. ARTICLE III — SCHEDULE AND TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT The work of this Task Agreement will be completed not later than December 17, 2009. ARTICLE IV — AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: The National Park Service will provide funding to the City for actual costs, not -to- exceed $26,400.00 for expenses of the work described in Article II. The amounts being paid on this Task Agreement are for the cost of the City retaining their consultant, Brown and Caldwell. The City of Port Angeles will not charge any of their labor hours and associated mark -up on labor for this Task Agreement. It is agreed that providing these City services will be accepted as the $3,560 in services the City has agreed to provide under Task Agreement 14. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500 -3081 -477 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Karl von Rosenberg, Elwha Program Manager, karl von rosenbere «.nos.eov , (303) 969- 2491. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, ecutlerrib.citvofna.us (360) 417- 4800. Page 2 of 3 ARTICLE VI — SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Park Service i � Name: Edward L. Tafoya Title: Contract ng 9fficer Date: "/Y(06 For the City of Port Angeles Signature: Name: Kent Myer Title: City Manager p Date: /0/30,14 Attest Signature: Name: Title: City Clerk Date: JO/30/D 1 Approved as to Fo Signature: Name: William E. Bloor Title: City Attorney Date: /0/3 Janessa Hurd Page 3 of 3 ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers. 1 DATE OF ORDER 11/04/2009 3 ORDER NO J2011101017 2. CONTRACT NO (If any) H9500050094 4 REQUISITION /REFERENCE NO R2011101017 5 ISSUING OFFICE (Address correspondence to) DSC -CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service P 0 Box 25287 Denver CO 80225 7 TO: a. NAME OF CONTRACTOR Glenn Cutler b. COMPANY NAME PORT ANGELES, CITY OF c. STREET ADDRESS 321 E 5TH ST d. CITY e. STATE f. ZIP CODE PORT ANGELES WA 98362 -3206 9 ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 2010 - - - 9500 - - 252Z - - 477 - - - 3131 11 BUSINESS CLASSIFICATION a. SMALL 12. F 0.B. POINT Destination a. INSPECTION ITEM NO (a) 13. PLACE OF b. ACCEPTANCE SUPPLIES OR SERVICES (b) SEE LINE ITEM DETAIL SEE BILLING INSTRUCTIONS a. NAME ON DSC -CS Contracting Services Division REVERSE b. STREET ADDRESS (or P O Box) National Park Service,P 0 Box 25287 NSN 7540 -01- 152 -8083 Previous edition not usable c. CITY Denver 22. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY (Signature) (Check appropriate box(es)) Q b. OTHER THAN SMALL 14 GOVERNMENT B/L NO 21. MAIL INVOICE TO Edward Tafoya 6. SHIP TO a. NAME OF CONSIGNEE No Shiooina Information b. STREET ADDRESS c. CITY f. SHIP VIA a. PURCHASE REFERENCE YOUR: 17. SCHEDULE (See reverse for Rejections) QUANTITY ORDERED (c) Please furnish the following on the terms and conditions specified on both sides of this order and on the attached sheet, if any, including delivery as indicated. 10. REQUISITIONING OFFICE DSC - Design and Construction D c. DISADVANTAGED 15. DELIVER TO F.O.B POINT ON OR BEFORE (Date) 03/15/2010 18. SHIPPING POINT 19 GROSS SHIPPING WEIGHT 20. INVOICE NO d. STATE CO UNIT (d) 8. TYPE OF ORDER UNIT PRICE (e) E PAGE OF PAGES 1 d. STATE e. ZIP CODE b. DELIVERY - Except for billing instructions on the reverse, this delivery order is subject to instructions contained on this side only of this form and is issued subject to the terms and conditions of the above - numbered contract. d. WOMEN -OWNED 16 DISCOUNT TERMS 10 days 20 days 30 days days AMOUNT ( I % 170) $32,051.00 GRAND TOTAL QUANTITY ACCEPTED (9) 17(h) TOT. (Cont. pages) e. ZIP CODE 80225 23. NAME (Typed) Edward L. Tafoya TITLE. CONTRACTING /ORDERING OFFICER OPTIONAL FORM 347 (REV 6/95) Prescribed by GSA/FAR 48 CFR 53.213(e) If desired, this order (or a copy thereof) may be used by the Contractor as the Contractor's invoice, instead of a separate invoice, provided the following statement, (signed and dated) is on (or attached to) the order "Payment is requested in the amount of $ No other invoice will be submitted" However, if the Contractor wishes to submit an invoice, the following information must be provided; contract number (if any), order number, item number(s), description of supplies or service, sizes, quantities, unit prices, and extended totals. Prepaid shipping costs will be indicated as a separate item on the invoice. Where shipping costs exceed $10 (except for parcel post), the billing must be supported by a bill of lading or receipt. When several orders are invoiced to an ordering activity during the same billing period, consolidated periodic billings are encouraged. SUPPLEMENTAL INVOICING INFORMATION PAGE NO. 2 of 3 Quantity in the "Quantity Accepted" column on the face of this order has been: 111 inspected, by me and conforms to contract. Items listed below have been rejected for the reasons indicated. SHIPMENT PARTIAL I DATE RECEIVED SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED U.S GOV'T REP NUMBER FINAL TOTAL CONTAINERS GROSS WEIGHT RECEIVED AT TITLE ITEM NO RECEIVING REPORT REPORT OF REJECTIONS SUPPLIES OR SERVICES UNIT QUANTITY REJECTED accepted, El received DATE REASON FOR REJECTION OPTIONAL FORM 347 (REV 6/95) BACK ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract and /or order numbers. DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO 11/04/2009 H9500050094 ITEM NO (a) NSN 7540 - 01 - 152 - 8082 SUPPLIES OR SERVICES (b) 0001 Provide legal review for connection of non -tribal residents to the LEKT /City of Port Angeles waste w Delivery Date End Date 03/15/2010 03/15/2010 Reference Requisition: R2011101017 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM 170 : $32,051.00 1.00 Is ORDER NO J2011101017 PAGE NO 3 of 3 QUANTITY UNIT QUANTITY ORDERED UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ACCEPTED (c) (d) (e) (f) (9) 32,051.000 32,051.00 OPTIONAL FORM 348 (10-83) Prescribed by GSA -FAR (48 CFR) ARTICLE I — GENERAL TERMS TASK AGREEMENT NO 15 (J2011101017) Between the United States Department of Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington November 2, 2009 Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 between the National Park Service (NPS), City of Port Angeles (City) shall apply to this Task Agreement. The City has indicated a need for analysis and a written report justifying inclusion of certain non - Tribal, residential properties within the design and construction of the City- Tribal wastewater system, pursuant to the City - Tribal wastewater collection agreement dated May 30, 2007. This Task Agreement enables the City's ability to obtain that report. It will be implemented through one or more scopes of work that will authorize the City to perform and be compensated for certain activities necessary to complete the report. ARTICLE II — STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees: 1 The City will analyze the connection to the City - Tribal wastewater collection system currently under development of those certain individual, non - Tribal, residential properties that are particularly described in Attachment A The non - Tribal properties are adjacent to Lower Elwha Klallam Tribal lands on the Elwha River and may be affected by rising groundwater levels when the Elwha and Glines Canyon Dams are removed. The purpose of this task is to prepare a report justifying, for the City's administrative record, the inclusion of non - Tribal properties. The report will demonstrate consistency with the Growth Management Act (GMA) of Washington State and with other applicable laws and regulations. This task may include discussions with state and local officials responsible for the administration of the GMA, and tribal and NPS officials. This analysis will assume that the physical wastewater collection infrastructure that would serve these non - Tribal properties would be in one or another of the following configurations: a) All non- Tribal properties aggregated through a separate collection system and routed through a separate, dedicated pump station that would then feed into the single, common pressurized pipeline following the railroad grade into the City's existing wastewater system b) All non- Tribal properties aggregated through a separate collection system and routed through a separate pipe to the same pump station that will be serving the Tribal collection system, 39500080029 Page 1 of 5 c) All non - Tribal properties are incorporated, based on their locations, with their individual collector pipes integrated into a single, undifferentiated collection system feeding into the same pump station that will be serving the Tribal properties. d) Some combination of the above options. ARTICLE III — TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT 1. The work under this Task Agreement will be performed as follows: • Production of full draft report within 90 calendar days of final signature on this Task Agreement. NPS will be provided with a copy of this draft by the City upon delivery of this draft to the City. • Review and finalization by the City of the draft and delivery to NPS within 1 1 1 calendar days of final signature on this Task Agreement. ARTICLE IV — AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: 1. The NPS will provide funding to the City in an amount not to exceed $32,051. No payment will be made for the cost of work exceeding this amount without prior written request and subsequent approval of the NPS Contracting Officer, Ed Tafoya. Written approval will be evidenced by issuance of a modification to increase the amount of the agreement. 2. The City will submit monthly invoices for the percentage of work completed. The NPS will pay for work accomplished. Should a retainer payment, or payments, be needed in order to secure services necessary under this Task Agreement, any such retainer will be reimbursed upon submittal of the invoice demonstrating that the expense has been incurred. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500 - 3131 -477 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Scott McCollough, Elwha Tribal Projects, Project Manager (303) 969 -2939. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities (360) 417 -4800. ARTICLE VI — SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. J9500080029 Page 2 of 5 For the National Park,S rvice Signature: J9500080029 Name: Edward L. Tafoya Title: Contracting Officer Date: k1/ v0 I p� For the City of Port Angeles Signature: Name: Kent Myers Title: City Manager Date: ! /z /o9 Attest /� Signature: �i�l� Name: anessa Hurd Title: City Clerk Date: Approved as to Vorm Signature: ,/e Name: William E. Bloor Title: City Attorney Date: if /2i 9 Page 3 of 5 Attachment A Task Agreement 15 Scope of Work National Park Service (NPS), in conjunction with the Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration project, has requested the City of Port Angeles to accept wastewater from non - Tribal properties in the Lower Elwha Valley. Those properties are outside the City boundaries and outside the City's Urban Growth Area (UGA). Before the City can agree to accept wastewater as requested, the City has determined that it must evaluate whether the extension of wastewater services, as requested, can be done in a way to comply with all local and state laws and regulations, and if so, what is required for compliance. This scope of work, under Task Agreement 15, is intended to answer those questions. The work to be done under this Task includes the following: 1. Review documentation provided by the NPS for this potential connection of individual, non - Tribal, private properties to the City wastewater system 2. Provide sufficient analysis, evaluation, legal opinion, and conclusion on whether the extension of wastewater services to non - Tribal properties outside the City boundaries and outside the City's UGA, can comply with all local and state laws and regulations; and if so, what actions, findings, conclusions, permits, and other elements are required for compliance. 3. Determine the City's responsibilities for compliance with state Growth Management Act (GMA). 4. Specifically address whether RCW 36.70A.110(4) will provide an avenue by which the City can accept wastewater from non - Tribal properties. In this regard, address the Washington case law, Washington administrative law, local zoning law and development regulations, and local GMA adoptions, such as Comprehensive Plans and County-wide Planning Policies. Describe what actions, findings, and conclusions would be required to comply with this RCW section. 5. Consult with the State Department of Community Trade and Economic Development, Washington State Department of Health, and Washington State Department of Ecology, as appropriate. 6. Consult with organizations that have initiated appeals against extension of utility services to assess likelihood of appeal and determine if mitigation of their concerns is possible. 7. Review existing language in the City of Port Angeles' Comprehensive Plan and the Clallam County Comprehensive Plan to verify legal support of the project. If compliance is deemed feasible through amending language, generally identify what those amendments would address. 8. Review existing language in the City's Sewer Plan and Capital Facilities Plan, including any impacts to combined sewer overflows regulated under the City J9500080029 Page 4 of 5 Wastewater Treatment Plant's NPDES Permit. If amending language is deemed necessary, generally identify what those amendments would address. 9. Identify what agreements would be needed to extend the wastewater service to the non - Tribal residents. Identify what would be needed to address responsibilities, obligations to serve, billing, payment, maintenance, inspections, etc. identify those options under consideration and determine the City's preferred method. 10. Identify what additional information and analysis (such as but not limited to SEPA requirements) are needed by the City to fully comply with the legal and regulatory requirements applicable to the proposed extension of wastewater service. J9500080029 Page 5 of 5 5. 7<./~ . ~-I TASK AGREEMENT NO. 14 (12011090567) Between the United States Department ofInterior, National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington ARTICLE I - GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 shall apply to this Task Agreement ARTICLE 11- STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees: 1. That it has determined the entrance to Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant (P A WTP) should be relocated to the north because the existing location conflicts with the compost storage bin installed by the City after the construction contract for P A WTP was awarded. 2. That this change has been requested by the City and that NPS is authorized to modify the construction contract to install the entrance to P A WTP in the revised location, generally shown on the attached drawing RPP 20 - Move Entry North SK-I. 3. - That the City has reviewed the revised'location for automobile and truck access into the P A WTP parking lot and loading dock area and is responsible for performing any coordination required with the adjacerit Solid Waste Tran!ifer facility asa tesultofthe change in location: -. ,. 4. That NPS is not required to obtain further approvals for moving the location of the entrance road. 5. To cooperate with NPS by performing services in support of the Elwha River restoration in an amount of $3,560.00 at no expense to NPS. Services will be as agreed between the City and NPS and will be negotiated as part of a separate Task Agreement in accordance with the terms of the Cooperative Agreement. The National Park Service agrees: 1. To contract for preparation of revised engineering drawings, prepared by the design engineer, URS, for the revised entrance road location. URS will be directed to verify grading and drainage. NPS and its Contractor are not tasked with evaluating entrance road location or access. 2. To execute a construction contract modification with Watts-Korsmo AN to relocate 'the entrance to the location des}gnated by the City. , <~ ~ . '..1-'" 3 . To pay all costs and expenses due to W atts- Korsmo - AN on account of the contract modification. " . Agreement by NPS to perform the above services is contingent upon timely execution of this agreement not later than April 24, 2009. ARTICLE III - TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT NPS agrees to proceed with the items it has agreed to perform upon completed execution of this Task Agreement. The relocation of the entrance road will be completed concurrent with the schedule for completion of P A WTP. The contract completion date for P A WTP is December 18, 2009. The contractor's schedule shows the P A WTP facility ready for turnover to the City in October, 2009. ARTICLE IV - A WARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: No funds for financial assistance will be transferred to the City under this agreement. Appropriation Data: Not Used ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS . For the NPS: Karl von Rosenberg, P A WTP Project Manager, karl von rosenberg@nps.gov, 303-969- 2491. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director ofpublic Works and Utilities (360) 417-4800. '. ARTICLE VI - SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. Fo, the NatiY);:fi'f?,&t~ Name: Edward L. Tafoya urfJ G Title: Contracting Officer 'I/X7!20tJ c; Date: For the City of Port Angeles " Signature: Name: Kent Myers Title: City Manager 7P;2./d .<7 Date: Attest Signature: /~~ Name: /BeCkY J. Upton a - Title: City Cl"k -6i~ ~ Date: <I"A~-Oq Approved as to Form Signature: Title; William E. Bloor City +mey '1//~- ~---- ; Name: Date: AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATIONIMODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 2 AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION NO. 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 0001 02/18/2010 6. ISSUED BY CODE { 2081 DSC -CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service, Denver Service Center,12795 W. Alameda Parkway Lakewood, CO 80228 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., street, county, State and Zip Code) Glenn Cutler PORT ANGELES, CITY OF 321 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 -3206 CODE 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (if required) 2010 - - - 9500 - - 2522 - - 477 - - - 3041 - - - - - - $3,016.00 C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF D. OTHER (Specify type of modification end authority) Mutual agreement of the parties E. IMPORTANT: Contractor 15B. CONTRACTOR /OFFEROR N5N 7540 -01- 152 -8070 PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE 13 THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTS /ORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT /ORDER NO. AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14 1. CONTRACT ID CODE 4. REQUISITION /PURCHASE REQ. NO. 5. PROJECT NO See Lines 7 ADMINISTERED BY (If other than !Lem 5) (If applicable) CODE' 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. 9B. DATED (SEE ITEM 1 f) Page 1 of 3 (x) 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT /ORDER NO. / J2011080820 x 10B DATED (SEE ITEM 13) !FACILITY CODE 05/29/2008 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS El The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date specified for receipt or Offers 1 IO is extended, Offers must acknowledge receipt of !his amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods: (a) By completing Items 5 and 15, and returning copies of the amendmf nt: (b) ay acknowledging receipt of this arrsendrtent.on.each copy of the offer submitted; or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE' PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified. CHECK ONE A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN • ❑ THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT /ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES' :(such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14. PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43,103(b). H is not, n is required to sign this document and return copies to the issuing office. (Organized by UCF section headings, including solcitation /contract subject matter where feasible.) 14. DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION Provide funding for the City to complete required setup and installation of fire and security systems in the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant and extend completion date to 2/28/2010 1 FEB 2 2 2°10 CITY O OF A ' NGELES Except as prouded herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed. remains unchanged and in full force and effect. 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or print) 16A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or print) Edward L. Tafoy 7 15C. DATE SIGNED 16B. United e of meri BY (Signature of person authorized to sign) (Signature of Contracting Officer) I is not extended. 16C. DATE SIGNED 02/18/2010 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV. 10 -83) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 Line Item Summary Total Funding: $6,315.00 Division Line Item Number Description Ref Req No: R2011101141 Document Number .12011080820/0001 FYs Fund Budget Org Sub Object Class Sub Program Cost Org Sub ProjfJob No. Sub Reporting Category Closed FYs Cancelled Fund Delivery Date (Start date to End date) 0002 Modification to Task Agreement with City of 02/28/2010 1.00 job $3,016.00 $3,016.00 Port Angeles to complete required setup and installation This is a New Line ,JUSTIFICATION: This work is needed in order to complete installation of the alarm systems and activate the systems. Title Page Task Agreement 13 2 of 3 Unit of Quantity Issue Unit Price Total Cost Previous Total: $3.299.00 Modification Total: $3.016.00 Grand Total: $6,315.00 (Includes Discounts) Contract Level Funding Summary 2010 - - - 9500 - - 2522 - - 477 - - - 3041 Reference Requisition: R2011101141 Document Number J201108082010001 Title Task Agreement 13 Funding Strip Code Change in Funded Amount $3,016.00 Page 3 of 3 TASK AGREEMENT NO. 13 (J201.1.080820) Between the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington MODIFICATION 1 The Task Agreement will be modified as follows: ARTICLE 1— GENERAL TERMS No Change. ARTICLE 11— STATEMENT OF WORK. Add new Paragraph 6: 6. Contract for work required to setup monitoring of fire and security alarin systems. NPS will compensate the City for initial setup fees in the fixed amount of $3,01.6.00. ARTICLE 1I1— SCHEDULE AND TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT Change the date in third paragraph from December 18, 2009 to February 28, 2010. ARTICLE IV — AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial. Assistance: Increase the amount of financial assistance by $3,016.00 to a total fixed amount of $6,31.5.00 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS No Change. Page 1 oft ARTICLE VI — SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement Modification on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Park Servic Name: Edward L. Tafoya Title: Contracting Of ,icer Date: For the City of Port Angeles Signature: Name: Kent Myers Title: City Manager Date: -2/c2 /24 /0 Attest Signature: Name: anessa Hurd Title: Date: Title: • St4 City Clerk /741 d Approved as to Form S•igliettrre: 71 f f24` Name: William E. Bloor City orneY Page 2 of 2 5. 7~&' .~ TASK AGREEMENT NO. 13 (12011080820) Between the United States Department ofInterior, National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington ARTICLE I - GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II - STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees to: 1. Provide review of equipment submittals and shop drawings for the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant (P A WTP) fire sprinkler and the P A WTP and Ranney Well building fire alarm systems by the City of Port Angeles Fire Marshal/Authority Having Jurisdiction (ARJ). 2. Provide inspection of the completed installation of P A WTP fire sprinkler and P A WTP and Ranney Well building fire alarm systems by the City of Port Angeles Fire Marshal / Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). 3. Provide review comments and results of inspections to the National Park Service (NPS) representative who will in turn provide to the construction contractor. 4. It is understood that review / inspection will be for compliance with national and City code requirements. NPS agrees to review submittals prior to submission in order to verify completeness. 5. To provide NPS with written approval for fire protection system and fire alarm systems when all issues have been satisfactorily resolved. ARTICLE III - SCHEDULE AND TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT Review comments on submittals shall be provided within 14 calendar days of documents being provided to the City for review. The ARJ will coordinate with NPS representative to determine at what stage of construction inspections should be performed. NPS will keep AHJ informed on when construction is expected to reach the required stage. All work shall be performed by the conclusion of project construction, currently estimated as December 18,2009. ARTICLE IV -AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: Page lof3 ;' The National Park Service will provide funding to the City in the fixed amount of$3,299.00 for expenses of the work described in Article II. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500-3041-477 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Karl von Rosenberg, P A WTP Project Manager, karl von rosenberg@nps.gov, 303-969- 2491. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director ofpublic Works and Utilities (360) 417-4800. Page 2 of3 , ... . ARTICLE VI - SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Park Service ~e.2k Name: Edward L. Tafoya U~ (J Title: Contracting Officer Date: 5( JJr\Q 3/200~ For the City of Port Angeles Signature: -11la.-U }rl~ Name: Mark E. Madsen Title: City Manager 5f1/&e Date: Attest Signature: ^--- Name: Becky J. Upton Title: City Clerk Date: 5. ~q -/)8' Approved as to Form Signature: Name: William E. Bloor Title: Date: Page 3 of3 5. 7<1~ o ~ ~ ~ PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT ~aT ElES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. DATE: November 13, 2007 To: Mark E. Madsen, City Manager VIA: William Bloor, City Attorney Becky Upton, City Clerk Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities 6~ FROM: SUB J E C T: National Park Service Task Agreements # 10 and # 12 1. Attached are Task Agreements (T A) for work to be performed by the City for the National Park Service (NPS). Please sign two originals for each T A. 2. TA #10 is to procure 3 transformers for the Elwha Water Facilities (EWF) formerly known as the Elwha Surface Water Intake (ESWI) and Elwha Water Treatment Plant (EWTP) facilities. T A # 12 is to install transformers and primary electrical service to the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant (PA WTP). 3. The Electrical Engineering Manager, Terry Dahlquist, Light Operations Manager, Jim Klarr, and myself have reviewed the work and cost estimates. City Council approved the purchase of the transformers at their November 7,2007 council meeting. 4. The purchase order for the transformers will not be acted upon until the T A is signed by the NPS contracting officer. The NPS staff is most anxious to have TA #10 and #12 approved as soon as possible to avoid potential delays on the projects. 5. If you have any questions please contact me. N:\GLENN\Task Agreements 10 and 12 memo.doc 5.7<18 .. TASK AGREEMENT NO. 12 (J9500080030) Between the United States Department ofInterior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington ARTICLE I - GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 between the National Park Service (NPS), City of Port Angeles (City), and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II - STATEMENT OF WORK The City and NPS agree: A. To fumish and install new primary electrical service for the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant and Ranney Well facilities. The detailed work description is as follows: 1. Electrical Service to P A WTP and Ranney Well Buildings a. The City will provide and install the following for the electrical service at PA WTP: I) The vault beneath the new utility transfonner. 2) The new utility transformer. Purchase ofthe transformer was included in a prior Task Agreement. 3) Conduits PIa, b from the existing utility sectionalizing cabinet to the new utility transformer vault as shown on Sheet E-4, TREATMENT PLANT ELECTRICAL SITE PLAN. 4) Primary cable in Conduits PIa, b from the existing uti lity sectionalizing cabinet to the new utility transformer vault and required connections at each end. 5) Connection of Contractor provided secondary cable to the new utility transformer. 6) Utility meter and current transfonners. 7) The City will perform limited inspection of the NPS Contractor performed work. b. The NPS Contractor will provide and install the following for the electrical service at P A WTP: J9500088030 Page 1 of 4 I) All excavation, grading, and backfill required for new utility transformer vault. 2) All trenching, excavation, and backfill for conduits PIa, b. 3) Secondary power conduits P2a-h from service disconnect to new utility transformer vault. 4) Secondary cable from service disconnect to new utility transformer. The City will make the connections to the new utility transformer. 5) Meter base, current transformer enclosure, and connecting I-inch conduit for utility meter in accordance with utility standards. c. The City will provide and install the following for the electrical service at the Ranney Well site: I) Removal of existing utility transformer and metering equipment. 2) The new utility transformer. Purchase ofthe transformer was included in a prior Task Agreement. 3) Conduit PI from the existing power pole to a point 5-feet from the foundation of the new building, as shown on Sheet E-42A, RANNEY WELL, ELECTRICAL SITE AND CONTROL BUILDING, ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION PLAN. 4) Primary cable from the existing power pole to the new utility transformer and required connections at each end. 5) Connection of Contractor provided secondary cable to the new utility transformer. 6) Utility meter and current transfonners. 7) The City will perform limited inspection of the NPS Contractor performed work. d. The NPS Contractor will provide and install the following for the electrical service at the Ranney Well site: I) Raised slab for new utility transformer. 2) All trenching, excayation, and backfill for conduit PI. 3) Primary conduit PI from the base ofthe new utility transformer to a point 5- feet from the foundation of the new building. 4) Secondary power conduits P2a-ffrom switchboard to new utility transformer. 19500088030 Page 2 of4 5) Secondary cable from switchboard to new utility transformer. The City will make the connections to the new utility ~ransformer. 6) Meter base, current transfonner enclosure, and I-inch connecting conduit for utility meter in accordance with utility standards. B. The NPS Contractor will provide the City with seven working days advance notice of when the required work will be accomplished in his construction schedule. The City agrees to reasonably cooperate in order to facilitate construction within that schedule. C. The cost of this Task Agreement includes all costs for sales taxes, shipping, handling, and any other incidental fees. ARTICLE III - TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT The work of this Task Agreement will be completed by October 31, 2009. ARTICLE IV - AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: 1. The NPS will provide funding to the City for performing the work in the amount of $49,024.00 for the work described in Article II. 2. The City will submit monthly invoices for the percentage of the work completed. The NPS will pay for work accomplished. 3. The City will monitor the work and will promptly inform NPS if it determines that additional work is required to complete the project. No payment can be made for additional work without prior written approval ofthe NPS Contracting Officer. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500-3041-477 - $ 49,024.00 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Karl von Rosenberg, Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant Project Manager (303) 969-249 I. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities (360) 417-4800. 19500088030 Page 3 of4 0:_ ARTICLE VI - SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National P;)) Servilf ~ Signature: ~ L ---e-c. Name: Edward L. Tafoya Title: Contracting Officer \ , F~11 0-007 Date: For the City of Port Angeles Signature: 7f/~ ~. ~~ Name: Mark E. Madsen Title: City Manager Date: 111''-1107 Attest Signature: Becky J. Upton Name: Title: City Clerk Date: IL - 1<1- () 7 Appcoved as to Ft / _~ SIgnature: V;~ r 4 ~ Name: William E. Bloor Title: City Attorney Date: //-Ir- 07 \ . '. / J " J95,o.oa8803Q Page 4 of 4 AWARD/CONTRACT 1. THIS CONTRACT IS A RATED ORDER UNDER DPAS (15 CFR 350) 3. EFFECTIVE DATE 11/29/2007 Pages 3 4. REQUISITION/PURCHASE REQUEST PROJECT NO. R2011080650 2. CONTRACT (Proc. ins/. ident.) NO. J9500080030 5. ISSUED BY CODE 2081 6. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 5) CODE DSC:CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service, Denver Service Center 12795 W. Alameda Parkway Lakewood, CO 80228- 7. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., street, city, county, State and ZIP Code) 8. DELIVERY o FOB Origin ~ Other (See below) PORT ANGELES, CITY OF. 321 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362:0217 CODE . 11. SHIP TO/MARK FOR FACILITY CODE 9. DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT 10 days % 20 days % 30 days % days % 10. SUBMIT INVOICES (4 Copies unless other. - wise specified) . To tHE ADORESS SHOWN IN: ITEM 12 CODE 12. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CODE 2626 No Shipping Information USDI/National Park SerVIceIW ASO-Accounting Operations Center P. O. Box 100000 13461 Sunrise Valley Drive, 2nd Floor 13. AUTHORITY FOR USING OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION: D 10 U.S.C. 2304(c) ( D 41 U.S.C. 253(c) ( Herndon, VA 20171-3288 14. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 2008~ - -9500- -252A- -477- - -3041- - 15A ITEM NO. 15B. SUPPLlES/SERVICES 15C. QUANTITY 15D. UNIT 15E. UNIT PRICE 15F. AMOUNT SEE LINE ITEM DETAIL ( ) SEC DESCRIPTION PAGE(S) ( ) SEC DESCRIPTION I PAGE(S) P""T'_ '''' P""TII_ A"""''' A SOLICITATION CONTRACT FORM I CONTRACT CLAUSES B SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTS PART 111- LIST OF DOCUMENTS, EXHIBITS AND OTHER ATTACH. C DESCRIPTION/SPECSIWORK STATEMENT J LIST OF ATTACHMENTS D PACKAGING AND MARKING PART IV - REPRESENTATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS E INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS, AND . K OTHER STATEMENTS OF OFFERORS DEl:JVERIES-ANB-PERF0RM G CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA L INSTRS., CONDS., AND NOTICES TO OFFERORS . H SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS M EVALUATION FACTORS FOR AWARD 15G. TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS 49,024.00 17.0 CONTRACTOR'S NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT (Contractor is required to sign this document and return copies to issuing office) Contractor agrees to furnish and deliver all items or perform all the services set forth or otherwise identified above and on any continuation sheets for the consideration stated herein. The rights and obligations of the parties to this contract shall be subject to and governed by the following documents: (a) this award/contract, (b) the solicitation, if any, and.(c) such provisions, representations, certifications, and specifi cations, as attached or incorporated by reference herein. (Attachments are listed herein.) 19A NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or print) 17 OR 18 AS APPLICABLE 18. (Contractor is not required to sign this document.) Your offer on Solicitation Number including the additions or changes made by }OU which additions or changes are set forth in full above, is hereby accepted as to the items listed above and on any continuation sheets. This award consummates the contract which consists of the following documents: (a) the Govemment's solicitation and your offer, and (b) this award/contract. No further contractual document is necessary. 20A. NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER Edward L. Tafoya 19B. NAME OF CONTRACTOR By 19C. DATE SIGNED 20B. UNI By 20C. DATE SIGNED \11')1/:Jbo7 (Signature of person authorized to sign) NSN 7540 - 01 - 152 - 8069 PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABlE STANDARD FORM 26 (REV 4 - 85) Prescribed by GSA . FAR (48 CFR) 53.214(8) Une Item Summary Total Funding: FYs 2008 Division $49,024.00 Document Number J9500080030 Fund Budget Org Sub 9500 Object Class 252A Closed FYs Line Item Number Description 0001. Cancelled Fund Title TaskAgreement No. 12 . Sub Cost Org Program 477. CLlN Delivery Date Ref (Start Date to End Date). Quantity Task Agreement 12 to city d Port Angeles 0001 for installation of electrical utility work at Port Angele 10/31/2009 1.00 Sub Proj/Job No. 3041 Page 20f3 Sub Reporting Category Unit Price $49,024.000 Total Cost . (Includes Discounts) $ 49,024.00 The City of Port Angeles electric utility will be supplying pOWEr to Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant This Task agreement is for furnishing and. installing the required site electrical utilities. . Ref Req No: R2011080650 (11/29/2007 to 10/31/2009) Unit of Issue .ea Total Cost: $49,024.00 Contract level Document Number Funding Summary J9500080030 2008 - - - 9500 - - 252A - - 477 - - - 3041 - " - - - - $49.024.00 Reference Requisition: R2011080650 Title Task Agreement No. 12 Page 30f3 Total Funding: $49,024.00 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION /MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT 1. CONTRACT ID CODE Page 1 of 4 2 AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION NO 3 EFFECTIVE DATE 4 REQUISITION /PURCHASE REQ. NO. 5 PROJECT NO (If applicable) 0002 11/05/2009 See Funding Detail 6 ISSUED BY CODE I 2081 7. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 6) CODE DSC -CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service, Denver Service Center,12795 W. Alameda Parkway Lakewood, CO 80228 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No., street, county, State and Zip Code) 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO 9B. DATED (SEE ITEM 11) PORT ANGELES, CITY OF 321 E 5TH ST (X) 10A. MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT /ORDER NO J9500080029 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 -3206 10B. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) CODE * IFACIIITY CODE (X) 11 THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS ❑ The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14. The hour and date spedfied for receipt of Offers pi is extended, I I is not extended. Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods: (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and retuming copies of the amendment; (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted; or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers. FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER. If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received prior to the opening hour and date specified. 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If required) 2010 - - - 9500 - - 252Z - - 477 - - - 3001 $5,000.00 13. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTS /ORDERS. IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT /ORDER NO AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. CHECK ONE I A. THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO: (Specify authority) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN ❑ B. THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT /ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc.) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43.103(b). THE CONTRACT ORDER NO. IN ITEM 10A. C. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF D OTHER (Specify type of modification and authority) Mutual agreement of the parties E. IMPORTANT Contractor © is not, n is required to sign this document and retum copies to the issuing office. 14 DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible.) Increase funding by $5,000 to provide for payment for relocation of a power pole guy wire. BEG ENED NOV 3 0 2009 - CITY OF POR\ ANG ELES PUBLIC Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect. 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or print) 116A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type or print) Edward L. Tafoya 15B CONTRACTOR /OFFEROR 15C DATE SIGNED 16B. United S ' �J 16C DATE SIGNED BY (Signature of person authorized to sign) (Signature of Contracting Officer) NSN 7540 -01- 152 -8070 PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE 5. Iii 8' "i5 boo') STANDARD FORM 30 (REV 10 -83) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.243 Line Item Summary Total Funding $266,l25 00 FYs Fund Budget Org Sub Object Class Sub Program Cost Org Sub ProjfJob No. Sub Reporting Category Division Line Item Number Description Document Number Title J9500080029/0002 Task Agreement 1 IOLA M- 005375 Closed FYs Cancelled Fund Delivery Date (Start date to End date) Quantity Unit of Issue Unit Price Total Cost 0001 Task Agreement 11 to City of Port Angeles for 12/30/2010 0 00 NTE 55,000.00 $5,000.00 installation of electrical utility work at Elwha Water (03/28/2008 to 12/30/2010) Change in Unit Price Justification: The City of Port Angeles electric utility will be supplying power to Elwha Water facilities. This Task Agreement is for furnishing and installing the required site electrical utilities. See 4 page Statement of Work which is hereby incorporated and made a part of this Agreement. Ref Req No R2011080748 Previous Total: $261,125 00 Modification Total: $5,000 00 Grand Total: 5266,125 00 (Includes Discounts) Page 2 of 4 ' Contract Level Funding Summary Document Number J9500084029/0302 Title Task Agreement 11OLYM- 005375 Funding Strip Code Chanoe In Funded Amount 2010 - - - 9500 - - 252Z - - 477 - - - 3001 $5.000.00 Page 3 of 4 Address Detail Title Task Agreement 1 1OLY114- 005375 Invoice Addresses Code Detail 0001 Org: DSC -CS Contracting Services Division Add r. National Park Service P 0 Box 25287 Denver CO 80225 Attn Edward Tafoya, Contracting Officer Phone (303) 969 -2116 ext. Fax; (303) 987 -6646 ext. Document Number J9500080029/0002 Page 4 of 4 ARTICLE 1— GENERAL TERMS TASK AGREEMENT NO. 11 (J9500080029) Modification Number 2 Between the United States Department of Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 between the National Park Service (NPS), City of Port Angeles (City), and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE 11— STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees: 1. To provide relocation and installation of primary electrical service as required for the construction of Elwha Water Facilities. The NPS will be responsible for performing the portion of the work described as by the NPS Contractor. 2. The City will coordinate and pay for the work required by the PUD in order to complete the project. NPS will reimburse the City for the amounts paid to the PUD as described in Article IV. The work includes coordination and construction costs associated with PUD for the relocation of existing overhead electrical primary utility lines, as identified by the PUD siteplan (dated 5- 18 -07). 3. The work by the City will include the installation of three transformers (purchased under Task Agreement No. 10) that are further described as follows: a. UTX- 1:12.47kV - 480V, 2500A Main, 1778.63KVA demand, 1912.40KVA connected. Located to the north of the new sedimentation plants between the chemical feed bldg and the Office and lab bldg (see EWF Sheet E- 2.14). b. UTX- 2:12.47kV - 480V, 1600A Main, 849.84KVA Demand, 1036.61KVA Connected. Located to the south of the Influent Pump Station, which is south of the Industrial Water Channel. c. UTX -3: 12.47kV - 480V, 1500kVA. Located adjacent to the Pump Diversion Station (see EWF Sheet E -2.2). 4. The NPS Contractor will be responsible for secondary power line trenching, backfilling, conduit, and cable installations. Also, the NPS Contractor will install all vaults, transformer pads, and necessary grounding (See Sheets E -0.2, and E -0.3), per the City's construction requirements. 5. The City will install ten (10) new poles in the EWTP site area, or as required for a complete and operable system. PUD will share (joint -use) the proposed ten (10) new J9500080029 Page 1 of 4 City poles for their overhead line use. In addition, PUD will require additional poles to be installed for the electrical utility rerouting onto the EWTP site and an additional overhead lateral to feed the Elwha Heights Estates along Edgewood Lane. The costs for these additional off -site utility lines will be included within PUD's overall project costs As shown in the 5 -18 -07 and 10 -17 -07 Utility Site Plans provided by PUD's Jim Hoare. 6. No additional permits will be required to be obtained by the City of Port Angeles and PUD for their respective site electrical utility work. NPS will provide the City of Port Angeles and PUD with copies of all completed permits for compliance requirements by their contractor(s). NPS will obtain or secure any additional permits or approvals that may be required pertaining to the Elwha Restoration Project. 7. The cost of this Task Agreement includes all costs for sales taxes, shipping, handling, and any other incidental fees. ARTICLE III — TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT The work of this Task Agreement will be completed by December 2010, or concurrent with the EWF construction completion date, whichever is later. ARTICLE IV — AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: 1. The NPS will provide funding to the City as follows: a. For Construction: actual construction costs as based upon the actual cost of work and on final bids received, currently estimated to be $175,000.00; plus an additional $13,500.00 to cover costs incurred by the electrical subcontractor associated with the Elwha power line relocation, plus an additional $5,000.00 to relocate a guy wire that was in the roadway; plus b. For Design, Construction Management, and Subcontract Administration work: the fixed amount of $72,625.00. 2. The City will submit monthly invoices for the percentage of work completed. The NPS will pay for work accomplished up to the not -to- exceed amount, except as adjusted should the Contractor bid prices exceed the City's estimates. 3. The City will monitor the cost of the work and will promptly inform NPS if it determines that additional funds are required to complete the project. No payment can be made for the cost of work exceeding the ceiling amount of $266,125.00 without prior written approval of the NPS Contracting Officer. Appropriation Data: J9500080029 Page 2 of 4 The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500- 3001 -477 - $72,625 plus construction costs estimated to be $193,500.00 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Christopher Lewis, Elwha Water Facilities Project Manager (303) 969 -2330. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities (360) 417 -4800. ARTICLE VI — SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Park Servic Signature: Name: Edward L. Tafoya Title: Contracting Officer Date: )/ 1 4a 0 9 For the City of Port Angeles Signature: J__/ Name: Kent Myers Title: City Manager Date: ////70 - Attest Signature: Name: Janessa Hurd Title: City Clerk Date: Oildl J9500080029 Page 3 of 4 Approved as to Form William E. Bloor Signature' Name: Title Date J9500080029 City Attorney /11v Page 4 of 4 AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION /MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT rr 2 AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION NO. 3 EFFECTIVE DATE 4. REQUISITION /PURCHASE REQ NO. 5 PROJECT NO. (If applicable) 0001 09/25/2009 See Funding Detail 6 ISSUED BY CODE 1 2081 /7 ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 6) CODE DSC -CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service, Denver Service Center,12795 W. Alameda Parkway Lakewood, CO 80228 8 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR (No , street, county, State and Zip Code) PORT ANGELES, CITY OF 321 E 5TH ST (X) 10A MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT /ORDER NO. J9500080029 PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 -3206 _CODE * IFACII -ITY CODE 11. THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO AMENDMENTS OF SOLICITATIONS ❑ The above numbered solicitation is amended as set forth in Item 14 The hour and date specified for receipt of Offers ❑ is extended, ❑ is not extended. Offers must acknowledge receipt of this amendment prior to the hour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the following methods. (a) By completing Items 8 and 15, and returning copies of the amendment, (b) By acknowledging receipt of this amendment on each copy of the offer submitted, or (c) By separate letter or telegram which includes a reference to the solicitation and amendment numbers FAILURE OF YOUR ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO BE RECEIVED AT THE PLACE DESIGNATED FOR THE RECEIPT OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUR AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF YOUR OFFER If by virtue of this amendment you desire to change an offer already submitted, such change may be made by telegram or letter, provided each telegram or letter makes reference to the solicitation and this amendment, and is received pnor to the opening hour and date specified 12. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA (If required) 2009 - - - 9500 - - 252Z - - 477 - - - 3001 $13,500.00 13 THIS ITEM ONLY APPLIES TO MODIFICATION OF CONTRACTS /ORDERS IT MODIFIES THE CONTRACT /ORDER NO AS DESCRIBED IN ITEM 14. CHECK ONE A THIS CHANGE ORDER IS ISSUED PURSUANT TO (Specify authonty) THE CHANGES SET FORTH IN ITEM 14 ARE MADE IN , THE CONTRACT ORDER NO IN ITEM 10A B THE ABOVE NUMBERED CONTRACT /ORDER IS MODIFIED TO REFLECT THE ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGES (such as changes in paying office, appropriation date, etc) SET FORTH IN ITEM 14, PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF FAR 43 103(b) C THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT IS ENTERED INTO PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY OF D OTHER (Specify type of modification and authonty) E IMPORTANT Contractor 1x is not, Except as provided herein, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in Item 9A or 15A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type orpnnt) 15B. CONTRACTOR /OFFEROR 15C. DATE SIGNED (Signature of person authorized to sign) NSN 7540 -01 -152 -8070 PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE is required to sign this document and retum copies to the issuing office 14 DESCRIPTION OF AMENDMENT /MODIFICATION (Organized by UCF section headings, including solicitation/contract subject matter where feasible ) Increase funding by $13,500 to cover additional costs incurred by the electrical subcontractor perform work on the Elwha power line relocation. 10A, as heretofore changed, remains unchanged and in full force and effect 116A. NAME AND TITLE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER (Type orpnnt) Edward L. Tafoya f) 16B. United e cad BY (Signature of Contracting Officer) 1. CONTRACT ID CODE 9A. AMENDMENT OF SOLICITATION NO. 9B. DATED (SEE ITEM 11) (X) 10B. DATED (SEE ITEM 13) Page 1 of 4 16C. DATE SIGNED ?(.26A00 9 STANDARD FORM 30 (REV 10-83) Prescnbed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53 243 Division Line Item Number Description Document Number Title J9500080029/0001 Task Agreement 1 I OLYM- 005375 Line Item Summary Total Funding: $261,125.00 FYs Fund Budget Org Sub Object Class Sub Program Cost Org Sub Proj /Job No. Sub Reporting Category Closed FYs Cancelled Fund Delivery Date (Start date to End date) Unit of Quantity Issue Unit Price Total Cost 0001 Task Agreement 11 to City of Port Angeles for 12/30/2010 0.00 NTE $13,500 00 installation of electrical utility work at Elwha Water (03/28/2008 to 12/30/2010) Change in Unit Price Justification The City of Port Angeles electnc utility will be supplying power to Elwha Water facilities This Task Agreement is for furnishing and installing the required site electrical utilities. See 4 page Statement of Work which is hereby incorporated and made a part of this Agreement ,ref Req No R2011080748 Previous Total: $247,625 00 Modification Total: $13,500.00 Grand Total: $261,125.00 (Includes Discounts) Page 2 of 4 $13,500.00 4 :, Contract Level Funding Summary Document Number Title J9500080029/0001 Task Agreement 11 OLYM- 005375 Fundino Strip Code Chanae in Funded Amount 2009 - - - 9500 - - 252Z - - 477 - - - 3001 Reference Requisition: R2011090779 $13,500 00 Page 3 of4 Address Detail Invoice Addresses Code Detail 0001 Org: DSC -CS Contracting Services Division Addr: National Park Service P.O. Box 25287 Title Document Number Page Task Agreement 110LYM- 005375 J9500080029/0001 4 of 4 Denver CO 80225 Attn: Edward Tafoya, Contracting Officer Phone: (303) 969 -2116 ext. Fax: (303) 987 -6646 ext. ARTICLE I — GENERAL TERMS TASK AGREEMENT NO. 11 (J9500080029) Modification Number 1 Between the United States Department of Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 between the National Park Service (NPS), City of Port Angeles (City), and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II — STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees: 1. To provide relocation and installation of primary electrical service as required for the construction of Elwha Water Facilities. The NPS will be responsible for performing the portion of the work described as by the NPS Contractor. 2. The City will coordinate and pay for the work required by the PUD in order to complete the project. NPS will reimburse the City for the amounts paid to the PUD as described in Article IV. The work includes coordination and construction costs associated with PUD for the relocation of existing overhead electrical primary utility lines, as identified by the PUD siteplan (dated 5- 18 -07). 3. The work by the City will include the installation of three transformers (purchased under Task Agreement No. 10) that are further described as follows: a. UTX -1: 12.47kV - 480V, 2500A Main, 1778.63KVA demand, 1912.40KVA connected. Located to the north of the new sedimentation plants between the chemical feed bldg and the Office and lab bldg (see EWF Sheet E- 2.14). b. UTX- 2:12.47kV - 480V, 1600A Main, 849.84KVA Demand, 1036.61KVA Connected. Located to the south of the Influent Pump Station, which is south of the Industrial Water Channel. c. UTX- 3:12.47kV - 480V, 1500kVA. Located adjacent to the Pump Diversion Station (see EWF Sheet E -2.2). 4. The NPS Contractor will be responsible for secondary power line trenching, backfilling, conduit, and cable installations. Also, the NPS Contractor will install all vaults, transformer pads, and necessary grounding (See Sheets E -0.2, and E -0.3), per the City's construction requirements. 5. The City will install ten (10) new poles in the EWTP site area, or as required for a complete and operable system. PUD will share (joint -use) the proposed ten (10) new J9500080029 Page 1 of 4 City poles for their overhead line use. In addition, PUD will require additional poles to be installed for the electrical utility rerouting onto the EWTP site and an additional overhead lateral to feed the Elwha Heights Estates along Edgewood Lane. The costs for these additional off -site utility lines will be included within PUD's overall project costs As shown in the 5 -18 -07 and 10 -17 -07 Utility Site Plans provided by PUD's Jim Hoare. 6. No additional permits will be required to be obtained by the City of Port Angeles and PUD for their respective site electrical utility work. NPS will provide the City of Port Angeles and PUD with copies of all completed permits for compliance requirements by their contractor(s). NPS will obtain or secure any additional permits or approvals that may be required pertaining to the Elwha Restoration Project. 7. The cost of this Task Agreement includes all costs for sales taxes, shipping, handling, and any other incidental fees. ARTICLE III — TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT The work of this Task Agreement will be completed by December 2010, or concurrent with the EWF construction completion date, whichever is later. ARTICLE IV — AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: 1. The NPS will provide funding to the City as follows: a. For Construction: actual construction costs as based upon the actual cost of work and on final bids received, currently estimated to be $175,000.00; plus an additional $13,500.00 to cover costs incurred by the electrical subcontractor associated with the Elwha power line relocation; plus 2. The City will submit monthly invoices for the percentage of work completed. The NPS will pay for work accomplished up to the not -to- exceed amount, except as adjusted should the Contractor bid prices exceed the City's estimates. 3. The City will monitor the cost of the work and will promptly inform NPS if it determines that additional funds are required to complete the project. No payment can be made for the cost of work exceeding the ceiling amount of $261,125.00 without prior written approval of the NPS Contracting Officer. Appropriation Data: b. For Design, Construction Management, and Subcontract Administration work: the fixed amount of $72,625.00. The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: J9500080029 Page 2 of 4 9500- 3001 -477 - $72,625 plus construction costs estimated to be $188,500.00 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Christopher Lewis, Elwha Water Facilities Project Manager (303) 969 -2330. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities (360) 417 -4800. ARTICLE VI - SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Par ervice Signature: Name: Edward L. Tafoya Title: Contracting Officer ` Date: For the City of Port Angeles Signature: Name: Kent Myers Title: City Manager Date: - 1S- Q Q Attest Signature: Name: Title: Date: J9500080029 Becky J. Upton City Clerk Page 3 of 4 Approved as to Signature: Name: William E. Bloor Title: City Attorney Date: L //g /0 J9500080029 Page 4 of 4 5. 7<J 8 United States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE DENVER SERVICE CENTER 12795 W. Alameda Parkway P.O. Box 25287 Denver, Colorado 80225-0287 D5215 (DSC-CS) April 9, 2008 IN REI'L Y REFER Tel: Glenn Cutler City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Depar:tment P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles W A 98362-0217 . Reference: Task Agreement No. J9500080029 (No.ll) between the NPS and the City of Port Angeles, Relocation and Installation of Primary Electrical Services, Installation of Three Transformers for the Elwha Water Facilities and Associated Electrical Service for the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant Subject: Transmittal of signed Task Agreement Glenn, enclosed is a fully executed copy ofthe referenced task agreements. Sincerely, Ed~(* Contracting Officer Enclosure 5, i-<./'g .. . TASK AGREEMENT NO. 11 (J9500080029) Between the United States Department of Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington ARTICLE I - GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 between the National Park Service (NPS), City of Port Angeles (City), and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II - STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees: 1. To provide relocation and installation of primary electrical service as required for the construction of Elwha Water Facilities. The NPS will be responsible for performing the portion of the work described as by the NPS Contractor. 2. The City will coordinate and pay for the work required by the PUD in order to complete the project. NPS will reimburse the City for the amounts paid to the PUD as described in Article IV. The work includes coordination and construction costs associated with PUD for the relocation of existing overhead electrical primary utility lines, as identified by the PUD siteplan (dated 5-18-07). 3. The work by the City will include the installation of three transformers (purchased under Task Agreement No.1 0) that are further described as follows: a. UTX-1: 12.47kV - 480V, 2500A Main, 1778.63KV A demand, 19l2.40KV A connected. Located to the north of the new sedimentation plants between the chemical feed bldg and the Office and lab bldg (see EWF Sheet E-2.14). b. UTX-2: 12.47kV - 480V, 1600A Main, 849.84KV A Demand, 1036.61KV A Connected. Located to the south of the Influent Pump Station, which is south of the Industrial Water Channel. c. UTX-3: 12.47kV - 480V, 1500kV A. Located adjacent to the Pump Diversion Station (see EWF Sheet E-2.2). 4. The NPS Contractor will be responsible for secondary power line trenching, backfilling, conduit, and cable installations. Also, the NPS Contractor will install all vaults, transformer pads, and necessary grounding (See Sheets E-0.2, and E-0.3), per the City's construction requirements. 5. The City will install ten (10) new poles in the EWTP site area, or as required for a complete and operable system. PUD will share (joint-use) the proposed ten (10) new City poles for their overhead line use. In addition, PUD will require additional poles to J9500080029 Page 1 of3 be installed for the electrical utility rerouting onto the EWTP site and an additional overhead lateral to feed the Elwha Heights Estates along Edgewood Lane. The costs for these additional off-site utility lines will be included within PUD's overall project costs As shown in the 5-18-07 and 10-17-07 Utility Site Plans provided by PUD's Jim Hoare. 6. No additional permits will be required to be obtained by the City of Port Angeles and PUD for their respective site electrical utility work. NPS will provide the City of Port Angeles and PUD with copies of all completed permits for compliance requirements by their contractor(s). NPS will obtain or secure any additional permits or approvals that may be required pertaining to the Elwha Restoration Project. 7. The cost of this Task Agreement includes all costs for sales taxes, shipping, handling, and any other incidental fees. ARTICLE III - TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT The work ofthis Task Agreement will be completed by December 2010, or concurrent with the EWF construction completion date, whichever is later. ARTICLE IV - AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: 1. The NPS will provide funding to the City as follows: a. For Construction: actual construction costs as based upon the actual cost of work and on final bids received, currently estimated to be $175,000; plus b. For Design, Construction Management, and Subcontract Administration work: the fixed amount of $72,625.00. 2. The City will submit monthly invoices for the percentage of work completed. The NPS will pay for work accomplished. 3. The City will monitor the cost of the work and will promptly inform NPS if it determines that additional funds are required to complete the project. No payment can be made for the cost of work exceeding the ceiling amount of $247,625.00 without prior written approval of the NPS Contracting Officer. Written approval will be evidenced by issuance of a modification to increase the ceiling amount of the agreement. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500-3001-477 - $72,625 plus construction costs, currently estimated to be $175,000.00. ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Christopher Lewis, Elwha Water Facilities Project Manager (303) 969-2330. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities (360) 417-4800. J9500080029 Page 2 of3 ,. . ARTICLE VI - SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. for the National ~ ~e~:n J." c) ~' Signature: ~ ~ Name: Edward L. Tafoya Title: Contracting Officer ~~\ .(2 J ':J(fog Date: For the City of Port Angeles Signature: 17{~ ~-m~ Name: Mark E. Madsen Title: City Manager 4-// / t>~ / ' Date: Attest Signature: ~~~/~ Name: Title: City Clerk Date: ~~ /) c1tJtJf Approved as to Fot; Signature: W ~7 ~ /;fl;---- /..y V'~ " Name: William E. Bloor Title: City Attorney Date: 1-/- 01' J9500080029 Page 3 of3 5. 7<1~ o ~ ~ ~ PUBLIC WORKS & UTILITIES DEPARTMENT NGELES WASHINGTON, U.S.A. DATE: November 13,2007 To: Mark E. Madsen, City Manager VIA: William Bloor, City Attorney Becky Upton, City Clerk Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities 6~ FROM: SUB J E C T: National Park Service Task Agreements # 10 and # 12 1. Attached are Task Agreements (T A) for work to be performed by the City for the National Park Service (NPS). Please sign two originals for each T A. 2. TA #10 is to procure 3 transformers for the Elwha Water Facilities (EWF) formerly known as the Elwha Surface Water Intake (ESWI) and Elwha Water Treatment Plant (EWTP) facilities. T A # 12 is to install transformers and primary electrical service to the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant (PA WTP). 3. The Electrical Engineering Manager, Terry Dahlquist, Light Operations Manager, Jim Klarr, and myself have reviewed the work and cost estimates. City Council approved the purchase of the transformers at their November 7,2007 council meeting. 4. The purchase order for the transformers will not be acted upon until the T A is signed by the NPS contracting officer. The NPS staff is most anxious to have TA #10 and #12 approved as soon as possible to avoid potential delays on the projects. 5. If you have any questions please contact me. N:\GLENN\Task Agreements 10 and 12 memo. doc 5.7<18' ~..- .~ TASK AGREEMENT NO. ]0 (19500080028) Between the United States Department of Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington ARTICLE I - GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 between the National Park Service (NPS), City of Port Angeles (City), and the Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe shall apply to this Task Agreement. " ARTICLE II - STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees: 1. To purchase three transformers to provide power for E1wha Water Facilities (EWF). The City has reviewed the EWF construction documents and determined its need for transfonner size, voltage, and configuration at each site. The City will be installing the transformers at the respective sites, which will be accomplished by a separate task agreement. The three transformers are further described as follows: a. UTX-l: l2.47kV - 480V, 2500A Main, l778.63KV A demand, 1 9l2.40KV A connected. Located to the north of the new sedimentation plants between the. chemical feed bldg and the Office and lab bldg (see EWF Sheet E-2.14). b. UTX-2: l2.47kV - 480V, 1600A Main, 849.84KVA Demand, 1036.61KVA Connected. Located to the south of the Influent Pump Station, which is south of the Industrial Water Channel. c. UTX-3: 1 2.4 7kV - 480V, 1500kV A. Located adjacent to the Pump Diversion Station (see EWF Sheet E-2.2). 2. The procurement ofUTX-3 is the most critical as the Pump Diversion Station has to be constructed prior to taking the existing Surface Water Intake off-line. The City agrees to expedite the shipment ofUTX-3 to the extent feasible. 3. The transformers will be the property ofthe City. The City is responsible for proper storage, pI::otection, and handling of the transformers. The City is responsible for repairing or replacing the traQsformers at no additional expense to the NPS should any damage or loss occur to the transformers through no fault of the NPS or its contractors. 4. The City agrees to order transformers within the timeframe that current supplier proposals are valid in order to maintain project schedule and obtain transformers on schedule. The City will not be responsible for schedule delays that are out of its control, including unexpected delays by the supplier. J9500080028 Page] of3 ~, 5. To keep NPS informed oftransformer delivery schedule and to notify the NPS when transformers have been received in Port Angeles. 6. The cost of this Task Agreement includes all costs for sales taxes, shipping, handling, and any other incidental fees. ARTICLE III - TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT Task Agreement will be completed when transformers are delivered to the City. This is expected by June 30, 2008 based upon supplier delivery schedule. ARTICLE N - AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: The NPS will provide funding to the City in the amount of $ 171,905.00 for the work described in Article II. Payment will be made when the City certifies the transformers have been delivered into the possession ofthe City. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: I! ~~ rJ"A 1-z,lb~ ~oo7 9500-3001-477 - $ 171 ~ ,"1 "f '<<~/7ql, r;iJ ~i$ ll{ ttC;.J"q ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Christopher Lewis, Elwha Water Facilities Project Manager (303) 969-2330. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities (360) 417-4800. J9500080028 Page2of3 ARTICLE VI - SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. Signature: Name: Edward L. Tafoya Title: Contracting Officer \ I {J.1f?-OO7 Date: For the City of Port Angeles Signature: II/~t.~ Name: Mark E. Madsen Title: City Manager {I- It( ~07 Date: Attest Signature b ~ A. .1AptoA. Name: Becky J. Upton Title: City Clerk Date: JJ - 1<.J - D 7 Appcoved as to ~;'m ~ SIgnature: ~~r- ~ Name: William E. Bloor Title: City Attorney Date: Ij-It./- (}7 < I. ' /, 1.95.00080028 , - Page 3 of3 5.7.yg 2. CONTRACT (Proc. inst. ident.) NO. J9500080028 1. THIS CONTRACT IS A RATED ORDER UNDER DPAS (15 CFR 350) 3: EFFECTIVE DATE 11/29/2007 -AWARD/CONTRACT ~...' 5. ISSUED BY CODE 2081 . DSC-CS Contracting Services Division National Park Service, Denver Service Center 12795 W. Alameda Parkway Lakewood, CO 80228- 7. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRACTOR Pages 3 4. REQUISITIONIPURCHASE REQUEST PROJECT NO. R2011080651 6. ADMINISTERED BY (If other than Item 5) (No., street, city, county, State and ZIP Code) 8. DELIVERY PORT ANGELES, CITY OF 321 E 5TH ST PORT ANGELES, WA 98362-0217 CODE . 11. SHIP TO/MARK FOR FACILITY CODE CODE No Shipping Information 13. AUTHORITY FOR USING OTHER THAN FULL AND OPEN COMPETITION: D 10 U.S.C. 2304(c) ( D 41 U.S.C. 253(c) ( 15A. ITEM NO. 15B. SUPPLIES/SERVICES SEE LINE ITEM DETAIL CODE o FOB Origin ~ Other (See below) 9. DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT PAYMENT 10 days % 20 days .% 30 days % days % 10. SUBMIT INVOICES (4 CopJS$ vnlS" other. . wise specified) To 1ME ADDRESS SHOWN IN: 18. AWARD (Contractor is not required to sign this document.) Your ITEM 12 CODE 2626 USDI/National Park SenilceIW ASO-Accounting Operations Center P. O. Box 100000 13461 Sunrise Valley Drive, 2nd Floor 20A. NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER Edward L. Tafoya Herndon, VA 20171.3288 14. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 2008 - - - 9500 - - 252A - - 477 - - - 3001 - - - 15C. QUANTITY 150. UNIT 15E. UNIT PRICE 15F. AMOUNT 164,742.00 ( ) ISEe! DESCRIPTION I PAGE(S) ( ) SEd DESCRIPTION PAGE(S) PART I . T'-II= ""u",,, " " DIIDTII. ^' ,,,,,... A SOLICITATION CONTRACT FORM I CONTRACT CLAUSES B SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTS . PART 111- LIST OF DOCUMENTS, EXHIBITS AND OTHER ATTACH. C DESCRIPTION/SPECS/WORK STATEMENT J LIST OF ATTACHMENTS D PACKAGING AND MARKING PART IV - REPRESENTATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS E INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE REPRESENTATIONS, CERTIFICATIONS, AND K OTHER STATEMENTS OF OFFERORS j- -oEtlVERIES AND-PERFORMAN"", G CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION DATA L INSTRS., CONDS., AND NOTICES TO OFFERORS H SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS M EVALUATION FACTORS FOR AWARD 12. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY 15G. TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTRACTING OFFICER WILL COMPLETE 17: M 17 OR 18 AS APPLICABLE 19B. NAME OF CONTRACTOR By 19C. DATE SIGNED 17.0 CONTRACTOR'S NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT (Contractor is required to sign this document and retum copies to issuing office) Contractor agrees to furnish and deliver all items or perform all the services set forth or otherwise identified above and on any continuation sheets for the consideration stated herein. The rights and obligations of the parties to this contract shall be subject to and governed by the following documents: (a) this award/contract, (b) the solicitation, if any, and (c) such provisions, representations, certifications, and specifi cations, as attached or incorporated by reference herein. (Attachments are listed herein.) 19A. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (Type or print) (Signature of person authorized to sign) NSN 7540.01 - 152 - 8069 PREVIOUS EDITION UNUSABLE offer on Solicitation Number including the additions or changes made by }CU which additions or changes are set forth in full above, is hereby accepted as to the items listed above and on any continuation sheets. This award consummates the contract which consists of the following documents: (a) the Government's solicitation and your offer, and (b) this award/contract. No further contractual document is necessary. 20C. DATE SIGNED (\/;;q 1;W()} STANDARD FORM 26 (REV 4 - 85) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR) 53.214(8) " I' line Item Summary Total Funding: FYs 2008 Division Fund Line Item Number Description 0001 $164,742.00 Document Number Title Task Agreement No. 10 J9500080028 Object Class 252A Sub Budget Org Sub 9500 Closed FYs Program 477 Cost Org Sub Unit of Issue job Proj/Job No. 3001 Page 200 Sub Reporting Category Unit Price $164,742.000 . Total Cost (Includes Discounts) $164,742.00 The city of Port Angeles electric utility will be supplying power to Elwm W ater Facilities. Purchase of transfonners is necessary in order to proloide power. Kef Req No: R2011080651 Cancelled Fund CLIN Delivery Date Ref (Start Date to End Date) Quantity Task Agreement 10 to City ci Port Angeles for purchase of transfonners to serve Elwah Water Faciliti 0001 06/30/2008 1.00 (11/29/2007 to 06/30/2008) Total Cost: $164,742.00 " I, Contract Level Document Number Funding Summary J9500080028 Title Page 30f3 Task Agreement No. 10 2008 - - - 9500 - - 252A - - 477 - - - 3001 - - - - -- $164,742.00 Reference Requisition: R2011080651 Total Funding: $164,742.00 5.7<18 TASK AGREEMENT NO. 9 (J9500070027) Between the United States Department of Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington ARTICLE I - GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 between the National Park Service (NPS), City of Port Angeles (City), and the Lower E1wha Klallam Tribe shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II - STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees: 1. To purchase two transformers to provide power for Ranney Well and Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant (P A WTP). The City has reviewed the P A WTP construction documents and determined its need for transformer size, voltage, and configuration at each site. The City will be installing the transformers at the respective sites, which will be accomplished by a separate task agreement. 2. The transformers will be the property of the City. The City is responsible for proper storage, protection, and handling of the transformers. The City is responsible for repairing or replacing the transformers at no additional expense to the NPS should any damage or loss occur to the transformers through no fault of the NPS or its contractors. 3. The City agrees to order transformers within the timeframe that current supplier proposals are valid in order to maintain project schedule and obtain transformers on schedule. The City will not be responsible for schedule delays that are out of its control, including unexpected delays by the supplier. 4. To keep NPS informed of transformer delivery schedule and to notify the NPS when transformers have been received in Port Angeles. 5. The cost ofthis Task Agreement includes all costs for sales taxes, shipping, handling, and any other incidental fees. ARTICLE III - TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT Task Agreement will be completed when transformers are delivered to the City. This is expected by February 28, 2008 based upon supplier delivery schedule. ARTICLE IV - A WARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: J9500070027 Page 1 of3 The NPS will provide funding to the City in the amount of $ 93,801.00 for the work described in Article II. Payment will be made when the City certifies the transformers have been delivered into the possession ofthe City. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500-3041-477 - $ 93,801.00 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Karl von Rosenberg, Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant Project Manager (303) 969-2491. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities (360) 417-4800. J9500070027 Page 2 of3 ARTICLE VI - SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Par~ Service J,~ Signature: ~rJ L. _ Name: Edward L. Tafoya Title: Contracting Officer Date: ~t ~ J-a?7 For the City of Port Angeles Signature: ~f.~ ) Mark E. Madsen Name: Title: City Manager 0/ / t-;/O '/ Date: Attest Signature: .b. ~J'44 .J Jt:)f;o^- - 1 Becky J. Upton Name: Title: City Clerk Date: 4- ~ -07 Approved as to Form gigR8Wr~: t? / I.? /07 Name: William E. Bloor Title: C!ty fttomey ~~ <t . ;:. Ib- ~ \. .~ .' J9500070027 Page 3 of3 .' rAGE OF1 4 PAGES ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers. I 1 1. DATE OF ORDER 2. CONTRACT NO. (If any) 6. SHIP TO: 09/07/2007 H9500050094 a. NAME OF CONSIGNEE 3. ORDER NO. 4. REQUISITION/REFERENCE NO. No Shiooino Information J9500070027 R2011070801 b. STREET ADDRESS 5. ISSUING OFFICE (Address correspondence to) DSC-CS Contracting Services Division I National Park Service P.O. Box 25287, c.CITY d.STATE e. ZIP CODE Denver CO 80225 7. TO: . SHIP VIA a. NAME OF CONTRACTOR Glenn Cutler 8. TYPE OF ORDER b. COMPANY NAME . 0 a. PURCHASE 0 PORT ANGELES, CITY OF REFERENCE YOUR: b. DELIVERY - E>eept for bill ing c. STREET ADDRESS instructions on the reverse, this 321 E 5TH ST delivery order is subject to instructions contained on this side Please furnish the following on the terms and only of this form and is issued conditions specified on both sides of this order and subject to the terms and conditions d.CITY Ie. STATE I f. ZIP CODE on the attached sheet, if any, including delivery as of the above-numbered contract. PORT ANGELES WA 98362-0217 indicated. 9. ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 10. REQUISITIONING OFFICE 2007 - - - 9500 - - 252A - - 477 - - - 3041 - - - - - - DSC - Design andConstructio~ 11. BUSINESS CLASSIFICATION o a. SMAll (Check appropriate box(es)) o b. OTHER THAN SMAll Dc. DISADVANTAGED o d. WOMEN-OWNED 12. F.O.S. POINT 14. GOVERNMENT B/L NO. 15. DELIVER TO.F.O.B. POINT 16. DISCOUNT TERMS Destination ON OR BEFORE (Date) 10 days % 13. PLACE OF 02/28/2008 20 days % a. INSPECTION b. ACCEPTANCE 30 days % days % 17. SCHEDULE See reverse for Re 'ections QUANTITY ORDERED (c) UNIT (d) UNIT PRICE (e) AMOUNT. (f) QUANTITY ACCEPTED (g) ITEM NO. (a) SUPPLIES OR SERVICES (b) SEE LINE ITEM DETAIL 18. SHIPPING POINT 19. GROSS SHIPPING WEIGHT 20. INVOICE O. SEE BILLING /NSTRUCTlONS ON REVERSE 21. MAIL INVOICE TO: Edward Tafoya 17(h) TOT. (Cont. pages) a. NAME DSC-CS Contracting Services Division b. STREET ADDRESS (or P. O. Box) National Park Service, P.O. Box 25287, c.CITY Denver e. ZIP CODE 80225 23. NAME (Typed) Edward L. Tafoya TITLE: CONTRACTING/ORDERING OFFICER OPTIONAL FORM 347 (REV. 6/95) Prescribed by GSNFAR 48 CFR 53.213(e) 17(i) $93,801.00 GRAND TOTAL 22. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY (Signature) NSN 7540-01-152-8083 Previous edition not usabie SUPPLEMENTAL INVOICING INFORMATION PAGE NO. 2 of 4 If desired, this order (or a copy therecf) may be used by the Contractor as the Contractor's invoice, instead of a separate invdce, provided the following staiement, (signed and dated) is on (or attached to) the order: "Payment is requested in the amount of $_. No other invoice will be submitted." However, if the Contractor wishes to submit an invoice, the following information must be provided; contract number (if any), order numbS", item number(s), description of supplies or service, sizes, quantities, unit prices, and extended totas: Prepaid shipping costs will be indicated as a separate item on the invdce. Where shipping costs exceed $10 (except for parcel post), the billing must be supported by a bill of lading or receipt. When several crders are invoiced to an ordering activity during the same billing period, consolidated periodic billings are encouraged. RECEIVING REPORT Quantity in the "Quantity Accepted" column on the face of this order has been: 0 inspected, by me and conforms to contract. Items listed below hal.€ been reje::ted for the reasons indicated. . 0 accepted, o received SHIPMENT PARTIAL DATE RECEIVED SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED U,S. GOVT REP. DATE NUMBER FINAL . TOTAL CONTAINERS GROSS WEIGHT RECEIVEDAT TITLE REPORT OF REJECTIONS ITEM NO. SUPPLIES OR SERVICES UNIT QUANTITY REASON FOR REJECTION REJECTED . . . . v \ OPTIONAL FORM 347 (REV. 6/95) BACK . < ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION PAGE NO. 30f4 IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers. DATE OF ORDER CONTRACT NO. 09/07/2007 H9500050094 ORDER NO. J9500070027 ITEM NO. (a) SUPPLIES OR SERVICES (b) QUANTITY ORDERED UNIT (c) (d) UNIT PRICE (e) AMOUNT (f) QUANTITY ACCEPTED (g) 0001 Task Agreement 9 to City d Port Angeles for purchase of transformers to serve Port Angeles Water Tr JU3tiflcatiofl: The City of rert AA(jele3 electric utility "ill be sUlllllyiflg pe,ver to rort Angeles Water Treatment Plant. Purchase of transformers is necessary in order to provide power. 1.00 ea 93,801.000 93,801.00 Delivery Date 02/28/2008 Start Date 09/07/2007 End Date 02128/2008 Reference Requisition: R2011070801 NSN 7540-01-152-8082 TOTAL CARR/ED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM 17;) ~ $93,801.00 OPTIONAL FORM 348 (10-83) Prescribed by GSA-FAR (48 CFR) . . Contract level Document Number Funding Summary J9500070027 Title OL YM 005375 Page 40f4 2007 - - - 9500 - - 252A - - 477 - - - 3041 - - - - - - $93,801.00 Referenc~ Requisition: R2011070801 Total Funding: $93,801.00 5.74./?! TASK AGREEMENT NO.8 (J9500070026) Between the United States Department ofInterior, National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington ARTICLE I - GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II - STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees to: 1. Provide review of the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant (P A WTP) construction documents by the City of Port Angeles Public Works and Utilities Department, Community and Economic Development Department, Building Division, and other City departments. 2. Discuss review comments with National Park Service (NPS) representative and representatives of the design engineering firm, URS, if requested by the City or NPS. 3. To notify the National Park Service by letter to the Contracting Office when all City review comments have been satisfactorily resolved. The National Park Service agrees to: 1. To design the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant in compliance with nationally recognized model building codes as required by PL 100-678. 2. To cooperate with City of Port Angeles in incorporating City code review comments. The parties mutually agree that this agreement does not cover inspection during construction. ARTICLE III - TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT Review comments shall be provided to National Park Service not later than July 31, 2007. Notification that review comments have been satisfactorily incorporated shall be provided by July 31,2007. ARTICLE IV - AWARD AND.p A YMENT Financial Assistance: The National Park Service will provide funding to the City in an amount Not-to-Exceed $5,884.00 for expenses of the work described in Article II. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500-3041-477 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Karl von Rosenberg, P A WTP Project Manager, karl von rosenberg@nps.gov, 303-969- 2491. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities (360) 417-4800. ARTICLE VI - SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Park Service Name: Edward L. Tafoya Title: Date: Approved 1}: , Signature, 'nJ ~, Name: Dennis Dickson Title: Acting City Attorney Date 1/73 /8 r 7/;'/?~07 5. 7V'& .. TASK AGREEMENT NO. 7 (J9500070025) Between the United States Department ofInterior, National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles, Washington ARTICLE I - GENERAL TERMS \ Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II - STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees to: 1. Provide review of the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant (P A WTP) building permit by the City of Port Angeles Department of Community and Economic Development, Building Division and other departments as normally provided for building permit reView. 2. Discuss review comments with National Park Service (NPS) representative and representatives of the design engineering firm, URS, if requested by the City or NPS. 3. To notify the National Park Service by letter to the Contracting Office when all City review comments have been satisfactorily resolved. The National Park Service agrees to: 1. To design the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant in compliance with nationally recognized model building codes as required by PL 100-678. 2. To cooperate with City of Port Angeles in incorporating City code review comments. The parties mutually agree that this agreement does not cover inspection during construction. ARTICLE III - TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT Review comments shall be provided to National Park Service not later than July 31, 2007. Notification that review comments have been satisfactorily incorporated shall be provided by July 31,2007. ARTICLE IV - AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: The National Park Service will provide funding to the City in an amount Not-to-Exceed $15,289.00 for expenses of the work described in Article II. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500-3041-477 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Karl von Rosenberg, P A WTP Project Manager, karl von rosenberg{lV,nps.gov, 303-969- 2491. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities (360) 417-4800. ARTICLE VI - SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. SeITice ~;tk Edward L. Tafoya ........'-0' Name: Title: Contracting Officer '7!:JI;!20v? Date: Fm the City of Port Aogele, ~ SIgnature: ~ Name: Glenn A. Cutler Title: Date: Attest Signature: Name: Title: City Clerk Date: '7-/lI3-D7 Appwved $ - S;gnature' WJ ~/L.. Name: Dennis Dickson Title: Acting City Attorney J};J J{)1 / Date: .' ~ 5. 7</8 TASK-AGREEMENT NO. 6 (19500070024 ) Between the United States Department ofInterior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles ARTICLE I - GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 shall apply to this Task Agreement. . ARTICLE II - STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees: 1. To design, permit, and construct an extension to the City's sanitary sewer system at the Port Angeles Landfill site to accommodate the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant (PAWTP). 2. To authorize the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant to be connected to the City's sanitary sewer system. 3. That the payments in this Task Agreement provide payment in full for connection of P A WTP to the sanitary sewer system by the National Park Service (NPS) or its contractors. 4. That there will be no further charges for disposal of domestic sewage, including small amounts of chemicals ordinarily used for treatment and laboratory testing of potable water during the period of construction. This does not relieve NPS or its contractors from complying with applicable local, State, and Federal laws for waste disposal. As described below, this applies to the water treatment building connection only and not to the connection of any other facilities during construction. The National Park Service agrees: 1. To require that its contractors follow applicable plumbing codes and City requirements, including compliance with the Port Angeles Municipal Code Chapter 13.06 Industrial Pretreatment, prohibiting disposal of any corrosive or harmful chemicals that may affect the drainage, waste and vent system or wastewater treatment facilities. 2. To submit a completed "PORT ANGELES INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER PRETREATMENT QUESTIONNAIRE and DISCLOSURE FORM" prior to connection to the system. Form will be prepared by construction contractor for construction and plant start-up periods. Submittal of form for permanent operations is subject to finalizing operations agreement and is not covered by this Task Agreement. 3. Temporary connections that may be required for construction trailers or other items during construction are not a part of this agreement. NPS contractors will be required to work with the City directly for any such connections. ARTICLE III - TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT Work to be completed not later than July 31,2007 ARTICLE IV - AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: The National Park Service will provide funding to the City in the amount of $146,220.00 for the work described in Article II. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500-0071-477 - $ 83,500.00 9500-3041-477 - $ 62.720.00 Total - $146,220.00 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Karl von Rosenberg, Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant Construction Project Manager (303) 969-2491. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities (360) 417-4800. , -~' ARTICLE VI - SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. Signature: Name: Title: Date: Edward L. Tafoya contra:;7;;Pw7 Fo"h, C;ty o(Port Aogel" ~ Signature: ~~ Name: Title: Date: Attest Signature: Name: Title: Glenn A. Cutler Acting City Manager If'Lb [c17 Becky J. Upton City Clerk Date: 'T - :> I - 0 7 Approved as to I~ t SignalU'" !jIfIJ ~) Name: Title: Date: Dennis Dickson Acting City Attorney 7/:;7(D7 -, 5. 71/8 TASK AGREEMENT NO.5 (19500070023) Between the United States Department ofInterior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles ARTICLE 1- GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II - STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees: 1. To design, permit and construct improvements to the City's storm water system at the Port Angeles Landfill site to accommodate the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant (PAWTP). 2. To authorize the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant to be connected to the City's storm water system. There will be no further charges for connecting to the system, for the National Park Service (NPS) or any contractors NPS may contract with to make the connection. 3. That NPS storm water system design for P A WTP is approved, based upon correspondence and review previously completed. 4. To allow NPS and its contractors to make use of the storm water system as required during construction, including disposal of water used for testing and disinfection of P A WTP prior to plant start-up. Water for testing and plant disinfection may be disposed of at a rate not-to-exceed 600 gallons per minute during dry weather conditions up to a maximum of 500,000 gallons per day. Water will be disposed of in accordance with approved Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) prepared by the P A WTP construction contractor. The National Park Service agrees: 1. That it has designed the permanent storm water system to include flow restrictor - oil separator manhole requested by the City and its engineering subcontractors. That NPS engineering contractors have calculated storm water flow rates in accordance with generally accepted standards for Washington State. 2. To require that the P A WTP construction contractor prepare and follow a SWPPP in accordance with federal and state requirements. ARTICLE III - TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT Work to be completed not later than July 31, 2007 ARTICLE IV - AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: The National Park Service will provide funding to the City in the amount of$198,161.00 for the work described in Article II. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriations for this Task Agreement are: 9500-0071-477 - $139,300.00 9500-3041-477 - $ 58.861.00 Total - $198,161.00 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Karl von Rosenberg, Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant Construction Project Manager (360) 565-1323. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities (360) 417-4800. . ARTICLE VI - SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. Fo, the National P~i1"ioe () t?;? iJ.p; S.gnatu<e ~ ~ 0 . Name: Edward L. Tafoya Title: cont~n ~O;~ t' 07 Date: For the City of Port Angeles c::::::: Signature: .J;JL... L ~ ')^s.;- - Name: Glenn A. Cutler Title: Acting City Manager 7(LC,/O/ Date: Attest Signature: Name: Becky J. Upton Title: City Clerk Date: ?-~7- 07 Approved as tOtrf . Signature --IJjf1o Wv~ Name: Dennis Dickson Title: Acting City Attorney Date: 7/)7/07 ( I 5.748 " TASK AGREEMENT NO.4 (19500070022) Between the United States Department of Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles ARTICLE I - GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II - STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees to: 1. Assist the Department of the Interior, National Park Service in the development ofa Corporate Offer to Donate Easement for the Elwha Water Treatment Plant. Documents to include but not limited to the basic agreement, Exhibit A: EWTP Legal Description, Exhibit B: ESTP Easement, Exhibit C: EWTP and Related Facilities to be Constructed, and Landowner's Certificate. In accordance with the easement agreement, the National Park Service will reimburse the City for actual expenses, not to exceed $5,000.00. ARTICLE III - TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT Work to be completed not later than July 31, 2007. ARTICLE IV - AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: Upon receipt of an approved and signed easement for EWTP, the National Park Service will provide funding to the City III the amount of $5,000.00 for the work described in Article II. Original invoices are to be mailed directly to the National Park Service, Denver Service Center, Attn: Edward L. Tafoya, 12795 West Alameda Parkway, P.O. Box 25287, Denver, Colorado 80225. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500-0071-477 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Brian D. Winter, Elwha Project Manager (360) 565-1323. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities (360) 417-4800. . , ..... ARTICLE VI- SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Park Service Signature: Name: Title: Date: Signature: Name: Title: Date: 1-1/1+ William G. Laitner Superintendent Edward L. Tafoya Contracting Officer 5 ~5 (x;07 . For the City of Port Angeles ~~.7J(~ Mar E. Madsen City Manager Signature: Name: Title: Date: ~ ~~ 2--o(J)7 / Attest Signature: Name: Title: Date: 5-!;J - D ( Approved as ~o Fl"rm . Signature: 1J.,'~-- '1: Name: William E. Bloor Title: City Attorney Date: \ '/./ J 0- 07 ~ - .. :. ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES rAGE OF PAGES IMPORTANT: M ark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers. I 1 14 1. DATE OF ORDER 2 CONTRACT NO. (If any) 6 SHIP TO OS/25/2007 a NAME OF CONSIGNEE 3. ORDER NO 4. REQUISITION/REFERENCE NO. No ShipPInQ Information J9500070022 R2011070383 b STREET ADDRESS 5. ISSUING OFFICE (Address correspondence (0) DSC-CS Contracting Services DIvIsion National Park Service P.O Box 25287, c CITY d STATE e ZIP CODE Denver CO 80225 7. TO SHIP VIA a NAME OF CONTRACTOR Glenn Cutler 8 TYPE OF ORDER b COMPANY NAME o a PURCHASE D PORT ANGELES, CITY OF REFERENCE YOUR' b. DELIVERY - EJG:ept for billing c. STREET ADDRESS Instructions on the reverse, thiS 321 E 5TH ST delivery order IS subject to Instructions contained on this side Please fumlsh the follOWing on the terms and only of thiS form and IS Issued conditions specified on both Sides of this order and subject to the terms and condlbons d.CITY I eSTATE I f ZIP CODE on the attached sheet, If any. Including delivery as of the above-numbered contract PORT ANGELES WA 98362-0217 Indicated. 9 ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 10 REQUISITIONING OFFICE 2007 - - - 9500 - - 252A - - 477 - - - 0071 - - - - - - DSC - Design and Construction 11 BUSINESS CLASSIFICATION D a. SMALL (Check appropflale box(es)) E:'J bOTHER THAN SMALL Dc. DISADVANTAGED D d. WOMEN-OWNED 12 F.O B POINT 14. GOVERNMENT B/L NO 15 DELIVER TO FOB POINT 16 DISCOUNT TERMS Destination ON OR BEFORE (Date) 10 days % 13 PLACE OF 07/31/2007 20 days % a INSPECTION b. ACCEPTANCE 30 days % days % 17 SCHEDULE See reverse for Re ectlons QUANTITY ORDERED (c) UNIT (d) UNIT PRICE (e) AMOUNT (f) QUANTITY ACCEPTED (g) ITEM NO (a) SUPPLIES OR SERVICES (b) SEE LINE ITEM DETAIL 18 SHIPPING POINT 19 GROSS SHIPPING WEIGHT 20 INVOICE 0 SEE B/LLlNG /NSTRUCTlONS ON REVERSE 21. MAIL INVOICE TO. Edward Tafoya 17(h) TOT (Cont. pages) a NAME DSC-CS Contracting Services DIvIsion b. STREET ADDRESS (or PO. Box) National Park Service,P 0 Box 25287, c.CITY Denver d.STATE CO $5.000.00 17(i) GRAND TOTAL NSN 7540-01-152-8083 PrevIous edlbon not usable e ZIP CODE 80225 23. NAME (Typed) Edward L Tafoya TITLE CONTRACTING/ORDERING OFFICER OPTIONAL FORM 347 (REV 6/95) Prescnbed by GSNFAR 48 CFR 53 213(e) 22. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY (Signature) .' SUPPLEMENTAL INVOICING INFORMATION PAGE NO. 2 of 4 If desired, this order (or a copy the red) may be used by the Contractor as the Contractor's inVOice, Instead of a separate Invace, provided the following statement, (signed and dated) IS on (or attached to) the order: "Payment IS requested in the amount of $_ No other inVOice will be submitted." However, If the Contractor wishes to submit an Invoice, the following information must be provided, contract number (If any), order number, Item number(s), descnplion of supplies or servICe, SIZes, quantities, unit prices, and extended totas Prepaid shipping costs will be indicated as a separate Item on the Invace. W here shipping costs exceed $10 (e>eept for parcel post), the billing must be supported by a bill of lading or receipt When several crders are invoiced to an ordering activity dunng the same billing period, consolidated periodic billings are encouraged RECEIVING REPORT Quantity In the "Quantity Accepted" column on the face of thiS order has been 0 Inspected, by me and conforms to contract Items listed below halo€ been rejECted for the reasons Indicated o accepted, o received SHIPMENT PARTIAL DATE RECEIVED SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED U S GOVT REP DATE NUMBER FINAL TOTAL CONTAINERS GROSS WEIGHT RECEIVED AT TITLE REPORT OF REJECTIONS ITEM NO SUPPLIES OR SERVICES UNIT QUANTITY REASON FOR REJECTION REJECTED OPTIONAL FORM 347 (REV 6/95) BACK ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION IMPORTANT' Mark all packages and papers with contract and/or order numbers PAGE NO 30f4 DATE OF ORDER I CONTRACT NO ORDER NO OS/25/2007 J9500070022 QUANTITY UNIT QUANTITY ITEM NO SUPPLIES OR SERVICES ORDERED UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ACCEPTED (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 0001 Task Agreement for work associated with completing construction 100 5,000 000 5,000.00 easement for EIw neqUlr-ed as paft of lar'll'l acqulsllllm. The easemefll agreemlJflt agreed to compensate the City for these costs Delivery Date 07/31/2007 Reference RequIsition R2011070383 TOTAL CARR/ED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM 17;) ~ $5,000.00 NSN 7540-01-152-8082 OPTIONAL FORM 348 (10-83) Prescribed by GSA-FAR (48 CFR) Contract level Document Number Title Page Funding Summary J9500070022 OL YM Task A9reement No 4 40f4 2007 - - - 9500 - -252A- -477- - -0071- - - - - - $5.000 00 Reference ReqUisition. R2011070383 Total Funding: $5,000.00 5.7<tg TASK AGREEMENT NO.3 (J9500070021 ) Between the United States Department of Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles ARTICLE I - GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditIOns as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II - STATEMENT OF WORK. The City agrees to: 1. Assist the Department ofthe Interior, National Park Service in the development of a Corporate Offer to Donate Easement for the Elwha Surface Water Intake. Documents to include but not limited to the basic agreement, Exhibit A: ESWI Legal Description, Exhibit B: ESWI Easement, Exhibit C: ESWI and Related Facilities to be Constructed, and Landowner's Certificate. In accordance with the easement agreement, the National Park Service will reimburse the City for actual expenses, not to exceed $5,000.00. 2. Modify the City's lease agreement with the Washington Department ofFish and Wildlife (WDFW). The modification will reflect that there will be no residential occupancy of the Easement Property during a time to be mutually agreed upon by the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and WDFW. The United States of America shall provide specific language that it desires to be inserted into the City's lease document. This shall be provided before the City mitIates negotiations with the WDFW. (Cost of this work is $2,000.00) (Tills item is dependent upon the USA providing information to the City. ARTICLE III - TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT Work to be completed not later than December 31, 2007. ARTICLE N - AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: Upon receipt of an approved and signed easement for ESWI, the National Park Service will provide funding to the City in the amount of $7,000,00 for the work described in Article II. The sum of $5,000,00 is allocated to Article II, Item 1 and $2,000.00 IS allocated to Article II, Item 2. Original invoices are to be mailed directly to the National Park Service, Denver Service Center, Attn: Edward L. Tafoya, 12795 West Alameda Parkway, P.O. Box 25287, Denver, Colorado 80225. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500-0071-477 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Brian D. Winter, Elwha Project Manager (360) 565-1323. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and UtIlities (360) 417-4800. ARTICLE VI - SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Park Service Signature: Name: Title: Date: Signature: Name: Title: Date: pi/A William G. Laitner Superintendent ~~~~ Edward L. Tafoya Contracting Officer 6 /:;~ ktJ7 For the City of Port Angeles Signature: Name: Title: Date: Attest . Signature: Name: TItle: ~E~Ma!~n~ j City Manager 021' ~ ,UJo7 Date: c,-,;:} - () 7 Approved as to F~rm ~ ~ Signature: V'k-: ~ ~ Name: William E. Bloor Title: City Attorney Date: 1- JO- 07 ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES rAGE OF PAGES IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract andlor order numbers. I 1 14 1 DATE OF ORDER 2 CONTRACT NO. (If any) 6 SHIP TO: OS/25/2007 a. NAME OF CONSIGNEE 3 ORDER NO 4. REQUISITION/REFERENCE NO No ShlDDlna Information J9500070021 R2011070384 b STREET ADDRESS 5 ISSUING OFFICE (Address correspondence to) DSC-CS Contracting Services DIvIsion National Park Service P.O. Box 25287, c CITY d.STATE e ZIP CODE Denver CO 80225 7 TO SHIP VIA a. NAME OF CONTRACTOR Glenn Cutler 8 TYPE OF ORDER b COMPANY NAME [8] a PURCHASE D PORT ANGELES, CITY OF REFERENCE YOUR: b DELIVERY - ElCept for bill jng c STREET ADDRESS Instructions on the reverse, thiS 321 E 5TH ST delivery order IS subject to mstructlons contamed on thiS Side Please furnish the follOWing on the terms and only of thiS form and IS Issued conditions speCified on both Sides of this order and subject to the terms and condlbons d CITY I eSTATE I f. ZIP CODE on the attached sheet, If any, mcludlng delivery as of the above-numbered contract PORT ANGELES WA 98362-0217 Indicated 9 ACCOUNTING AND APPROPRIATION DATA 10 REQUISITIONING OFFICE 2007 - - - 9500 - - 252A - - 477 - - - 0071 - - - - - - DSC - DeSign and Construction 11 BUSINESS CLASSIFICATION D a SMAll (Check appropnate box(es)) o bOTHER THAN SMAll Dc DISADVANTAGED o d. WOMEN-OWNED 12 FOB POINT 14 GOVERNMENT B/L NO 15 DELIVER TO FOB POINT 16 DISCOUNT TERMS Destination ON OR BEFORE (Date) 10 days % 13 PLACE OF 12/31/2007 20 days % a INSPECTION b ACCEPTANCE 30 days % days % 17 SCHEDULE See reverse for Re ectlons QUANTITY ORDERED (c) UNIT (d) UNIT PRICE (e) AMOUNT (f) QUANTITY ACCEPTED (g) ITEM NO. (a) SUPPLIES OR SERVICES (b) SEE LINE ITEM DETAIL 18 SHIPPING POINT 19. GROSS SHIPPING WEIGHT 20 INVOICE O. SEE BILLING /NSTRUCTlONS ON REVERSE 21 MAIL INVOICE TO Edward Tafoya 17(h) TOT (Cant. pages) a NAME DSC-CS Contracting Services DIVISiOn b STREET ADDRESS (or P.O Box) National Park Service, P.O. Box 25287, c CITY Denver d STATE CO $7,00000 17(1) GRAND TOtAL 22. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BY (Signature) e ZIP CODE 80225 23 NAME (Typed) Edward L Tafoya TITLE' CONTRACTING/ORDERING OFFICER OPTIONAL FORM 347 (REV. 6/95) Prescnbed by {;SNFAR 48 CFR 53 213(e) NSN 7540-01-152-8063 PrevIous edlbon not usable SUPPLEMENTAL INVOICING INFORMATION PAGE NO. 2 of 4 If desired, this order (or a copy thered) may be used by the Contractor as the Contractor's InVOice, Instead of a separate Invace, provided the following statement, (signed and dated) IS on (or attached to) the order "Payment IS requested in the amount of $_ No other inVOice will be submitted" However, If the Contractor wishes to submit an inVOice, the following Information must be provided, contract number (If any), order number, Item number(s), descnptlon of supplies or service, Sizes, quantities, unit pnces, and extended totas Prepaid shipping costs will be indicated as a separate Item on the invace. Where shipping costs exceed $10 (e>eept for parcel post), the billing must be supported by a bill of lading or receipt When several aders are invoiced to an ordenng activity dunng the same billing penod, consolidated penodlc billings are encouraged RECEIVING REPORT Quantity In the "Quantity Accepted" column on the face of thiS order has been D Inspected, by me and conforms to contract Items listed below halE been rejected for the reasons indicated D accepted, D received SHIPMENT PARTIAL DATE RECEIVED SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED U S GOVT REP DATE NUMBER FINAL TOTAL CONTAINERS GROSS WEIGHT RECEIVED AT TITLE REPORT OF REJECTIONS SUPPLIES OR SERVICES UNIT QUANTITY REASON FOR REJECTION ITEM NO REJECTED OPTIONAL FORM 347.(REV 6/95) BACK ORDER FOR SUPPLIES OR SERVICES SCHEDULE - CONTINUATION PAGE NO. 30f 4 IMPORTANT: Mark all packages and papers with contract andlor order numbers. DATE OF ORDER I CONTRACT NO. ORDER NO. 05/25/2007 J9500070021 QUANTITY UNIT QUANTITY ITEM NO SUPPLIES OR SERVICES ORDERED UNIT PRICE AMOUNT ACCEPTED -(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 0001 Task Order to City of Port Angeles for work associated with completing 1.00 Job 7,000 000 7,000.00 construction easement for EIw neqUll'cd a3 paFl ef laAd acqtJI31tlefl The 8a3cmcflt agreemeflt agreed te compensate the City for these costs. DelIvery Date Start Date End Date 12131/2007 04/24/2007 1213112007 Reference RequIsition R2011070384 TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD TO 1ST PAGE (ITEM 17i) ~ $7,000.00 NSN 7540-01-152-8082 OPTIONAL FORM 348 (10-83) Prescribed by GSA-FAR.(48'CFR) . " Contract level Document Number Title Page Funding Summary J9500070021 OL YM Task Agreement No.3 40f4 2007 - ,- - 9500 - - 252A - - 477 - - - 0071 - - - - - - $7,000.00 Reference ReqUisition R2011070384 Total Funding: $7,000.00 O.7~ TASK AGREEMENT NO.2 (19500070020) Between the United States Department of Interior National Park Service, OlympIC National Park and the City of Port Angeles ARTICLE I - GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditions as stated in Cooperative Agreement Number H9500050094 shall apply to tills Task Agreement. ARTICLE 11- STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees to: 1. Record and pay recording fees, transfer taxes, and similar expenses incidental to conveying an easement for the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant (P A WTP) on City- owned property. 2. Assist the Department of the Interior, National Park Service in the development ofa Corporate Offer to Donate Easement for the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant. Documents to include but not limited to the basic agreement, ExhibIt A: P A WTP Legal Description, Exhibit B: P A WTP Easement, Exhibit C: P A WTP and Related Facilities to be Constructed, and Landowner's CertIficate. ARTICLE III - TERM OF TASK AGREEMENT Work to be completed not later than July 31, 2007. ARTICLE IV - AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial ASSIstance: Upon receipt of an approved and signed easement for P A WTP, the National Park Service will provIde fundmg to the City in the amount of$5,150.00 for the work described in Article II. Original invoices are to be mailed directly to the National Park Service, Denver Service Center, Attn: Edward L. Tafoya, 12795 West Alameda Parkway, P.O. Box 25287, Denver, Colorado 80225. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropriation for this Task Agreement is: 9500-0071-477 ARTICLE V- AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Brian D. Winter, Elwha Project Manager (360) 565-1323. For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities (360) 417-4800. ARTICLE VI - SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. Date: Edward L. Tafoya Contracting Officer if 17 /'1n07 Signature: Name: Title: Date: For the City of Port Angeles Signature: ~_~~) Name: M k E. Madsen Title: City Manager Date: ':<'7 ~ ~ Attest Signature: Name: Title: Date: 4-c5( - () 7 " j , Approved as ~~ F~ <' . .~/ Signature: IV :/fl-,- L. //. Name: Willam E. Bloor Title: City Attorney Date: PAWTP Easement City labor Hours, Project 00-16 March 19, 2007 Task/Individual Hours Rate Subtotal Glenn Cutler 4 $ 83.42 $ 333.68 Gary Kenworthy 4 $ 65.50 $ 262.00 Steve Sperr 12 $ 55.48 $ 665.76 Trenia Funston 9.4 $ 41.31 $ 388.31 Bill Bloor 5 $ 72.86 $ 364.30 Eric Walrath 28.2 $ 43.60 $ 1,229.52 Mark Madsen 2 $ 96.96 $ 193.92 Sub Total $ 3,437.49 PW&U G&A 30% $ 1,031.25 COPA Admin 15.5% $ 532.81 County Recording Fee $ 150.00 Total $ 5,151.55 Task Order - Easement PAWTP -revised March 2007 rev 1 5.7<1g Modification 2 to Task Agreement No. J9500060001 Cooperative Agreement H9500050094 between The United States Department of the Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles GENERAL This Task Agreement is modified to extend the completion date. MODIFICATION ARTICLE III-TERM OF AGREEMENT is modified to extend the completion date from September 15,2006 to August 15,2007. All other provisions remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Modification on the date(s) set forth below. . FOR THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES FOR THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ;f~&~~ Mark . Madsen Date City Manager ~. ~illiam Ci. a. Superintendent ~9 /I~'~. Vp-DA It:R-JQ.IJ~ Becky J. Up Date City Clerk ~ Contracting Officer I /4/~rL Date --- Approved as to Form: ~ i fit-- /g.1146 ~illiam Bloor Date City Attorney " \ , .-,' 5.718 United States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARK SERVICE IN REPLY REFER TO: Olympic Nalional Park 600 East Park A venue Port Angeles, Washington 98362-6798 - r PORI fl.,NGEl!:S cr'i'{ P~BUC \f~OR\<.S A44(OL YM) July 17,2006 Mr. Glenn A: Cutler, P.E. Director of Public Works and Utilities City of Port Angeles Post Office Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362-0217 Reference: Cooperative Agreement H9500050094, Task Agreement J9500060001 Subject: Transmittal of Modifications Dear Mr. Cutler: Enclosed is one fully-executed original of Modification 1 to each of the above-referenced agreements. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 360-565- 3024. Sincerely, -, / Rodney 1. Roberson Contracting Officer Enclosures (2) 5.7<18 Modification 1 to Cooperative Agreement H9S000S0094 between the United States Department of the Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles GENERAL This modification extends the term of the Agreement and updates administrative provisions of Articles V and VI: MODIFICATION 1. ARTICLE V-KEY OFFICIALS, Section A.I, is modified by striking the initial word "Signatory," the name "Jamie Sherrill" and associated contact information. The word "Administrative," below, is modified to read "Signatory/Administrative." 2. ARTICLE VI-AWARD AND PAYMENT, Section B, is modified by striking the text in its entirety and replacing it with the following: The City shall invoice the NPS fair and reasonable costs no more frequently than monthly. The City shall maintain a current, updated registration in the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database, accessed at www.ccr.gov. Payments for this. agreement shall be deposited in the account and institution identified in the CCR database. The City shall notify the Contracting Officer of any changes to the City's CCR record. All other provisions remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto executed this Modification on the date(s) set forth below. FOR THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES FOR THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ~~~e~ City Manager 7-/1-06 Date William aitner Superintendent 7/1'(-/01. Date ~~tl~~..),~ '7-1I-0ft; Becky J. pto Date City Clerk 2~~ Rodneyl.?" Roberson Contracting Officer 9-11'1-/&10(. Date Approved as to Form: ~~~ William Bloor City Attorney 7-//-0b Date . . Modification 1 to Task Agreement No.1 (Task Agreement J9500060001 as here amended) between the United States Department of the Interior National Park Service, Olympic National Park and the City of Port Angeles GENERAL . 5.74 r:g This modification extends the term and provides for administrative correction of the title block of the Task Agreement. MODIFICATION TITLE BLOCK ofthe Task Agreement is amended to reflect agreement numbering con~entions set forth in Directors Order 20. Agreements Handbook by striking the phrase "No.1" and replacing it with the number "J9500060001." ARTICLE III-TERM OF AGREEMENT is modified to extend the completion date from February 27, 2006 through September 15, 2006. All other provisions remain unchanged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto executed this Modification on the date(s) set forth below. FOR THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES FOR THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ~~.~ M rk E. Mads n City Manager "J./I-o(p Date b~~j)~'7-"-(Xp Becky J. t Date City Clerk ~ Rodney J. Roberson Contracting Officer Approved as to Form: 1lftz.. ~ /- 11- flu William Bloor Date City Attorney , . I. " 7l(~/04 Date "fc 1-/2a)~ Date r; " ~-/ Filed at the Request of: City of Port Angeles City Clerk's Office P. O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 ////1111//1/11111111111/111111/1 2005 1171038 Clallam County Interlocal Agreement City Clerk File No.: ----------------------- S. 7~g lr:: filED FO~ iU.CCF.C ", I j f':: nC(JUE~ I 0,_0 lk;;Lf~__ j.{ ~ C 8 R D t ~~ Hi H L,~ t ," ._ .; .. I. L :~ L l ;~'1 ...,;) 2005 DEe -9 p~~ 3: II @ Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Department of the Interior. National P~k Service. Olympic National Park Purpose: Re. Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act (EREFRA) - Mitigation for Effects of Dam Removal Dated: September 23. 2005 "'\ .... It " Agreement Number H9500050094 Agreement Number H9500050094 Cooperative Agreement between The United States of America, acting through the Department of the Interior National 'Park Service Olympic National Park and The City of Port Angeles This Agreement is entered into by and between the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, acting through the DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK (NPS-ONP), and the CITY OF PORT ANGELES (CITY). ARTICLE I - BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES This Agreement is between the United States of America, acting through the National Park Service (NPS), and the City of Port Angeles (City). This Agreement is made pursuant to the Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act (EREFRA) and the Congressional Conference Reports for the Fiscal 2000 and 2001 Interior and Related Agencies Appropriation Bills. Section 4 ofEREFRA states "that the Secretary is authorized and directed, subject to the appropriation of funds therefor, to take such actions as are necessary to implement ...(3) protection of the existing qualIty and availability of water from the Elwha River for municipal and industrial uses from possible adverse impacts of dam removal." Further, these protective measures". . . must include all actions reasonably necessary to maintain and protect existing water quality for the City of Port Angeles.. . against adverse impacts of dam removal." The FY2000 Congressional Conference Report urged the NPS-ONP to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the City and other regional stakeholders in the development and operation of the water mitigation measures required by Section 4 of EREFRA. The FY2001 Congressional Conference Report urged the City and the NPS-ONP to agree on the type and scope of the water supply facilities necessary to mitigate the impact of Elwha River dam removal by March 1, 2001 (or within a reasonable time prior to designing the facilities). The parties agree mutual cooperation and close involvement is necessary to accomplish the task of mitigating for the effects of dam removal, and that substantial involvement is anticipated by each party throughout the term of the projects, and that a cooperative agreement is one appropriate instrument to implement and make effective the promises of the Memorandum of Understanding ("the MOU") between the parties dated August 6, 2004. The parties make and enter into this Cooperative Agreement to implement elements of the MOU relevant to the City. In the case of any conflict between the MOU and this Agreement, the former shall govern. Nothing in this agreement shall in any way limit, diminish, restrict, or lessen the rights, benefits, or entitlements granted by EREFRA. While the NPS-ONP has a duty to mitigate the effects of dam removal, the City owns and controls land and waterworks that are essential to make effective the mitigation. Removal of the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams will result in the degradation of existing water quality through the release of sediments accumulated in Lake Mills and Lake Aldwell, thereby requiring ,Page 1 of 18 '~ r... I .. measures to protect municipal, industrial, and fisheries water supplies. This agreement defmes the roles and obligations of the parties with regard to the planning, design, permitting, construction, and operation and maintenance of water treatment or related facilities that are reasonably necessary, as determined by the Secretary, to protect the existing quality and availability of Elwha River water for municipal and industrial uses from the possible adverse impacts of dam removal. It is the joint objective and priority ofthe parties to complete the water treatment and related facilities in a timely manner, consistent with initiation of dam removal in 2008 and to make best efforts to avoid delay. The parties will cooperate in completing the tasks set forth herein, and will work with other stakeholders including, but not limited to, Nippon Paper Industries in achieving the goal of restoring the Elwha River ecosystem through dam removal, revegetation, and fisheries restoration, which is recognized as a significant public project that will benefit the resources of the Elwha River basin and the citizens of Port Angeles, Clallam County, and the region, provided that impacts to the City's water supplies and water systems are fully mitigated pursuant to EREFRA. ARTICLE II - AUTHORITY A. Federal: The Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act of 1992 (Elwha Act), Public Law 102-495, 106 Stat. 3173, provides for mitigation of the effects of dam removal on municipal and industrial water users of Elwha River water. 16 V.S.C. ~lg provides that "The National Park Service may in fiscal year 1997 and thereafter enter into cooperative agreements that involve the transfer of National Park Service appropriated funds to state, local, tribal governments, and other public entities, educational institutions, and private non-profit organizations for the public purpose of carrying out National Park Service programs pursuant to section 6305 of Title 31 " ARTICLE ill - STATEMENT OF WORK A. The NPS-ONP agrees to: 1. Develop an implementation schedule for selection of design alternatives, environmental review, permitting, construction, operation and testing of all water system mitigation facilIties and obtain the City's input as to acceptability. 2. Develop a process for interagency review and obtain City's input as to acceptability. 3. Have primary responsibility, With support and participation by the City, for completing the permitting and environmental review process for the water mitigation facilities. 4. Provide for operation and maintenance of the water mitigation facilities during the dam removal impact period. 5. Negotiate and contract separate agreements with Nippon Paper Industries VSA to address specific project impacts to its facilities and interests. 6. Provide the City, at the end of the dam removal impact period, ownership and control of the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant, the Elwha Mitigation Water Treatment Plant and the Elwha Surface Water Intake, consistent with the MOD. Page 2 of 18 " 7. Serve as lead agency for, and exercise approval authority over, project planning, design, engineering, environmental review, permitting, construction, start up testing, operation, and maintenance of the municipal and industrial water supply facilities as provided for in this agreement and utilize the services and expertise of the Bureau of Reclamation. The NPS-ONP will obtain the City's input as to acceptability. 8. Serve as lead agency for all permits and approvals required for the federal actions associated with the project, including approval by DOH of the design and construction of municipal treatment facilities, while providing for participation by the City. 9. Appoint a staff person to serve as the NPS ' s permitting and environmental review liaison with the parties. 10. Fulfill National Environmental Policy Act compliance requirements and conduct the consultations required by National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, and the Endangered Species Act to ensure that federal actions associated with the project are in compliance with applicable environmental and cultural resource laws and regulations. 11. Assist the City in obtaining long-term permits, as needed, to allow the City to temporarily relocate or retain Elwha River flow next to the City's existing Ranney well during future low flow periods as needed to maintain adequate Ranney well water yield. Necessary permits may include a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approval, "Low-Effect" habitat conservation plan (HCP), State hydraulic approval, and or County shoreline permit. Whatever permits are necessary must be secured before transfer of the water mitigation facilities to the City. 12. Investigate alternatives to mitigate the potential impacts of dam removal that may affect the Nippon Paper Industries USA (NPI) Port Angeles Mill. The Parties anticipate that mitigation issues of concern will include, but are not limited to, NPI obtaining a NPDES permit, additions and improvements at NPI's Port Angeles mill, and additional operating costs. The City will work with the NPI and NPS- ONP to address these issues, which the Parties to this MOU recognize are important to the overall success of the Elwha River Restoration Project. One alternative means to address these issues, in addition to the three clarifiers that will be constructed and used to mitigate impacts during the dam removal impact period, is improving the treatment capability at NPI's existing water treatment facility. NPS-ONP will also assist NPI in obtaining a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination (NPDES) permit, if necessary. NPS-ONP will negotiate and enter into separate agreements wIth NPI to address these issues. NPS-ONP will obtain the City's input as to acceptability ofthe mitigation measures selected and will implement the mitigatIOn measures ifNPI concurs. The rights and obligations stated in this paragraph shall be binding upon and shall benefit NPI as well as any assigns or successors to NPI subject to approval by NPS, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. ~13. Serve as the lead agency for the development of the OM&R plan as part of the design phase of the project for those facilities required to protect the municipal and industrial water supplies from the possible adverse impacts of dam removal. 14. Provide for OM&R of the project facilities during the dam removal sediment release impact period following the first release of fine sediments. This may be satisfied either through NPS-ONP management of OM&R activities or via funding to the City for these activities pursuant to separate agreement. Following the initiation of dam removal, the NPS-ONP and City will agree on a timeframe for transfer of OM&R responsibilities to the City. Page 3 of 18 " 15. Negotiate the transfer of sufficient funds to operate, maintain, and repair the facilities in accordance with EREFRA 16. Upon successful completion of construction and demonstration of successful operation of the project facilities described herein, transfer ownership of said facilities pursuant to the negotiation of mutually acceptable transfer agreements. 17. Negotiate with the City a protocol for operation as well as periodic and emergency access to the Elwha Surface Water Intake facility during the dam removal impact period. 18. Consistent with EREFRA, operate maintain, and repair industrial water treatment facilities constructed pursuant to this agreement during the dam removal impact period or until transferred to the City pursuant to Section IX, whichever comes later, and provide training to personnel to operate and maintain the facilities during the period of Federal operation and the same operation and maintenance training will be offered to City personnel. B. The CITY agrees to: 1. Assist the NPS-ONP in, obtaining federal, state, and local permits and approvals as needed to implement the facilities and actions consistent with this agreement. 2. Appoint a staff person to serve as the City's permitting and environmental review liaison with the NPS. 3. Participate in the development and review of project design. 4. Cooperate with the NPS-ONP in determining the acceptability of the scope of facilities to mitigate impacts to the City's municipal and industrial water supplies and provide that information to the NPS-ONP prior to the design and construction of said facilities. 5. Pursuant to the Conference Report for the Fiscal 2000 Interior and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill, seek additional funding for design, construction, and OM&R from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, other sources for funding not covered by EREFRA, special appropriations, or other sources. This provision shall not be construed as an obligation of the City to obtain such funding. 6. Provide for the use ofland at no cost through easement at the City landfill site for water treatment and related facilities including the municipal water treatment plant and transmission facilities and provide for the use of land at no cost through easement at the locations controlled by the City and necessary to comply with the NPS-ONP duty to mitigate, including the land adjacent to the Elwha River for the industrial water intake, industrial water treatment plant, and transmission facilities at no cost to the NPS. While providing for the use of the property, the City shall retain fee title and reserves the right to harvest or to be compensated for standing timber on property described in the MOU. Any compensation for downed timber shall be based on current fair market value as of the date this agreement is executed, and the City shall be responsible for a timber cruise. 7. Provide for the disposal of waste solids from the operation of the municipal water treatment facility at the City's compo sting operation at no charge to the NPS. Page 4 of 18 " 8. During the dam removal impact period and subject to mutually acceptable written agreement by the parties, operate, maintain, and repair the assigned municipal water treatment facilities constructed pursuant to this agreement, and provide administratIOn support for the OM&R program. This shall include but not necessarily be limited to budget, fmance, environmental quality, safety, personnel, property management, supply management, materials, equipment, coordination, and supervision of work activities, the costs of which shall be reimbursed as agreed upon by the parties pursuant to EREFRA in a separate agreement. Long-term OM&R responsibilities will be as set forth in Section VIII of this agreement. 9. Upon successful completion and successful operation of mitigatton measures constructed pursuant to this agreement, accept the transfer of such facilities from the NPS-ONP in a mutually acceptable transfer agreement. 10. Seek and obtain advance written approval from the NPS-ONP Elwha Project Manager for all projects, studies, or work for which reimbursement from NPS-ONP will be sought. 11. In support of NPS-ONP reimbursement to the City for any proj ects, studies, or other work, prepare detailed invoices sufficient to allow NPS-ONP to make an informed judgment that the costs are attributable to the study and preparation of water supply mitigation measures. 12. For each Task Agreement undertaken by the City, retain records consistent with Section X.D. of the MOU. 13. Submit written certifications with all invoices; "I, , hereby certify that the invoice attached includes only costs reasonably incurred in performing work in the identified Task Agreement, and not for other purposes", or comparable. (Include signature line, line for typed name of signing official, and line for the date of certification). 14. Retain fee ownership ofthe property where the Elwha Surface Water Intake, effluent flow distribution structure, and related improvements will be situated. C. Project facilities scope and design: 1. The NPS-ONP shall develop the designs for and construction of the water mitigation facilities consistent with Section 4 ofthe EREFRA and the MOD. NPS-ONP shall coordinate with the City and DOH on design and engineering requirements of the City's domestic water facilities under the Safe Drinking Water Act and its amendments and implementing state regulations. NPS-ONP shall design and construct the facilities in accordance with the scope and description set forth in Section 6 of the most recent version of the Elwha River Water Quality Mitigation Project Planning Report (Project Report) prepared by URS (a private company) for the Bureau of Reclamation. NPS-ONP shall also coordinate with the City on the design and engineering requirements of the City's industrial customers. NPS-ONP shall design and construct the industrial water mitigation facilities in accordance with the scope and description set forth in Section 7 of the Project Report. . 2. The NPS-ONP will obtain the concurrence of the Washington Department of Health, and will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, in the design, construction, and operation of the municipal water supply mitigation facilities. 3. The design, construction, and operation of the industrial water supply mitigation facilities will include only those actions that are reasonably necessary to adequately protect the City from the possible adverse impacts of dam removal. Page 5 of 18 " 4. The City agrees that NPS-ONP will only provide clarifiers necessary to treat 51.2 mgd (79.3 cfs), representing anticipated peak daily use, during the dam removal impact period years (ability to treat City's full industrial and municipal water rights will not be provided). D. Construction: Upon completion of design and permitting, NPS-ONP will construct the project facilities in accordance with the provisions of this agreement and as authorized by Section 4 of the EREFRA. NPS-ONP will consult with the City on key construction management and modification decisions. E. Operation and Maintenance: The Parties recognize and agree that the federal government is responsible for the costs of operating and maintaining the water mitigation facilities during the dam removal impact period in accordance with EREFRA. Upon completion of construction, during the dam removal impact period and until the facilities are transferred to the City, NPS-ONP will be responsible for operating and maintaining the project facilities in a manner that assures that the quality and quantity of the City's mumcipal and industrial water supplies are protected from the potential adverse impacts of dam removal pursuant to EREFRA. NPS-ONP will consult with the City on key operation and maintenance decisions. F. Transfer Agreements: Contingent on securing any approval or authorization, the NPS-ONP and the City shall enter into a mutually acceptable transfer agreement to provide for the transfer from the NPS-ONP to the City sole ownership of its municipal and industrial water quality mitigation facilities upon the completion and successful operation of the Project. The terms of the Transfer Agreements shall be mutually agreed upon by the parties. The City intends to seek congressional language providmg authority to support the NPS- ONP to transfer ownership of such facilities, including the municipal and industrial water quality mitigation facilities to the City. The ownership of such facilities shall not be transferred until the City has obtained such congressional authorization. The parties recognize and agree that the City reserves the right to not accept transfer of the facilities until the City has received a mutually agreeable transfer of sufficient funds from the federal government and/or other sources to the City for the City to operate, maintain, and repair the facilities in accordance with EREFRA. Transfer timing will be based on a mutually agreed to technical analysis that identifies when fine sediment releases associated with dam removal return to near- normal levels. ARTICLE IV - TERM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement will become effective upon signature of both parties and extend until August 10, 2015, or the effective date of the Transfer Agreement, whichever is later. ARTICLE V - KEY OFFICIALS A. Involvement of key officials are essential to ensure maximum coordination and communications between the parties and the work being performed. They are: 1. For the NPS-OL YM: Signatory Page 6 of 18 .. Jamie Sherrill Supervisory Contract Specialist National Park Service, Pacific West Region 1111 Jackson Street, Suite 700 Oakland, California 94607 E-mail Jamie Sherill@nps.gov Telephone: (510) 817-1337 Facsimile: (510) 817-1313 Administrative Rodney J. Roberson Contract Specialist Olympic National Park 600 East Park Avenue Port Angeles, Washington 98362 E.mail Rod Roberson@nps.gov Telephone: (360) 565-3024 Facsimile: (360565-3015 Signatory/Approval William G. Laitner Superintendent Olympic National Park 600 East Park Avenue Port Angeles, Washington 98362 E-mail: Bill_ Laitner@nps.gov Telephone: (360) 565-3001 Facsimile: (360) 565-3015 Project Manager/Key Official Brian D. Winter, Ph.D. Elwha Project Manger Olympic National Park 600 East Park Avenue Port Angeles, Washington 98362 E-mail: Brian _ Winter@nps.gov Telephone: (360) 565-1323 Facsimile: (360) 565-1325 2. For the City: Signatory/Administrative City Manager City of Port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 E-mail: mquinn@cityofpa.us Page 7 of 18 " , Telephone: (360) 417-4500 Facsimile: (360) 417-4542 Project Manager/Key Official Glenn A. Cutler Director of Public Works and Utilities CIty of port Angeles P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 E-mail: gcutler@citvofpa.us Telephone: (360) 417-4800 Facsimile: (360) 417-4542 B. Communications - The City will address any communication regarding this Agreement to the key official with a copy to the Contracting Officer and to the Superintendent NPS-ONP. Communications that relate solely to routine operational matters described in the current work plan may be sent only to the key official. C. Changes in Key Officials - Neither the NPS-ONP nor the City may make permanent change in a key official without written notice to the other party reasonably in advance of the proposed change. The notice will include a justification with sufficient detail to permit evaluation of the impact of such a change on the scope of work specified within this Agreement. Any permanent change in key officials will be made only by modification to this Agreement. ARTICLE VI-AWARD AND PAYMENT A. The City has the right to refuse any Task Agreement offered by the NPS. B. Payment will be made at the end of the subj ect task based upon billing by the City of fair and reasonable costs and will be paid by electronic funds transfer directly into the City's account at the financial institution designated on Standard Form 3881. C. Upon receipt of an invoice from the City, NPS-ONP promptly will review it. NPS-ONP will advise the City within 6 days after receiving an invoice of any objection or question about it. If there is no question or objection, NPS-ONP promptly shall voucher the invoice for payment and deliver it to the Accounting Operations Center (AOC). D. Nothmg in this Agreement will be construed as binding-the NPS-ONP to expend in any fiscal year any sum in excess of the appropriation made by Congress for purposes of this Agreement in that fiscal year. The commitment of funds in furtherance of this Agreement shall be authorized by indiVIdual task agreements issued against this Agreement identifying each project or groups of projects, work plan, budget, signatories, and any other special term or condition applicable to the specific project. The NPS-ONP will award funds to City based on the terms of each Task Agreement. E. Unless otherwise specified, the terms and conditions as stated in this Agreement shall apply to all Task Agreements. Subsequent Task Agreements shall become part of this Agreement. ARTICLE VII - PRIOR APPROVAL Page 8 of 18 The City will obtain the prior written approval of the NPS-ONP for the items specified in 43 CFR 12.70. ARTICLE VIII - LIABILITY A. The United States shall be liable, to the extent allowed by law, including the Federal Tort Claims Act, for claims for personal injuries or property damage resulting from the negligent or wrongful act or omission of any employee of the United States while acting within the scope of his or her employment, arising out of this Agreement. B. The City shall be liable, to the extent allowed by law and subject to RCW 4.96.020 providing for the filing oftort claims against the City, for personal injuries or property damage resulting from the negligent or wrongful act or omission of any City employee while acting within the scope of his or her employment, arising out of this Agreement. c C. The parties shall cooperate, to the extent allowed by law, in the submission of claims against the City by third parties for personal injuries or property damage resulting from the negligent act or omission of any City employee in the course of a project undertaken pursuant to this Agreement; and in the submission against the United States of claims pursuant to the Federal Tort Claims Act by third parties for personal injuries or property damage resulting from the negligent act or omission of any employee of the United States in the course of a proj ect undertaken pursuant to this Agreement. D. To cooperate with the NPS-ONP in the investigation and defense of any claims that may be filed with the NPS-ONP arising out of the activities of the cooperator, its agents, and employees. ARTICLE IX - REPORTS AND/OR DELIVERABLES A. Where to Submit - In accordance with 43 CFR Part 12, the City will submit reports to the NPS- ONP Contracting Officer at the address specified in Article V. The City also will submit a copy of each report to the key official at the address specified in Article V. B. What and When to Submit - The City will submit to the NPS-ONP the following reports at the specified times, provided that these reports are required only when work on a Task Agreement issued to and accepted by the City is outstanding and incomplete: 1. Financial Status Report - A SF-269, Financial Status Report, annually, prior to each anniversary date of this Agreement. 2. Progress Report - Quarterly progress report, beginning (October I, 2005) after the effective date of this Agreement, and every (15 days after quarter completion) thereafter. Each progress report will include: (a) A summary of overall progress on the work plan, including results to date; (b) Any problems or favorable or unusual developments; (c) Other information pertinent to this Agreement. C. Record Keeping - The City will keep records concerning this Agreement in accordance with the requirements of Article XII, Paragraph A, General Provisions, and all applicable Office of Management and Budget Circulars. Page 9 of 18 " D. Access to Records 1. The City will give the NPS-ONP and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records related to this Agreement. 2. The NPS-ONP will give the City or any authorized representative the right to examine any records related to this Agreement that otherwise would be available to the City under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552. ARTICLE X - PROPERTY UTILIZATION A. City-Acquired Equipment - The City will utilize, manage, and dispose of property funded by this Agreement as specified in 43 CFR 12.71 and 12. 73. The specific method for disposition of City acquired equipment will be agreed to by the City and the NPS-ONP prior to any disposition. B. Property Records - The City will maintain records of all property acquired and disposed of under this Agreement, take a physical inventory of all remaining property, and reconcile the results of the inventory with the records at least once every two years in accordance with 43 CFR 12.72 (d)(2). ARTICLE XI - MODIFICATIONS AND TERMINATION A. This Agreement may only be modified by a written instrument executed by the parties. B. Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing the other party with thirty (30) days advance written notice. In the event that one party provides the other party with notice of its intention to terminate, the parties will meet promptly to discuss the reasons for the notice and to try to resolve their differences. ARTICLE XII - GENERAL AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS A. General Provisions 1.0MB Circulars and Other Regulations - The following OMB Circulars and other regulations are incorporated by reference into this Agreement: (a) OMB Circular A-87, "Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments." (b) OMB Circular A-97, "Provisions for Specialized and Technical Services to State and Local Governments. " (c) OMB Circular A-102, as codified by 43 CFR Part 12, Subpart C, "Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants-in-Aid to State Governments. (d) OMB Circular A-133, "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations." (e) FAR Clause 52.203-12, Paragraphs (a) and (b), "Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions." 2. Non-Discrimination - All activities pursuant to this Agreement shall be in compliance with the requirements of Executive Order 11246; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, (78 Stat. 252; 42 U.S.C. 200d et ~.); Title V, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as Page 10 of 18 amended, (87 Stat. 394; 29 V.S.C. 794); the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (89 Stat. 728; 42 U.S.C. 6101 et ~.); and with all other federal laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination on grounds of race, color, sexual orientation, national origin, disabilities, religion, age, or sex. 3. Lobbying Prohibition -18 V.S.C. 1913, Lobbying With Appropnated Moneys, as amended by Public Law 107-273, Nov. 2, 2002 - No part ofthe money appropriated by any enactment of Congress shall, in the absence of express authorization by Congress, be used directly or indirectly to pay for any personal service, advertisement, telegram, telephone, letter, printed or written matter, or other device, intended or designed to influence in any manner a Member of Congress, a jurisdiction, or an official of any government, to favor, adopt, or oppose, by vote or otherwise, any legislation, law, ratification, policy, or appropriation whether before or after the introduction of any bill measure, proposing such legislation, law, ratification, policy, or appropriation; but this shall not prevent officers or employees of the Vnited States or of its departments or agencies from communicating to any such Members or officials, at his request, or to Congress or such official, through the proper official channels, requests for legislation, law, ratification, policy, or appropriations which they deem necessary for the efficient conduct of the public business, or from making any communication whose prohibition by this section might, in the opinion of the Attorney General, violate the Constitution or interfere with the conduct of foreign policy, counter-intelligence, intelligence, or national security activities. Violations of this section shall constitute violations of section l352( a) of title 31. 4. Anti-Deficiency Act - 31 u.s.e. 1341 - Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as binding the NPS-ONP to expend in anyone fiscal year any sum in excess of appropnations made by Congress for the purposes of this Agreement for that fiscal year, or other obligation for the further expenditure of money in excess of such appropriatiOns. 5. Minority Business Enterprise Development - Executive Order 12432 - It is national policy to award a fair share of contracts to small and minority firms. The NPS-ONP is strongly committed to the objectives of this policy and encourages all recipients of its Cooperative Agreements to take affirmative steps to ensure such fairness by ensuring procurement procedures are carried out in accordance with 43 CFR 12.944 for Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Organizations, and 43 CFR 12.76 for State and Local Governments. B. Special Provisions Publications of Results of Studies - No party will unilaterally publish a joint publication without consulting the other party. This restriction does not apply to popular publications of previously published technical matter. Publications pursuant to this Agreement may be produced independently or in collaboration with others; however, in all cases proper credit will be given to the efforts of those parties contributing to the publication. In the event no agreement is reached concerning the manner of publication or interpretation of results, either party may publish data after due notice and submission of the proposed manuscripts to the other. In such instances, the party publishing the data will give due credit to the cooperation but assume full responsibility for any statements on which there is a difference of opinion. ' C. Certifications - The following certification is required in accordance with the above provisions and made a part of this Agreement: DI-2010, U.S. Department ofthe Interior Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters, Drug-Free Workplace Requirement and Lobbying. Page 11 of 18 t. ARTICLE XIII - ATTACHMENTS In addition to the attachments previously specified in this Agreement, the following documents, provided by City, are attached to and made a part of this Agreement: A. City's Work Plan and Budget (attached as task agreements) B. Form SF-424, "Application for Federal Assistance" (incorporated by reference for each Task Agreement) C. Form SF-424A, "Budget Information" (incorporated by reference for each Task Agreement) D. DI-2010 E. SF-LLL, if applicable IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto executed this Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. FOR THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES ;V~~ Signature Name: Micha@l Qtiillll Wt'/(/LII( b!&.?r ~it Manager/ J1C./1l _~ A.) ~ 2-<WS- ./ AD"~~ 8E.t!..K'I J: ~-roN - TItle: Date: Attest Signature Name: Title: City Clerk Date: Q-;?& -06 . . , t ~ . I I I . \.0-. J ~ If. .." r ,~. {\ (" . ~; 'l,," \j~ I '- (.},.. ".1.... ~\,t ,'\ .... or ( .. 'i' I / '," ......" '....... ,.oQ ~"c.... ...,.# ,.~ :-.... ............ 1\ oJc.',.~ ,.~. '::'-.J- 1.:f e.~._ ~ - ~~ ~ ~, It.': (~4 1 ;':j ~ I -: ~ ~ :; :!':: 0 J i.l ,.J : ("I ::: : r? ~ f . ... ~ r' 1 J.!.'5;-~ (1. v'; ': '::.,. t) .... ' ",J. ,It...._ .foil' <;-l ....:: . "':... !f'.'''oo.''t..:e.oO...,.,~ :~,,;."'-~ '.,'.. ,r ( Jill f I' " I\J' .:.' , '-I \l\),~\\\\'\ --1.' ,. , , ", Page 12 of 18 Approved as to Form < ~ Signature AI ~ ~ _ ,JI,/(,'v'11. []~r Name W City Attorney () Date cD-rL 73 // J,-f?:?S- FOR THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK Signarure (Jt11{IA i Yn ~ Name:t"0"'illiam G. Laitner Title: Superintendent q /1-3/06 I Signarure -e./l4~ Date: Name: J:.m:H0 ~Reffill TItle: Supervisory Contract Specialist IO('/ZVOS Date: Page 13 of 18 ',p Attachment A TASK AGREEMENT NO. 1 Between The United States Department of the Interior National Park Service Olympic National Park And The City of Port Angeles ARTICLE 1 - GENERAL TERMS Unless otherwise specified herein, the terms and conditIons as stated in the Cooperative Agreement shall apply to this Task Agreement. ARTICLE II - STATEMENT OF WORK The City agrees to: 1. In consultation and coordination with the NPS, develop an earthwork plan at the City's landfill that coordinates cutting and filling activities on the City's proposed transfer facility site and the NPS's proposed municipal water treatment plant site. This plan is essential for the successful implementation of the NPS ' s proposed municipal water treatment facility design and for worker safety. 2. Relocate a portion of the east berm ofthe firing range berm to accommodate the location of the scale house and associated scales for weighing incoming and outgoing vehicles. The ground elevation at the 100 yard firing position is 216 and the required berm height is 8 feet which results in a top berm elevation of224. -The grading plan is attached. 3. Prepare an area that will support a transfer station main structure. The main structure is sited at the location of an area that was used for gravel mining operations. 4. Shape the area between the transfer station and municipal water treatment plant to minimize impacts on the transfer station and to provide coordinated stormwater runoff from the contiguous transfer station and water treatment plant sites. The NPS-ONP agrees to: 1. Provide a site plan for the proposed municipal water treatment plant to coordinate earthmoving actiVIties at the transfer station and water treatment plant sites. ARTICLE ill - TERM OF AGREEMENT This Task Agreement will become effective on the date of final signature and extend through February 27,2006 (Not to Exceed Date). ARTICLE IV - AWARD AND PAYMENT Financial Assistance: The NPS-ONP will provide funding to the City in an amount of $499,710.22 for the work described in Article II. Page 14 of 18 '. Appropriation Data: The chargeable appropnation for this Task Agreement is: 9500-0071-477. ARTICLE V - AGENCY CONTACTS For the NPS: Brian D. Winter, Elwha Project Manager, (360/565-1323). For the City: Glenn A. Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities, (360/417-4800). ARTICLE VI - SIGNATURES IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Task Agreement on the date(s) set forth below. For the National Park Service. k Signature: AIJtl1t t! 7n~ ( Name: rilliam G. Laitner Superintendent tf I/):3 )06' Signahrre ~(~ --Jamie Sh"uiH ~'"t J. ~}O,J Title: Date: Name: Title: Supervisory Contract Specialist '0 I b ( 1..'\)0 S" Date: For the City OfP~~:gel~ d ~ . Signature 11~ ~ ~ tJ / I{/~p,*, [)117 t?F Name: Miekael Quinn Title: )1c,/17 tl3; zooS- Cit~anager / . Dat,,: ^ ~ " \;1 "f') , ...." ...\ ....'\1."' ~ I Af 6,... .,;;.... .-i, '.. ~~<" ..........G I ...:~ ' ;: ,,' ~ Att~t ',,," .:; ~.) ~~ I t',:r "'(\ 'I'" -::. ..0..: ~:. "' t , ~ I ~ G.... :; ~ ~!!: ~ dJ'n rfulr~> ~ . :: .J_ ~ L~ '!t5i trr 1 '. . ~\r--~ " "- ~.. I':, = -;... ~ " ')1, : 0. ~ ~~. t} .p II V co,":: ~ 1,_ 6.. . 1::,.... fj .., .6.;1 ...,. to.. b ,.e-" ...,",,' '-, ,r{ (" ~ I., ' /1 v L'I t' (', \ ...' ;41,. ,-, I': \.~ ' ,~. Ilttt,,'Hi)\-';' Page 15 of 18 r ~y~JI', <.J..<'f ... Name: 6e,tlty J ()...prOf\[ Title: City Clerk Date: t:j - ~ e>-lJ6 Approved as to FZ ' SIgnature ~ ~ < Name: William E. Bloor Title: CA?- . ;2-'] . -/ Date: ~ 2-ot:? 3- Page 16 of 18 F~" / '<)" '~ ,\ ,II ", ,,' , '" 1 CL~.r~ln a- 'I.C.' 1>:> ", ,r' I '- "tll...f 'r~~n ~ N1C:; c, -. -- " NOlES "" , BASE MAPPgjG IS FRlH A ilARDi 201l1I 9JR'oEY BY t.KRlHWE5"IERtl TUlRITtRES, ltlC Cf" P~T NICElES, WA- C08tJED 'M1I1 NAY 100J IIlAPPItJG IN DAVID C. s.lllH AUO ASSOCIATES OF PORTlAIJO OR PROJ, 1711 2. fHlS !iJR\I(Y IS BA&D otl THE WASHUJGTCJJ COOlOlrl},1E SYSlDI, t.lMlH ZotJE, NCJml t.JdERICNJ DAlU" OF U8J, AOJ../SlID 1991 rJAD !l3(91)N.(IlH[ IlORlli AMERICAN VERTICAL O"'1U1d a: lS1lll1 (/lAW eB) PER WWrtE 40 CF SURVEYS. PAGE 27, RECORDS Cf" ClAUAIIl COUNTY J. llEtICHMARK - ~-ltIOl )( f-UlQi COIJCRETE Na'JUMEJH WITH II 3-5!8-ItJCH DI...WmRBRASSCJJ>,.,THWASHltIGTIlfJCDJNTYRETERENCElMIillCASlCJITOPNlO SlAMPrn .VAlVE VItI" IOEONf'T 1[1 rMdBER 07JI36)7 El-1J~:50 II CRAOC Bffi\ntj CDtl1WR UllES SLCf'ES caH1NUOOSlY g CoalDIfU.1tS AtlD UIVAl10tIS 5I1OYI1 AIU: fUIATID TO CO'HROl patH P~Rvt: NUl PROTECT CQflRCl. RXrH -t:~~~J j:,:::~' ctJ.IPAClID SlJBQVDE---/ 00 ...... 4-< o r-- ...... ) / DETAIL SCALE. ,"" "-0' o (\) 0.0 ro 0.. TYPICAL ASPHAlT CONCRm PAVEJ,lENT SECnON ~ 'b / / / / / :11, () / / /'-'\ / \ / \ \ - i , -v 1- " ( -" 'J--~_~^,:::; :'-:~:(7 , '".so " '<.,;" ,/r '.. ,,,, ~ r"', .- ~~,\ \ 1~V'\--; ~:~;~:~\ ~ ' ses ENGINEERS STEARNS, CONRAD AND SCHMIDT CONSULTING ENGINEERS tNC 14taHlllHA~lI.m1ll1,1IllE\II,""!l!ml(4~7.4111 ~ Jit -I ]w~ WASIl~lNc. l""__._ GRAPHIC SCALE :10 0 :10 I.." I I '00 , // PORT ANGELES TRANSFER STATION AND MODERATE RiSK WASTE FACIUlY GRADING PlAN TlWISFER SiA noN AND MRW AREA C3 PRO.ECT "0 t- Page 18 of 18 5. 7-t1~ APPLICATION FOR Version 7/03 FEDERAL ASSISTANCE 2. DATE SUBMITTED Applicant Idenllfier 1. TYPE OF SUBMISSION: 3. DATE RECEIVED BY STATE State Applicallon Identifier Application Pre-applicallon ~ Construction gJ Construction 4. DATE RECEIVED BY FEDERAL AGENCY Federal Identifier IJ Non-Construction o Non-Construction J9500060001 5. APPLICANT INFORMATION Legal Name Organizational Unit City of Port Angeles Degartment Pu Iic Works and Utilities or~anlzatlonal DUNS Division 14 344047 Address Name and telephone number of person to be contacted on matters Street involving this application (give area code) 321 East Fifth Street Prefix First Name Mr Glenn City Middle Name Port Angeles Alan County Last Name Clallam Cutler State ZIIJ Code Suffix Washington 98382 PE CountfY. Email United States of Amenca gculter@cltyofpa us 6. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (EIN) Phone Number (give area code) I Fax Number (give area code) ~[D-@J~[QJID~[]@J 360-417-4801 360-417-4542 8. TYPE OF APPLICATION: 7. TYPE OF APPLICANT: (See back of form for Applicallon Types) i23 New In Continuation [] Revision C If RevIsion, enter appropnate letter(s) In box(es) (See back of form for descnptlon of letters) D D Other (specify) Other (specify) 9. NAME OF FEDERAL AGENCY: National Park Service, OlympIc National Park 10. CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE NUMBER: 11. DESCRIPTIVE TITLE OF APPLICANT'S PROJECT: DD-DDD Site work for the Port Angeles Water Treatment Plant TITLE (Name of Program) 12. AREAS AFFECTED BY PROJECT (CIties, Counties, States, ete) City of Port Angeles 13. PROPOSED PROJECT 14. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS OF: Start Date I Ending Date a Applicant ~b Project October 10, 2005 September 30, 2006 6 15. ESTIMATED FUNDING: 16. IS APPLICATION SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 PROCESS? a Federal $ uu ID THIS PREAPPLlCATIONIAPPLlCATION WAS MADE 499,710 a Yes AVAILABLE TO THE STATE EXECUTIVE ORDER 12372 b Applicant ~ w PROCESS FOR REVIEW ON c State ~ uu DATE- d. Local ~ uu IiaI PROGRAM IS NOT COVERED BY E 0 12372 b No e Other ~ uu 0 OR PROGRAM HAS NOT BEEN SELECTED BY STATE FOR REVIEW f Program Income ~ uu 17. IS THE APPLICANT DELINQUENT ON ANY FEDERAL DEBT? g TOTAL ~ uu o Yes If 'Yes" attach an explanation. 1!21 No 499.710 18. TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, ALL DATA IN THIS APPLlCATION/PREAPPLICATION ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. THE DOCUMENT HAS BEEN DULY AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE APPLICANT AND THE APPLICANT WILL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED ASSURANCES IF THE ASSISTANCE IS AWARDED. a Authorized Reoresentallve ~efix First Name Middle Name Glenn Alan Last Name Suffix Cutler P.E b Title ............-.. . c Telephone Number (give area code) Director of pub)i6. Works and Utilities 360-417-4801 d slgn~er~..yt~onzefJepresentrve .....\ 7 e Date Signed 10lt%s ~ ~...... PrevIous ~dition Usable , Standard Form 424 (Rev 9-2003) Authonzed for Local Reoroduction Prescribed bv OMB Circular A-102 OMB Approval No. 0348-004 BUDGET INFORMATION - Construction Programs NOTE' Certam Federal assIstance programs reqUIre additional computations to amve at the Federal share of project costs elIgible for particIpatIon If such IS the case, you WIll be notIfied COST CLASSIFICATION a. Total Cost b. Costs Not Allowable c. Total Allowable Costs for Participation (Columns a-b) 1 Admmistratlve and legal expenses $ 90,212.00 $ .00 $ 90,212 .00 2. Land, structures, rights-of-way, appraisals, etc. $ .00 $ .00 $ .00 3. Relocation expenses and payments $ .00 $ .00 $ .00 4. Architectural and engineering fees $ 80,000 .00 $ .00 $ 80,000.00 5. Other architectural and engineering fees $ .00 $ .00 $ .00 6. Project inspection fees $ .00 $ .00 $ .00 7. Site work $ 329,498.00 $ .00 $ 329,498 .00 8. Demolition and removal $ .00 $ .00 $ .00 9. Construction $ .00 $ .00 $ .00 10. Equipment $ .00 $ .00 $ .00 11. Miscellaneous $ .00 $ .00 $ .00 12. SUBTOTAL (sum oflines 1-11) $ 499,710 .00 $ o .00 $ 499,710.00 13. Contingencies $ .00 $ .00 $ .00 14. SUBTOTAL $ 499,710.00 $ 0.00 $ 499,710 .00 15. Project (program) income $ .00 $ .00 $ .00 16. TOTAL PROJECT COSTS (subtract #15 from #14) $ 499,710.00 $ .00 $ 499,710.00 FEDERAL FUNDING 17. Federal assistance requested, calculate as follows: (Consult Federal agency for Federal percentage share.) Enter eligible costs from line 16c Multiply X ~ oo.o~_ % $ 499,710.00 Enter the resulting Federal share. Previous Edition Usable Authorized for Local Reproduction Standard Form 424C (Rev. 7-97) Prescribed by OMB Circular A-102