HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.753 Original Contract
WIlham E. Bloor
City Attorney
Dennis Dickson
Sr. Assistant City
Candace Kathol
Legal Assistant
Diana Lusby
Legal Admimstrative
Jeanie DeFrang
Legal Administrative
Legal Records
5, 7 5.3
F; OR'~T':Al.N'G'Eil, E,ISI
I I I , I II . [ J '~ .J {,
Becky Upton, City Clerk
William E. Bloor, City Attorney
November 22,2005
ASCAP License Agreement
Attached for your records please find the original, signed ASCAP License
Agreement. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact
William E. Bloor
City Attorney
G'\LEGALIMEMOS 20051Upton Xnut ASCAP Contract 112205 wpd
NOV 04 2005
o2l9t'eemeDt between the American SocIety of Composers, Authors and Publishers
("ASCAP") located at
2690 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 490
Atlanta, GA 30339-3913
by City of Port Angeles, W A
("LICENSEE"), located at
PO Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362
as follows:
1. Grant and Term of License
(a) ASCAP grants and LICENSEE accepts a license to perform publicly on the "Premises" and at "Events" and
"Functions," and not elsewhere or otherwise, non-dramatic renditions of the separate musical compositions In the
"AS CAP repertory." The performances licensed under this Agreement may be by means of "Live Entertamment" or
"Mechanical Music". For purposes of this Agreement,
(i) "LICENSEE" shall include the named entity and any of its constituent bodies, departments,
agencies or leagues.
(ii) "Mechanical MUSIC" means mUSiC which is performed at the Premises by means other than by live
musicians who are perfonning at the Premises, including, but not limited to (A) compact disc, audio record
or audio tape players (but not induding "jukeboxes"), (B) videotape, videodisc or DVD players; (C) the
reception and communication at the premises of radio or television transmissions which originate outside
the Premises; and which are not exempt under the Copyright Law; or (D) a music-on-hold telephone system
operated by LICENSEE at the Premises.
(iii) "LIve Entertainment" means music that IS performed at the Premises by musicians, singers or
other perfonners.
(iv) "Premises" means buildings, hospitals, airports, zoos, museums, athletic facilities, and recreational
facilities, including, but not limited to, community centers, parks, swimmIng pools, and skating rinks owned
or operated by LICENSEE and any site which has been engaged by LICENSEE for use by LICENSEE.
(v) "ASCAP repertory" means all copyrighted musical compOSItions wntten or published by ASCAP
members or members of affiliated foreign performing nghts SOCIetIes, including compositions written or
published during the tenn of thIs Agreement and of which ASCAP has the right to license non-dramatic
public perfonnances.
(vi) "Events" and "FunctIOns" means any actiVIty conducted, sponsored, or presented by or under the
auspices of LICENSEE. Except as set forth in paragraph 2.(d) below, "Events" and "Functions" shall
include, but are not limited to, aerobICS and exercise classes, athletIC events, dances and other social events,
concerts, festivals, arts and crafts fairs, and parades held under the auspices of or sponsored or promoted by
LICENSEE on the Premises.
(vii) "SpeCial Events" means musical events, concerts, shows, pageants, sporting events, festivals,
competitions, and other events of limited duration presented by LICENSEE for whIch the "Gross Revenue"
of such SpeCial Event exceeds $25,000 (as defined III paragraph 4 (d) below).
(b) This Agreement shall be for an initial term of one year, commencing 08/15/2005, which shall be considered
the effective date of this Agreement, and contInuIng thereafter for addItIOnal terms of one year each. EIther party
may give notice of termination to the other no later than thirty (30) days prior to the end of the initial or any renewal
term. If such notice is given, the agreement shall terminate on the last day of the term in whIch notice IS given
2. Limitations On License
(a) This license IS not assignable or transferable by operation of law or otherwise. This license does not
authonze LICENSEE to grant to others any right to perfonn publicly in any manner any of the musical compositions
licensed under this agreement, nor does it authonze any public perfonnances at any of the Premises ill any manner
except as expressly herein provided.
(b) This license does not authorize (i) the broadcasting, telecasting or transmission or retransmission by Wire,
Internet, website or otherwise, ofrenditions of musical compositions in ASCAP's repertory to persons outside of the
Premises, other than by means of a music-on-hold telephone system operated by LICENSEE at the Premises; and (ii)
perfonnances by means of background music (such as Muzak) or other services delivered to the Premises. Nothing
in this paragraph shall be deemed to lunit LICENSEE's right to transmit renditions of musical compositions in the
ASCAP repertory to those who attend Events or FunctIOns on the Premises by means of teleconferencing,
videoconferencing or similar technology.
(c) This license is limited to non-dramatic perfonnances, and does not authorize any dramatic performances.
For purposes of this agreement, a dramatic perfonnance shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(i) perfonnance of a "dramatico-musical work" (as hereinafter defined) 111 its entirety;
(ii) perfonnance of one or more musical compositions from a "dramatico-musical work (as heremafter
defined) accompanied by dialogue, pantomime, dance, stage action, or visual representation of the work
from which the music is taken;
(iil) perfonnance of one or more musical compositions as part of a story or plot, whether accompanied
or unaccompanied by dialogue, pantomime, dance, stage action, or visual representation;
(iv) perfonnance of a concert version of a "dramatlco-musical work" (as heremafter defined).
The tenn "dramatico-musical work" as used in thiS Agreement, shall include, but not be limited to, a musical
comedy, opera, play with music, revue, or ballet.
(d) This license does not authorize performances:
(i) at any conventIOn, exposition, trade show, conference, congress, industrial show or similar activity
presented by LICENSEE or on the Premises unless it IS presented or sponsored solely by and under the
auspices of LICENSEE, is presented entirely on LICENSEE'S Premises, and is not open to the general
(ii) by or at colleges and universities;
(iii) at any professional sports event or game played on the Premises;
(iv) at any pennanently situated theme or amusement park owned or operated by LICENSEE;
(v) by any symphony or community orchestra;
(vi) by means of a coin operated phonorecord player Uukebox) for which a license is otherwise
available from the Jukebox License Office
3. License Fee
(a) In consideration of the license granted herein, LICENSEE agrees to pay ASCAP a license fee which
includes the total of the "Base License Fee" and any applicable "Special Events License Fees", all of which shall be
calculated in accordance with the Rate Schedule attached to and made part of this Agreement. For purposes of this
(i) "Base License Fee" means the annual fee due in accordance with Schedule A ofthe Rate Schedule
and based on LICENSEE's population as established in the most recent published U.S. Census data It
does not mclude any fees due for Special Events
(il) "SpeCial Events License Fees" mean the amount due in accordance With Schedule B of the Rate
Schedule when SpeCial Events are presented by or on behalf of LICENSEE It does not include any Base
License Fees due.
(Iii) LICENSEES who are legally organized as state mU11lclpal and/or county leagues or state
associations of municipal and/or county attorneys shall be reqUired to pay only the fee under Schedule C
of the Rate Schedule. Such leagues or associatIOns are not subject to Schedule A or Schedule B of the
Rate Schedule. Fees paid by such leagues or associations do not cover perfonnances of the mU11lcipality,
county or other local government entity represented by the league or associatIOn. Schedule C fees are not
applicable to mUl1lclpal, county or other local government entities.
(b) Unless otherwise lImIted by law, LICENSEE shall pay a finance charge of 1.5% per month from the due
date, or the maximum amount permitted by law, whichever IS less, on any required payment that it IS not made withm
thirty days of ItS due date.
4. Reports a'nd Payments
(a) Upon the execution of this Agreement, LlCENSEE shall submit
(i) a report stating LICENSEE's populatIOn based on the most recent publIshed U.S. Census data.
The populatIOn set forth in the report shall be used to calculate the Base License Fee under this
Agreement; and (ii) a report containing the information set forth in paragraph 4.(d) below for all Special
Events that were presented between the effective date of this Agreement and the execution of this
(b) The Base License Fee for the first year ofthis Agreement and any license fees due for Special Events that
were presented between the effective date of this Agreement and the execution of this Agreement shall be payable
upon the execution of this Agreement.
(c) Base License Fees for subsequent years shall be due and payable within 30 days ofthe renewal date of
this Agreement and shall be accompanied by a statement confirming whether any Special Events were presented
during the previous calendar year.
(d) Ninety days after the conclusion of each Special Event, LlCENSEE shall submit to ASCAP payment for
such Special Event and a report in prmted or computer readable form stating:
(I) the date presented;
(ii) the name of the attraction(s) appearing;
(iii) the "Gross Revenue" of the event. "Gross Revenue" means all monies received by LlCENSEE or
on LlCENSEE'S behalf from the sale of tickets for each Special Event. If there are no monies from the
sale of tIckets, "Gross Revenue" shall mean contributions from sponsors or other payments received by
LlCENSEE for each Special Event;
(iv) the license fee due for each Special Event.
(e) If LlCENSEE presents, sponsors or promotes a Special Event that is reportable under Rate Schedl1Je B with
another person or entity licensed under an ASCAP License Agreement, LlCENSEE shall indicate the name, address,
phone number and ASCAP account number of the other person(s) or entity(ies) and the party responsible for
payment for such Special Event If the other party is not licensed by AS CAP, LlCENSEE shall pay the license fee
due hereunder, notwIthstanding any agreement to the contrary between LICENSEE and the other party.
(f) LICENSEE agrees to furnish to ASCAP, where available, copies of all programs of musical works
performed, which are prepared for distribution to the audIence or for the use or information of LlCENSEE or any
department thereof. The programs shall include all encores to the extent possible. LICENSEE shall be under no
obligation to furnish programs when they have not been otherwise prepared.
(g) ASCAP shall have the rIght to examine LlCENSEE'S books and records at LICENSEE's place of bus mess
during normal busmess hours to such extent as may be necessary to verify the reports required by paragraph 4 (d)
above. ASCAP shall have the right to adjust LlCENSEE's Base License Fee based upon the most recently aVailable
revised population figures and Population Estimates Program provided by the U S. Census Department.
5. Breach or Default
Upon any breach or default by LICENSEE of any tenn or condItion herein contained, ASCAP may terminate this
license by giving LICENSEE thirty days notice to cure such breach or default, and in the event that such breach or
default has not been cured within said thIrty days, tJllS license shall tenninate on the expiratIon of such thirty-day
period wIthout further notice from ASCAP. In the event of such termination, ASCAP shall refund on a pro-rata basis
to LICENSEE any unearned lIcense fees paid III advance
6. Interference in Operations
ASCAP shall have the rIght to terminate this license upon thirty days WrItten notice if there is any major interference
with, or substantialmcrease in the cost of, ASCAP's operations as the result of any law m the state, terntory,
dependency, possession or political subdivision in whIch LlCENSEE is located which is applicable to the licensing
of performing rights. In the event of such terminatIon, ASCAP shall refund to LlCENSEE on a pro-rata basIs any
unearned license fees paid in advance.
. .
7. Non-Discrimination
LICENSEE recognIzes that ASCAP must license all similarly situated users on a non-dIscriminatory basis.
LICENSEE agrees that any modificatIOns to this Agreement by ASCAP, which are required by local, state or federal
law for other municIpalitIes, counties and other governmental entities shall not constitute discrimmation between
similarly situated users. Examples of such modificatIOns are statements of equal employment opportunity or
nondiscrimination on the basis of race, creed, color, sex or national origin.
8. Notices
ASCAP or LICENSEE may give any notice required by this Agreement by sending it by certified United States Mail,
by generally recogmzed same-day or overnight delivery service or by electronic transmission (i.e., Mailgram,
facsimile or similar transmission) to the appropriate person/office as listed herein. Each party agrees to notIfy the
other of any change in contact informatIon, such as change of address, change of person/office responsible, etc.
within 30 days of such change.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement hi,s been duly executed by ASCAP and LICENSEE,
this day of .IJIt'p:.' 20 .
bY~ f, 7f!0-..4,..,
t!.-t 7 ~~~
(FIll In capacity In whIch Signed (a) If corporation, state
corporate office held, (b) If partnership, write word
"partner" under signature of sIgning partner, (c) If
indiVidual owner, write "indIvIdual owner" under
SCHEDULE A Base License Fee
$ 268
4,082 plus $500 for each 100,000 of population
above 500,000 to a maximum fee of$53,714.
SCHEDULE B Special Events
The rate for Special Events shall be 1 % of Gross Revenue.
"Special Events" means musical events, concerts, shows, pageants, sporting events, festivals, competitions, and other events oflimited
duration presented by LICENSEE for wmch the "Gross Revenue" of such Special Event exceeds $25,000.
"Gross Revenue" means all morues received by LICENSEE or on LICENSEE'S behalf from the sale of tickets for each Special Event
If there are no monies from the sale of tickets, "Gross Revenue" shall mean contributions from sponsors or other payments received by
LICENSEE for each Special Event.
SCHEDULE C State Municipal and/or County Lea2'ues or State Associations of Attornevs
The annual hcense fee for LICENSEES who are legally organized as state murucipal and/or county leagues or state assoclatlOns of
mumcIpal and/or county attorneys shall be $268.
License Fee for Year 2006 and Thereafter
For each calendar year commencmg 2006, all dollar figures set forth m Schedules A. Band C above (except for $500 add-on for
populatlOns of500.001 or more) shall be the lIcense fee for the precedmg calendar year, adjusted m accordance With the mcrease m
the Consumer Pnce Index - All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) between the precedmg October and the next precedmg October. Any
addItional lIcense fees due resultmg from the CPI adjustment shall be payable upon billmg by AS CAP .
AS CAP, 2690 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 490, Atlanta, GA 30339-3912 1-800-505-4052 770-805-3475 (Fax)
William E. Bloor
City Attorney
Dennis Dickson
Sr. Assistant City
Candace Kathol
Legal Assistant
DIana Lusby
Legal Administrative
Jeanie DeFrang
Legal Administrative
Legal Records
5.753 -:<
DATE: October 18, 2005
To: Mark E. Madsen, City Manager
FROM: William E. Bloor, City Attorney
Music Copyright
The City is sometimes a sponsor or co-sponsor of events throughout the year at
which music is played or performed. Much of that music is subject to copyright.
I recommend that the City enter into the music licensing agreement offered by
The City received an offer of a copyright agreement from the American Society
of Composers, Authors and Publishers (AS CAP). This license agreement was
negotiated specifically for cities by the International Municipal Lawyers
Association (IMLA). It is being offered to all cities. The annual fee is $268,
which is relatively inexpensive. The license covers music performances at all
venues of the City for the entire year.
At first I was not convinced that Port Angeles needs this license. However, after
doing some investigation in the Parks Department, I found that we do offer public
performances of music at different City venues frequently throughout the year.
Additionally, I did legal research to determine whether the City has an obligation
in these circumstances. My conclusion is that it does. Unlike other types of
copyrighted material, there is no "fair use" or "non commercial" exemptions for
playing or performing copyrighted music.
Russ Veenema has some familiarity with ASCAP through prior dealings in the
restaurant business. He agrees that the $268 is an inexpensive fee for providing
annual copyright license.
To: Mark E. Madsen, CIty Manager
Re: Music Copyright
Date: October 18,2005
Page 2
The City has gone for a number of years without any question being raised about
music copyright. The City might go on for a number of years in the future without
a question being raised. However, the probability that we might not get caught
does not make it right. Also, the expense the City would incur in responding to
just one such claim would cover our annual license fees for many, many years into
the future. One drawback ofthe agreement IS that ASCAP does not represent all
music copyright holders. Thus, this is not a complete guarantee against some
future claim. Even so, it substantially reduces the risk.
Based on all of these facts I do recommend that we enter into the agreement.
Since the agreement is well within the City Manager's discretion, I suggest that
you sign it and simply report it to the City Council's part of the Consent Agenda.
However, if you would like to discuss this or have questions before proceeding
please do let me know.
Very truly yours,
cc: Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works & Utilities
Yvonne Ziomkowski, Finance Director
Bill Sterling, Parks Department
G ILEGALIMEMOS 2005IMadsen MUSlcCopynghllOl105 wpd