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2005 DEe -9 Pj~i 3: 08
Filed at the Request of:
City of Port Angeles
City Clerk's Office
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362
2005 1171034 County
Interlocal Agreement
City Clerk File No.: ---------------------------
Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and Public Utility District No. 1 of
Clallam County
Purpose: Letter Agreement - 2005 Western UGA Annexation
Electric Facilities Transfer
Dated: November 21. 2005
. .
This agreement is made and entered into this ~ day of November, 2005, by and between
the City of Port Angeles, Washington, hereinafter referred to as the "City", and the Public Utility
District No.1 ofClallam County, Washington, hereinafter referred to as the "District".
For and in consideration of the benefits derived by this agreement and in settlement and
satisfaction of their legal rights and obligations, the parties recite, and agree as follows:
1. (a) The parties entered into an "Electric Service Area Agreement" on the 30th day of
December, 1992. That "Electric Service Area Agreement" is incorporated herein by this reference
and may hereafter be referred to as the "Service Agreement".
(b) Effective on June 30, 2005, the City annexed a portion of its western urban
growth area. The area annexed is depicted on the map which is marked Exhibit A, attached hereto,
and incorporated herein by this reference. The area depicted may hereafter be referred to as the
"Annexed Area".
(c) The parties acknowledge and agree that the Annexed Area is subject to the terms
and provisions of the Service Agreement.
as follows:
To satisfy their rights and obligations under the Service Agreement, the parties agree
a. The City shall pay to the PUD a single lump-sum payment of$370,344.42.
b. Severance costs, as defined in the Electric Service Area Agreement, Exhibit
"B", shall be paid based upon actual costs, and will be billed to the City upon completion of each
phase of the transfer of facilities.
c. The City will provide electric service to all parts ofthe Annexed Area east of
Eclipse Drive and within Eclipse Drive (designated service area 1 on Exhibit A) not later than
December 31,2005.
d. The City will provide electric service to all parts of the Annexed Area west
of Eclipse Drive (designated service area 2 on Exhibit A) not later than March 31, 2006.
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e. The PUD will provide electric service to customers in the Annexed Area east
of Eclipse Drive and within Eclipse Drive (service area 1) until the physical transfer of facilities has
occurred, but not later than December 31, 2005 and the PUD shall continue to provide electric
service to facilities along Highway 101 and west of Eclipse Drive (service area 2) until the physical
transfer of facilities has occurred, but not later than March 31, 2006.
3. The monetary consideration to be paid by the City to the PUD will be paid within
sixty (60) days of the date this agreement is signed and executed fully by both parties.
4. This agreement shall be effective only after it is signed and fully executed by both
parties and approved by the governing board of each party.
5. The parties acknowledge and agree that performance ofthe terms and conditions of
this agreement will constitute full compliance and satisfaction of their rights and obligations.
Shelley Burge'!t,
Interim General Manager
By: /1IJ~4C. ~'h ~
~E. Madsen, Ci Manager
Approved as to form:
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Williams E. Bloor, City Attorney
Adtl~ J.)U-01l.
Becky J. Upt , Ci Clerk 7
C \Documents and Settmgslsmclam\Local Settmgs\Temp\PUD- WestemUGAI 0- I 8-05 wpd
November 10, 2005
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Exhibit A
Western UGA
Annexed Area
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"Exhibit B"
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This AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 3 Oth day of
December, 1992, by and between the city of Port Angeles,
Washington, hereinafter called the "city," and the Public utility
District No. 1 of Clallam County, Washington, hereinafter called
the "District."
WHEREAS, the City and the District concur that the elimination
and avoidance of duplicate electrical plant would be in the best
interests of their rate-paying customers; and
WHEREAS, the city and the District require definitive service
areas in order that they may properly plan for growth within their
respective systems; and
WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Washington, specifically
Chapter 54.48 RCW and RCW 35A.14.900, contain language governing
agreements between utilities regarding service territories and
acquisition of facilities; and
WHEREAS, City and District representatives have met and
reached an agreement on electrical service areas;
NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED between the parties hereto as
1. Service Area Boundarv:
1.1 The electrical service area boundary between the City and
the District shall be the city Limits as shown on Exhibit "A"
attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement. All the
territory within the described boundary shall be the City Service
Area. All the territory without the described boundary shall be
the District Service Area. Each utility shall have the exclusive
right to provide electrical service 'to facilities lying within
their respective service territories except as provided for in
section 7 of this Agreement.
1.2 All areas that are annexed into the City during the term
of this Agreement shall automatically adjust the Service Area
Boundary so that it falls within the city's Service Area, provided
\1 .
that upon any such annexation Exhibit "A" shall be revised
2. Term of Agreement:
This Agreement shall be effective from midnight December 31,
1992, until midnight December 31, 2017.
3. Termination of Agreement:
After the tenth year of this Agreement and at five-year
intervals thereafter, either party to this Agreement may terminate
the Agreement by giving the other party written notice at least
ninety (90) days before the end of the tenth year or the end of any
five-year period thereafter.
4. Changes to the Aqreement:
Changes in the terms and conditions of this Agreement may be
made at any time upon the mutual written consent of both parties,
provided, however, that revisions to Exhibit "A" as necessitated by
annexations have already been agreed upon herein.
Either party
desiring a change shall give the other party ninety (90) days
written notice. The notice shall contain the desired changes and
a full explanation of the reasons for the changes. If, at the end
of the ninety-day period, the parties hereto cannot mutually agree
to the proposed changes, the Agreement shall remain unchanged.
5. Immediate Sale of Certain Facilities:
Within one hundred twenty (120) days after the effective date
of this Agreement, the District will sell and convey to the City
and the City shall purchase certain electric system facilities
existing within the City's Service Area, as shown on Exhibit "A" as
"Immediate Sale Facilities," which Exhibit is attached hereto and
made a part of this Agreement.
The purchase price will be in
accordance with Section 10 of this Agreement. On the effective
date of such sale or conveyance, the District's customers in these
areas will be transferred to the City, and the District will have
no further service obligation to such customers.
6. Delaved Sale of Certain Facilities:
6.1 The District shall sell and convey and the City shall
purchase certain facilities of the District that lie within the
City's Service Area as shown on Exhibit "A" as "Delayed Sale
Facilities," which Exhibit is attached hereto and made a part of
this Agreement. The city shall have up to three (3) years to
purchase Delayed Sale Facilities or up to eighteen (18) months
after written notice that the District will be unable to continue
service to those customers without substantial system capital cost
as determined by the District. The City shall notify the District,
within sixty (60) days of the effective date of this Agreement, the
date(s) the City proposes to purchase the Delayed Sale Facilities.
The purchase price will be in accordance with Section 10 of this
6.2 As areas are annexed into the City, the City will have
twenty four (24) months in which to provide service to customers in
the annexed area by constructing facilities or purchasing District
facilities. within sixty (60) days of the effective date of
annexation, the City will advise the District how the city intends
to provide service to the customers in the annexed area (by
constructing facilities, purchasing facilities, or both), and the
date(s) the City proposes to purchase any District facilities in
the annexed area. The purchase price will be in accordance with
section 10 of this Agreement.
7. Retention of certain Facilities:
Both the City and the District shall have the right to
construct, maintain, and otherwise operate those facilities
required to provide electrical service to properties owned and
operated by them regardless of whose Service Area the property lies
within. Such facilities will be identified on Exhibit "A."
However, this does not preclude either party from providing service
'to the other party upon .cequest.
8. New Developments in citv Service Area:
For the period of time that the District maintains existing
distribution lines in the City's Service Area in order to continue
electric service to existing customers in the area, the city may,
at its option, request the District to serve a new customer or
group of new customers until such time as the City purchases that
portion of the District's distribution line used to provide service
to the new customer or installs its own facilities in the area.
The District may choose not to provide service to new customers if
the provision of such service would require substantial system
capital cost as determined by the District. The City and the
District will meet to determine the preferred manner to construct
facilities to provide service to the new customer (s). The District
will only install service lines and transformers; all other
facilities must be installed by the City and will remain City
property. Connection of City facilities to District facilities
will be done by the District at City expense. Maintenance
responsibility will be established for each situation. The City
may choose to use the wheeling provisions of Section 11 of this
Agreement in order to provide City service at City rates.
For proposed new developments located on sites on which a
District electric line exists and the City has determined that the
City will serve the new customer(s) or the development, the
following shall apply:
8.1 The City shall purchase that portion of the District line
located in the development, or if the District line extends through
a proposed development and City acquisition of that portion of the
District line located within the proposed development renders the
remaining portion of the electric line unserviceable as determined
by the District, then:
g. If the entire remaining portion of the electric line
is located within the City's Service Area, the City, at its option,
shall either pay the District to relocate the line, either
underground or overhead, to eliminate any conflicts with the
proposed development, or purchase the entire portion of the line
extending to, through, and beyond the proposed development; or
~. If the remaining portion of the electric line extends
beyond the City's Service Area and the District determines that the
facility is necessary to maintain service to customers situated
outside the City service Area, the City shall pay the District the
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cost of the relocation work necessary to eliminate any conflicts
between the electric line and the proposed development.
~ The city Light Director shall make the determination as
to whether or not a District line is in conflict with proposed
developments. The determination shall be made at the time the
developments are being considered by the city.
9. Exclusion:
All existing and future District transmission lines, major
distribution feeder lines, and substations as described and shown
on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and as further amended, and made a
part of this Agreement, are excluded from the terms and conditions
of this Agreement. These lines may be repaired, replaced,
expanded, and up-graded to a higher voltage at any future date
without regard to this Agreement.
10. Purchase Formulas:
The purchase price for transfers from the District to the city
shall be established pursuant to Sections 10.1 and 10.2 of this
Agreement. The meaning of the terms used in sections 10.1 and 10.2
is set forth on Exhibit "B," attached hereto and made a part of
this Agreement.
10.1 P9rchase Price for Transfer of Facilities with
customers: The purchase price shall be the lesser of: a) the
cost for the City to serve plus severance costs, or b) compensation
based on five (5) years of net revenue plus plant value plus
severance costs.
10.2 Purchase Price for Transfer of Customers Onl V: In
situations where transfer of customers occurs with no transfer of
facilities, the purchase price shall be the lesser of: a) the cost
for the City to serve plus severance costs, or b) compensation
based on five (5) years of net revenue plus severance costs.
11. Wheeling Agreements:
The city and the District acknowledge that there may be
certain groups of their customers located where extension of their
lines would be uneconomic and duplicative of the other party's
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'. .
Recognizing potential benefits to rate-paying customers, the
District and City hereby agree to consider wheeling power over
their facilities for the other party upon request and subject to an
appropriate wheeling agreement(s). Each wheeling agreement will
specify the conditions and charges for this service utilizing the
Wheeling Principles set forth in Exhibit "C." The parties will
strive for a simple formula for wheeling charges that recognizes
cost factors and utility standards.
Either party may deny a
request for wheeling services.
12. Hold Harmless:
The city agrees, upon completion of the transfer of service
area and electrical facilities in accordance with this Agreement,
to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the District and its
off icials, employees, and agents, from and against any and all
claims for damages or any other relief due to property damage,
personal injury, or any other form of loss arising from accidents
or injuries occurring after the date of the transfer.
The City
agrees to accept facilities as is with no warranty as to condition
or suitability for use by the city except as otherwise provided in
this Section.
The District agrees, upon completion of the transfer of
service area and electrical facilities referenced above, to
indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, its officials,
employees, and agents, from and against any and all claims for
damages or any other relief due to property damage, personal
injury, or any other form of loss arising from accidents or
injuries occurring prior to the date of the transfer or occurring
as a result of defects.
13. Authoritv:
Each party warrants that the undersigned representative has
full and complete legal authority to sign for it and to commit it
to the performance of the agreements set forth herein.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this
Agreement to be duly signed and executed in two counterparts as of
the day and year first above written.
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M1 ael M Innes, Manager
R bert J. 1tus, D1rector
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Becky Jl- Up' n, C y Clerk
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2431 East Highway 101
Post Office Box 1090
Port Angeles, WA 98362
(360) 452-9771
FAX 452-9338
www clallampud net
Dennis W Bickford, PE , General Manager
Will Purser, Dlstnct No 1
Hugh Haffner, District No 2
Ted Simpson, District No 3
November 23, 2005
Mr. Scott McLain
Deputy Director for Power Systems
City of Port Angeles
P.O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362
Dear Mr. McLain:
A fully executed copy of the Letter Agreement, 2005 Western UGA Annexation,
Electric Facilities Transfer is enclosed. The District's Commissioners approved
this agreement at their meeting on November 21,2005.
Carol Biss
Executive Assistant
to Shelley Burgett ,