HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence 03/08/2018 (2)' NGELES
P 'A'I
Comity Cu n iq
March 8, 2011
Jane Vanderhoof
d Street
114 West 2n
Port Angeles, WA 98362k1.,4 .
Application to the Utility Advisory Cormnittee
Dear Ms. Vanderhoof
At its meetings held February 13 and 22,2018, members of the Utility Advisory Committee
' (LMAC)met to review applications to fill two community representative positions on the
committee, members ofthe committee were impressed with each of the applicants, but after
much consideration,the committee recuummended to the City Council that they reappoint.
William Atkinson and Manias Jarvegren to the Committee.
1 want to thank you for your interest in serving on the Utility Advisory Committee. l
encourage you to continue to apply for the board in future years and/or look at the possibility
of serving on other vacant committees. The City's-2
website has information about each of
/ these advisory boards,most of which have openings that occur in February each year.
Thank you for your interest in serving and 1 encourage you to continue to be involved with
issues pertaining to your city. Please contact me if you have any questions,
Jennifer Veneklasen
City Clerk
J,Ca4J.41 .4634
cc: Craig Fulton, Director of Public Works&Utilities
Gregg Kings, Power Resources Manager
Phoinw 360-417-4500 1 Fax, 360417-4509 1 TTY 360-417-4645
Website: www , :�t a at a.� s a � u �� <� tyofpa,us
21 East Fifth Street Port Arigeles, WA 98362-0217
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WASH I N G `1" U. S. A.
City CouncH
r/ r,
March 8, 2018
Patricia Milliren,
f� r
1703 West 8 a"atrcet
Peart Angeles, WA 98263
Re: Application to the Utility Advisory Committee
Dear Ms. Mill iren:
At its meetings held February 13 and 22, 21118,members of the Utility Advisor Coi
(UAC)meat to review applications to fill two community representative positions on the
committee. Members o the committee were impressed with each of the applicants, but after
much consideration, the committee recommended to the City Council that they reappoint
William Atkinson and l latt as JArvegren to the Committee.
I want to thank you for your interest in serving on the Utility Advisory Committee. I
encourage you to continue to apply for the board in future years and/or loop at the possibility
of serving on other vacant,committees. The City's website has information about each of
these advisory boards,most of which have openings that occur in February each year,
"hank you for your interest in serving and I encourage you to continue to be involved with
issues pertaining to your city. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Jennifer Veneklasen
City Clerk
61 .417.464
cc: Craft; Fulton, Director of Public Works & Utilities
Gregg Icing, Power Resources Manager
hone: 360-417-4500 Fax360-417-4509 TTY— 0-417-4645
Website: www clyotgaa,uMus/Furu,a 1° COUrICR@dtyofpa,us
321 East Fifth Strr,eet I Port Angetes, WA 98362-1217
S IH R m
Marga 8, 2,018
Robert Vreeland��u
20 East 1O► Street
0,111111 Port Angeles,WA 98362
1 Application t t Utility icor ommittee
rp oiva ii rii r///ii o
Dear Mr. Vreeland:
r rri ro �ra r ;
,fit its meetings held February 13 and 22, 2018,members of the Utility advisory Committee
1111 rr
(UAC)met to reviewapplications to till two community representative positions on the
r; r
,rr committee. Members of the committee were impressed with each ofthe applicants, but atter
much consideration,the committee recommended to the City Cou c l that they reappcaint
William Atkinson and Mattias J rvegren to the Committee.
1 want to thank you for your interest in serving on the Utility advisory Committee. 1.
encourage you to continue to apply for the board in future years and/or look at the possibility
of serving on other vacant committees. The City's website has information about each of
' these advisory boards,most of which have openings that occur in February each year.
Thank you for your interest in serving and l encourage you to continue to be involved with
issues pertaining to your city. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Jennifer Veneklasen
City Clerk
cc: Craig Fulton, Director of Public Works Utilities
rfr ri f Gregg ling, Power resources Manager
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dry, p Fax:
* 360-417-4509
+p^q �q �p ®^� ^� 360-417-4645
p�@ 7 R"" W..d' q d".`d, SL6"" Ate`^� �tt d TTY.w�d�.P%wN ^, d"7'^, ,�:.P'"
tilt, ,rii„ a /iWebsite, WWW 6t0tUS /ErV"Itlail CUrld 6. dtyofpa.us
Street Port Ange�es, WA 98362-0217
�i 11111,/rrr r