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001315 Original Contract
City of Port Angeles P RTCity of Port Angeles Record #001315 City Clerk's Copy Public Works&Utilities Dept. Engineering 321 E.51h Street LIMITED PUBLIC WORKS PROCESS VL-, rMr_—Z_- Port Angeles,WA 98362 Fax:360-417-4709 F-1 Request for Quotation 0 Contract Contract Title: WW-M Ventilation and Controls Upgrades Project Number: CON-2017-45 THIS CONTRACT is entered into the date last below written between the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON ("City") AND MACDONALD MILLER FACILITY SOLUTIONS, INC. ("Contractor"). 1. WORK BY CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall perform the work as described in Attachment"A"(Attachment"A"may include Contractors Proposal, Scope of Work, Statement of Work, Plans, Specifications, and any other related Contract Documents) which is attached hereto and by this reference is incorporated herein. 2.TERM OF CONTRACT All work under this Contract is to be completed as indicated (check one): All work under this Contract is to be completed by this date: All work under this Contract is to be completed 10 days from the Notice to Proceed. No work is to be performed prior to written Notice to Proceed by the City. The performance period under this Contract commences 10 calendar days after notice to proceed and ends 20 business days thereafter. 3. PAYMENT A. The City shall pay the,Contractor for the work performed under this contract(check one): Force Account-Time and material, not to exceed: $_ Force Account-Time and actual expenses incurred, not to exceed: ❑ Force Account- unit prices set forth in the Contractor's bid or quote, not to,exceed: Firm Fixed Price set forth in Contractor bid or quote in the amount of: $ 30,024.63 The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment, in accordance with and as described in the Attachment"A". The Contractor shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work and labor of any sort whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing the work provided for in this contract and every part thereof; except as are mentioned in the specifications to be furnished by the City of Port Angeles. B. The Contractor shall maintain time and expense records, which may be requested by the City. The contractor shall submit invoices to the City for payment for work performed. All invoices must reference the City's contract number. Invoices shall be in a format acceptable to the City. C. The City shall pay all invoices from the Contractor by mailing a City warrant within 30 days of receipt of a properly completed invoice, D. All records and accounts pertaining to this Contract are to be kept available for inspections by representatives of the City for a period of three (3) years after final payment. Copies shall be made available to the City upon request. Project CON-2017-45 Page I [FORM REVISED 7/20171 E. If during the course of the Contract, the work rendered does not meet the requirements set forth in the Contract, the Contractor shall correct or modify the required work to comply with the requirements of this Contract. The City shall have the right to withhold payment for such work until it meets the requirements of the Contract Documents. 4. RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTOR A. Safety. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of employees on the work site and shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state and local regulations, ordinances and codes. Contractor shall erect and property maintain, at all times, as required by the conditions and progress of the work, all necessary safeguards for the protection of workers and the public and shall post danger signs warning against known or unusual hazards. B. Correction of Defects. Contractor shall be responsible for correcting all defects in workmanship and/or materials discovered within one year after acceptance of this work. When corrections of defects are made, Contractor shall be responsible for correcting all defects in workmanship and/or materials in the corrected work for one year after acceptance of the corrections by the City. The Contractor shall start work to remedy such defects within seven (7) days of mailing notice of discovery thereof by City and shall complete such work within a reasonable time. in emergencies where damage may result from delay or where loss of service may result, such corrections may be made by the City, in which case the cost shall be borne by the Contractor. In the event the Contractor does not accomplish corrections at the time specified, the work will be otherwise accomplished and the cost of same shall be paid by the Contractor. C. Warranty. Contractor shall be liable for any costs, losses, expenses or damages including consequential damages suffered by the City resulting from defects in the Contractors work including, but not limited to, cost of materials and labor expended by the City in making emergency repairs and cost of engineering, inspection and supervision by the City, The Contractor shall hold the City harmless from any and all claims which may be made against the City as a result of any defective work and the Contractor shall defend any such claims at its own expense. Where materials or procedures are not specified in the Contract Document, the City will rely on the professional judgment of the Contractor to make,appropriate selections. D. Nondiscrimination/Affirmative Action. Contractor agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment or any other persons in the performance of this Contract because of race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, sex, age or handicap, or other circumstances as may be defined by federal, state or local law or ordinance, except for a bona fide occupational qualification. Contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by Contractor setting forth the provisions of the nondiscrimination clause. E. Employment. Any and all employees of the Contractor, while engaged in the performance of any work or services required by the Contractor under this Contract, shall be considered employees of the Contractor only and not of the City. Any and all claims that may arise under the Workers Compensation Act on behalf of said employees, while so engaged, and all claims made by a third party as consequence of any negligent act or omission on the part of the Contractor's employees, while so engaged on any of the work or services provided or rendered herein, shall not be the obligation of the City. S. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The Contractor shall comply with all federal, state and local laws and regulations applicable to the work done under this Contract. Any violation of the provisions of this paragraph shall be considered a violation of a material provision of this Contract and shall be grounds for cancellation, termination or suspension of the Contract by the City, in whole or in part, and may result in ineligibility for further work for the City. 6.TERMINATION OF CONTRACT A. This Contract shall terminate upon satisfactory completion of the work described in Attachment "A" and final payment by the City. B. The City may terminate the Contract and take possession of the premises and all materials thereon and finish the work by whatever methods it may deem expedient, by giving 10 days written notice to the Project CON-2017-45 Page 2 [FORM REVISED 7/2017] [LUCL(13SIA-31i INNOA1 E35Pd �t,-L I OZ-NOD 110FOld S'4JL 'uO11e3U!uwaPu' sN4 JO sasodind a4l 101 Alalos 'Nod Tq all!i la:)uejnsul leiiisnpuj japun /,4!unwwi 10 JaAleM s,io4:)ejluoD aqj sainipsum uiaj;aq pap!Aoid uot4eD!j!uwapui aqj 1eqj poolsiapun Alssajdxa pue Allmgpacls j;)Onj sl II -aouabilbau s,jopejjuoD aqj jo lu;alxa a4i of Aluo aq lleqs japunajaq A4!1!qeil s,joPejjuoD aq4 'SjaajUnIOA pue 'saaAoldwa 'sletD!Mo IsiaDiMo s4! 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lasua:)Il Joloellum Imppala uv 0 'Noj Zq aILL ui paipbai se jaqwnu tjoileilsibai xel aspxa alels V o pue IMDb OS aILL ui paj!nbaj se jaqwnu luawpedap Alpmas juaw4oldwa uV o W:m TS alILL Ui paj!nbai se uol6uiqseM ui 6uiljom saaAoldwa sjopejquo:)qns aql jol a6ejaAo:)aDueinsul le1jJsnpuJ 0 :GAeq 'alqeDildde ji - 1jaqwnu jaqquapi ssauisnq pa!j!un alels luajim e aAeH - !AAD*d LZ*8T jaldep ql!m @:)ueildwo:) ui uotlej4s!6al 4o aleo!j!:pa:) 2 aAeq 'lel4!wqns pig peilumqns Jo awil a44 IV - :Pijal!jD A4!Iqsuods@j japp!q 6uimoIIojat44 slaaw sjopejIumqns jail lsj!j sli jo pea leql Aj!j@A lleqs jopeiluoD aql luopmaxa pej4uo:)qns 4o awi4 aql IV *9 -jail 4o ssalpie6ai siopeiluooqns Ile of Aldde uoipas siql jo sluawajinbai a4j_ -sa4jed buipeilum a4l J04 pasn swial aql AjessaDau se Aluo 6uilsnfpe Ispeiluo:)qns J'at-1110 Pea ui 1-101pas si4l jo a6en6uel awes a4l Allequelsqns apnpui of siopejquoNns sli lo pea ajinbaj IIeqs pue Ispeiluo:)qns jail Ismi sli jo pea ui uotpas siql 4o aben6uel aql apnput IIeqs jopej4uo:) aq-L -V AMIGISNOdS3111 7dOnYH1NO:)SnS '6T -opiaq sail-led qloq Aq pau6is Apadoid juawnilsui uappm Aq Aluo of pappe jo pag pow 'papuawe aq Aew Pellum si4-L ,leJo Jo ual4!jm jaq4!a Isluawaaj6e jo Isuopeluasaidai lsuopepo6au joijd Ile sapasiadns pue olajaq sniped aql uaampq pej1uoD paleAalui pue ajilua aql quasajdai lepuappe jo/pue sluawqoe:pe aql ql!m jaq1a6oJ I:peiluo:) siqj_ NOLLV3I:J1QOW/1 VH1NO3 :J01N31X3 *ST -Al!:)aql jo aaAoldwa ue lou pue jopejluw juapuadaput ue pej1uo:) siql jo wial at4i 6uijnp sawq Ile le aq lleqs pue s' lopeJluo:) RU 'H0nVHIN03 INEIIONUmm 'LT ,jaq4o aql jo juasum ua:n!jm joijd ssajdxa aql Inopm pejluoD siql wojj buinj:):)e lsaja4ui jo satinp lslqbilj Aue jaqwn:)ua jo 'jalsueil 'u61sse IIeqs jopej4uo:) aql.you A4!:) a4l ja4l!@N SJ.DVHIN0:) :10 SNINDISSV NO EliNii-mans *9T IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date of the last signature affixed below. MACDONALD MILLER FACILITY SOLUTIONS, CITY OF PORT ANGELES INC. By: 14-:7- BY: Printed Name: Printed Name: 1A C, Date: a Z011- Title: Date: L-7- Title: "ccr Address: qll I)OT4 ikoc sw City: �lr ,N-v,n-z I VJA 0Q>tb(0 Tax ID #: - c6ss,�42-(C> Phone Number: Project CON-2017-45 Page 6 [FORM REVISED 7/2017] City of Port Angeles ATTACHMENT "A" Engineering Office WORK BY CONTRACTOR Public Works and Utilities Department The Contractor shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment in order to accomplish the project described below. Unless,otherwise provided for in the Statement of Work, the Contractor will be responsible for obtaining and paying for any and all permits required for this work. General Scope: WWTP Ventilation and Controls Upgrades Location: WWTP 1509 E Columbia St, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Site Point of Contact: Jeff Bender at 360-417-4809. Work Hours and Schedule: The Contractor will be allowed to work from 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding weekends and all legal holidays. Work outside of these hours may be requested from and is at the discretion of the City Engineer. Permits: Electrical/Mechanical/Building Permit. Work Requirements: 1.0 Project Description 1. Boiler Control Upgrade Replace the existing Cleaver Brooks boiler control panel and ancillary components with a new AutoFlame Mk8 burner management control panel and ancillary components that will deliver higher efficiency in control for boiler performance, control dependability and SCADA interface functions that will allow visibility of the boiler status and operating functions. 1. Perform proper safety lock-out-tag-out(LOTO) and isolation of required electrical systems. 2. Perform proper safety lock-out-tag-out(LOTO) and isolation of LP gas system. 3. Perform disconnect and removal of the existing boiler control panel and accessories. 4. Perform disconnect and removal of existing control wiring to interface components. 5. Furnish and install (1)AutoFlame Mk8 burner management control panel and accessories. 6. Furnmsh and install boiler/circulation controls components and accessories. 7. Furnish and install communication/control wiring accessories. 8. Provide Engineering, permit/fees, supervision, materials handling, and clean-up, 9. Warranty: 1 year installed equipment parts/labor 2. Digester Bldg Gas Monitor/Sensor Control Install Install a gas sensor, monitor and visual alarm with a connection to the facility monitoring system to identify hazardous gasses in this space. Install Compressor Room monitor alarm extension to connect to the facility SCADA monitoring system. The ATI components to be furnished by City of Port Angeles and confirmed prior to project. 1. Perform proper safety lock-out-tag-out(LOTO)and isolation of required electrical systems. 2. Perform wall cut/core where applicable for conduit penetrations. 3, Perform install of owner furnished ATI comr)gnents as required for detection, alarm, and control. These ATI components include the following: (1)Al2-17-0100-4-3 LEL detector, remote mount (1) 45-0081 Splash Guard (required with auto-test option) (1) B14-17-01-00-4 Power Supply/Alarm Module Transmitter Project CON-2017-45 Page 7 I!-ORM RFVISFD 7/20171 ILMZIL(LISIA"M INHO-41 8 328d St,-L I OZ-NOD I-)OfOld 3NION :peiluo:) siq4 jo:ped aje sbuimeip papi butmolloj atLL :ssulmeja O-E -(uoil!pa juaiino)saullapIng pue sp-lepues saomias uLQjn sa1a5uv)jod jo A41j a4l pue W04e.)UpadS PjepuejS aql se upjaq of pajjajajuplpnj)suoglot.?lunNpue ai5p!,Ig -peoyjojsuplleiy!,vd5plepuelr 9TOZ s,uoile)jodsuejijo juaw:ped@C] a4e4S uolbuiqseM aqljo T uoism.tC) salejodimuipeilum siLLL suo4e3jp)adS puepuer4S O-Z joqq/s:ped juawdinba pallelsui jeaA T :A4ueJJeM °6 -dn-ueal:) pue buipueq slepajew 'uoisimadnS ap!AO'd 'S ,IaAal loon all le sapossane pue sjaieajq jppum/ajim pue jamod llelzui pue qsiujnA .t Ianal JOOJ aq4 le saijossax)e pue q:)I!ms:pauuoosip pasnj (T) lielsui pue 4siu-inj -9 -aouewjopd uej jadoid Asan of uoipadsui wiAjas ue4 Isneqxa wjopad -S -laced 6utlunow lepw laat4s palelnsui Illem apnop Ile4sui pue 4spnd 17 -aaj6ap oe 'apelq alqeuiejp,,t, lqsiug jpw lwnuiwnle papnj:lxa,,Ogo- :JaAnol A-teuoilels OO/Z dA(T) lielsul pue 4slwnj E IJOOP Aijua Isea aqj nano paleD,ol laued ssej6 6uilsixa @L4,14o jeAowaj w'OPDd 7 *SwalsAs IeDixpaja pajinbai to uoilelosi pue (oj_ol)jno-6e4-jno-�:)oj Alales jadoid wjopad -T °Sjoop a:)uejju;q buippq jalsabi(] aLp nano iaAnol ape q,sa4 e Ile4suj Ieuo!lejado uej isneqxa aqj aNew of�{ pajui aAowai pue aleoq Heqs jopeiluw atLL 'ue4 Isne,qxa ail of jamod o9/E/o9i7 papajoid ap!Aojd/wjguo3 lleqs jolaejluco ail, -uej jsneqxa a)q4 jo4 p1pspauumsip a3 as e saimbai apoz)juaun:)AlleuoilippV algeaadoul uP4 isnet4x@ aq4 6upapUal 'PaAOWaJ uaaq seq leq4 j!un 6uilpuet4 ale ue t4l!m�laoJjajul ue seal uej Isneqx@ @4.L'jeuoqejado 1! a�ew 01 (S60i;,A#) uP4 isneqxa o4 suoile'.)gpow AJessa:)au aq4 ajeW uo!le,3qlpoW uoRelt4uOA DPIS JOINM 'E juawdinba pallelsui jeaA T :AluejjeA& -do-ueap pue builpueL4 slepajew 'uots.wadns DP!AOld -sapossame pue ippum/bupim jojjuo3-uo!jeDiunwwo:) Ile4sui pue qsiujn4 -sapossa:):)e pue sia)ieajq z)DiAjas l4ppum/ajim pue jamod Ile4sui pue qsiwnj -J7 :)VA ON 'sual Pa21 L44!m aqOAS s000-SE (T) appoW AjddnS jamod ssoo-oo (T) ainsopug alnpoW om_L 9000-08 (T) City of Port Angeles ATTACHMENT "B" Engineering Office INSURANCE Public Works and Utilities Department INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICE CONTRACTS Inclueles construction and remodeling janitorial service, tree maintenance, road maintenance,painting, electrical work,plumbing, movers, and on site inaintellance agreements'. Insurance The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor,their agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. No Limitation Contractor's maintenance of insurance, its scope of coverage and limits as required herein shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Contractor to the coverage provided by such insurance,or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. Minimum Scope of Insurance Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: I. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office(ISO) form C.A. 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage. 2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 01 and shall cover liability arising from premises,operations, independent contractors, products- completed operations, stop gap liability,personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85 or an equivalent endorsement. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability Insurance for liability arising from explosion,collapse or underground property damage. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to the work performed for the City using ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 10 10 01 and Additional Insured-Completed Operations endorsement CG 20 37 10.101 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage. 3. Workers' Cornpensati(m coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws of the State of Washington. Minimum Amounts of Insurance Contractor shall maintain the following insurance limits: Project CON-2017-45 Page 9 FORM RENISED 7/20 71 1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage of S 1,000,000 per accident. I Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and $2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. Other Insurance Provision The C."ontractor•'s Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain that they shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A: V11. E. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. F. Subcontractors The Contractor shall have sole responsibility for determining the insurance coverage and limits required, if any,to be obtained by Subcontractors, which determination shall be made in accordance with reasonable and prudent business practices. G. Notice of Cancellation The Contractor shall provide the City and all Additional Insureds for this work with written notice of any policy cancellation, within two business days,of their receipt of such notice. H. Failure to Maintain Insurance Failure on the part of the Contractor to,maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of contract,upon which the City may, after giving five business days notice to the Contractor to correct the breach, immediately terminate the contract or, at its discretion, procure or renew such insurance and pay any and all premiums in connection therewith,with any sums so expended to be repaid to the City on demand, or at the sole discretion of the City, offset against funds due the Contractor from the City. Project CON-2017-45 Page 10 [FORM REVISED 7J20171 City of Port Angeles ATTACHMENT "C" Engineering Office Public Works and Utilitles Department Awarded Bid Project CON-2017-45 Page I I [FORM REVISED;x/201 1 ClUOTATION FORM Project Tifle- WWTP Ventilation and Controls Uvarades, Project Number CON-2017-45 The bidder hereby bids the following amounts for all work ( rcludung labor, equipment, time and materials)required to perform the work in the Statement of Work and this package, 1, Boiler Control Upgrade (Lump Sum) $ 2. Dgester &dg Gas Monitor/Sensor Control (Lump Sum) $ 3, Dgester bldg Ventilation Modification (Lump Sum) $ 4, Sales Tax (8.4%) $ 5, Total Bid $ & The bidder hereby acknowledges that it has rec6ved Addenda No(s)._ (Enter"N/A' if none werftLssued to this Request for Quotation package. 7, The name of the bidder submitting this bid and wts business, phone number and address, to wfth address aH communications comma emed with this bid and with 'the contract shall be sent, are listed below, Any written notices required by the terms of an awarded contract shall be served or mailed to the following address: g.212tractor InfQEMgtioLv: 1. Company Name., MACDONALD MILLER FACILITY SOLUTIONS, INL. 2., Address: 7 717 DETROIT AVE SW 1 City, State, Zip Code: SEATTLE, WA 98106 4, Phone Nurnber° 206-763-9400 5, Contractor Registration Number; MACDOFS980RU 6, ti Numberu 602-254-260 7. WA State Industhal Insurance Account Number: 1711 8. WA State Ernployrnent Security Dept Number: .215401005 9. State Excise Tax Registration Number: 600683276 ......... The bidder represents that it is qualified and possesses sufficient skills and the necessary capabilities to perform the services set forth in this Contract. Signed by Vj Xyl t't Title Printed Name Date Projcct: CON-2017-45 Pagc .1 [FORN4 RMSEC)7/2017] pia � __. with lugs Payment Statutes i The bidder hereby certifies that, within the three-year period immediately preceding the bid solicitation date, , the bidder is not a "wifllful°" viaaiator, as defined in RCW 49,48,08 2, of any provision of chapters 49,4 6, 49.48, or 49.52 RCW, as determined by a finap and binding citation and notice of assessment issued by the Department of Labor and Industries or through a 6vi6 judgment entered by a court of limited or general jurnsddcticn 1 certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the Mate of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct. Bidder's Business tame r ,„ °µ Signature of Authorized Official* f Printed Name Ttle Date Cavity State "heck One: Scale Proprietorship 17 partnership 0 Joint Venture 7 Corporation Z State of Incorporation, or if not a corporation, .State where busyness entity, was formed; If a co-partnership, give firm name under which business is transacted: I *if as corporation,proposal must be executed in the corporate name by the president or vice-president(or any anther corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign). If as co-partnership,proposal must be executed by ra partner. Project.- C O - 017- Page 4 4"ORN REVISED D 7,2nnn 71 We made buildorqys wap*baser, September 12, 2017 Proposal# 17-019-02 JS Ms. Lucy Hanley City of Port Angeles Public Works& Utilities Department 321 East 5°r Streets, Part Angeles,WA 98362 Subject: Waste Water Treatment Plant: "ventilation and Controls Upgrades Job Site: 15019 ln;Columbia Street. Port Angeles, WA 98362 Dear Lucy, We are pleased to offer the following proposal to perform the identified controls monitoring modifications necessary at the referenced.facility. To enhance the safety,performance and capability of the indicated areas of the facility,we are offering the following; installations for your review and consideration. Based on our survey of the existing facility,review of the issuer)bidding documents and compliance with local applicable code,our proposal includes .... INCLUSIONS: is Secondary Control Bld --Boiler Control Upgrade The existing;Cleaver Brooks bailer control panel and ancillary components has experienced a number of failures in the past year and become costly to perform repairs, The current control panel version is no longer supported by the manufacturer and replacement parts are obsolete. We are recommending replacement of this unit with a new version that will deliver higher efficiency in control for boiler performance,control dependability and offers interface functions that will allow more vision of the boiler status and operating functions, 1, Perform proper-safety lock-out-tag-out(LOTO) and isolation of required electrical systems. 2.. Perforinproper safety l.o�e -out-tag-out(LOTO) and isolation of LP gas system. 3. Perform disconnect and removal of the existing boiler control panel and accessories. 4Perform disconnect and removal of existing control wiring to interface components. 5. Furnish and install(l)AAuto larne Mk8 burner management control panel and accessories. macmill ,rc+am 1-800-962-5979 WASHINGTON OREGON MSC r W A It tl""OkMA Y sow'11 t 4 ✓E We make buddings work better. 6. Furnish and install boiler/circulation controls components and accessories. 7. Furnish and install cormnunication/control wiring accessories. . Engineering,permit/fees, supervision,materials handling and clean.-up. 9. Work performed during standard shift schedule(Mon—Fri, 7:00 AM—4:00 PM). CL RIFICATIC)r SIASSUMP'TdONS. • Warranty: l year installed equipment parts/labor • Equipment Delivery: 2_3 weeks upon receipt of order • Propect Duration: 1-2 days F,X C`LSIONS: I. Modification or upgrades to bailer,burner or other components not listed in scope. 2. Codification or progranuning of existing facility HVAC controls not listed in scrape. 3. premium time labor activity(evening,,weekend or holiday).. 4. 24 hour cooling,humidity control,alarms,back-up systems or other special requirements. S. Survey,abatement,or disposal of hazardous materials. 6. Equipment or material expediting(additional charge if available). 7. Electrical systems upgrade or modification not listed in scope. g. Requirements added by inspectors or by building officials. . Thermal„seismic,or ventilation upgrades to existing systems. 10, Washington stage sales tax,. I l. Construction performance and/or bid bond fees PRICING: "Total Cost.for the above scope of work will be .................................... $6,400.00 macmiller.com1.WO-%2.5979 WASHINGTONREG '4031111'ryiF " Odk We,make buddings,wai* kt II: Digester Bldg—Cas Monitor/Sensor Control Install 'The pas piping header located in and isolated room at the Digester Building entrance has a high concentration of methane pas and requires a monitor and alarm system connection to detect the event of a potential human entry hazard. We propose to install a gas sensor, monitor and visual alarm with a connection to the facility monitoring system to identify a hand in this space. We also are including the Compressor Room monitor alarm extension to connect to the facility SCA.DA. monitoring system. The purpose for both a local and remote alarms is to identity an entry hazard and protect any response personnel from entering without proper PPE. This monitoring and alarm arrangement duplicates the existing components identified in previous installations to maintain the facility standard. The ATI components to be laarnished by City of Peart; Angeles and confirmed prior to project. 1. Perform proper safety loch-out-tap-out(LOTO)and isolation of required electrical systems. 2. Perform wall cut/core where applicable for conduit penetrations.. 3. Perform install of owner furnished ATI compcg nts as required for Gas Room detection/alarm/control to include the following ... (l) A6.12-1.7-0100.4-3 LEI detector,remote mount (1) 45-0081 Splash Guard(required with aaUto-test option) (l) 1314-17-01-00_4 Power Supply/Alarm ModuleTranstnitter (l) 80-0006 Two Module Enclosure (`1) 00-0055 Power Supply Module (1) 35-0005 Strobe with Red Lens, 1211 VAS:;. 4. l"urnish and install power and wire/conduit, service breakers and accessories. S. burnish and install commumeation-control wiring/conduit and accessories. 6. Supervision, materials handling and cican-up. 7. Work performed during standard shift schedule(Mon--Fri, 7:00 /1k1 ---4:00 PM)l C LARIF.Cl 4 T.r ONS`I A S' CI TP'TIOiNS: • Warranty: 1 year installed equipment parts/labor • Equipment Delivery- '-3 weeks upon receipt of order + Project Duration: 5 days CLSITICINS". 1. Modification or upgrades to existing power wiring system not listed in scope. I Modification or programaraing of existing;facility SCADA monitoring system, I Premium time labor activity(evening*, weekend or holiday). . 24 hour cooling,humidity control,alarms,back-up systems or other special requirements, 5. Survey,abatement,or disposal of hazardous materials, 6. Equipment or material expediting(additional charge if available), 7. Electrical systems upgrade or modification not listed in scope, g. requirements added by inspectors or by building,officials. t°UlUtt SOLUTIMS0 We inakv buildin!ps work better 9. Thermal,seismic,or ventilation upgrades to existing systems. 10. Washington state sales tax. I I. Construction perfonnance and/or laid bond tees PRICING: Total Cost agar the above scope afws,wrk will be .................................... $ 13,075.00 III: Digester Bl -Pump Room Ventilation Modification "ihere no acture mechanical ventilation of the pump room area.,with the existing roof mounted e haust fan be inoperable. It was discovered during our survey that the fan was interlocked with a removed air handling unit, In the event of system removal,this left the exhaustwithout any operational control. It was discussed with the site electrician that he would make the necessary modifications to provide operation of the identified#F4095 exhaust fan. In that process, we identified that current code:requires a service disconnect switch to be installed. Upon the site electrician providing protected 450/3/60 power to the exhaust fare,, we would perform a service diagnostic of the exhaust fan and perform installation of the proper disconnect switch. To provide the proper amount of fresh air to the pump room, we would remove the existing glass panel over the Digester Building entrance doors and install a fresh air louver. I. Perforin proper safety loch-out-tag-out(LOTO)and isolation of required electrical systems. . Perform removal of the existing glass panel located over the east entry door. 3. Finnish and install (1) ELF375DX stationary louver; .O80"aluminum, racill finish, 4"drainable blade, 37,5 degree, 5/8"x .040"aluminum Laird screen. 4. Furnish and install double wall, insulated sheet metal mounting panel. 5. Perform exhaust fan service inspection to verify proper fan performance. 6. Furnish and install (1) fused disconnect switch and accessories at the roof level, 7. Furnish and install power and wire/conduit breakers and accessories at the roof level. Ii. Supervision,materials handling and clean-up. 9. Work performed during;standard shift schedule(Mon-Fri, 7:00 AM -4:070 PM). CLARII'ICATIONSI a SSt MPTICINS. • Warranty: I year installed equipment parts/labor • Equipment(louver) Delivery: 3-3 weeks upon receipt of order • Project Duration: 2 day EXCLSUICI S. 1, Modification or upgrades to existing power wiring system not listed in scope, . Service or repairs to existing identified exhaust fan. 3. Premium time labor activity(evening,weekend or holidays). 4. 24 hour cooling,hurnidity"control,alarnis,hack-up systems or other special requiaenients, macmiller.tom t .962-5979 7 WASHINGTON OREGON Wo,mako buMingri," a bettor Survey,abatement,or disposal of hazardous materials. 6. Equipment or material expediting(additional charge if available). '7. Electrical systems upgrade or modification not listed in scope. Requirements added by inspectors or by building officials. 'Thermal,seismic,or ventilation upgrades to existing systems. 10, Washington state sales tax.. 1 l. Construction performance and/or laid bond fees Total Cost.fortheabove scope of work will he ..................................... 8,221.00 Please indicate acceptance by signing below and returning to rny attention via fax email a 'ohn.schrnidt rnacrniller.com. We appreciate the opportunity and confidence in our services. Please feel free to call with any questions you may have( 06)768-3960. Anticipated starting date: TBD and completion date: 10 days Upon which this proposal is based. This proposal does not Include, unless so stated, any applicable MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions, Inc. state or federal taxes. This proposal is subject to Submitted by: a acceptance by purchaser within 30 days and subject to the terms and conditions stated on the account Manager following page. Acceptance: ( agree to the terms hereof and acceptance of this agreement. Purchaser Bv Date mnmacmiller,com t 9 -5979 WASHWGTON t OREGON TERMS AND CONDITIONS TERMS AND CONDITIONS/CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Acceptance By authorizing MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions,Inc.to provide the construction services contemplated by this Agreement, Customer agrees to the terms and conditions herein stated. Scope of Obligations MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions, Inc.shall provide construction service when contracted for,pursuant to the attached proposal,purchase order or estimate of which these terms and conditions are a part. Obligations of Customer Customer shall extend all reasonable cooperation requested in terms of personnel;access to premises where work is to be performed"promptly providing information requested by contractor,and shall promptly notify MacDonalad-Miller Facility Solutions, Inc.upon observation of any unusual or unsafe condition. Service Availability MacDonald-Miller Facility, Inc.agrees to provide construction service during normal business hours,i.e.,6:00 am to 5:30 pm, Monday thru Friday,holidays excepted. Agreed upon changes are at the hourly rate and terms,including vehicie charges or special assessments,then in effect by MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions, Inc, Charges and Terms Payment is due within 30 days of the invoice date. Any balance due after 30 days shall bear interest at the maximum legal rate permitted from the invoice date. Taxes There will be added to all charges the amount of any present and future taxes or any other governmental charges now or hereafter imposed by existing or future laws with respect to any services rendered or materials supplied. Limitation of Liability MACDONALD-MILLER FACILITY SOLUTIONS,INC.SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCEDENTAL,CONSEQUENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES,INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFIT OR GOODWILL,As A RESULT OF ANY MATTER ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THE CONSTRUCTION SERVICES PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT AND/OR ITS SUBJECT MATTER WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY IS ASSERTED ON THE BASIS OF CONTRACT,TORT OR OTHERWISE,EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, The customer agrees that MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions,Inc.'s liability thereunder for damage shall not exceed the amount paid for construction services and only if such damage is the result of MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions,Inc.'s negligence or willful misconduct or as spelled out in MacDonald-Miller's certificate of insurance. To the fullest extent permitted by law,the Owner shall indemnify and hold harmless the Contractor and its agents and employees from any claims,damages,losses and expenses including attorney's fees to the extent caused by the negligent acts or omissions,or willful misconduct of the Owner. Unless stated in,writing, MACDONALD-MILLER FACILITY SOLUTIONS, INC. DOES NOT MAKE ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES,INCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO,THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTUCULAR PURPOSE. MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions,Inc,,shall not be responsible or liable for any loss,damages or delay in furnishing materials or failure to perform services when caused by fire,interruption of utility services,flood,acts of civil or military authorities,insurrection,terrorist act,riot,civil disorder,labor disturbances,or by any other cause which is unavoidable or beyond its control. If the Contractor is delayed by any act or neglect of Owner or a separate Contractor employed by Owner,the time for completion shall be extended as necessary and an extension of time to compete the work does not preclude recovery of damages for delay by Contractor. Default If Customer does not pay any amount due thereunder,or breaches any of the terms of this Agreement,MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions,Inc.may,in addition to any other iegal remedies it may have,Including the right to fife a lien under state law,suspend work until payment is made, Term Prices will be subject to periodic changes due to change in labor and material rates. Prices proposed are good for 60 days. General Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time for failure of the other to comply with any of its terms and conditions, but termination shall not relieve Owner of the duty to pay for work performed by Contractor. Customer represents that it has authority to enter into this Agreement. Owner warrants that to the best of its knowledge there are no unsafe conditions or hazardous materials or substances in,on,around or affecting the area where the work is to be performed, This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State where the work was done. In the event any party shall bring suit or action against the other for relief arising out of this Agreement,the prevailing party shall have and recover against the other party all court costs,disbursements,and a reasonable attorney's fee. Customer consents to and agrees to jurisdiction and venue of any proceeding in the District or Superior Court of the State of Washington for King County at MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions,Inc.'s election. Making a final payment shall constitute a waiver of claims by the Owner except those arising from claims by third parties arising out of the contract,failure of the work to comply with the requirements of this contract,or manufacturer warranties passed on to the Owner by Contractor. The Owner and Contractor shall commence all claims and causes of action against the other whether In contract,tort,breach warranty or otherwise arising out of or related to this contract within 365 days following Contractor's completion of the work. Any notice required by this Agreement shall be deemed received,delivered in person,or by facsimile or sent by mail.