HomeMy WebLinkAbout001317 Original Contract City of Port Angeles CITY CLERKS COPY
Record # 001317
POW AN City of Port Angeles
Public Works& Utilities Dept.
321 E.51h Street SERVICE CONTRACT'
Port Angeles WA 98362
Contract Title: Black Diamond Reservoir Inspection Service Number: SVC 2017-56
THIS CONTRACT is entered into the date last below written between the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON
("City") AND BergerABAM, WASHINGTON ("Consultant").
The Consultant shall perform the work as described in Attachment"A"(Attachment"A"may include Consultant's
Proposal, Scope of Work, Statement of Work, Plans, Specifications, and any other related Contract Documents)
which is attached hereto and by this reference is incorporated herein.
All work under this Contract is to be completed as indicated (check one):
0 All work under this Contract is to be completed by this date
All work under this Contract is to be completed 60 days from the Notice to Proceed. No work is
to be performed prior to written Notice to Proceed by the City. (See attachment A for specific
schedule for work).
The performance period under this Contract commences 10 calendar days after notice to proceed
and ends(90 days thereafter or after contract award).
A. The City shall pay the Consultant for the work performed under this Agreement(check one):
F-I Force Account-Time and material, not to exceed: $
Force Account-Time and actual expenses incurred, not to exceed: $ 24,500
Force Account- unit prices set forth in the Consultant's bid or quote, not to exceed:
0 Firm Fixed Price set forth in Contractor bid or quote in the amount of: $_
The Consultant shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment, in accordance
with and as described in the Attachment"A".
The Consultant shall provide and bear the expense of all equipment, work and labor of any sort
whatsoever that may be required for the transfer of materials and for constructing and completing
the work provided for in this,Contract and every part thereof; except those indicated to be furnished by the
City of Port Angeles in Attachment A.
B. The Consultant shall maintain time and expense records, which may be, requested by the City. The Consultant
shall submit invoices to the City for payment for work performed. All invoices must reference the City's service
number. Invoices shall be in a format acceptable to the City. The Consultant will submit invoices per the rates in
Attachment C.
C. The City shall pay all invoices from the Consultant by mailing a City warrant within 30 days of receipt of a
properly completed invoice.
D. All records and accounts pertaining to this Contract are to be kept available for inspections by representatives
of the City for a period of three (3)years after final payment. Copies shall be made available to the City upon
Service# SVC 2017-56 Page I [FORM REVISED 7/20171
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contracted for,
C. In the event this Contract is terminated by the City, Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further
amounts due under this Contract until the work specified in Attachment"A" is satisfactorily completed, as
scheduled, up to the date of termination. At such time, if the unpaid balance of the amount to be paid under this
Contract exceeds the expense incurred by the City in finishing the work, and all damages sustained by the City or
which may be sustained by reason of such refusal, neglect, failure or discontinuance of employment, such excess
shall be paid by the City to the Contractor, If the City's expense and damages exceed the unpaid balance,
Consultant and his surety shall be jointly and severally liable therefore to the City and shall pay such difference to
the City, Such expense and damages shall include all legal costs incurred by the City to protect the rights and
interests of the City under the Contract, provided such legal costs shall be reasonable.
A. On payment to the Consultant by the City of all compensation due under this Contract, all finished or
unfinished documents and material prepared by the Consultant with funds paid by the City under this Contract
shall become the property of the City and shall be forwarded to the City upon its request.
B, Any records, reports, information, data or other documents or materials given to or prepared or assembled by
the Consultant under this Contract will be kept confidential and shall not be made available to any individual or
organization by the Contractor without prior written approval of the City or by court order.
Any claim against the City for damages, expenses, costs or extras arising out of the performance of this Contract
must be made in writing to the City within thirty days after the discovery of such damage, expense or loss, and in
no event later than the time of approval by the City for final payment, Consultant, upon making application for
final payment, shall be deemed to have waived its right to claim for any other damages for which application has
not been made, unless such claim for final payment includes notice of additional claim and fully describes such
The Director of the Public Works and Utilities Department or his/her designee shall have primary responsibility for
the City under this Contract and shall oversee and approve all work to be performed, coordinate communications,
and review and approve all invoices, under this Contract.
The Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers
harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in
connection with the negligent performance of this Agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the
sole negligence of the City.
Should a court of competent jurisdiction determine that this Contract is subject to RCW 4,24.1 5, then, in the
event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting
from the concurrent negligence of the Consultant and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers,
the Consultant's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Consultant's negligence. It is further
specifically and expressly understood that the Indemnification provided herein constitutes the Consultant's waiver
of immunity under Industrial Insurance Ti 1 5I W, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver
has been mutually negotiated by the parties, The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or
termination of this Contract.
The Consultant shall maintain insurance as set forth in Attachment B.
This Consultant shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. The
venue of any litigation between the parties regarding this Contract shall be Clailam County, Washington.
Service# SVC 2017-56 Page 3 [FORM REVISED 7/20171
When a special"brand or equal"is named it shall be construed solely for the purpose of indicating the standards
of quality, performance, or use desired. Brands of equal quality, performance, and use shall be considered,
provided Consultant specifies the brand and model and submits descriptive literature when available. Any bid
containing a brand which is not of equal quality, performance, or use specified must be represented as an
alternate and not as an equal, and failure to do so shall be sufficient reason to disregard the bid.
All goods, services, work, or materials purchased herein are subject inspection and to approval by the City. Any
rejection of goods, services, work, or materials resulting because of nonconformity to the terms and specifications
of this order, whether held by the City or returned, will be at Consultant's risk and expense,
Neither the City nor the Consultant shall assign, transfer, or encumber any rights, duties or interest accruing from
this Contract without the express prior written consent of the other.
The Consultant is and shall be at all times during the term of this Contract an independent Consultant and not
an employee of the City.
This Contract, together with the attachments and/or addenda, represents the entire and integrated Contract
between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written
or oral. This contract may be amended, modified or added to only by written instrument properly signed by both
parties hereto.
The Consultant shall include the language of this section in each of its first tier subcontractors, and shall require
each of its subcontractors to include substantially the same language of this section in each of their subcontracts,
adjusting only as necessary the terms used for the contracting parties. The requirements of this section apply to
all subcontractors regardless of tier.
At the time of subcontract execution, the Consultant shall verify that each of its first tier subcontractors meets
the following bidder responsibility criteria:
-At the time of subcontract bid submittal, have a certificate of registration in compliance with chapter 18.27
- Have a current state unified business identifier number;
- If applicable, have:
1) Industrial insurance coverage for the subcontractor's employees working in Washington as required in
Title 51 RCW;
2)An employment security department number as required in Tile 50 RCW; and
3)A state excise tax registration number as required in Tile 82 RCW;
4)An electrical contractor license, if required by Chapter 19.28 RCW;
5)An elevator contract license, if required by Chapter 70.87 RCW.
- Not be disqualified from bidding on any public works contract under RCW 39,06,010 or 39.12.065(3).
A. The City shall pay the Consultant for work performed under this Contract as detailed in Attachment C.
B. Payments for work provided hereunder shall be made following the performance of such work, unless otherwise
permitted by law and approved in writing by the City. No payment shall be made for any work rendered by the
Service# SVC 2017-56 Page 4 [FORM REVISED 7/20171
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Public Works and Utilities Department WORK BY CONSULTANT
The Consultant shall do all work and furnish all tools, materials, and equipment in order to accomplish the project
described below. Unless otherwise provided for in the Statement of Work, the Consultant will he responsible for
obtaining and paying for any and all permits required for this work.
General Scope: Inspection of Black Diamond Reservoir
Location: 203 Reservoir Road, Port Angeles, Washington 98362
Site Point of Contact: Jason Baarat36O-417-4B60.
Work Hours and Schedule: The Consultant will be allowed tVwork from 7 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through
Friday, excluding weekends and all legal holidays. Work outside of these hours may be requested from and is at
the discretion ofthe Site Point ofContact.
Permits: None Required
Work Requirements:
1.0 Project Description
Interior and underwater inspection of the seven (7) million gallon Black Diamond Reservoir. The inspection will be
of the interior surfaces and interior accessible structural components to determine their integrity,document damage
nrareas ofconcern,and note the general condition ofthe reservoir. The inspection will follow guidelines asdefined
by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in the Waterfront Facilities Inspection and Assessment Manual
(ASCE Manuals and Reports onEngineering Practice No. 130, 2O15.)and included herein. One hundred percent of
the accessible interior reservoir will be inspected with a Level I effort. A Level II effort will be employed for a closer
interior inspection as needed and to investigate areas of concern or where damage is present.
Level I Effort: Includes a close visual examination below water or a tactile examination using large sweeping motions
of the hands where visibility is limited underwater. Although the Level I effort is often nahernad to as a"swim by"
inspection, it must be detailed enough to detect severe deterioration. It confirms the continuity of the full length of
all members and system components and detect undermining or exposure of normally buried elements.
Level}I Effort:A detailed inspection underwater that requires wrapping,coating,corrosion,and/or sediment/marine
growth toberemoved from portions ofthe structure, Underwater marine orsimilar growth removal can becostly,
hence,the need tobase the inspection mnanepresenbabve sampling Bfcomponents. (}nlarge,solid faced elements,
a 1 foot by 1 foot area will be cleaned at regularly spaced intervals atmultiple elevations. The thoroughness nf
marine nrsimilar growth removal will be governed bywhat isnecessary todiscern the condition ofthe underlying
material. Removal of all bio-fouling staining is generally not required. Means and methods for removal of
sediment/bio-fouling growth are not typically defined in the scope of work. However, methods may include hand
scrapers or simply a protected hand if the growth/sediment removes with ease.
2.0 Description of Work:
The scope mfwork shall include:
� Task I _Project ManagementlCoordination
Consultant's Project management staff will include contract monitoring, budget monitoring, document control,
and quality assurance/quality control efforts.
Task 2—Existing Documentation Review/FieldPremaration
Consultant will review the photos and any other documents received. The focus will be to understand existing
features toeffidendyperform the interior and underwater inspections. Additionally, consultant will prepare forms
and drawings that can be used to record field data. An overall inspection plan and site-specific d|wa plan will be
established by the Consultant.
0 Task 3—.1ntedor and Underwater Inspection and Condition Assemsnient
Based on the size of the reservoir, the estimated inspection will require one day on site. An engin*er'divervv|||
lead the inspection, with a commercial diver as dive aupemisor. Diving in the reservoir will meet the requirements
of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) as well as the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) for diving on potable water reservoirs. The entire inspection will be recorded using an
underwater video system with communications.
° Task 4—Sumniamize Field Da&alPrepare Repolt
Based on Task 3, the Consultant will develop a report that includes in-depth assessment of the interior condition,
and accessible interior structural components. The Consultant will include the field data report, including all field
notes of damage or areas of concern. The report will summarize the findings and provide recommendations with
associated repair costs.
3.0 Schedule
1) Black Diamond Reservoir Inspection Completion Date: November 3Q.2O17
2\ Field Report Delivery Date: December 16. 2017.
Servioe# SVC 2O|7-56 Page [FORM REVISED 7/2Vl7]
City of Port Angeles ATTACHMENT "B"
Public Works and Utilities Department INSURANCE
Includes construction and remodellng,Janitorial service, tree maintenance, road maintenance,painting, electrical
work,plumbing, nover� and onsite maintenance agreements
The Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries
to persons or damage to property which may adse from or in connection with the performance of the work
hereunder bythe Consultant, its agents, representatives, employees orsubcontractors.
No Limitation. Consultant's maintenance of insurance as required by the agreement shall not be construed to
limit the liability of the Consultant to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's
recourse hoany remedy available atlaw orin equity.
Minimum Scope mf Insurance
Consultant shall obtain insurance of the types described below:
1. Automobile Liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles. Coverage shall be
written on Insurance Services Office (ISO)form CA 00 01 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability
coverage. If necessary, the policy shall be endorsed to provide contractual liability coverage; and,
2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall bewritten Vn ISO occurrence form OGO001 and shall cover
liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, stopgap
liability, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract, The Commercial
General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25
031185oranequivalent endorsement. There shall benoendorsement ormodification ofthe Commercial
General Liability Insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground property damage. The City
shall be named as an insured under the Consultant's Commercial General Liability insurance policy with respect to
the work performed for the City using ISO Additional Insured endorsement[G 20 10 10 01 and Additional
Insured-Completed Operations endorsement CG 2Q37 1UU1orsubstitute endorsements providing equivalent
coverage; and,
3. Workers'Compensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurances laws ofthe State VfWashington;
4. Professional Liability insurance appropriate tuthe Consultant's profession.
Minimum Amounts wf Insurance
Consultant shall maintain the following insurance limits:
1. Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit for bodily injury and property
damage of¢1,QOO,0OOper accident.
2. Commercial General Liability insurance shall be written with limits no less than ¢1,008,000 each
occurrence, $2,QOQ,OOUgeneral aggregate.
3. Professional Liability insurance shall bewritten with limits no less than ¢1,000,000 per claim and
$1,U8O,08Opolicy aggregate limit.
Servicc# SVC 20l7-5h Page 8 [FORM REVISED 7/20l?]
Other Insurance Provision
The Consultant's Automobile Liability and Commercial General Liability insurance policies are Uocontain, orbe
endorsed bocontain that they shall beprimary insurance asrespect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or
insurance pool coverage maintained bythe City shall be excess ofthe Consultant's insurance and shall not
contribute with it.
Acceptability of Insurers
Insurance istobeplaced with insurers with acurrent A.M. Best rating cfnot less thanA:VII.
E. Verification of Coverage
Consultant shall furnish the City with original certificates and acopy ofthe amendatory endorsements, including
but not necessarily limited tothe additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the
Consultant before commencement ofthe work.
F. Subcontractors
The Consultant shall have sole responsibility for determining the insurance coverage and limits required, if any, to
be obtained bvsubcontractors, which determination shall be, made inaccordance with reasonable and prudent
business practices.
G. Notice of Cancellation
The Consultant shall provide the City and all Additional Insureds for this work with written notice of any policy
cancellation, within two business days oftheir receipt ofsuch notice.
H. Failure to Maintain Insurance
Failure on the part of the Consultant to maintain the insurance as required shall constitute a material breach of
contract, upon which the City may, after giving five business days notice to the Consultant to correct the breach,
immediately terminate the Agreement or, at its discretion, procure or renew Such insurance and pay any and all
premiums in connection therewith, with any sums so expended to be repaid to the City on demand, or at the sole
discretion of the City, offset against funds due the Consultant from the City.
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