HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.563A Original ContractAugust 18, 2010 City of Port Angeles CLALLAM COUNTY ID# 68550M STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SOUTHWEST DRINKING WATER REGIONAL OPERA TION PO Box 47823, Olympia, Washington 98504 -78: 3 TDD Relay 1- 800 833 -6388 To: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E. Director of Public Works City of Port Angeles Port Angeles, Washington 98362 It is a pleasure to inform you that based on our records, your water system has complied with the State Agreed Order issued on February 7, 2007, and modified on December 2, 2009. The City of Port Angeles Water System is now in compliance with Order No. 2007 SAG -001, and by this letter, the Department hereby terminates this Order. Termination of this Order does not affect the status of any other action that may be outstanding or pending against your system. You are encouraged to continue monitoring and complying with all applicable requirements of the drinking water regulations. As a reminder, the Department is authorized to take appropriate enforcement action against your system for any future non- compliance with applicable drinking water regulations. If you have questions regarding compliance or any other aspects of water system operation, please contact Jozsef Bezovics at (360) 236 -3034. Sin erely, Compliance Manage Southwest Drinkin ater Operations cc: Clallam County Health and Human Services John Aden, ODW Jozsef Bezovics, ODW Clark Halvorson, ODW ORDER TERMINATION i..,a PAGE 1 OF 10 S RECEIVED ORDER TERMINATION AUG 2 0 2010 CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS Docket No. 2007 SAG -0001 In Re: City of Port Angeles CLALLAM COUNTY ID# 68550M STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SOUTHWEST DRINKING WATER REGIONAL OPERATIONS PO Box 47823, Olympia, Washington 98504 -7823 TDD Relay 1 -800- 833 -6388 To: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E. Director of Public Works and Utilities City of Port Angeles Post Office Box 1150 Port Angeles, Washington 98362 Docket No. 2007- SAG -0001 MODIFIED AGREED ORDER State Agreed Order No. 2007 - SAG -0001, dated February 7, 2007, is hereby modified as follows: Under ORDER Part II, the following item is modified: 2.1 Meet Surface Water Treatment Rule requirements. In accordance with WAC 246 - 290 -630, the purveyor shall ensure treatment is provided for surface water and GWI sources consistent with the treatment technique requirements specified in Part 6 of Chapter 246 -290 WAC. By February 26, 2010, the purveyor shall verify that treatment processes meeting 3 -log inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts, 4 -log inactivation of viruses, and 2 -log removal of Cryptosporidium oocystes are fully constructed, tested, and in operation. MODIFIED STATE AGREED ORDER Page 1 of 3 iv. Under PLACE TO SUBMIT DOCUMENTS AND REQUESTS, Part III, the following is modified. 3.1 Reports. All documents or reports required by this order to be submitted to the Department shall include the Docket No. on page 1 and be sent to Gael Kantz, Compliance Program Manager, at PO Box 47823, Olympia, Washington 98504 -7823. 3.2 Questions. Questions about compliance with this order should be sent in writing to Gael Kantz, at the above address. 3:3 Requests. A request to extend a time period to achieve compliance for good cause, or to modify the order, may be filed with the Department by sending a written request to Gael Kantz, at the above address within the time period specified for compliance. Any such request will be reviewed and a written response provided to you within fifteen (15) days of the Department's receipt of your request. Under SUPPLEMENTAL AND MODIFICATION, Part IV, the following is modified as follows: 4.2 By consent. Clark Halvorson, Regional Manager, is authorized to modify this order with your consent. Under TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES, Part V, the following is modified as follows: Technical assistance services available from the Department may be obtained by calling Regional Engineer Jozsef Bezovics, P.E. at (360) 236 -3034 or by writing to him at Post Office Box 47823, Olympia, Washington 98504 -7823. MODIFIED STATE AGREED ORDER Page 2 of 3 No other condition or requirement of State Agreed Order No. 2007 - SAG -0001 is affected by this modification. AGREED to this Washington. day of December 2009 at Olympia, Clark Halvor on., Regional Manager Washington State Department of Health AGREED to this 5 day of December 2009 at - PoRT t , Washington. Glenn A. Cutler, P.E. Director, Public Works & Utilities City of Port Angeles MODIFIED STATE AGREED ORDER Page 3 of 3 5.5",SA. STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SOUTHWEST DRINKING WATER REGIONAL OPERATIONS PO Box 47823, Olympia, Washington 98504-7823 TDD Relay 1-800-833-6388 CERTIFIED MAIL In Re: City of Port Angeles CLALLAM COUNTY Docket No. 2007-SAG-000l ID # 68550M STATE AGREED ORDER To: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E. Director of Public Works and Utilities City of Port Angeles 321 East Fifth Street PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 This document constitutes a notice of correction for purposes of chapter 43.05 RCW. This Agreed Order hereby replaces State Agreed Order No. 2005-SAG-0002 dated July 13, 2005 and signed by Glenn Cutler, Director of Public Works and Utilities for the City of Port Angeles, on September 22, 2005. I. FINDINGS 1.1 Identity of system. The City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation established under Title 35A RCW, owns and operates the City of Port Angeles water system. Glenn Cutler is the Public Works and Utilities Director for the City of Port Angeles. William Beverford is the water system manager. The system provides water for approximately 8,122 residential STATE AGREED ORDER Page 1 of 10 ...... o t ~ ~ . " , : -\~ \ ,-. ,.,:,....~,{ connections and an intertie to Port Angeles Composi te Water System, ID #432960 and is classified as a Group A community water system as defined in WAC 246-290-020(3). 1.2 Covered by regulations. The City of Port Angeles Water System is a "public water system" as defined in RCW 70.119A.020(4). The City of Port Angeles is a "purveyor" as defined by WAC 246-290-010. The operation of this public water system is governed by Chapter 246-290 WAC, the regulations of the State Board of Health regarding public water systems. 1.3 Surface water treatment requirement. The Department of Health (Department) classified the purveyor's primary source as Groundwater under the Direct Influence of Surface Water (GWI) based on the results of water quality monitoring and microscopic particulate analysis. The purveyor was notified of the GWI classification in correspondence dated April 25, 2000. In accordance with WAC 246-290-620, groundwater sources categorized as under the direct influence of surface water must meet the surface water treatment requirements specified in Part 6 of chapter 246-290 WAC. 1.4 Treatment Technique Violation. The purveyor shall ensure that treatment is provided for surface and GWI sources consistent with the treatment technique requirements specified in WAC 246-290-630. WAC 246-290-630 requires a purveyor to install and properly operate water treatment processes to ensure at least 99.9 percent (3-log) removal and/or inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts; and 99.99 percent (4-log) removal and/or inactivation of viruses; and 99 percent (2-log) removal of Cryptosporidium oocysts if required to filter. A purveyor that fails to install filtration to meet these treatment requirements STATE AGREED ORDER Page 2 of 10 or develop an alternate source within eighteen months of notification of the requirement incurs a treatment technique violation each month that water is delivered to the public that does not meet surface water treatment requirements. 1.5 Corrosion control treatment requirement. In July 1992, distribution water quality samples exceeded the federal action level of 1.3 mg/L for copper. A purveyor has a duty to achieve optimal corrosion control following exceedance of the copper action level in accordance with CFR 141.80, 141.81 and 141.82. On March 4, 1994, the Department notified the purveyor of the copper action level exceedance and directed the purveyor to install and operate optimal corrosion control treatment. In accordance with CFR 141.82, a purveyor must submit a corrosion treatment recommendation to the Department for review and approval within six months of notification of the action level exceedance. The purveyor must install approved source or corrosion control treatment within twenty-four months of Departmental approval of the purveyor's treatment recommendation. On February 28, 1995, the purveyor submitted a corrosion control recommendation report for Departmental review and approval. The Department approved the purveyor's corrosion control treatment recommendation on October 24, 1995. The approval expired on October 24, 1997. To date, the purveyor has not provided treatment to meet corrosion control requirements. 1.6 Compliance agreements. Since December 2000, the purveyor has been under Bilateral Compliance Agreements with the Department for installation of filtration facilities and installation of corrosion control treatment. STATE AGREED ORDER Page 3 of 10 On December 12, 2003, the Department approved a project report describing a proposed new treatment plant and pH adjustments to meet corrosion control requirements. In November 2004, the purveyor and the Department entered into a subsequent agreement, Bilateral Compliance Agreement No. 2004-BCA-0074, allowing the purveyor additional time to complete the filtration and corrosion control treatment projects. In accordance with the agreement, construction documents for all treatment facilities were to be submitted by February 28, 2005. In September 2005, the purveyor and the Department entered into Agreed Order No. 2005-SAG-0002. The Agreed Order required the purveyor to submit design documents for the proposed filtration plant and corrosion control treatment by November 30, 2005. The purveyor submitted design documents on November 30, 2005. The Department is unable to approve the project as submitted. To date, the purveyor has failed to address Departmental comments on said design project. II. ORDER In view of the foregoing, and because the City of Port Angeles has indicated its desire to cooperate with the Department to bring the system into compliance with state and federal drinking water regulations, under authority of WAC 246-290-050, you are ORDERED, and it is mutually agreed between the City of Port Angeles and the Department, that the following action will be taken to comply with Chapter 246-290 WAC. 2.1 Meet Surface Water Treatment Rule requirements. In accordance with WAC 246-290-630, the purveyor shall ensure STATE AGREED ORDER Page 4 of 10 treatment is provided for surface water and GWI sources consistent with the treatment technique requirements specified in Part 6 of Chapter 246-290 WAC. By December 31, 2009, the purveyor shall verify that treatment processes meeting 3-1og removal and/or inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts, 4-1og removal and/or inactivation of viruses, and 2-1og removal and/or inactivation of Cryptosporidium oocystes are fully constructed, tested, and in operation. 2.2 Provide interim treatment. In accordance with WAC 246- ~ 290-672, the Department may require the purveyor to provide higher levels of treatment when necessary to protect the health of consumers served by the public water system. The purveyor shall operate interim disinfection treatment to achieve a 3-1og removal and/or inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts. By April 1, 2007, the required level of inactivation must be achieved through disinfection. Compliance with this treatment level shall be demonstrated through submittal of monthly treatment reports. 2.3 Submit action plan. In accordance with WAC 246-290- 670, a purveyor of an existing unfiltered system required to filter shall submit an action plan and schedule detailing how the purveyor will comply with Subparts A and B or Subparts A and D of Part 6 of Chapter 246-290 WAC. By December 31, 2007, the purveyor shall submit to the Department for review and approval an action plan identifying how the purveyor will respond to potential drinking water public health emergencies in the interim timeframe and in the event the purveyor is unable to install treatment meeting the requirements detailed in paragraph 2.1 above within the prescribed timeframe. The action plan must address how the purveyor will comply with the surface water treatment requirements in section 2.1 of this order in the event STATE AGREED ORDER Page 5 of 10 that the installation of the surface water treatment plant intended to mitigate the effects of the removal of the t~o Elwha River dams as part of Public Law 102-495, the Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act, is not completed before September 30, 2009 or in the event that the federal project is not undertaken. 2.4 Treatment operation. In accordance with WAC 246-290- 630, the purveyor shall ensure that personnel operating the system subject to Part 6 of Chapter 246-290 WAC meet the ~ requirements under chapter 70.119 RCW and 246-292 WAC. Prior to placing approved treatment processes online and no later than October 31, 2009, provide written documentation to the Department that certified water operators meeting the requirements of WAC 246-292-050 are on staff or are employed by the National Park Service and a certified operator of the required certification is in responsible charge of the treatment system. 2.5 Submit water system plan amendment/funding strategy. In accordance with WAC 246-290-100, the purveyor shall have a current, approved water system plan that includes a capital improvement program and demonstrates financial viability to fund capital improvements and ongoing system maintenance. The purveyor shall submit a water system plan amendment that provides estimated capital and annual operating costs and method of financing for the required corrosion control treatment design, installation, and maintenance. The purveyor shall submit the water system amendment/funding strategy by April 30, 2007. 2.6 Submit corrosion control recommendation report. 40 CFR 141.81 and 82 require the purveyor to submit a corrosion control recommendation report to the Department for review and approval STATE AGREED ORDER Page 6 of 10 within six months of notification of the lead or copper exceedance. The report is a required step towards achieving optimum corrosion control treatment and is required as a result of the purveyor's 1992 exceedance of the federal copper action level. The purveyor submitted an earlier report in 1995. The purveyor shall submit an updated corrosion control recommendation report to the Department for review and approval by April 30, 2007. 2.7 Submit design and construction documents. Upon Departmental approval of the above-referenced corrosion control recommendation report and in accordance with WAC 246-290-120 and 40 CFR 141.82, the purveyor shall submit for Departmental review and approval, design and construction documents prepared by a professional engineer that describe water treatment facilities necessary to achieve optimal corrosion control. The design and construction documents shall be submitted to the Department by September 4, 2007. The purveyor is further expected to respond to Departmental comments on the above-described recommendation report and design and construction documents such that Departmental approval of the corrosion control treatment project is achieved by December 31, 2007. 2.8 Install corrosion control treatment. In accordance with 40 CFR Part 141.80, 141.81 and 141.82, the purveyor shall have Department-approved corrosion control treatment facilities installed and in operation by June 29, 2008. 2.9 Notify consumers (treatment technique violation). The purveyor shall provide notice as required under Subpart A of Part STATE AGREED ORDER Page 7 of 10 ~ 7 of Chapter 246-290 WAC, to all customers of the Port Angeles water system that their water does not meet the treatment requirements of the federal Surface Water Treatment Rule. This notice shall be substantially similar to the "Notice to Water System Users-Inadequately Treated Water," a copy of which is included herein as Attachment A. A copy of the written notice shall be provided to the Department to verify compliance by March 30, 2007. This public notice requirement, including confirmation to the Department, shall continue thereafter every calendar quarter until approved filtration treatment is installed and operating. III. PLACE TO SUBMIT DOCUMENTS AND REQUESTS 3.1 Reports. All documents or reports required by this order to be submitted to the Department shall include the Docket No. on page 1 and be sent to Linda Kildahl, Compliance Program Manager, at PO Box 47823, Olympia, Washington 98504-7823. 3.2 Questions. Questions about compliance with this order should be sent in writing to Denise Lahmann, P.E, Regional Manager, at the above address. 3.3 Requests. A request to extend a time period to achieve compliance for good cause, or to otherwise modify the order, may be filed with the Department by sending a written request to Denise Lahmann, P.E., Regional Manager, or Andy Anderson, P.E., Regional Engineer, at the above address within the time period specified for compliance. Any such request will be reviewed and a written response provided to you within fifteen (15) days of the Department's receipt of your request. STATE AGREED ORDER Page 8 of 10 IV. SUPPLEMENTAL AND MODIFICATION 4.1 Allowed. The Department may supplement or modify this order if changes are warranted to ensure compliance with chapter 246-290 WAC or to allow for the practical ability to correct the violations. 4.2 By consent. Denise Lahmann, P.E., Regional Manager, is authorized to modify this order with your consent. V. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES Technical assistance services available from the Department may be obtained by calling Andy Anderson at (360).236-3033 or writing to him at the address listed in 3.1 above. VI. NOTICE OF PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF ORDER If you fail to comply with any provision of this order, the Department may impose upon you civil penalties of up to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per violation per day, or in the case of a violation determined to be a public health emergency, a penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per violation per day under authority of chapter 70.119A RCW. Furthermore, failure to comply with this order may result in referral to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for federal enforcement action. STATE AGREED ORDER Page 9 of 10 ." VII. OPERATING PERMIT STATUS Failure to comply with this order shall also result in the system being considered inadequate and the operating permit issued by the Department will be categorized as red. A system categorized as red may have loans, building permits and on-site sewage disposal permits denied for properties connected or to be connected to the system. SO ORDERED this ~ day of February 2007 at Turnwater, Washington. ~~~ Denise Lahmann, P.E., Regional Manager Office of Drinking Water Washington State Department of Health AGREED to this Z:Zoo').!> day of February 2007 at Y"''R\ ~~lC\..E'> , Washington. ~. tJ- Glenn A. Cutler, P.E. Director, Public Works & Utilities City of Port Angeles STATE AGREED ORDER Page 10 of 10 5.5t.o8A ... .-~ STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SOUTHWEST DRINKING WATER OPERATIONS 2411 Pacific Avenue · PO Box 47823 · Olympia, Washington 98504-7823 Tel: (360) 664-0768 · FAX: (360) 664-8058 TDD Relay Service: 1-800-833-6388 In Re: City of Port Angeles CLALLAM COUNTY Docket No. 2005-SAG-0002 10 # 68550M AGREED ORDER To: Glenn A. Cutler, P.E. Director of Public Works and Utilities City of Port Angeles 321 East Fifth Street PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, WA 98362-0217 This document constitutes a notice of correction for purposes of chapter 43.05 RCW. I. FINDINGS 1.1 Identity of system. The City of Port Angeles, a municipal corporation established under Title 35A RCW , owns and operates the City of Port Angeles water system. Glenn Cutler is the Public Works and Utilities Director for the City of Port Angeles. William Beverford is the water system manager. The system provides water for approximately'7,889 residential connections and is classified as a Group A community water system as defined in WAC 246-290- 020 (3) . 1.2 Covered by regulations. The City of Port Angeles Water System is a "public water system" as defined in RCW 70.119A.020(4). AGREED ORDER Page 1 of 6 Public Health - Always Working for a Safer and Healthier Washington ~" o ..- The City of Port Angeles is a "purveyor" as defined by WAC 246-290- 010. The operation of this public water system is governed by Chapter 246-290 WAC, the regulations of the State Board of Health regarding public water systems. 1.3 Surface water treatment requirement. The Department of Health (Department) classified the purveyor's primary source as Groundwater under the Direct Influence of Surface Water (GWI) based on the results of water quality monitoring and microscopic particulate analysis. The purveyor was notified of the classification in correspondence dated April 25, 2000. In accordance with WAC 246-290-620, groundwater sources categorized as under the direct influence of surface water must meet the requirements of the Surface Water Treatment Rule (Part 6 of chapter 246-290 WAC) . 1.4 Corrosion control treatment requirement. In July 1992, distribution water quality samples exceeded the federal action level of 1.3 mg/L for copper. A purveyor has a duty to achieve optimum corrosion control following exceedance of the copper action level in accordance with CFR 141.81 and 141.82. On March 4, 1994, the Department notified the purveyor of the requirement to achieve optimum corrosion control. 1.5 Compliance agreements. Since December 2000, the purveyor has been under Bilateral Compliance Agreements with the Department for installation of filtration facilities and installation of corrosion control treatment. The Department acknowledges that the National Park Service is currently funding and designing these facilities as mitigation for the removal of the two dams on the Elwha River as part of Public Law 102-495, the Elwha River Ecosystem and Fisheries Restoration Act. On December 12, 2003, the Department approved a project report completed by the National Park AGREED ORDER Page 2 of 6 v Service and submitted by the purveyor describing a proposed new treatment plant and the necessary pH adjustments to meet corrosion control requirements. In November 2004, the purveyor and the Department entered into a new agreement, Bilateral Compliance Agreement No. 2004-BCA-0074, allowing the purveyor additional time to complete the filtration and corrosion control treatment projects. In accordance with the agreement, construction documents for the treatment facilities were to have been submitted by February 28, 2005. As of May 25, 2005, the purveyor has failed to submit the construction documents. II. ORDER In view of the foregoing, and because the City of Port Angeles has indicated its desire to cooperate with the Department to bring the system into compliance with state drinking water regulations, under authority of WAC 246-290-050, a copy of which is included herein as Attachment I, you are ORDERED, and it is mutually agreed between the City of Port Angeles and the Department, that the City of Port Angeles will take the following actions to comply with Chapter 246-290 WAC. 2.1 Submit design. In accordance with WAC 246-290-120, the purveyor shall submit to the Department construction documents completed by the National Park Service, including drawings and specifications of filtration and related facilities including corrosion control treatment to be constructed. The construction documents must be submitted to the Department for review and approval by November 30, 2005. The construction documents must also include a corrosion control process, e.g a pH adjustment process, to reduce copper levels below the action level. AGREED ORDER Page 3 of 6 ,/ 2.2 Construction of treatment plant. In accordance with WAC Part 6 of chapter 246-290 WAC, the purveyor shall verify to the Department that construction, start-up and testing of the new treatment plant is complete by August 30, 2008. III. PLACE TO SUBMIT DOCUMENTS AND REQUESTS 3.1 Reports. All documents or reports required by this order to be submitted to the Department shall include the Docket No. on page 1 and be sent to Linda Kildahl, Compliance Program Manager, at PO Box 47823, Olympia, Washington 98504-7823. 3.2 Questions. Questions about compliance with this order should be sent in writing to Linda Kildahl, Compliance Program Manager, at the above address. 3.3 Requests. A request to extend a time period to achieve compliance for good cause, or to otherwise modify the order, may be filed with the Department by sending a written request to Linda Kildahl, Compliance Program Manager, at the above address within the time period specified for compliance. Any such request will be reviewed and a written response provided to you within fifteen (15) days of the Department's receipt of your request. IV. SUPPLEMENTAL AND MODIFICATION 4.1 Allowed. The Department may supplement or modify this order if changes are warranted to ensure compliance with chapter 246-290 WAC or to allow for the practical ability to correct the violations. AGREED ORDER Page 4 of 6 " 4.2 By consent. Mark Toy, P.E, Regional Engineer, and Linda Kildahl, Regional Compliance Manager, are authorized to modify this order with your consent. V. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES Technical assistance services available from the Department may be obtained by calling Mark Toy at (360) 586-5209 or writing to him at the address listed in 3.1 above. VI. NOTICE OF PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF ORDER If you fail to comply with any provision of this order, the Department may impose upon you civil penalties of up to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per violation per day, or in the case of a violation determined to be a public health emergency, a penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per violation per day under authority of chapter 70.119A RCW. Furthermore, failure to comply with this order may result in referral to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for federal enforcement action. VII. OPERATING PERMIT STATUS Failure to comply with this order shall also result in the system being considered inadequate and the operating permit issued by the Department will be categorized as red. A system categorized as red may have loans, building permits and on-site sewage disposal permits denied for properties connected or to be connected to the system. AGREED ORDER Page 5 of 6 ./' SO ORDERED this J~~day of July, 2005 at Olympia, Washington. ~~ Denise Lahmann, P.E., Regional Manager Office of Drinking Water Washington State Department of Health Agreed to this -z.. "l.... ~ day of S0P ~~ 2005 at ~,q<V\ ~ev.c.",1.2;J , Washington. ~~ Glenn A. Cutler, P.E. Director, Public Works & utilities City of Port Angeles AGREED ORDER Page 6 of 6