HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 03/06/2018 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington March 6, 2018 CALL'ro ORDER SPECIAL MEETING: Mayor Bruch called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5 p.m. ROLL CALL,: Members Present: Mayor Bruch, Deputy Mayor Dexter, Councilmembers French, Kidd, Merideth, Moran, and Schromen-Wam,rin. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor, N.West,and H.Greenwood. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Based on input from Attorney Bloor, Mayor Bruch announced the need for an Executive Session,under the authority of'RCW 42.30.1 10(l)(i) for the purpose of discussing potential litigation with legal counsel, for approximately 30 minutes. The Executive Session convened at 5:01 p.m. RE]]URN TO OPEN SESSION: The Executive Session concluded at 5:29 p.m. No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Bruch adjourned the Special Meeting at 5.29 p.m. CALL"IO ORDER-REGULAR MEETING: Mayor Bruch called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Bruch, Deputy Mayor Dexter, Councilmembers French, Kidd, Merideth, Moran, and Schroruen-Wawrin. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: City Manager McKeen, Attorney Bloor,Clerk Veneklasen, E. Moore,K. Dubuc, C'. Fulton,J. Viada, T. Agesson,and N.West. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Bruch led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. CEREMONIAL MATTERS, PROCLAMATIONS& EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONS 1. Proclamation Celebrating 50"Anniversary of the League of Women Voters of Clallam County Mayor Bruch read the proclamation recognizing the League of Women Voters of Clallarn County, an organization that encourages informed and active participation of all citizens in their government. Linda Benson, President of the League, and Vicci Ruddin, League member, invited the public to their March 18 celebration at the Old Dungeness Schoolhouse. 2. Proclamation of Appreciation for AtneriCorps Volunteers Mayor Bruch read the Proclamation and designated March 11-17 as ArneriCorps Week in Port Angeles. She noted that in 2018,over the course of their service year,Ameri(,'orps members serving in Port Angeles will have volunteered a collective 19,800 hours,dedicating their time to our community through programs that serve youth of various ages and backgrounds, and the environment through community education. Carrie Sanford and Michell Gentry of PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING-- March 6,201 ArneriCorps, as well as four ArneriCorps mernbers, accepted the proclamation. Ms. Gentry administered the AmeriC,orps oath to the Council and were designated honorary members for the week. PUB1111111,1C COMMENT: Bill Atkinson, 1702 West Fourth Street,said there would be a meeting about citizen participation in community safety held in the Carver Room at the Port Angeles Library. ]LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACED ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENDAS as determined A17 Cin,Alanager or Councilmember- I. At the request of Councilmeniber Schrornen-Wawrin,the Mayor added a discussion about hosting the A WC (Association of lVashington Cities) Evwvials lVebinar Series, as a Special City Council Meeting, to the agenda as Item 1-4. 2. Manager McKeen pulled item JI,the Light Operations Temporary T'acility Lease. noting that the lease was not complete and that staff wanted Council to have adequate time to review it before considering approval. CONSENT AGENDA: It was,moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Kidd to approve the Consent Agenda to include: I. City Council Minutes: February 20,2018 1 Expenditure Report: Front February 10 to February 23,2018 in the amount of S 1,172,261.92 3. Parks,Recreation&Beautification Commission Appointments 4. Civil Service Commission Appointment 5. Extension to Forest Land Response Agreement with the Department of Natural Resources 6. Utility Advisory Committee Appointments Motion carried 7-0. RESOLUTIONS NOT REOUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS: 2. Resolution Adopting 2018 Community Work Plan Manager McKeen spoke about the Community Work, Plan, saying it included major projects that go beyond the day- to-day activities of the City. Ile noted that there were 78 major projects or activities outlined in the plan,and that the updated plan identifies those items that are state or federally mandated, as well as those that are part of Council's 2- year strategic plan or part of the American Institutes of Architects(AIA)study. Mayor Bruch read the resolution by title,entitled, RESOLLTION NO.03-18 A resolution of the City Council adopting the City 2018 Community Work Plan. Council discussion followed. It was moved by Dexter and seconded by French to: Pass the resolution of the City adopting the 2018 work plan. Alotion carried 7-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Plastic Bag Policy Ordinance Attorney Bloor offered background on the ordinance,saying that it started as an initiative brought forward by a group of.citizens in January, and that Council had instructed the l,egal Department to prepare an ordinance modeled after the City of Bellingham. Mayor Bruch opened the public hearing at 6:31 p.m. James 1,--ran, 345 Bear Meadow Road, read a statement from Janet Marx, Chair of the Sierra Club North Olympic Group,requesting that Council approve the reusable bag initiative. Page 2 of 5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING—March 6, 2018 Mindy Gelder, 650 Quail Run Road, spoke in favor of the bag ordinance and suggested a slight amendment to section 5.95.020E,adding produce bags. Bill Atkinson,asked if the community would have a chance to see the ordinance, Michele Scouten, 3528 Canyon Edge Drive, spoke in favor of the ordinance and outlined how she as a cat owner cleans up after her pets without using single-use plastic bags. Barbara Po7nanovic,P.O. Box 113 in Joyce,spoke against a ban and instead encouraged more,recycling bins. Krista Ernmit,286 Henry Boyd Road.,spoke against a plastic-bag ban,saying that it was unnecessary and would cause hardship on community members who already struggle financially. Chris Frank,320 West Ninth Street,spoke in favor of a ban saying it was a policy nudge that is perfect for a community like Port Angeles and will help people quickly adjust habits. Maroloce Smith,P.O. Box 2498,suggested that proposed resolutions be posted as a separate webpage item. Becca Manson, 824 Billy Smith Road, spoke about the impacts plastic bags have on the environment. She asked the Council to pass a plastic bag ban. Brenda Manson, 824 Billy Smith Road, spoke in favor of a plastic bag ban and said her students at Stevens Middle School support the ban, Tom Butler, 2946 fast Bay Street, said that plastic bags are a convenience that people can do without. fie, recommended de-plasticizing as much as possible. Allyson Mahaney, 1 58 Eck-ard Avenue, said as the mother of three children,she feels adults owe it to the kids in the community to protect the environment for them, Steve Fradkin,511 East 11"Street,said that as a marine biologist he knows that plastic bags are monstrously harmful to the environment,and that he supports the ban. Adam Logan,624 Olympic Hot Springs Road,said that as a high school marine science teacher,he hopes that he can talk to his classes about the solutions Port Angeles is implementing through the ban. Mua7g,ez Eren, 110 East Thirteenth Street,would like to see the City go slow and easy with enforcement. Artur Wojinowski, 1714 West 6"Street,spoke against the ban and offered other ideas, Marolee Smith,P.O.Box 2498,suggested citizens receive a 5 cents credit when bringing their own bag. Kendra Sullivan, 1719 West Tenth Street,said not all plastics are recyclable. Sophia GLI, 903 South Albert Street, said plastic bags are one of the items that are recycled the least. She said that anyone who eats fish should care about the plastic chemicals that are in the oceans. Council discussion followed. There was a consensus of support among Council for the penalties section of the ordinance, as well as a provision requiring bags that are green or brown, such as those used in produce, to be compostable. Mayor Bruch conducted a first reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance of the,City of Pori Angeles,Washington,creating a new single-use carryout bag policy Chapter 5.95 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Page 3 of 5 ]PORTANGEI-ES CITY (70UNCIL, MEETING —March ti, 21 Mayor Bruch continued the public hearing to March 20"'. Mayor Bruch recessed the meeting for a break at 7:57 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:05 p.m. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Water Use Efficiency Goals Jason flart, Water/Wastewater Superintendent, gave a presentation on the Water Use Efficiency(WUE) program at the C ity, including a history of the program, rule components, and goals. Superintendent flart outlined the department's actual water loss reduction over the past 10 years, Council discussion followed, It was moved by Schromen-NNIawrin and seconded by Dexter to: Approve the water supply and water demand goals for the City's 2018-2024 Water Use Efficiency program., as outlined in the proposed updated Water System Plan. Motion carried 7-0. 2. Water System Plan Update Jeff Bender, Civil/Utility Engineer, presented the Water System Plan updates. His presentation included a look at elements of the plan,significant changes, capital improvements.,and the approval process. Council discussion followed, It was moved by French and seconded by Dexter to: Approve the Water System Plan,enabling fort-nal approval by the Washington State Department of Health. Motion carried 7-0. ORDINANCES NOT REQUIRING COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Ordinance Adopting Policies for Purchasing& Bidding Acting Finance Director 'fess Agesson summarized the need for the ordinance as well as the resolution adopting certain financial policies. At the request of Council, Acting Director Agesson explained the changes to the Firemen's Pension Fund and its related policy. Mayor Brach conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled, ORDINANCE NO.3603 An ordinance of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, creating a new Chapter 3.05 Purchasing Policies and Procedures of the Port Angeles Municipal Code providing procedures to be followed in approving purchase orders and signing checks. It was moved by French and seconded by Dexter to: Approve ordinance as read. Motion carried 7-0. RESOLUTIONS NOT REQUIRING PUBLIC HEARINGS CONTINUE]): 1. Resolution Adopting Financial Policies/Itent H-1 was included in memo./br ftein G-1 It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to: Pass the Resolution [NO.04-181 adopting the City's amended Financial Policy and rescinding Resolution 10-14. Motion carried 7-0. OTHER CONSIDERA,rIONS CONTINUED: 3. Appoint Ad Hoc Committee to Review Applications for LTAC and Planning Commission Community & Economic Development Director Nathan West said recent changes in code gave Council the opportunity to appoint an ad hoc committee to review applications for certain advisory boards, and that staff was recommending that Council appoint a 2-member committee to review Lodging Tax Advisory Committee and Planning Commission applications. The committee would bring back a recommendation to the Council as to appointments. Page 4 of 5 PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL MEETING —March 6,2018 Ma , nd Councifinembers Merideth and yor Bruch recommended the ad hoc committee be comprised of herself, a Schromen-Wawrin. Council agreed by consensus to approve Mayor Bruch"s recommendation. 4. AWC Essentials Webinar Series as a Special Council Meeting Councilmember Schronten-Wamin noted that the Association of Washington Cities was having a four-part webinar series,,Elected Officials Essentials. I le said the registration fee was just$125,and by watching it collectively,it would be a cost effective way to provide training for the City Council. It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by French to: Direct the City Clerk to arrange for AWC's four-part Elected Officials Essentials webinar series to be shown as a public meeting of the Council, with the first event on Match 201. Motion carried 6,-1,with Councilmember Merideth opposed. CONTRACTS & PURCHASING 1. Light Operations Temporary Facility Lease/Postponed until March 20,2018. CIIN COUNCIL REPORTS: Councilinertiber Moran said he and Mayor Bruch attended the,Maritime It Committee meeting.He spoke about the North Olympic History Center's History Tales event held the first Sunday of every month. Councilmember French said he would be in the VIMO(Volunteers in Medicine in the Olympics)booth at the upcoming Home Show, Councilmernber Schromen-Wmwin thanked Council, , public,and staff for the evening's work on the plastic bag ordinance. He attended the Strait Ecosystem Recovery Network LIC)meeting which is an organization that looks at ecological restoration planning. He praised ClallaniTransit for its innovative work. Deputy Mayor Dexter will be joining Councilmember Schromen-Wawrin at the Clallant Transit Board orientation. Ms. Dexter also said she was getting good feedback about Council's intention to be available to talk with the public at other venues including at Peninsula College. (7ouncilmember Merideth attended the William Shore Pool Board meeting and said it was exciting that they are moving forward with expansion of the pool. Councilmernber Kidd praised the William Shore Pool,saying it had been very successful,that attendance is up, and that they would soon be looking at architecture for expansion. Mayor Bruch reported that the Marine Resources Committee is looking at oil spill preparedness. She said she'd been getting emails from people asking Councilmembers to respond to their entails. Mayor Bruch met with a woman who wants,art added to the 8"' Street Bridges,and a Stevens Middle School student who wants Council to ban styrofoam. Site said the Women in Politics panel turned out well and was attended by almost 50 people. INFORMATION: Manager McKeen noted that there was $350,000 in the negotiated State budget earmarked for the 811 Street Bridge protective screening project,with the final vote expected in the next few days. Director Fulton gave an update on the progress of the 81"Street Bridge protective screening project. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Bruch adjourned the meeting at 9:36 p.m. e­ C Sissi Brach,Mayor crunfet Venek I I asen, City Cleri Page 5 of 5