HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.570 Original Contract
5. SiD
This Agreement is entered into this -<{.tA.day of '1Vtv, J1~ , 2003, by and between the City
of Port Angeles (City) and Olympic Ambulance Serv~ympic Ambulance or private
WHEREAS, since May, 1988, the City and Olympic Ambulance have been cooperating in
providing emergency medical services within the City of Port Angeles in compliance with an
Operational Procedures Agreement and the City's Ambulance Business License Ordinance, Ch. 5.08
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (P AMC); and
WHEREAS, the 1988 Operational Procedures Agreement needs to be updated to incorporate
changes in the Ambulance Business License Ordinance and changes in the protocols and procedures
that the parties agree are appropriate; and
WHEREAS, Olympic Ambulance has requested the City to be able to utilize the City's
paramedics for out-of-town ambulance transports based upon medical necessity and the
unavailabihty of Olympic Ambulance's paramedics;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above representations and the agreements set
forth herein, the City and Olympic Ambulance hereby agree as follows:
1. Cooperation Agreement. The CIty and Olympic Ambulance will cooperate fully in
providing emergency medical services (EMS) within the City of Port Angeles in
compliance with the protocols and procedures set forth herein and in Chapter 5.08
2. Definitions. The terms used in this Agreement shall have the same meanings as set
forth in Ch. 5.08 P AMC.
3. General Rule. As a general rule, the City's Medic I program responds and provides
service to all EMS calls for patients within the City, including transportation to the
OlympIC Medical Center (OMC), if the patient is determined by the emergency room
physician, either by direct communication or adopted protocol, to require advanced
life support services. If the Medic I patient does not require advanced life support,
the private carrier, if available, transports the patient to OMC. All transports from
OMC to designations in and out ofthe City are provided by the private carrier.
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4. Periodic Audits. To ensure the parties are complying with the terms of thIS
agreement, periodic audits will be conducted ofthose Incidents where patients were
released to the private carrier for transport. Periodic audits will be conducted by the
County's Medical Program Director andlor a representative of the Port Angeles Fire
Department and shall include the full cooperation of Olympic Ambulance and its
employees, including City paramedics hired by Olympic Ambulance, consistent with
legal requirements pertaining to patient confidentiality.
5. Dispatch and Radio Communication Procedures.
a. Emergency medical dispatching services will be provided as set forth herein
by the emergency communications center operated by the Port Angeles Police
Department (PenCom).
b. Port Angles Medic I units will be dispatched on all emergency requests for
medical aid received within the City of Port Angeles, except that for requests
for basic life support (BLS) transports from nursing homes to OMC, the
private carrier will be dIspatched.
c. Dispatching the private carrier to calls requesting Medic I services within the
City shall only be done at the request of Medic I personnel, except for BLS
nursing home calls.
d. Olympic Ambulance is hereby authorized to operate two mobile radio units
under the Port Angeles Fire Radio Service KNGD 464, 154.220mHz. This
authority may be withdrawn by the City without cause and is subject to the
following conditions:
(i) Communications shall be only for emergency purposes and then solely to
facilitate the response, including patient care and transportation, by the City's
Medic I program and the Clallam County Rural Fire Protection District No.
2 (District 2) EMS response.
(ii) Communication is authorized between Olympic Ambulance mobiles and
Port Angeles Fire and Medic I units and District 2 EMS units. No
communication is authorized between Olympic Ambulance mobiles except in
emergency conditions.
(iii) Communications shall be brief and professional in nature. PenCom shall
be addressed as "dispatch". Ambulances shall identify themselves as
"Olympic Ambulance".
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(iv) Authorization is limited to two land mobile FCC accepted radios,
maximum of 50 watts mput, installed in ambulances operating in the Port
Angeles and District 2 area.
(v) Olympic Ambulance agrees to hold the City of Port Angeles harmless and
defend the City against any claims or suits that may arise out of or be caused
by or be connected with the use of the fire radio service frequency as provided
under the authorization set forth herein.
6. Emergency Response Protocols
a. Medic I personnel shall determine if the private carrier is to respond code to
any EMS call within the City received by PenCom.
b. The private carrier may use vehicle-mounted infrared signal emitters to
acquire emergency lane control when responding code on Medic I requested
calls within the City or when responding code to or from an EMS call outside
the City.
7. Medical Protocols
a. To expedite patient care, Medic I personnel may request the private carrier to
be dispatched to any EMS call within the CIty, when Medic I personnel
determine that it is reasonably likely that the patient requires only BLS
services. (An example of this situation would be if PenCom were to report
that the patient has a sporting injury such as a possible fractured wrist.)
Alternatively, Medic I personnel may wait until they have arrived at the scene
and have performed a basic examination before requesting a private carrier to
the scene for BLS transport. Medic I personnel will transport BLS patients
only after verifying that the private carrier is not available, or that the patient
originates from Harborcrest, Ediz Hook, or areas west of the airport, or that
the patient is at an event or activity where the City's reserve medic unit is
providing standby service.
b. Medic I personnel may request a private carrier to respond code to any request
for Medic I services in the City if Medic I personnel determine that a delayed
response by Medic I personnel could be detrimental to the patient's condition
or if the gravity of the incident could exceed the resources of the Medic I
program. The private carrier will transport ALS Medic I patients only after
Medic I personnel have made such a request.
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8. Transportation Protocols
a. Once the private carner has committed to transporting a BLS patient (i.e.
taken medical control of the patient), the private carrier will not be released
from the call to answer calls outside the City until the private carrier has
cleared from the patient.
b. It is expected that the private carrier, when requested for BLS transport, shall
be on the air withm two minutes from tIme of tone out. If the private carrier
is unable to be enroute within a reasonable period of time as determined by
Medic I personnel at the scene, Medic I personnel will prepare to transport
BLS patients to OMC. Once the patient has been placed on a Medic I gurney,
no transfer will be allowed. The private carrier will keep PenCom advised
when the private carrier is unavailable for response or if a delayed response
will occur.
9. Use of City Paramedics for Out-of-Town Transports. The City agrees to allow
Olympic Ambulance to temporarily hire off-duty City paramedics for out-of-town
transports. City paramedics hired by Olympic Ambulance will be employees of
Olympic Ambulance and not considered in any way to be City employees during the
out-of-town transport.
10. Hold Harmless. Olympic Ambulance shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the
City, its officers, officials, and employees, and volunteers against and from any and
all claims, injunes, damages, losses, or suits, including attorneys fees, arising out of
or resulting from the acts, errors, or omissions of Olympic Ambulance or its
employees, including City paramedics hired by Olympic Ambulance, in the
performance of this Agreement.
11. Insurance. Olympic Ambulance shall procure and maintain for the duration of the
Agreement insurance against claims for injuries or damage to property, which may
arise from or in connection with the performance of this Agreement, with the
following insurance limits:
1. Automobile liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit
for bodily injury and property damage of $1 ,000,000 per accident.
2. Commercial general liability insurance with limits of not less than
$1,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate.
3. Professional liability insurance with limits of no less than $1,000,000
per claim.
12. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date of execution of this
Agreement and continue untIl terminated by either party giving to the other party one
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year's written notice. Subsequent to termination, each party shall have the nght to
assert any legal or equitable position available to them under the laws of the State of
Washington, as if the parties had not previously entered into this agreement.
13. Parties Benefitted. This Agreement is entered into for the benefit of the parties to the
Agreement only and shall offer no benefits, direct or implied, on any third persons.
DATEDthis <-ItA... dayof~Jt~L ,2003.
---bY: Glenn Wiggins, Mayor
attest: Beck. on, City Clerk
approved as to form:
;' ! )-1.
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5. 57D,')...
This Agreement is entered into this I d:f:"llay of ~OO 1, by and between the City
of Port Angeles (City) and Olympic Ambulance Service, In'b4plympic Ambulance or private
WHEREAS, since May, 1988, the City and Olympic Ambulance have been cooperating in
providing emergency medical services within the City of Port Angeles in compliance with an
Operational Procedures Agreement and the City's Ambulance Business License Ordinance, Ch. 5.08
of the Port Angeles Municipal Code (PAMC); and
WHEREAS, the 1988 Operational Procedures Agreement needs to be updated to incorporate
changes in the Ambulance Business License Ordinance and changes in the protocols and procedures
that the parties agree are appropriate; and
WHEREAS, Olympic Ambulance has requested the City to be able to utilize the City's
paramedics for out-of-town ambulance transports based upon medical necessity and the
unavailability of Olympic Ambulance's paramedics;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ofthe above representations and the agreements set
forth herein, the City and Olympic Ambulance hereby agree as follows:
1. Cooperation Agreement. The City and Olympic Ambulance will cooperate fully in
providing emergency medical services (EMS) within the City of Port Angeles in
compliance with the protocols and procedures set forth herein and in Chapter 5.08
2. Definitions. The terms used in this Agreement shall have the same meanings as set
forth in Ch. 5.08 P AMC.
3. General Rule. As a general rule, the City's Medic I program responds and provides
service to all EMS calls for patients within the City, including transportation to the
Olympic Medical Center (OMC), if the patient is determined by the emergency
room physician, either by direct communication or adopted protocol, to require
advanced life support services. Ifthe Medic I patient does not require advanced life
support, the private carrier, if available, transports the patient to OMC. All
transports from OMC to designations in and out of the City are provided by the
private carrier.
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4. Dispatch and Radio Communication Procedures.
a. Emergency medical dispatching services will be provided as set forth herein
by the emergency communications center operated by the Port Angeles
Police Department (PenCom).
b. Port Angles Medic I units will be dispatched on all emergency requests for
medical aid received within the City of Port Angeles, except that for requests
for basic life support (BLS) transports from nursing homes to OMC, the
private carrier will be dispatched.
c. Dispatching the private carrier to calls requesting Medic I services within the
City shall only be done at the request of Medic I personnel, except for BLS
nursing home calls.
d. Olympic Ambulance is hereby authorized to operate two mobile radio units
under the Port Angeles Fire Radio Service KNGD 464, 154.220mHz. This
authority may be withdrawn by the City without cause and is subject to the
following conditions:
(i) Communications shall be only for emergency purposes and then solely to
facilitate the response, including patient care and transportation, by the City's
Medic I program and the Clallam County Rural Fire Protection District No.
2 (District 2) EMS response.
(ii) Communication is authorized between Olympic Ambulance mobiles and
Port Angeles Fire and Medic I units and District 2 EMS units. No
communication is authorized between Olympic Ambulance mobiles except in
emergency conditions.
(iii) Communications shall be brief and professional in nature. PenCom shall
be addressed as "dispatch". Ambulances shall identify themselves as
"Olympic Ambulance".
(iv) Authorization is limited to two land mobile FCC accepted radios,
maximum of 50 watts input, installed in ambulances operating in the Port
Angeles and District 2 area.
(v) Olympic Ambulance agrees to hold the City of Port Angeles harmless and
defend the City against any claims or suits that may arise out of or be caused
by or be connected with the use ofthe fire radio service frequency as provided
under the authorization set forth herein.
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5. Emergency Response Protocols
a. Medic I personnel shall determine if the private carrier is to respond code to
any EMS call within the City received by PenCom.
b. The private carrier may use vehicle-mounted infrared signal emitters to
acquire emergency lane control when responding code on Medic I requested
calls within the City or when responding code to or from an EMS call outside
the City.
6. Medical Protocols
a. To expedite patient care, Medic I personnel may request the private carrier to
be dispatched to any EMS call within the City, when Medic I personnel
determine that it is reasonably likely that the patient requires only BLS
services. (An example of this situation would be if PenCom were to report
that the patient has a sporting injury such as a possible fractured wrist.)
Alternatively, Medic I personnel may wait until they have arrived at the scene
and have performed a basic examination before requesting a private carrier to
the scene for BLS transport. Medic I personnel will transport BLS patients
only after verifying that the private carrier is not available, or that the patient
originates from Harborcrest, Ediz Hook, or areas west of the airport, or that
the patient is at an event or activity where the City's reserve medic unit is
providing standby service.
b. Medic I personnel may request a private carrier to respond code to any request
for Medic I services in the City if Medic I personnel determine that a delayed
response by Medic I personnel could be detrimental to the patient's condition
or if the gravity of the incident could exceed the resources of the Medic I
program. The private carrier will transport ALS Medic I patients only after
Medic I personnel have made such a request.
7. Transportation Protocols
a. Once the private carrier has committed to transporting a BLS patient (i.e.
taken medical control of the patient), the private carrier will not be released
from the call to answer calls outside the City until the private carrier has
cleared from the patient.
b. It is expected that the private carrier, when requested for BLS transport, shall
be on the air within two minutes from time of tone out. If the private carrier
is unable to be enroute within a reasonable period of time as determined by
Medic I personnel at the scene, Medic I personnel will prepare to transport
BLS patients to OMC. Once the patient has been placed on a Medic I gurney,
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no transfer will be allowed. The private carrier will keep PenCom advised
when the private carrier is unavailable for response or if a delayed response
will occur.
8. Use of City Paramedics for Out-of-Town Transports.
a. Medical Necessity and Unavailability of Other Paramedics. The City agrees
to allow Olympic Ambulance to use City paramedics for occasional out-of-
town transports, provided that such use shall be based on medical necessity
and the unavailability of other paramedics and shall be in accordance with the
provisions of Section 8 of this Agreement.
b. Request. On such occasion as justified by medical necessity and the
unavailability of other paramedics, Olympic Ambulance may request through
PenCom that the City provide a paramedic for an out-of-town transport.
PenCom will contact the Port Angeles Fire Department (Fire Department) to
determine in its sole discretion if an off-duty paramedic is available and will
notify Olympic Ambulance accordingly. The Fire Department will contact the
off-duty paramedic and will direct the paramedic when and where to report.
c. Equipment and EMT. Olympic Ambulance shall provide at least the
minimum equipment requested by applicable State of Washington regulations
for ALS ambulances. In addition to the City's off-duty paramedic, Olympic
Ambulance shall provide an emergency medical technician who is familiar
with the equipment and its location.
d. Payment. Olympic Ambulance shall reimburse the City for the off-duty
paramedic's services at the paramedic's overtime rate including benefits.
Payment shall be calculated from the time of arrival at the ambulance until the
ambulance returns and is put back in service. The City shall invoice Olympic
Ambulance, setting forth the actual service time and all-inclusive hourly rate
per paramedic used. Olympic Ambulance shall remit payment to the City
within 20 calendar days after the invoice is mailed. The City shall be solely
responsible for allocating the paramedic's pay and benefits, including
withholding of federal income tax and social security and any and all other
employee benefits.
e. Employment Status. During the transport service, the paramedic will continue
to be a City employee and to function under the Clallam County patient care
protocol and the policies and procedures of the Fire Department.
f. Liability. Olympic Ambulance shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the
City, its officers, officials, and employees, and volunteers against and from
any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses, or suits, including attorneys fees,
arising out of or resulting from the acts, errors, or omissions of Olympic
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Ambulance or the City or the City's paramedics in the performance of this
g. Insurance. Olympic Ambulance shall procure and maintain for the duration
of the Agreement insurance against claims for injuries or damage to property,
which may arise from or in connection with the performance of this
Agreement, with the following insurance limits:
1. Automobile liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit
for bodily injury and property damage of $1 ,000,000 per accident.
2. Commercial general liability insurance with limits of not less than
$1,000,000 for each occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate.
3. Professional liability insurance with limits of no less than $1,000,000
per claim.
9. Term. The term ofthis Agreement shall commence on the date of execution ofthis
Agreement and continue until terminated by either party giving to the other party one year's written
notice. Subsequent to termination, each party shall have the right to assert any legal or equitable
position available to them under the laws of the State of Washington, as if the parties had not
previously entered into this agreement.
10. Parties Benefitted. This Agreement is entered into for the benefit of the parties to
the Agreement only and shall offer no benefits, direct or implied, on any third persons.
DATED this fAt..- day of ~~ ' 2001.
. ( r
, I
approved as to form:
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