HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.606-2 Original Contract OCT-20-2005 09:31 ~~1o~~;rs . . Lacey, Wa 98509 ~ (360)438-2211 1'1 (360)438-3614 Fax rvice Agreement Wed. Oct 192005 ~ PagerIt (866) 65M787 P.002 Client Information: 5. (p D ~ ::;- Amber Mozingo 5fl] /tX- Recreation CoMIinator Port Angeles Patka & Recreation f-I~~ PO Bole 1150 ~1.> Port Angeles WA. 98362 ~ "..-j 360417 4S23 ~', ~ EIeGt Reqd: " OVl2OA-1 1 total Fax:360-417-4559 ~t9J' ,-;r:j Elect Supply. Party Outfitters Genera 0 Event Contact Amber MozIngo Contad Phone ~99 Begin Date: Sat. Aug 05 06 End Date: Sat. Aug OS 06 Invoicot(s): 07316 Payment Type: Check PO Number: eel laSt four: CC Exp: CC Zip: Begin Time: 1:00 PM End TIIIlO: 5:00 PM set 11me (eppx) , 1:00 AM InIOu&door: Outdoor SUfface~: Grass Event SIte: Erickson Parte Addre8a: Comer of Race & 4th City: Port Angeles Contract Amount: Deposit: Balance Due: $5,692.50 $2.846.25 $2,846.25 Games Rented: RACE OF CHAMPIONS ROCKY MOUNTAIN CUMBEA(2PL Y) LOONEY TUNES ClUBHOUSE BOUNCER FIRE TRUCK SUDE 60FT OBSTACLE COURSE GEN POWER ADOmONAl INSURANCe Cont ou. DaIr. DeposIt Due Date: 10J2012005 1211512005 ID: 29082 Notes & Special Roquiremon..: Oepositl$ due Ol'l December 1 S. 2005. Final payment is due AugllSt 5, 2006. the day of the event prior to setup. Port Angeles Parks & Rec Is responsible to provide nine (9) adult (18+) volunteers to do !he setup. teardown and to supervise the games during the event. Party Outftlter.l win plOVide two(2) unifonn8d sfaff members to fasclllllate the setup. operation. teardown of the games and will train Port Ageles Park$ & Rec. adult SUI". If for some reuon an item/equipment thalls a pan of ltlIs event can, tle utiliZed. Clue to the fault of Party Outfitters. Party Outfitter.l wiD credit back the,value 10 the item, for the length of lIme It was not used. Addltlonallnsuranc:e ha& been Ol'deled. adding City of Po" Angeles P8I1c8 & Aec. as addtionalIy insured. 1. lMIe confilm that pennlNlon Ila8 been granted by the cItyIcountyl~ owner to use the facility at the address named abOve. and that all reQuirements maCle 1>y lI'Iem Q& 10 it's uae t'l8\IG been met. 2 If you are prOviding staffing for 1Jlis event It will tle the responsibllily of any C1ient-provided staff to aupeMse the games and activities and to ensuro tM safety of partJClpants. It IS also your responsIbUlty to provIcte adUIl staff for setup and teardown of the games. If you do not provide the required adult staff for all of Ihe setup of the games. party 0utfi1tetS is not responsible for late atatts. If you dO not provide adult volunteers for setup and teardown of ~. you will aI$O be c;harged an additional $75.00 per game. # of Client Provided SI8ff: L.!..J 3. lIWe underStand that. cancellation fee of $0% of the contract &mOunt win be assessed if the event is cancelled 8t any time prior to delivery. Ther9 are no reIuncIe on equipment once It .. In traneII, eVen " It Is not used. The balance due under this contrac:t is due prior to setup of equipment at the avant (unless prior arrangsments have been made. such as POI). Any additional tlm81nctJlT8d beyond the reserved time will be prorated accordingly and added to the balance due. RentIIr of equipment lIUUIMS all rtslcs assod8t8d with ...theM'eI8I8d deleY8 and/or interruptions of the equipment once it i. deli>Ieted. Safety... priority over weather conditions. hrty Ou&fitters staff have flmII say of when ovent conditions a:matltutlt. _rely hllZaJ'd. In the event of heavy I8ln andt'or stIong winds such the equipment cannot be safely used and the eV$nt Is cancelled D~J.R sallviIY the deposlt will be credited to a newly $CII8dUled event to be completed wittlm 30 dayS of Original event date mutually agreed to b8lween the fllnter and Party 0ulfitt8r.l. 4. The area requiTed ferUle equipment Is spec\fied In the ca1alog. Be sure to allow extra room around the perimeter and tOP of the game for safety. four foot minimum clearance required. It Is the responsl)lllly of the renter to ensure the ectivlty area 18 adequate for the Party Outfitters equipment including stagIng and runup areas for Ihe games. There are no refunds on equipment once Ie IS deIIvereel. Party 0utf1ttel'B is not responsible for aroos in which the equipment will not fie or areas whlch may be wom or fIaltened by use of the equipment The area must be level. tree of rocl<s and any ob~ which may interfere with the use 01. or cause damage to Party Outfitters' equipment. 5. FOt eQuipment requiring eIee1dcIty. electltC8l supply (no GFCI OUlIets) Shall be available within 50 feet of the equipment. party Outfitlels is not responsible for inadequate power suppled by the renter via hOSt-Supplied facilities endIor generatOrS. If electricaJ is not lMIllable. Party Outfitters may provtde a generator In advance at an addlUonaI fee. Thet8 are no refunds due to lack of electrical supply for any games once they are dellveted. 6. It is the r9S\')C)nslbllIty of the r~ to Inspect and approve the placement of the equipment. and to notify Party OutfIUelt of atfY coocems the renter has regarding same before tI'Ie equipment has been erec:led. Discounted prices require client to supp/y acfulCs for setup, operatlon and teat(jown of games. Sufficient acceea to the 8IClivity area must be provided by the renter for purposes 01 setting up end faking dOwn tne equipment (ie setupltakedown requiring stairs or inclines may be subject to aclCIiIionaI setupltakedown charges). 7. The renter agrees to 8IIow Ihe Party Outfitters representatives 1uI1 discretion as to tne number and content of eac:h group of participants to maintam safe use of1ne equiPment. ~v .1l4\.. y~.v_ "" I....d IKh...lw_ _.d j,.d\..I...;f7 Pt.-I; el.U:lt",__~.lf UJ. _ . ~h,,___ .a J NplRlllrlltill8S V9Al f!\llHi1!ii it iAjWA88 reaLI':". f.!... the a.ttl~, essa. ll!.,lteI, and taauf~~. of e...;ptI....t a'tG.nded by F'e.1) ~1fitlc.6 l\" ...1........(7 v. ....._.... r irl.lt.lfll1fj I!e.AleID.... aud 4~lSMeer' I'fO'lIIded 1\., f.ll....:ft16 ....r .....1. all'N 1he PBfly 9uIIIBIIll rB,r88eAlldheB i MlRy'ee 81 ~lIl'-\lln~lIr ) rCl ~I. ~......!o f(>. ..ecelM>,lte1ff &.~ I have read. understood and agre& to abide 1>y all of the terms of thia contracl. I am rMhotized to sign this oonttact Ol'l behalf of the aDove named company. FacsimIle signatures and facsimile c:ontrac:t 8haII be lr8aled as I!IndIn9 orlg!1als. 'L . ,_ ,:&p, iJ/ArH'". /~ ~ Date: I;), tliJ~ Printed Name: TItIe:u- . /~~c. Signature: /;, ~ VWv /., 1. Vb IvJ/.lJl1-iYI /I. !i1l:""1A/~ OCT-20-2005 09:32 PARTY OUTFITTERS AI. ... Party Outfitters, Inc. PO Bar 8489 Lacey. W.9850&08489 fecit 81.1870058 (360)438-2211 (380)438-3614 Fax P.003 If.ftt'/~i!~@ Invoice 10/~S_J-~I~= BILL TO: Port AngeIe8 Parfc8 & Reaeatioft --......- -,"~...-. Amber Mozingo PO Box 1150 Port Angelea WA, 98362 Purchase Order Payment Terms Balance Due Date DeposIt Due Date REP Payment Type See Below 815/2006 12/1512005 sam Levine Check DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Saturday, August 05, 2006 I From I 1:00 PM To r 5:00 PM RACE OF CHAMPIONS RQO(Y MOUNTAIN alMBER(2PLY) LOONEY TUNES a.uBHOUSE ToIal Cost For All BOUNCER FIRE TRUCK SlIDE 60FT OBSTAaE COURSE GEN POWER ADDMONAL Items Usted INSURANCE $5,692.50 "...... Party OutfitterS will provide power, delivery, and professional on-site training for the safe operation SOCM. Deposit Due and supervision of the games by yoW'voIunteers. OUr goal is to have all prodUds delivered to the on Date Usted Above event site within adequate ume to haVe all games set up and functional by event start time. Your cooperation is essential In our ~ Please advise wlunl2ers to arrlve no later than 11:00 AM on the day of the event to assure the expeded results on setup and start times. With the c:ooperatlon of $2,846.25 your adult volunteers, our 908115 to ensure maximum safety and fun for all partJdpants. OJstomer and volunteer support 15 appredated. Deposit is due on December 15, 2005. Final payment is due August 5, 2006, the day of the event prior to setup. Port Angeles Parks &. Rec is responsible to provide nine (9) adult (18+) volunteers to dO u,e setup, teardown and to supervise the games durfng the event. Party OUtfitters will provide two(2) uniformed staff members to fasdllltate the setup, operatiOn, teardown of the games and will train Port Ageles Parks & Rec. adult scaff. It for some reason an item/equipment that Is a part of this event can't be utiliZed, due to the fault d Party ~, Party OuUitho.s will aedlt back the value to the Item, for the length of tfme It was not used. Additional Insuranee has been ordered, addIng Oty d Port Angeles Parks at Rec. as addtionaUy insured. .'Thank you for choosing Party outfttters. We look forward to serving you! Balance Due Date Batance Due 8/5/2006 $2,846.25 OCT-20-2005 09:33 PARTY OUTFITTERS P.005 ". j ..' j ,~i ~. '" t .. 'J:;~T~I".""~ t" .a;~' ~ I ,'.~,. Just a Few Notes to Help Your Event Go Smoothly: 1. Games are not reserved until we l"8Qeive a signed Service Agreement. To ensure that you get the games that you want, please fax back your Service Agreement as soon as possible to 360-438-3614. 2. If a deposit is required on your event, please mail it within 1 0 days of receipt of invoice. 3. If a balance is due on your event, please note that it is due prior to setup of the games unless prior arrangements have been made. A Party Outfitters' staff person will request payment upon arrival at your event. 4. You must provide directions to your event site. A map is also very helpful. Please fax directions to us when you fax your Service Agreement. Our fax number is 360-438- 3614. 5. Electrical Required: If you are supplying electrical power at your event, please ensure that adequate electrical is available. The electrical requirements are specified on your Service Agreement. Please note: for Inflatable games, power must be located within SO feet of the inflation fan. Washington State Regulations (WAC 296-403- 240) prohibit the use of extension cords for these games" therefore" be prepared to have adequate power located within 50 feet of the Inflation fan. If your not sure, please oonsult with your facility custodian to make sure that power is available. We cannot be held responsible for inadequate electrical power. 6. If Party Outfitters is supplying the labor, we will perfonn all of the setup, supervision and teardown of the games. 7. Only if you are supplying adult volunteers for your event: Please read the Service Agreement to review the requirements. Note that if adult volunteers are required, they must be available for setuD. suDelVis;on and teardown of the 9ames. If they are not available for setup and teardown, you will be charged an additional $75.00 per game. If adult supervision is not available for the games, game play will be suspended until supervision is provided. 8. tn an emergency, after hours, you can reach us on our pager at 866-654-8787. Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to serving you! PO Box 8489 Lacey, WA 98509 360-438-2211 800-853-5867 www.partyoutfitters.com OCT-20-2005 09:34 PARTY OUTFITTERS P.006 '~ARr~ _,,~\,. "'.'P":" lr..,!l"...~. &^/'i '4~\ ;. Ii ': A . " :trJ ()UTF1TTr}{S A Few Notes About Volunteer Staffing at Your Event Safe Play is Fun Playl Thank you for choosing Party Outfitters for your upcoming event! You have chosen the Silver or Gold pricing plan which allows you to provide adult volunteer staffing by your organization for a reduced rental price. We want to take this opportunity to review the responsibilities involved in providing adult volunteer staffing in order to further ensure the succe~ of your event: Please carefully read the detailed list of adult volunteer staffing fesponsibilities below and sign the bottom line indicating your agreement to provide this level of adult volunteer staffing and fax this form back with your Service Agreement. a When you reserved your event, you were informed by our sales staff of how many adults are required to setup, supervise, and teardown alf of the games for your event. An adult is at least 18 years of age. At no time will minors be permitted to assist with setup or teardown. The number of adult volunteers required is also indicated on your Service Agreement. This number is required in order to provide a sate and efficient environment for your guests. All adult volunteers that you provide will be working on your behalf and not on the behalf of Party Outfitters. a You are required to provide that number of adult volunteers, for setup, supervision, and teardown. If you are not able to provide the required number of adult volunteers, please let your sales representative know before you return your Service Agreement so that we may add additional Party Outfitters staff to your Invoice. a Your Party Outfitters Salesperson or Office Administrator will have informed you of the Set Time for your event. This is the time that our staff plan to arrive at your event site to begin working with your adult volunteers for setup of the games. It is . important that your adult volunteers are ready at the event site at the Set Time. If the required number of adult volunteers are not on hand at the Set Time, the begin time of the event could be delayed and cause a loss of use of time for the games. a Setting up the games involves directly handling the equipment which may be very strenuous work for most people. Setup involves lifting, carrying, and rolling heavy equipment from the loading area to the event area. You should have many strong individuals on hand for the setup and teardown as well. Many of the games we OCT-20-2005 09:35 PARTY OUTFITTERS P.007 Cl rent require a minimum of 3 adults to handle during on-site transport, setup, and teardown. a After Setup, a Party Outfitters Staff Person will conduct game training with ALL volunteers that wifl be supervising the games for your event. It is important that ALL of the volunteers who will be supervising the games, including those that may be relieving shift volunteers, be on hand at least 30 minutes prior to start time of the event for this safety training. Documentation of this training is required before a Party Outfitters Staff Person can release the games for operation. Only those adult volunteers who have been trained by the Party Outfitters Staff Person PRIOR to the Start Time of the event will be allowed to supervise the games. No game will be operated at any time without a properly trained and documented adult volunteer on hand at all times during operation. a Correct supervision by adult volunteers involves direct oversight of the participants in order to ensure their safety. Supervision may also involve assisting the game participants on and off of the equipment, assisting the game participants in and out of safety gear and verbal instruction by the adult volunteers of the specific rules for the games. Volunteers are required to enforce the size, age and quantity limits for all games. Any game participant who refuses to follow the rules of the game must be removed for safety. c At the end of the event the required number of adult volunteers are required to stay and to tear down the games and equipment and load them back into the vehicle(s). Remember, this may be very strenuous and it is your responsibility to provide the correct number of adult volunteers for the teardown. Minors will not be permitted to assist with teardown. Additionally, if you do not provide the number of adult volunteers staff required in your Service Agreement for setup and teardown, an additional $75.00 may be charged per game. We want your event to be a success just as much as you dol Please help US to make it a fun and memorable event for all of your guests. By signing below, you are indicating to us that you un~erstand the requirements for volunteer staffing at your event. Please return this form along with your signed Service Agreement to complete your booking. We look forward to working with you at your event! S. d : / / / /J Date //h~~c Igne '/t.'Uf_ / v-.../:'... ;.. '/~../ PO Box 8489 Lacey, W A 98 09 360-438-2211 800-853-5867 www.partyonttitters.com TOTAL P.007 From Joshua Painter At Nicholson & AssoCIates Insurance. LLC FaxlD To Amber Mozingo Date 1012112005 1239 PM Page 1 of 1 ACORD. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE OP ID JU! OA TE" (MMJD01YYYY) PARTY-l 10/20/05 PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE Nicholson & Associates HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 1802 Black take Blvd. SW ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. Olympia WA 98512 Phone: 360-352-8444 Fax: 360-943-9712 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURE"D INSURER A Admiral Insurance CO. INSURER B Party Outfitters, Inc. INSURER C P.O. Box 8489 INSURER 0 Lacey WA 98509 INSuRER E COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS INSR ~D'L ~~~fr,:~;J~E Pgk~~Y :,x~~~N LTR NSRD TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER LIMITS GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCLRRENCE S 1, 000, 000 ---' A X .!.... COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABIU1Y CAOOOO04065-02 04/07/05 04/07/06 ~p~~~ ~E~~~~~~ncel S 50, 000 :=J CLAIMS MACE [!] occUP MED EXP (Anyone person) S NIL - PERSONAL & ACV INUURY S 1,000,000 - GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 - GEN'L AGGREGA.TE LIMIT APPUES PEP PRODUCTSwCOM~CPAGG S 2,000,000 I n PRO- nLOC DEDUCT 5,000 POLICY JECT , AUTOMOBilE liABiliTY cOM6rr~ED SINGLE UMfT - S AMY AUTO (Ea aCClI:I!'tlt) - - All OliVNED AUTOS BODILY INJLPY 5 SCHEDULED AUTOS iPcr pcr:Joni - - HJRED AUTOS BODILY It.ulP'Y (Per aCCident) $ NON-OVVNED AUTOS - PROPERTY D"'A~GE S (Per aCCident) GARAGE lIABILITY ~UTO QNL Y ~ EA ACCIDENT S ==1 "NY ~UTO OTHER THAN EA ACC 5 AUTO ONLY "GG $ IiiiXCC_WMCilRliLLA LlA8lLITv El\CH OCCl..RRENCE $ :=J OCCUR D ClAIMS MADE A.GGRE3.ATE S s ==1 DEDUCTIBLE 5 RETENTION S $ IT6~{SJt~~ I IOTH- WORKERS COMPENSATION AND ER A EMPlOYERS' lIABiliTY CAOOOO04065-02 04/07/05 04/07/06 $ 1, 000, 000 .ANY ~ROPR1ETORIP,ARTNER!EXECUTl\!E E L EACH ACCIDENT OFFICERiMEMBER EXCLUDED? 1IA STOP G1LP I EHPL, LIAIl_ E L DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE 51,000,000 If yes descnbe unljer 51 000,000 SPEC~L PROVISIONS below E L DISEASE - POUC\ UMIT OTHEI\ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHClES I EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS RE: Erickson Park, Corner of Race & 4th, Port Angeles, WA. Event Date: 8/5/06 The Port Angeles Parks & Recreation is hereby named as Addi tional Insured. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION PORTA- 2 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE ~ANCELlED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OATE THERE"OF, THE !$SUING INSUI\&R WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 45 OAYS WI'lITTEN Port Angeles Parks & Recreation Attn: Amber Mozingo P.O. Box 1150 Port Angeles WA 98362 NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED YO THE lEFT. BUT FAILURE" TO DO SO SHALL IMPOSE NO OBliGATION OR lIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS 01\ ACORD 25 (2001108) @ACORD CORPORATION 1988