HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.625 Original Contract '. . ~. 5. t.o~5 -2- 1f fleW FOP. JiEC'!RD / i LJ!" r,t:( ,'~r~ - f,1.;. ...,.'.J.....) f ~' llr f:F ____...... ' _/",n ~_, --.....,., ....___ -~vrt:~J j; ~__.. : 71'. '" 'i (;'r: :.\, _ J... _,~ .. 2D02 OCT -2 PM 3: I ~-, \ (]) After Recording, Please Mail To: CRAIG L. MILLER Johnson Miller Shefler 230 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 2002 1092985 Clallam County ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT 1. PARTIES. The parties to this agreement are: 1.1 DAVID L. MORRIS, ("MoRRIS") A SINGLE MAN, who is the owner of the following-described real property: LOTS 49 AND 50 IN BLOCK 25 OF GRANT'S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 1 OF PLATS, PAGE 32, REcORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE NORTH 25 FEET OF SAID LOT 50 TOGETHER WITH THE WEST HALF OF THE V ACA TED UNNAMED ALLEY ADJOINING ON THE EAST. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF CLALLAM, STATE OF WASHINGTON. 1.2. BRET L. AND DI ANE R. CURTIS, HUSBAND AND WIFE, ("CURTIS") who are the owners of the following-described real property: THE NORTH HALF OF LOT 50, AND LOT 51 IN BLOCK 25 OF GRANT'S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 1 OF PLATS, PAGE 32, RECORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON, TOGETHER WITH THE WEST HALF OF THE V ACA TED UNNAMED ALLEY ADJOINING ON THE EAST. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF CLALLAM, STATE OF WASHINGTON BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT - 1 word\secre2\clm-general\morns-curtis agm ",' I 2. SURVEY. Filed simultaneously with this Agreement is a Survey of the common boundaries of the parties' properties as identified in Paragraph 1. This survey is recorded under the authority of RCW 58.04.007, for the purposes of resolving a dispute over the parties' mutual boundary. The survey is recorded under Auditor's File No. J./j)). IOCf d. ,t<J , at VoL So , Page II of Surveys, records of Clallam County, and is incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. 3. QUIT CLAIM. Each of the parties to this Agreement agrees that the boundary line between their properties is the line shown by the Survey referenced in Paragraph 2. MORRIS hereby quit claims and conveys to CURTIS any and all right title and interest that MORRIS may have in the property located North of the line designated on the Survey. CURTIS hereby quit claims and conveys to MORRIS any and all right title and interest that CURTIS may have in the property located South of the line designated on the Survey. 4. AMENDMENT OF LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS. To the extent necessary, each of the parties agrees that the legal descriptions of their respective properties shall be as described in Paragraph 3. ~ 5. SUBDIVISION EXEMPTION. Each of the parties acknowle4-ges and understands that the recording of this Agreement and the Survey is an actio~~hich is exempt from the requirements of the state and local subdivision laws, in accord~ce with the terms of a letter from the City of Port Angeles, a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Each of the parties further acknowledges and agrees that the recording of this Agreement and dhe Survey incorporated into this Agreement is for the purpose of accomplishing boundary line adjustments within the purpose of RCW 58.04.007, and that no additional lots, tracts, 'I) parcels or divisions are created by the recording of this Agreement and the Survey. 6. EASEMENTS. This Agreement and the Survey shall not, affect any existing easements of the propeliies described in Paragraph 1, c.bove, a1Id ine Survey described in Paragraph 2, above, except as specifically described in the Survey. 7. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement ,constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and is a fully integrated expression ~f their intent. There are no other agreements between the parties, either express or implied, oral or written. No amendment to this Agreement shall be effective unless executed in writing, by the owners of each of the properties involved in any amend~nt. 8. ATTORNEY'S FEES. If any ofthe parties to this Agreement are required to commence litigation agaiflst any of the other parties to this Agreement to enforce its BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT - 2 word\secre2\clm-general\morns-curtls agm '. ' terms, the prevailing party in any such litigation shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney's fees, expert witness fees and costs incurred in such litigation. DAVID L. MORRIS By J~;!7~ Date: t - ~ - 0'), BRE:42S /_4 By: L &;J>J:.---' ,. Date: /-/0-01/ DIANE R. CURTIS B{1J~LL cfJ (!ufl;)~ Date: 7-IO-,O~ STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM ) On this day personally appeared before me DAVID L. MORRIS, to me kno"'TI to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledge that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this ~ day of \ Ju It fl~ _....,""'\ ~-_.... \.. O.2b-~\\, ;- ........~S. ;' .<",ON ~. I, I 0 ...~;ej 1... f. I (,) II 01ARV \ ~ ~ :0 ~ ___ · ,l ~ \ U fl\S.JC I , e. ~~' 't ~ ~ _f\~.. ; . ,.~.. #Iff "~l1/"...".::'~~ ;' '\\ OFWIQ'_:.-- \"",......... 2002. NOTARY PUBLIC in an or the State of Washington, residing in n:~t f!~/"'s My commiSSIOn expires: O~-::< - - BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT - 3 word\secre2\clm-general\morns-curtls agm On this day personally appeared before me BRET L. and DIANE R. CURTIS, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledge that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this /8 ~y of -_.........""\ ---- tA'~ \\, ;-,.~ \.. ....... ~ 'tt ". ~ .' N 1:,,': ;' -~ ....~P ~~"" " , Cl:'. .~~ ~'. I : (J /~ O~ra.Ry 'iP'~ t ~ :::e ~. ~ : ~ ,. . 0 ,.- - ...('. ~ l ~ ~. () pU'Ov~ : I ,,'. t'\.Cb .. itI' . ~. '" I, .... 7-?,\'....~ ~ '. ~ .......... ~~~ '\\ ~7E'Of't-l :- \\\"'............--- STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM ) BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT - 4 word\secre2\c1m-general\morris-curtis agm 2002. f " , . i , FORT ANGELES RECEIVED SEP 2 6 2002 JohnseJ/; ivlllJf:: Sfiffier PlLG WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT September 17, 2002 1. APPLICANTS/LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: City of Port Angeles Lot 48, Block 25, Grant's Addition Mr. David Morris Bret L. and Diane R. Curtis Lot 49 and 50 except the north Lot 51 and the nOlih one-half of 25 feet of Lot 50, Block 25 Grant's Addition Lot 50, Block 25, Grant's Addition II. Determination: Approval subject to the following condition and citing the following fmdmgs and conclusions: Condition: 1. The [mal boundary line adjustment agreement and subsequent deeds shall contain the following wording in order to verify that the adjustment does not create additional lots: 'This conveyance is for the purpose of accomplishing a boundary line adjustment pursuant to RCW 58.17.040(6). It shall not create any additional lots, tracts, parcels, or division. Findings: 1. Approval is based on a boundary lme adjustment survey and accompanying agreement submitted and determined to be complete on September 9, 2002 The proposal will result in two adjustments of the property lines for three parcel ownershIps in recognition oflong establIshed usage boundaries that are different from the surveyed boundanes of the propertIes 2. The subject properties consist of Lots 48,49, and 50, Block 25, Grant's Addition to Port Angeles and are owned by the City of Port Angeles (Lots 47 and 48), Mr. David Morris (Lot 49 and all but the north 25' of Lot 50), and Mr. Curtis (the north one-half of Lot 50). 3. An encroachment exists on Lot 48, which are owned by the City of Port Angeles, by the Morrises as established by a long existing fence located approximately 35' into Lot 48. < . Boundary Lme Adjustment - BLA 02-07 Moms/CurtIs/CIty of Port Angeles September 19, 2002 Page 2 1 4. The Morris' property consists of Lot 49 and the south one-half (24.40 feet) of Lot 50. The. Curtises ownership mdIcates ownership of the entire Lot 50. An established fence line placed at approxnnately 16' from the south line of Lot 50 is indicated on the survey which has long been recognized as the Morris/Curtis boundary. 5. Section 16.12.060 PAMC and 58.17.040 RCW requires the Director of Community Development to determine that no additIOnal/new lots are being created in a boundary line adjustment, that all lots created meet minimum lot WIdth and area standards for the zone m WhICh the property IS located, that the adjustment does not increase the degree of nonconformity of structures with respect to zoning standards, and that provisions for adequate access and necessary utility easements are made. 6. The site is served by Peabody Street, wh1ch is improved and adequate to serve the adjusted lots. 7. Comments from the City Public Works and UtilItIes Department, Fire Department, and Buildmg Division have been considered in the decision and addressed in the conditions of prelimmary approval. 8. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. The Plan requires concurrency for streets, water service, sanitary sewer service, and electrical service. 9. Following approval by the Department of Community Development per Section 16.12.070 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, a survey shall be prepared and recorded with the County Auditor's Office, and a copy of the recorded survey shall be provided to the Department. 10. The properties do not contain environmentally sensitive areas. 11. Section 18.02.020 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code categorically exempts boundary line adjustments from the consolIdated development permit process. 12. WAC 197-11-800(5) categorically exempts transfer ofland such as a boundary line adjustment from the SEP A threshold determmation requirements. Conclusions: A. The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, specifically Land Use PoliCIes A.l and A.2, and Land Use Map Transportation Policies A.2, A.3. B. The proposal is consistent WIth provIsions of the Port Angeles Zoning Ordinance, specIfically Chapter 17.10 (RS-7, Residential Single-Family Zone) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, Chapter 16 12 Boundary Line Adjustments of the Port Angeles MuniCIpal Code, and WIth Chapter 58.17 RCW, the Washington State Subdivision Act. .. . . Boundary Lme Adjustment - BLA 02-07 Moms/CurtJs/CJty of Port Angeles September 19, 2002 Page 3 . ; C. Approval of the proposed boundary 1me adjustment provides for the public health, safety and general welfare of the community and serves the public use and interest. D. Existing services m the area can serve the properties. E. The boundary line adjustment does not create any new lots nor make any nonconformmg situation any more nonconforming with relatIOn to area or use but is done in recogmtIOn of an established use ofthe properties. ~~ Brad Collins, Director Department of Commumty Development September 19.2002 Date The Duector's deCISIOn may be appealed to the CIty Councl] wIthm 14 days followmg the date ofmmlmg of the deCISIOn TIus boundary Ime adjustment IS not final untIl It IS filed WIth the Clallam County AudItor's Office and a copy ofthe recorded document IS filed WIth the Port Angeles Department of Commumty Development CC: Pubhc Works and Utlhtles Dept. FIre Dept T:\BLA \MomsCurtlsCOP A 5. tJ;~5 ,ILED F:;JR PLOAD :. T TcE I:E:~c:; T '::_~ff\Cll-e(( -'cC8::t[[, 1~' ",'n T ~-~~~~~~. 2002 OCT -2 PN 3: f 6 (jj After Recording, Please Mail To: CRAIG L. MILLER Johnson Miller Shetler 230 East Fifth Street Port Angeles, W A 98362 2002 1092986 Clallam County BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT 1. PARTIES. The parties to this agreement are: 1.1 DAVID L. MORRIS, ("MoRRIs") A SINGLE MAN, who is the owner ofthe following-described real property: LOTS 49 AND 50 IN BLOCK 25 OF GRANT'S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 1 OF PLATS, PAGE 32, REcORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON, EXCEPT THE NORTH 25 FEET OF SAID LOT 50; TOGETHER WITH THE WEST HALF OF THE V ACA TED UNNAMED ALLEY ADJOINING ON THE EAST. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF CLALLAM, STATE OF WASHINGTON. 1.2. THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, A WASHINGTON MUNICIPAL CORPORATION which is the owner of the following-described real property: LOTS 47 AND 48 IN BLOCK 25 OF GRANT'S ADDITION TO PORT ANGELES, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 1 OF PLATS, PAGE 32, REcORDS OF CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON. BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT - 1 word\secre2 \clm -general\morns-clty -agm 2. SURVEY. Filed simultaneously with this Agreement is a Survey of the common boundaries of the parties' properties as identified in Paragraph 1. This survey is recorded under the authority of RCW 58.04.007, for the purposes of resolving a dispute over the parties' mutual boundary. The survey is recorded under Auditor's File No. ~ /tl~;J.~at Vol. SD , Page 77 of Surveys, records ofClallam County, and is incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. 3. QUIT CLAIM. Each of the parties to this Agreement agrees that the boundary line between their properties is the line shown by the Survey referenced in Paragraph 2. MORRIS hereby quit claims and conveys to CITY any and all right title and interest that MORRIS may have in the property located South of the line designated on the Survey. CITY hereby quit claims and conveys to MORRIS any and all right, title and interest that CITY may have in the property located North of the line designated on the Survey. 4. AMENDMENT OF LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS. To the extent necessary, each of the parties agrees that the legal descriptions of their respective properties shall be as described in Paragraph 3. 5. SUBDIVISION EXEMPTION. Each of the parties acknowledges and understands that the recording of this Agreement and the Survey is an action which is exempt from the requirements of the state and local subdivision laws, in accordance with the terms of a letter from the City of Port Angeles, a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Each of the parties further acknowledge and agree that the recording of this Agreement and the Survey incorporated into this Agreement is for the purpose of accomplishing boundary line adjustments within the purpose ofRCW 58.04.007, and that no additional lots, tracts, parcels or divisions are created by the recording of this Agreement and the Survey. 6. EASEMENTS. This Agreement and the Survey shall not affect any existing easements of the properties described in Paragraph 1, above, and the Survey described in Paragraph 2, above, except as specifically described in the Survey. 7. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties, and is a fully integrated expression of their intent. There are no other agreements between the parties, either express or implied, oral or written. No amendment to this Agreement shall be effective unless executed in writing, by the owners of each of the properties involved in any amendment. 8. ATTORNEY'S FEES. If any of the parties to this Agreement are required to commence litigation against any of the other parties to this Agreement to enforce its BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT - 2 word\secre2 \clm-general\moITIs-city-agm terms, the prevailing party in any such litigation shall be entitled to an award of reasonable attorney's fees, expert witness fees and costs incurred in such litigation. DAVID L. MORRIS A J ~ ;J d}r /<:7V2-< / Date: ~ -1-\0 'L- By: CITY OF PORT ANGELES By: ~~~.....- ---Mayor Date: 7' - 7 -tP '2..----' /;n~~~ .-U(:inA City Clerk Date: q- q- f)~ STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM ) On this day personally appeared before me DAVID L. MORRIS, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledge that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this .!!.tday of , J LA IlJ ) '" 2002. _.......""'~,,, r--;' ~EN L. 0 \\, '" O~........ '. .f (J .~~SlO~~:.. " , ..y ~ l ! f a NOTA.9~ ~\ \ I. : ~--- : ~ I. \ : ~ I.,~.. " : ~ , '1.:~.. ~ .'" 'I '..'<9-015 ~.. J' , n.... -. .. , , ~ ....... , '\, WASH\~ :- ""................--- NOTARY PUBLIC in Washington, residing in My commission expires: BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT - 3 word\secre2\clrn-general\rnorris-clty -agrn STATE OF WASHINGTON) )ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM ) On this day personally appeared before me the MAYOR and the CITY CLERK of the CITY OF PORT ANGELES, to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledge that they signed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN under my hand and official seal this 9"f!i day of L4-;k~.A 2002. A!lJ LL<.. J/ ~J '<J J NOTARY PUBLIC in an~r th~ of Washington, resldmg m + rj=R- i~~ My commission expiresdc;J,l./ -~/-t BOUNDARY LINE AGREEMENT - 4 word\secre2\clm -general\morris-city-agm DORT ANGELE,S I=- .n. RECEIVED SfP 2 6 2002 .Irn"fl'-Or.. t,3' -. ", - - U I 'V 1, 14:~Jit:i- .....f).r-~(-- p, . ~ - ." Vf~~" C: LLL" WAS H I N G TON, U. S. A. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT September 17, 2002 L APPLICANTS/LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS: CIty of Port Angeles Lot 48, Block 25, Grant's AddItion Mr. David Morris Bret L. and Diane R. Curtis Lot 49 and 50 except the north Lot 51 and the north one-half of 25 feet of Lot 50, Block 25 Grant's Addition Lot 50, Block 25, Grant's Addition II Determination: Approval subject to the following condition and citing the following [mdings and conclusions: CondItion: 1. The final boundary line adjustment agreement and subsequent deeds shall contain the following wording in order to verify that the adjustment does not create additional lots: 'This conveyance is for the purpose of accomplishing a boundary line adjustment pursuant to RCW 58.17.040(6). It shall not create any additional lots, tracts, parcels, or division. Findings: 1. Approval is based on a boundary line adjustment survey and accompanying agreement submitted and determined to be complete on September 9, 2002. The proposal WIll result 111 two adjustments of the property lines for three parcel ownershIps in recognition oflong establIshed usage boundanes that are different from the surveyed boundanes of the properties 2. The subject properties consist of Lots 48,49, and 50, Block 25, Grant's AdditIOn to Port Angeles and are owned by the CIty of Port Angeles (Lots 47 and 48), Mr. David Moms (Lot 49 and all but the north 25' of Lot 50), and Mr. Curtis (the north one-half of Lot 50). 3. An encroachment exists on Lot 48, which are owned by the City of Port Angeles, by the Momses as established by a long eXIstmg fence located approxImately 35' into Lot 48 . . , Boundary Lme Adjustment - BLA 02-07 Moms/CurtIS/CIty of Port Angeles September 19,2002 Page 2 4 The Moms' property consists of Lot 49 and the south one-half (24.40 feet) of Lot 50. The. Curtises ownership indicates ownership of the entrre Lot 50. An established fence line placed at approxnnately 16' from the south line of Lot 50 is indicated on the survey which has long been recogrnzed as the Moms/Curtis boundary. 5. SectIon 1612.060PAMCand58 17.040 RCW requrres the Director ofCornmumty Development to determine that no additional/new lots are being created in a boundary line adjustment, that all lots created meet minimum lot width and area standards for the zone in which the property is located, that the adjustment does not increase the degree of nonconformity of structures with respect to zoning standards, and that prOVISIOns for adequate access and necessary utility easements are made. 6. The site is served by Peabody Street, whIch is improved and adequate to serve the adjusted lots. 7. Comments from the City Public Works and Utilities Department, Fire Department, and Buildmg Division have been considered in the decision and addressed in the conditIOns of prelimmary approval. 8. The proposal has been reviewed with respect to the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Map. The Plan requires concurrency for streets, water service, sanitary sewer service, and electrical service. 9. Following approval by the Department of Community Development per Section 16.12.070 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, a survey shall be prepared and recorded with the County Auditor's Office, and a copy of the recorded survey shall be provided to the Department. 10. The properties do not contain envrronrnentally sensitive areas. 11. Section 18.02.020 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code categorically exempts boundary line adjustments from the consolidated development permit process. 12 WAC 197-11-800(5) categorically exempts transfer ofland such as a boundary line adjustment from the SEP A threshold determmation requirements. ConclUSIOns: A The proposal is consistent with the Port Angeles Comprehensive Plan, speCifically Land Use Policies Al and A 2, and Land Use Map TransportatIOn Policies A.2, A3. B. The proposal IS consistent with provisions of the Port Angeles Zoning Ordinance, specifically Chapter 17.1 0 (RS-7, ReSidential Smgle-Famlly Zone) of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, Chapter 16.12 Boundary Line Adjustments of the Port Angeles Municipal Code, and with Chapter 58.17 RCW, the Wasmngton State SubdiVision Act. .4 . .. . Boundary Lme Adjustment - BLA 02-07 Moms/Curl1s/Clty of Port Angeles September 19,2002 Page 3 C. Approval of the proposed boundary hne adjustment provIdes for the public health, safety and general welfare of the commUlllty and serves the public use and interest. D. Existing servIces m the area can serve the properties E. The boundary line adjustment does not create any new lots nor make any nonconforming situatIOn any more nonconforming with relation to area or use but is done m recognition of an establIshed use of the properties ~~ Brad Collms, Director Department of Commumty Development September 19. 2002 Date The DIrector's deCISIon may be appealed to the CIty CouncIl wlthm 14 days foJJowmg the date ofmallmg of the deciSIOn TIllS boundary hne adjustment IS not final unnllt IS filed Wlth the Cla1Jam County AudItor's Office and a copy of the recorded document IS filed WIth the Port Angeles Department of Commumty Deve10pment. cc Pubhc Works and Utlhtles Dept. Fue Dept T:\BLA \MomsCurtlsCOP A