HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.638 Original Contract . . Filed at the Request of: City of Port Angeles City Clerk's Office P. O. Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362 11111111111111111 Clallam 2005 1163445 County Interlocal Agreement City Clerk File No.: 5"' ~~ fiLED FOR RECORD" T ToiL !'LOUCS1 :"J.jj,: ~di". It t.....OR lJc..D ff~ !..t'......d~~<.., '...l.. '"". _~-\r-t cu Z005 AUG 23 p~~ 2: 25 cV Agreement between the City of Port Angeles and ~ k+ ~ ~ftl~ 6t~~~~;~ Purpose 6 ("~ll'-"'O ~ Dated: ~/~iJo< 3j,,/o3 ': ~ yll Washington State Department of Transportation Douglas B. MacDonald Secretary of Transportalion Olympic Region Hei:ldquarters 5720 Capitol Boulevard, Tumwater POBox 47440 Olympia, WA 98504-7440 360-357 -2600 Fax 360-357-2601 TTY 1-800-833-6388 'WVIfW wsdot wa gov March 12, 2003 City of Port Angeles Public Works & Utilities 321 East Fifth PO Box 1150 Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 Attn: Gail McLain Re: Hood Canal Bridge SR 104 MP 13.75 to MP 15.50 Graving Dock Facility Agreement No. UT 0931 Dear Ms. McLain: Attached is the fully executed "UTILITY" original of the subject agreement for completion of your records. If you have any questions, please call me in the Olympic Region Utilities office at 360- 357 -2746. Sincerely, ~~~ - ~ George Immel Project Support Engineer GPI Attachment Cc: L. Messmer (State original, one copy, Transmittal Checklist, Agreement Edit) E. Soderquist T. West J. Moore File - w Washingt'on State Department of Transportation Organization and Address Utility Construction City of Port Angeks Agreement Public Works & Utilities 321 East Fifth Street Work by Utility - Actual Cost Port Angeles, W A 98362-0217 Agreement Number UT 0931 Section / Location State Route Number Control Section Number SR 104 MP13.75 to MP 15.50 104 CS 0500CT Hood Canal Bridge Replacement Region Graving Dock Facility Olympic Region OL 3305 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered Into this 11th day of March 2003, between the STATE OF WASHINGTON, Department of Transportation, acting by and through the Secretary of Transportation, by virtue of Title 47 RCW, (hereinafter the "STATE") and the above named organization, (hereinafter the "UTILITY"). WHEREAS, the STATE IS planning the construction or Improvement of the state route shown above, and in connection therewith It IS necessary to remove and/or relocate or construct certain UTILITY faCilities as set forth In the attached plans, and WHEREAS, It IS deemed to be In the best public interest for the UTILITY, as owners of said faCIlities, to perform the work of removing, adJusting, and/or relocating the faCIlities, and WHEREAS, the UTILITY has a compensable interest In ItS faCIlities and nght-of-way by virtue of being located on easements or UTILITY owned nght-of-way, and the STATE IS obligated to reimburse the UTILITY for the relocation of these faCIlities, and the UTILITY IS obligated for the cost of any relocation reqUired for faCIlities not on easements or UTILITY owned nght-of-way. NOW THEREFORE, In consideration of the terms, conditions, covenants, and performances contained herein, or attached and Incorporated and made a part hereof, IT IS MUTUAllY AGREED AS FOllOWS' I GENERAL Federal-aid Policy GUide - 23 CFR 645A, Subpart A and amendments thereto, determine and establish the definitions and applicable standards for thiS AGREEMENT and payment hereunder, and by thiS reference are Incorporated hereby and made a part of thiS AGREEMENT for all intents and purposes as If fully set forth herein. The UTILITY shall furnish the labor, matenals, equipment, and tools reqUired for and do the work In removing and/or relocating the UTILITY facilities, in accordance with and described In the specifications marked Exhibit "A" and plans marked Exhibit "C" attached hereto, and by thiS reference made a part of thiS AGREEMENT. II PAYMENT The STATE, In consideration of the faithful performance of the work to be done by the UTILITY, agrees to pay the UTILITY actual direct and related Indirect costs accumulated In accordance with a work order accounting procedure as prescribed and approved by the Agency shown In Exhibit "A" under accounting system. DOT Form 224-053 EF Revised 10/96 An Itemized estimate of cost for work to be performed by the UTILITY at the STATE's expense marked Exhibit "B" is attached hereto and by thiS reference made a part of thiS AGREEMENT. Partial payments may be made upon request of the UTILITY to cover costs incurred, and are not to be more frequent than one (1) per month. It IS agreed that payment of any partial claim will not constItute agreement as to the appropnateness of any Item and that at the time of final audit, all required adjustments will be made and reflected In a final payment. In the event that such final audit reveals an overpayment to the UTILITY, the UTILITY agrees to refund such overpayment to the STATE. Dunng the progress of the constructIon and for a period not less than three (3) years from the date of final payment to the UTILITY, the records and accounts pertaining to the construction of the project and accounting therefore are to be kept available for inspection and audIt by the STATE and/or Federal Government and copies of all records, accounts, documents, or other data pertaining to the project will be furnished upon request. If any litigation, claim, or audit IS commenced, the records and accounts along WIth supporting documentatIon shall be retained until all litigation, claim, or audit finding has been resolved even though such litigation, claim, or audit continues past the 3-year retention penod. The UTILITY shall submit a fl'nal billing to the STATE within 90 calendar days following completion of the work Involved. III AUTHORITY TO BEGIN WORK AND SCHEDULE OF WORK The UTILITY agrees not to commence work until receipt of notice to begin work In writing by the STATE, and that reimbursement will be limited to those costs Incurred subsequent to the date of such notification. The UTILITY agrees to schedule the work herein referred to and perform said work In such manner as not to delay or Interfere With the STATE's contractor In the performance of the contract. IV EXTRA WORK In the event unforeseen conditions require an Increase In the cost of 25 percent or more from that agreed to on Exhibit "B", this AGREEMENT Will be modified by supplement AGREEMENT covenng said Increase. In the event It IS determined that any change from the statement of work contained in this AGREEMENT IS required, approval must be secured from the STATE pnor to the beginning of such work Where the change IS substantial, written approval must be secured. Reimbursement for Increased work and/or a substantial change In the statement of work shall be limited to costs allowed by a wntten modification, change order, or extra work order approved by the STATE. V WORK BY CONTRACT It IS acknowledged that the UTILITY may not be adequately staffed or equipped to perform all the work reqUired hereby, and that all or part of the same may be done by a contract let by the UTILITY The UTILITY agrees that It shall not advertise or soliCit bids for contract work until authonzed to do so In wntlng by the STATE. It IS further agreed that the UTILITY must receive written approval of the bid and contractor from the STATE pnor to awarding the contract If a valid and continuing contract eXists between the UTILITY and a contractor, and the UTILITY desires to have the work required by thiS AGREEMENT performed under the subject contract, the UTILITY shall provide the STATE With a copy of the contract for the STATE to review and approve. The STATE Will indicate ItS approval by including a statement In Exhibit "A" to thiS AGREEMENT that the work shall be performed by (name and address of contractor) under a continuing contract approved by the STATE. Nothing in the approval of such contract or agreement by the STATE Will constitute an assignment of the UTILITY's rights and/or obligations or otherwise establish direct relations between STATE, UTILITY, and contractor. DOT Form 224-053 EF ReVised 10/96 VI INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE All of the UTILITY's construction operations, as provided under thiS AGREEMENT, shall be subject to inspection by the STATE. Final acceptance of work shall be by payment of the final and complete Itemized billing certifYing that all the work has been done and upon recommendation of the Regional Administrator of the Department of Transportation. Nothing In either inspection or acceptance shall reduce the UTILITY's responsibility for the work. VII SALVAGE All material removed by the UTILITY shall be reclaimed or disposed of by the UTILITY and shall be credited to the STATE In accordance With Federal-aid Policy GUide - 23 CFR 645A, Subpart A. The UTILITY shall furnish wntten notice to the STATE for the time and place the materials Will be available for inspection. If salvage credit IS anticipated on the proJect, an estimate of the salvage credit Will be Included In the estimate of cost. VIII DISCONNECT AND REMOVAL When It IS determined to be In the Interest of the STATE to have the UTILITY's faCIlities removed by the STATE's contractor, the UTILITY Will disconnect the faCIlities shown on Exhibit "C" to be removed by the STATE's contractor at STATE expense. Upon disconnection the STATE shall assume full responsibility for and diSposItion of the above mentioned faCIlities. It IS agreed that the matenal to be removed by the STATE's contractor shall have no salvage value to the UTILITY IX BETTERMENTS If adjustment of the UTILITY's faCIlities does constitute a betterment as defined In Federal-aid Policy GUide - 23 CFR 645A, Subpart A, the betterment credit Will be included In the estimate of cost. X ACCRUED DEPRECIATION If adjustment of the UTILITY's faCIlities does Involve a credit due for the accrued depreCiation of the faCIlity being replaced, thiS value Will be Included In the estimate of cost. XI COMPLIANCE The UJILlTY agrees to comply With all applicable reqUIrements of the STATE which shall be In accordance With the Utilities Accommodation Policy, Chapter 468-34 WAC, and amendments thereto, and said policy and amendments are hereby incorporated in and made a part of this AGREEMENT for all Intents and purposes as If fully set forth herein. XII RIGHT OF ENTRY The UTILITY hereby grants and conveys to the STATE the right of entry upon all land which the UTILITY has Interest, within the right-of-way of the highway, for the purpose of Improving and/or constructing said hIghway. As noted In Exhibit "A" the UTILITY Will, after relocation and/or adjustment of their facilities, execute and deliver to the STATE a qUit claim deed removing all UTILITY Interests from within the STATE's right-of-way. Upon completion of the work outlined herein, all future operation and maintenance of the UTILITY's faCIlities shall be at the sole cost of the UTILITY and Without expense to the STATE. XIII EASEMENT, PERMIT, OR FRANCHISE The STATE Will Issue the UTILITY an easement, permit, or franchise, as provided In Exhibit "An, for those UTILITY faCIlities which remain on or cross the STATE's right-of-way follOWing completion of the work outlined herein. . . . .. XIV LEGAL RELATIONS The UTILITY shall Indemnify and hold the STATE and Its agents, employees, and/or officers harmless from and shall process and defend at Its own expense any and all claims, demands, suits at law or equity, actions, penalties, losses, damages, or costs, of whatsoever kind or nature, brought against the STATE arising out of, In connection With, or inCident to the execution of thiS AGREEMENT and/or the UTILITY's performance or failure to perform any aspect of thiS AGREEMENT. PrOVided, however, that If such claims are caused by or result from the concurrent negligence of (a) the UTILITY and (b) the STATE, ItS agents, employees, and/or officers, thiS indemnity provision shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of the UTILITY, and PrOVided further, that nothing herein shall require the UTILITY to hold harmless or defend the STATE, ItS agents, employees, and/or officers from any claims arising from the sole negligence of the STATE, ItS agents, employees, and/or officers. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed thiS AGREEMENT as of the day and year first above written. UTILITY By /Lt Mt- STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By /?~a~ 4>lW Title O.uc//1'- ,,! ~v6J,... tJ",./rs I t/1;I.'f#',.f Title Date J / r I ~ 1 f f DOT Form 224-053 EF ReVised 1 0/96 )?~ G,~e'1/ ,q D/V7/A//.s T,e~ TCJ ~ " t, EXHIBIT "A" SPECIFICATIONS AND SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS The work proposed within this agreement is for removal of two poles, four transformers, two spans of , three-phase primary wire and related equipment. This removal work is necessitated by the construction of a Graving Dock facility, in Port Angeles, as part of the Hood Canal Bridge Replacement project. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE UTILITY The UTILITY will provide all necessary equipment, materials and labor required for the removal of their facilities as shown on the attached Exhibit "C". WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY THE STATE None. ACCOUNTING The STATE, in consideration of the faithful performance of the work to be done by the UTILITY, agrees to pay the UTILITY the amount as Indicated on the attached Agreement form. SALVAGE No salvage credit is anticipated on this project. All material to be removed by the UTI L1TY shall be disposed of by the UTILITY. No credit shall be due to the STATE in accordance with Federal-Aid Policy Guide - 23 CFR 645A, Subpart A. DISCONNECT AND REMOVAL Only the UTILITY is authorized to disconnect and remove the UTILITY's facilities. Disposition and salvage issues shall be as stated above. BETTERMENTS The removal of the UTILITY's facilities do not constitute a betterment as defined In the Federal-Aid Policy Guide - 23 CFR 645A, Subpart A: Utility Relocations, Adjustments, and Reimbursement. EASEMENT No easement issues are involved in this project. ExhIbit "A" UT 0931 Page 1 A . . "l "r', ~ ' . . ..' EXHIBIT "B" Utility Construction Agreement Work By Utility -- Actual Cost Removal of Three Utility Poles and Transformers Ilabor ITEM QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST COST Foreman 12 Hr. $45.42 $545.04 Lineman I 12 Hr. $37.23 $446.76 Lineman II 12 Hr. $38.07 $456.84 Equipment Operator 12 Hr. $34.84 $418.08 labor Total $1,866.72 IEqulpment ITEM QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST COST Bucket Truck #162 12 Hr. $28.50 $342.00 Pickup #138 12 Hr. $12.00 $144.00 Manlift Boom Truck #155 12 Hr. $24.10 $289.20 Flatbed #144 12 Hr. $26.50 $318.00 Equipment Total $1,093.20 ISub Total $2,959.92~ $739.981 $3,699.901 125% Contigency ITotal Cost Agreement UT-0931 Exhibit "B" 1 B I'.rv..... .~ P{~I''':' t 30 :!1 ilia ~I':: I .;;: i: .,!a -80--80- ABANDONED BURIED POWER LINE ;.L~=~II : -5--5- EXIST SEWER LINE I':~ ~ -w--w- EXIST WATER LINE .r: ~ -w-w- WATER LINE -11 - --II--"-l.ih ::ILL- FILL LINE JH[~ ~ n~~ ~:~w ~ ,/ i I ... ~ ~':i~I(yr~ Ui. r ,." 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STAMP BOX DATE DA.TE REVISION DATE BY P.E. SlAW BOX LEGEND FIRE CABINETS STAND PIPE FIRE HYDRANT EXIST FIRE HYDRANT EXIST UTILITY POLE CEMENT CONC. STAIRWAY EXIST OVERHEAD POWER LINE FILL LINE I" ........... -I ...r..,.,.,...... AREA TO BE KEPT CLEAR FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS NOTE: TURN OFF WATER BEFORE EXCAVATION I o I I SO 100 SCALE IN FEET CITY OF PORT ANGELES 6" WATER METER Exhibit "e" UT 0931 PLOT4 SHEE T or UTILITIES SHEE is