HomeMy WebLinkAbout3605 ORDINANCE NO.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington amending
the 2018 budget and funds.
WHEREAS, the Annual Budget of the City of Port Angeles for the year 2018, was
adopted, approved and confirmed on December 5, 2017, in Ordinance 3595, in the manner
provided by law.
WHEREAS, now there exists an emergency that could not reasonably have been
foreseen when the 2018 budget was adopted.
WHEREAS, the facts constituting the emergency include,but are not limited to:
Unanticipated additional revenue;
Unanticipated reduced revenue;
Unanticipated additional expenditures primarily for changes in planned
capital expenditures as previously authorized by Council;
WHEREAS, these facts require amendments to the adopted budget in order to meet
the expenses of government of the City for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2018.
NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, do
ordain as follows-
Section 1. Pursuant to RCS?' 35A.33.090, the City Council declares that an
emergency exists.
Section 2. The 20118 budget appropriation for each separate fund as set forth in
Ordinance 3595, is amended as shown in the attached Exhibit A.
Section 3, The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to
correct scrivener's errors, references, ordinance numbering,, section and subsection numbers
and any references thereto.
Section 4. This Ordinance exercises authority granted exclusively to the City
Council and is not subject to referendum. It shall be in force and take effect (five) days
after publication according to law.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port. Angeles by a vote of one more than
the majority ofall members of the legislative body at a regular meeting of said Council on the
Yd day of April,2018.
Sissi Bruch, Mayor
,Iennifer)' eneklasen, City Clerk illiam E, loot, City Attorney
By Summary
2018 Budget Ordinance-Amendment#1
Exhibit A
hinds 2M
I lFund JDW 114arne/Description Beginning Revenue l Expenditures l Endingl Beginning i Revenue Expendituresj Ending
Balatwce-Est. Balance-Est, Wan Ce-Est.1 Balance-Est.
...... ........ ......................
Fund Wance5,470,356 4,128,456 5474,555
001 1160 Citycouncif
47,600 73,200 47,600 73,200
001� 121000 349,8W
1 Cry Manager 20.9,700 349,800 209,7
001 1211 Customer CDmmitment 1,900 Iaw 1,900 3,000
pc4. 4224 Hurnan Re!au- 192,9,00 123900 1-42,900
001, 1230 City CAerk 55,200 178,100 65,200 178,1W
001. 1289 Records Management 80,300 102,54x7 80,300 102,500
002. :2390 �CotmnunJtjw serwit, 0 12,000 0 12,000
001 �2001 Finance-Revenue 13,07 DW 0 11,075,DW 0
--.: .�i-- 1 11 1 1 1 - I � S, __ __- - I'll............... ..................... ..........
�001, -,W10 FrtnonceAdmcnnqrutvsn 119,900 872,700 319,900 872,700
001 2023 Accounting 6",54W 917,7W' 666,500 .917,700
001 2025 CustornerSerwce 1,047,500 1,0%�= 1,047,500 1,050,200
-----------1....... ...............
001 2080 ReprograpJ cx 37,500 52,000 37,500 52,000
002 2091 Non-Deparlmentad 0
42,200 0 42,200
001, '2099 Ginnerai`U'nspecoed 0 52,000 a 52,000
.............................................. ............... -------------------
001 3020 City Attorney 333.000 517,400 333,000 517,400
3012 JadCantributhans 0 84015000 840,500
00L 3421 Psecuwn 0 0 0
� ro
I-- - -- I I I -,1111111111111-11111 11 " - I'll O�.............................
001_ 4010 Planning
288,5w 540,9w 288,500 540,9W
..........-----l-,1-11-11-111-111-11............... ...........................------.......
001, :4020 auildhng 336,0w 258,600 336,000 258,600
001 4030 Code Corraithance, 0 0 0 0
001� 4 0 62 -&r-u-ra� 0 0 0 0
............. ...... I"I'll,11.11-11--11-11 11 1- -.1
4,10711111I.Ecoramoc Dinvekipmen't 118,300 120,000 118,300
1111 1111 ........................... ----------- ..........
001 �5010 !aAce Adenm4strathin �0 580,500 0 SM'Sw
001 5012 PenCom/Cupotal rransfers 260,900 367.300 260,900
001,.... 5021 Pafice lnvest4aban 6,wo 977,100 6,000 977,100
----............. .............
W1, 5022 Palace 316,200 3,144,000 316,200 3,144,000
, -. .......... .........................-
001 5026 Patice Reserves&Volunteers 0 12,100 0 12,100
001, 5029 Po4ce Records 22,3W 461," 22,300 452,9W
................... ...
Col. 5050 Pooke Focibbee Maintenance 4 XV 9,000 4,300 9,000
-........... ------------------------- --- ................. ....... .........
OCIL", 601,0 'Fire Administrat ........... --,94,5w Itil'sw
W1. 6012 .Pen1111,
I Support 0 1,01,900 0 I,W6,900
11--------------------- . ....... . ........ ............ .............................. .....................
001, _6020 fire Suppression 0 112 79,JOO 0 1,294,B00
001 6021 Fire Va�onreers 8,400 39,9001111._ 9,4CO1111_ 39,9w
001 6022 Speacif Opera
----bon 0- 1111. 3,040 1111 0 1111 3,000
w1- 6030 Areplevention 51500 102,600 5,500 102,600
---------------- ...................................... .............................-----------
001 6040 Fire FraAerng 61000 71,200 6,OW 71,200
............... ............
001 6050 F¢rrFacibt#estdpmrenance 0 50,000 0 50,000
...................... ......
001, '6060 Fire Emergency Management 0 3,LVO 0 3,000
-I.- -_--l'-,I I-l-111 -.1-1-1- -.-- - 4 1-- 11-1.1 .. ..................................................................................
COL 7010 Pubkc Works Admintstration 59
935,6W 1,B59'sw 935,600 1,8 .800
002 7012 Pubhc Works OP 0 72,700 0 72'7W
001 �7032 PubficWor*sleAecommunkovons 26"000 26,500 26,000 26,500 '1111 i
001,___ �8010 Parks Admimstration 0 252,800 a 252,BOO
I - 1- 11-1----- I I 1 11-- -- I I...................
001 �8012 .Senior 48,700 156,600 48,700 156,00
-- 1 1-111-11 -1111-1111-11111111111111111-1111111 .1 - ............... ----------- ---l-1-1-11-.1-...............--
00, 8050 Ocean Wew cemetery 139,000 275,300 139'aw 175,300
-1-11- 1 4 ...................- ......................................
001, �SM ParkFackhfies 20,X0 1,721,600 20,000 1,726,600
-1111-1111_ ............... -----------------------
001 8090 Manne Life Center 0 5600 0 S,6w 1111..
001 ;8112-Semar Center Facdives 0 27,600 0 27,600
W1, 8131 Contrai Services Facilities 362,700 705,600 362,700 705,600
....................... t , ____
001- 8155 facdfltyrtenraip 87,500 105,100 87,SW 105,100
001, 8221 Sport;Pfogroms 172,OW 193,400 172,ow 205,400
001 TOTAL General Fund 5,470,556 i 19,270,100 19,812,200 4,928,456 5,470,556 19,270,100 1 19,878,700 4,861,956
----- -----
101 93,14 3420-94 578,600- ----86,2,-700-- '5'7,994-
Excise Tax Fund 342,,094 578,600 4
102 Street Fund 506,316 1,564,000 1,8,88,5W 181,916 506,316 1,564,000 1,888,500 181,816
II----I- �,�ll, ",�,,�,,�'ll""I�'llI - .................
105 Real Estate Excise Tax-1(REET-1)Fund 487,458 196,400 363,000 320,958 487,458 196,400 363,000 320,859
........ 2,781,900 1 2 803,1 200 51 6 922-1 538 1 11 1-2-2-2 2,839,000 2,860,300 5 16.9.22-1
107 PenCorn Fund 538,222 ! I
I I I I � ""' 't I I'll, �...........- ...............- ------------
260 Real Estate Excise Tax-2(REET-2)Fund 409,240 195,000 83,000 521„240 409,240 195,000 83,0�00 5211,240
172 post"eles Housiq Rehab.Fund- 183,238 11 98,600 216�,000 65,838 183,238 1,048,600 1,230,000 ILU.
TOTAL Special Revenue Funds _7466,568 1 5,414,5001 6,181,200 1,699,868 2,466,568 6,421,600 7,287,500 1,600,669
2018 Budget Ordinance-Amendment#1
Exhibit A
Fund Div. Name/Oescri ion Be inns Revenue Err endituncsi End Beginning Revenue Expenditures Ending
Balance-Est Balance-Est, Balance-Est. Balaruce-Est.
0"T Mona no"
215 .2006 LTGO Bond{Prep Acquisition)Fund 603,994 64,9rp0 87 581 594 603.99# 6#„6pp $7 000 581,594
216 2014 LTGO Bored Landfill BIufFStabilitation)Fund 159.655 345,700 344 200 161 155 159„655{ 345,700_ 344„200 4 161,155
R... �-
_217 12015 LTGO Bond-Refunding 1 W.U.G,A. 9,864 233,900 233,500 10,264 3„864 233,900 233,51 10,264
TOTAL Debt Service Funds 773,513 644,200 664,700 753,013 773,513 644,200 664,700 753,013
401 Electric Utility Fuad 8,180,428 24 024 400 24 024,400 8,180,428 8 1801428 24,024,400 24,024,40D 8,180.428
402 Water Utility Fund 7,000„ 6875,200 7,251,100. 6,624,_. 7,000800 4. ...8,8752109 7,251,100 6„624„900
403 Wastewater Utility Fund 1,150,574 6,965,300 6,829,300 1„286.574 1,1501,574 6,965,300 6,829,300 1,286,574
4014 Solid Waste Utility Fund 2„725,663 11,254,700 10,960„ 3,019,763 2,725,663 11„254,700 10,960, 3,019.763
_.._ .. - - ...... _.._ „
406 StormwaterutilityFund 756„698 2,126,600 2,126,600 756,698 756,698 2,126,600 2,126,600 756„698
_ .
4019 Ntedie 1 Utility Fund 44,405 2,791„600 2,754 200 91805 44,405 2,791, 21788,500 47,505
__........................ --
413 Harbor Clean-up Fund311,778 4,053,000 4,147,8031 21,6,978 311,778 4,053,0W4,147,800 216.978
421 Conservation Fund 920„289 835,900 1,004,000 752,189 920,289 835,900 1,004„000 752,189
TOTAL Enterprise/Utility Funds 21,090,635 58,926,700 59,098„000 20,919,335 1 21,090,635 58,926,700 59,132,300 20,895,035
lM A14_
r'0i_..., Equipment Services 11 11 11 3,335,769 1,835,500 1,812„40.31 3,358„869 3,335,769 1935,500 2,53k600 2,636,669
502 Information 833,385 1,968,100 2,256,800 544,685 833,385 w 11968,100 2.474.300 327,185
503 Self-Insurance 1,099,541 5,536,900 5,536,900 1,099,541 1,099,541 5,536,900 5,536,900. 1,09'9,541
TOTAL internal]Service Funds 5,268,695 9,340;500 9,606,1110 5,003„095 5,268,695 9,340,5e00' 10,545,800 4,063,395
602 Firemen's Pension Fund 334,702- 23,900 62,600 296,002 334,702 23,900 62,600 296,002
TOTAL Fiduciary Funds 334,702 23,900 62,600 296,002 334,702 23,900 62,600 296,002
601 Cemetery Endowment Fund 395,119' 4,p00 0 399,119 395,119 4,000; 0 1 399,119'
TOTAL Permanent Funds 395,119 4,000 0 399,1191 395,119 4,000 0 1 399,119 1
312 Transportation Capital ¢ 3 0 6,702,700 S 456,500 1246200 582,700 i 2,960,900 621800 _...._ ,
_,.,,_ .. .. ... 1 Parc Improvement i Fund 234,008 6.800 p 240 808 234 008 6 800, 0 240 808
316 Governmantal Capital Improvement Fund 168$413 442,500 418 500 1 712 413 168$413 771 800 1 885,100 575 113
_1,073,700 1,250,000 4,442,799
453 Water452 Capitalter
dFund 132#,023�60p Opp 1345 97,000-11111 3,043,023 3 374 023 556,000 104 2 887 3
...... ..... ........ ............. 000 .,.... 580 563... 1.5.?:5,563 ," _li00,000 .. 1345,000 580.563,.]
---i 000
454 Solid Waste Capital Fund 2,263,927 1,217,500 1.436,500 2.044,927 2,263,927 1217,500 1,436,5030 2044.927
456 Stormwater Capital Fund1618x305 400,000 590,000 1428 305 1,618,305 400, 632.000 1,386,305
463 Combined Sewer Overflow Capital Fund 2,245,775
Summary of Ordinance adopted by the Port Angeles City Council on April 3, 2018
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles,Washington amending the 2018 budget and funds.
'This ordinance is not subject to referendum and shall take effect 5 days after passage and
publication of summary.
The full texts of Ordinances are available at City Hall in the City Clerk's office, on the City's
website at AMLLN.cit of a.us, or will be mailed upon request. Office hours are Monday through
Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Jennifer Veneklasen
City Clerk
Published by summary: April 6, 2018.