HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.510 Original Contract
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Z005 AUG 30 IU~ 9: 03
Filed at the Request of:
City of Port Angeles
City Clerk's Office
P. O. Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362
111\11111 ~ Iln III11 ~ \1 ~ ~
2005 1163925
Interlocal Agreement
City Clerk File No.: '5- 5i 0
Agreement between the City o[Port Angeles and ~ 1 ~
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Purpose Co(Yl~ SlIV~~ p~
Dated: ~bfJ I~
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5.5/D 1
WORKSITE # 6/y ~ 1btI- .Ih,J~
The Office of CorrectIOnal Operations is managing the Community Service Program wherein offenders are ordered
to pcrform compulsory service, without compensation, for the benefit of the community at governmental agencies or
nonprofit organizations.
Agencies that agree to be a W orkslte for this program agree with the following expectations'
The Worksite will provide the Department with a detailed
Worksite descnption which Will include all eligibility'
reqUirements that the Worksite Will apply in screemng and
utIlizmg Community SerVice Workers (CSW) and a detailed
descriptiOn of the work to which CSWs Will be assigned.
2 The Worksite Will determine whether a referred CSW meets its
reqUirements and Will mform the Department of its decision to
utilize a CSW within two working days.
3 The final deCision to utilize any CSW will be the Worksite's.
The Worksite does not agree to utilize a set number of
offenders. The Worksite Will also have complete dIscretion to
remove a CSW The Worksite Will provIde notice to the
Department of all termmations Withm two workmg days
4 The WorksIte Will have a designee in charge of the training
and superVIsion ofCSWs.
5 The Worksite Will provide orientation to all CSWs covenng
the WorksIte's organIZation, mcluding mformatiOn regarding
the roles of CSWs and staff, safety orientation, safety
eqUipment and specIfic Job traIning
6 The WorksIte will comply with federal and state regulations
regardIng worker safety.
7 The Worksite Will not use CSWs to supplant paid workers.
8 The WorksIte Will provide monthly progress reports to the
Department on forms prOVided by the Department. The
Worksite Will approve Community Service Weekly
Performance cards as needed.
9 The WorksIte Will provide to the Department written
venficatiOn of a CSWs completiOn of hIslher placement
J 0 The Worksite agrees to consider referrals Without regard to
race, color, sex, religiOn, natiOnal origin, creed, marital status,
age, or the presence of any sensory, mental or phYSIcal
(CIrcle One) G County, State, Federal, Nonprofit
11 The WorksIte will make reasonable accommodation for any
sensory, physical and/or mental limitations of CSWs
12. The Worksite will keep Information regarding CSWs sensory,
physical and/or mental limitations and crimInal history
confidential. .
13 The WorksIte Will report mcidents involVIng CSWs personal
Injury, Injury/attempted injury to another person, property
damage or loss, or cnminal actlVlty to the Department.
14 The Department will prOVide orientation to Worksite staff
regardIng the purpose of the Community SerVIce Program
15. The Department will reVIew the W orksite Safety Program on an
arumal basis USIng the Safety Checklist.
16 The Department WIll refer selected CSWs to the Worksite for
consideration. Referrals Will be based upon the Department's
reView of the qualifications of eligible CSWs, the WorksIte's
needs, and Worksite descriptIon Information concernIng the
CSWs current offense and cnminal history as avaIlable to the
Department and as discloseable by law, will be available by
17 All referrals will be at the Department's dIscretIon and the
Department does not agree to refer any set number of persons
to the Worksite.
18 The Department will proVIde the Worksite with the name of the
Community Corrections Officer to whom the CommunIty
Service Worker IS aSSIgned.
19. The Department and the WorksIte Will mamtain open, ongoIng
commumcations for the purpose of Implementing and
improving the program, and to assist In resolVIng problems
With the CSWs
artment will pay for IndustrIal insurance coverage for
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DOC 09-025 (REV 9/97) OCO