HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.514 Original Contract
RELATING TO: Engineering Services for Sth Street Restoration,
Project 99..{)S
THIS AGREEMENT IS made and entered Into this 30th day of July 1999, by
and between THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, a non-charter code City of the
State of Washington, (hereinafter called the "CITY") and Harding, Lawson
& Associates, Inc a Washington Corporallon (hereinafter called the
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to develop a design for the restoration of 8th
Street, and
WHEREAS, the CITY desires to engage the professional services and
assistance of a qualified consulting firm to perform the scope of work as
detailed In Exhibit A, and
WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that It IS In full compliance with
the statutes of the State of Washington for professional registration and/or
other applicable requirements, and
WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that It has the background,
expenence, and ability to perform the required work In accordance with the
standards of the profession, and
WHEREAS, the CONSULTANT represents that It Will prOVide qualified
personnel and appropnate facilities necessary to accomplish the work,
NOW, THEREFORE, In conSideration of the above representations and the
terms, conditions, covenants and agreements set forth below, the parties
hereto agree as follows
The scope of professional services to be performed and the results to be
achieved by the CONSULTANT shall be as detailed In the attached Exhibit
A and shall Include all services and material necessary to accomplish the
The CITY may review the CONSULTANT'S work product, and If It IS not
satisfactory, the CONSULTANT shall make such changes as may be
required by the CITY Such changes shall not conslltute "Extra Work" as
related In Section XI of thiS Agreement
The CONSULTANT agrees that all services performed under thiS Agreement
shall be in accordance with the standards of the profession and In
compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws
The Scope of Work may be amended upon wntten approval of both parties.
Upon completion of the work, all documents, exhibits, photographic
negatIVes, or other presentations of the work shall become the property of the
CITY for use WIthout restnctlon and without representation as to SUitability for
reuse by any other party unless speCifically venfled or adapted by the
CONSULTANT However, any alterallon or reuse of the documents, by the
City or by others acting through or on behalf of the City, Will be at the CIty'S
sole nsk
Each party shall deSignate ItS representallves In wntlng The
CONSULTANTS representatIVe shall be subject to the approval of the CITY
The CONSULTANT may begin work upon execution of thiS Agreement by
both parties The work shall be completed In accordance With the schedule
to be developed as part of the scope of work
The CITY shall pay the CONSULTANT as set forth In thiS secllon of the
Agreement Such payment shall be full compensation for work performed,
services rendered, and all labor, matenals, supplies, equipment and
inCidentals necessary to complete the work
A Payment shall be on the baSIS of the CONSULTANT'S cost for actual
labor, overhead and profit plus CONSULTANT'S direct non-salary
reimbursable costs as set forth In the attached Exhibit B.
Labor costs shall be based on the hourly rates shown In Exhibit B
Hourly rates shall be based upon an IndiVidual's hourly wage,
times the total number of hours worked, times a multiplier of 2.95
The multiplier shall Include overhead and profit.
General c/encal time shall be conSidered an overhead /fern,
except where speCific work items are Involved that require one
hour or more continued effort, In which case time will be
charged on the baSIS of hours worked.
2 The direct non-salary reimbursable costs are those directly
Incurred In fulfilling the terms of thiS Agreement, including, but not
limited to, travel, subSistence, telephone, CADD computer,
reproduction and pnnllng, supplies and fees of outSide services
and consultants Ten percent (10%) overhead and profit may be
added to direct non-salary reimbursable costs
B The CONSULTANT shall submit InVOices to the CITY on a monthly
baSIS InVOices shall detail the work, hours, employee name, and
hourly rate, shall Itemize With receipts and InVOices the non-salary
direct costs, shall indicate the specific task or activity In the Scope of
Work to which the costs are related; and shall Indicate the cumulative
total for each task
C. The CITY shall review the Invoices and make payment for the
percentage of the project that has been completed less the amounts
previously paid
D The CONSULTANT inVOices are due and payable Within 30 days of
receipt In the event of a disputed billing, only the disputed portion will
be Withheld from payment
E Final payment for the balance due to the CONSULTANT Will be made
upon the completion of the work and acceptance by the CITY
F Payment for "Extra Work" performed under Section XI of thiS
Agreement shall be as agreed to by the parties in wnting
Unless otherwise agreed to In wntlng by both parties, the CONSULTANT'S
total compensation and reimbursement under thiS Agreement, Including
labor, direct non-salary reimbursable costs and outSide services, shalll10t
exceed the maximum sum of $274,953 00
Employees ofthe CONSULTANT, while engaged In the performance of any
work or services under thiS Agreement, shall be conSidered employees of the
CONSULTANT only and not of the CITY, and claims that may arise under
the Workman's Compensation Act on behalf of said employees while so
engaged, and any and all claims made by a third party as a consequence of
any negligent act or omission on the part of the CONSULTANT'S employees
while so engaged, on any of the work or services prOVided to be rendered
herein, shall be the sole obligation and responSibility of the CONSULTANT
In performing thiS Agreement, the CONSULTANT shall not employ or
contract With any CITY employee Without the CIty'S wntten consent
City of PQrt Angeles - [July, 1999]
The CONSULTANT shall conduct Its business In a manner, which assures
fair, equal and non-diSCriminatory treatment of all persons, without respect
to race, creed or national Origin, or other legally protected clasSIfication and,
In particular
A The CONSULTANT shall maintain open hiring and employment
pracllces and WIll welcome appllcallons for employment in all poslllons,
from qualified individuals who are members of mlnorllles protected by
federal equal opportunity/affirmative acllon requirements, and,
B The CONSULT ANT shall comply with all requirements of applicable
federal, state or local laws or regulations Issued pursuant thereto,
relating to the establishment of non discriminatory requirements In
hiring and employment practices and assuring the service of all
persons wrthout diSCrimination as to any person's race, color, religion,
sex, Vietnam era veteran status, disabled veteran condition, phYSical
or mental handicap, or national origin
A The CONSULTANT shall not sublet or assign any of the work covered
by thiS Agreement without the written consent of the CITY
B The CONSULT ANT WIll be uSing the firms submitted with ItS proposal
as subcontractors Subcontractors other than those listed shall not be
permitted without the written consent of the CITY
C In all solicitation either by competitive bidding or negotlallon made by
the CONSULTANT for work to be performed pursuant to a
subcontract, Including procurement of materials and equipment, each
potential subconsultant or supplier shall be notified by the
CONSULTANT of Consultant's obligatIOns under thiS Agreement,
Including the nOndiSCrimination requirements
Other than changes directed by the CITY as set forth In Secllon I above,
erther party may request changes In the scope of work Such changes shall
not become part of thiS Agreement unless and until mutually agreed upon
and Incorporated herein by written amendments to this Agreement executed
by both parties
The CITY may deSire to have the CONSULT ANT perform work or render
servtces In connecllon With thiS project, In addition to the Scope of Work set
forth In Exhlbrt A and minor reviSions to satisfactorily completed work Such
work shall be conSidered as "Extra Work" and shall be addressed In a written
supplement to thiS Agreement The CITY shall not be responsible for paYing
for such extra work unless and until the written supplement IS executed by
both parties
The CITY may terminate thiS Agreement at any time upon not less
than ten (10) days wntten notice to the CONSULTANT Written notice
Will be by certified mall sent to the consultant's deSignated
representative at the address prOVided by the CONSULTANT
In the event thiS Agreement is terminated prior to the completion of the
work, a final payment shall be made to the CONSULTANT, WhiCh,
when added to any payments preViously made, shall compensate the
CONSUL T ANT for the percentage of work completed
In the event thiS Agreement IS terminated prior to complellon of the
work, documents that are the property of the CITY pursuant to Section
II above, shall be delivered to and received by the CITY prior to
transmittal of final payment to the CONSULTANT
The CONSULTANT agrees to Indemnify the CITY from any claims,
damages, losses, and costs, Including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and
Irtlgatlon costs, anslng out of claims by third parties for property damage and
bodily injury, Including death, caused solely by the negligence or Willful
misconduct of the CONSULTANT, CONSULTANT employees, affiliated
corporations, officers, and subcontractors In connecllon With the work
performed under thiS Agreement.
The CITY agrees to Indemnify the CONSULTANT from any claims,
damages, losses, and costs, Including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and
Irtlgallon costs, anslng out of claims by third parties for property damage and
bodily Injury, including death, caused solely by the negligence or Willful
misconduct ofthe CITY, CITY's employees, or agents In connection With the
work performed under thiS Agreement.
If the negligence or Willful misconduct of both CONSULTANT and CITY (or
a person Identified above for whom each is liable) is a cause of such damage
or injury, the loss, cost, or expense shall be shared between the
CONSULTANT and the CITY in proportion to their relative degrees of
negligence or Willful misconduct and the right of Indemnity shall apply for
such proportion
Should a court of competent junsdlction determine that thiS Agreement IS
subject to RCW 4 24 115, then, In the event of liability for damages arising
out of bodily Injury to persons or damages to property caused by or resulting
from the concurrent negligence of the CONSULTANT and the CITY, Its
officers, offiCials, employees, and volunteers, the CONSULTANT'S liability
hereunder shall be only to the extent of the CONSULTANT'S negligence It
IS further speCIfically and expressly understood that the indemnification
prOVided herein constitutes the CONSULTANT'S waiver of Immunity under
Industrial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of thiS
indemnification ThiS waiver has been mutually negotiated by the parties
The proVIsIOns of thiS section shall survive the eXpiration or termination of thiS
Agreement However, the CONSULTANT expressly reserves ItS rights as
a third person set forth In RCW 51.24 035
The CONSULTANT shall procure and maintain for the duration of the
Agreement, Insurance against claims for injunes to persons or damage to
property which may anse from or in connecllon With the performance of the
work hereunder by the CONSULTANT, ItS agents, representatives,
employees or subcontractors
The CONSULTANT shall provide a Certificate of Insurance eVidenCing'
1 Automobile lIabllltv insurance with limits no less than $1,000,000
combined Single IImrt per accident for bodily injury and property damage, and,
2 CommerCial General Llabilltv Insurance written on an occurrence baSIS
wrth IImrts no less than $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence and
$2,000,000 aggregate for personal injury, bodily injury and property damage
Coverage shall Include but not be limited to. blanket contractual
products/completed operations; broad form property damage, explOSion:
collapse and underground (XCU) If applicable, and employer's liability, and,
3 ProfeSSional Llabllltv Insurance With limits no less than $1,000,000 limit
per occurrence
Any payment of deductible or self Insured retention shall be the sole
responSibility of the CONSULTANT
The CITY shall be named as an additional Insured on the CommerCial
General liability Insurance policy, as respects work performed by or on
behalf of the Consultant and a copy of the endorsement naming the CITY
as additional insured shall be attached to the Certificate of Insurance
The CITY reserves the right to review a certified copy of all reqUired
Insurance poliCies In the CONSULTANT's office
The CONSULT ANTS Insurance shall contain a clause stating that coverage
shall apply separately to each Insured against whom claim IS made or SUit IS
brought, except With respects to the limits of the Insurer's liability
The CONSULTANTS Insurance shall be pnmary insurance as respects the
CITY, and the CITY shall be given thirty (30) days pnor written notice of any
cancellation, suspension or material change in coverage
City of Port Angeles - [July, 1999]
This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the
laws of the State of Washington, and in the event of dispute the venue of any
litigation brought hereunder shall be Clallam County
This Agreement, including ItS exhibits, constitutes the entire Agreement,
supersedes all prior written or oral understandings, and may only be changed
by a written amendment executed by both parties The following exhibits are
hereby made a part of this Agreement'
Exhibit A - Scope of Work
Exhibit B - Consultant Labor Costs and Non-salary Reimbursable
In WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement
as of the day and year first written above
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TITLE f"7C&~;:?.ePS/PFm-
File' 99-08,04A
City of Port Angeles - [July, 1999]
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Exhibit A
The City of Port Angeles intends to improve 8th Street for the purpose of revitalization of the
City's downtown commercial district. The proposed project will reconstruct and rechannelize
8th Street from an existing 2-lane striping to a 4-5 lane section between Race Street and "C"
Street. The striping would include provisions for bike lanes and parking. The project will
modify and/or reconstruct the existing traffic signals to provide efficient traffic flow through the
corridor. The existing sidewalks will be improved including curb cuts for wheelchair ramps in
accordance with the ADA requirements. The project will require reconstruction of certain
sections of the roadway to provide improved stormwater runoff. The existing subsurface
drainage system will be maintained, but catch basins will be relocated for improved flow. This
project also includes two timber truss crossing structures which require pre-level and overlay
along with expansion joint restoration and replacement of one pile cap.
Task 1 Project Management and Administration
This activity pertains to all project management and administration tasks as it relates to
completion of the design and environmental approval process. HLA shall provide continuous
project management, monitoring, coordination and communication on this project.
Task 1.1 Project Monitoring
The project manager shall hold regular staff meetings and monthly subconsultant team
member meetings throughout the design development phase. The manager shall also provide
guidance to the project team and make critical decisions in coordination with the City. The
project manager shall maintain a log of those meetings and note critical project needs.
Task 1.2 Meetings with the City of Port Angeles
The project manager shall hold bi-monthly meetings with the City of Port Angeles's project
manager. The project manager shall inform the participants of the progress made on the
project and note any critical issues encountered during the project development phase. It is
estimated that three meetings will be held for this project. The project manager shall
document the minutes of the meetings and send copies to all participants. Continuous
communication through e-mail and/or phone shall be maintained with the City.
Task 1.3 Obtaining Rights of Entry
The City will be primarily responsible for obtaining rights of entry for all properties within
the project limit. The purpose of obtaining the rights of entry is to complete the field
surveying. HLA will assist the City in preparation for the rights of entry request letter.
Task 1.4 Progress Report and Invoicing
HLA shall prepare a detailed monthly progress report and invoice and mail copies to the City
for approval and processing. The project manager will be responsible for conveying that
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Exhibit A
information to any person's billing time or other expenses to the contract to ensure that all
invoices meet the agreed-upon specifications.
Task 1.5 Project Schedule
HLA will prepare and maintain a project schedule showing major task activities and project
Task 2 Data Collection, Aerial Photography, Surveying, and Base Mapping
Task 2.1 Data Collection
HLA shall collect and document all pertinent information as it relates to the project. The
following are the main items and additional data shall be collected as needed.
· All documents pertaining to previous studies completed by the City as related to 8th
· Existing right-of-way and assessor maps including name and type of businesses located
within the project corridor.
· Existing and projected traffic volumes in the project corridor for AM, PM peak, and
average daily traffic.
· HLA shall compile a photo log ofthe project site. The photographs shall include all
pertinent information relating to access, intersections, utilities, building, and bridge
. All existing below and above ground utility information.
Task 2.2 Surveying and Base Mapping
The City has already completed GIS mapping within their jurisdiction boundary. This map
will be available to HLA for preliminary work. However, for final design additional
surveying will be needed.
The following surveying activities will be performed:
. Establish horizontal and vertical control as needed
· Tie existing 8th Street and all intersecting streets centerline and R/W monumentation
· Show property comers and monuments on base mapping
. Obtain utility as-builts
· Field locate and survey underground utilities
· Cross-section on 50-75 foot intervals within the project boundaries. Cross-sections may
also be completed on an as needed basis.
· Tie break lines (i.e. ditch lines, top of cut, toe of embankments) within cross-section
areas. Also establish limits of existing concrete pavement.
· Invert elevations for existing storm drain structures will not be surveyed. Existing
measure downs for catch basins and manholes will be provided by the City.
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Exhibit A
. The data collected in the field will be used to update the existing aerial mapping in
AutoCAD Release 14 and SoftDesk 8. The map will be completed in 1 "=50' scale with 2
foot contour interval.
Task 3 Development of Design Criteria
HLA shall develop a design criteria list which will become the basis of design for this project.
Items to be included in the design criteria will include level of service for intersections, design
speed, horizontal alignment parameters, vertical grade limits, entering and exiting sight distance
from driveways, stopping sight distance, and typical sections These criteria will be obtained
from the City of Port Angeles standard guidelines, local agency and WSDOT design standards
and if necessary, AASHTO standards will be considered. HLA will obtain City approval of such
Task 4 Roadway and Sidewalk Improvement Alternatives
HLA will provide the following services under this task.
Task 4.1 Develop Roadway Reconstruction Alternatives
HLA will provide the City alternative design for roadway reconstruction that will meet the
desired design criteria and minimize impacts to local businesses. The design will consider
access to local businesses and stay within limits of existing right-of-way, and take into
account the existing on-street parking. HLA will also identify nonstandard driveways and
propose methods for standardization per City requirements.
Task 4.2 Develop Bridge Overlay Options and Pile Cap Replacement Plans
The project includes two timber structures which will require new overlays. HLA will
propose design alternatives for this task.
Task 4.3 Develop Sidewalk Reconstruction Alternatives
The existing sidewalk on both sides of the road is damaged due to freeze thaw, uplifting due
to tree roots or uneven settlement. HLA will identify the sections that need to be replaced
and reconstructed and propose methodology for improvement. Also, curb cut needs for
wheelchair ramps will be identified. New sidewalks will be designed along the southern
section of the roadway between Francis and Eunice Streets. Special design consideration will
be given to avoiding and preserving the large Madrona tree east of Cherry Street. The City's
arborists will be consulted in making recommendations for sidewalk improvements at that
Task 4.4 Modify Proposed Design per Review Comments
HLA will submit the proposed design alternatives for City Review in a memorandum format.
The design will be modified per the comments received. It is anticipated that up to two
submittals will be made for the proposed alternatives. HLA will modify the design as
requested. Once approved, the design will be considered final and serve as the basi~ for
design plans. It must be noted that the final alternative as approved will constitute the 100%
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Exhibit A
complete roadway plan, and in fact will serve as the basis for developing the final contract
Task 5 Traffic Analysis and Channelization
For the purpose of the scope it is assumed that the following subtasks will be completed:
Task 5.1 Traffic Study
The purpose of study in this project will be to focus on the 8th Street Corridor. The City will
obtain existing PM peak hour traffic volumes for the four major intersections between Race
Street and "c" Street. These intersections include Cherry Street, Lincoln Street, Peabody
Street, and Race Street. The projected volumes for design year 2020 will be developed in
consultation with the City's traffic engineer. HCS analysis will be performed for existing
and projected traffic volumes to verify lane and queue storage needs at intersections.
Task 5.2 Channelization
HLA will prepare final channelization plans for the selected alternative. These plans will be
submitted for City review and approval. All signalized intersections will be noted.
Task 5.3 Preliminary Signal Plans
For the selected alternative, HLA will also prepare preliminary signal plans for City
approval. No signal warrant study will be done on this project. There are four signalized
intersections on this project. The existing span wire signal at Cherry Street will be replaced
with a new system consisting of a new controller and mast arm signal displays. Existing
controllers and 8"signal heads will be replaced at Peabody and Race Streets. Opticom
preemption equipment will be updated at Lincoln Street and added at Peabody, Race and
Cherry intersections. Also counting and detection loops will be installed at all intersections.
Task 6 Storm Drainage System Study
This task involves performing storm drainage analysis for the project and designing its drainage
system in accordance with the current City standards. Total contributing runoff area, rates of
flow, time of concentration, and volumes of runoff for constructed and natural drainage systems
must be determined for the improvement. However, no new drainage conveyance will be
designed for this project beyond relocation of catch basins at intersections and catch basins
connected to sewer system which will be reconnected to storm system.
Task 6.1 Identify Existing Drainage System
With assistance from the City, HLA will obtain pertinent information representing existing
conditions within the project corridor. The data will include location, type, size, and
elevation of existing drainage structures and conveyances. These data will be used to
compile design information so that project design criteria can be developed. Products from
this task will include a drainage design criteria document, a drainage area map showing
contributing areas to the existing system, and tabulated existing information to be used in the
design development phase of the project.
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Task 6.2 Design Storm Drainage System
The storm drainage system will be designed in accordance with the design criteria
requirements. Design calculations will prepared and provided to the City. A drainage report
will not be provided.
Task 6.3 Design Water Quality and Detention Facilities and Associated Drainage
It is understood that detention and water quality facilities are not required for the project. All
runoff from the project will be directed into existing or slightly modified conveyances. No
effort is planned to undertake design of additional conveyances beyond those necessary to
provide short connections between re-constructed drainage structures and appropriate
existing trunk storm drains. Design of additional conveyances, capacity improvements, and
detention and water quality facilities if required will be added under a supplemental
Task 7 Utility Coordination
The following specific tasks will be performed.
Task 7.1 Obtain Utility Information
, HLA will collect all utility data by informing the utility company regarding the City's goals
and objectives. This data will be appropriately represented on the base map. Both vertical
and horizontal information will be obtained for the purpose of design.
Task 7.2 Meetings with Utilities
It is anticipated that one meeting will be held with the utilities during the project
development phase.
Task 7.3 Prepare Construction Plans
Construction plans will be developed to show how utilities will be located and coordinated
with the roadway design. The goal ofthis project is to avoid interruption of any services
during construction.
Task 8 Geotechnical
Task 8.1 Pavement Design
Recommendations will be made regarding the limits and methods of pavement
reconstruction. Pavement design will be in accordance with the City's current practice.
Existing conditions will be documented based on a review of as-built drawings and field
reconnaissance. No pavement coring or testing will be performed.
Task 9 Meeting With Property Owners
HLA will participate in up to two meetings with local businesses potentially affected by the
project. Individual and specific exhibits pertaining to access revisions and property impacts and
mitigations will be discussed at these meetings. The City will make arrangements for sending
out notices for the meeting and making reservations for the place of meeting.
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Exhibit A
Task 10 Environmental Documentation/Permits/Biological Assessments
A SEPA checklist will be prepared by the City. It is assumed that this project is exempt from
SEP A mitigation requirements. A Biological Assessment (BA) will not be required for this
Task 11 Right-ol-Way Plans and Legal Description
No new right-of-way will be required on this project.
Task 12 Design Plans
The following is a preliminary list of plans that will be completed in English scale for this
project. Once completed these plans will serve as the basis for constructing this arterial.
Task 12.1 Roadway Plans
Roadway Sections
Paving Plans and Details
Driveway Details
Task 12.4 Structural Plans
Bridge Overlay Plans
Pile Cap Replacement Plans
Structural Details
Task 12.2 Drainage Plans
Erosion/Pollution Control Plans
Drainage Structure Notes
Drainage Plans
Drainage Profiles
Drainage Details
Task 12.3 Traffic Plans
Channelization Plans
Illumination Plans*
Traffic Signal Plans
Sign Specifications**
Signing Plans**
Traffic Control Plans
Task 12.5 Miscellaneous Plans
Vicinity Map
Summary of Quantities
Construction Staging Plans
Miscellaneous Details
Quantity Tabulations
*Existing illumination will be retained and modified as needed to accommodate sidewalk and driveway
reconstruction. Minor modifications are assumed.
**Existing signing will be retained. No modifications are anticipated, except for bike route signage, sign
specifications and signing plans are not included in this contract.
Task 13 Engineer's Probable Construction Cost
HLA shall prepare an engineer's probable construction cost for the project. The cost estimate
shall be based on estimated quantities derived from preparation of the plans and unit costs based
on recent City and WSDOT contracts. Cost breakdowns for lump sum items shall be provided.
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Task 14 Specifications
HLA will prepare Specifications, Amendments, and Special Provisions per City standards as
applicable for this project. Specifications will be included in the 70% and 100% submittals.
Task 15 Quality Control
Quality control includes technical discipline review, lead designer review, and senior review.
Discipline reviews will be performed while the detailed technical work is in progress (i.e., when
computations are completed, when sketches and preliminary drawings have been prepared but
not yet submitted for drafting, and when specifications and special provisions are ready for
typing). Lead designers will review specific products, such as plans, reports, specifications, and
other documents, at which time these products are completed. Senior reviews will be performed
for an overall task, when and as defined in the quality control program. Such review will always
be performed after project packages are assembled and before they are submitted for review to
the City and affected agencies.
All scheduled formal reviews will be documented in a memorandum format to the Project
Manager. The Project Manager will be responsible for adjudication of comments/responses with
respect to the project scope, budget and schedule.
Quality control reviews shall be conducted as described above at the 30%, 70%, and 100% stages
of the project.
Task 16 Submittals and Reviews
Reviews shall be conducted at the 30%, 70%, and 100% completion levels. HLA will assemble
the submittal packages for City review. Review comments from the City will be incorporated.
Task 17 Final Plans, Specifications, and Estimate
HLA will prepare and deliver a camera-ready set of specifications and plans for the City's use.
One full size set of mylars will be provided.
Task 18 Construction Support
It is the intent of the City that final construction inspection be completed by the Consultant.
HLA will prepare a supplemental agreement after completion of the final PS&E to provide
construction support services.
The City will provide periodic review ofHLA's work, respond promptly to requests for
information, and provide required approvals in a timely manner. Specifically, the following
activities will be performed by the City:
· Furnish existing CAD files of topographic base maps and cross sections, if available.
· Furnish utility maps of existing facilities, if available.
· Furnish existing right-of-way plans and legal descriptions as required for appraisal,
negotiation and acquisition. New right-of-way required will be provided by HLA.
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· Furnish as-built plans of the project if available.
. Furnish as-built plans for private utilities in the project, if available.
. Furnish traffic counts for intersections to be analyzed.
. Prepare SEP A checklist.
· Provide arborist for consultation on sidewalk reconstruction alternatives.
. All necessary rights-of-entry.
· All other sections of contract documents besides the plans, estimates and Technical and
General Special provisions.
All work will be developed in accordance with the latest edition, amendments and revisions, as
of the time of advertisement, the following publication where applicable:
1. Washington State Department of Transportation Publications
· Standard Specification for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction
. Local Agency Guidelines
. Highway Design Manual
. Hydraulic Manual
. Plans Preparation Manual
· Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction
. Right-of- Way Manual
. Traffic Manual M51-02
. Sign Fabrication Manual
2. Other Publications
· Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, Transportation Research Board
· Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devicesfor Streets and Highways, WSDOT, FHWA
· A Policy on Geometric Design of Highway and Streets, AASHTO
· Interim Selected Metric Values for Geometric Design, AASHTO
. Washington State Departments of Fisheries and Wildlife Standards
· Stormwater Management Manualfor the Puget Sound, Washington State Department of
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4 Roadway and Sidewalk Improvement Alternatives 0
4 1 Develop Roadway Reconstruclion Alternatives 2 12 16 24 16 70
4 2 Develop Bridge Overlay Options 2 8 10
43 Develop Sidewalk Reconstruction Alternatives 12 20 16 12 4 64
4 4 Modify Proposed Design per Review Comments 2 4 8 8 2 24
;~~"., '_ -~X0~'"~ ~xf!::.t>:;;:;",:i~:,~J';:~{::~~-~t:_:C;;~:~~c~;~~~t:;:(~"r;I~!~Y~~-!:~~~,:~t_~~~N6ubtotal :-r:: .J}'::r";~:-~:? ~~;::-::;; }.(~~;,::r~~'t-'~2~ ':r/:;~':~S;~~~10 r::-i2~~-:)::t -r~~_<r~O {;.":: v<:.~') ;,0~O ~~ if "1;' -;:~~h~l!O ~1:"~:, ,t~r~"':..r~1t8~ :~,~<i ;.~]}~~~8~ ~::-:~t-t';'~:'1::~:36 i ~~~;7~:.t- :,1~.6 j~:~^~~~~~~t,68
5 TraffIc Analysis and Channelization 0
5 1 Traffic Study 2 20 22
52 Channelization 4 16 16 36
5 3 Preliminary Signal Plans 4 24 24 52
:&;':C,:, ~1"'';;.';:);, f ~'{<_:';0' 2~'~'J"-%~'R~'1;.I: .!:;;;';;i ;._::f'~:1i: y":,,,:;,.,.:':$;: :~t)~~.2kSutit6,tal .::1' :t:;,;>'if'"::O ~~,(':l,~j[,:;,: f'}j 4'~;i1 0 J,'i ,~: ~1i~jf5"~;_0 Jc:~jtt'::';,';;:,10 ',J;L ~:,,,,,,,,, 0 ;3;-i-~~;',o;~'i60 ,\!~,{:,,5-~,;i;i'~IO ~;-:, - !-i~i'A:,;O ::~j',~'f~,": ~ 4,0 ,,~i :f~;;:T: -';:;CO :: g;"1t,tJ~r,,,;~;;J 0
6 Storm Dramage System Study 0
6 1 Identify EXisting Drainage System 4 24 28
6 2 DeSign Storm Drainage System 6 60 12 4 82
6 3 DeSign Water Quality and Detention FaCilities (Not Included) 0
',\_;.. '0"~ ;'::5'i;'!"1f:;:,,,5~uQt9tal ,:j::';"~:~:<';~l)sO 'J~':-~': .[';;,:;::"::';';:10 ' ;\\C::'~J,,~:<::':a ::",~;:",\i~~iO ,,-.;1" ~;"'_.':&4 ;;;-''':,~':,;:y'i:~}O ~i"'"1":;,,{,"~;Q ii;;f::-, ''"3"-';l'';0 i",;,,';: ~i'~; ,{12 ;::'-V;;.;; ,:'-Jl:';'\4 '-"<"~'i\i';;,ttO
7 UtilIty Coordmatlon 0
7 1 Obtain utility Informalion 2 2
7 2 Meetings With Utilities 8 8 16
7 3 Prepare Construction Plans 4 8 8 20
:-'~r,,~'f~: ~~':?- ~1(~~: :\y+~~-~-, ~.;' i~l~ ~~'>.t;;;:-~ \.L :::" ;' ~ A ~":~,~~ ::&,f~'$~~.i {,,~" ;Subtot?l -_;;-s~1 ~ ~;':):'tO ~.d.J2~ ~,l;l~~ ;;::~ 'b>B:;'''.[414 i2u~'~* /-'~r7- ~:j 6, "ct~; ;,-ST::'~t,~::O ;;~:r;:~, ;l~j~ 0 ..~ ,,~~~,,\~l~~;;Sl,~1Ji:G .:;lr::-~~~~S.:;,;v~~O \=.",: ~.;,~ L.'J?tO ~;:~;~:~::~;c,:: :8v ,F ,_ r:: - 'i:~O 10~, ".;.{;^:- - >' 38
8 Geotechnical 0
8 1 pavemeniDeSiQil 4 8 16 16 4 4 52
Task No
1 1
2 1
":2;? ~:!: ,,-:~~ ~I, '~l
~~~;:~S; 3Ji~;~
Task DeSCription
project Management and Admmistration
Project MOnltonng 8 80
Meetings and Coordination WIth CIty 8 60
Obtalnmg Rights of Entry 4
Progress Reports and InVOICing 4 24
Project Schedule 4
_O",-J,~",,~ ;,'" ,tt"",,":i;'~~;1,Subt9!a[ -~-,~,J~;:':.?;S29 f:$::"~.':k:?}1;"i;;;>_"~lT2 '~;f't;:':2~;'!.:';44 ~~-;;;:'/~c:!f~~;:!! :;-~:-{:i~,:::.i1q _ ,i:,~~[;:::-12
Data Collection, Surveymg and Base Mapping
Data Collection
SurveYing and Base Mapping
Development of DeSIgn Criteria
_~ : s:::~~i;~~'l!:rD ~%{1i:thi;~:Lt;:~~~_i~;~2 ;~_~~-r:';'.4,>}:.+~:v~0~ij ~:ri1~~;:;;- ~ r,~,O _{,,?,lf~;::,';;;:},l;2 :r~~ t.".:~ :~l-tt~~O ;f,::::~f~'l:,,\{':;~O ~::~'~~1;::~ -:L\~Q ~?~'\1'~~2~~r;I~ :1~lO "i~~ J::-$:~t~:-'>~~~ 4 ~~::~ I>~' :'i~:"i1.6
f '~~r~:';!;rrf;:!'t-~~:4 ~:J~f2~;;~~~~!J.~ '~~~:~:~t8 .~~ '~~;)\:"Ji.i ~?~t 6 j~,~Y:~,}~\~~~~~Q' :~~=.r'L ';:7':z-:~~n '::-::J.~-~ ~.:)~.~?~~"~'O, ;Wl.t~~~(,.:r~;-:;~~;O ,,; L,aEr-c~;~;~~ ~16 ~~':;~\~;i~!;~j:::'i4 ~~'>;':Jr,~~~1~-_}r~ i~'::_i,~",~~_:~~~'52
'it [-tl~L:;;{:::r",I .:;~1\.~: ~~~:., :r~::,\f~t~_-;;:~:-: :~;:;"~$-lEl;:{i~1k;~~" ;:~-1'f~r,?:'~\~"i.S4QfQj~d ;~:?r~.~~--=v::~i 9 ;;k,~i:.~~i';,,~~}:;;!~:~~t& ;'~f~~~~i'~:,'L1:~ -; s~j3'l~:~:f~~~~~Q ~~i:$:1{~!:, ~~~~LO ~:-: ".;:"::"'.- t~o ~-'s:1~oi:J:i^,~~?fO c~~:'; 'B: 7_:::~~ 0 ,~~',f::~:.{j:l'i16 "0;.:;% -;;'!:t~~:,-;o ''''<~;~~~~:~: c:~40
Meetmgs With Property Owners
10 Environmental Documentation
10 1 SEPA Checklist (not Included)
10 2 Biological Assessment (not Included)
10 3 Permits
f:::;;;~;"L ~ ~~ F'~-~.r" ~.3?:~"N,;!~~:tJ't~O,
11 Right-of-Way Plans and Legal DeSCriptions (Not Included)
Design Plans
Roadway Plans
Roadway Sections
121 1
;';;~~~aJ!,}[__~~~t~8 f,':0f:;~r~s;r;-~:;'O "~:~U::~l~}~r\,{o. ~(.:::;D7r~~~~'~Q ~~-~_~?~~-r~~to
:~:;" ~~-i:3~~::i:.t~Q if"~:ARJ ';' -; ~_ -"~:O ~~1~~e:~J~C~fiL~~O '~;;$,7~:;'::,,~-' t:"' ~16
",::;"t~,.;-, -:
icp;),ti"J~..,t,:i li~O :~~~1i1::-<::o:';t,~,~;:,:{;:.to~ ::r;'-.~6:{~~~, ;,YO :,~ ~f::-::(~~,';'~ 4"0 ;""- ~:: ~-::~~ ~ :'! 0 "=~ ~,,:::. .q;,>_ ~_ ::"30 ~~ ~~ i.1~~L~~Y:;O '\-r~:{:l;~,:-_'i;~Q ~J ~.!t:;-.=_~:~_~~r~~~o ~~~,(~:[::f~~ 7;0 :~~~':r ~ ~f~~:;;: ~?;f€';fp
Page 1 013
Task No Task Description Principal Project Project Env Drainage Traffic Structural Design CADD Admin Totals
Manager Engineer Planner Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Tech
12 1 2 Paving Plans and Details 12 24 60 60 156
12 1 3 Driveway Details 2 8 12 12 34
122 Drainage Plans 0
122 1 EroSion/Pollution Control Plans 2 4 16 16 38
1222 Drainage Structure Notes 2 4 30 28 64
1223 Drainage Plans 2 4 40 36 82
1224 Drainage Profiles 2 4 22 24 52
1225 Drainage Details 2 4 36 24 66
123 TraffiC Plans 0
123 1 Channelization Plans 8 16 24 40 60 148
123 2 illumination Plans 2 4 8 4 8 26
1233 Traffic Signal Plans 8 24 100 80 100 312
1234 Sign Specifications (not Included) 0
123 5 Signing Plans (not Included) 0
1236 Traffic Control Plans 8 16 32 16 32 104
124 Structural Plans 0
1241 Bndge Overlay Plans 2 4 40 32 78
124 2 Pile Cap Replacement Plans 2 2 48 32 84
1243 Structural Details 1 2 32 32 67
1244 Pedestnan Fence Replacement and/or Repairs (not I 0
125 Miscellaneous Plans 0
12 5 1 Index 2 4 8 6 20
1252 VICInity Map 1 2 6 6 15
1253 Summary of Quantities 8 16 24 16 64
1254 Construction Staging Plans 4 8 16 16 44
1255 Miscellaneous Details 4 12 16 16 48
1256 Quantity Tabulations 4 8 26 16 54
\ ":;>J/r'~ '"-: ~:l: ~''":li'c~::'~:~ ) ',::g~ '" :' ~~',~i~~~J ,,~Q ~l'~~ ;'~-;"-\;;,l;~i1r~:";:?t~~:82 :~};;',,;~,-, 'i'{';;1'8,6 ~ :">.?>~~};:-4~:1" ,,:0 h!:,g',z<.":':144, Ii,;:,;;' -":';""164 ~Jf~?~!t::':120 ?)}'~'1,~",;,.:.a80 f.;?:~:~i: ';:5411 ~~"'';~~h ~~ I~;,~~O ;;~~i"~""'1624
13 Engineer's Probable Construction Cost 2 8 16 4 4 8 24 8 74
;;:~ ":J :,', :.:: '<i" "" cfl:-l;,z.:;:~12 f;i~~;:;,.J~l-t ?:~:;:~f..,~:F8 ~~~,~:=:~ k:~,~::_~:j ~ :ilt i'S ~~t:}, ~;~;S;Oj 32=::t.,J:.~-~~~-4 . . ::f,~~,i':;ii'!:4, Jl0:'~~,~;0;:~?'B ;',;'ft-}',~::;;2!1' ';:i;r.'::,,:;;: :.;~{) ~':;t}';t~j,f."-~-8 ;";:~~l;f'G::';:':Z4
14 Specifications 4 24 80 16 24 16 24 188
"~~it~::~'\7t~g4 ~j~~:.ff;;'~i'~"""f1t:i ~9 24 j:~,;:foT",Pf,:-,8G ~;\~'\:-~ %,;f~O J_;j;,':~-'7-;f;~,16 ';.:::.~~?::;a;ni;~4' ~~~:3"~2~v,:.i\~;1~ ~1';g ,};,: i".ASV\O< ;i:'?,~~:€,,:';":;,~O }Df~:.~~t~j?::, ;Z-4 <0'r-7"",~[;'::;'.[1 B8
15 Quality Control 0
15 1 30% 12 12
152 70% 12 12
15 3 100% 16 16
~ :,-,", ,: o'c ,," :': 1!ii""J..~:SF: "ke ~G~!~;;~:~i;;t4Q k~~?S1x~;~- ~:l\~\ ~).!~~~O ;;; ~Y\~ !'>k:' !~t~ iQ ;-:-=':0?~:~~~~~';tQ }-<:___If ~f:~:~ '"; 0 '"r<:;):S"0~O ; _~l0'~t~;o ',;;::'~~"'~~;;r;;'q <<_",~-'~:~l~';0::;~Q , :~}~~::::" '~f~:~~O ':y:;:''"-S-j;;~;~~ :"740
16 Submittals and ReViews 0
16 1 30% Submittal 2 4 4 8 4 22
162 Incorporate 30% ReView Comments 4 12 4 4 4 8 16 52
163 70% Submittal 2 8 4 8 8 30
164 Incorporate 70% ReView Comments 4 12 4 4 4 8 16 4 56
165 100% Submittal 2 8 4 8 8 30
166 Incorporate 100% ReView Comments 4 8 4 4 4 8 16 4 52
0, r: ;,f, >0?i:-;~-:;J,'Q :e&~';"';;;;ig;; o,~ J:~ J 18 's"~~..; r,,~~{,5;1. ,J;:~':1Z0:;!V'~3~1"t 0 ,;;~;,: ,:;~;r:., ~tit12 ;""'" C;-"~i(:t2 :;~'; ,;",:>1:"'"12 ',>i:;):~'S~,..3e- :~- ~~ ,,~;;,~::::';' f/2 :;f:~,;; .i;J;~ ~ J;~28 :t'D;:;';~: ;J242
'\..^'"'; f;~;;~~'" ,., u ~
Task No Task Description Principal Project Project Env Drainage Traffic Structural Design CADD Admin Totals
Manager Engineer Planner Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer Tech
17 Final Plans, Specifications and Estimate I 4 8 8 16 16 8 60
:!:~'*:; '2-;Sfl *~~~-~~~~~~?4 ;t~f:f(i~<'~~:P-tf-~~~r;& :;r~:*'-"h'i~~'f?~ ;:f~f~~5;~0)::O ~:i.~~rf;f:;5~~~O ~~~ '!t.~~-;::-.:~p ~~:r~;;~~iO :;.i,fl:;'J~;;;~~16 ;~~:~X'~':-=~16 \~t,,: ~~~~:~~~^~B ;:i1~i~&~60
18 Construction Support (Not Included) 0
;;:::,~~ .'~~~\~;: i:;~~:l;~~J~~~:f!:5:~:1!;,::~~>,:fJE:}(:}11~"~ ~~;f~7;~i:::~ S:,t~~UDtOtaJ ~"~~~t:~-~:~Q ~~~:~:SA"'J&i~t:r:?20 :;:"','ftffif[~:-:::,9, ~}ii~~,{:t~~~q ~-"<~:~0.'i0-?~Q r :~,~t:;::~~~O j€~:~~.qg- ~\:fJ;~~_[-:'~~~~~J~_q ~.rrl~ i;~4f~~~~:!lQ ~"i:::~~~::;1;:O ..D~~~{;;j-~~~~O
Total Hours 76 414 478 8 280 282 174 520 768 128 3,128
Hourly Rate $ 5626 $ 3588 $ 2500 $ 2433 $ 2650 $ 2833 $ 31 50 $ 1906 $ 21 84 $ 1700
Direct Labor $ 4,276 $ 14,854 $ 11,950 $ 195 $ 7,420 $ 7,989 $ 5,481 $ 9,911 $ 16,773 $ 2,176 $ 81,025
Direct Labor $ 81,025
Overhead @ 165% $ 133,691
Fixed Fee @ 30 00% $ 24,308
Direct Labor Subtotal $ 239,024
Polans (surveYing) $ 32,979
$ 32,979
Mileage & Ferry Tolls $ 800
Reproduction $ 2,000
Meals $ 150
$ 2,950
Total Direct Cost $ 35,929
Grand Total $ 274,953
Page 3 of 3
JVL-21-1~~9 .08:55
Polaris Engineering and Surveying, Inc.
206 South Lincoln Street. Suite 201
Port Angeles, Washington 98362
(360) 452-5393 FAX: (360) 457-9319
e-mail: polaris@olympus.net
July 20, 1999
City of Port Angeles
do Harding Lawson Associates
Infrastructure, Inc
411 1 oath Avenue N.E" Ste. 400
Bellevue, Wa. 98004
C~rl Einfeld Fax: (425) 453-6779 (REVISEDI final)
City of Port Angeles, 8th Street reconstruction from Race 81. to C 5t.
(approx. 7500 feet) - Right of Way and Topographic mapping
Dear Carl:
Following is the final scope of work to complete topographic mapping needed for this project,
and to establish location of right of way limits within the project area.
This scope does not include field inventory and measure downs of manholes and catch
basins. Based on the information received, the city has completed an inventory of the pipes
inside of the structures, including type, size and measurements down from the top- This
information would be used to develop invert elevations of the pipes inside of the structures,
and to develop information regarding the size and types of these pipes.
Scope of services:
_ Establish horizontal and vertical control within the project area as needed.
_ Locate controlling monuments of the 8th Street ~nd intersecting streets right of way,
interpret and establish right of way lines within the project area,
Perform a field survey within right of way to locate:
street cross-sections at 50 - 75 feet inteNals. or as necessary to locate the toef top of slope
in the areas without existing sidewalk. This is a minimum density required to attain accuracy
for 2 foot contour interval. Higher density of the coverage would be maintained in the areas
of intersections in order to provide sufficient information for the design of drainage facilities.
Break lines, curb lines, ditches, topl toe of cut or embankments, driveway approaches. curb
returns, identify types of surface (pavement vs. concrete, gravel, soil. eto.).
Underground utilities (sanitary sewer, storm drain, water lines, telephone, power if any)
based on surface marking provided by other~ and other information available from the city.
JV~~21-1~~9 , 08:55
Sewer manholes and storm catch basins.
Survey monuments at lot corners along the right of way.
Other features as appropriate (Le. large tree near the corner of 8th St. and Cherry St.).
Data processing:
Complete processing and compilation of the field data, include right of way data and prepare
a hard copy of the map at the scale 1";;;:50'. Merge new digital data with the existing
topographic data from the city 1995 ~eri~l mapping project. Prepare the final digital file in
ACAD V.14 fo rrnat.
The hard copy of the map at the scale of 1 "=50', composite digital data file with appropriate
layering identi1ication in ACAD V. 14 format.
Note: ffLA far
THe 81W will provide at no cost personnel a&>f18Ented (ilJ3J3reM/\ 88 hrs' to direct traffic when
field su~ey work is performed withinltr~:.I..E1. area5--_ tAl pFBjeet. AL"'" .. J
/11- ~aJq.,. 'C cd f?C4.-Ce.) Peo.bocly ~ tH-CO'" Sn---c-~.
Enclosed is the spreadsheet with cost plus fixed fee for the work outlined in this letter.
Please, let me know if you have any questions.
Vit Liskutin, LS.
Survey M~nager
c.c. file
JUL-21-1999 , 08:55
. . .
. .
Consultant Fee Determination - Sl.Itntn51ry Sheet
July 20. 1999 linill
city of Port Angeles
eJa Mardin; lAw~n Assoe.
411 10eth Ave. NE, Ste. 400
Bcllcvue, WA. 90004
S'th Street reconstruction} survl!~ng. l\'I~pplng
..____*....._ _................._.. .... .................._...__...__.............".........\IHIII............. ....... .....-...-...-..,."'.-.r1t11'tll1f1fn..
SUrYeyinll. milPJJing
Classification Man Hours x Rate ;;; CDBt
F'rinclpal 1000 x 3813 $ 381.30
Prof~sslonal Land Surveyor 3000 x 2300 $ 69000
aurvey Te~nician 1 es.Oo x 1900 $ 3,13500
Party Chief GO.oo )( 23.00 $ 1,~eo.QQ
Party Chief 180.00 )( 19.00 $ 3,61000
Survey Crew Member 190.00 )( 1100 $ 2,000,00
survey Crew Member 0.00 x a 50 $ 000
om..\: Admini$V<llol IJ.OO x 16.00 $ 0.00
CI9ncal Staff 0.00 x 11.25 S 0.00
TOTAL DSC 11,286 30
OH Rate x DSC 167.20OJ. )( $11.2a6.~ ii $ 1e,J06.38
FF Rate x DSC 30% )( $11,2S6.30 $ 3,3SS.SI1
Mileage field Truok )( $(j.42 $ O(J(l
OPS 1ii.'1l1lllment (Iler hour} 0 X $5.00 " $ 0.00
Vi(ft~i~ GRANO TOTAL 32,978 57