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2005 AUG 25 AM 8: 56
Filed at the Request of:
City of Port Angeles
City Clerk's Office
P.O Box 1150
Port Angeles, W A 98362
2005 1163535
Interlocal Agreement
City Clerk File No.: 5. 5;1\
A!;Teement between the City o[Port Angeles and ~~~~ :;'J.xn-e.hst1iJ
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2U05 MAR 28 Mf /0: 38
City of Port Angeles
POBox 1150
Port Angeles, WA 98362
2005 1153210
THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into thiS l.<P=day of
the Port Angeles School district #121 (hereinafter referred to as School Dlstr
(hereinafter referred to as City).
, 2004 by and between
and the City of Port Angeles
WHEREAS, the Port Angeles School District # 121 and the City of Port Angeles agree that it is III the best
interest of both parties to assign a School Resource Officer to the School District; and
WHEREAS, the Port Angeles School District #121agrees to share the cost of and provide facilities for the
aforementIOned School Resource Officer,
NOW, THEREFORE, it IS mutually agreed as follows:
The Port Angeles Police Department (hereinafter referred to as Department) will assign one regularly employed Port
Angeles police officer to serve as a School Resource Officer (hereinafter referred to as SRO) to the School District's
high school ThiS SRO will provide a uniformed presence on campus to promote safety and serve as a positive
resource to the high school and surrounding neighborhoods The SRO Will patrol the assigned school and
surroundmg areas in order to identify, mvestigate, deter, and attempt to prevent cnme, especially those incidents
involving weapons, youth violence, harassment, gang involvement, drugs, or other similar activities. In addition, the
SRO will proVide students, parents, teachers, administrators and neighborhood residents with information, support,
and problem-solving mediation and facilitatIon.
The SRO shall at ali tImes remain an eIPplo~lee of the City The SRO shall remain responsive to the supervision and
chain of command of rhe Department which shall be responsible for hls/her hiring, training, and discipline Any
allegation of Improper conduct by an SRO shall be referred to the SRO's Immediate Department supervisor or
directly to the Chief of Police.
The SRO will be assigned to the School District on a full-time, forty (40) hour work week during the school year,
minus any scheduled vacation time, Sick time, trammg tIme, court time, or any other police-related activity,
mcludmg any emergencies such as CIVil disasters.
Schedulmg for the SRO while school IS in sessIOn Will be determined by mutual agreement of the School District
administration, the SRO, and the SRO's police supervisor. The SRO will not take vacation while school IS in session
unless approved by his/her police supervisor. On scheduled work days when school is not in sessIOn (summer
vacation, school breaks, holidays, etc.), the SRO will work on assignments as determmed by his/her police
School Resource Officer - agreement
Overtime hours for the SRO that relate to regular law enforcement duties or that reasonably relate to SRO duties
must be authorized and approved by the police supervisor prior to the performance of the overtime work and will be
paid in accordance with established Department policies and procedures.
Nothing In thiS agreement prevents the School District from hiring off-duty City of Port Angeles police officers to
provide security at sporting events or other special events. The terms of this Agreement do not cover off-duty
officers hired for these purposes
Selection and appointment of the SRO will be made In cooperation with the School District and the Police
Department. Requirements for the SRO assignment shall include'
. The SRO must volunteer for the assignment. The SRO must have a minimum of two years of police
service in a municipal or county law enforcement agency and have an Associates Degree or the equivalent in
credit hOUlS
. The SRO must have an expressed desire and ability to engage in direct daily activity with students, school
staff, parents, and the public The SRO must convey a positive police presence on the school campus and in the
. The SRO must be highly motivated, productive, demonstrate high levels of self-initiative and innovation,
and be able to work well with minimal supervision. The SRO must be in good physical condition and present
and maintain an excellent uniformed appearance.
. The SRO must have the ability to be a positive resource to the school staff, students, parents and residents
In the surrounding neighborhoods. The SRO's education, background, experience, interest level and
communicatIOn skills must be such that the SRO can effectively and accurately be a resource, liaison and
mentor at the schools he or she serves.
. The SRO must agree to attend any necessary training or classes necessary to increase his or her skills for
the pOSitIOn.
Based on selection criteria cited herein, the Chief of Police shall appoint the SRO If requested by either party, the
School Dlstnct and Department may appoint two members each to a SelectIOn Committee, which shall have the role
of interViewing, evaluating and recommending the appointment of the officer selected by the Department to serve as
the SRO.
SRO assignment vacancies will be filled in accordance with thiS Agreement.
In the event of the resignation, dismissal, or long-term absence (more than 30 days) of the SRO, the Department
shall prOVide a replacement within 30 school days of the notification of the absence. In the interim, existing
resources will be scheduled to provide partial coverage to the School District.
In the event the Principal of the school to which the SRO is assigned has cause to believe that the particular SRO is
not effectively performmg in accordance with this Agreement, the Principal may recommend to the School District
and Department, in wnting, that the SRO be removed from the program
To initiate the replacement of an SRO, the PrinCipal will recommend to the District Superintendent that the SRO be
replaced, stating the reasons in writing. Within a reasonable period of time after receiving the recommendation, the
School Resource Officer - agreement 2
Superintendent or his/her designee will meet with the Chief of Police or hls/her designee, to mediate or resolve the
problem that may exist. If the problem cannot be resolved or mediated, in the opinion of both the Superintendent
and Chief of Police, or their designees, the SRO will be removed from the program and a replacement SRO will be
selected in accordance with this Agreement. This process shall not exceed thirty days.
The duties and responsibilities of the SRO while on duty include, but are not limited to, the following:
. Regularly wear the official police uniform, including firearm, with civilian attire being worn on such
occasions as may be mutually agreed upon by the Principal and the SRO.
. Establish and maintain a workmg rapport With the school administrator and school staff.
. Act as a resource person in the area of law enforcement education at the request of the staff, speaking to
classes on criminal law, search and seizure, drugs, motor vehicle laws, etc.
. Assist in providing school-based security during the regular school day and assist in the promotion of a safe
and orderly environment at the School District's high school. The SRO shall not act as a disciplinarian;
however, the SRO may assist the school with discipline problems upon request by the Principal or other
administrator and, if the problem or incident is a violation of the law, will determine whether law enforcement
actIOn IS appropriate
. Investigate crimes or other school-related incidents on campus and in the surrounding neighborhoods,
making arrests when appropriate, and makmg the necessary notifications to parents, school staff and social
service agencies.
. Assist in mediating disputes on campus, mcluding workmg with students to help them solve disputes in a
non-violent manner
. Participate in school staff meetings, PTA presentatIOns, and other parent-involvement programs
. Maintain an actiVity log, to mclude all SRO activities such as meetings, conferences, extra-curricular
events, arrests, investigations, training, and any other items or occurrences which are required by the school or
police supervisor.
. Provide a monthly report, based on the activity log, to the police supervisor and principal
. Perform other duties as mutually agreed upon by the Prir.cipal and the SRO, provided the duty is
legitimately and reasonably related to th~ SRO program as described III this Agreement and IS consistent With
Federal and State law, local ordinances. Department and School District poliCies, procedures, ru\t::s and
In return for the City providing SRO services to the high school, the School District will'
. Provide private office space at the high school to be used by the SRO for general office purposes, equipped
With a desk, chair, 4-drawer lockmg cabinet, telephone and reasonable office supplies.
School Resource Officer - agreement 3
. Police only parking space.
The School District agrees to pay the CIty $23,000 as its share ofthe SRO program costs for the period of September
7,2004 to June 16,2005. The School District and City agree to negotIate program costs annually for any subsequent
Both parties understand and agree that the City is acting hereunder as an independent contractor, with the following
intended results:
. Control of personnel, standards of performance, discipline and other aspects of performance shall be
governed entirely by the Department;
. All persons rendering SRO services hereunder shall be for all purposes employees of the City,
. All liabilities for salaries, wages, any other compensation, work related injury or sickness of the SRO shall
be that of the City.
Both parties understand and agree that the School District retains its legal responsibility for the safety and security of
the School District, Its employees, students and property, and this Agreement does not alter that responsibIlIty
The City will protect, defend, indemnify, and save harmless the School District, its officers, employees and agents
from any and all costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages arising out of or in any way resulting from negligent
acts or omissions of the City, its officers, employees or agents related to the performance of the City's duties under
this Agreement. The School District will protect, defend, indemnify and save harmless the City, its officers,
employees and agents from any and all costs, claims, judgments or awards of damages ansing out of or in any way
resulting from the negligent acts or omiSSIOns of the School DIstrict, its officers, employees or agents related to the
activities covered by this Agreement.
Both Parties understand that no significant impact on the envIronment will result from servIces rendered hereunder.
This Agreement expre,>ses the entire agreement of the parties and may not be altered or modified in any way unless
such modifications are reduced to writing, Signed by both parties and affixed to the original Agreement.
This Agreement may be terminated only after sixty (60) days written notice given by one party and received by the
other. Any termination of this Agreement shall not terminate any duty of either party that has matured prior to such
This Agreement will expire on June 30, 2005 unless mutually extended by the parties in writing.
School Resource Officer - agreement 4
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As evidence of their Agreement, both parties, through their authorized agents, having read and understood the above
and foregoing, and with the mtent to be bound hereby, hereby execute this Agreement on the date last entered below.
Date: 11- / - lJ<f
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