HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.539 Original Contract
Tanya O'Neill
City of Port Angeles
lody Simmonds, Security Analyst
Department of Retirement SyStems
SUBJECT: Data Sharing Agreement
DATE: May 3,2000
Enclosed IS the original Data Sharing Agreement between DRS and your orgamzation. Please
have the appropriate person sign the original document and return the original to me.
The following logonid and password will be used for submitting your transmittals via FTP. The
logonid and password are case sensitive.
LOGONlD: ptangewa
DIRECTORY/SUBDIRECTORY: /home/DRS/FTParea/transmittal/wa/ptangewa
www.wa.gov (Physical IP Address:
If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you.
lody Simmonds
Security Analyst
Department of Retirement Systems
P.O. Box 48380
Olympia, W A 98504
(360) 664-7154
FAX (360) 586-5802
This agreement is entered into between the Department of Retirement Systems, here-in-
after known as DRS and the City of Port Angeles, here-in-after referred to as Port'
Port Angeles must report transmittal information monthly to DRS relative to their
employees who are members of the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) and
Law Enforcement Officer's and Fire Fighter's Retirement System (LEOFF). This
information must be in the correct format and contain accurate data in order for DRS to
process the data. The submitted data is used to update the member's account and create
an employer invoice.
On a monthly basis, transmittal data will be provided electronically by Port Angeles
using File Transfer Protocol (FTP) methods. DRS will receive and process the data for
the purpose of updating members' accounts and creating an employer invoice for Port
Angeles. DRS's Employer Information System (EIS) will process the information and
the member information will be stored in DRS's Member Information System (MIS).
The DRS's EIS and MIS and all their interface processes reside on the IBM System 390
mainframe at the Washington State Department ofInformation Services (DIS) in
Olympia, Washington. The input file transmitted by Port Angeles will reside in DRS's
FTP area on DIS's Unix Internet server www.wa.g.ov. The parties ~amed herein shall
furnish the necessary personnel, services and mechanisms as specifically set forth in
"EXHIBIT A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein.
DRS and Port Angeles employees shall maintain the confidentiality of all shared data
detailed herein and shall not inappropriately disclose that data in any manner that would
violate the individuals right to privacy. DRS and Port Angeles shall not inappropriately
disclose any data obtained other than to their own authonzed staff and the member.
This agreement shall remain in full force until terminated in writing by the authorities
documented here-in.
This agreement is not limited to a specific period of tIme. The period of performance
shall commence May 2000, and be in effect until terminated or modified by mutual
agreement of all parties. ThIS agreement is subject to review a minimum of once every
two years.
Modifications to this contract shall be made only by full agreement executed by the
signatories or their successors and appended to this contract. Any requests for changes,
amendments, extensions, or termination must be communicated in writing at least 30
days in advance to the other party. Acceptance of such modifications will require the
signed, written agreement by duly authorized representatives of both Port Angeles and
In executing this agreement, the signatories certify on behalf of the requesting and
granting entities that the information provided is true and accurate. Secondly, they have
read the Data Sharing Agreement document, understood it and agree to the conditions
and restnctions related to the provision and use of the data and will require all involved
representatives and associates to comply.
Department of Retirement Systems
James 1. Reitz
Assistant Director of Information Services
CIty of Port Angeles
Finance Director
Date I (
Exhibit A
a. Data Description: Transmittal information (member compensation,
member and employer contributions, service and other relevant member
demographic information)
Data Ownership:
Port Angeles
Data Origin:
Port Angeles's payroll system
d. Exchange Mechanism(s):
Providing Agency: Port Angeles's manual FTP transmittal process will
submit its transmittal data via a file name "0751mmmv.fix" (where mmm
= month and v = version). The file will be transmitted using an FTP
connection to DRS's directory
"/home/DRS/FTParea/transmittal/wa/ptangewa" on the www.wa.goY server
at the Department of Information Services (DIS).
Port Angeles must supply DRS with the name and e-mail address of the
person(s) responsible for the on-going support of this transmittal process.
Receiving Agency: Periodically each day, DRS's transmittal-FTP file
consolidation process will query all FTP transmittal directories on the DIS
UNIX Internet server www wa gOY. If the file "0751 mmmv. fix" exists, the
process will move it with other existing FTP transmittal files to the
convert-upload FTP input directory
"home/DRS/FTParea/transmittal/collect_files." DRS will process the file
using the client server application (convert-upload). After a successful
data transfer, the FTP file will be deleted from the
"/home/D RS/FTParea/transmittal/wa/ptangewa" dIrectory.
The convert/upload process will:
1. check the format and layout of the records and make the necessary
changes to match the input requirements of the nightly transmittal
process, which runs on the System 390 mainframe.
2. create a batch FTP process that uploads the file into the mainframe
PDS "DRSES124.PC8600.TRNSM.INPUT.PDS." The member
name will be Fddmmmn where:
F denotes FTP
dd = transmittal day
mmm = transmittal month
n = transmittal sequence number.
e. Data Use: DRS will use the transmittal information to update
members' accounts and create employer invoices. DRS's Employer
Information System (EIS) will process the information and the member
information will be stored in DRS's Member Information System (MIS).
f. Data Specs: A file named "0751mmmv.fix" will be electronically
submitted to DRS by Port Angeles personnel. The file will be in one of
the acceptable DRS transmIttal reporting formats (See Record Layout
DRS will accept several electronic reporting formats for the submission of
transmittal records. The reporting formats include ASCII text, tab
delimited records; ASCII text, fixed length records; and the multiple
record layout transmittal report structure for TRS Plan 3. Detailed record
layout descriptions for each reporting format are contained in the DRS
booklet Technical Requirements for Automated Reporting:.
Access Method:
b. Access Type: Port Angeles will use the DRS-provided logon
(ptangewa) to transfer files into the FTP directory
"/home/DRS/FTParea/transmIttal/wa/ptangewa" DRS will move Port
Angeles's file with all other transmIttal-FTP files into directory
"/home/DRS/FTParea/transmittal/collect_files." Next, DRS will process
the file with the convert/upload application, and move the file into
DRSES 124 PC8600.TRNSM.INPUT.PDS (Fddmmmn) for processing.
c. Access Modules:
Providing Agency: Manual FTP process over the Internet.
Receiving Agency: Transmittal-FTP file consolidation process will move
all FTP transmittal files to DRS's convert/upload FTP input directory
"home/D RS/FTParea/transmi ttaV collect_files." Convert/up load
application using FTP. Nightly transmittal batch process DOlES 124.