HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Mattern 6/1/2018 2018 1 The City of Part Angeles eles Advo hoard ApLIlication "" " Lodging Tax Advisory Board Applicant Name and General information t First 1M II Last * wA r✓ Address ;ityv state Zip — Home:phone Work phone Cell phone Y" E-mail address Certification and Location Information Are you employed by the City of Port rngeles .........__ .,. .. _._ .,...a _ w.m. ,_. __ ......_ Yes o Are you a citizen of the United States`?,. _...,....... . _.,................. o Are you a Registered doter? __µ_.. ......... __........, ._,..,... _ _,. ... ......,w..__.......,.._ _......_ __.....__..........._ .... leo Are you a City resident'?—. No If so,how long ..... _ .. _.w__.._.........__ _,,...,.. .. __._ ..._._._ .... .. _ _ _... ._._....._ _. _.... _ "M" � Do you own/manage a business in the City"?. .,. _...___ _ _.. . ._ ..,.._._....w............................_ _.._ _ .. Yes Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field?_ .._..._ _ ..mm_ ....M,.__............ .. No If so,please list &( (: Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you are applying for"? If so„ c explain: The City of Port Angeles Work or Professional Experience- List most recent experience first, or attach a resume F,�V,, /,,t I(,t .1, Employer CUV Brief job descripfion E r nployer Briefjob description Employer Brief Job description Education—List most recent experience first I e & 6�No x Institutiocn/n ocatiann Degree earned/"major area of StIdy Graduated? RA — adtr If is o Institution7,cca iron Degree earned alor area of tudy Graduated? "Yes No Institution/Location Dcpree e° ed/M or area of Study Graduated? Charitable, Social and Civic Activities and Memberships erships–List major activities you have participated in dinin,g the last five years IV6,ry ),4vi /IP7 4Lw /— 4e%"i ref� A;."� Org,anization/Location Group's purpose/objective )m- drici—description of your participation O rganizat on(Locatiorn Group's pnrrpos0obleetr`e+'e Brief description of your participation The City of:Port Angeles «, Advisory Board Application , ter Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Applicant Supplemental Questionnaire wire 1. Describe the importance of balancing lodging Tax related expenditures on:capital„operations,events,and marketing, What do you feel is the highest priority aua why` p How will)on support implementation of event,funding` Recognizing the fact that funding for events is limited,explain how you feel historic events should be weighed against new event opportuunuties Flow will tame of year play into your decision nuuil'i,n,g? I What is your ftuture visio a of Part Angeles as a tourism destination? 4, Based on your current involvement in the tourism industry(if any)do you perceive any conflicts of interest? flow will you address any potential or perceived co ict of interest? Ile— A7pp ucant, go ire VVV Date fit bmit,completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk Jennifer Veneltlasen City of Port Angeles 360-417-4634 321 last 56,Street jvenekla@cityofpa.us Fort Angeles,WA 9831 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Aet,if you need special accommodations because of a physical limitation, please contact the City!`Manager""s Office at 360417-4500 so appropriate arningernents can be unade, This document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be distributed to members of the City Council for appointment,consideration, Additionally, it may become a part of a Cutler Council packet. Be,sP.QD3-e, _LQ-LQ.d 1 , The balance among these purposes, all of which are legitimate and important, should be based on the purpose of the tax which is to help bring more tourists to Port Angeles. Expenditures should also consider how to leverage rather than replace other sources of funding. Any capital investment should consider how the facility will be maintained, not just created. A new facility that becomes an eyesore in a few years makes our city less, not more, appealing. Since this is a public fund I lean towards supporting operations or events that have general appeal but limited or no other sources of support. Also, since the purpose of the tax is to increase tourism all expenditures should be towards something that has appeal outside of the area. Services and events primarily for City residents should be supported by other sources. I recognize this is not an "either or" proposition but rnore nuanced. I am Emger to see what sort of reliable data are available to help make these decisions, but recognize anecdotal information is also valid and important. 2. Events that bring people to the city should be supported, especially where there are other sources of funding that are leveraged. Events mostly attended by our residents, even if a long-standing tradition, are not an appropriate use of this fund. However, this is not a test with an easy answer as events with mostly local appeal may also bring family and friends to town, Also, the purpose of the funding should be carefully considered. Events with local appeal should be more attractive to sponsorship by local businesses. Any new events should only be undertaken with a clear understanding of how they would be supported in the long run or one-time benefit. Seasonality is certainly a major consideration, I am eager to learn rnore about this, but at the outset it strikes me that we don't need more during our peak months beyond ensuring good information is available so visitors find what they want. Similarly, I don't think that there's much percentage in coaxing visitors in the depth of winter. This leaves the shoulder seasons as the most likely periods where we Could get the best return on investment in events or activities. I hope there is good information to inform these choices and look forward to learning more. 1 It appears that many people now visit Port Angeles because of our location and surroundings and only occasionally because of what our city itself offers. My vision for Our future is to bend the needle so people spend more time in the city or come here as a destination in itself. We have the seeds planted for this but there's a lot that needs improvement. This ranges from sprucing up our appearance (never underestimate the value of a fresh coat of paint) to fostering more unique events that give people a reason to visit. We should have something to offer young millennials so they pause amidst their adventures, families with children, and adult couples or groups out to explore the world. All types of visitors should find attractions that persuade them to spend more time and stay an extra day or two. 4, 1 am not directly involved in the tourism industry and don't see that changing. If a real or perceived conflict to arise I would first disclose and discuss the conflict with the committee chair and then if necessary recuse myself from any related discussions. June 1, 2018 Jennifer Veneklasen City of Port Angeles 321 East 5th Street Port Angeles, WA 98362 Ms. Veneklasen: I am pleased to apply to serve on the Port Angeles Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Last fall my wife and I moved to Port Angeles from Seattle as we begin to transition into retirement. We've had a weekend cabin off Deer Park Road for over five years and have been visiting the Olympic Peninsula for decades, so we have some familiarity with the area. I am offering to serve on this advisory corTirnittee for two reasons. First, as residents of Port Angeles we have a civic duty and vested interest in helping the city prosper, Second, I think we represent an important part of the tourist market Port Angeles should attract.We like to travel around the state and beyond and look for towns with an interesting history, nearby activities, good food, comfortable places to stay, and unique events, Port Arigeles, has some of all of these features but there's so much more that Could be done. Our interests are certainly not the only ones and should be balanced with other portions of the tourist market. Overall I think the fund should prioritize prograrns or projects that maxii-nize new dollars coming into the city (heads in beds and cheeks in seats) and look to leverage other funding Sources. Port Angeles is already a wonderful place and with pending improvements such as the new performing arts center and hotel and conference facility I believe we are on the cusp of a wonderful renaissance. I would be delighted to help these hopes come to fruition. XSin rely yours, David Mattern 316 W 9"TH STREET PORT AN GE I.ES WA 9'8361 (360) 457-9182 DMAT-TERP4@AVVANTA.COM