HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Cole 6/11/2018 nJ1116?J 1��� The City of P ort Angeles Advisor Board Application 2018 Lodging Tax Advisory Board `� f � ASO G F ANGEL ES Applicant Name and General Information �,,. TY CLEi P � Fi rst ISI I Ist LIC Address City- State Zip .. Home phone Work phone Cell phone J E-maid"'address Certification and Location Information Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles?...--------- . Yes y�; Are you a citizen of the United States?-,. w,,..,. ...........,,. ............. No Are you a Registered Vater'......... ..... ... ....... ,..., ,.,, ........................... Yeleo Are you a City a�esident'i _, . ......... ....,.... ..,.....,...w,.... �Y CSu Are If'so,how long:----.-- ......,...............,...,,.........,.,,...,. _... ...... ,,,..,.,..._.,,,.,,..... .31 / Tyrayou own/manage a business in the Crycty? , .... _...,. _... .... ...... _.,,., _............ ........ No Do you hold any professional licenses,registrations or certificates in any field? .......... Yes If sc ,please list: Are you aware of any conflict of interest which might arise by your service can the advisory board that you are applying for? If s-a�plrse explain ,, :.. *z' oo ,I�'6rAa"„IIIIIVII�tlWIW'� The City of ."cert Angeles Advisory �Board Application Lodging Tax Ads isou Committee ppl ican Supplemental Questionnaire 1. Describe the inapt»Wt ance of balancing p.)dging Tax related expenditures on. capital,operations,events,and marketing. What do you feel is the highest priority and why? 41 r T 4 m f i/" u+ Kai. �/ mm w./' y ",`•4` ev.... .. r a fcw val you support implementation if event funding'! Recognizing the factc�t thif t¢nacia l'°aza'events is limited,explain how you feel historic events spat?ulcl be weighed against new event opportunities. Howe will time of yeaar play into your decision making? . LiE 77 7 W4 is your � f tar � � ar ) aie er as tourism..ccstanatxrn" a. � � .� '� ... . � d'�✓. `" ��' '' �.� '� . �' �'m` � / �„ r� i a � d ""y' ,Jµ pyo � pq � r yN �;:... * ... fi �r'1d ^" . �` &s t on caur caaarent'invc5lvcanent iia the tcaaara an incl stry i aaiayi alta yraaa perceive any conflicts of interest! Iic.awv wail ycau address any,potential or perceived conflict of interest? �""�' r"''„' ._.... _..._..... r _.............._ eel ate Applicant Signature D 4rtirmit completed forms to: Office of the City Clerk, Jennifer Veneklasen City of Port Angeles 360-417-4634 321 Fast ”,Strt,etjvene itt��cityof a,us ("'tart Angeles,WA 98362 In compliance with the Aanericans with Disabilities Act,if YOU need special accommodations lx-,cause of at physical limitation, please contact the City M'anag 'sOfficeat -417-45Clt:}so appropriate arrangements can be made. '11is document and all attached information is considered a public record and may be.distributed to rneanhers of the City Council for appcaintment consideration. Additionally,it may become a part of a City Council paacket. The City of Port Angeles Advisory Board ApWication Work or Professional Experience - List most recent experience first,or attach a resume / . Employer Brief job description Employer Brief°ob description Employer Briefjob description Education—List most recent experience first Yes No Institution/tAx:at.ion Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated? Yes No Institution/Location Degree earned/Major area Of Study Graduated`? Yes No Institutiona"I,ocation Degree earned/Major area of Study Graduated? Charitable,Social and Civic Activities and Memberships —hist m tjor activities you have participated in during; the last five years OrganiratioWIA)ration Group's purpose/obi ecti ve Brief description of your participation Organization/Location Group's purpo 'db9 ective Brief description of your participation Mark Douglas Cole 611 E Park Av, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone 360.301.0315 upstaqe@olympus.net Regarding the City of Port Angeles LTAC advisory board application: Years in the hospitality and entertainment industry, I submit the following resume. I currently reside in Port Angeles, WA, where I manage @ The Park Inn and on occasion promote music and art events. I've been an Olympic Peninsula resident for 26 years. My experience includes 40 years in the hospitality industry with focus on arts, entertainment, full service food/beverage service, and event management. Community ties, community tourism planning, and public service augment these experiences. These include long time board member of Port Townsend's Main Street Program and Port Townsend's LTAC. For fifteen years, I owned and operated Last Stage Company's Upstage Restaurant and Theatre in Port Townsend, WA. Upstage was a full service restaurant and venue that worked closely with lodging resources and community organizations. Included with this resume is a proclamation from the City of Port Townsend that describes the achievements and services my operations provided to the community. At Upstage, I produced, arranged, and coordinated events that drove sales for Upstage and drew visitors to the community. Events were conducted nearly 365 days a year for 15 years. Performing Arts talent included renowned national and international entertainers as well as community participants. My industry experience has always generated regular and positive media coverage - from urban and local newspapers, to the Hometown Hero series of American Profile publications, to USA today. I mention media coverage because it is highly relevant to maintaining and generating tourism and the funding that supports tourism, Before Upstage, I managed and/or owned special event wine operations. These were typically in conjunction with fairs, festivals, civic organizations, wine industry and grape grower organizations. Description of such is below Kindly consider me for your advisory position. Yours truly, Mark Douglas Cole 360301 0315 Mark Douglas Cole 611 E Park Av, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone 360.301,0315 gp§qg_qe.eq1y.mpg_s_-net EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2017 to presents: manager, @ The Park Inn, Port Angeles 1998 to Present The UPSTAGE, LAST STAGE COMPANY, Port Townsend, WA POSITION - Sole Shareholder, CEO, Host For 15 years (1998 - 2013), Upstage, a full service restaurant, hosted more than 5,000 performances and community events. Over 30,000 performers graced its stage. Upstage devoted itself to supporting the Performing Arts and providing a gathering place for local and national organizations. Management duties included event creation and booking-, food and beverage; employees; facilities; public and media relations, and customer service. Cooperative efforts, to narne a few, include Centrum Arts Foundation, Andy Mackie Music Foundation, Music Matters, Savor The Sound, United By Music, Port Townsend Film Festival, Stars of Tomorrow, Youth Music Fund, American Red Cross, and most local organizations and causes. On a part time basis since 2013, Upstage continues to facilitate world class entertainment and support community gatherings and the Performing Arts on the Olympic Peninsula. I still provide consulting services for events on a part time basis. 1982 to 1996 WINE PAVILION, INC., Santa Monica, CA POSITION - Corporate Officer, Principal Shareholder Wine Pavilion, Inc. a private company, first formed to create high profile special events at fairs and festivals, ranging between 20,000 about 1,400,000 attendees. It assisted non-profit wine industry organizations, promoting the culture of wine and nouveau cuisine. Wine Pavilion earned industry awards, architectural awards, and nationwide media coverage. Wine Pavilion brought Performing Arts and American Craft to the forefront in its events and provided employment to up to 50 persons. Its operations included food and beverage service, entertainment, and gift shops. Wine Pavilion brought its concepts, management, and consulting services to many special events including Arts & Wine festivals, Cal Expo, The California State Fair, Super Bowl, The Los Angeles County Fair, The Big Fresno Fair, Northwest state fairs and several wine industry organizations. 2 Mark Douglas Cole 611 E Park Av, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone 360,301.0315 ppgLcigg,< plymp-u—s-net Wine Pavilion generally worked for or in conjunction with, non-profit and/or civic organizations. It negotiated with government agencies to acquire licensing and create new types of licenses that are now standard in the event industry. As event creators and coordinators, Wine Pavilion also participated in nationwide and international wine judging events. Previous to 1981 HAESELER PRODUCTIONS, Int. POSITION, Chief Production Assistant to Academy Award Winner, John Haeseler. Haeseler Productions was a film production company producing educational audio- visual materials for worldwide distribution to educational institutions. Duties: in charge of all aspects of production, distribution, sales, hiring, advertising, subcontractor management, and order fulfillment. RECENT CIVIC POSITIONS: Port Townsend Main Street Program - 12 year board member. Port Townsend Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Port Townsend Main Street and City of Port Townsend Parking Committees. Co-chair Main Street Property Owners Committee. HUD Loan Committee. OFFICE SKILLS: Software experience and proficiencies include MS Office, Apple office software, QuickBooks, Merchant Card, Micros POS systems, scheduling/calendar software, and social media promotion and advertising. 3 Mark Douglas Cole 611 E Park Av, Port Angeles, WA 98362 Phone 360. 01 .0315 gpga _9g@o1yt _mp,!Amgq Wine Pavilion generally worked for or in conjunction with non-profit and/or civic organizations. It negotiated with government agencies to acquire licensing and create new types of licenses that are now standard in the event industry. As event creators and coordinators, Wine Pavilion also participated in nationwide and international wine judging events. Previous to 1981 HAESELER PRODUCTIONS, Inc. POSITION, Chief Production Assistant to Academy Award Winner, John Haeseler. Haeseler Productions was a film production company producing educational audio- visual materials for worldwide distribution to educational institutions. Duties, in charge of all aspects of production, distribution, sales, hiring, advertising, subcontractor management, and order fulfillment. RECENT CIVIC POSITIONS: Port Townsend Main Street Program - 12 year board member. Port Townsend Lodging Tax Advisory Committee. Port Townsend Main Street and City of Port Townsend Parking Committees. Co-chair Main Street Property Owners Committee. HUD Loan Committee. OFFICE SKILLS: Software experience and proficiencies include MS Office, Apple office software, QuickBooks, Merchant Card, Micros POS systems, scheduling/calendar software, and social media prornotion and advertising. EDUCATION: Avon Old Farms, high school, 1969 graduate, cum Laude, English Award, Service Award, Founder's Medal, athletic letter. Whittier College, B.A., graduate 1973, cum Laude, Haynes Foundation Scholar. Other, education includes Arabic, Danish, and glass craft arts. 3 Mark Douglas Cale 811 E Park Av, Port Angeles, WA 9838 ' Phone <360.301.0 315 qp"ta e-qpjynV—us.ngj City ort Townsend Office of the Mayor �a 250 Madison`x4reet,Suaate 2.Pon a'armisawoat,WA 98368 (360�379-5047 FAX(360)385-4290 P RLA r,r 10 N WHEREAS,INIark Cole has,in tfie q ast ten ,ears, a,reafi" ely transfi,,)rmcmd the [7frostage Ra;maaaraarat armo as uwuarku uuae venue for the preymeadon of a wide variety of"nwuaautaHy and Data 'a¢atuaasrra.11y°-0aata;wam;'n musicians,:slrra:aaacaalvag;Port Townsend as a vltaal pan o tl'ac West Coast. music st u:aac,and WHEREAS Marrk 0,wdc lavas ca:)ua°taa,Vca h a ncr .ausragcap and saupap orled 4K,;.d taudcaar, and cspVaaaaflV Va'uaua@tp'ua&'p rI'MIn rrs,vat&velopnuaag t.K6 art in graauer singing fiaaaura music tra comedy io drama Lo van-w,to drra.novaanvc performance arz� and WHEREAS,Mar Cole has generousy opened his Pacwality to caaaaarrarra:Gaupty-builaudurapp cwctats, including von-parwadit d'1.aaaadraasers and paa;tlbllc aaaeefingsr and WHEREAS,Mark d„a,rlc c°asratd'a"rr:U s to eaaracla the cultural We ca1'd oa i'Townsend in an cuaiczgeli:and w usaawnaaay way,and¢c:u play as leading,role in lausatcsla'tgp attention on Vort"l owns aare:d ars rraua arls-rich cs:wu'rraxaaunity for all g;arracraafions and a year-round arts destination, NOW, H .R.[TOREa,1,MicheHe Sandoval,Mayor aafthe CkN w.al`llorl 9 ownscaaad,do 1pereb,y proclaim MARK COLE, PATRON OF THE ARTS l`aarr the year of 2008,and aslcw tlac citizens of the 1,"auy°of Pon'Townsend to gcrarra Daae in aac'laa oN0 dging his accomplishments, 'Michelle Sandoval.aal.lslayrrr May 9,2008q. y.. 4 N 00 < C7 CL 0 Ljj Q ,-- fl 0 ry cn � ca ttr (n 0 O " M U CL two 0 m iU 0- a 0. � � ° J