HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication Abshire 5/22/2018 The City of Port Angeles
Advisory Board ApOication
Lodging Tax Advisory Board
Applicant Naine and General Information
MM-c Ab hire
121 E Railroad Ave Port Angeles WA 98362
.. ........ ........................ ............
Address ("itState Zip
4 -2364
Horne phone Work phone CeH Phone
.................................... ........
Fl-rnail address
("et-fification and Location Infoi-ination
Are you employed by the City of Port Angeles?_______ ........ Yes M:i
Are you a citizen ofthe United States?___., .............. I Yes I No
Are you a Registered V(,)ter?,,.,,. . ........... Yes No
Are you a("ityresident") I Yes I No
I t'so, how iojlg:. ........... 6 months
l')O you Own/111anagerr business in the City?,_ Yes I No
I)o you hold any professiomd licenses, rqgistraGt,mis oi-certificates In any field?_, Yes No
;,I l
If so, piease list: .....................
.....................,""".............. ........................ ...... .....................................
Are you aware c f any conflict cal interest which might arise by your service on the advisory board that you care applying, for?
If'so, please exIilaim
As the Ex6cutive Director of the Port Angeles Regional Charnber of Commerce, I will have conflicts on any
.......... .......................................................
requests for funding that would support any activities and events produced and managed by the Chamber, and
wM recuse myself from discussions and decisions regarding those requests.
.. ......... ............ ......
06/19/2018 E - 35
The City of Port Angeles,
Work or Praa 'essirrrrrarl Ewerienc - hast most recent; experience first, or attach a resurn
de a
_. ....... _.._..., _ _.. ..._ _ ._ .... _ _.. ___..._.. ._ ---------_--________. .__._.___ ....e ..._w_...
BriefJob description
.......................... ...........................v...... _..... __._....._. _ _....._......._.._......_.....
Brief Job cte~sa:,r�iC:atCcrra .._...�_...��................�,,,. ,�.,,.�_ ,�..__
Brie:t°.lcrta description
Education —List most recent experience first
y"a~s ca
University of Colorado_ Boulder, C, Master of Arts/ English Lit
_. ._ ..........._........_..._........
Institutrtan/L(c arat ion Degree eaarned/MaJor area of Snidy Graduat &
US Air Force Academy- Colorado Springs,.CO_._ � Bachelor of Science/ Man arrant . . es 0._.__._.._.
Clist itution/Location Degree a�r°ned/' aJor area of Study Graduated?
Yes No
C'rrstitarti€ata/C.,0cartiaaarDegree a<rrrredMajcrr area c°rC'Srrry Graduated?
harita ble, Social and OvicActivities acrid Memberships— L..i t major activities you have participated in
dUring the last five years
.. _ ...: skills,
Kitsa Children's Musical Theatre Develop childrens life, leadership, and performance
Organ iration/I.,(, at ion Group's purtrtrseW/crt�je cbv
Member of the Board of Directors
........ _—-----._____.._,.....www .w........w.., ------ .....
tlrief description of your participation
Pccrlsbcr Rotary Cltrta._ ._.v._._._._....._.._ Community Service Organization
. .._ _...
Organ ization/kicat ion Group's purpose/objective
l;trrcC ... _ ___._.__._..__,._.�....,._. ...._ _. .._.�..—..______�....__........._.
esc,ription ofyour C.aaa°tic°i ation
06/19/2018 E - 36
uufele City I`Port z,'ingeles
r Advisory Board AiLL�ficafion
Lofting'fax Advisory Continittee , pplicaut Supplemental Qttestionnailµe
1. 6ycsc°rilae the iraapcanarrce of balancing Lodgitt „'Fax Mated expenditures on: capital, operations, events, and rnarkefln4. What
do you feel is the hi hest larior4y and why?
L909jrtg_ as funds should to be applied to all of these areas,but vitit tr w l irw rrtirt I ri rGti rw tbe
driven by a longer term strategic vision. With that said, the highest priority among the four areas wilt change over
lime, taut currq,ntl wI think we have an ofyf"wr rturli to invest in the futureww y f grtdirt nd ital preagpots.
2. flcawv will yon sada cart irnplerrientation cfk` ventjfwtt. ling'" Recognizing the fact that funding fear events is linfited,explain how
you feel histori: events should he vve;i hed against ww event;opportunities. Howe will thrre of year play into your decision
main ?
Event funding is critical, however, I think we should encourage events to become self-sustaining over tirne.
I would support policy that requires events requesting funds to show future-year amounts they might require, that
would inform the request they are making for the current year event. Time of year; need less emphasis on surnme
"t, What k your future vision of Port Angeles as a tourism destination?
Tourism is ts.e future of Port Angeles— in the form of outdoor recreation, winter conferences„ events and festivals,.
and as a transpot�tation hub for the c l'yrlipic National park and Vancouver Island Canada. d are behind other
�aITces that have '"used or, toortsm for o :cedes, but our natural resources and location wain hel us succeed.
4. Based on your current involvement in thetourism ucfustry(if any)clo you perceive arty conflicis ofinterest? 11OW Will YOU
address wain„' po.entiar or perceived conflict of hitcr¢; t`.'
I am heavily involved in the tourism indusgry, and that is why I think I can help the advisory committee and the
City Council in many of the considerationta, decisions„ and policy advice that is needed to optimize our use of
lock tnwg tax funds. l will_§ee fully tt n par ntw in an otential„ er eived ootm actual conflicts, and will recuse myself.
. .
2 4Y
_._. _ _ ....._ ........�.. _.__._ _ _ _ __.....M _m__...._..w_........®....... _ www �...................._......._..w..
Appllc tt l"~ign alvre Date
Submit c.ompletecl fomes to: ffia.•e of the City Clea-lc Jennifer"' enettlasen
t1tv of'".w: Angeles 360-417-4634,
32 1 F�s—, :rdta Street jveticklawcity of a.us
tic>rt Angeles. WA 983
In c ornpIica.rice°%vith the Arnericans with Diserhilitic Act, if you need special accommodations because of physical limitation,
please contract;Ire City Manager's Office at 360-4'7-450,0 so appropriate arran ;ernents can be»grade,
This docun'te at and all attached information is con,,Jc'Bred a public,record and may he distributed to nreuabers of the City
Council for alalarahnnieut consideratican. Additionally, it rnay faecorner a part of a City Council packet.
06/19/2018 E - 37
121 E, Railroad Avenue
Port Angeles, WA 98362
MARc ABSHIRE, marcal",)shire(�i Mgggp��-Yrriaai",coml
CUrrent Executive Di7ector Port Angeles,WA
Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce
Selected by the Port Angeles Chaniber Board of Directors to
provide a nevi, inspired, and strategic focus to a business
coniniurrity in need of solid leadership, marketing experience,
networking and collaboration skills, and more effective arid
prof tal-Ae business development and stipport programs.
2014 -2016 Director Poulsbo, WA
Greater Poul bo Chamber of Commerce
Achieved unprecedented mernber retention numbers, business
development programs, and net profit results on he of
Chamber menibership a.rid its Board of' Directors, Built and
sustained relation ships with coramunity, government, and.
higher education organizations, and farged new connections N6th,
strategki partners to ensure that the Chamber will, remain as
strop g, relevant non-profit bu,siness and economic influence in
the region. '
2.012 —2014 Vice President, Communications Washington, DC
Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB)
Develop(-.xI aridimplemented strategic communications mid
public awareness strategies for CPB. Increased CPBs exposure
in the inedia as as public media,, system leader, and, as as major
national funder of education farog
p-arns and.journalism
initiatives. Created marketing communications plans, website
and, Intranet content, and social media channels to effectively
cornniunicate CPBs mission, priorities, and values. Wrote
speeches, press releases, and repo�rts to the CPB Board of
Directors and the LJ.S, Cong�ress on beha,lf of the CPB President
and ("E0, as well as other senior leaders at CPB.
2010 2012, Corporate Curnmunications Consultant Bethesda, MD
Eton Enterprises
Clients included Interpol, VeriTrust, U.S. Marshals Service, R&G
Specialty Products, arid ABET (engineering education
accreditation). Served as ABET's acting Ma,na,gjng Director of
Corm-nunications and Marketing, arid built the non-profit
06/19/2018 E - 38
company's fib'st-ever public relations and stakeholder outreach
programs, as well as led ABET's successful website .a edesign. and
rebranding projects. Supported BroadSoft, as Director alPublic
Relations anc helped BroadSoft prepm.-e to become as publicly
held campan,,. Examples of other prqjects include speech
coaching the -)irector of Interpol and the Deputy Director of the
U.S, Marsha,ls Service, and managing Public relations and
fundraising campaigns for start-up companies VeriTrust, Do
Good Often Etiterprise s and R&,(" Specialty Products.
2006 - 2010 Director, Corporate Communications Sterling, VA
Responsible ior NeuStar's irnage, Arisibility, and reputation
among it1ternational, national, and trade ruediar and targeted
custorners. Oeveloped arid implemented broad-based
cui-runuric atil ms camp,ngns supporting the company's
rehations-hip ~a with journalists amd industry analysts, and was
corporate spokesperson for NeuStar's international news
bureau, Provided strategic commu.,nications solutions t(!!) the
business units of NcuStar, as well as government relations,
investor relations, human resources, and -le el executives.
Directed internal communications programs for employees
located worldwide; r:uv corporate m arketing !materials; and
led website content management, corporate presentations and
speec.hes, an,d tra,deshow exhibitions.
2002 - 2006 Director, Regional Communications Linthicum, IVID
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Led tearn of t;-ig
,ht account managers to provide internal
comm,unications, Public relations, advertising, marketing, and
tradeshow exiiibitions, for the business division,->. Directed
strategic comamnications campaigns targeting international
regions, including Europe, Middle East. and Africa, and Israel.
Wrote and edited inaxketing materials, press releases, and other
internal aird rxtcrnd triedia. Assigned fear 18 montlis as
speechwriter for the Chairman arid CEO, Dr, Ronald Sugar.
2000 -2002 Speechwriter Pentagon, VA
Office of the Secretary of the Air Force
Led research staff and wrote speeches, remarks, congressional
testirn(my, and articles for publication on behalf of the Secretar�y
and Under So�cretar�y of the Air Force for bod'i the president
Chriton and the- President Bush ad mini stri atri on s, including The
I-Tonorable ,h,tra,es Roche, The Honorable F. Whitten Peters, The
Honorable C. ].-)iBatiste, and The Honorable Peter Teets.
1997 - 2000 Chief, Commander's Staff Group Naples, Italy
NATO Headqvarters AIRSOUTH
Supervised a multinational, administrative staff to provide ptIblic
affairs, human resources planning, exercise operations, protocol,
06/19/2018 E - 39
confcrence p4,inning and security for allied general officers from
six NATO couatries ajad, for- over 200 headquarters personnel.
l S,94- 1997 Operations Officer Vandenberg AFB, CA
Western RanGe
Supervised over 400 military, civilian, and contractor personnel
for range operations to support all space launch, aeronautical
test, and space surveillance aCdNritieS Ou the Western Range.
1991 - 1994 Executive Officer to the Director of Plans Colorado Springs, CO
HQ Air Force Space Command
Stipervised in executive staff providing administration and
quality mean ager nent for the planning directorate, Developed
1:jaig range pcarps for future ace system operations. Created the
ii,`_t AF Sl,,iac -, Strate*r and first AF Space Command Roadmap,
1x'87 - 1991 Assistant Proiessor of English Colorado Springs, CO
U.S. Air Force Academy
Taught advanced and introductory literature, composition, and
speech courses o,ver 8 sernesters. Course Director of Creative
Writing, Contemporary Literature, and Freshman Composition
cmirses. As Advisor-ln-Charge of the English major, developed
ac,adernic plans, goals, �md counseling progjarns for cadets.
Master of Arts Thiiversity of Colora,do-Boulder
E'riglish Literat-ttre - Creative Writing
Bachelor of Science LJI,S. Air Force Academy
# Forimer you,th sports coacl'i - soccer, softball, and basketball
# Marine vessel and brightwori finisher
# Singer/songwriter ,
* Publistied poet ar',d writer
k ent at the car vers ationa. level in the Italian language
06/19/2018 E - 40