HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 06/12/2018 Utility Advisory Committee
City Council Chambers
Port Angeles,WA 98362
June 12,2018
3:00 p.m.
L Call To Order
IL Roll Call
III. Approval Of Minutes for May 8 and May 15,2018
IV. Late Items
V. Public Comment— The Utility Advisory Committee desires to allow the opportunity for Public
Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At its
most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes. Individuals may speak
for three (3) minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak. If more than
20 people are signed up to speak, each speaker may be allocated two (2) minutes. (Taken from
Council Rules of Procedure Section 12).
VI. Discussion Items:
A. Craig Avenue Road Construction
B. Ranney Well and Support Building Re-Roof
C. 2018 Landfill Beach Nourishment
D. Update Port Angeles Municipal Code 13.65.0 10
VII. Information Only Items:
VIII. Next Meeting Date: July 10, 2018
IX. Adjournment
Utility Advisory Committee
City Council Chambers
Port Angeles, WA 98362
May 08,2018
3:00 p.m.
I Call To Order
II Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Deputy Mayor Kate Dexter and Councilmember Lindsey
Councilmembers Absent: Councilmember Cherri Kidd
UAC Members Present: Vice Chair William Atkinson, Mattias Jarvegren, and Rob
UAC Members Absent: Paul Collins and Laura Dodd
Staff Present: Gregg King, Shailesh Shere, James Burke, and Teresa Reed-
Others Present: One citizen
III. Approval Of Minutes
Vice Chair William Atkinson requested a motion for approval of the April 10, 2018 minutes.
Deputy Mayor Kate Dexter moved to approve the minutes, and William Atkinson seconded the
motion. Motion carried 5-0.
Councilmember Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin requested that a discussion on clean and renewable
energy be included as a future agenda item.
IV. Late Items: None
V. Public Comment:
Bob Vreeland, 520 E. 10th Street, spoke of the Climate Action Preparedness Plan, his
participation, and the need to the City to be prepared for climate change.
VI. Discussion Items:
A. Capital Facilities Plan.
Therese Agesson,Acting Finance Director, gave a presentation on the Capital Facilities Plan.
Therese Agesson explained the CFP process involves establishing the priorities, define the
objectives needed,the capital projects, and the cash flow. She also explained that the CFP serves as
a basis for the next year's budget, The CFP is a living document that may change over the year due
to grant funding, emergencies, and other reasons.
Capital projects identified in the 2019-2024 CFP adds no additional debt. Priorities and cash flow
analysis are used to balance cash availability for projects while keeping rates affordable. Therese
highlighted that capital fund balances will drop over the next few years due to some large projects
coming up,particularly in electric and water utilities.
Discussion followed on several projects,project tracking, legal precedence, and the use of the CFP
Parking Lot. Binders were provided early on May 3rd, in advance of the meeting,but the large
volume of detail prevented a full analysis by UAC members. Additional time was requested
Council Member Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin made a motion to schedule a UAC meeting on
May 15th prior to the City Council meeting or the City Council executive session,if there is one,
for the purpose of approving the Capital Facilities Plan. Rob Feller seconded. The motion
carried 6-0.
VII. Information Only Items:
A. Water Treatment Plant Visit
The week of May 21st is Public Utilities Week. The UAC and City Council are invited to tour the
Water Treatment Plant on 1:00 pm May 22"d
VIII. Next Meeting Date: May 15, 2018
IX. Adjournment: 4:47 p.m.
Chair Cherri Kidd Michelle Hale, Administrative Specialist 11
Utility Advisory Committee
City Council Chambers
Port Angeles, WA 98362
May 15,2018
3:00 p.m.
L Call To Order
IL Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present: Councilmembers Cherri Kidd, Deputy Mayor Kate Dexter and
Councilmember Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin
Councilmembers Absent:
UAC Members Present: Vice Chair William Atkinson, Paul Collins and Rob Feller
UAC Members Absent: Mattias Jarvegren and Laura Dodd
Staff Present: Gregg King, Shailesh Shere, James Burke, Teresa Reed-
Jennings, Jeff Bender, Jonathan Boehme, Vince McIntyre,
Lucio Baack, and Jeremy Pozernick.
Others Present:
III. Discussion Items:
A. Capital Facilities Plan.
The Committee continued their discussion on the Capital Facilities Plan(CFP). Discussion ranged
from the completeness of the Plan to the CFP/capital project process to the CFP as a"living
document". UAC members also provided feedback to make future CFP's more informative.
Mayor Kate Dexter made a motion to forward a favorable recommendation to the City Council
for approval of the Capital Facilities Plan for 2019-2024. Rob Feller seconded. The motion
carried 6-0.
IV. Next Meeting Date: June 12, 2018
V. Adjournment: 3:42 p.m.
Chair Cherri Kidd Michelle Hale, Administrative Specialist 11
WAS H I N G T O N, U. S. A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
DATE: June 12, 2018
To: Utility Advisory Committee
SUBJECT: Craig Avenue Road Reconstruction, Contract CON-2017-61
Summary: The Craig Avenue Road Reconstruction project will replace the paved surface of Craig
Avenue and make necessary stormwater improvements.
Funding: Funds are available with the addition of the Craig Avenue Reconstruction Project to the
2019-2024 CFP approved by City Council on June 5, 2018 and a budget supplement in the amount
Recommendation: It is requested that the UAC endorse the Craig Avenue Road Reconstruction
project, and provide a favorable recommendation that City Council award a construction contract
in 2018 that fits within the approved project budget.
Back2round/Analysis: During the early morning of February 8, 2017 the 20" concrete water
main along Craig Avenue ruptured and the resulting leak eroded a large portion of roadway
pavement and base along Craig Avenue. City crews worked quickly to repair the leak and to
temporarily repair the erosion on Craig Avenue to provide residents access to their homes.
Engineering was tasked with designing a repair to the damaged area, however due to the existing
condition of Craig Avenue it was determined that a much larger project was needed to provide an
effective and lasting repair.
The project will place 6900 square feet of asphalt concrete, two new catch basins with conveyance
pipe, regrading of an existing stormwater ditch to reduce infiltration into the road subgrade, and
240 linear feet of curb to prevent stormwater runoff onto private property.
The engineers estimate range for this project is $80,000.00 to $106,000.00
Funding Overview: : This project requires a budget supplement approval in the amount of
$84,500 to the 2018 Water Utility capital projects budget account 452-7588-594-6510 and $21,500
..C.Q.N..-....2.0..1...7..-..6..1........ AC .e..m.o...d.o.c
June 12,2018 UAC Meeting
Re: CON-2017-61 -2017 Craig Avenue Road Reconstruction CON-2017-61
Page 2
to the 2018 Stormwater Utility capital projects budget account 456-7688-595-6510. This budget
supplement will not impact the utility rates.
WAS H I N G T O N, U. S. A.Utility Advisory Committee Memo
DATE: June 12, 2018
To: Utility Advisory Committee
SUBJECT: Ranney Well and Support Building Re-Roof, Project WT-01-18
Summary: Installation of new roofing on the Ranney Well and Support Building.
Funding: Funds are available in the approved 2018 budget, for Water Utility capital projects,
account 452-7388-594-6510 in the amount of$40,000.
Recommendation: It is requested that the UAC endorse the Ranney Well and Support Building
Re-Roof, Project WT-01-18, and forward a favorable recommend to the City Council to award a
construction contract.
Background/Analysis: The roof on the Ranney Well and Support Buildings are failing and have
exceeded their expected life. Water is leaking in to the buildings and causing potential damage to
the structure and equipment.
This project will remove the existing roof material and install a new thermoplastic roofing
membrane. Additionally, these roofs are flat roofs so crickets will be installed to provide positive
drainage to the new roof drains.
The engineers estimate for this project is between $65,000 and $80,000.
Funding Overview: This project requires budget supplemental approval in the amount of
$40,000 to the 2018 Water Utility capital projects budget, account 452-7388-594-6510. The total
project budget will be $80,000. A budget supplement will not impact the utility rate.
N:\UAC\NIEETINGS\UAC2018\UAC 061218\201-6-15-UAC-Ranney Well and Support Building Re-Roof.docx
WAS H I N G T O N, U. S. A.
Utility Advisory Committee Memo
DATE: June 12, 2018
To: Utility Advisory Committee
SUBJECT: 2018 Landfill Beach Nourishment, Contract CON-2018-29
Summary: The purpose of the 2018 Landfill Beach Nourishment project is to place 2600 cubic
yards of clean beach nourishment sediment as mitigation for the construction of the seawall that
prevents natural erosion along the bluff face. The project will be advertised for bids in June, and
after bids are opened, staff will seek approval from City Council for award of a construction
Funding: Funds are available in the approved 2018 budget in the amount of$55,000, in the solid
waste repair and maintenance budget account 404-7585-537-4810.
Recommendation: It is requested that the UAC endorse the design strategy for 2018 Landfill
Beach Nourishment, Project CON-2018-29, and provide a favorable recommendation that City
Council award a construction contract in 2018 that fits within the approved project budget.
Background/Analysis: As part of a recurring condition of the Shoreline Conditional Use Permit
(SMA 05-02) and the Hydraulic Project Approval (2015-6-445+01) for construction of the landfill
seawall, the City is required to place beach nourishment material in front of the 454-foot long
seawall. This involves placement of 2600 cubic yards of clean beach nourishment sediments
waterward of the seawall. Beach nourishment material at the landfill site from stockpiled materials
from the Landfill Stabilization project will be used, and placement of beach nourishment material
will be accomplished by haul trucks and bulldozers working on the existing seawall toe armor. All
conditions of the HPA and ACOE permits shall be complied with, including but not limited to: All
work waterward of the seawall shall take place during low tide.
Funding Overview: Funds are available in the approved 2018 budget in the amount of$55,000,
in the solid waste repair and maintenance budget account 404-7585-537-4810.
..C.O.N..-....2.0..1...8..-.29 .. AC M.e.m.o...d.o.c
WAS H I N G T O N, U. S. A.Utility Advisory Committee Memo
DATE: June 12, 2018
To: Utility Advisory Committee
SUBJECT: Update Port Angeles Municipal Code 13.65
Summary: Port Angeles Municipal Code 13.65.010 has added language to clarify EUGA
wastewater rates. Rates have not been changed by this update.
Funding: N/A.
Recommendation: Staff requests UAC provide a favorable recommendation to the City Council
to pass the updated Municipal Code 13.65.
Back2round/Analysis: The municipal code is not clear on the EUGA wastewater rates. This
update only clarifies the EUGA wastewater rates; it does not change any of the City's 2018
wastewater rates.
Funding Overview: This update to the municipal code does not change any of the 2018
wastewater rates and thus does not affect funding.
N:AUAC\MEETINGS\UAC2018\UAC 061218\Update PAMC 13.65.docx
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, making a
change to Title 13, Chapter 13.65 of the Port Angeles Municipal
Section 1. Ordinance No. 2394 as amended, and Title 13 of the Port Angeles
Municipal Code, Chapter 13.65 is amended to read as follows:
13.65.010 Single residential unit monthly rate.
13.65.010 - Single residential unit monthly rate.
A. Each residential unit and each living unit connected to the City wastewater collection,
treatment and disposal system shall be charged a monthly customer charge during months
in which water is consumed, except when exempt by 13.61.090 PAMC. This section shall
not apply to a residential connection to the City water system for agricultural and irrigation
purposes in accordance with 13.44.050 PAMC.
B. The rate for customers whose monthly water consumption equals or exceeds 430 cubic feet3
and for all customers in the unincorporated EUGA shall be:
Effective Date January 1, 2018
Base Rate $60.09
CSO $22.88
Total Rate $82.97
C. The rate for customers whose monthly water consumption falls below 430 cubic feet
shall be:
Effective Date January 1, 2018
Base Rate $56.55
CSO $20.49
Total Rate $77.04
Section 2 - Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are
authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the
correction of the scrivener's/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering,
section/subsection numbers and any references thereto.
Section 3 - Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance, or its application to
any person or circumstances, are held invalid, the remainder of the Ordinance, or application
of the provisions of the Ordinance to other persons or circumstances, is not affected.
Section 4 -Effective Date. This Ordinance, being an exercise of a power
specifically delegated to the City legislative body,is not subject to referendum. This ordinance
shall take effect on January 1, 2015 after passage and publication of an approved summary
thereof consisting of the title.
PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the day of June, 2018.
Sissi Bruch, Mayor
Jennifer Veneklasen, City Clerk William E. Bloor, City Attorney
By Summary