HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 06/05/2018 CITY COUNCIL MEETING
Port Angcles, Washington
June 5., 2018
Mayor Bruch called the special meeting ofthe Port Angeles City Council to order at 5.05 p.m,
Members Present Mayor Bruch, Deputy Mayor Dexter.Councilmembers,French,Kidd, Moran,and Schrornen-
Wawrin. Members Absent: Councilinernber Merideth.
Staff Present: Acting City Manager West., Attorney Bloor.(.Ierk Veneklasen, Delikat, K.Dubuc, 13, Smith,and
M. Bodarr.
City Attorney Bill Bloor conducted Ethics'training for Elected Officials. 1 lie training included an overview of
prohibited acts, conflicts ofinterest,and situations that impose limitations.
Based on input from Acting Manager West,Mayor Bruch announced the need for an Executive Session, under the
authority of R(IW 42.3 0(l)
01 1 (i) for the purpose of discussing Potential litigation with legal counsel, for
approximately 15 Minutes. Mayor Bruch recused herself from executive session due to lier employment with the
Lower E"lwha Klalhini'Fribe. Fhe Executive Session convened at 535 p.m. The Council moved to the Jack Pints
Conference Room for Executive Session.
The Executive Session concluded at 5:50 p.m,No action was taken.
Deputy Mayor Dexter actiourned the Special Meeting at 5:50 p.111,
Mayor Bruch called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6-00 p.m.
Members ]'resent: Mayor Bruch, Deputy Mayor Dexter, Councilmenibers French, Kidd, Moran, and Schromen-
Wawrin. Couricili-nernber Merideth Joined the meeting at 608 1),In, Members Absent.None.
Staff Present: Acting City Manager West, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Veneklasen, C. Delikat, K. Dubuc, B. Smith, 4'.
Agesson, A. Brekke, J. Burke,M.Bodart,'L Reed-Jennings, and K. Hatton.
Mayor BrUCII led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
1. Port Angeles Maritime Festival
Mayor Bruch presented Counciltitember Moran and Randy Volker of the Port Angeles Yacht Club with the
proclamation celebrating the inaugural Port Angeles Maritime Festival, organized by the Port of Port Angeles, Port
Angeles Yacht Club,Chamber of Cloninierce,the North Olympic History Center,as well as numerous businesses,and
local individuals.
2. Pink Up Port Angeles
Mayor Bruch presented Councilmember Kidd and several members of the Soroptinnsi International of Port Angeles
Noon Club with the"Pink UP Port Angeles"Proclamation,inviting the entire,community to.join together and dedicate
the week of.hine 16-23 to fighting cancer.
PORT A NNOL I I-,S t l hY CO(AU11, MFTA I\jl(j June 5. 2(d 8
(".0)11 NI LNT:
Devon Gray%wolfl 438 1 opez, ;aid she is a member ofa ncw tree advisory council Created t(,) help ffic Citv to manage
its urball trees, She said the group is asking the city to tef"rah) Broin cutting down dic Scquoia tree in 1,ioli's Park f'or
six months,
'I horrias Mark Niencel, 1702 Melody Circle,provided an update on homeless community nienibers. including whell
and wherc meals are served, Ile asked the City do more to help,and lie corturiended recent law enforcciricrit drug
Susan Ifillgren, 12 Pearce Road,said homeless people need trash cans,porta potty facilities.and sharps containers.
Site said there needs 1(,)be a plan for housing and prevention,
Michael Clemens, 1217 last 7"' Street,asked the Council to investigate a climate action plan for the city.
Ellen Fetchet, 204 Columbus Avenue, urged the City to have a plan for climate action changes.
Bob Vreeland, 520 East 10"" Street,encouraged"100"%Fossil Free Port Angeles" and spoke about what lie's done to
reduce his own carbon footprint over the past two years.
Ingrid Carmean,316 South Cherry.said there needs to be legal campgrounds sites for the homeless that provide
trash cans,porta potty facilifies, and sharps containers,
Tom Fagin, 141 Columbus Avenue,said lie supports a comprehensive climate action plan at the City level.
LATE ITEMS TO BE PLACEI) ON THIS OR FUTURE AGENI)AS a,s deterinined by Cit rAlanyger
or Counciluteinber-
I, Mayor Bruch added as discussion on an article about racism in Port Angeles as]tern 1-2
2. Mayor Bruch added the LodgingTax Worksession as Itern 1-3
Mayor Bruch pulled Item 5,Amendment to Heckman LeaseAgreeniem, frorn the Consent Agenda.
It was moved by Dexter and seconded by NJ erideth to approve the Consent Agenda to include:
I. (ity Council Minutes ofMay 15. 2018
2, Expenditure 1�eporl: From ,lair,5 to 18, 2018 in the aniount o/$1,530,445.62
3, Clallarn County Boundary Review Board Appointment
4. Professional Services Agreement with Third Party Administrator Berg Andonian
5, Item Pulled From Consent Agenda
6. 2018 Pole Testing Contract
T Amendment to Conti-act with Natural Resource Results, LLC'
Motion carried 7-0.
ITEM FROM CONSI`NT. Amendment to Heckman Lease Agreement
Mayor Bruch recused herself fi-orn the discussion due to her employment with the f,(,)wer I'-*]\\,Iia Klallam Tribe. Site
exited the Chambers. Jack I lecknian provided Council with an update on the relocation offleckinan Motors to the
corner of'S"'and I.Ancoln Streets.
It was rnoved by Kidd and seconded by French to:
Authorize the City Manager to sign the lease amendment,with minor modifications, as needed.
Motion carried 6-0,with Bruch recused.
Mayor Bruch returned to the meeting.
Pa(Yc 2 of'4
F`0R"1' AN(-d:l+".S C;CT'Y C'OUNC'IL NIFFITING—JUne 5.12018
I. Capital Facilities flan (CFP) and Transportation Improvement Plan for 2019-2024
Acting, Finance Director Tess Agesson rioted that it was the second reading of the Capital Facilities flan, and that
there was art additional proposed project, biosolid pyrolysis, outlined in a document provided to Council. Acting
Manager West said the intent would be to add the new itern to the Cl"P Parking Lot.
Mayor-Bruch continued the public hearing at 6:47 p.m.
Darlene Schanfald,901 Medsker Road in Sequim,said that for the past six years she,Mayor-Bruch,and City Manages-
Dan McKccn had been discussing alternatives and different technologies for dealing; with biosolid waste;other than
putting it into compost. She said the biosolid pyrolysis is a viable solution.
At 7:02,Mayor Bruch closed the public hearing.
Mayor Bruch conducted a second reading of the ordinance by title,entitled,
A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City ofPort Angeles.Washington.adopting the City's Capital Facilities
Plan for 2019-2024,which includes the City's Transportation Improvement Program for the years 2019-2024.
It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Dexter to:
Adopt the 2019-2024 Capital Facilities Plan and Transportation Improvement Plan Resolution.
Motion carried 7-0.
2. Comprehensive Plan Amendment
Acting Manager West introduced the 2018 amendment. Ile noted that Councilmember Schromen-WaNvrin had
provided a document outlining suggested edits to Chapter 1 of the Comprehensive Plan.The document was placed on
the dais so that it could become part of the record.
Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Schromen-Wawrin and seconded by Dexter to:
Ask the, Planning Commission to take tap the Comprehensive Plan Amendment with sufficient time for substantive
review and discussion,and to request a tirneline from City staff for the Planning Commission and Council review that
meets the June 2019 deadline.
Motion carried 4-3,with Drench,Moran and Kidd opposed.
It was moved by Schromen-"W"awrin and seconded by Dexter to:
Resolve to declare that the current Comprehensive Plan satisfies State Growth Management Act requirements.
Motion carried 7-0.
Mayer Bruch recessed the meeting for a break at 7:54 p.m.The meeting reconvened at 8:04 p.m.
1. PenCom Regionalization Update
Police Chief Brian Smith and Regional 911 Director Karl Hatton conducted a presentation on the status of joint
regionalization efforts for Emergency Dispatch Services ill Clallam and Jefferson Counties.
It was moved by Kidd and seconded by Dexter to:
Authorize the Chief of Police to negotiate directly with the JeffCom 9-1-1 and report back to City Council within 90
Motion carried 7-0.
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-Juni 5, 2018
1 Article on Racism that Occurred in Port Angeles
Mayor lit-LICh read an article, fi-oni the Seattle Globa9jst entitled"A fanifly faces racism at a memorial: 'Hey. This is
America.' COLUIC11 discussion followed.
3. Lodging Tax
Council agreed by consensus to move the Lodging Tax Workscssion to July 17,prior to the regular-Council rneeting.
1. 2018 Power Line Tree Trimming Contract
James Burke outlined the components of the contract. Council discussion followed.
It was moved by Merideth and seconded by Dexter to:
Approve and authorize the City Manager to sign a contract with Asplundh Tree Expert Co. for 2018 Tree Trimming,
Contract C()N-2018-2 1,at the rate of$2013.20 per hour,in an amount not to exceed S 125,000.00.,and to make minor
modifications to the agreement,if necessary.
Motion carried 7-0.
CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: Council reports were given.
Acting Manager West confirmed that it was Council's intention to incorporate the biosolid pyrolysis item into the
Parking Lot of tire approved Capital Facilities Plan.He also informed Council that,per their request,staff had worked
with Department of'Ecology(DOE)to schedule a presentation which will be held at its July 3'`u meeting. In addition,
lie said DOE committed to holding a public meeting in Pori Angeles in August.
Councifinernber Schromen-Wawrin suggested Council watch the MRSC Webinar "Encouraging Neighborhood-
Compatible,Residential Infill Development"on June 21,from noon to I p.m.Councilmembers agreed to inform Clerk
Vencklasen if they would attend.
is aorni Dennis,3101 North Ennis Street, spoke about racism in Port Angeles and encOUraged more conversations with
local youth about racism.
John Ralston, P.O. Box 898, said the City should look into deferment of taxes lor people who want to develop
apartments and other housing.
EXECUTIVE SESSION- It was determined there was no need for an executive session.
ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Bruch adjourned the meeting at 9:28 p.m,
,fvr S'iss'i�Br—u-ci,Mayor Jenuifer,4 eneklasen,City Clerk,
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