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1327 Caroline St - Building
S Application Miscellaneous lnfor:Pation Maintenance CITY OF PORT ANGELES File Edit List Commands Help SNNGA1P' PUBLIC SECTOR Naviline OK �X Exit Cancel Application Miscellaneous Information Maintenance Application number ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Address: Code i Date Print DOTE NOTE 11/08/101 11/08/10 11/08/14 11/08 /l0f 11/08/10li. 11'/08/10 11/08/10 11/08/10. 08 00001513 08-30-00-7-8- 0340 -0000- 1327 CAROLINE ;November 8 2010 9 46 14 AM 1pangrle jON 10 -29 -10 I CALLED THE OWNER, BILL, ipAND ASKED HIM IF HIS PROJECT IS FINISHED jIAND READY FOR A, FINAL INSPECTION HE liTOLD ME THAT HE 'SOLD THE BUILDING UAND PUT UP'A CARPORT INSTEAD THE ;;CARPORT IS READY FOR INSPECTION Highlighted Code field indicates the line is not available for List selection. PREPARED 11/01/10 8 23 18 INSPECTION TICKET PAGE 2 CITY OF PORT ANGELES INSPECTOR JAMES LIERLY DATE 11 /01 /10 ADDRESS 1327 CAROLINE ST SUBDIV TENANT NBR WILLIAM BARRETT CONTRACTOR PHONE OWNER LELAMAY MORROW /WILLIAM BARRETT PHONE (360) 775 0697 PARCEL 06 30 00 7 8 0340 0000 APPL NUMBER 08 00001513 RES DETACHED GARAGE PERMIT TYP /SQ BL99 01 BPR 01 BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL REQUESTED INSP DESCRIPTION COMPLETED RESULT RESULTS /COMMENTS 11/01/10 BLDG FINAL TIME 01 15 October 29 2010 3 44 30 PM 1pangrle BILL 775 0697 (I CALLED BILL TO FINAL THIS PERMIT BUILDING FINAL CARPORT PLEASE INSPECT AFTER 1 00 PM THIS PERMIT IS FOR A DETACHED GARAGE ON 10 29 10 BILL STATED THAT HE SOLD THE GARAGE BUILDING AND ERECTED A CARPORT INSTEAD COMMENTS AND NOTES nnol b ,940 w t' Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Tenant nbr name Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Application desc 144 SQ FT DETACHE ED /GARAGE 110)A t Owner LELAMAY MORROW /WILLIAM BARRETT OWNER PO BOX 3046 PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 775 0697 Structure Information 000 000 144 SF DETACHED SHED /GARAGE Other struct info HARD SURFACE AREA Permit Additional desc Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES WA 98362 Qty Unit Charge Per BASE FEE 3 00 14 0000 THOU BL -2001 25K (14 PER K) 08 00001513 Date 1/16/09 860554 1327 CAROLINE ST 06 30 00 7 8 0340 0000 WILLIAM BARRETT RES�F.TAGgE ,it GE .f Res N(...QiS atJj RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY 4320 Contractor BUILDING PERMIT RESIDENTIAL 144 SF DET SHED C arp 139089 139089 137 75 Plan Check Fee 1/16/09 Valuation 7/15/09 Special Notes and Comments The Fire Department has reviewed the project application and has no comments January 9 2009 4 09 12 PM sroberds The proposal is to construct a 144 sq ft storage structure on a property zoned RS 7 Total lot coverage is 30e Setbacks are good No land use impacts are anticipated December 17 2008 2 03 13 PM tdahlqui Electrical permit required if shed will be wired for electricity Public Works Utility Engineering has no requirements for this plan review Other Fees Fee summary Permit Fee Total Plan Check Total Other Fee Total T.Forms/Building Division/Building Permit Charged Paid Credited 137 75 137 75 00 55 10 55 10 00 4 50 4 50 00 )09 b0, Re STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Due Extension 95 75 42 00 00 00 00 55 10 4320 104,(4 t- at-to Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline. ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to vicilat or cance the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T.Forms /Building Division /Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Inspection Type Date Accepted By Comments FOUNDATION Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs PLUMBING. Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s SEPA. Parking Lighting I ESA. Landscaping I SHORELINE. FINAL Date Accepted by FINAL Date Accepted by FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Inspection Type Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R W PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 Date Accepted By CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES WA 98362 Page 2 Application Number 08 00001513 Date 1/16/09 Application pin number 860554 Grand Total 197 35 197 35 00 00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline. ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Date Print Name Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T:Forms/Building Division/Building Permit Inspection Type FOUNDATION Footings Stemwall Foundation Drainage Downspouts Piers Post Holes (Pole Bldgs PLUMBING Under Floor Slab Rough -In Water Line (Meter to Bldg) Gas Line Back Flow Water AIR SEAL. Walls Ceiling FRAMING Joists Girders Under Floor Shear Wall Hold Downs Walls Roof Ceiling Drywall (Interior Braced Panel Only) T -Bar INSULATION. Slab Wall Floor Ceiling MECHANICAL. Heat Pump I Furnace FAU Ducts Rough -In Gas Line Wood Stove Pellet Chimney Commercial Hood Ducts MANUFACTURED HOMES Footing Slab Blocking Hold Downs Skirting T Forms /Building Division /Building Permit BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 -HOUR NOTICE FOR INSPECTIONS Building Inspections 417 4815 Electrical Inspections 417 4735 Public Works Utilities 417 4831 Backflow Prevention Inspections 417 4886 IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED POST PERMIT IN CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. Date PLANNING DEPT Separate Permit #s SEPA. Parking Lighting I ESA. Landscaping I SHORELINE. FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY/ USE Inspection Type Electrical 417 -4735 Construction R W PW Engineering 417 -4831 Fire 417 -4653 Planning 417 -4750 Building 417 -4815 Accepted By Comments FINAL Date Accepted by FINAL Date Accepted by Date Accepted By i1 -1 -1n I 31k, oc PREPARED 12/24/08 9 12 30 CORRECTION RECEIPT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 321 E 5TH STREET P 0 BOX 1150 Receipt Application number 08 00001513 Date 12/09/08 Correction option Refund Time Correction description canceled building Number 0128232 Corrected by KEMERY Cashier EPARKER Before After Fee Amount Credit Reduced Amount Credit Structure Permit Inso Paid Remaining By Paid Remaining STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 00 4 50 00 00 PLAN CHECK FEES 77 50 00 77 50 00 00 000 000 BPR 00 PERMIT FEES 193 75 00 193 75 00 00 000 000 BPR 00 Totals 275 75 00 275 75 00 00 ?Cash Adjustment Application 0 g' 1513 Receipt tt 0\2 8 132-. Fee Type But I d i rte P-or m;+ Amount Paid a: 5 7 75 Adjustment Posted Fee Signature Refund Amount 2 New :Fee SEND TO Cashier info Payment Type Check 2 9j 08 C ParKe- W l l i av�n r &D)( Wit(e) Qmr Ins ,1� R Ra3k 7 S ee, at(zick e4 .ReaSoyl w a_.rttel '-io but 14 eL. ZSS s F Tray_ va lveA a g 64 o ©c� Ek e Perm of 275 75 (r)s -teed b 00 Plan Check. Fe) whey. he subm+ orPl■ca~t or Re, s ov l y c1_1t o we-61, 4a; l44 S F o, r� e vertu -e-et a T, 3 20 00, So he r Bee. s rr'e$ r& H-lT u1d n'-t- a l (o W a ea_r'h' QI u s l ue d t ire vla so .1 r.eVel -I'he��irs-t- Pcrmt+ cre�l�e� ne (pine w i-t4. e Val ucti-iOh O OQ ale' l I vQ rev- n e_ ew p JC M I I A A ►tee s{-n be ,n Ae +i SSueet2 em1i-- tS P/c '55 10, 1 Build, 131/5 "X Perm SS 4 50 Application Inquiry BUNOARD'PU[3LIC SECTOR HTE Na 'ti Application08- 000014' III Bonds ID Contractor escrow DD Fees 00 Global balance du= DB Inspection history I0 Miscellaneous into 1 1 Names Permits OD Plan tracking Receipts: I Square footage cal 11 I- ll] Structures t Valuation caiculatii I Cancel Exit Land Inquiry oocumems i t 41 Property Information Address Location ID: Owner name. ASSESSOR PARCEL.NUMBER: ALTERNATE'ID: Contractor Information Contractor Name Contractor Number. Type Status Contractor Requirements 1327 CAROLINE ST PORT ANGELES, WA '98362' 101440 WILLICUT'ROBERF J 06-30=00-7.8- 0340- 0000'- 063000780340 OMVER Doc Number Application Information Application desc Application status Status Date Application type Application date Tenant name/number. 141. Outstanding Inspections Insp ID Type No outstanding inspections exist Reed rt date Recei t time Number Cashier Pavrnent N to Received Paid with credit Remai 12709708 EPARKPI2 -275 75 t' "4 I' .Total I 1. 275 75 144 SO: FT DETACHED SHED /G4 PLAN REVIEW 12/09/2008' RES DETACHED GARAGE 12/09/2008 WILLIAM BARREFF 00 l schedule Confirmation I Date Number 1 I► 4 PROJECT ADDRESS Parcel Number project Type Brief Description. Check all that apply .New Construction Addition Remodel Repair Re -roof Demolition Heat System Other Floor Areas Basement 1St Floor 2nd Floor 3 Floor Garage Carport Covered Porch Deck Shed Other Max. height of proposed structures Will a lawn sprinkler system be installed? Will a fire sprinkler system be installed? i cz ISM BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Print in ink CITY OF PORT ANGELES Attn Building Permit Technician 321 E Fifth St. Port Angeles, WA 98362 (360) 417 -4815 fax (360) 417 -4711 Applicant or Agent LA )1 0/ S4Afiej Property Owner Ann Property Owner's Address 13 .27 Contractor /Engineer I Contractor /Engineer's Address License Expires J i 1.JshGG, Heat pump 1 (Residential Commercial Multi family Industrial i31o De# h jezliG'a, el e. e wood burning stove gas fireplace pellet ve o other s`i'r. C�" Existing (sq. ft.) posed (sq. ft.) 1 F ft. fof pJ Total footprint of structures _2 sq. ft. T Lot size Occupancy group Occupant load Construction type For City Use Only Date Received 2—q --OAS Permit C) Date Approved U Phc�r Phone Phone E -mail Lot Zoning per sq. ft. 'r r 7 TOTAL VALUATION 4 320 sq. ft. Lot coverage .29, 6 KIM sti k of bedrooms of full baths of half baths I have read and completed this application and know it to be true and correct. I am authorized lo apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to determine what permits are required, and to o tai per is prior o w rking on projects. 11 i Date Print Name k 1. rl tq M R R Signatur 1-3x) SI e is t 35 g P( ©0 e.. 0w..,k6 sY L\5s 14 Lb rAp.A.e.c) fe-A I e-.5 'N\\ gx,g; 6.01Pg W 1 1 <0 k-A" 7 evt 2 4 1321 St, ;109' -A 401 405 f 5 .4,;(- Dec 9, 2008 To Whom It May Concern. Regarding 1327 Caroline St. Port Angeles, WA In order to add a third building /garage to my property, I would like to request permission for ten percent over standard lot coverage to 33 Please see attached diagram. Thank you, William Barrett Owner Vex L z- phi s;ca,Iiy ciea5u+^4 No 5x 1 5 5F, can deAuc,4- (op for eves t� tom- need -Fo Ca' ate- x 8 bW sF Sue K S� oK -h; buock the G9 3 9 30 0 1Z3/(at 3 1 3 'V:A 1 c' 5± Zot s, 4 35 o ePo 4/ Al Hoo-_-5e_ i:),e,k5 1 93 /1ec3 '1 Mtt J NI 1.)A LOA r, 5 ic 10 FILE CITY OF PORT ANGELES Construcw n Plano The Issuance of this permit based upon these plans, specifi- cations and other data shall not prevent the building official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said plans, specifications and other data, or from preventing building operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of all codes and ordinances this o us r .t it4-k- ;`:5 e, L lam•. ti �JLG��r11tl JUJR Approval Date 1 L7 B Y 6(4'11 G ptkpp.e,. 2432(.D o 5 1 'f 17 It's Easy Ws Handy 6400 East 11 Mile Road Warren, MI 48091 -4101 Toll -Free 1 -800 -437 -0784 Patent No. 5,937,591 Assistance required We recommend that you assemble this building on level ground in the location it will be used. Assistance is necessary to handle fit, and secure some components. Two people are needed for some steps. Squareness is very Important! Keeping all 90° corners and 90° perpendiculars square throughout the assembly of this building will make each succeeding step easier and is necessary to atsure that all components fit together properly. Premier Series Huron rr Include' 2'x1 12'x16',12'x20' 12'x24' Building Instructions BEFORE YOU BEGIN First. Read these instructions thoroughly before you begin assembly. Assembly is easiest if you follow the steps in the order shown. In a drawing, a dotted line represents a part hidden from view (like a part under a panel) Check all parts Compare parts you have to the list(s) on page 2 If a part is missing, circle the part in question in the parts list and call us toll -free at 1- 800 437 -0784 Check local zoning Before starting construction, check with your local building code official for any required permits, variances, etc HHP Storage buildings are designed to meet most national coding agencies strict testing requirements for storage space and are not meant to be used for living space. Check foundation size Before starting construction on your foundation, check in the Instruction manual to ensure that you are building the correct size foundation for your building Always wear OSHA APPROVED safety glasses throughout assembly process Tools required Hammer Phillips Screwdriver Level Step Ladder Pencil Tape Measure Adjustable Wrench Optional tools Electric Drill w/ #2 Phillips Tip Chalk Line Square Nail Pouch Wood Glue Visit Us on the Web at: www HandyHome corn u I #16593 1 5/25/2004 I Huron 12' x 12' shown with optional Cupola, Weathervane and Square window package (not Included) Made in the U.S.A. Handy Home Prod, cts prides itself In manufacturing its kits from select construction grade lumber and engineered wood products. Consu ion grade lumbc a product cut from trees, has many -d characteristics and ac fishes that m• he present in some of the pieces you feive in your kit. Na ural characteristics and blemishes in construction lumber may include knots, torn wood grain along edges, minor cracks/splits, twists, limited bath along edges and pitch pockets that may exude sap Sc, :wed that the individual parts have been cut and inspected to ,,move many of the wood's natural, less appealing characteristics as poi .bie. These characteristics and/or blemishes will not affect the trength, durability, structural integrity of the finished prod; ,enerally, the eterfor trim parts fleeted for your kit are graded from only side and should be installed with the most attractive ide 'rd. Our limited warranty does not cover the natural cha stics and 5 hes that occur ■h construction grade lumber products. FRONTWALL PartTK 4 Pcs. Part RH Part SK Part TP Part TO O Part RD Part TI 0 Hardware SIDEWALL Part TK Part TP Part SI Part TP Part SO REARWALL Part TP Part SK Part SP Part TP PartTK Part TP Part SP RAFTERS Part UA O Part LA Part UA Part TK O Part SP Part FO Part 10 4 Pcs. 1 Pc. 1 Pc. 2 Pc. 2 Pc. 2 Pcs. 4 Pcs. 1 Pc. 2 Pcs. 14 Pcs. Wall Studs 4 Pcs. 4 Pcs. 2 Pcs. 2 Pcs. 2 Pcs. 2 Pcs. 4 Pcs. 1 Pc. 1 Pc. 1 Pc. 1 Pc. 7 Pcs. 1 Pc. 1 Pc. 3 Pc. 4' Extender Parts list 4 Pcs. 2 Pcs. 4 Pcs. 6 Pcs. 2 Pcs. 2 Pcs. Wall Studs Top/Bottom Plates Doubler Plate Doubler Plate Header Header Jack Studs Header Filler Strip Spacer Header Filler Strip Wall Panels Top/Bottom Plates Top/Bottom Plates Sidewall Back Doubler Sidewall Back Doubler Groove Sidewall Panel No Groove Sidewall Panel Sidewall Panels Doubler Plate Doubler Plate Top Plate Top Plate Wall Studs Bottom Plate Bottom Plate Rearwall Panels Nailer Block Collar Tie Angled Wall Studs Plates and Doubler Fascia Soffit RS RS Part Letters a cated� ides. Huron 12' x 12' 2 x 4 x 80 2x4x21 2x4x41 2 x 4 x 96' 2 x 4 x 84' 2 x 4 x 16 2 x 4 x 793/4 3/8 x 3 x 48" 3/8x3V2 x1 23 x 84' 2x4x80 2x4x96" 2x4x39V8 2x4x96' 2x4x46Ve 23 x 84' 23 x 84" 48' x 84" 2x4x96' 2x4x41' 2x4x48" 2x4x96' 2 x 4 x 80 2x4x96' 2x4x48" 48" x 84' 14 Pcs. Assembled Rafter Halves 5 Pcs. Collar Tie Angled 2 x 4 x 96' 32 Pcs. Wood Gussets Angled 6' x 24" 2 x 3 x 06 Angled 2x4 x 96' 2 x 4 x 80 2x 4x 48" 1 x 4 x 48' 1 x 3 x 48" GABLE ENDS Part SK 2 Pcs. Gable Connector 4 Pcs. Gable Panel 28 /a. ROOF 0 TRIM Part LA Part KF Part KF Part HE Part AS Part KD Part KB Part IH Part GS Part JP Part JL 0 2 2 Pcs. Upper Roof Panel 2 Pcs. Upper Roof Panel 2 Pcs. Lower Roof Panel 2 Pcs. Lower Roof Panel Part JCR /JCL 2 Pcs. Upper Gable Trim Part IKR /IKL 2 Pcs. Lower Gable Trim 10 Pcs. Nailer Block 4 2 4 2 2 1 1 4 4 2 Pcs. Pcs. Pcs. Pcs. Pcs. Pc. Pc. Pcs. Pcs. Pcs. 4 Pcs. 2 Pcs. 2 Pcs. 1 Pc. Corner Trim Vertical Door Trim Side Corner Trim Horizontal Door Trim Vertical Door Trim Horizontal Door Trim Horizontal Door Trim Soffit Trim Fascia Trim Rear Trim End Caps Soffit Roof Panel Soffit Roof Panel Decorative Door 2x4x41 46 x 71 Angled 48 x 96' 48 x 47 7/8' 42 x 48" 42 x 96' 1 x 4 x 48' Angled 1 x 4 x 42' Angled 2 x 3 x 4 Angled 1 x4x80V8 1 x4x80' /8 1 x 3 x 80 1 x5x67 1 x 4 x 79" 1 x 4 x 72" 1 x4x25 1 x3x71'h6 1x4x71'/16 1x4x67 3/4 x 5 3 x 8 Angled 4 x 96' 4 x 48' 1/2" x 23 x 23'/2 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS 1 Pc. Garage Door (with manufacturers instructions) 1 Pc. Hardware Package of Nails and Screws -3' and 2" nails, 1 1/4" and 3/4' Screws 2 Pcs. Sidewall Panels 48' x 84" 2 Pcs. Upper Roof Panel 48 x 47 7/8' 2 Pcs. Lower Roof Panel 42 x 48' 2 Pcs. Soffit Roof Panel 4 x 48" 4 Pcs. Assembled Rafter Halves 12 Pcs. Wood Gussets Angled 6" x 24' 1 Pc. Hardware Package of Nails and Screws 3" and 2' nails, 1 1/4' Screws Huron SITE PREPARATION Site must be properly leveled. 144 x 142 144 x 190 144 x 238 144 x 286 Huron It is important to have a solid, flat and level floor system Carefully consider the recommendations listed below prior to choosing your ideal,foundation. Note. You Must construct your building on a floor system, either wooden or concrete. A Floor System is not supplied with your building kit. Handy Home Products optional floor kit is available at your local dealer Regardless of type of flooring used, adhere to following recommendations before beginning assembly Site should have natural drainageto eliminate puddling in and around building Site should be covered with plastic film to discourage plant growth under building and to serve as a vapor barrier A. For wooden floor kit, refer to instructions on following pages. B. For concrete floor construct 4' concrete slab system as shown. Bolt t, .uall 2x4 treated lumber platesthat support frames and wall panels to slab Assure assembly surface is level before beginning construction of building. Slab Floor size forBxtended Buildings, 12x12 12x16 12 x 20 12 x 24 365 7X361 cm 365.7X483cm 365 7x604 8cm 365 7x726 7cm 24' 3 Concrete Slab 144" 144' The top of your concrete pad should be 1 rninimium above grade. 4' Sand or Gravel 12'x12' Continuous Footing 24' Check with local building officials for slab details. —4' Concrete pad 3' Nails O ASSEMB 12' x 12' wooden Fl 12' x 16' wooden Flo 12' x 20' wooden Roo 12' x 24' wooden Floo 1A. Position Bond Boards A and B, and Joists D as shown Using 3' nails, nail twice through bond boards into joists, keeping pieces flush at top and ends. Use four 3' nails where A and B butt. 1B Position Bond Boards A and B, Joist C and center braces E and F as shown. Using 3' nails, nail twice through A into C keeping pieces flush at top and ends. Use four 3' nails where A and B butt. Nail center braces F with two 3' nails at each outside end. Remaining center braces will be nailed with two 3' nails at slight angle as shown 1 -B 24 (61 cm) N N (2) 3' Nails ING WOODEN FLOOR r Klt(Actual Floor Size 144" r Kit(Actual Floor Size 144 Klt(Actual Floor Size 144" Klt(Actual Floor Size 144' wide x 142 -1/8' Deep) "wide x 190 -1/8" Deep) wide x 238 -1/8" Deep) wide x 286 -1/8" Deep) 1 -A 0 4 Bond Boards tj 2 x 4 x 96" 4 Bond Boards 0 2 x 4 x 48' 7 Floor Joists 0 2 x 4 x 93' 7 Floor Joists 0 2 x 4 x 43 2 Middle Braces 0 2 x 4 x 21 4 Middle Braces 0 2 x 4 x 22 2 Floor Panels 48' x 96' 2 Floor Panels 48' x 48' 1 Floor Panel 46 x 96' 1 Floor Panel 46 x 48' Hardware 3' and 2' nails 0 24' (61CM) (61cM) 144' (386cM) 4 96' (244cM) 48' (122CM) Huron 1 C Place sections made in 1A and 1B together as sh wn and connect with Twelve 3' nails. This completed f should, be positioned at building site leveled, and shimmed to the ground befo e the floor panels are installed. wood glue to joists for extra strength. 1 D Position a floor panel at right front corner flush to outside edge of floor frame. Panel should be centered on fifth floor joist. Secure panel with two 2' nails at front outside corner and one 2' nail at other three corners. 1 E. Position remaining floor panels as shown flush to outside frame and centered on joists. Nail corners with 2' nails then nail with 2' nails every 12' through floor panels into frame Huron If adding a floor extender continue with floor kit instructions in instruction booklet. 1 -E 48' x 48' pply 1 -D Y C 2' nails 46 -V8' x 48' 46 -1 /e, x 96' 48' x 9 48' x 48' 48' x 96' 5 Square Frame by making comer to comer measure- Y ments (X to X and Y to Y) the same 48' x 96' AC ASSEMBLING 12' X 4' EXTENDER FLOOR 1 X. Arrange floor boards A B and the 7 floor joists (C) as shown Nail with (2) 3' nails through bond board into each joist. 2X. Butt assembled 12 x 4 floor kit extender frame against rear of 12 x 12 floor kit frame Connect with (12) 3' nails as shown. 3X. Position 48' x 96' and 48' x 48' floor panels and secure with 2' nails as in steps 1 E through 1H in the 12' x 12' instructions. Additional 12' x 4 Floor Extender Kits would be added in-the same manner to create longer floors if desired 1-X F— 24 24' (61 CM) (61 cm) 2-X 3 -X nail T 2 Bond Boards 0 2 x 4 x 96' 2 Bond Boards O 2 x 4 x 48' 7 Floor Joists Ip 2 x 4 x 45' 1 Floor Panels 48' x 96' 1 Floor Panels 48' x 48' 1 Hardware kit consisting of 2' and 3' nails 2x4x45' 24' X24 I /61CM) 144' 0 1 8 4 6 4: o 48' x 96' 2 3' nails n 24 (61 cm) 48' x 48' 2' nail 48' (122CM) 24' 1 (61cM) 6 Hu °on Part RD 2 Pc. Header 2 x 4 x 16-'/2 2 -A 2 -B Huron Q ASSEMBLING FRONTWALL J (2) 3/8 X 3 -1/2 X 48' Header Filler (Use Wood Glue) Assemble 2 Sets T -T 3' Nails 7 O Part TK 4 Pc. Wall Studs 2 x 4 x 8044 Part RH 4 Pc. Top/Bottom Plates 2x 4 x21- Part SK 1 Pc. Doubler Plate 2 x 4 x 41" O Part TP 1 Pcs. Doubler Plate 2 x 4 x 96" O Part TO 2 Pcs. Header 2 x 4x84" O Part TI 2 Pcs. Jack Studs 2 x 4 x 79 ?/4 2 Pcs. Header Filler Strip 3/8 x 3'/2 x48" Hardware 1 Pc. Header Filler Strip 3B x 342" x 1'/2 2 Pcs. Outside Header Spacer 3B x 31/2 x 48" O 2 Pcs. Wall Panels 23'/4" x 84" 2 -A. Position two Top /Bottom Plates (RH) and two Studs (f K) as shown Connect with (2) 3' nails through the Top Bottom Plates into each end of each Stud Repeat the above process to create two identical Front Wall Frames. 2 -B On a flat surface lay one Header (TO) and one Header (RD) end to end flat side down. Center (2) 3/8' x 3 -1/2' x 48' Header Filler on top of Header pieces with some wood Glue. Place the other parts (TO RD) on top of the Filler pieces as shown with some wood glue, joint opposite each other Nail Headers together with 3' nails 12' apart. Turn the Header over and Nail as done on the previous side. 2 -C Place Top Plate Doublers (TP SK) on top of completed Header overhanging each end by 18 -1/4 and flush to front of Header as shown. Nail with 3' nails 12" apart. X SIDE VIEW Flush to Front 2 -D 2 -E SK ��Nails 1 3° Nails .2' R Pre- Assembled Frame 2 -E. Position 23 -1/4 x 84 right and left Wall Panels flush to the inside edge of the studs and flush to the bottom of the Doublers (SK TP) overhanging Bottom Plates by 3/4' Secure with (1) 2' nail at each corner ALL WALL PANELS ON ALL WALLS WILL OVERHANG BOTTOM PLATES BY 3/4' TP 2 -D° Fit the Assembled Frontwall Frames on each end of the Header nail with 3' nails through Doubler into the Frontwall Frame and through the Frame into the Header as shown. Doubler will be inset 3 -1/2' on front and back wall frame. With both Wall Panels properly positioned nail with 2' nails every 8' through panels into Top Plates, Studs and Bottom Plates. Fit the Two outside Header Spacers, (2) 3/8 x 3 -1/2' x 48' and (1) 3/8 x 3- 1/2' x 1 1/2' (small filler is in the hardware kit) between the two Wall Panels and flush to the bottom of the Header Secure with 2' nails every 12' apart. V (2) 3/8' x 3 -1/2 x 48' (1) 3/8' x 3 -1/2 x 1 1/2' 3/4° Overhang 8 Repeat for the other side. Place Jack Studs (TI) under Header secure to the Frontwall Frame with 3' nails 12' apart. *Use of wood glue between all studs for added strength. i Huron 3 IF BUILDING AN EXTENDED HUT USING A 4' EXTENDER KIT OR KITS, READ EXTENDER KIT INSTRUCTIONS STEP 12X ON PAGE 25 BEFORE BUILDING SIDEWALLS. PAGE 25 FOR 12X16 PAGE 26 FOR 12X20 PAGE 27 FOR 12X24 3 -A 1 si I 4P) 1 19-9/16"4 24 24° 1 24" 4- 24" 3 -B 3 -C ASSEMBLING SIDEWALLS �I 3 -1/2° so Panel with Groove Edge -1/2" 135 -1/8° Hold Flush to Bottom of Doubler Center on 2nd Stud 3/4 Groove Edge I Huron 9 a Part TK Part TP Part SI Part TP Part SO 19 -9/16 3 -A. 14 Pcs. 4 Pcs. 4 Pcs. 2 Pcs. 2 Pcs. 2 Pcs. 2 Pcs. 4 Pcs. 3 -B Position (SO) Front Doubler and (TP) Back Doubler on top of Top Plates and flush to the inside edge of the Top Plate, extending (TP &SO) 3 past the back stud and 3 -1/2' past the front stud. Nail with (2) 3' nails through the Top Plates at each Stud location. 3-C: Position 23 -1/16" x 84' Wall Panel with edge groove below part (SO) and overhanging the front stud by 3 1/2' and overhanging the Bottom Plate by 3/4' The right edge of the panel should be centered at the next stud location. Secure with (2) 2' nails at outside corner and (1) 2' nail at the other corners. Wall Studs Top/Bottom Plates Top/Bottom Plates Sidewall Back Doubler Sidewall Front Doubler With Groove Sidewall Panels With No Groove Sidewall Panels Sidewall Panels 2x4x80 /i 2x4x96" 2x4x39 /e' 2x4x96" 2x4x46 /e" 23-1/4s x84" 23-1/46x 84" 48 x 84" For Right Sidewall, arrange two (TP) two (SI) Top /Bottom Plates, seven (TK) wall studs as shown Connect with (2) 3' nails through Top and Bottom Plates into each end of each stud *Use of wood glue between all studs for added strength. 3 -D• Position a 48' x 84' Panel next to the Panel just installed making sure to keep the groove pattern consistent, securing each corner with (1) 2' nail Repeat this process with a second 48' x 84' Panel 23 -1 /16' Panel with Edge Groove 3 -E. THE LEFT SIDE WALL IS A MIRROR IMAGE OF THE RIGHT SIDE WALL. Arrange and assemble the same parts as in steps 3A through 3D. Keep a 23 -1/16' Panel with the grooved edges center on the 2nd stud Set Assembled Side Walls aside 10 Apply the final 23 -1/16' x 84' Panel with no groove edges overhanging the end stud by 3 -1/2' and secure it with (2) 2' nails at outside corners and (1) 2' nail at the other corners. With all the Panels properly positioned nail with 2' nails every 8' through Panels and into Top Plates, Studs and Bottom Plates. 23 -1/16' Panel with No Edge Groove Huron 4 -B 4 -C Huron ASSEMBLING REARWALL 4 -A I 24 —0-1-9— 24 Flush to TK sr 24 3-1/2•1 he- TP Rear Wall 4 -D 24 24 -I 24 O Part TK 7 Pcs. Wall Studs 2 x 4 x 80-4u Part TP 1 Pc. Top Plate 2 x 4 x 96° Part TP 1 Pc. Bolton Plate 2 x 4 x 96" Part TP 1 Pc. Doubler 2 x 4 x 96" O Part SK 1 Pc. Doubler 2 x 4 x 41" Part SP 1 Pc. Top Plate 2 x 4 x 48" O Part SP 1 Pc. Bottom Plate 2 x 4 x 48" 3 Pcs. Rearwall Panel 48 x 84" 4 -A. Arrange two (TP) two (SP) Top and Bottom Plates and seven (TK) studs as shown. Connect with (2) 3' nails through Top and Bottom Plates into each end of each stud. 4 -B Position (TP) Top Plate Doubler and (SK) Top Plate Doubler on top of parts (TP SP) Hold the Doubler 3 -1/2' in from each end of the frame. Nail with 3' nails through Top Plate -•i 1 /2 Doublers into the Top Plates at each stud position and where Top Plate Doublers butt. Hold Flush to Bottom of Doubler 11 4 -C° Position 48' x 84 Wall Panels flush to top edge of Top Plate flush to outside edge of studs, centered on 3rd stud and overhanging Bottom Plates by 3/4' Secure with (2) 2' nails at outside corner and with (1) 2' nail at other corners. Install remaining 48x84 Panels to complete the Rearwall assembly. 4 -D" With all Wall Panels properly positioned nail with 2" nails every 8' through panels into Top Plates, Studs and Bottom Plates. Set Assembled Rearwall aside 5-C Please read the basic 12' x 12' Hut instructions and the Extender Kit Instructions thoroughly before beginning assembly 5 -D 0 ERECTING WALLS 3 Naas 3' Nails M Part KF 1 Pc. Temporary Support 1 x 4x80 -4e 5 -E 5 -A. Scribe or Strike a caulk line on the floor 3 -1/2' from all four outside edges of the floor 5 -B Set the 12' wide Rearwall on floor with Bottom Plate on line between outside edge of floor and 3 -1/2' line from step 5A. Panels will overhang rear of Floor All Panels on all four walls will overhang the floor Panels will be flush to outside edges of sides of floor Fit panels snug against floor 5 -C: Inside secure Rear Wall to floor by nailing through Bottom Plate into floor with (2) 3' nails between each set of studs(total 12 nail) 5-D• Using piece of Corner Trim KF temporarily support left side of Rear Wall. 5 -E. Outside nail near bottom edge of Rear Wall with 2' nails every 8' through wall into floor 2' Nails 12 Huron 5 -F Rear Wall 5 -G Rear Wall 2' Nails Left Side Wall on Extended Wall 5 -G Huron 13 •I• 5 -F Position Left Side Wall on floor fitting overhanging Top Plate Doubler to overhanging Top Plate of Rear Wall. Inside secure Wall to Floor as in step 5C with 3' nails -Two nails between each set of studs. Outside nail with 2' nails every 8' through the vertical overhanging panel of Side Wall into end Stud of Rear Wall Nail with 2' nails every 8' through wall into floor Be sure wall panels fit tightly against floor Inside Right Side Wall Inside Hut at corner nail with 3' nails every 12' through Stud of Side Wall into Stud of Rear Wall Remove temporary brace (step 5D) and erect other Side Wall in the same fashion -Steps 5F and 5G 5 -H 5 -H Position Front Wall on floor fitting overhanging panels over end studs of Front Wall Inside secure Front Wall to floor with (2) 3' nails (between each set of studs) through Bottom Plates into floor as in 5 -C Outside nail with 2' nails every 8' through the vertical overhanging side panels into end studs of Front Wall. Nail with 2' nails every 8' through wall into floor Inside at front corners, nail every 12' with 3' nails through Side Wall studs like in step 5G. 5;I I 3' Nails on inside Overhead view X 14 v 2' Nails 5 -I: After all four walls are erected, squared and secured, nail at corners through Side Wall Top Plate Doublers into Front and Rear Wall Top Plates. Use (4) 3' nails at each corner NOTE. SQUARE WALLS BY MAKING CORNER TO CORNER MEASUREMENTS (XTO X ANDYTOY)THE SAME Repeat in all 4 corners Top Plate Y Y X Huron If building an extended hut using 4 Extender Kit or Kits, use all parts from Step 6 and the parts listed from each 4 extender Assemble all rafters at this time NOTE. USE GLUE ON GUSSETS AND COLLAR TIES FOR EXTRA STRENGTH, AND TO MEET BUILDING CODES. GLUE NOT SUPPLIED WITH KIT 6 Position (2) Pre Assembled Rafter Halves together on a floor as shown. On a flat surface with black ends down butt other ends tightly as peak (A) as shown. Note 48' Rafter dimension at top. Maintain 144' outside dimension. Install one Gusset flush to top peak and to edges of rafter and nail with (10) 2' nails (see nailing pattern below) Make 2 of these end rafters. Repeat the above installation for the middle rafters and add one gusset on each side of the rafter flush to edge of rafter centered over per assembled metal plate with (10) 2' nails. Turn rafters over and attach (3) more Gussets to opposite side in the same manner Slide (UA) 2x4x96' collar tie in between the 2 side gussets with angles matching angle of rafter as shown. Nail with (3) 2' nails through Gusset into the Collar Tie per side. See nailing patterns below Assemble (5) Rafters, with (1) collar tie and (3) Gussets. See quantities below for extended buildings. Huron 42" (106.7 cm Black End ASSEMBLING AND ERECTING RAFTERS FOR 12X12 AND EXTENDED BUILDINGS Assemble 2 end rafters with only (1) Gusset at peak on one side only for front and back of building. (A) 48" 1 48° (122 cm) (122 cm) 6 -A Assembled Rafter Half Gusset r 3-2" Nails into collar tie (Both Sides) Small Angl Wood Gussett Apply Glue to gussets for added strength to meet local building code requirements. You may have different Gussets in your kit, use the smaller angled at the top and the larger angle and the sides for the Collar Tie. Top •Side Gusset 'Gusset angles will fit flush to rafter 2x4x96' Collar tie (UA) Apply Glue to gussets for added strength to meet local building code requirements. 144' (366 cm) 15 gars List for 12x12 building 14 Po‘.. Pre Assembled Rafter Halves Part UA 5 Pcs. Collar Tie Angled 2x4x96" 32 Pcs. Gussets 3/8 x 6 x 24" gaits List for Extended building 4 cs Pre Assembled Rafter Halves Part UA 2 Pcs. Collar Tie Angled 2x4x96" 19 Pcs, Gussets 3!8 x6 x24" Assembled Rafter Half Nail Pattern 3 -2' Nails into collar tie (Both Sides) 42" (106.7 cm) Black End Assemble (5) remaining middle rafters in this manner with (3) Gussets on both sides and collar ties for 12'x12' building 12' x12' =;(7) Fult;Rafter Sections -(5) wlth:Gussets on both sides and=(2) wit -;one °Gusset at peak 12' x 16Y(9) FullIffafter _Sections -(7) with Gussets oriboth sides and (2) with one Gusset'at peak_ 12' x 20':: Full'Raft Sections -(9) with Gussets -on both.stdes and -(2) with one Gusset at peaky 1;2' x 24'- 13 Full Rafter. 'ons- 1 math Gussets both sides and£ 2 _.with one Gusset at ea r-- 6 -B FRONT IF BUILDING AN EXTENDED HUT USING A 4' EXTENDER KIT OR KITS, READ EXTENDER KIT INSTRUCTIONS IN STEP 13X. PAGE 28 FOR 12X16 PAGE 29 FOR 12X20 PAGE 30 FOR 12X24 I 23 -1/4 11 III 6 -D 47 1/4 6 -B On the Top Plate Doubler of the Sidewall mark the Rafter layout dimensions as shown. Do the same for the other Sidewall 6-C• Position single gusset assembled End Rafter flush to the outside corner of the Top Plate Doubler The Single Gusset on end rafters should be to the inside of the Hut. Secure with (3) 3' nails (1 at top and 2 toe nailed outside) through Rafter into Top Plate. Secure other end of Rafter in same fashion. SINGLE GUSSETTRUSS \GUSSET TO INSIDE 711/4 COLLAR TIES AND 3 GUSSETS 16 6 -C 95 -1/4 119 -1/4 --r I l \I I I I� fI 6 -D. Center second Rafter on 23 -1/4 mark and secure with (3) 3' nails (1 at top and 2 toe nailed outside) through Rafter and into Top Plate. Secure other end of Rafter in same fashion. Install remaining Rafters centered on marks on Top Plates and secure as in step 6C Be sure to keep single Gusset on end rafter to the inside at front and back of building and Collar Tie Rafters all to the insides. SINGLE GUSSET TRUSS GUSSETTO INSIDE/ BACK Huron Huron 7 -A 7 -B 7 -C: Q INSTALLING GABLE ENDS AND SOFFIT BLOCKS 2' Nails 4 Ct i. it �(SK) La y Flat (Wide Side Down) G (Left) 1 Gable Panel (Left) l nni� I k Gable Panel (Right) Measuring from outside edge of Top Plate place a mark at 72' center of door opening. Position Gable Panels flush to bottom of Front Wall Top Plate and middle seam centered on 72' mark. Starting along the bottom nail with 2' nails every 12" through Panel into Rafter and Top Plate. Repeat for Backwall 1 17 Part SK Part LA 2 Pcs. Gable Connector 2 x 4 x 41" a /a. Gable Panel 40-3/4" x 71 -3/4' 1 Pcs. Decorative Door 1/2 x 23-'/2 x 23-V2 10 Pcs. Nailer Block 2 x 3 x 4 7 -A. Position (SK) Gable Connector 1 3/4 -under Left Gable Panel and 1 -3/4' up from bottom of panel nail with (5) 2' nails through panel into connector as shown. 7 -B. Butt Right Gable Panel to Left Gable Panel flush at bottom edge and nail with (5) 2' nails through panel into connector 2' Nails I) 7 -E IF BUILDING AN EXTENDED HUT USING A 4' EXTENDER KIT OR KITS, READ EXTENDER KIT, INSTRUCTIONS STEP 14X -A ON PAGE 31 FOR 12X16, 12X20 AND 12X24. Adjacent To Trusses 7 -E. Position (LA) Soffit Nailers on the outside of the Sidewalls 1/4' down from the top of the Sidewall Doubler one centered at 47 13/16 one centered at 71 7/16 and balance adjacent to Rafter and Studs as shown. Fasten from inside with (1) 1 1/4 screw and from outside with (1) 1 1/4' screw as shown Note. At 71 7/16' where stud is located put the 1 1/4' screw from inside a slight angle. Repeat for other side. 18 7 -D• With some assistance center Decorative Door detail on Front Gable and secure with (4) 3/4' screws 71 Edge of 1 Building 47 I I I I I Edge of 1 I I Building I Huron If building an extended hut using 4' Extender Kit or Kits, read Extender Kit instructions Step 14X -B on Page 32 before applying Roof Panels. 8 -A 8-A: Position 48' x 96' Upper Roof Panel flush to the peak. The panel should overhang front Gable End by 9/16' and be centered on Rafter third from the rear Nail with 2' nails at corners in sequence shown. At peak, Maintain Top Plate Rafter dimensions as shown. 8-B 8-C Front Front 9/16' APPLYING ROOF PANELS FOR 12'X12' Huron 19 5 8-B: Position 48' x 47 7/8' Upper Roof Panel flush to first panel, flush to peak, nail with 2' nails at corners. Roof Panel will extend over rear Gable by 9/16' Maintain dimensions shown. 8 -C- Position 42' x 48' Lower Roof Panel flush to Rafter joint, and 9/16' overhanging Front Gable. Right side of Roof Panel will be centered on 5th Rafter from rear Nail with 2' nails at corners. 2 Pcs. 2 Pcs. 2 Pcs. 2 Pcs. n r` H Upper Roof Panel Upper Roof Panel Lower Roof Panel Lower Roof Panel ni Rear 8 -D Front Part JCR/JCL 2 Pcs. Upper Gable Trim O Part IKRAKL 2Pcs. Lower Gable Trim O Pan KF 4 Pcs. Comer Trim O Part KF 2 Pcs. vertical Door Tice O Part HE 4 Pcs. Side Comer Trim Part AS 2 Pcs. Horimntal Door Trcn O Part KD 2 Pcs. vertical Door Trin 9 -A Red Ends R C APPLYING TRIM 2' Finish Nails 8-D: Position 42' x 96' Lower Roof Panel flush to Rafter joint, butt to previous panel and overhanging the rear Gable by 9/16' as shown. Nail with 2' nails at corners. Install Roof Panels to other side of building in the same fashion Steps 8A, 8B, 8C and 8D nailing corners only With all Roof Panels properly positioned, finish nailing with 2' nails every 12' into all rafter assemblies. 1 x 4 x 48" Part KB 1 Pc. Horizontal Door Trin 1 x 4 x 72" 1x 4x 42" 0 Part IH 1 Pc. Horfnontel Dcor Trin 1 x 4 x 25'/: 1x4x80'8" Part GS 4Pca. SofrdTrin 1x3x71'hs 1 x 4x80'/° Part JP 4 Pcs. Fesch Trin 1 x 4 x 71'/ s 1 x 3x80' Part JL 2 Pcs. Fear Trin 1 x4 x 8r s 1 x 5x 879u 0 4 Pcs. End Ceps 3/4 x 5°G x 3 %x 8 °A 1 x 4 x 79" 0 2 Pcs. Soffit Roof Panel 4 °14 x 95' CI 2 Pcs. Soffit Roof Panel 4'14 x 48" Red Ends I \IKR) 20 i 2" Finish Nail 9/16' 9-A. Position (JCL and JCR) Upper Roof Trim red end down flush under Roof Panel and flush to peak. Nail with (5) 2' finish nails as shown. Position part (IKL and IKR) Lower Roof Trim butt to Upper Roof Trim and flush under Roof Panel red end up, nail with (5) 2' finish nails as shown. Repeat this process for the right side of the Gable and the Back Gable. Huron Huron 9 -B 3' Nail End Cap Soffit End Cap an Flush 9 -C 2 Finish Nails 9-C• Place part (GS) Soffit Trim horizontally between the front End Cap and the middle Nailer Attach with (2) 2' finish nails through the End Cap, into part (GS) and (2) 2' finish nails through (GS) and into the Nailers (LA). Attach second (GS) in the same manner Then repeat for the other side 9 -D (JCL) FOR SOFFIT AND FASCIA FOR A 4' EXTENDER KIT OR KITS, GOTO STEP 14X -C ON PAGE 32 FOR 12X16, 12X20 AND 12X24. 2' Finish Nails 9-D: Place part (JP) Fascia Trim vertically between the front End Cap and the middle Nailer (LA) Hold Fascia flush to the bottom of (GS) and nail with (2) 2' finish nails through Fascia into each Nailer Follow the same procedure stated in Step 9 -D for attaching the other (JP) and completing both sides. 1 1. 21 9-B: Position left plywood Soffit End Cap 3/4'x5- 3 /8 "x3- 5/8 "x8 -5/16' to the lower side of Front Trim and fasten with (2) 3' finish nails, as shown. Install Soffit End Caps to the other three corners in the same manner Nailers (LA) Lt (GS) (JP) 2' Finish Nail End Cap i 9-E 3/16 -.Y..- (5mm) e a REVEAL 9 -F 9-E: Position 4 -3/4 x 96' Soffit Roof Panel flush to Roof Panel and 3/16' back from the front of the building. Nail with (2) 2' nails into End Caps and each Soffit Nailer Butt 4 -3/4 x 48' Soffit Roof Panel flush to other Roof Panel and install in the same manner Nail in between Soffit Nailers into Wall Top Plate and into Fascia Board. Install Soffit Roof Panel to opposite side, In the same manner 2' Finish Nails 4 -3/4' x 96' i 9-P Assemble (KF) and (HE) Corner Trim as shown, connect with (6) 2' finish nails. Assemble four of these corners Position assembled Corner Trim over corner of Hut and flush, under End Cap 1 x 4 faces should be to front and rear of Hut. Secure with (12) 2' finish nails through Trim and into Walls. Install other three Corner Trim units (with 1 x 4 faces facing to the front and rear of the Hut) in same fashion. 4 -3/4' x 48' I ti L Assemble 4 Sets N (HE 2" Finish Nail (KF 2' Finish Nails 3/16' (5mm) REVEAL 22 Huron Huron 9 -H 9 -G Finish Nails (AS) i 2' Finish Nails 3/8 3/8' (KF) 9-G: Position (KB) (IH) horizontal Door Trim inside under Top Plate in door opening, flush to face of Filler Strip Nail with (5) 2' finish nails through Trim and into Top Plate. Position (KD) vertical Door Trim flush to face of wall panel butt against inside horizontal Door Trim (KB IH) Nail with (7) 2' finish nails through Trim and into Studs. Apply second vertical Door Trim (KD) to other side of door opening in the same fashion. (AS) 23 (KD) (KF) j- (IH) 9-H: Position (AS) outside Door Trim 3/8' above inside horizontal trim and flush to End Cap. Secure with (5) 2' finish nails as shown. Repeat for other side of Gable. Apply Rear Trim (JL) covering seam in the same fashion. Position (KF) vertical Door Trim 3/8' back from the face of inside door trim and butt to horizontal Door Trim Nail with (8) 2' finish nails through trim into wall. Apply second trim to other side of door opening with (8) 2' finish nails. Rear of Building Horizional Trim will use 2 pcs. (JL) ASSEMBLING EXTENDED WALLS FOR 12 X 16 12X -A 3 -1/2h SP TP, (1/ si I i 1.4 .1'-- 24 --1.— 24 --I-- 24 12 -B Front 123- 1/16 "x84" 3/4 Groove Edge 24 Extender Parts Part TK 4 Pcs. Wall Studs Part SP 6 Pcs. Top/Botlan Plates 2 Pcs. Wall Panel O All parts from step #3 Page 9. 0 Groove Edge No Groove Edge 3 -1/2' 24 -4— 24' 24 `-19- 9/16' 23-1/16" 841 2x 4x80 -'/a 2x 4x 48' 48 x 84' 12X -A. As in Step 3A, arrange Top Plates, Bottom Plates and Studs as shown. Each Extender section will be added as shown. Arrange the additional Top and Bottom Plates (SP) and Studs (TK) as shown. Nail with (2) 3' nails through Top Plates at each Stud location. As in Step 3B, position Front Doubler (SO) middle Doubler (TP) Extender Doubler (SP) on top of Top Plates and flush to edge of Top Plate make sure joints stagger from Top Plate, extending (SO) 3 -1/2' past the end Stud. Part (SP) should be past the front Stud by 3 -1/2' Nail with (2) 3' nails through the Top Plates at each Stud location. 12X -B. Follow Steps 3C through 3D for applying Wall Panels. The first and last Panel on extended wall will be the 23 -1/16' x 84' Panel, which will extend past the last Stud by 3 -1/2' Repeat to make another side wall Huron 12XX -A 3- 1/2' -.1 h. TP I I k19- 9/16 "4-- 24 24 —4.— 24 24 24'—_ 24 —4-24 -4-24 4 19 -9/16 12XX -A.As in Step 3A, arrange Top Plates, Bottom Plates and Studs as shown. Each Extender section will be added as shown. Arrange the additional Top and Bottom Plates (SP) and Studs (TK) as shown. Nail with (2) 3' nails through Top Plates at each Stud location As in Step 3B, position Front Doubler (SP) middle Doubler (TP &SO) Extender Doubler (SP) on top of Top Plates and flush to edge of Top Plate, make sure joints stagger from Top Plate, extending both Part (SP) should be past the front and rear stud by 3 -1/2' Nail with (2) 3' nails through the Top Plates at each Stud location. Huron 12XX -B ASSEMBLING EXTENDED WALLS FOR 20 TP Groove Edge Panel '3/4 Groove Edge 2 Extender Parts Part TK 8 Pcs, Wall Studs 2 x 4 x 80 -'14' Part SP 12 Pcs. Top/Bottom Plates 2x 4x48" 4 Pcs. Wall Panel 48 x 84" All parts from step N3 Page 9 so i -1 h.- 3 -1/2' 25 No Groove Edge P 12XX- B:Follow Steps 3C through 3D for applying Wall Panels. The first and last Panel on extended wall will be the 23 -1/16' x 84 Panel which will extend past the last Stud by 3 -1/2' Repeat to make another side wall 12XXX -A ASSEMBLING EXTENDED WALLS FOR 12 X 24 3 -1/2' C u -119- 9/161— 24' -4-- 24' -.4-- 24' 12XXX -B Groove Edge Panel 24 3 Extender Parts Part TK 12 Pcs. Wall Studs 2 x 4 x 8044" Part SP 18 Pcs. Top/Bottom Plates 2x 4x 48" 6 Pus. Wall Panel 48 x 84" All parts fran step 93 Page 9 sP —1 H-3-1/2' 24' 24 j--24' -4--24' 4.- 24 ----24' —119-9/164-- 12XXX -A.As in Step 3A, arrange Top Plates, Bottom Plates and Studs as shown Each Extender section will be added as shown. Arrange the additional Top and Bottom Plates (SP) and Studs (TK) as shown Nail with (2) 3' nails through Top Plates at each Stud location As in Step 3B position Front Doubler (SP) middle Doubler (SP &TP &SO) Extender Doubler (SP) on top of Top Plates and flush to edge of Top Plate, make sure joints stagger from Top Plate extending both part (SP) to be past the front and rear stud by 3 -1/2" Nail with (2) 3' nails through the Top Plates at each Stud location. No Groove Edge Panel 12XXX- B.Follow Steps 3C through 3D for applying Wall Panels. The first and last Panel on extended wall will be the 23 -1/16' x 84' Panel, which will extend past the last Stud by 3 -1/2' Repeat to make another side wall 26 uron Huron RAFTERS FOR 12'X16' FOR EXTENDED BUILDING 1 3X-A 13X -B 47 1/4 13X -A. As in Step 6B, place the dimensions as shown on the Top Plate Doubler of the sidewall of your building. On the opposite side of the building, Mark the same dimensions to correspond with the other side. For each extender addition the 23 -1/4' rafter spacing will be to the rear of the building. SINGLE GUSSET TRUSS GUSSET TO INSIDE 71 1/4 95 -1/4 COLLAR TIES AND GUSSETS 27 119 -1/4 -0- 143-1/4 167 1/4 13X -B- As in Step 6D erect and secure Rafters to the Top Plate Doublers. Rafters with single Gussets will be used at either end of the building with the (3) Gussets positioned to the inside of the building. SINGLE GUSSET TRUSS GUSSET TO INSIDE I II II II FOR EXTENDED BUILDING 1 3XX-A 471/4— I-'- 23-1/4 13XX -A.As in Step 6B place the dimensions as shown on the Top Plate Doubler of the sidewall of your building. On the opposite side of the building, Mark the same dimensions to correspond with the other side. For each extender addition the 23 -1/4' rafter spacing will be to the rear of the building. 13XX -B SINGLE GUSSET TRUSS GUSSET TO INSIDE RAFTERS FOR 12'X20' 71 1/4 95 -1/4 119-1/4 143-1/4 167 1/4 -0- COLLAR TIES AND GUSSETS Fl [1 IiI I�1 it 191 1/4-� 215 -1/4 13XX -B.As in Step 6D erect and secure Rafters to the Top Plate Doublers. Rafters with single Gussets will be used at either end of the building with the (3) Gussets positioned to the inside of the building. SINGLE GUSSET TRUSS GUSSET TO INSIDE Continue with -.Step 7 on 28 Huron 1 3XXX-A FOR EXTENDED BUILDING 47 1/4 1 3XXX-B SINGLE-GUSSET TRUSS GUSSET TO INSIDE RAFTERS FOR 12'X24' 71-1/4 95-1/4 13XXX-A.As in Step 6B, place the dimensions as shown on the Top Plate Doubler of the sidewall of your building On the opposite side of the building, Mark the same dimensions to correspond with the other side. For each extender addition, the 23-1/4' rafter spacing will be to the rear of the building I 1 11 11 11 I I I I I I I I 119-1/4 COLLAR TIES AND GUSSETS 143-1/4 Huron 29 167 1/4 191-1/4 215-1/4 239-1/4 13XXX-B.As in Step 6D, erect and secure Rafters to the Top Plate Doublers. Rafters with single Gussets will be used at either end of the building with the (3) Gussets positioned to the inside of the building. 263-1/4 III SINGLE-GUSSET TRUSS GUSSET TO INSIDE n 14 NOTE:INSTALL GABLE TRIM AND END -CAPS AS DESCRIBED IN STEPS 9A AND 9B ON PAGE 20 AND 21. 12'X16' 14X -A �r 12'X20' .0 12'X24' ASSEMBLING SOFFIT AND ROOF PANELS FOR EXTENDED BUILDINGS Edge of Building I I Adjacent To 11 j1 Trusses II 717/16' I 95 -7/16 I LI II I I LI 14X -A. Position (LA) Soffit Nailers on the outside of the sidewalls 1/4" down from the top of the sidewall Doubler and follow dimension shown and balance will be adjacent to the Rafter and Studs, as shown. Fasten from the inside with 1 1/4' screws and 1 1/4' screws from outside. T Edge of LIT 1 Building I I Adjacent To I I I I II Trusses I I I I 71 7/16 I ,-4 1 71 7/16' 95 -7/16' II I LI II 1 1 11 LI II LI IJ 8 V 'L L. 1 Edge of j 1 P Building 11 Adjacent To 11 11 I I 1 1 'I Trusses 11 j 1 1 71 7/16" 71 7/16° f 95 -7/16" i —.t 1 1 II LI II 11 11 I I 11 Li �I J LI 30 Parts for each 4' Extender Part LA 4 Pcs. Nailer Blocks 2 x 3 x 4 3 /16" 2 Pcs. Soffit Roof Panels 444 x 48" Part FO 2 Pcs. Fascia 1 x 4 x48" Part 10 2 Pcs. Soffit 1 x 3 x48' 2 Pcs Additional Roof Panels per Extender 48 x 47 -7B" 2 Pcs Additicnal Panels per Extender 42 x 48" II J II 48' I >L Edge of I Building LI 48" ILI Edge of I Building 1 1 tI Edgo of Building 14X -B 3/8' Front I 9/16' 42 x 48' i 14X -C lo Maintain 24 Rafter Dimension 48 x 96' 14X -B As in Steps 8A, 8B and 8C apply the Roof Panels as shown Additional extenders are added in 4 increments. Maintain 24' rafter deminsion for Step 13X, 13XX and 13XXX. AT THIS POINT, RESUME CONSTRUCTION AS STEP 9A &9B ON PAGE 20 AND 21 (as) 14X -C• Attach the (2) parts (GS) as shown in Step 9C Secure (10) Soffit Trim on each of the extended portion of the building and fasten with 2' nails. 12' x 16' 48 x 47 78' 42 x 96' Huron 31 too) .(10) 12' x 20' 12'x24 3/4 9/16' 14X -D 14X -E 12' x 16' (JP) 12' x 16' T 4 :(FO) 12' x 20' 12' x 24 a, u. 1 (FO) :(FO): 14X -D- Attach the (2) parts (JP) as shown in Step 9D Secure (FO) Fascia Trim on each of the extended portion of the building and fasten with 2" nails. 4 -3/4 x 96' 4 -3/4 x 48' 4 -3/4 x 48' 4 -3/4 x 48' 4 -3/4 x 48' 4 4 I 4 1 i I I II I 4 1 0 4: t u��4, a.'• p A, I x Y 12' x 20' 12' x 24' 14X -E. Position Soffit Roof Panels as shown and secure with 2' nails. The edge of the Roof Panels should be 3/16' back from the face of the front and rear End Caps. Nail in to Soffit Nailers, into the wall Top Plate, and into Fascia Install Soffit Roof Panel to opposite side in the same manner Conte with Step`9= on !!age inu 2 2 32 uron FINISHING TOUCHES TO MATCH YOUR LANDSCAPING (NOT INCLUDED WITH BUILDING KIT) Please follow the manufacturer's instructions and safety tips when using finishing products. (NOT INCLUDED WITH BUILDING KIT) The following steps are the basic outline for installing Drip Edge, Shingles, Caulk, Paint or Solid Colored Stain and Vents and for maintaining your building so that it will last for many years. INSTALLING VENTS (RECOMMENDED) Recommended Vent positioning is one Vent near front on Side Wall and one Vent in higher location on Rear Gable Panel However the Vents can be placed at your discretion. Holes need to be cut through Wall Panels or Gable Panel The dimensions are slightly smaller than the Vent because you need to screw around the perimeter of the Vent to install Once positions are determined and holes are cut, screw with 3/8' (0.5cm) screws. SIDE WALL Huron 33 INSTALLING DRIP EDGE (RECOMMENDED) Install Drip Edge to outside edges of Roof Panels, overlapping pieces by 1 (2.5cm) You may need to use more than one piece if it does not span the whole distance. Once Drip Edge is in place, nail or screw with 3/4 (1 9cm) nails every 8"(20.3cm) With the sides completed install Drip Edge to Gable End. Use one piece to start and flush it to the bottom of the side Drip Edge Nail in place even though it will extend off the roof Once in place snip bottom half of Drip Edge at Peak and bend over onto other side of Gable as shown. You may need to use two pieces. Overlap pieces by 1 '(2.5cm) Once Drip Edge is in place nail or screw with 3/4' (1.9cm) nails every 8' (20cm) 60 FT would be needed for 12' x 12' 70 FT would be needed for 12' x 16' 80 FT would be needed for 12' x 20' 90 FT would be needed for 12' x 24 Close -Up of Drip Edge Side that gets nailed onto Roof Nail through top to building Side that hangs over side No Nails Snip bottom side of Drip Edge and Bend over to other side of Roof 0 PAINTING CAULKING (REQUIRED) Use Acrylic Latex Caulk that is paintable Caulk at all horizontal and vertical seams, between the Trim and Walls and all around the Door Trim Use Latex paint to paint your building When painting your building, there are a few key areas that can be easily overlooked that need to be painted: under the trim on the doors and under the corner trim as indicated in the illustration by the paint brush icon It is very important that the whole outside of building is covered with paint, including places that you would not be able to see but are exposed to the elements, like the inside and top of the doors and the bottom edge of all siding 2 Gallons Paint for 12' x 12' 2 -1/2 Gallons Paint for 12' x 16' 3 Gallons Paint for 12' x 20' 3 -1/2 Gallons Paint for 12' x 24' 2 QT Paint for Trim 3 Tubes of Caulk 0 INSTALLING SHINGLES (REQUIRED) 18 -A Using four nails per shingle nail as shown in drawing. Drive nails straight so that the nail head is flush with, but not cutting into shingle surface Follow illustrations to apply Shingles to your Building. I 1 (2.5 cm) Une up notch on top of Shingle with edge of Roof to stagger the Shingles Line up notch on side of Shkple with edge of Roof to stagger the Shingles v2• (1.3 cm) NAILS 18 -B After completing shingling your building, remove any overhanging, excess shingles by cutting them off with a utility knife Sealing Strip First row of Shingles are Installed backwards to make seal barrlar -Rush to bottom of Ddp Edge 18 :eis.Continued onknext`•ae,a' 1 (2.5 cm) 8 Bundles would be needed for 12' x 12' 10 Bundles would be needed for 12 x 16' 12 Bundles would be needed for 12' x 20' 14 Bundles would be needed for 12' x 24 It Is okay If lest Shingle overlaps It will be cut off lobr Iw 18 -C To cover the Peak of your building, cut strip Shingles into individual pieces by dividing at cutout as shown. Bend each piece over the Peak and nail 5 -7/8' (14.90„) above the butt edge and 1 '(2.5cm) in from each side, exposing each piece 5 -1/8' (13cm) to the weather 34 Huron 18 -C INSTALLING SHINGLES CONTINUED Huron Cut single Shingle into three pieces S i 5 -118' NAIL INSPECTION Trim Nails Not in Studs (14.9cm) Nail That Missed Stud Cut any Shingles Overhanging Sides After assembly is finished, check the entire building inside and out for any protruding nails. Pound any protruding nails into the wood or cut them off flush. Roof Panel 35 m REQUIRED MAINTENANCE See requirements in the limited conditional warranty on the last page of this manual See Warranty Requirements HANDY E NN DUCTS sy .IYs Handy Limited Conditional Warranty WAR Handy Home Products warrants the following: 1 Every product is warranted from defects in workmanship and manufacturing for one year 2. All hardware and metal components are warranted for two years. 3. Trim is warranted for 10 years. 4 Waferboard siding and sheathing is warranted for two years. 5 SmartSiderM siding is warranted for 10 years on all Marco series buildings and 15 years 6 Mackinaw series buildings siding and trim are warranted for 10 years. 7 Phoenix Solar Shed windows are warranted for 1 year 8. Cedar lumber is warranted for 15 years. on all Premier Series buildings. Handy Home Products will repair replace or pay for the affected part. In no event shall Handy Home Products pay the cost of labor or installation or any other costs related thereto All warranties are from date of purchase If a cash refund is paid on an affected part, it will be prorated from the date of purchase. CONDffIONS The warranty is effective only when: 1 The unit has been erected in accordance with the assembly instructions. 2. The unit has been properly shingled and painted or stained and reasonably and regularly maintained thereafter 3. The failure occurs when the unit is owned by the original purchaser 4 Handy Home Products has received the warranty registration card within thirty (30) days of purchase and notification of the failure in writing within the warranty period specified above. 5 Handy Home Products has had reasonable opportunity during the sixty (60) days following receipt of notification to inspect and verify the failure prior to commencement of any repair work. REQUIREMENTS Storage Buildings Playhouses To validate your warranty, It Is necessary to properly maintain your Handy Home Products unit; shingle the roof and paint or solid colored stain the siding using 100% acrylic latex exterior product with a minimum of two (2) coats within thirty (30) days of assembly• caulk above all doors and all horizontal and vertical trim boards; paint and seal all exposed edges, sides and faces of SmartSideTM and waferboard siding to include all exterior walls and all sides and all edges of doors. Gazebos &Timber Buildings To validate your warranty it Is necessary to properly maintain your Handy Home Products unit. This includes treating all of the exposed cedar and pine surfaces on your gazebo or timber building with an exterior grade wood preservative an exterior oil -based semi- transparent stain, an acrylic latex exterior paint or an acrylic latex solid color exterior stain within 30 days of assembly and as needed thereafter to maintain your warranty Keep vegetation trimmed away from building and make sure siding panels and trim do not come In contact with masonry or cement. The minimum ground clearance for siding must be one half inch (1/2 inch) from concrete slab or two and one half inches (2 Yz') from the ground when building is erected or constructed on a treated wood floor kit. Water from sprinklers must be kept off unit. In no event will Handy Home Products be responsible for any indirect, Incidental, consequential or special damages nor for failure(s) that are caused by events acts or omissions beyond our control including, but not limited to misuse or improper assembly improper maintenance (which eventually leads to rot or decay) and acts of God. Handy Home Products will not be held responsible for any labor costs incurred to construct your unit. This warranty gives you certain specific rights that vary from state to state. CLAIM PROCEDURE To make a claim under this warranty you can either call (B00) 437 -0784 or prepare a letter Please have ready the information below when you call or include the information when writing: 1 The model and size of the product. 2. A list of the part(s) for which the claim is made 3. Proof of purchase of the Handy Home Products' item as shown on the original invoice. 4 Run code as listed on the yellow warranty card enclosed in the product package. Mail the above information to: Handy Home Products Attn. Customer Service 6400 11 Mile Road Warren, MI 48091 *WARRANTY TERMS MAY VARY OUTSIDE THE U S.A. JMPORTA 1n This is your warranty certificate. Please complete and mail your warranty card to properly validate your warranty Idr 1/31/02 Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER Tenant nbr name Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning Application valuation Owner WILLICUT ROBERT J OWNER 1332 BLACK DIAMOND RD PORT ANGELES WA 983639307 COMMENTS /ACTION NEEDED CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS ELECTRICAL DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET PORT ANGELES. WA 98362 06 00000685 085660 1327 CAROLINE ST 06 30 00 7 8 0340 0000 BILL BARRETT RES REMODEL RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY 70000 Contractor Date 8/15/06 Permit ELECTRICAL NEW RESIDENTIAL Additional desc S &J ELECTRIC/ REWIRE HOUSE GAR Permit pin number 82776 Sub Contractor S J ELECTRIC Permit Fee 109 20 Plan Check Fee 00 Issue Date 8/15/06 Valuation 0 Expiration Date 2/11/07 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1 00 78 7000 ECH EL -RM 0 200 1ST SRV FEEDER 78 70 1 00 30 5000 ECH EL R OUTBD /DTCH GAR W /SERV 30 50 Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4 50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 109 20 109 20 00 00 Plan Check Total 00 00 00 00 Other Fee Total 4 50 4 50 00 00 Grand Total 113 70 113 70 00 00 ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417 -4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. INSPECTION TYPE DITCh ROUGH -IN COVER SERVICE FINAL GENERAL COMMENTS: KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE DATE ACCEPTED YES I NO COMMENTS Pl iz,t 5 7-- 0 I I I I I I I I PW.I 102.15 (4/90 NCO o "- .-< o "- N .-< MM t'Jf-< .,;.,; 0.0 a-r- Ma- a-", 00 , , Nltl ltlr- "r- >< ...:l <>: M H ...:l f-< MUl ~M U:;: H"; f-<..., Z .. 0<>: HO f-<f-< UU MM 0.0. UlUl ~~ 00 "'''' MM ;': o 'gJ Ul MM ZZ 00 :x::x: 0.0. co ltl f-< f-< M ...:l <>: 0. .,; 0. t'JOl .,; Z , ~~g~ OHOU O~OH U~~~ E-< "':<:,,:x: en ...........~U CJ~oW 00 Z 0 I ::E Zf-iHP:::CO H ~ E-4 ~ IN ~~~O['O\ OO:::OO:E I I.D o::o::::r: 00 ..:x:..:x: ~OO UOlUl~' 0 - 00 r--~W MO N ~:> ~ I I MH~M\.Dr-- .....q:I:l 0. ~ 0 0 r- ltl a- Ul M -...:l COM 00 ::;~ o "-E-< N<>: .-<0 0. o M'" <>:0 .,; 0.>< ME-< <>:H o.U <>: <>: . Ol <>: . . M ZO Ol CIl ,tJ . . ~ Ulf-<"; ...:lZ ~~[':~~...:l OZZZ<>:o. ~~8~~% E-< H :;: <>: M 0. Ul f-< Z M :;: Z:;: 00 HU f-<"- o.Ul HE-< <>:...:l U::O UlUl MM E-<O<>: i 0. 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Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning . . . Application valuation 08-00001373 Date 10/31/08 184623 13 2 7 CAROLINE ST 06-30-00-7-8-0340-0000- ELECTRICAL ONLY RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY o Application desc Trim out house and garage Owner Contractor . Barrett, Bill 1327 Caroline st PORT ANGELES WA 98363 BOTERO & SON ELECTRICAL 940 TAMARACK WAY PORT ANGELES WA 98362 permi t . . . . . Additional desc . Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date ELECTRICAL NEW PORTAL PORTAL 137125 69.00 10/31/08 4/29/09 RESIDENTIAL Plan Check Fee Valuation .00 o ~ N -J Qty Unit Charge BASE FEE Extension 69.00 Per Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 69.00 69.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 69.00 69.00 .00 .00 ~ )\J ~ L r - . SPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR: DITCH SERVICE OUGH - IN FINAL vY6.JZ.ADE.. N:oN IC- cANS wi Ie A:tJ17 ~ ON l..I( OMMENTS: ....r- o , '" N , o .... r>lr>l t?E-< ..:..: 0.0 >< ..:1 I>: r>l H ..:1 E-< r>lOO ~r>l 8~ E-<t:> Z .. 01>: HO E-<E-< UU r>lr>l 0.0. 0000 ~~ .... ..,. N o '" 00 r>l -..:1 r-r>l Ot? ~~ N 'E-< 01>: ....0 0. o r>lo. 1>:0 ..: 0.>< r>lE-< I>:H o.U :> H o gJ 00 r>lr>l ZZ 00 :<::<: 0.0. E-< E-< r>l I>: ..: III E-< 00 r>l ZE-< HE-< ..:1r>l 01>: 1>:1>: ..:..; UlIl r-..:1 N..:1 <'1H ....1Il '..:1 ::;:or>l ":00 HOO ..:10::;: ..:1 , r>l HOI>: ~..,. '<'100 ~Or>l 0'1>: I>: CO I>: , Lt1 Or-CO ::;: , \D 00 ;><00 ~ ' 0 00 <'10 ..:1 , , r>l\D\D ..:100 0: I>: .tIll>: . r>l ZO III 00 - t; . ~ OOE-<": ..:1Z ~~~~!'J..:1 o~s~~g; ~E-<UOo...: 00 E-< ~ ~ ....Z::;: t88 filE-<, 00.00 ....HE-< 000:5 ~~oo r>lr>l '01>: E-< .... t,~ 0.00::> t?~gj II: I>: ~ SfHl 1llE-<E-< OOr>l :5[gp; 0::;: r>l0 I>:o:u 0. 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NN " ........ .... .... .... o N o .... o ,., o .... o '" ..:I '" ~ H <I; <Xl ,., ..:I <Xl '" ..:I '" '" ...:l '" ~ U M tt: o UJ 01 ~ 01 :I1 E-< E-< W (.') ::0 o >< 01 ~ o r.. M '" UJ 01 ~ Z i: UJ 01 E-< o Z o ~ o ,., UJ E-< Z 01 :>: :>: o u 'Qi ~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - ELECTRICAL DIVISION J21 EAST 5TH STREET. PORT ANGELES. WA 98~62 Application Number Application pin number - Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Tenant nbr, name Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning . . . Application valuation 07-00000692 Date 841572 1327 CAROLINE ST 06-30-00-7-8-0340-0000- BILL BARRETT MECHANICAL APPL. PERMIT 7/30/07 RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY 10170 Owner Contractor LELAMAY MORROW/WILLIAM BARETT 1327 CAROLINE ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 775-0697 DAVE'S HEATING & COOLING PO BOX 413 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 452-0939 Pe rmi t . . . . . Additional desc . Permit pin number Sub Contractor Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date ELECTRICAL ALTER DAVE'S/ T-STAT 104901 DAVE'S HEATING 35.00 7/30/07 1/26/08 RESIDENTIAL ~ & COOLING Plan Check Fee Valuation .00 o \)'J ~ Qty Unit Charge Per 1.00 35.0000 ECH EL-LVT-FIRST THERMOSTAT Extension 35.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 35.00 35.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 35.00 35.00 .00 .00 ~ .J7 ~ L rn 1 COMMENTS! ACTION NEEDED ELECfRlCAL PERMIT INSPECfIONRECORD CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER. INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE COMMENTS NO GENERAL COMMENTS: PW.lI02.1' (4'96) . roc-- 0 "- 0 N "- C-- MM ~ (91-< <>:<>: o.~ ~ 0. ~ 0. 1-< "'c-- <>:c-- "'''' M'" "'''' :11'" 00 ~ 0 , , , ~, , NI11 ~~ , 111C-- , .,.C-- C-- , M , U1-< , 00 <>:1-< , "'''' ZM :>< , "'''' '~M g;~ ... , , , ... I>: , ~ 0.<>: M , h , (9 <ll H :> U ... H MM , H... 1-< ~ ZZ 1>:... Ul MUl @ 00 ... 1-<H M ~M :X::X: , U<ll ,... 8~ Ul 0.0. , M 0 , :;: ...... Z 1-<0-, , ~. "" , <>: ~ Z .. , 'U ~ 01>: , '" HO 1-< Ul I-lltl Hf 1-<1-< H 1-< <>: h'" <>: Ul uu :;: Z Z'<;l4(""JZUl 1-< MM I>: M HOO'\HU) Z 0.0. M :;: oo.M M UlUl 0. Z:;: , U :;: ZZ 1-< 00 ~r--NHtJ :;: H H 1-< HU <>:0111<>:<>: 0 M ... 1-<"- Uoo::t'U U I>: 0.. o..Ul HN HZ <>: 0. H1-< ~~~~~ (9<ll <l: 1>:... Z , U::> O~~DCJ ~~g~ UlUl MM klr--WWO OHOU 1-<~1>: :;:00-,:;:1-< OHOH H U~d,~ ~ 1-< -Il:<;.,.:11 ~ Ul "-,,,U 0. 1-< '" (9:<; oM 0.... '" M Z 0 I ~ 6Ul::> ZE-tHO:::CO ZUl ro H1-< 1-< I>: 'N HM N ...M <>:0 c--'" ~~: 00:: W ~ 11..0 ro 1>:1>::11 00 en <>:<>: :><00 M UCQ(f)~ 10 H -... - 00 ~MM c--M r--.HW MO 1-<1-< 0(9 N H::> H I I UlM 6~ (""JH,.:(W\Or-- OM... .....q:QQHOO 0::>0. N 0:;: "-1-< MO c--I>: I>: P4 I>:U 0 . <lll>: .M ~ 0.. ZO <ll ~ 1-< .~ Mo. Ul -U r-< 1>:0 Ul1-<<>: ...Z !-< 0 0 <>: ~~~~[L H Ul 0.:>< ~ "- '" M1-< ~ZZZl>:o. 0. '" I>:H ~MO:<;<>:o. :>< M o.U !-<UOo.<>: 0. 1-< :;: ~ ~ORT ~"" ~"'O~~~ Uha "-~ ~ 'ti-;-~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, W A 98362 o -J , 0-- ~ ~ 07-00000692 Date 841572 1327 CAROLINE ST 06-30-00-7-8-0340-0000- BILL BARRETT MECHANICAL APPL. PERMIT 6/13/07 Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Tenant nbr, name Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning . . . Application valuation RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY 10170 Owner Contractor LELAMAY MORROW/WILLIAM BARETT 1327 CAROLINE ST PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 775-0697 DAVE'S HEATING & COOLING PO BOX 413 PORT ANGELES WA 98363 (360) 452-0939 Permit . . . . . Additional desc . Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date MECHANICAL PERMIT ELEC. FRNC, HEAT PUMP 104513 64.70 Plan Check Fee 6/13/07 Valuation 12/10/07 .00 o Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 50.00 14.70 BASE FEE 1.00 14.7000 ECH ME- INSTALL 100- FAU Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 64.70 64.70 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 64.70 64.70 .00 .00 ~qh //-/ ~ '>-00' - vJ ~ () ~~ d -- 5 o ?t Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of co trudion. Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T:\Policies\1102_l5 building pennit inspection record05.wpd [1/4/2005] "3 (t o ~ Date ~ BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTiON RECORD CALL417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 4]7-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 4] 7-4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A Iv1.INIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANJ' WORK BEFORE I.NSPECTED AND A CCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCA TJON. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE llATE ACCEJ'TEll COMMENTS YES NO FOUNllA nON: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS / WALLS FOUNDA TJDN DRAINAGE / DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR / SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GASLJNE FJNAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: BACK FLOW I WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING FRAMING JOISTS / GIRDERS SHEAR W ALL/HOLD DOWNS WALLS / ROOF / CElLJNG DRYWALL (fNTERJOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T-BAR INSULA TJON SLAB WALL / FLOOR I CEILING I MECHANICAL ROUGH-IN ,T?/I/01 -SU HEAT PUMr lFURNACE/DUCTS l I GAS LINE FINAL \ \-\ 7-0g DATE :)LL ACCEPTED BY: WOOD STOVE / PELLET / CHIMNEY MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING / SLAB BLOCKING & HOLD DOWNS SKJRTING PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT#'s SEPA: PARKING/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCYIUSE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRJCAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRJCAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R. W. / PW/ CONSTRUCTION - R.W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW / ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING T:IPolicieslll02 15 building permit inspection record05.wpd [1/4/2005] Jun 13 07 08:22a Dave's Heating & Cooling 360-452-0939 p.1 BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: Dale Rec.: O~ -i ~-O 7 Permit';: O-Z - q7- Dale Approved: 0 b - /3-07 Date Issued: (lfo -I 3 '-6 ~ Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST BE COMPLETE to be accepted for review. If you have an~' questions, call PERMITS (360) 417-4815 FAX(360)417-4711 Phone: '75::2-0'739 1/5-0'=-9, Zip: 9 ~"3 "=. ~ Phone: PO\('\- An=s-~ PROJECT ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: CLALLAM COUN"TY PARCEL NUMBER: t-fr3 /3~1 Phone: .DAVtS5 Mccr41;;lC j State License'#: E)q): SfOCf Phone: "-f5;l-OC; 39 City: PO.,-t- .A-n.~.Q_t9-S ' Zip: q?3 6::>-" Ct:\.v-o \ \" V"\.e... S+v--ee...+ ZONING: ArchitectlEngineer: Contractor..Do.. v e. \ 5 r\ e 0....-\-\ Y'\~ Address: r. O. /50 X Block: Subdivision: Credit Card Holder Name: Billing Address: Credit Card Type VISA >< MC T'\TE OF WORK: !if'Residential 0 New Constr. 0 Re-roof 0 Stove o Multi-family 0 Addition 0 Move 0 Garage o Commercial [!( Remodel 0 Demolition 0 Deck o Repair 0 Sign 0 Otber . BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: ;' n -5-+.d.. ( ( 0.... -\i' 0'" ine..o..-t fLA.'I"r\f 1 ClV\~ d~c....+ Wov- K COMMERCIALIRESIDENTlAL: Occupancy Group: City: # Exp. Date: SIZEfVALUATION: SF.@$ !SF.=$ SF. @$ ISF. =$ SF.@$ ISF. =$ TOTAL VALUATION $ o.f ~ .e....~c::...+n c.... t 0, ~ -, CT' -fV. r", a. <::-sL) Occupant Load: Existing Sq. Ft. & Proposed Sq. Ft. Construction Type: = TOTAL Sq. Ft. No. of Stories: _ Lot Size: Total lot coverage % APPROVALS: PLAN: BLDG: DPVi'U : FIRE: OTHER:_ PLANNING USE ONLY: ESAlWetland(s): 0 Yes 0 No SEPA Cbecklistrequired? 0 Yes 0 No Oilier: VALUATION OF CONSlRUCTION: In.all cases, a valuation amount must be entercd bytbe applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contacttbe Permit Coordinator at 4 17-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: Irno permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section R105.3.2 oftbe International BuildinglResidentia] Code, 2003). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. ( am authorized to apply for this permit and understand that it is my responsibility to defermine what permits are required ,not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits prior to work. T,IRVESS\BLDG-f_...."'=\2Illl4-B"lldi'''''''''''c''''d Applicmt ~ Dare, b! t 3 ( 0 L 1'-1'- , 0 , , , 00 , I'- 0 , '" , , '" , \0 , N , , 00 , 0 ~~ , ~ tJf-< , :r: .0:.0: , ~ f-< 0.0 , :>: , H Z , f-< H , , ~ , 0: , \0 ~ , 0 :r: , , f-< , '" , r< ~ , , m , '" , 0 ...:I , ...:I , ~ , ~ , f-< 0 , .0: >< >< , 0 ...:I ~ ...:I , UlUlO ...:I 0. 0: , f-<f-o:r: 0: H ~ , .. 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When corrections have been made, please call , for inspection. ~f7' C; 61 ( Date /. 'JrJ . v/3 / / Inspector for Building Division DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG ....\0 o "- o N "- .... .... r>lr>l <.9(-0 0<0< "'0 ~ >< ...:I I>: r>l \ H ...:I > ...:I , H r>lr>l (-0 0 ZZ r>lUl gj 00 ""'" "'''' 8~ Ul "'''' (-0"" Z 01>: HO (-0(-0 UU r>lr>l "'''' UlUl ZZ (-0 H H (-0 r>l I>: 0< III '...:I ~Or>l 00 HOO ...:10:>; ...:I , r>l HOI>: f-< 3'" Ul "-MUl N 30r>l LIl r>l 0 'I>: Z(-o 1>:'" N H(-o I>: 'LIl 0 ...:Ir>l 01'''' 01>: :>: ,\0 '" 1>:1>: 00 Ul 0<0< ><00 r>l UlIl fO ....:1 00 \Or>l 1'...:1 MO 0<.9 N...:! ...:I , , ,-<<: M H r>l\O\O &e, ....lIl ...:100 N ,,-(-0 ....1>: I>: I>: ;:'0 'lIll>: 'r>l , '" ZO III .&J Ii. 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'" ZO III P< 0 E-< .~ r>lr.. en -U M <>:0 enE-<": >-lZ E-< 0 0 ..: [:]~~<J>-l H en "'>< ~ '- r>lE-< OZZZI>:'" '" N <>:H ~r>l0~":'" >< >-l "'U E-<UO"''': P< E-< '" "lI ~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUll.DING DMSION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, W A 98362 Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Tenant nbr, name Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning . . . Application valuation Owner 9/15/06 06-00000685 Date 085660 1327 CAROLINE ST 06-30-00-7-8-0340-0000- BILL BARRETT RES REMODEL RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY 70000 Contractor LELAMAY MORROW/WILLIAM BARETT 472 W SANTA ELENA ROAD PALM SPRINGS, CA PALM SPRINGS CA 92262 Permit . . . . . Additional desc . Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date OWNER BUILDING PERMIT -RESIDENTIAL 81125 810.25 7/11/06 1/20/07 Plan Check Fee valuation 324.10 70000 20.00 Qty Unit Charge Per BASE FEE 7.0000 THOU BL-50,OOl-100K (7.00 PER K) Extension 670.25 140.00 Permit . . . . . Additional desc . Permit pin number Sub Contractor Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date ELECTRICAL NEW RESIDENTIAL S&J ELECTRIC/ REWIRE HOUSE-GAR 82776 S & J ELECTRIC 109.20 Plan Check Fee 8/15/06 Valuation 2/11/07 .00 o Qty 1. 00 1. 00 Unit Charge Per 78.7000 ECH EL-RM-0-200 1ST SRV FEEDER 30.5000 ECH EL-R-OUTBD/DTCH GAR W/SERV Extension 78.70 30.50 Permit . . . . . Additional desc . Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date PLUMBING PERMIT ~ 86983 176.00 9/15/06 3/14/07 Plan Check Fee Valuation .00 o f:J IJ q Iy; / l_1 ?~O~ Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 50.00 126.00 BASE FEE 18.00 7.0000 ECH PL- EA.FIXTURE ON ONE TRAP Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 1095.45 1095.45 .00 .00 Plan Check Total 324.10 324.10 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last -inspection. I-hereby-certity-that-lhave-read-and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or I~I 77ting construction or the performance of construction. ~~ ~~ ~6 Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T:\Policies\1102_15 building pennil inspection record05.wpd [1/4/2005] ,-- BUll..DING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD ,.. '", CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES I NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS 1 WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE 1 DOWN SPOUTS PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR 1 SLAB ROUGH.IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: BACK FLOW 1 WATER AIR SEAL WALLS I CEILING I FRAMING JOISTS 1 GIRDERS SHEAR W ALUHOLD DOWNS WALLS 1 ROOF 1 CEILING DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T.BAR INSULATION SLAB I WALL 1 FLOOR 1 CEILING. T .,~ MECHANICAL .- . . - - HEAT PUMP 1 FURNACE 1 DUCTS I GAS LINE WOOD STOVE 1 PELLET 1 CHIMNEY FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: COMMERCIAL HOOD 1 DUCTS MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING 1 SLAB BLOCKING & HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMlT#'s SEPA: PARKlNG/LlGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCYIUSE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL. LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R W.I PWI CONSTRUCTION. R W. ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW 1 ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING T:\Policies\1102_15 building permit tnspecllon record05.wpd [1/412005] 'S ~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number . . . . . Application pin number Other Fee Total 4.50 Grand Total 1424.05 06-00000685 085660 4.50 1424.05 Page Date 2 9/15/06 .00 .00 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work Is suspended or abandoned for a period of180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last - -inspection. I-hereby-certify-that-l-haveread-and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. Date Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) Date T:\Policies\1102_1S building permit inspection recordOS.wpd [11412005] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS SHEAR WALLS 1 WALLS 7/"24/0C- Vt-v FOUNDATION DRAmAGE/DOWNSPO~ , PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR 1 SLAB ROVGH-m 11{t{/~ (//1; 5/'l./01 i\~5h-jn 'JLL WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LmE FmAL \ \-11.-08 DATE :SU- ACCEPTED BY: BACK FLOW 1 WATER AIR SEAL ;0-1,-07 ":\L-L- WALLS CElLmG FRAMING . 10 - JJ-()l :\LL. JOISTS 1 GIRDERS J . SHEAR W ALUHOLD DOWNS II {)1 / IJ6 ~ WALLS 1 ROOF 1 CEILmG I DRYWALL (INTERIOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T-BAR INSULATION Ic')-Z-'J -Of ;H...L SLAB WALL 1 FLOOR 1 CEILmG I MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP 1 FVRNACEI DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE 1 PELLET 1 CHIMNEY FmAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: COMMERCIAL HOOD 1 DUCTS MANUFACTURED HOMES FooTmG 1 SLAB BLOCKmG & HOLD DOWNS SKIRTING PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT#'s SEPA: P ARKlNG/LlGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELmE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCYIUSE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R. W.I PWI CONSTRUCTION - R.W. ENGmEERlNG 417-4807 PW 1 ENGINEERING FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNmG DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUlLDmG 417-4815 ll-\1-0g -::s u...-- BUILDmG . . ~ , ~ ~ .......... ~~ .l0 ~'-t Rt -t~ ~ ~ (\ C') l' '-- T:\Policies\l102_15 buildmg penmt mspecl10n record05.wpd [1/412005] I N\O o ..... .,. N ..... r-- ~~ Clf-< <t:<t: 0..0 , >< , ..:l , 0 ~ , ~!3 ~ , H , ~?5 ..:l , " , ;': Ul ..:l , ~~ .. <t: f-< , 0 ZZ ~>< Ul ~Ul , gJ 00 :EO ~ ~~ :xl:xl H f-< 8~ Ul 0..0.. f-< 0 ~ :E Z f-<'":l 0.. 0 Z .. ..:l ~ O~ ..:lcor-- 'i HO Ul <t:N'" f-<f-< f-< ~ "\.0 Ul UU Z ~r<o f-< ~~ ~ ~ <t:o, Z 0..0.. ~ III ~ UlUl ....Z:E :xl r-- :E ~~ ffiOO Ul\Or-- :E HU 0' 0 f-<..... CIao U Oo..Ul ZN\O ....Hf-< H.....,., , ~ CIl~..:l Or< , '..:l 1%lU~ ..:IN..:l , o~ ~UlUl H.......:l 00 ~~ ~r--H , 00 'O~ 01001 , 0:E , ,~ f-< , '":lo~ .... , f-< .,. ~~~ "\ Ul f-<,.,Ul N ~o~ .,. 1%l 1%l , ~ o..Ul~ Zf-< Oleo ZUl ~ N ....f-< o , III CI....w ..:l , r< ..:lW ~r--co :z: ~ '":l , O~ ,\0 .... , N ~~ f-<oo 9 , r<Ul <t:<t: ~oo , W U01 U , 0 ....00 ii -..:l ....00 ~ww \0 , \OW r--..:l ..:l,.,o I%lf-<E-< o , oCl N..:l ..:l , , UlW ..... , :;~ ,., .... ....\0\0 OW..:l .,. , r<01 ~oo o~o.. ~ N : N O:E .....E-< wo r-- , r--~ ~ ~ ~~u 0 '01 ~ ,~ 0.. , 0.. zo 01 I%l , 0 f-< '?5 , W~ Ul -u r< , ~o Ulf-<<t: ..:lZ f-< 0 0 , <t: gj~~&l[j..:l .... Ul , 0..>< ~ ..... , ~E-< ozzz~o.. 0.. '" , ~.... ~wo~<t:o.. >< ..:l , o..u f-<uoo..<t: 0.. f-< 01 , <f.ORT~ ~ ~,.~ lL -=-- ~ ~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST 5TH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 Application Number Application pin number Property Address ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: Tenant nbr, name Application type description Subdivision Name Property Use Property Zoning . . . Application valuation 06-00000685 Date 085660 1327 CAROLINE ST 06-30-00-7-8-0340-0000- BILL BARRETT RES REMODEL 7/11/06 RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY 70000 Owner Contractor WILLI CUT ROBERT J 1332 BLACK DIAMOND RD PORT ANGELES WA 983639307 OWNER Permit . . . . . Additional desc . Permit pin number Permit Fee Issue Date Expiration Date BUILDING PERMIT -RESIDENTIAL 81125 810.25 7/11/06 1/07/07 Plan Check Fee valuation 324.10 70000 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 670.25 140.00 BASE FEE 20.00 7.0000 THOU BL-50,001-100K (7.00 PER K) Other Fees STATE SURCHARGE 4.50 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ----------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Permit Fee Total 810.25 810.25 .00 .00 Plan Check Total 324.10 324.10 .00 .00 Other Fee Total 4.50 4.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 1138.85 1138.85 .00 .00 Separate Permits are required for electrical work, SEPA, Shoreline, ESA, utilities, private and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby-certify that I have-read and examined this-application and know the sam~/to be true and correct. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified here~ or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law r~ uati ~on ucti n or the performance of construction. /. - \ ~ ~tJJ V; Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is builder) T:\Policies\1102_15 building pennit inspection record05.wpd [114/2005] BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. CALL 417-4807 FOR PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLAWFUL TO COVER, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE. INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS I YES NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS I , SHEAR WALLS 1 WALLS 7lz-J-ftJG vV FOUNDATION DRAINAGE 1 DOWN SPOUTS I PIERS POST HOLES (POLE BLDGS.) PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR 1 SLAB ROUGH-IN WATER LINE (METER TO BLDG) GAS LINE FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: BACK FLOW 1 WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING I FRAMING JOISTS 1 GIRDERS SHEAR WALUHOLD DOWNS WALLS 1 ROOF 1 CEILING DRYWALL (INTERJOR BRACED PANEL ONLY) T-BAR INSULATION SLAB WALL 1 FLOOR 1 CEILING I MECHANICAL HEAT PUMP 1 FURNACE 1 DUCTS GAS LINE WOOD STOVE 1 PELLET 1 CHIMNEY FINAL DATE ACCEPTED BY: COMMERCIAL HOOD 1 DUCTS MANUFACTURED HOMES FOOTING 1 SLAB BLOCKING & HOLD DOWNS SKJRTING PLANNING DEPT. SEPARATE PERMIT #'s SEPA: P ARKJNG/LIGHTING ESA: LANDSCAPING SHORELINE: FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCYIUSE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRJCAL - LIGHT DEPT. 417-4735 ELECTRJCAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R.W.I PWI CONSTRUCTION - R.W. ENGINEERJNG 417-4807 PW 1 ENGINEERJNG FIRE 417-4653 FIRE DEPT. PLANNING DEPT. 417-4750 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING 417-4815 BUILDING ~ \ ~ ~ ~~ ~~! ~ ~ ~ I T:IPoliciesIII02_15 building pennit inspection record05.wpd [1/4/2005] ~.,' BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUS BE COMPLETE to be accepted for review. If you have any questions, caU PERMITS (360) 417-4815 FAX(360)417-4711 PROJECT ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: City: (3d 1 (Ap.o/,'-..Je "S& ;;) :;J Block: 3 ~ \.: e Phone: 360 - 717 5 -olFV? t.e11l.n?1lI,& ((loMO/D Phone: ~"'t'l1~_ Ci~y: PoRt AN~Qje.5,' tJA Zip: 9~~(p~ IA Phone: ~tof)... L-l,t'J- o5er State License #: Exp: Phone: <A en ~ Zip: ZONING: Subdivision: CPa,'!u' 5 Contractor Address: CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER: t) 4 3 DOD I~O 3l-).o ()()~ TYPE OF WORK: SIZEN ALUATION: 6'(Residential D New Constr. D Re-roof D Stove SF. @$ /SF. = $ D Multi-family D Addition D MoveD Garage SF. @ $ /SF. = $ D Commercial Memodel D Demolition D Deck SF. @$ /SF. = $ C1J Repair D Sign D Other 1}JTAL :VALUATION ~ 70, (J tJ 0 - BRIEF DE~CRIJ1iI,ON OF.THf PROJECT, R", ",(">d~ 1/ hA I ,<I, J./pfllp -~fA.'~ 1<<i?'. ~D\ lrl ~ ARA't ~, No. of Stories: Lot Size: Total lot coverage Existing Sq. Ft. Occupant Load: & Proposed Sq. Ft. Construction Type: = TOTAL Sq. Ft. COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL: Occupancy Group: % PLANNING USE ONLY: APPROVALS: PLAN: BLDG: DPWU: FIRE: OTHER:_ ESAlW etland( s): DYes D No SEP A Checklist required? DYes D No Other: VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In aU cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Division to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: IF a plan check fee is due it must be submitted at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW: If no permit is issued within 180 days of the date of application, the application will expire. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days upon written request by the applicant (see Section R105.3.2 of the International Building/Residential Code, 2003). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. J am authodzed to apply for this permit and understand that itis my responsibility to determine what permits are required ,not the City's, and that I must obtain such permits pri~rto work>. ///. Ik T:\FORMS\BldgPermitform.wpd Applicant: a/#-- ,~~ Date: 10/ ,;;)") I<!) I () , " _fJLW.f.()R,p,EF~;;C' ,f.' HiE REOUEST- 2006 1183060 Clallam County 'JF L vv\..-, ~ \ _ -...f::!.....~._-....._~.._~,...__ ;',::.CDIWEtJ Ifi :'cCCHi:;<, :.eLi.11 C;) AFfER RECORDING MAIL TO: Name LE"t,AMA y ~ MORROW Address 47::> w. ~ANrpA ET,ENA ROAD City/State PALM SPRINGS, CA. 92262 2006 JUN 2 7 P 11 4: 2 I , @ Quit Claim Deed THE GRANTOR, Lelamay Morrow, Trustee ~. FirstAmerican Title . Insurance Company for and in consideration of Lelamay Morrow. Revocable Living Trust dated September 10, 199J conveysandquitc1aimsto Lelamay Morrow, Trustee, Lelamay Morrow Revocable Living Trust dated September 10, 199J, seventy five perc-entmt.erest (75%), and William R. Barrett, a single . twenty fiv.e percent interest. (25%) . the following described real estate, situated in the County of Clall am ,State of Washington. together with all after acquired title of the grantor(s) therein: Lot 22 in block J of Cains subdivislon of suburban lot J6 in the city of Port Angeles, as per plat, recorded in volume 2 of plats, p page 67, records of Clallam County, Washington. Together with the west half of vacated alley sdjoining- said lot on the east., Situate in Clallam County, State of Washington. - i'JO. 1lj;1ft;/ ~ CLAU.A.VJ OOlJ-'.Tr'l -t::7 TM~SACTION ~CISE TAX (this space for tide company use on(v) man, Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number(s): 06JoOO ~~~ JUN 2 7 2006 Ai\'JCUI\r~ CO~RJ@ '{2 780J40 .OOO~ ,( .f fL, Dated June 2'3, 2006 ~~~ ~~ Lelamay rrbw;~ us .ee, Lelamay Morrow By HevocabJ.e .Living TL'U~ L tladiYidual) (1'raIdem1 By (Secn:wyJ LPB-l2 (lIJ96) Parcel Lookup Parcel Number 0630007803400000 Site Address: 1327 CAROLINE ST PA Quit I i Back I Taxpayer: LELAMAY MORROW/WILLlAM BARETT 472 W SANTA ELENA ROAD PALM SPRINGS, CA 92262 Title Owner: LELAMAY MORROW/WILLIAM BARETT 472 W SANTA ELENA ROAD PALM SPRINGS, CA 92262 Description: CAIN, SUBD OF LOT 36 L T 22 & V AC ALLEY BL 3 Value Summary: Note: Listed values do not reflect adjustments made for exemption programs such as Senior/Disabled or Current Use programs (except Commercial Forestland properties). Land Value: 32,500 Improvements Value: 50,295 Total Assessed Value: 82,795 Property Characteristics: Note: Use Code is for Assessor's purposes only. Contact the appropriate planning or building departments for Zoning and allowable usage of property.. Use Code: 1112 TWO BEDROOM Land Size (acreage): .00 Note: Acreage is not listed for all properties in the Assessor's records. More information about land size. Tax Status: Taxable Tax Code Area:: 0010 Zoning Code: P _RS7 Note: Zoning and zoning codes change constantly. Verify all zoning with the appropriate planning or building department. Building Characteristics: (Click on Bldg. # for more details.) L Bldg. Type 01 House 02 House Bldg. Style 1 & 1/2 Story Finished 1 & 1/2 Story Finished Total S.F. BD BA 896 2 1 1013 2 2 Tax History Sales History ~ tBaCkl 11975,04911 http://apps.c1allam.netlwebsi tel si tis -p. p gm ?parcel=063 0007 803400000 Page 1 of 1 9/15/2006 " ALL PU RPOSE CALIFORNIA ACl<NO\VLEDGElVIENT STATE OF: ~\\f-6n<~~ COUNTY OF: Y\ \\-b{;\,LQ -- On ~v 0-6 '2-'3 I '2-000 before me, , \. Q\'"V{?/v I\. \ 0-\- n..YLA ~ h \'/ L- \ personally appeared L-e...\/A.-YVl 0_ / N\DY""'VOU) personallykhuwll to me (or provided to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the personEs}- whose nal11$) is/are subscribed to the wiLhin instrument and acknowledged to me Lhat 1ie/she/t-key execuLed the same in-lttslher/lhcir capacityfies1; and that by ~ her/-!heff signaturefsj on the instrumenL Lhe personW or the entity upon behalf of which the personEsj--acted, executed the Instrument. Signalure '@., :..:l.~':'~6"1 i . -aj _ Notary N* . CaIfamIa ~. :7CCGnv:d .... .... _ :V:on"""--~~2I4. (NOTARY S1:/\I.) A TTENTION NOTARY: Though the information requested below is OPTIONAL, it could prevent fraudulent attachment of this certificate to another document. TlIlS CERTLFICATE MUST I3EATIACHED TOo. TilE DOCUMENT OESCRlBEO AT RIGHT Tille of Document Type ~u\\- r ;\o.J hi ~ 1? ~ .I Number of Pages \ Dute of Document Ju Signer(s) Other 111un Named Above Prescriptive Approach-Simple Poml For the Washington State Energy Code ( 2003 Edition) Climate Zone I Site Info1111ation Building Department Use Only: Lot: Address: ,- '3 d') ~R.nl ,'Me <t City: l~R.-t A.v~.J e.c)) ~ State: LA.. JA Zip: CJ'13 ~:J. Contact: b..) i' /1"11 m R f311.R. R~ if Phone: 3~ - /"1 '5 - % '9 ~ Phone 2: '1 too - ,<19- 3Cc.5 r FAX: IL Jo ~ 'f" Pennit # Notes: Table 6-1 PRESCRIPTIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR GROUP R OCCUPANCY CLIMATE ZONE 1 ( Unlimited Glazing Option Only) Option Glazing Glazing V-Factor Door Wall Wall Wall Slab Area % V- Vaulted Above Interior EA1:erior on of Floor Veriical Overhea Factor Ceiling Ceiling Grade Below Below Floor Grade Grade Grade Unlimited ill Group R-3 0.40 0.58 0.20 R-21 R-lO R-30 R-10 Occupancy Only This Project complies with the following: ,/ The Project is a single family residence or duplex. ,/ The Project is wood frame OR all ofthe insulation is interior or exterior ofllie framing. ,/ All building components meet the requirements listed in Table 6-1, Option III. ,/ The Project will meet all other provisions of the WSEC and VIAQ. The Proj ect will take advantage of the following exceptions to the prescriptive option. o 602.6 Exception 1. One door, that is 24ft. Or less, that does not meet the standards allowed. Location of the door taking this exception o 602.6 Exception 2. Doors with a V-Factor of 0.40 allowed WIthout calculations, Option ill only. Location of the Door (s) taking exception Type of Heat Source: RAPt-ANT EXHIBIT A [ y. (J I r-eeL 11)3 /flSO 9- BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION ~~ The Building Permit - Preapplication must bejilled out completely. Please type or print in ink. ICyou bave any questions, please call 417-4815 Applicant and/or Agent: N 0 e ( V Oef\ G I e. s e. () Phone: Lj. 5 '? - L./ 0'-11 Owner: Noel Van G, esen P~'liML [4100- =3> I bdJ 14J5.0 00-'< st. City: ~orf A()qe..1es Zip:-9g~h:U FOR omc~ USE ONLY: Date Rcc.: 4-.2:'7 - 00 Permit f#: , I c-r f> '- Date Approved: Date Issued: Address: Architect/Engineer: Phone: Contractor fJCJe( V an G;ese~ License#:JtLTE\?IT!.OI( ~XP: It 1'2:~/~hone:j51-tJOtJl Address: I '-f 15 :s, Chk .sf. City:_~ r+ ~ ~ des, VJ \\ Zip: q &3 &, Q, PROJECT ADDRESS: 13~"7 CafO}"ne. ~-f. ee...-F ZONING 1(S-1/' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: :) 2 Block: 3 Subdivision: C Q... i f) I 5 CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER: ()(O~~- '7R03lfO TYPE OF WORK: SIZEIV ALi-iN: ISF0?J lilt Residential [] New ConstI'. [] Reroof [] Woodstove S $ [] Multi-family \lit Addition [] Move [] Garage F $ ISF. = $ [] Commercial If) Remodel [] Demolition [] Deck SF.@$ ISF. =$ [] Repair [] Sign [] TOTAL VALUATION $ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF T PROJECT: Lv ( i/t".( a....cf /At , s1- Flue.V' f...vlll-d, r "1 OJ'.:) -Z - J , - COMMERCIALlRESIDENT~cupancy Group: No. of Stories: ?- Lot Si~ ~ I "f 0 % Lot Coverage: Existing Lot Coverage: { 1.sq:1l + Proposed Lot Coverage: ccupant l-oad: Construction Type: ~OVJ() % Isq. ft. = TOTAL LOT COVERAGE: Isq.ft PLANNING USE ONLY: Permits Required: Max. Height: Setbacks: Site Plan and Use Approved by: ESAlWetland(s): [] Yes [] No SEPA Checklist required? [] Yes [] No APPROVALS: PLAN BLDG DPW FffiE OTHER Notes: Zoning: Date: Other: BUILDING APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: Your application and site plan must beftlled out completely to be acceptedfor review. The Building Division can provide you with more detailed information on the application and plan submittal requirements. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: Your completed application, site plan (for additions) and building construction plans are to be submitted to the Building Division. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Div. to comply with current fee schedules. Contact the Permit Coordinator at 417-4815 for assistance. / PLAN CHECK FEE: Your plan check fee is due at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other permit fees are due at the time of permit issuance. EXPmATION OF PLAN REVIEW: Ifno permit is issued within 180 days of the date ofapplication, this application will expire by limitations. The Building Official can extend the time for action by the applicant up to 180 days, on written request by the applicant (see Section 107.4 of the Uniform Building Code, current edition). No application can be extended more than once. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. and I am authorized to apply for this permit. I understand it is not the City's legal responsibility to determine what permits are required; it remains the applicant's responsibility to detemoine what permltr are required and to obtai. such. / :Ji, 1/ / (l Applicant: V~ .d!>~- Date: 't/21/0i>, PW-II02_13[rcv.2199) all sihgle hung 3')(5' wi.36 u-value and ail meet egreSs )If <0 , Co N b I N ..... L. @) ~ (0 use prescriptive hand rail at top of landing ~ 3'x2.5' si t up 5t~lr5- 24'-e" 14'-0" G 12'-0" ~ Room: 13'-6 112" X 9'-9" @) existing floor wi 2"x12" on 24" centers and 3/4" subfloor Room:, 9'-9" X 4'-6" Deck: 5'-9" X 20'-9" &> f o N '.4" all smoke detectors are hardwired and tied togethet wI battery back up. 12'-6" 17'-6" 24'-6" b>o. '.I t/'0j ~,r-<.. ~ <0 , Co N 32' 3" Q - "', 17'-3" 4x,10 stb recessed 4x1 (j stb r~cessed beam wI Simpson beam wI Simpson 2x10 hangers on 2x10 haflgers 4'-0'1 3'-3" 3'-0'( 4'~O" ------ joists - 5'-0" /[ 4'-0" --- ~ - ~~ - y l~ ~4 ~ \ "'-. ~I . --- ~ 200 . 0 1------ , 15'-4" \ '€> r I' ~ ~ amp ~ ~ \\<~ ,-- 5 panel it (:) f"\ .,.., l;> 8'-3"1 11 '-8" iD ~ l' \.( r"l \ , "' in ... ... -'-""-.' I I l;> (!) \i'1 N B ~'-~ I ~. I , N ~o .'- l;> ~ @~~rl ~ b ~ , f!Jtt/) ;::::=; Co Co ~ N N '-- , -9"--:- ~ ~ ) j ow -- :=:= ~ all single hung' ... 6'-9,01 I\. 14'-8" 'r ~ ... 'I I"" /' 3'x5' W/.36 u-value . <9 ~ b :Y / I , ~ M in ""'- / 8'-3" ~ ~ ~\ ~b half slider 4'x2.5' ... ~ \ ... , M w/.36 u value l;> /1..1 ~.. b (0 l \ . :* I ~ / .0 I '-... 6' slab w/1/2" /' V 4'-0" ~ ~ 4'-0"~ LP Boiler/ho~ater . I' wirsbo heat- tank under stairs 6X1Q gUam J pex water Note: this area will 12'-0" recessed into floor hoses in be veted for joists wI Simpson runs on 12" combustion air 24'-0" 2x1 0 hangers centers and have 0 clerance vent flu. AJ'.st w((fe" /.-IM./" ~.v 51 a.-6t~ II Appendix E: Sample Checklists & Worksheets I l_ ~ ~ Attachment C Perm" No, Plans Examiner and Inspector Checklist It.? L 7 b", LC?va//'h--c Address Plana Examln.r: Inapector: Check. write in N1A, or fill in value on shaded boxes Check off boxes at left as items are found to comply. Compliance approach: (check one) 0 Systems analysis o Component performance o Prescnptive path Hoc.: Some specifics on this form may not appJy if A) compliance approach is systems analysiS or component perfonnance; . B) compliance to minimum ventilation arteria is demonstrated through engineering calculations or performance testing. FOUNDATION PHASE o Slab: R- 2..0 o o Below gf8de exterior wallln.ulatlon: A- I . Radon mltlgatlon:; If locally required, or aawlspace venting <1fV3OOt12 of aawl, or vents Indu::1e an operable damper ! Exterior down to frostllne/slab bottom; or Inte/1o( 240 horizontal or ver1lcal; or. If radian\, under entire slab I I (If Interior - see Insulatlon Phase) FRAMING PHASE o framing: I..:. '.i..JStandsrd c=Jk1tennedlate ':~?f:.~< Advanced o 8td afr ....: ~epllaubf'lr; rim JstImud sill; wtodow & door frms; penetraUon-wtre, pl~, duct, pe.r1ItIon studs, flue, light ftxtl685 o Source apectftc exhaust tana: SIze reqtArement - beth, laundry (5Ocfm); kttdum (100cfm) o Whole hOUM exhaust tan I ~ Intennlttent system has manual & auto CXX1troIs; Outdoor air supply req. IOf habttable rms. Of' o Integrated tOrc.cHlr ay.tem CJ outside alr duct (wtth damper) allowing between ,35 and .5 ACH IBlATIJN PHASE o JI. ,20 o R- /? o h- , r) o A- c.cllng InaulaUon: ndu:flng attic hatd1 o R- J h Veutt~ ceiling Insulation o Vapor m.rder8: WBlIs, floors, oeIIlng o HM1Ing ~m type: [ Rc. c/I Po...... r FI t1u ",. wan InaulaUon (above g...de) wan lnaulatlon (below grade): Interior wa1llnsulatlon Roor lnaulaUon I For~, B8t atz.e, HSPF, and COP I .", FIW. PHASE o Radon monitor on afte: wtth Ins1rudlons and generaJ Information o 1lMnno.tat: heet range, 55-75; AC range, 7'0-<<); both,~. Backup hea1 CDntrob prevent IlmIAtaneoua ~tlon of pr1mety 'rs. o Solid ru.1 appUancea: glass Of metal doors; dlred comb. air aouroe, Of.co d1a.., ~ed.lndrect 80UfCe lor lI'lOOnd. areas . o Fnpl~: 6" combustion aJr 8Upply dud w/dampef d1fed to fireboX; ugrt f'/alng ~ or metal doora. o DHW hea1eB: NAECA label; separate power or gas 8hut-off; on R-10 pad If ~c and In tI'lOOfld. ..... Q"1f on oonaete o u.ch.nlctll v.nUlaUon ducta lnaul"" to R-4: exhaust ducts In UlOOndlUoned area/auppIy duds In oondlIloned aree..a o R- '. . . . 1 HVAC duotalplenum lnIulatlon: ducts In tJnOondItIoned arMS arelnluJated and Jolnta .... 8MIed o PIpe InaulatJon: R-31or hat and cold WIIt<< plplng In ~...... (If MMoe or rearculstlng,... Tabkt 6-12) o Ground cover: 6 ml b1adl. polyethylene/approved equal '-PPed 1 ~ al JoInts and extending to foundallon wall E-62 ~ /' Dotb" 5~ir bO I'A..f sf~s Appendix E: &l. Check".t. & WOltWheet8 IWIIG P&ans Examiner _ fill out this glaZing HCtion or Ilftac:tl . window ICheduMl to thIS checklis1 Inspector - verify window 1'1- lonnation during field inspections. Indude skyilghts. glass dooB and all other glazing on this tonn. Use rough opening area tor calcutationS. Size Quantity A.... U-Valu.lManufactur.r IV.rlIled J 3!l )GS.!! (fj q J .1) ,J6 IYl5/.-t ~f--L i 16 . . . . o . 'r- '-I~ K 2..2. l 10 , J6 jYt .5U~l:--('. ' }Ol ,. ' , 'j p ,-.. 2.~ 'x./L.jtJ- 2- /6 ,;) L L t... - ---. . . 0( 352 y )~~ 6, 90 "J2 ~ -' ~ --. ) 7~ x-2.A 2- /5, o. ,J' -:J z. /--. L - - t - j..., ,,:,,'..H,"'~~ ~ ~ _ , ~;I \.', t' if . 0 , v , . o , ~~l'.~)~,<- . , ., '-. . ~ -, . 0 Total glazing .....: Total conditioned ....: 2 6 6-' ' ".. /6 !'t.) ; ,). ; "1 ~ ~~; Percemage glaJing: Vertfled , ~ ! ~"r IIOOIIS "i~ ' Plans Examiner -list ~e doors by type (solid core, insulated. etc.), quantity, U-V8Iue,1W\d manufadunK'. Inspedor - Y8rify door infonnation during field inspection. 0 TypelQuantlty . U-ValuelMenufacturer Verlfted 2 r~ X 6$- ~ 0-' S6gnatura of Building OMa.l: Date of Rn.' Inlpactlon: .~. f~:J dl. ~,,:'" ,. .l~ v' e.53 ".y- -, ,,~0 L " '" -\- ~ -- ~ r- I h =\ r- I I I I 11111111 I I I I III I I I I ---L ~I P---< --, 00 i i c: L / i= / - I 1~7t 11 ....... I ! I I I I I I I I II II I I I I I I 11 l- I I - L ~ f"\~ ~<l' ~ <:s '::"- ~ '0~ ~ <' '" ~ ~ ~ .... K r\ I ~ !=->o= '1= I '= I I '\ D '\ F= =1= , I I H II I I I }., J~ 1=1= ~i\ - 1= f= ~ =1=: ~ t, :g;f\ I I LJ I I k i R \-- J;B = D ~~ == I I ->0= 8----'t1 U I :~ = I ;1 M1--H-Wi-li 1= ~w 1=\::::7' t? =;:! p I = t1 =7 5' I I I I I F'1 I ~ - u I - - L- I I IT I I T T 11 I T - TTTT 11 I I I I r - IfIL I I I I 11- II: I L- V1 11 1 1J1 T .,....,. 111 T~ '"" I 1- --;--- I...J I I ~ I I 1 ~ L - JI 1111- - - '" '00 ~ L L T1TT1 [I-f1.I1J""IHH ... II,~ 1 I I I I I L --.l .J- I~ 11 II -'---'- - ~- - - I- - "'jl"T - I ~ II ~J"IIII'I IJ 1 1II11 ---' - UL - I I 1- -' - l ~ U 1 PAGE 7 OF 10 REPORT NO. NER-467 '" ~ ~ ~ '" .. ~ SilL PLATES SHAll BE PRESSURE TREATED fOR DECAY RESISTANCE WHEN REQUIRED ANCHOR BOlT AS REQUIRED BY CODE. BUILDING SECTION. STEEL STRUCTURE ROOf PANEl * SELf DRILLING SCREWS - SIZE AND SPACING FOR LOAD REQUIRED. MAXlllUM 1 ff' 0 C (rENDER WASHERS SHALL BE REQUIRED FOR PULL THROUGH RESISTANCE. USING 1500 PSI or W.lSHER AREA FOR PULL THROUGH RESISTANCE) DETAIL B EAVE BEAM ROOf RAfTER DETAIL A DETAIL C SilL PLATE PRESSURE TREATED rOR DECAY RESISTANCE WHEN REQUIRED OPTIONAL DETAIL B DETAIL D REPORT NO. NER-467 PAGE 8 OF 10 BrAN OR LOAD BEARING WALL If REQ\.RRED BY SPAN TABLE SEE SPAN TABLE '" ~ ~ ~ '" 2X4 BOTTOM PlATE MINlMUU SECURED TO fLOOR SYSTEM EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE REQUIRED BY CODE. (SIll PlATES S1W.l. BE PRESSURE TREATED fOR DECAY RESISTANCE WHEN REQUIRED.) SEE PAGE 9 OF' 10 fOR CONNECTION DETAIL f:j '" BUILDING SECTION. WOOD CONSTRUCTION LOAD BEARING WAlL PANELS * RING SHANK NAIl OR WOOD SCREW SIZE AND SPACING PER LOAD REQUIRED. t.IAXIl.Ml 1 If' D.C. SPACING. (fENDER WASHERS SHALL BE REQURED fOR PUll THROUGH RESISTANCE. USING 1500 PSI OF' WASHER AREA fOR PUll THROUGH RESISTANCE.) SITE INSTALl EPS WEDGE DETAIL A RIDGE BrAN OR LOAD BEARING WALl DETAIL B OPTIONAL DETAIL B DETAIL C DETAIL D DETAIL E tw ~,cP CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS -- BUILDING DIV. 321 East 5th SLreet Port Angeles, WA 98362 REVISED FOUNDATION DETAILS 6" I-STORY O' 2-STORY 1/2' ANCHOR SOL TS @ 77" 0 C I.STORY _ \2" r=Rc'I"! EACI-l 'S ILL EI'Ij) @ 48" O.C 2-STOfW 1).)/20" ~LJ.",,2s W f>..-6 tt E f2-S PRESSURE TREATED S1U. ptA TE .... ~z ::Jw ~~ -D 2:11.I' -m ~~ ~w SCHEDULE HORIZONTAL RElNR)RCEM EN 1 ' CRAWlSP ~ . :'. . #.. @<SS" a,c. (1) #4 TOP BAR #4 @ 24" O,C. #4 @ 24~ a.C #4 @ 18" a.c. #4 @ 18" a.C. #<1@10'OC ) {J' - GtNEER$ANALYSIS AND STAMP[D AND SlGtlED PlAN REQUIRED. 12" ONe STORY 1 so TWO STORY #4 REBAR. 2 PIECES COmlNUOUS IJ ,. Ii. " ~~N9RET.J~ fOHN NOSCAu: "a {1;1,? '''~F\-t. ~ II ~t~ctr~/ VI"' ,,,..rot (i"d '> TfON WALL AND FOOTfNG DETA!L -. 1 7f6 0513. 5ft,~ . ~ J/b,o!J - 5id.'.A'j 6" by/, sJ> IjL.WCI:10A..B.QLTS LSF\ME A'S. P-F30Vl&..) '#' eM - t.,pr PRESSURE TREATED SIU. PLATE II '~ . . '. ' :::::: .', I~ . :;:w 0 . ". '. ~ CD '. II ~ :::~L-:; ).... ,.... w... J fiS -~'1 ~"I . I l"l ., 1,11 I 11~ REBAR 2 PIECES CONTINUOU-S MONOLITHIC CONCRETE FOUNDATION DETAIL NO SCALE ~J x- - \...- ~ ~ ~ $::: ~ r\ ;t} ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 6'-6" 11'-0" Q) ,- o ~ i\5 ~ ~ ,- q x:::O ~O 00 ,- 3 ~.. 10'-0" ~ w ,- m ~:::o i\50 = 0 x~ <0 ,- ~ ~ 27'-3" ~O I m PtA n1 f p We-T (,.)Je.t ( . ~.. ?~ :~-;;':' 110 -. ~:.v-__:_-:-- <. -._ ~-- ~:.::.- PARCEL /~, ~ <, I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IJ ~I f' Rem L B ~ ~, . 01 ~ ()J '. ~ ~~ \s) ~ " ") " I )~ .^ -----<\) ~ \) , ~ \\J "- ~ t'\1 ())~ ~ ff) - ~- G't:"o//c. /1pe ') - , ~ / t<. I' ~ U __ --: 5 ..J. '\.' , - :"'.. . - ~ , ~ ~J! ~, \.," h . . .'V I ~ " i:: ~ (\.:N " \~ . --- -' - ,- ~_.., i.-l . ',::.' A ~l. , ;r :',-' "J _1 ~ ;: "" ~'l .......... C') ~~ .J ? ~I " \) ~ ;., I I I 'uft2-rJ I: t G/I,RI\G.E ~ 15 ~' 6 " . J 12'1 : '^j -to,' ';J'.lt ~; ,}i , LP ~\~. I TANK. n. ~: I. oX, j ~ ..: ~ I j ! /"0. "'y. > ' ^ ~..J -, \.U ' ~ /-. :2.1 ...J '!J ! T : 1f -/ . ~, . i 31..1 ~. ~! 'u' HOUSE~: ::! II) )' '",:> -___~sr. __,~_ , 1. i · ~.- , VI rJ . , /8 /.. 20 2/ I . I _ ,Y ~) fa; .,Y-) . '\--. , . ~.J - - .:1 a : a:: .".,.. ~ I".) C. '?) ''-<.I- ",. <r;: Q 'LJ h_ :< . \~j ~ . i...... , ,. ',-___ )\ f", ~ :."- _.; I '" '------..---. f . -' ---\ 51' ./ C4ROL/NE f v,. ST \ " '...1 ~ , ~ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ \ \ , I ~ \ - \ \r)\ 0\ ~; - 1 ~- \' t . 1\ \ , \-\ \ 1 \':2) \ ) --- , --- , \t. f ~ I r I a, ~ 6"- .~ 0, . Cl' 4 \- \ a '\ "' ~I. ~ 't \\ ~ I' i, ~ C ~l} 0 P~i\F-Oi7 . 20 \ \ , \ \ f'I1H \. t; 25 24 I~' '" - . \ 23 I '0 Lf.sS Ti-:AtV 300/? Lor (,.ovE:RA6E N I ::..:LD J.. . fL- ~o -:z c:: C ~.J / h! .Cr) , I \ , s ~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST STH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 BUILDING PERMIT OWNER/APPLICANT NOEL NVAN GIESEN 1415 S. OAK Port Angeles, W A 98362 360/457-4047 T: S: ISSUED: 5/17/2000 PERMIT NO: 11943 PROPERTY LOCATION 1327 CAROLINE Lot: 22 Block: 3 D Long Legal Subdivision: CAINS Parcel No: 0630007803400 CONTRACTOR OWNER VARIOUS Port Angeles, W A 99360 206/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Value. $900.00 Project Type: FOUNDATION ONLY Occupancy Type. Occupancy Group. Construction Type: Zoning Use. RS7 ARCHITECT N/A , 98360-0000 360/000-0000 SFD Units: 0 SFD sa FT: 0 MFD Units. 0 MFD sa FT: 0 Commercial: Industrial: Garage: o o o FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: $35 70 Mlsc Fee 1: $0.00 Plan Check: $0.00 Misc Fee 2: $0.00 State Surcharge: $4.50 Misc Fee 3: $0.00 House Moving: $0.00 Manufactured Home: $0.00 $40.20 Sign: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: Plumbing: $000 AMOUNT PAID: $40.20 Mechanical: $0.00 BALANCE DUE: $0.00 Radon. $000 "- \}J N ~ ~ ~ \' " C l\' PROJECT NOTES SLAB FOUNDATION FOR GARAGE MOVE ON RW SANIT ARY WATER DWY STORM DRA OTHER Separate Permits are required for electrical work, utilities, private and public improvements. ThiS permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of Iitws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herem or not The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or 'ocallow regu'ating construcbon or Ihe pertor~f $d"~ ~ , Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if owner is bUilder) Date BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD '. CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVLR, INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS I YES I NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGlIT DEPT) ROUGH-IN I 1 I PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR I SLAB ROUGH-IN WATERLINE BACK FLOW I WATER AIR SEAL WALLS I CEILING I FRAMING JOISTS I GIRDERS SHEAR WALL WALLS I ROOF I CEILING DRYWALL T-BAR INSULATION SLAB T WALL I FLOOR I CEILING I T I MECHANICAL CHIMNEY WooDSTOVE I PELLET DUCTS PW UTILITIES I SITE WORK (Engmccnng DIVISIon) WATERLINE I METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE I EROSION CONTROL PARKING OTHER FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCYIUSE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPI'ED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGlIT DEPT 417-4746 ELECTRICAL LIGHT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R. W I PWI CONSTRUCTION - R. W ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW I ENGINEERING FIRE (MULTI-FAM ONLY) 417-4654 7 / 1\ /J// FIRE DEPT BUILDING 417-4815 1/ i7137~ '"). 'rXfi;(J BUILDII'IfG I I GENERAL COMMENTS. PW.1l0215141961 CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT. . . . . . . . . . . REQUEST: r 0 Date /0- ? 1-tJ.eJ Time / () ::: Received by ~ cr., (phone, person I {!MeJ~1' /U&- Location of Work to be inspected 13 2 7 Name of person requesting inspection Address of person requesting inspection Type of Inspection (~priate one): Sewer Foundation ra In Chimney Plumbin INSPECTION NOTES: Inspected: Date /0 - ~ 1- CPe) Remarks: ::~;: N:G'i <i~ ewer Excav. Other \ ~ Time I ~~ By OJ. j: RESTORATION REQUIRED . . . . .. YES NO SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: D Unimproved DGravel 0 Asphalt 0 PCC o Other D Repaired by City o Repaired by Permittee D No Damage Found Work Order # o COMPLETE o INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) CITY OF PORT ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . . . . . . INSPECTION REPORT. . . . . . . . . . . REQUEST: Date to (~Dc.- Time I L~ 3 S Received by ~ ~per.onJ Location of Work to be inspected / 3 Z J C (9A ~ Name of person requesting inspection' r() ~ _ Address of person requesting inspection Phone No. Type of Ins "rcle appropriate one): Permit No. / { q 4-3 Sewer ou~ti~n raming Chimney Plumbing Final Sewer Excav. Other Inspected: Remarks: . ~~, ~L.-J Date (;, b Z, ~ ()l) Time Z -~~- By rf\ -- Cl ~~ f7 L" (9~IZ1i1 J !/I..JI) .. t' ~!. G 'F RESTORATION REQUIRED . . . . .. YES NO ~ N --J ~ ~ ~ M SURFACE RESTORATION: SURFACE TYPE: 0 Unimproved 0 Gravel 0 Asphalt 0 PCC o Other D Repaired by City [] Repaired by Permittee [] No Damage Found Work Order # o COMPLETE o INCOMPLETE (Continue on reverse side if necessary) STREET SUPERINTENDENT (DATE) ". 1 t- - J l . ,,7 /1 ..... / I 11 '1 , ,./ " / 7).., /" -^ " 1 I . '1 (/1 V 7 ) ....l. Lb. I ,... II . 1: 1'1111.-1 i ......]\ ~ I--=~ _17 d ~ /' /' t ... - ~ :..-- J.i _I. 1<Ii ~. Vt/'i [) I - ,- I I <::/ 7'- '1 2[,) /v d / T -- I~l- -<:P . "I :L,., 17 , 7' f;f ) h." I .. '.., I "'I t..r ,J IL nJ f.)' \ , fVV~f1. . I.-- V'I,. _ I J '"" j, "i", ~""'"' -= ~. . <;:: II'L ~ ........ ~7 '" .tt~.~ ,.A t l (~ul- 0 I \...-. e (DE , / I '..... t.- '- - , / ( Ttt: ,(" ~Al.:J1 f / <- y ,/ , /: ~. ~ ..... .-1 r- , ,I I ve kJ I ' I p,' ( / 1......- Il )< I(D /J _/Po.TJ / ~ I ( .,. .:.'".. "rK ""s .j 1.77;.rr7' , ... / " 1 '"' If r I ~ I Ftl-lf k~j ~Lr- < I /1\ I.. 1h)~~IA/')a I .",,;l...... /'!,''l..... ~,:, d ,... - - ) 1 r l- ii/ 7 , . I <: '-'"' \ / , 4 j /J..l ..;' hR,I'" . .... \,/ I '- r-'-" , lrr~ <:: 1.l..J '2 (t ~b "\ l ~~, r-:IQ..- IN\. r: ..A~ L.., t:;V'L -~s ~ lW ~~ CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - BUILDING DIVISION 321 EAST STH STREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362 BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: 11904 OWNER/APPLICANT NOEL NVAN GIESEN 1415 S. OAK Port Angeles, W A 98362 360/457-4047 T: ISSUED: 5/18/2000 PROPERTY LOCATION 1327 CAROLINE Lot: 22 Block: 3 D Long Legal Subdivision: CAINS Parcel No: 0630007803400 S: ARCHITECT N/A CONTRACTOR OWNER VARIOUS Port Angeles, W A 99360 206/000-0000 PROJECT INFO 3 IOO() - PrOject Value: -1>~ga.€lQ - - Project Type: SFR ADD/REMODEL Occupancy Type' Occupancy Group: Construction Type' Zoning Use: RS7 , 98360-0000 360/000-0000 SFD Units: 0 SFD sa FT: 0 MFD Units: 0 MFD sa FT: 0 Commercial' Industrial: Garage: o o o PROJECT NOTES . ADD SFR 2ND STORY TO MOVE ON RESIDENTIAL FOUNDATION -; \AI I'J .J $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ~ ~ t: l, ('/) FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: Plan Check: State Surcharge: House Moving: Manufactured Home: Sign: Plumbing: Mechanical: Radon: <3', , "2-~ $1111.25 $0.00 $4.50 $0.00 $000 $000 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Misc Fee 1: Misc Fee 2: Misc Fee 3: TOTAL FEE: AMOUNT PAID: BALANCE DUE: RW SANIT ARY WATER DWY STORM ~7.7> .$41t5. { 0- $0.00 V 15 73? '?f7'?S DRA OTHER Separate Permits are required for electrical work, utilities, pnvate and public improvements. This permit becomes null and void if work or construction authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if construction or work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days after the work as commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested within 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of Iilws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the pnMsions of any stale or local law regulating construcbon or the performance /tJ,nstrufon 'i:mtL-~ - Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (If owner IS builder) . Date BUILDING PERMIT INSPECfION RECORD 1 1 CALL 417-4815 FOR BUILDING INSPECTIONS. PI.Eh.SE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER, . INSULATE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. POST PERMIT IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION. I KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPECTION TYPE DATE ACCEPTED COMMENTS YES I NO FOUNDATION: FOOTINGS WALLS FOUNDATION DRAINAGE ELECTRICAL (LIGlIT DEPT) ROUGH-IN I I I PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR I SLAB ROUGH-IN WATERLINE BACK FLOW I WATER AIR SEAL WALLS CEILING I FRAMING JOISTS I GIRDERS SHEAR WALL WALLS I ROOF I CEILING DRYWALL T-BAR INSULATION SLAB I I WALL I FLOOR I CEILING I I I MECHANICAL CHIMNEY WooDSTOVE/PELLET DUCTS PW UTILITIES I SITE WORK (Engmcenng DIVISIon) WATERLINE I METER SEWER CONNECTION SANITARY STORM SITE DRAINAGE I EROSION CONTROL PARKING OTHER FINAL INSPECTIONS REQUIRED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCYIUSE RESIDENTIAL DATE YES NO COMMERCIAL DATE ACCEPTED YES NO ELECTRICAL - LIGlIT DEPT 417-4746 ELECTRICAL LIGI-IT DEPT CONSTRUCTION R. W I PWI CONSTRUCTION - R. W ENGINEERING 417-4807 PW I ENGINEERING FIRE (MULTI-FAM ONLY) 417-4654 ' r. . /)/1 FIRE DEPT } 417-4815 11/-1'5 -()... Tej BUlLDII'IfG BUILDING GENERAL COMMENTS: PW-1I021514196) CITY OF PORT ANGELES FIRE DEPARTMENT PERMIT 321 East 5th Street, Port Angeles, W A 98362 BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: 11926 OWNER/APPLICANT NOEL NVAN GIESEN 1415 S. OAK Port Angeles, W A 98362 360/457-4047 T: S: ISSUED: 5/09/2000 PROPERTY LOCATION 1327 CAROLINE Lot: 22 Block: 3 D Long Legal Subdivision: CAINS Parcel No: 0630007803400 CONTRACTOR OWNER VARIOUS Port Angeles, W A 99360 206/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Value: $100.00 Project Type: LP-GAS Occupancy Type: Occupancy Group: Construction Type: Zoning Use' RS7 ARCHITECT N/A , 98360-0000 360/000-0000 SFD Units' 0 SFD sa FT: 0 MFD Units: 0 MFD sa FT: 0 Commercial: Industrial' Garage: o o o PROJECT NOTES LP GAS TANK AND LINES "- ~ f\t ~ FEES ASSESSMENT Building Permit: $0.00 Mlsc Fee 1: LP-GAS $35.00 Plan Check: $0.00 Misc Fee 2: $0.00 State Surcharge: $0.00 Misc Fee 3: $0.00 House MOVing: $0.00 Manufactured Home: $0.00 Sign: $0.00 TOTAL FEE: $35.00 Plumbing: $0.00 AMOUNT PAID: $35.00 Mechanical: $0.00 BALANCE DUE: Radon: $0.00 $0.00 ~ ~ ~ '" ~ ~ I This penn it becomes null and void if work authorized is not commenced within 180 days, if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 days afer the work has commenced, or if required inspections have not been requested with 180 days from the last inspection. I hereby certify that I have read and examimrl this application and know the same to be true and correct. All provisions of recognized standards, laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be compied with whether specified herein or not. The granting of this penn it does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating the work specified in the penn it. 1- ~~-5Jr/!tJ Signature of Contractor or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Owner (if Owner is builder) Date FIRE PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD Call 360-417-4655 for fire inspections. Please provide a minimum 24-hour notice. It is unlawful to cover, insulate or conceal any work before inspected and accepted. Post permit in a conspicuous location. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE FIRE SPRINKLER Underground piping hydrostatically tested Underground piping flushed Interior piping hydrostatically tested Interior piping inspection Dry system air tested at 40 psi (24 hours) Sprinkler final FIRE ALARM Rough-in inspection Alarm final LP-GAS Completed by Contractor: Underground piping inspection/pressure test Test # 1 Above ground piping inspection/pressure test Piping pressure test pSI Time initiated Tank (container) inspection Test #2 Appliance inspection J r L Piping pressure test pSI l/1;i/tJi;:k; Time initiated LP-gas final UNDERGROUNDSTORAGETANK(UST)ABANnONME~T Removal of flammable/combustible liquids Tank appropriately abandoned UST abandonment final PERMIT OTHER (specify) permit final Inspection Type I Date Passed I Comments GENERAL COMMENTS: 2/15/00 s '. ~~ . .':. CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS - BUll.OING OMS ION 321 EAST STIlSTREET, PORT ANGELES, WA 98362""" " '.1 ~ }m-t! ~ J. ij\~l , \' "j~'.\...I' '\ \' ,"1.~..~":}'-,11} ~'"i~'...'\ ., BUILDING PERMIT 1/11/2000 I,;, , ISSUED: - OWNER/APPLICANT PROPERTY LOCATION 1327 CAROLINE NOEL N.VAN GIESEN Lot: 22.... 1415 S. OAK Block: ,.3 ..... . Port Angeles, W A 98362 360/457-4047 Subdivision: CAINS. I T: S: Parcel No: .. I . CONTRACTOR ARCHITECT '/, OWNER N/A VARIOUS Port Angeles. W A 99360 , 98360-0000 206/000-0000 360/000-0000 i I I I f .tfl I ., $ j I l .::\ . :./ PROJECT NOTES ..:~: 'f' .",,,...,, -""... FOUNDATION FOR HOUSE MOVE ~Y./~i \. ' f ,}~..', I ;;'l'~, 1,\ , ~1i,;':\ ~ "..~ ....... . ( ....~ 1.l., ,;:,~,,' .'. Ko/-..!, " .t!'.. 'I,ll '. r:I;f,.;: I; FEES A$SESSMENT ~".... ;11' Building Permit: ,,"J' \......."..." "'. ... Plan ChecK:' S{f;;.'l" ... St~~~~'~~~~ne~: ,~,t .f . f d H ,t' ;'; ,"; I .~..' ' . Manu acture orne: A":~'J''t.,~:\ Sign: ~'~"~i" ~ .;.:,. :~.r.:: ' ":) ii": . Plumbing: "1.~i.> .' ,f,,,;.,, ' ~:~"i't':.t.fl"!' .... M h~' I' ,>"h~~' " ,;'. .', ec unlca, ;..~~~;'-.~'.: \' r..\"~. I,. ;'>~!V"iP>' '.~;"."'" " . Radon: ~~~~'\I :. ~ \::', j , "i!. I '\l4~~""t-J&i:.:.h-1.1:; r--:: "'M~'~T"'~l~.:...., ......-..~ .~... "l_,,' ~ " t .,tl..'~:......."~.._"..".\._...,......_:~.. . ".' ',..... .".;:.....j ',"j ,1: ~~i~'" J' 1. ,,~;.", I . ," ',.~".. - : , E ~;:"':""~'l' ':, I I :J";~~i ~{.R~~~~~~r~s~iRy~.~".. ~'..v:'A~R=-:..~~~ ;...'..'. I, j'~' . ~. .,1 - , " 1:'1 , . .~... ~., -"...- .." ...{ I yt., \ I t.}, I J.,)..' 1 '"H' _, oJ. " , ...'.. ~ ; I,~"., [, i ". "+::",~~:"d~." ~~l $58.50' .....--............... ....1, , ..". _ "". L .~~: ~~.. J "$58.50,.. '.' 1.,',;' .') : ..... ~..., --..-... . -... ..... .. ~ ,,1 {: ~!:."" I , f $0.00. -.,... ,....., "','-::.;'-1 . lid ~ 1 .... t,'. ..,'.. ,'..c' I \ ..' "'~ , , \ ~'-""" .,.._..n " .,' 1 ~, ~, ,_,t... ,..,~..." ....." ~"'."..,....._..."'-...f: , 'i,li:t ';'\~l"I'l) 1 iJ\')ptr',tu':; STORM_ DRA OTIffiR.. .!( r;- Separate Permits are required for electrical work, uti~tieo. private and puc~c !mprovemenls, ,This permit becomes nul and void r wor1< or '. CONtruclIon authorized Is not commenced within 160 daya..~~nstructlofl or,WOr1c Is suspended or abandoned for a period of 180 daYs after lht'Woi1c as commenced, Or If ret;pJred ~ haw' not beeri requeated within 180 'days from the last Inspectfon', 'I herotiy cei!ity thafl have read Ind. eXamined this apPication and knew the same m be true and corTll\."t /oJ provisions of lj!Ws arid ordiriances goVerning this type of wort Win 'be' comp/ied with whether. specified hereln,or not. The granting of a permit dOllS not piasume.to gr.-e authorlty to vlolate'clr Cancel the ~ria"'of ;;nystata 'or IocallaW regulating construction 0.' the performer.ee s~ction..., ' y.' .: IM\',',' , ~'~l:,(':.l.! 1~;'~(;l:11~~~,rf, I.,.t,...~. ,~...,,"\., , ..~, .......1 .. . .,. ,,'.. t/!- ~i' r ,-.' ..." . \ . ~ ___ . >:;.(,f:\i:i/ ..:,.;.~ . '-'.'~IW1,.II",. " _~ PROJECT INFO Project Value: $1,500.00 Project Type: FOUNDATION ONLY . >, Occupancy Type: Occupancy Group: Construction Type: Zoning Use: RS7 $54.00 $0.00 $4.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 . . I . .. . ',' SFD Units: SFD sa FT: . 01 o MFD Units: MFD sa FT: o o . ' I', 1 Misc Fee 1: : Misc Fee 2:" '. .' Misc Fee 3: > .. I I \ . TOTAL FEE: I'" ,- I I . AMOUNT PAID::..... ~ . . BALANCE DUE: : ;- ~ ~'" , , ;..... ; ';.\. \ . . , . l~': I' " . ", ' 1 .1. I,' . Date PERMIT NO: 11692 . . .lj-t....4. ,-\ 1'1 i I J' ~ ! ~t. l' '1~ ..,........- II ,,,. t ,,..~~!.~JI~.,!II,.1, ~ , ,- ~~...~_..~::;~;':~; ;,,~~' j o Long Legal .., ..- '\";,,':7" 'I ." , v..".... ....~ i ",~ \ I, ''\ ; . .~. '...., .' ... ito"""Vo1 I . ,',l . ....:k I . · ,;,....., '. . I~' v.. , .. ~", .' I ", i I ~ J '. ~~ .~::ll~~~. j,,~ :,',:' ~'::, ~~\,!!. ~_ \\ . i,'ll ~. .. ....,...... .., . ~ :. ....! '~ I '.,.... t /,' ; I ... .. "" ~_':" , .._, .. ...... J \.:\ ','r' ,'f " I ',a.;,.. ( . I..... '4:, I'! ~ Commercii,lI:" . " 0 ...n..... i'-:'," i ", . , . --..".. .... 1 Industrial: .. ...0 ., .;;':~,i' 'q~ O '!,.I, ," I' ! Garage: _'. . .' '.' ,,( . , \":I:~"'.:.l J . J .('1 " ('1' J .. ,.........,...~..... t I . .: t {. /.' ( ':' "',1" ", ., . . ,.. ". .".. '~l .' 1 ,ii }.l~ '," ,. ,.. ,,-~ .~... l It Li j _.' ,........... '" I ~ : , . ;'/' I ...~ I ...,.',;,... 't.. ' "'V -# .... "...."; ..U' ,'.h~1 If ~:.: I ; .$0.00 . .'. $0~90' ~O.OO I.. ;"~:'. ....~1 .,'.. \, .,' I I .,',)',; I . '.. '\-if.'It '.....1f''''.100. .. " .~. . '1>- ~. .,' BUILDING PERMIT INSPECfION RECORD ... CAll. 417-481 S FOR BUll.DINO INSPECTIONS. PLJ:'.ASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO coVEn. INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE l/YSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. P05T PERMIT IN ^ CON~P.ctJOUS LOCATION. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE " -.. INSFrr:nON TYPII: DATIl: ACCIPTm COMMltNTS I YItS I NO rot1NDAT10N: Foo111-10S W N.tS FOlJNDA nON DRAlNAOIi ILltCTlUCAL (LIGHT DIiPT) ROUGH. IN I I PLUMBING UNDER FLOOR , SLAB ROUGH.IN W A lllR LlNR I BACK FLOW' WATER AIR SEAL W Al.U csn.INO I rRAMlNC JO:~TS' GIRDERS SHEA!; W AU. " W Al.U , ROOF , CRn.1NO DR YW ALL T.BAR 1N~T10N SLAB / W AU., FLOOR' CSn.1NO T MECHANICAL OiIMNI!y 'j'.: WOODSTOVR' PI!1.LET ,. ~ .. PW llI'ILnUS , srn: WORK ~:>M..on) W A TliRLlNR , METER .. , SEWER CONNECTION . . :" . '. f' SANITARY STORM SI1ll DRAINAGIi 'EROSION CONTllOL '.\ PARKINO " 0TIiER J'INAL INSPECTIONS RJtQlJIRKD PRIOR TO OCCUPANCYIUSJI: 1USIDENl1AL DATI YES NO COMMERCIAL DATI: ACCKP'T1D I YXS NO ELECTRICAL. UOHT DRPT. "17..4746 ELECTRICAL . .'1 I' "r"~' , '(' LIGIIT DF.PT , j CONSTRUCTlONR.W./PW(.", ."If..... ' , " , " ItJ.. '. CONSTRUCTION. R.W. . " , , ", J" 11 i' .'~ t~...~ " IiNOIN'EERINO :. , , ..' .. ..17....O"t PW I ENGINEliRlNO . Y:" . . , "./ I. I ~/Jj) ., ~(MU1.n-rAMONLYh . ' "\ ,I r.' "17-46$4 , FIR!! DEPT. I Bun.OINO't}'il 'l~ , , ,;,. \ . : " "17~1S r-T//r//tlt :..; i... -<'1 .' f :~ j ~~A7 Bun.o/l'lO , .' , . ~ ./. - ~,-,~.t ~/t f! " .., .' . " . .. '" " .. ..~, : . i" , . ~" ;~.r.;,,,,.,t 1-:: \,' '1; ", :t~ ;:. .W',,:, i! ~~ n\tK;{ ~/ ilrJ_>'/ :& ~ k>(li' ~~'<<':' , ~!' CENERAL COMMENTS: ''/. . ~.\ '. ,;. .' ~[f;'''. . . ,.';1 '''~i~'~~~_'_~:''''''::..,.._..... .... :. -..... 'f" .... ... -"'... ..~. ':\~fo I" ,.' ~.(,,-, .i!-,'" .' .... I \"",!I"I'J";'fr.\,\.;,,,'lJ'. ..,'....',. ~, " "10/):;" . \.~. ~_ .... .J.."-.... ll:" t.' \',,'1 ...,~....".'.. :........w"'.... ,... ......\ ~:.r ........."'.... . . . " .. "Jr."1t,"J-'Yf"~ ".' ~J.\.1o,"';".' ",\', . " ~-;"~'.lo,'l ...' , " PW.1I01.1S I~J I . . .' .."_,.,,,'I,~'!~:.}'.."~~.. '~.'~.~::,~,\:,,:.,.;....l .''l..._'......'..~:}(....:}.'. I.. 'w. ..~~ ~ '$ 'I4Or_.... CITY OF PORT ANGELES PUBLIC WORKS . ELECTRICAL DrvlSION .'21 EAST 5TH STREET. PORT ANGELES. WA 9R~('2 ELECTRICAL PERMIT ISSUED: 5/05/2000 PERMIT NO 6918 OWNER/APPLICANT NOEL N.VAN GIESEN 1415 S. OAI< Port Angeles, WA 98362 360/457-4047 T: S: PROPERTY LOCAiiON 1327 CAROLINE Lot: 22 Block: 3 0 Long Legal Subdivision: CAINS Parcel No: 0630007803400 CONTRACTOR owner VARIOUS Port Angeles, W A 99360 206/000-0000 PROJECT INFO Project Type: RES. MISC. Occupancy Type: Occupancy Group: Electrical Heat: o Baseboard 0 KW o Furnace 0 KW o Heat Pump 0 KW o Fan Wall 0 KW ARCHITECT N/A , 98360-0000 360/000-0000 Project Value: $0.00 Construction Type: SERVICE INSTALL Zoning Use: RS7 ~ IV -' o Riser ~ o Overhead Service o Temp Service Underground Service Voltage: 120,240 Phase: ~ 1 0 3 Service Size: 200 Feeder Size: 0 ~ f.. - ~ r PROJECT NOTES sfr altered service for relocated house "lo" : . .,'t " \' t(,. . J ;, t'...... " < :;"'" . , ~ . . ~ . , 'j. > J ~t.~,+ : \~;:",\ '~'" . "'I"" .~.: ... ...;~, " \, . "~I",'", ' tt~t" COMMENTSI ACTION NEEDE:::~~: :~;: FEES ASSESSMENT Service: Additional Ffleders: Circuit Wiring: Temp Service: TOTAL FEE: $61.50 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $61.50 $61.50 $0.00 . Mise Fee: .l j ELECTRICAL PERMIT INSPECTION RECORD CALL 417-4735 FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS. PLEASE PROVIDE A MINIMUM 24 HOUR NOTICE. IT IS UNLA WFUL TO COVER, INSULA TE OR CONCEAL ANY WORK BEFORE IT IS INSPECTED AND ACCEPTED. KEEP PERMIT CARD AND APPROVED PLANS AT JOB SITE INSPItCnON TYPE DAn COMMtttrrS NO , i I , CENERAL COMMENTS: PW.II02 "(~ " ,,( , t . 1 ',( " ':1 ,j I , i 'I :1 " 'j1 ", 'i ~ . ~ . , . ,. ':,:'~' J",.. j\ . ,\ ',' \ , " II :: ~j \>r:' . ,ll" ~':~ ';, 1 .~ j~ I ) i: ~ ,t \:' ;'.";:'::'.'.:L"::,, ,:';>? ::~>:', ':', '. :-.,.... t I, " J': ~ )'~"" ' " \'f~.;" , 1~.'" .,.~~g:,/I,:~ :::",- ,..J.J...... .. :. ~~l~~l \' t,::!,,;, " .'.f~\:\ ,", ......' i ~ \',\" , " ' " . ','" . ! '0111..... S ~ -==.." ~~ BUILDING PERMIT - PREAPPLlCA TION FOR OFFICIAL USE aNt Y: 0.10 Roo.: t - }! -~ Permil": I I 'FJ Pre.,'.;? Cnmplc1c? Dftlo Approved: The Building Permit - Pre application must be filled out completely, Please type or print In Ink. Iryou have any que.t1onJ, please cll1l417-4815 Applicant and/or Agent: )./()tl U",- & (' f{ ~ Owner: No, I /{/ r1 b' a-< .--. I Phone: Phone: !t;::()- j 16' 2- .457 - L./ {} Ij 7 Address: Architect/Engineer: Contractor 0 t,.J 1,\ -<.. y City: Zip: Phone: Address: r It'" 1/) JUv..T"'- /32-7 License #: Exp: DC/A City: fJ,rT !lYlCj-( Ie; ?JC--( C(f r' () ;,,('\.-<... 5 tr'(-(.f ZONING Phone: zip:qbJ t' 2 f5-7 < PRonCf ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot: Block: Subdivision: TYPE OF WORK: o Residential 0 New ConslT, 0 Reroof o Multi-family 0 Addition )(Move o Commercial 0 Remodel 0 Demolition o Repair 0 Sign BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TIlE PROJECf: SIZEN ALUA TION: o Woodstovc SF. @ $ /SF. ... $ o Garage SF. @ $ /SF. ... $ a Deck SF.@$/SF. ==~ o . TOTAL VALUATION s~ ~5()() OJ FouAJf).4T/~t1.J t"'7/UL 4' _ _) / COMMERCIALtRF.~IDENTIAJ..: Occupancy Group: Occupant Load: No. of Stories: --1- Lot Size: 51 X .L~ % Lot Coverage: Existing Lot Coverage: /sq. ft. + Proposed Lot Coverage: Construction Type: % Isq. ft. = TOTAL LOT COVERA.GE: /sq.ft PLAroINING USE ONLY: Notes: APPROVALS: PLAN BLDG DPW FIRE OTIlER I 'ESNWetland(s): 0 Yes 0 No SEPA Checklist required? 0 Yes 0 No Other: PREAPPUCA TION SUBMfIT A L: Your apl'/U:a!ion and site plan 1tUlSt be fU1ed out compldely to be accepted for r~iew. The Building Division can provide you with more detailed information on the application and plan submittallequirements. BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SU:6MIIT AL: Your completed application, site plan (for additions) and building construction plans are to be submitted to the Building Division. V ALUA nON OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases. a valuation amount must be entered by the applicant. This figure will be reviewed and may be revised by the Building Div. to comply with current fc:e schedules. Contae: the Permit CoordinAtor at 417-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE: Y~1T pl..!: chcx;k:'re is duc at the time the building permit application and construction plans are submitted. All other pennit fees are due at thr. tint" Ori;~mlt i~ancC'. EXPIRATION OF PLAN KEVmw: Ifno permit is issued within 180 days ofihe date of application, this application will expire by limitations. The Building Official ClIn extend the timc for action by the applicant up to 180 days, on written request by the applicant (see Section 304(d) of the Uniform Building Code, currenl edition). No application can be extended more than once. , I hertbycertifythat I ~ rtad and e"(amil:~J tl.... application and know the same to be true and correct, and I am authorized to applyfor IhI" permit. I IIndentand It iJ not the City's legal rtsponslbillty to determine what pemllts art rtqulnd; It nmalns the appllcanl'J rtsponslblllty to determine what permlis an required and to obtain s.uclr, IlJj } / Q . Apphcanl //Ji-~ ~~"Date: I /II/tl{) PW.t IOl_J)lrcv.21961 . ...\ : , .(. ~ c.;' , ,Ill .~ i: -" ~>\, ! "', I" .' . .,.." .;f" , .' ,,~ . ,.i;, \, '" .. ::: ) , , " , I " 1 " " ' ,:1 ,: 'i 'i' ,:',' , t., ,.: ;:~ I .., ',' !~~',~ \; \ ',I, t :fi:~?f '~l '. . ~:" \40' I~ Sl' ~ J. I >-':' t N -7'- I , 37 ~ . ;z"vl t-: 0_...._.. -____........... V"~~--"'''''--.rr!.'\.~~''''~~ -.....--... . i FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY BUILDING PERMIT - APPLICATION Fill out COMPLETELY and in INK. Your application and site plan MUST B COMPLETE to be accepted for review. If you have any questions, cal PERMITS (360) 417-4815 FAX(360)417-4711 RcW-t-c'\ ~ ~ ~ (.,~ \,\.t, \ \ \'( \) 'r Owner: ~wt.<... Address: \~'S'2. ~\e,-G~ \)\Ci'''''''~ glcIty. Phone: ApplIcant or Agent: ~11"2119 ZIp: ~ ~~ ~ '~ ArchItect/Engmeer: Contractor Phone: State LIcense #: Exp: Phone: Address. CIty: ZIp: PROJECT ADDRESS: I.~Z7 ~'^-T"O \ \.~ <;'-\J-.u. \' ZONING: R S'-I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot:~\~1lck: 3 SubdIVISIOn: C~~'\ \-\ ,~V\. J o..\-loT'.3 ~ . CLALLAM COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER: R,f> Ole 300 C) ., 80 ~ 4 U <::>coo / I I Credit Card Holder Name: Billing Address: Credit CardType VISA TYPE OF WORK: o ResIdentlal 0 New Constr. f!!( Re-roof o MultI-family 0 AddItlon 0 Move o CommercIal 0 Remodel 0 DemolItlon P( Reparr 0 SIgn BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT: <::>>-~~\i '2t p COMMERCIAL/RESIDENT~/~cupancy Group: Occupant Load: ConstructIOn Type' 1/" ~ ,- No, of Stones: i Lot Size: Sh'i. 140 EXIstmg Sq Ft. -' '150 ~ & Proposed Sq. Ft._/ be) _ = TOTAL Sq. Ft. 2<S9'a Totallot coverage_ 28 , g % · ~ City: MC # Exp. Date: o Stove o Garage o Deck o Other ~. ^ \~<:.ol ~"'OD .~ SIZEN ALUATION: SF @ $ /SF = $ L 0 I DO 0 SF @ $ /SF = $ . SF @ $ /SF. = $ TOTAL VALUATION $ ~~~ t'..\I\.~ ~~ f"'lr'H. b\d.J U\\~~ f.1:r.c ESAlWetland(s), 0 Yes 0 No SEPA Checklistrequrred? 0 Yes 0 No Other. APPROVALS: PLAN: BLDG: DPWU: FIRE: OTHER:_ PLANNING USE ONLY: BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL: The Buildmg DlVlSIOn can provIde you with informatIOn on the applIcatIOn and plan subrmttal requrrements If you have questIOns. VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION: In all cases, a valuation amount must be entered by the applIcant. Tills figure will be revIewed and may be revIsed by the Bmlding DIvislOn to comply WIth current fee schedules. Contact the Penmt Coordmator at 417-4815 for assistance. PLAN CHECK FEE- IF a plan check fee IS due It must be subrmtted at the trme the bmldmg permit applIcatIOn and construction plans are subrmtted All other penmt fees are due_at the ,tune Rfpenm(lSSlJance. _ __ EXPIRATION OF Pl.JAN REVIEW: Ifno permIt IS Issued wlthm 180 days of the date of applIcatIOn, the application will expire. The Bmldmg OffiCIal can extend the trrne for actIOn by the applIcant up to 180 days upon wntten Iequest by the applIcant (see SectlOn 107.4 of the Umform Bmldmg Code, cunent edItIOn). No applIcation can be extended more than once. , I hereby certify that I have read and examined this application and know t e sam to e true and correct. I am authorized to apply for this permlf and understand that It is my responsibility to determine what permits are reqwf', d ,not it an that I mu btam such permits pnor to work T \FORMS\APPS\BUlldmgpenmt wpd ApplIcant: Date' J~ ~'\(OD1-_ ------ ---------~ · TV '~l~" ---..::...- ..------ '1' - -----~.::-~--_. - ------ -- I' , .1, -~7" A II , 1}-1 ~ ~ t,. ~~~ ~/t ) tit J~ 31.- ....L.~~+: -~~ ~ ro Gt,,; va,) -.-J q[ 0 ~eJrh v:> i--- -0 41:>0 T v ~ 3fo I '> ... \ d1-~ -:---{( "'o..~-t'.Q ~~ I ~~. I:.. ?1. . / I) ::5'1b f , { ~'7b I pI \- tb --- r-o s\-/)r~ "1:/ eeJe I I' II V '3'2 (,p \ ,/ ( QI~ ... \... I II (~i 1.1 b ~ - \ \ \eg \1, 9' ztt(b I e~ ~-k/Y p<c.-K 1;;rl -,' I9lf '2/ -, ....-- "b 'L 8x~~i,~ e LD+- a;~~ 1'l5Dr ~€.l0't- I G:,o ~th v '2.090 T 'I~V'Z ",+1 / c.. do. 3) ~ \f 1 ~/r House-- fSl,'ZS- ,LIt j ~lsf 'j)~c..k '200.15" 1"2" Joe - 217.~ b52, P ~(~ <6- I :s-O~ "",,- "'. tr ",9>~'"", ~'IJ)~ '., , ,Q/c:9 '",,?,(; Feet Area Map ThIS map" nat mtended ta be used as a legal descrlpnan ThIs map/drawmg IS produced b~' the O(v of Port Angeles for Its own use and purposes Any other use of this map/drawmg shall not be the responsIbIlity of the Cill' 05-/37 ~~,,!.~~f_',,&< (J~~~ .,,= ". r=...,..'".. ~'l' ;,;-l' -~. ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT APPLlCA nON Job wired by o Electrical Contractor "0 Owner Installation description o Commercial Residential o New o Altered/Addition ~ \ Purchaser':; mailing i/.ddn:ss 9'10 I^ ~ ^'~kj< Cilv PCJ~? Arr; "jr>...5 Tr,;;l.cphonc number 5 '0 <1&1" 9, 5 J., ~ VJA ') f' J f, ..:1. $IS":;?' '17 {.." I! . //V/S ~ Wn Y=:>1'7 _ -+ bI>" ~~b ~ %J2. Tr\L.. c.., cr cd -.--:: lief .. ~ vJ -J v1 Stale ZIP FAX number 5&0 Premises owner~ame --=-- I! "I I ~A (2-1<:.. 1"..' I Address of inspection 11'.:2 7 (! Il/? 0 11/1 J e City _ '?O-<lj A //,Ctd,,<::, U/J,. Phone nllmber to schedule inspectiun: ~I Oll'ner as defined by RCW /9.28.261__(1) Owner will occupy the sTrlu:lure for TWO years after this electrical permit is finalized (2) Owner is reqllired tn hire an electrical colllracror if aho\'(' said properly is for sale. rent or lease. Afkr reading the above statement, I hereby certify lhat [ am the owner of thl.:; above named properly or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making thc electrical instal- lation or altcration in compliance with the electrical laws, N.E.C" RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296-4613, The CilY of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications. Si~~)f own' 9g?b )... /'. . E ricaL o NO LOA CHANGES o Baseboard KW o Furnace KW o Heat Pump Ton o Fan-Wall KW Date' o Cash 0 Cher, ljIf".", Co. ~ 7'"'' 0'_" Card # ---oltiL .L€L__-____ Expiration Date of card $l1S~~Oo8C contractnr or electrical administrator Service_Information LAR o Overhead Service o Temp Service o Underground Service Voltage Phase 0 1 0 3 Service Size: Feeder Size: ~AM__LDA~I~ECTLO~,_CALL_~EFD-RE-7_:j}(LAM_3Jill,-4J~4lli ROUGH"IN THERMOSTAT /' SERVICE Dale Appro\'cd By ./ [)31C Appwved By \. Dall' Approl'ed B\ FINAL DITCH FEEDER Dale Approved By ./ Da\l: ApPw\'edBy/ \.- Dale Approved By Inspection Area, Building or Equipment Inspected Action Taken Electrical Dale Inspector .. " . ~Y'7 -(" '17- DI\V~ ELECTRICAL INSPECTION WIRING REPORT 417-4735 ADDRESS /32 APPROVED NOT APPROVED o .................... DITCH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROUGH IN/COVER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SERVICE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 D..................... FINAL....................p; CORRECTIONS NEEDED: r; N I sl-l All _ E. L1EC..jfZ.. \ e-A tJ;. l/'fbTi\l-UATJ()f,.(t; , bFCJ Y'R:llyg;"('T TnV -Fc...w1L ISATi-l 12.iI1 c.. ~V'n'l (" I 6E::- <. \ DY'11?: )0..( t: I2n V kL D 2.. r:-t...OO ,r... r:b PI r-r+-- > ?L.AT~ 2 ;:"<...DOrz... 't?:,A-1K I I L IZA1FZ.J/ CA N? , N LO NTA-c/ 10 IfIi'SuL-l'tIIO J"Z- ~1JJ UZE jI) G.'FG[ ~N"T)c...Y lSfTlK Herr dioe KlN:b NOTIFY INSPECTOR WHEN CORRECTIONS ARE COMPLETED WITHIN 15 DAYS - DO NOT REMOVE - OLYMPIC PRINTERS, INC. (360) 452-1381 \ , Ud-'~ .> . ..- L=" '1\to '.J'''' _... . ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT APPLICATION . Job ...ired by )tElectrical Contractor 0 Owner Installation description o Commercial iB Residential Electrical contractor name WT F-"lrd-ri<- A}~ :tA C Purchaser's mailing address fb.1~ 2?<3 City. 1Jrf ~/LI Telephone number License number Date Expires .sJF::l.EJ- FfUo.r J-'/-'8 o New Q Altered/Addition ff"-x .;) 5GrP ~0{/'<... Stale ZIP W<. 96J&'.2. FAX number ~t, , ~~- bAn 77:3 , ,70 Premises owner's name h,'I! (I,c, rr~H- Address of inspection 1.3.;). ') Co. rot i'-<- City f}r+ Sf- cs-o ~ 1 0 9 "L 0 ~L) Phone number to schedule inspecHon: Owner as defined by RCW19.28.26J:(J) Owner will occupy the structure for two years after this electrical pemlil is finalized. (2) Owner is required 10 hire an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale. relit or lease. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above named property or a licensed electrical contractor. I am making the electrical instal- lation or alteration in compli3nce with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296-468, The City of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Utility Specifications. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical administrator o Cash 0 Check # o Credit Card Card # Visa Mastercard Discover x Date: )-/1 ~ b Expiration Date of card .jj 0 Gf Inspection fee $..;] f> . I a; Service Information D Electrical Load Additions and or subtractions o NO LOAD CHANGES o Baseboard KW o Furnace KW o Heat Pump Ton LAR o Fan,Wall KW o Overhead Service o Temp Service 18I Underground Service Voltage 21' Phase Ia 1 0 3 Service Size: Feeder Size: SAME DAY INSPECTION, CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 /' ROUGH-IN THERMOSTAT SERVICE Dale Approved By Dale Approved By Dale Approved By FlNAL / DITCH FEEDER '\ "- Date Appmved lly "- Dale Approved By Date Approved By Inspection Area, Building or Equipment [nspected Action Taken Electrical Date Inspector 8/', /,r;, K! /:r dA. kJ::7 , 5'/2./()p, ,;- \r (.) t -R r; (') l- t 71; /oh' j~ I ~/ Jun 13 07 04:38p Dave's Heating & Cooling 360-452-0939 p,1 G-22-- ~.<:'~~,. ~~ 1\~ .'-+.'~'j ........ ELECTRICAL WORK PERMIT APPLICATIOI'?' r ~lectriCaJ Contractor Installation description Job ..ired by DOwner o Commercial ur"Residential Electrical contractor name License number Date Expires Il!1. ew (J Alteredl Addition . PaVe'S Kea.t\n<t :bAIIGSKC-Cf9.I::lc. S(()1 pUp-chaser's mailing address /0'-<-' VO (-t...."'t'--I-IVJ-r....."'s.~ (.O,'V-~ ,0, tox: /..f/:3 elf S1atc ZIP Orr k-,~I wA '1'l3bd Telephone numb, FAX number '3(",0-45;;).- 0<13 '1 - Premises oWDer's name Bfll ~ CU''' r -e-\-t i\ddress of inspection I 3:::J. -r Ca."o ll....~ $fy-E:,.e...t Clt'B OV-K A-v.~. . PIIl)ne number to schedule inspection: -r.,S-Droc:r.-r Owner a.s defined by RCW 19.28.161:(1) Owner will occuPy the Slructure for rwn years after (".is dr:Clrical permit is finalized. (2) Owner i." required :0 hire all deCfr-icof Contractor if abow: said property iJ jor saie. relll or lease. D Cash D Check # Artcr leading the above statement, 1 hereby certify thai t am the owner of tile abo....e IB'tredit Card @ named property or a licensed electrical contractor. ] am making the electrical inslal- Mastercard Discover lation or alteration in compliance with the electrie:lt laws. N,E.C., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296.46B, The City of Port Angeles Municip<l\ Code, and Card # - - - Utility Specifications. ~~---------~---- Sig IUQO; n:r, c;~;cal ,-;puc.or Dr CI~I:;:;: ;;7~'~7~., Expiration Date 'I (l~~ction fee ,-X ofcard $ 5~ ~ Ele~ cal Load Arlditions :.nd dr subtractions Service Information ClN LOAD CHANGES D Overhead Service D Temp Service D Underground Service Voltage PhaseO,D3 Service Size' Feeder Size: o Baseboard i3' Furnace It( Heat Pump a Fan.Wall KIN ~KIN ~ Ton 11..- LAR KIN SAME DAY INSPECTION, CALL BEFORE 7:00 AM 360-417-4735 ROUGH-'N THERMOSTAT SERVICE D31<: "'pprov;" 8:: 1)3[( Appro.'e<llJy o~(( Ap",rov<;:J 8~ FINAL IlJ/?!r$ 1!,fn, DITCH FEEDffi 031 ~ ,.. ppmvcu II ~ I)n' Ap"n;lVcd[ly Inspection Date Area, Building or Equipment fnspected Actiol"l Taken EI~trical Ins-peelor (,,-2/-07 ,Mf',e..;et) a ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF FORT ANGELES - 360417-4735 Application Number 16-00000512 Date 4/12/16 Application pin number . . . _512896 Property Address . . . . _1327 CAROLINE ST ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06 -30 -00 -7 -8 -0340 -0000 - Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Application desc Entry remodel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ _ BILL BARRETT ELECTRIC SERVICE 1327 CAROLINE ST 503 RHODES RD _ PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452-6424 ---------------,---- ------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc 1-4 CIRCUITS Permit Fee 75.00 Pian Check Fee 00 Issue Date . . . . 4/12/16 valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 10/09/16 Qty L it Charge Per Extension BASE FEE _ 75.00 Fee summary Charged 7 Paid Credited Due - ----------------- ---------- Permit Fee Total ---------- 75.00 75.00 .00 .00 Pian Check Total 00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 75.00 75.00 .00 .00 a ti t REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPECTION TYPE DATE. RESULTS: I1dSPWTOR: DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN IV I FINAL CflM1VIiCIM: - PERMIT WELL EXPIRE SIX (6) MONTM FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of owner or Electrical Contractor X Date:, 6\EXCHANGEIBURDING FROM FAX NO. Apr. 12 2016 7:59AM P1 ^. 01 ?02"411 - CITY OF POUT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION Building Division/Electrical inspections 321 East Fifth Street -- P.O. Box 1150 / Port Angeles Washington, 98362 Ph: (360) 417.4735 Fax: (360) 417-4711 late:IZ.,�) 4 & 2 Single Family Dwelling Plan Review May Be Requh'ed, Pleme Complete Electrical Pian Review lnfomiation Sheet JobAddress: 50dfrtg Square Foompe: Desor"on of above a. ►, -1 r 51 r Q_m _ n .,la Y Owner hvkrrn Contract form Dorn Narr ! C� Nam MdftAdd n fa ro . sm--�Yk9. sty zea 9 - jg i lln� 91Y Totrtl My &&M by Unit Charnel SeMce/Fesder 200 Amp. $120.00 $ Semimfee& 201.400 Arte. $146.00 $ Servio& Feeder 4014;00 Amp $ 205.00 $ SBrvicelFeeder 601-1000 Amp $26240 $ $ervft Feeder over 1000 Amp. $ 373.00 _ $ trench Ci m* W/ Setvios Feeder $ 5.00 _ 3 tlranch Ck*A W/O Service Feeder $ 63.00 S Each Addidonal t3ranCts Circuit $ 5.00 $ erench Ciroub 1-4 $ 75.00 Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Amp. 3 93.00 $ Temp. SwAm Fonder 201400 Amp_ $114.00 $ Temp. Servk**oeder 401.600 Amp. $ U9,00. -- $ Temp. SeMoelFeeder 601-1004 Amp _ $188.00 3 Portal to Portal Hourly $ 96.00 $ Signal Circuit/ Lkrdi a Ene>sy -1 t£ 2 Fatuity OweiliM 3 64.00 $ MwalloWmd Harte Connection $120.00 $ Renewable Eleo ical Energy - 5WA System or Less $102.00 $ Thermo" 3 56.00 $ Nva: $5.00 for each additional T -tat NEW CQISTR JMM 011LY: Fist 1300 Square Ft $120.04 $ Each Addiitkmm 500 Square Ft or Portion of 3 40.00 3 Each Oulboi ft or Detached Garage 3 74.40 $ Each 'Slvinrt 4 Pool or Hot Tub $110.00 —_-- - $ 'Tota! Owrw m defined by RCW.19.28.261. (1) Owner w0 000 py the *acture for two years after this electrical permit is "ized. (2) Owner is r®qui W to We an electrical contractor if above said property is for sale, rant or lease. Permit e9imm after sk months of Wast as pectiot. After reaft Use above statement, l hereby certify that t am the owner of the above named property or a $ceased eleatrical contractor, l am malting the eleWcal htsiallation or aBeration in cornplratbe with the electrical laws, N.E.C., RCW. Chapter 1928, WAC. Chapter 296468, The City of Port Angeles Muniapal Code, and My Specifications and PAMC 14.05.050 regarding Elec i Pem* AppkaWns. Signature of owner, electrical contractor or electrical adnth Mndor: 0 Cab 0 cbedr 0 cram Cud X ��cz� r,> r2Le+ e+3