HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 07/09/2018 LODGING TAX ADVISORY
July 9, 2018 11:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.
City Hall Council Chambers
321 E. Fifth Street / Port Angeles, Washington
I. Call to Order
II. Public Comment
III. Committee Introductions
IV. Roles & Responsibilities / Open Public Meetings Act
V. Action Items
A. 2018 Special Lodging Tax Fund Awards and Budget
Review and award lodging tax fund application for a seasonal skating
rink in a downtown public parking area and provide a recommendation
to City Council for a revision of the 2018 lodging tax budget.
VI. Adjournment
Port Angeles Lodging Tax Fund-2018 Application
This application tion is not to events. Event applications will the reviewed
separately tely cit a later date following the annual LTAX fund's allocation
Amount qtr " Lodging Tax equvst d $50,000
Organization/Agency Name: Port Angeles Regional Cw`ltiarrtilacam o `Corniller �.....
Federal larN. ID "saltier: 1-0369
l''ac ility Name or Operation (if applicable)- ICE Port wa elegy . ..._....__..._....._. ...
Contact Narrae and Title: NUr•c Atishire, E eeutive Director ...M.M,..M.M.M...,,.,,,,,.....M._.M.M.M.M.M.M.M.....................................v.
Mailing Address: 121 E Railroad Ave ww.1 City: Port Angeles . State- WA
... Zip: 98362 ,..,v.._........._.._.w_�_....w...
Phone: (360)452-2304 F"mall Address:s: direetor fad portaarr eles.or ............. ._...
Check all service categories that apply to t1u s aapplieratiorc
_°f`aramrisrrr l'a°car°notion/ /laarketwra
.........._. Operatk)n of"a "fotira nti Prornotion Agency
x............0laer tion (,,wfaTOUristn-Re1ated Facility owned or operated or area-profit organization
Operation and/or Capital Cots crfaa"l ouriswar-1 elaated Facility owned by as rraLill ieipality
Check which one of the following applies to your agency:
... Neara-1 rol Lt (Attach rwrrjrj,qf current a"rraaa prgfil corarrraale registration with WashinglonVecretaq gfSlatea
__....._._. Pubhe Agency.
I anon an authorized agent of"the organization/agency applying fior funding. l have read the application
instructions and understand that:.
0 l aa.rrr proposin a tour°i rrt.-r•elasted service for 2018. [fawaard.ed, my e:argaa.niz at on intends to enter into
as Municipal Services Contract with the City; proviide, liability insurance for the duration of the
contract rialning the City as aadditicwru,al insured and in an aarracaunt deterniirtied by the, ("ityr, and file fcar
as permit to use City properly, it aal)lrlie-a ble.
« Fhe City of Part; Angeles will +,artily^ reiatitilaurse those costs actually incurred by, wary organization/agency and
only after the service is rendered, paid for if' proOdc,d by as third party, and <a signed Request for
l .eirrabursenient form (or other forin acceptable to the City) luaas been aaaalarrtiitted to the City, irwelaading copies
of invoices and payment documentation.
• Nlyagency will be required to subirtit a report dc.aeuaatiera ing eecarww.ararie inipaac;t results in as format deterrtitiiued
by theC.. iy.
Signature:_-_....:'� ._ . ......__: _. _..w....... _ ......_ Efate: ,Iwrly 6, 01 .. .. ..........
Printed or"lyyped aa.rne� Marc Alishire
C ty of Para Angeoes Tourism Prrrrrootion Apphca on Page 7
Supplemental Questions—You may use this fortu (or a separate sheet of paper for answers
Please Limit separate answet s to three pages.
. Describe your tnnrlsrnr-related activity.
If an activity, list the name,date(s),and projected overall attendance.
Describe why,tourists will travel to port Angeles to attend your event/activity/facility.
See attached.
err rrc f atfrt a y(rrrrarr y err rf tsrss... : r re re t e per V ite f'rra��...._..w..._.....
As a direct result of your proposed tourism-related service, provide an estfnraaate of
a, Overall,atterrcl«a.race at your laroposeaf activity/facility flwfaffff
b, asa�arher ol'tvcople wtio vwill travel rracrr°e tharr ,atl trines fcau•ycaa.rr everatfac,tivity 1,000
c�, Of"the people who travel more than y miles,the rra.ntber of eopa e whir will travet rorra aother l lff�f
c�a:aarrrtry or state
c. f;'at"tlte eaatrle wlro tr•a�awel ra"reae tlaara sty rr°alley,the ratarrataer c>t`l�ecrle rwrlrc°.a will stay r�aw"errrrl°at urr f�c.rr�' ffCf
Angeles or ahe Port Angeles area
e, Of"the people staying a.rveraar „lit the number al«E`p+opa ewho will stay in P"all' a accoaruaaaaaala.ticans f)
rrtel/rracrtc%lre .hrea,kfaastf in Port An Oes or Parr Angeles area
l`. Number of"laaucl lodging roorn nights resulting frcarrr your pr`'
Tosecf cverata ac,tiOty/faacrhty 750
ya c ample" 2,5 pend a"d"sont on Fruhi.��arid'50�aid r-e,a�;�rns on a's`s�andi-rl a m ..a paid ladtrraag P,00 m ria„a"/tsw
i t"lr aat uaruetlarorlolar f y calfd yarn rra.~w�c to .--- a ... .._.. ..................
...... ... ............� ..._--
tte tire,estimates?
Estimating air average of 200 daily visitors over 43 days, l" oven ber 24_--,laararrary fa, and hictoring in
known deraro r•a hics of visitors,„ as well as soraae expected social media marketing success,
4. Describe the prior-success ofyour tavernfaractivity/facility In attracting tourists.
l"iris has not been r.lc:rrae, laci°rr°e, haat the Chamber has latera tl°ac organizing agency 'behind many successful
«aet:ivides, including the Dungeness Crab& Seafood Festival, the 4"' of"Jrrly CC)1aar11twu.aity,1 Celebration, Miele
the l furric,aane, and, most recently, t;he Port Angeles Maritime Festival,
. Is there ar host hotel for your event "lr"csa or No If yes, lit the lost hotel.
ti. Describe you larget tourist audience(location,dentogra ph cs,„ etc).
All Untrist targets are meant to lx,,drawn to Port Angeles ffrr this activity, lrrrt With tlae urrterat that they,
their parents, other f«aaraaily, and friends, will find Porl Angeles a.great place for° shop and stay in this season.
First tier. sleuth Olympic peninsula residents
Second tier: Vancouver Island residents
third tier: Surrounding counl;y residents (Kitsaata, Pierce„ etc...
Fourth tierr,. Everyone else visiting frcrni the Pacific Northwest, rest of Iiie 1. ,S, ., and either~countries
. Describe ho", y ou vwilll pronrrate y ouur•event/aaact ivlty/l"a»acilit), to attract tourists.
We strongly believe social rnecliaa will be the most effective way to market this activity.
8. 1lesreribe lrrrvw, r:rn will promote lodging establishments, restauuarratits,and businesses located in the
Cily of Port Angeles.
We Nvill work with Vertigo Marketing to weave in messaging atboul, what else is available here besides
this activity..
Cty of P°oirt AngOes Tourism Promotion Appkcafion Page 8
9. Are you applying for LodgingTax foods from another community (Yes or No XX )? If yes,list
the other jurisdiction(s)and amount(s) requested.
10. What is the overall budget for your eventlactiVrity/fileility? $130,000 at pet-cent of the budget
areyou requesting froin Port Angeles LodgingTax Fund? 38%
11. What will you cut from your proposal or do differently it full funding for your requ(vsit is not
available or r(w-votuni ended? The entire prqject would have tcw be canceled,
Application Instructions and General Guidelines
Aq,'qflicafion Deadhine: Sepleniber 20, 2017 3-30prn- recei-ved at Port kilgeles (,'jty tjajj�
'ro be eligible for consideration,your complete proposal must be received by the deadline.
The, (,I
ommittee will review proposals in a public meeting and determine funding recipients and levels of
Submit one original and one digital copy to:
City off'oft Angeles L,odging'I"ax Advisory, Committee
c/o Ben BN,Mdrick, Connnunity and Econoinic DeVOOPMet'it Department
321 [',ast 5"1 Street
Port Angeles, WA 983)62
City Hall Street Address: 321 11. Fifth Street, 11ort Angeles
=> You inust complete and sign the cover sheet with this packet.
You may use tile Supplemental Forin Or type the ques,tions and answers on Separate sheets of
Please number each page in your packet, except for the optional brochures/inforination.
Attach, m 8.5.E 1. forinat:
I. Itemized budget fbr VOLU' 11011-event related operation or capital facility (hicome and expenses),
2. Description and budget showing how yon intend to use the anumilt requested from the Ci�y ofFIcn-t
3colty ofyour agency's current non-profit corporate registnation with, the Washington Secretary of'State,
4, A copy ot'yotir agency's City of Potl Angeles business license,
5, (Optional) Brochures or other inforinalion abotit yow,event/activity/faciii(
y, in partiCUIK items showing
recent totirisin promotion efforts Limited to 8 pages, 8.5 x I I inches,
The proposal and all docuntents riled with the City are public record s. "t'lee City may choose to post on its
website copies of the proposals and attached documents.
City of Flort Ange�es TOUriSM Promotion Applicafion Page 9
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The Peart Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce has, as part Of Our long term strategy, a genal to lead
and ceacurdlnaatea specific events and programs that positively inflwance business growth in caur
community, Recognizing irn the serious cyclical natures of the teaurism industry in our area, with
`"ravearteaurisrrn "June 15 through September t a, and extremely slow businenss aactMty November ot.5
through February 15, an important Oe rnnunt in our strategy is to grow the attraction of Peart Angeles
during the winter r months, That target haas led usto develop a preap ct that would bring more people into
Port Angeles, and specifically downtown Port Angeles,for.six weeks during the time of year wuwrherrn
commerce otherwise slows clown dramatically. This is also the time of year when people sheep for the
holidays, sea bringing more people into the downtown area will help with retail saaieas, as wuveaii as
restaurant business, and overnight stays in our heateais, We have spent many hours researching and
planning, and we are working with a company that can bring to Peart Angeles as high quality, portable ices
skating rials, and all of the support equipment required, including reant I skates.
ICE Part Angeles: Imagine—Community—Enjoy
A seasonal ices skating rink, operating from the first Saturday after Thanksgiving, untii the first:Sunday
after New year's Gray,will bring many people into the Port AngOes downtown n ur aa. They mill come
from the lend community,for sure, but we expect they wHl comes to Part Angeles from across the North
Olympic Peninsula, from Counties surrounding Baur own, and from Vancouver island. We also expect
visitors during this time of year from places even further away will be attracted to they ices skating
operations,which will comped thearnn tea spend more time downtown, as wnreall as in our stores and
restaurants, This will bre the only ices skating rink on the Olympic Peninsula,
w,9en irnte nd tea fully use social media, as well as other less expensive marketing channels, to attract
tourists to Peart Angeles to experience caur fun downtown and activities hems. The ices skating rink is sweat;
be the only attraction we are planning(we area aiso worklng on lighting, programs and winter activities
for downtown), but it will certainly be the anchor, and is therefore extremely mewly importaant..
The location for the icer skating rim has meat yet been determined, but themes are seavearM options, "rhea
two most significant technical drivers for location are as relatively Plant Surface (slope creates more coast
and work) and enough electricity(the chillers require high power Ieave*ls). See attached schematic map
of downtown Port Angeles for locations we are considering so far, 'The ice skating rink will need to be
outdoors, but WP WH cover it with a tent. 'rhe activity/temporary facility wM be decorated in "winter
wonderland" theme, with plenty of lighting to increase its attractiveness. We have been in discussion
with City staff on potential sites, but we are holding off on engaging staff in a serious study for location
until we have a green light through funding. We have coordinated with the Port Angeles Downtown
Association, and their president, Marilyn Parrish, is fully on board and supportive,
Our intent will be to operate the ice skating rink with volunteers, and the prices we wiH charge for
skating will be relatively affordable. We a&will make the ice skating rink avallablIe to be reserved for
evening company holiday parties, daytime skating for school classrooms—at a drarnaticaHy reduced
rate, and other promotional COMMUnity events.
We are conservatively estimating that an average of 200 people each day, over 43 days of operations,
will come to enjoy the Port Angeles Ice Rink during the holiday season. That would be an increase of
almost 9,000 people who might not otherMse be 41 the downtown area during that time.
7t4,er— r
Itemized Budget
We are estimating the cost for renting the ice skating rink at about$120,000, with total cost, including
eiect6city and power, to be about$130,000. The estimate we are working with frorn 'the providing
contractor has options we can choose from, which is why the estimate is not exact, But we do know
that we need to be able to provide the contractor with a down payment of$35,000 before the and of
July, so they can invest In the eqtApmentwewiH need to arrive here by mid-Novernber. Weare
developing the full budget, but our preliminary stir to are:
Ice Rink Rental Cost $120,000
Marketing 1,000
Electricity& Water —1100P
TOTAL $130,000
Lodging Tax Funds $ 50,000 ($35,000 now, for down payment)
Ticket Sales 60, ($5 and $10 tackets for 200 people each day)
Community Investments 10,000 ($100 from 100 peop�e)
Corporate Sponsors & Rentals _110-00
TOTAL $130,000
Although this started out as a project intended to bring roore tourists to Port Angeles during the winter
months, which we are confident it will do, we began to realize that this mall also be a benefit to the
community—an asset that will bring many of Lis together in our downtown area during the holiday
season, So, in additaon to accomplishing the goal of increased tourism overall, increased tourism at a
brae of year when we re ably need it, and Increased business actIvity in the downtown area in the winter
season,this activity wHll also become a significant benefit for the entire community,
1. Potential Locations for Port AngOes Ice Skating Rink
2. Proposal from ICE-ArnerIca, dated March 22, 2018
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To: Port Angeles Regional Charnber of Commerce
Attn: Marc Abshire
March 22,2018
Dear Marc:
Thank you for the opportunjtµyto present a proposal for discussion purposes for a
portable ice rink and related operations to Port Angeles, It was a pleasure to speak
with you about your plans for a seasonal ice rink and we believe Ice-Arnericas
equipment and services will be a great fit for YOUr Unique property and brand,
We have included our initial proposal below for a seasonal ice rink package very
similarly to what we provide in many of our featured locations, inClUding t)"IeThe
Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas, Navy Pier, the Clity of Temecula, LEGOIAND California
and many more iconic locations.
Our proposal includes the Ice-World trademarked alurninurn ice rink elements,
which allow us to create solid ice where others cannot, the ice rink dasher boards,
other necessary equipment and supervision, and optional accessories and expert
pro fession a I management The included ice size is 82x 40' = 3,280 sqft, all
excellent size for a seasonal ice rink. Of course, we can easily adjust the size with
our modular systern to whatever,best suits your needs!
A state-of-the-art electric powered ice resurfacer is also included in the options
package,as well as the best quality Italian Roxa, rental ice skates and our exclusive
Bobby the Seal and Tommy the Reindeer skating ride/aids.
The estimate includes a number of options so that: oua have all the information for
discussion purposes. We always look to custornize the final package to fit your
budget and req u irem e tits so please let ine know when you'd like to discuss the
For operations staffing, I've included an estimate for a turnkey service,but it may
best fit your needs tO j USt have us provide the"Setup and Training, I look forward to
speaking with you further!
Best r,egards,
Scott Williams
Seaside Ice, LLC DBA Ice-Arnerica
Port Angeles
Ice Skal
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1. Ice-Ainerica Qualifications and Experience
,Back und.
Ice-Annerica is a distributor of the Ice-World aluminum ice rink systern in the [LS.A.
and Canada. rhe highly engineered system by Ice-World is annually installed in
over 600 locations worldwide,and Ice-Anierica has the full support of'the Ice-World
engineering team. In addition,partner All Access Staging& Productions provides
staging expertise, as well, as warehousing,installation,and production support.
Ice-Ainerica is as dba of Seaside Ice, LLC, and has been providing ice rink services as
outlined in this proposal since 2008. In addition, our principals have been
producing ice skating rink events since 1.997. Our. partner Ice-World has beers
openating ice rinks since :i %
$qojpjf_- qf jca Rinks:
• Kings Island — Cedar Fair Parks
Contact: Jamie Gaffney 513-754-5718
• Feld Productions— Disney On Ice
Contact: R,oy Fullgrapp 941-737-2978
• LEGOLAND (thenie park attraction)
C.ontact: Laura Lee Juliano 760-918-54,52
• Navy Pier, Chicago (winter wonderland)
Contact- Patrick Gardner 312-595-5038
• SeaWorld Orlando (ice show,rink)
Contact:! Cindi Miller 407'-370-1 3;34
• The Classic Center&I. flockeyTeani (N III, hockey rink)
(I ontacts: Paul Cramer 706-208-0900 john (loos 706-7 -748
• The Rink atThe Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas
Contact: Fedor Banuchi 702-698-7134
• The ink in Downtown Burbank
Conta& Marissa Minor 818-238-5170
• Ternecula On Ice at Old Town Teinecula
Contact., Dawn Adamiak 951-693-3947
• The Ice Rink at South Shore Alarneda
Contact: Allyl rueger° 415-830-7595
• RenoAces 2013-15
Contact: Eric Edelstein 775-334-7023
• Chill at The Queen Mar;'
(I,ontact: Steve Sheldon 562-499-1,627
• Westfield Galleria at Roseville
Contact: to Rine y 916-787-2000
• Seaside Ice
Contact. john York 31.0-318-0680
H1 I , JH,
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s No d! lusLa r1ii-ilkos
I trull", workin�q wah you undywur tecon - vou'guys are top notch.
y proft,^smonal, kind,euV;to vork ovah and pn;dehvered on neg Ogle uspect o/thA,pnoect as
WpwL Ma ax AmuQu vxreeded area expevtndons ini several occosions throughout Ow entire pn�jrcf;I
genuincy;upprechite the sense of teamww* we d"Oopd ower Me pm(war,
I bye we ga to waM iWethmvWahi snaner ruther than Auer 1W deonvey mnw bmk b"nou when I
have more*&N rasa the axnq)cythe rinksalw;,
taura Lee Jugano I EnWnMnmeM& ibms Manager
LEGO[,ANOM's Cahfornm�'.i Resort
%.the kv lWem you have pbnevvd ono thcUyrt'nj contipme to petf&t
a Vowed me hrog as vWbk ke Usurn to De Ckahe Cm Wn and Me qstwn is large pnirt rpt who t aflowed
the hdeu of quick ice,irastafl oncl renloval in vepy busy exhibition haY to be upWvvw1 Oy Me cenar and Me
Qg and beawye reah(y.dt is the poxyWonahmm how o wh^clqe,and execution qf cdt ofthe cluitris a"rfthe
Pa HOW Owum by kv A makm akqy mAh Me dWation and work ighk nfall of m whoh has made,
fWs 20+year Wwi OWU N AMms a rmlig"
U! Scope of Services
Ice-ikaierica proposes to install as portable outdoor ice rink,to operate for
approximately eight weeks frorn November 23, 201EI Wough jamary 6, 20113,
indudhg the Rdlowing Weda and Q the included fee schedule.
Of OLIfT40P.P't
Avember 212018- ]an Q 2019
Hours as per, host direction
ha atig'n�'
Port Angeles,WA
1llrrla,size for-t�Ai "M
82'x 40' = arta burr) , 32BO SqJL on location to be determined,
Skate lace area approx. 1,000 sqft.
1, 131 skaters on the ice based on 25 sqft/skater
Estimated sevion Wes capacity=: 131+
K) 'A -12, NO al Oh"A" h I 0111M w W1
p-l"I 1111"I'v%
I.qqlprtr,ent and Services
'The following equipment and services will be provided by Ice-Arnericx
Air-cooled refrigeration systeni/pump/hoses/ expansion tank,will be
provided by and include 24-hour on-call set-vice from Aggreko oi-similar.
- I nsulation and vapor barriers.
- Modular railing systern with clear Plexiglas with room to display signage.
- Ice rink maintetiance equipment, including an optional electric resurfacer
used multiple times daily and as scheduled.
- Ice rink freezer system using the alurninUrn tulaing system, headers, arid
- Rental ice skates,high qWllity Roxa brand with easy to use buckles and
Strong support, approximately 200 pairs of various sizes,sharpened, ready-
to-skate, with sharpener and services oil site as needed during the run of
the event.
- Skate change area rubber matted, covering approximately 1.000 square feet
Ira adjacent area.
- Rolling racks for storing and distribution of'skates,
- All tools,equipment and supplies for set-up,strike and trial n tena rice. All
Professional Supervision and labor for set-up arid strike,
- Refrigeration Technician on-call 24 hours during entire terse,
General set-up and finish-out covering over rink wall header, including Ice_
World inodular header covers. Clear Plexiglas sides with smooth inside
finish of rink perimeter,
( ptional: Professional lighting arid sound equipment including LED color,
changing and market lighting. Sound/public address announcements and
playback of music.
- Optional Rink Manager and staffing during entire terns,trained arid
experienced in liability protection.
- All equipment and amenities to be installed and ready for test of equiptnelit
and facilities, twcoat y-fOUr (24) hours in advance of grand opening,,
- Operation of public skating sessions. flours of'operation to be determined
by host.,
- Professionally designed and installed liability signage and online written
waiver release forms for every participant.
- Professional Support Set-vices including COTIS111tation for Event Planning
and execution by our experienced event planning tearn,
Bobby theSeal and-Tpmjny..jjjp Reindeer-SkatingAids:
Unique to Ice-America,we include in this proposal 15 of our Bobby the Seal Skating
Aids/Rides and 5 Tommy Reindeers. In addition to increasing safety and lowering
the number of accidents,these aids add value to the event by creating a better
experience, And based on previous ice rinks, when rented at$541.0/session they
add approximately$1-$2 in additional revenue per skater, lowering the projected
cost to host the ice rink.
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ge rfl(es:
Another exclusive new itern,the is trikes are a fun way to engage pard cipa tits,
especially groups and team building events. Use in separate section oi- on special
sessions for a uni Lle"attraction.
M tm
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760 mm
ngtfv 1230 mm
Width: 730 nimi
Ice-World "B,as
Create a seating area, separate skating areas, or fun on-ice pictures and decorations
with the Base and accessories.
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111. Turnkey Management and Day-to-Day Operations
Ice-Arnerica offers professional on-site maria agernent, experienced in custorner
ser,vice, liability-prevention arid public safety. Our staff is well trained (see training
manual) in our guidelines to inake ice skating as full and safe experience for all
Icy-Ani erica staff'wear s professional uniforms at -all times, including black pants,
Mies Ice-Arrierica shirts and blue Ice-Araw erica jackets.
Public safety announcements are made regularly and popular music is part Ofcater
Our cash register equipment is an industry-specific Square Register 110S systerti, and
our staff is trained to operate the POS efficiently and effectively.
Ice-Arrierica rinks designate an experienced staff member to handle coordination of'
group sales and special events. This includes handling phone calls,scheduhng
groups,and planning and overseeing special ewmts.
Our team is trained to operate the professional sound equipment and radio, cordless
microphone, and to make public ad(iress announcements.
QpgrqtJons,Rene nues.,
All revenues associated with the ice rink venue will be retained by the host. Host
can monitor sales online in real thne.
Staffttra Res far st4ifities:
niis proposal includes a division of responsibility between the host and Ice-Arnerica
as listed below:
- Icer Araw erica to staff. 1) rink manager/ice technician, 2) installation & removal
supervisors, 3) skate rental couriter,4) on-ice skate gLiards, 5) ticket sales &waivers
- Host to staff:, 6') advertising and marketing as desired, 7) security, 8) facilities
operations supervisor as needed
Ice-America proposes to operate the ice rink for tip to seventy hours per week, in
the host's sole and absolute discretion,pursuant to the following schedtfle,Which
Host may revise.
Suggested Flours of0peration:
Sat,/Sun 12pyn - I,0prn or sunilar
Weekday during School Holidays 1 2pin .- I Oprn or,sitifilar
Weekday during School 2pni - 1 Opin or similar
Special Event hours As requested at additional rates
licisa r1rokoso
IV'. Safety
Ice-Arne'rica onanagers and staff are trained to monitor guest safety and comfort. Ice
skating is as physical activity with inherent dangers,but out, teanli niakes every
reasonable effort to lirnit the risk to participants, This is accomplished by properly
maintaining the ice and skating equipinent,adequately preparing participants for
skating (offering helmets &gloves and equipment fit advice), diligent monitoring of
on-ice activity,spotting dangerous behavior quickly, and taking action to limit or
remove dangerous behavior as quickly as possible.
Helmets: Ice-Ainerica will provide helmets for ice skating participants, and
recornmends then" use to all participants.
Gloves: One of the most comnion injuries to young skaters is cuts to the hand froin
the ice skate blades, Gloves with even a modest aniount ofthickness offer some
protection and can greatly reduce these injuries. We recornmend that gloves be
worn by all, skaters.
V. Technical Approach and Timeline
Ice-America uses a detailed project management approach to every ice rink project,
Our team is capable of managing multiple projects through our systems engineering
and support system partners.
The final plan will address traffic flow, equipment placement safety, ADA
requirements, and any,required building code requirements.
Ice-Arnerica rinks are installed under the supervision of one of our trained ice rink
technicians. Safety and professional quality are considered throughout the process.
This is achieved through using only best quality equipment and following all
applicable safety pr ocedr,,ires during installation and operations.
The Production 'riniefine nsures that all schedules are coordinated and tasks occur
in the correct order. This CIOCUrnent will expand as particular vendor schedules and
deliveries are scheduled.
The Project Managernent Timeline includes major tasks and due dates, ensuring
timely coordination of deliverables. The PMT will expand as more inforniation is
HAJ`,,,,d1,1:a If
1:31:krt"Ulrj,� ic:r-- rirvktw,:v-
V1. Strategic Marketing
Ralkotjng-Pj�q :
,rhe Ice-Arnerica, Marketing Plan provided to our clients describes in detail the
marketing strategy,research, components, deliverables,and budget requirements
we recommend for a successful seasonal ice skating event. 'I'lie strategy involves
Advertisement Creation and Schedule, Media Sponsor Partners, Public Relations &
Social Media, Program, Schedule, Sponsorship,and Group Sales & (],ommullity
Since the her has extensive experience promoting the development and events we
recommend adding as `ew cooponents that should easily fit within your overall
inarketing strategy, These would include idendty ing and soliciting Ice Rink Media
Sponsor Partners, developing a strong Program Schedule with interesting thernes,
idenfifying and solicidug Sponsorship of the attraction,and Group Sales and
CornmUnity Outreach efforts, includitig local 91-oupas, clubs,and organizations.
The event marketing schedule should begin immediately and continue through the
end of the event to ensure niaxinium participation, Event partner success depends
on an early outreach for Media Sponsor Partners and eventSpot'lsors,
Sponsorship support of sinfliar seasonal ice rinks range :roars $25,00O to
$100,000+ in sponsorship revenue, depending on the scale ofthe event and the
ab,ility of the sales team,
Ptiblicity goals include increased positive exposure I'mth in tile conimunity and tile
region, thrOUgh news stories and inedia.
Statistics can be compiled fi-orn online waivers,all ticket sales and tickets used
(including give-aways &donations), to)better project revenue in subsequent
Suggestions., We,can,colle t,g- I
a,ddK s-s-gs,wi,th.the.online mar. tv-e) .5yst(ni,
f9( rnarketin f(,)r 1-1 rg
91 --t-a—r g eted
V11. Financial
PricinSuggested total pricing for ice skating and skate rental is between $12 and
$20 per 90-minute session or for"open skating", based on comparable outdoor ice
skating rinks, Icer-Anierica's exclusive"Bobby the Seal" sicating aid can rent for $5 to
$10 per 90-,milnute session.
1J, f
P939-tiE21'31E! ICIL- Ir"'k-tkm"
Projected Revenue: Based on the 3,280 s(Ift ice rilik budget,skating attendance is
typically between 300 - 500 skaters per day on average during weekends and
school holidays,but in some locations we see days as high as 1250 skaters, In
addiflun to the ancillary revenue and benefits, food and beverage revenue at similar
locations can be as high as skating revenue.
Finan 1 1 Fees;
Ice-America will produce the ice rink event in the first class professional manner
and for the dates as described err :his proposal, for as total estimated fee as shown in
the attached budget,including the listed options and not includirig supervisor
accommodations, The additional estimated cost of complete operations staffing is
also shown, but could vary depending on hours of operation and attendance levels
which affect staffing requirenients. The cost breakdown is Outlined in the included
The Host will retain all event revenues, including sl(ating admission,skate rental,
and "Bobby"skating aid rental. Additional revenue rnay inchide concessions and
merchandise, Sponsorship rights and revenue will reside with the Roast.The [lost
will be responsible for sponsor activation costs, including rink board and other
Payment schedule: 25% clue to reserve, 50% upon delivery, 25% saint-season,
Ice-Arnerica reqt,tests a one-yearagreenient with the Option for three one-year
extensions with 2.5% cost-of-living increases, provided Host decides to produce the
event in the following three years, and provided certain performance milestones are
niet,such milestones to be outlined in the event agreement.
Other sti riat d Costs:
• Electricity - approximately $1,000+/wk for the 1 00-ton chiller while chiller, is
running (24/7 to keep ice)
• Water- minimal cost increase of a few hundred dollars nionthly
• Staff- any added costs for security and promotions staffing
• Additional operational hours not included in the estimate can be billed at cost
Iglus 40%).
10 Marketing&Advertising budget
tv I vy� 11 C I il-IR%
8147 Dmm, ICE-AMERiCA
Knbao CKY,CA 90VIO Production Price List
............--.--------------- seaw 181 Rh�k I.I
Pra*d No: Sesmal Rink Produdlon Price Ust 1.1 Prepared By� SWW Pfadud�Im Mnk PrWucrjon
7 ft*� Prot Anqples irp Rkik Date� 3/22 Purpum rKrNbOPM ke rhik bstaiiat,�on
Produckm Dates� THD ReWsed:
umdtkx'� AlexandrW,VA-Mng Wed Waterfrort Park AchjA
Ofv,n DaUW Nov 23,2018-Jan 6,2D19
laRQPLi"� JQN Pg$4,�_R Production at�xwtal*�cp hnk FA arxftry eqWpment
Opbonal ProdwrUon eleftwents�kce Resurface%chiom rentaf
Opbonai UghUng and sound equilxnent tor�ce onk
NarM Also mdu&,d or%aw(*x"abons,masitewce
A$§,Q,,MMQM,,Budgm!ts bascul on Ke s�jrh%,e gm 4zl*40,
U InApdod kw fts budW, :
fonts WW%*Alfxw
Unit Price No.Te"n ToW Prke
ojftrtable Ate Rink $ 24,472
Partabie�ce Rink $ 0,63 32W) 8 16,531 proowwn M�
ftfdiAcs U EVORLD ke"nk Wonents,waders,hekkv,coven,
rump S 1,610 1 1 1,610 s&,m rwmp for gtycd,,etc,
(Wcd,Uner,lrmulatlm� $ L93 3280 k !$ 6,331D qiycoi,p0stic sheet,msulathon
02 ch"Iter Rental $ 2,7,250
Ch4W.r rew"al package $ 85,00 100, ISO $ 21�250 mosittly rentai of&Mm�p�R[qsp,tAr�k,nanstormer
Ddvwy,4%tall,rgrkup $ 3,0011) 2 1 $ 6,000 estovated 2aK"fift,Osta#,remnval
Dasher Boards $ 4,900
PE Trdnsparent $ 2�45 250 8 $ 4,900 t ecreabonat dem skahng Kmi ds x numbeq of teet
04 Other Ice Rink Equipmevt li 12,,420
skntes $ 200, 8 % 6,000 Rou, skatei Wbuckkm;
'Sob'skatfn(chidren) 5 1,65 20 8 $ AA cMdren's dcwbte rumer skates
Heknels $ 2M 40 8 656 twkrw4s(s,n%�)
Skate kark $ 31 5 8 1-140 protaMe 5,kate vacks�uabps�ng Mtti wheels
1,4ate Kack SheWes $ is I a $ 120 5hdves fm m bOween portdbie wks
9(ato Sh,,opener 05 1 8 $ 1,080 U.9 orp
Exua thick plastw.,Mwt4 US $ . square(tvt reqtdred-(nr event5 onty
Skate aW laayy�&lbrmno 25,50 is 8 3,060 prrrAMm d skat�rfq aki"seat'or 're�lwleo
ES:]Insta4latein,Training,TranspertmWo $ 49,5010
Mnk,�mqmwfxxl $ 3,250 6 1 $ 19,500 Rink kmtatlat�vi su�xmvjsurs A�atjo�(qjlo�vt)/waj,.t�a�
r so,
productkm tee $ 14,500 1 1 $ 14500 travet,iegM&adtntt�,productOn for
H014 for cfewjf"�V 1510 2 115 J, 4,50f) M'VwkW by dWA,at spmw padmms-emUnate w 47,-150 mom Nghts
Sld�*ny&Ducklm) $ 51500 1 2 t ll,CKM E04ywted trucktn%Nh(q:mg kv Hnk equipmee
$ 14,400
Show Md Dough Homt�,og S 2150 1 8 2,00 ff"bex tweatjowg ekrNwjo a mt#tnXqh forjoot#ftA�,no
4000140wo"N"form $ 1,50D I a 17,00 5"'041 CMIA.9ce tusutfacAm
E3SIte BuNd-Out Lighting/Somd optJoils 16�m
Skwte We am rlubtwo mats $ Z170 1,000 1 $ 2,700 esfifrote Vift for Skate iace area rattet mKi
LevWing Opthins
AighthVISband scuml,P40'age 29s 1 8 2,30) (6)atedoor w0m,msele,Cap,pfaytMck,cardiess ink,,,rables
mrdleu mk�,CAWS
Ewnt/Rink Uohdrtg package $ 1,405 L 8 $ 11,240 LED cokw p"mmmWe Nghts,CoOYO,LED rqw Ughts,
EEOPMOMIs $ 7417so
Setup&Iminkig Fee 9,5(m 1 1 $ Owl Wig*WWVems�,Pos S,9*1041,stafrWing aisisumce,training
fShroMed avq;Wrall 6,500 1 6 $ SOW e0leXteil fterl0e MeWY b4W payrd(Mjbj0d,to Mange)
Gmewal Marwqer fee $ I*W0#fAW d-wi-MY;Orou PAYVOV Mus 40%(covers WC,taxeys,etc,)
Tk( H, 12
P931 ted-ol" ics� r1r,olcas
fa @k a as Wfat/Wr (OW, $ WO bftl t*WeWel oarum 1myroo Plus 40%
#40"WOM411110(W $ W*41 MAW fisWeemy,Om%;W14 pho 40
0;wraUm Nab"imm—me O,X 11MWI 1 7,60 mOmMA spodai 0%"**101noce to OP(me We rWk at '751,rkov
met 1,750 Oft'Rd,,fA%#AOWN'W*W,,eC.
aed m 1.5 taraN above cWv
Oxce AXNX PWMOMO*W/tovtp Opnoms tjj�—F indudes ft"m UsW W 14"k ajKw,s.4#y
DICE RINK PRODUICTION WISO&VS OMONS ��hdu&%Kmm koed in m-$tdAb acme,cxqy
25-16(,fejxraft duo.tr S09%"W1 d44W&'V,25%due mW wasm
SCOU VA"Wms Seaside tice.,LLCM."dba Acfa,-Avnef6ca
f*4r 310�32,3-776-9423 Affiv Scaft Wthams
P-M4�sw$WamsQ�ce-mrkedca own 807 SprwAi ake ICfrirve
Wjl�,'*Rr arrmt VNai,Kaoevrwd for an mldolmal ff*, Hartsm City,CA 90710
UnmlEsUmah?m sutqe!ct ty,a c,.h,,trgc 0,erme as respormiWe fcv any wagAkof state,&ewW rexes rjlt;visa fffl due,
V111. Site Requirements
,R,e,q.qir.ei't' tls: The power requirements for the ice rink refrigeration
system are: 3 Phase 480 Volt/ 300-350 Anips for a 1 00-ton chiller, plus required
pump power. The additional event power requirements are based on fighting,
sound, and the resurfacer and can be managed fl*om as 220 Volt set-vice, 'rile
electrical service and power supplied by the host should be within 100 feet of the
chiller location, The host electrician should be on hand to connect all required
Chiller location should be accessible for 20K forklift or 40' trailer parking; or
suitable arrangements are re(JUired for a crane.
Level Surface R
-,- -N . ,,--,,e s -ovide a suitable subfloor laser IeM within
—(Quirem nt : Host will pi
112". The required open span area is 86'x 41', plus skate lace area as desired.
'Walt.er'..Re.qtAit,-,en.ien.t.s: The water requirements for the ice rink include a(,,,,cess and
supplied connection to as landscape type water source,within 50 feet of the ice rink.
LocationRe 41-11 it�en. ue : Signage should be considered fc)r entryways and ticket
— — -nt�s
sales, Holiday lighting around the ice rink can add an important ambient eleniem to
the event. Access to restrooms should be considered,
Security,requirements include any re(:juired fencing,
security staff for,oversight of the ice rink and to ensure equiptnent safety and deter
trespassing caro the ice rink itself during non-operational hours,
rR r Fj'Y' 13
1.1 iI \1 i k, r ,( )\
PUSIbntAre lcw1rik%
IX. Included Materials
See Ice-America videos online at- lAtC c Xp
j p r i a MID?
Video includes Ice-America rinks, operations, staff, equipment,and "Rink Station"
radio,and Bobby skating aid,
,Ot:h1e.j,:jce Rink Materjals�
Ice-Arnerica brochure, Ice-World brochures, Bobby skating aid brochure
Qpgrations, Materials:
Ice-America marketing plan,safety inartual, employee handbook
X Required Pernrits and Licenses
Business License:
If requested, Ice-America will acquire and maintain a, valid business license for the
Host City dUring the term of the agreement,
Ice-Arnerica will provide assistance tc> Host in its efforts to acquire the following
permits if necessary for the installation and operation ofthe pot-table ice rink event,
ftlClUding; rernporary Use Pernlit, Fire Permit.
Additional Rink Specifications:
1) size to be 25 meters x 12 meters (approximately 82'x 40')
2) '12 Aluminuni Elements tubular panefing (panels 25ni long x tal wide)
3) Insulation 1-inch thick
4) Aluminum corner l.,-profiles; edge height 7crn (70min) to run perimeter of rink,
overlapping included
5) 4"Aluminum Header complete with aril fittings. 4" canflock couplings with 4"
reinforced aluminum pressure and suction tubes
6) Aluminum end headers w/ hardware
7) 4" Flex HoseTransmission lines - approx, 100' run
8) fleader Covers
9) PresSUre &leak test of transmission lines &piping
10) 24-hour On call Technical Support
11111 i .1 0, , f iJ,�J , I i 11i-,,! Sr 14
11) installation: set Lip, connection, ice making
12) Dismantling: shot down, disconnection, cleaning,draining, folding, loiding
13) Shipping
Dasher Boards: IT Style
11 42" high x 2" wide recreational style structural alurninurn frame
2) fl'2x40' perirneter
3) Two double-doors: one of 2m (6.6") one of Irn (IT)
4) One (1) double-door equipment gate: 3m (10') wide
5) 1/4" thick x 42"high clear poly facing on all rink panels
6) 'W' thick x 8" high polyethylene kick plate-white
7) 'h" thick 2"wide polyethylene handrail- white or orange
8) `%" U11MW polyethylene wear plates on the bottom of all door thresholds
9) All necessary hardware, fasteners, and anchors to provide a complete system
1 Cl) Includes Free -in Plate anchoring system
Model & Performance Data
I) 657,00014'"1 ui-i, Semi Herniefic Compressor(s), 100 nominal ton with 50 tons of
cooling capacity, 2 x 50 Hp
2) Microprocessor Controller; On- Off switch f6r control circuit operation and
autornatic cornpressor lead tag on dual circuit units
) 24V (.'ontrol Transfortner
4) Water Flow Switch, Pump Differential Sensor
5) RCtUrn Fluid sensing thermostat
6) Direct drive Condenser Fan Motor
7) Industrial Standar Glycol PURIps-... T5 tip, skid mounted, Able to run rnono-
propylene-glyctrl, External, I Primary
8) 100tarns ( 95dcgrocs FAnibient ( 44 degrees HA"T
9') Standard Supply of' 12 degrees U. 16 degrees return and Capable SUPply 5 degrees
1', i-etum 10 degrees F
10)38% niono-propylene glycol 10 degrees C
I) Shell and Tube heat exchanger
2) Maximum Flow Rate 360 gpni
31 Design Flow Rate 240 gpin
4) Minimum Flow Rate 120 gprn
5) Deminerahzed Water Volume JS gal 32
6) Maximum pressure 150psi
W i Y, 15
F:147311-1:13131V lfr:es 11"Itsii
1) Field rnaterials, valves and fittings
2) Evaporator Flange 4*' f'()r 4" canilocks and 4" hoses, 5" insulation on all water
and refrigerant lines
I) R 404, niono-propylene glycol low grip refrigerant
2) 4, 275 gallon totes of mono-propylene glycol and demineralized Nvater, a 38%
propylene glycol demincralize(J water SOILItion to run rink tubing, chiller system &
3) And loam bacterial dishifector; Bio WO
4) Storage Expansion 'lank .35-600 gallon
5) Rink piping s.ystenii C,ornplete Charge fi-oni fiactory
6) Glycol Vacuum Pump
7) Charge 146 lbs, 2 it tut 73 lbs each
8) MSDS rnono-propylene glyccfl
1) 60 dBA 4 25ft
Set up and Breakdown
I) Factory F,.'ngineering Technical Support and I I week warranty, on all parts and
imniediate replacementwithin 36 hours
2) 1`�:Ictory Startup
3) Training: maintenance and operation
4) Installation
5) Shipping
6) Removal
)P, f 16
)4 11 f 1,