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l.rARK OZAS, Distict 7, chair
RAilDf TOHNSOIY, Distict 2
Filet A72
10 July 2018
City of Port Angeles City Council
321 E 5th Street
Port Angeles, WA 98352
Board of Clallam
County Commissioners
JL t 6 20lB
223 East 4dt Street Suite 4
Port Arlgeles. WA 98352-3015
36It,4Lr.Z2i3 Fax: 360.417.2493
Emails commissioners@@.€lallam.wa.us
City of Sequim City Council
152 W. Cedar Street
Sequim, WA 98382
Dear Port Angeles and Sequim City Council Members:
This is a very difficult letter to write to all of you. We believed that during our joint meetings there was a very good
exchange of ideas about our issues of concern and we had hoped the feeling of a true partnership was mutual. We
now understand tiat you are not interested in creating a joint committee to renegotiate the existing agreements to
more fairly make adjustments, for all parties. as conditions may warrant, so we have no choice except to give you
formal notice of our intent to terminate the Agreement, effective luly 10, 2019, per Section 6 (B): "Either pfty may
terminate this Agrement, pnor to i6 expimaon, for cause, by providing the other party at least one year pior
witten nouce and complyng with the provisions of Chapter 3.50 RCW. Such notice shall state the grounds for the
termination and the speific plan of the City for providing criminal justice functions as rqutd by RCW 39.34.180
Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 1783, approved by the legislature on March 27,2078 and in effect starting
)une 7, 20L8, materially changes the ability of all courE to assess and collect Legal Financial Obligations (LFO's) from
convicted defendants who are. at the time of sentencing. indigent as defined in RCW 10.101.010 (3) (a) through (c).
We are certain to see a significant reduction in the collection of fines and court fee revenues in our combined
DistricvMunicapal court, as, historically, the great majority of all convicted defendants have met the definition of
Indigent, per the RCW. Our Agreement was intended to save total cosLs (net of revenues) for each city, while
breaking even (net of new costs less new revenues) for the county. We achieved that result by having the county
receive two streams of revenue from the cities, that, when combined would closely approximate the additional costs
the county would have in providing these services to the cities. Each of these two revenue streams was determined
by estimating the average. annual collections of the local (cities) share of all relevant fines and fees collected on or
after Jan 1, 2016, which would be retained by the county, together with a fixed, annual dollar amount (with COLA's),
from each city, that made up the difference between the county's new costs and the average city collection of fees
and fines. The new legislation (f783), in 2018, was an unforeseeable event that will materially, and negatively affect
the collection of the local share of all fees and fines which was the basis for determining the fixed amounts agreed to.
Jim torr6, Jn @antf Administator
Re: Interlocal Agreement Regarding Criminal lustice Services (Agreement)
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