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202 E LAURIDSEN BLVD - Building (2)
ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF PORT ANGELES 360-417-4735 Application Number . . . . . 16-00001528 Date 10/10/16 Application pin number . . .359952 Property Address . . . . . . 202 E LAURIDSEN BLVD ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06 -30 -10 -5 -0 -2320 -0000 - Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use . . . . . . . . Property Zoning . . . . . . . COMMERCIAL OFFICE Application valuation . . . . 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Application desc Replace meter pack. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ------------------------ VINCENT, WE DARREL ANGELES ELECTRIC 711 E FRONT ST 524 E. 1ST ST. PORT ANGELES WA 983623610- PORT ANGELES WA 98362 (360) 452-9264 - Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER COMMERCIAL Additional-desc . . Permit Fee . • 225.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 10/10116 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 4/08/17 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 1.00 225.0000 ECH --EL-COM 401-600 SRV FEEDER 225.00 ------------------------------------------- - Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee -Total 225-00 - 225.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 225.00 225.00 .00 .00 REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) 'el5z- N- 1 INSPECTION TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR: DITCH, SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERMIT WILL EXPIRE SIX,(6) IuL4N' M FROM LAST INSPECTION Signature of+oww;or Electrical Contractor X Date: GIEXCHANfisEllitiRDM 10/07/2016 10:15 FAX 360 452 9265 Angeles Electric CITY OF PORT ANGELES PERMIT APPLICATION Building• DivisfonMectrical Inspections 321 East -Fifth Street -- P.O. Box 1150 / Port Angeles Wasbbgton, 98362 Ph: (366)'4114735 Fax: (360) 417-4711 Date,A/V/6—Y Mgit[-l=Br W or Commrctatk *'Plan Review. May Be Requirt3d, Please Complete EtectdcW plan Review Glbomtetion Street Job Address: Bu1dmg Square Footage:. L10001/0001 Desaip(on of abotin Owner as defined by RCW.1928261: (1) Owner will ompy the stnuidure for No Yeats altarthh electrical Permit is fi . (2} Owner is reguled . to hire an electrical contract I above Said properly is for sale: rent or lem. twt*e*M after sire months of last on. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above rwned properly or a tiaense4cal oantrjictor. i am the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with do electrical laws, RM PCW. Chapter 1928, WAC. 29"0, The CRY of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Uft SpedcatiOns orb PAMC 14.05.050 mp*q EleWdW PowdApptiotorha Signature -of owner, electrical contractor or electrical admtmhtrator: ❑CWh ❑ CW* �� ` - x aa� A0/ 711-4 euo+r+z Ownertnfoan Co rkdWmdlm Name: Mai�nq.Addreas: ,�A .� State: r:6 d�1J1�� Nacos. y Phone: Fax �!► •. License c alL 81 A I�eMcelFeeder 200 Amp. $132.00 ¢ SwAcelFeeder 201-400 Amp. $160.00 $ Servlce/Feeder 401.600 Amp 600 $225.00 � � $....1 Servb/FWer 601.1000 Amp. ` $ 288,00 $ 11 Sarvica/Feeder over 1000 Amp. $ 410.OD $ I Branch Circhdt W/ Spice Feeder $ 6.00 $ Branch .Circuit W10 Service Feeder $ 74.00 $ I Each AddRional Brandt Cbautt $ 5.00 $ G Branch Ona is 14 $8600 $ i Temp. Service/ Feeder 200 Arra. $ law $ Tara. Syr owfeader 201400 Amp. $121.00 $ Temp. Sarke/Feader401- 00 Amp. $18400 $ Temp. ftvice1Feader6D140WAmP . $185.00 $ Pam to Pond Hourly $ 96.00 $ $ Signal Glrc& l Umked Energy—UWtWz* ti 64.E _�_ Signal CircW Un ted Energy ! Fit 15DO sf — Commercial $ 9600 $ Note: KW for each additional 1500 sf ( . Renewable Bectrical Energy • 5WA System or leas $11300 $ Thermostat $ 56.00 $ Note: $SOO for each addidwat T-Stat } _ Owner as defined by RCW.1928261: (1) Owner will ompy the stnuidure for No Yeats altarthh electrical Permit is fi . (2} Owner is reguled . to hire an electrical contract I above Said properly is for sale: rent or lem. twt*e*M after sire months of last on. After reading the above statement, I hereby certify that I am the owner of the above rwned properly or a tiaense4cal oantrjictor. i am the electrical installation or alteration in compliance with do electrical laws, RM PCW. Chapter 1928, WAC. 29"0, The CRY of Port Angeles Municipal Code, and Uft SpedcatiOns orb PAMC 14.05.050 mp*q EleWdW PowdApptiotorha Signature -of owner, electrical contractor or electrical admtmhtrator: ❑CWh ❑ CW* �� ` - x aa� A0/ 711-4 euo+r+z ELECTRICAL PERMrr CITY OF PORT ANGELES 3W4174735 Application Number . . . . . 16-00000427 Date 3/28/16 Application pin number . . . 207329 Property Address . . . . . . 2016 WESTVIEW DR ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06 -30 -00 -9 -3 -2090 -0000 - Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . . . Property Use Property Zoning . . . . . . . RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . . . . 0 --^------------r------------- ------------------- Application desc TANNING BEDS ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Owner Contractor - MC ELROY JEAN KIRSCH ELECTRIC INC. 2016 WESTVIEW DR P. 0. BOX 3396 PORT ANGELES WA 983635033 SEQUIN WA 98382 (360) 683-6819 --------------------------------------------------------_-------_------------ Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc KIRSCH/ TANNING BED Permit Fee 75.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date 3/28/16 Valuation. . . . 0 Expiration'Date 9/24/16 City Unit Charge Per Extension -BASE FEE 75.00 -- - - - - - - ---- --- --^--- --------- ----• - -- - Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due ---------- !" Permit Fee Total 75.00 75.0.0 ~y .00 --- --.00 Plan Check Total ,00 .00 80 .00 Grand Total 75.00 75.00 .,Do .00 t REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the City of Port Angeles (Location Code 0502) INSPEC ON TYPE DATE: RESULTS: INSPECTOR DITCH SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL t .COMMENTS: PERWr WILL E WME SIX (6) MOMMS FROM LAST IIdS BMON Sxpawm of OWM or Elccumal Contactor X 0-IEXGHMGe4UILDMG Date: Cff-1-')FqORT �G)ELE' PERikU APPLICATION Ru0diw:DMAoWT1ed )cail i 1pec. I 321: ph:, Date, * Plan Job Add Building Name; All Malling Ad C Licarm Item � rvicwF( Branch Branch Each A Branch Temp. Temp. Temp. Temp. Portal I Signal NEW First Each Each Each Owner to hire — P.O.:Bp* 11q i / poet A agelles Washington, 98362 --k x 11' 41-4735 I & 2 Single Family Dwelling %few May Bec Ul r F IMS6C m)l ate E-1 ztical Plan R'w Information Sheet i rare F iotage" 7 1 abo ylaii lion Contrad r Inionnation r Ka eykcr- Y, Nor= W: t IMarlin Address: k) t zip. 7 IT License # 1Exp. 'U 11A P, Unit 04harue 911 Totai (Qty MuldiAied by Unit C144111161;' After retic i the elo I Angeles I , 1�n Signamr- of x r ZVU AMP. i r2b1.400 Amp Z'14 .00i $.'14.00 r 4bl .600 Amp j $ 20! .00 r 601-1000 Amp. 1 $26-00 over 1000 Amp. 37 .00 W!, Service Feeder .00 W/O Service Feeder 6.00 A Branch Circuit i I S .00 71 f Feeder 200 Amp. 9 .00 Firder 201400 Amp. :1100 fFeederQ"OOAmp- 14 '00 IF4eder(ibll-1000Amp . .10 Hburly $: 9 1.00 UrMtod Energy -1 & 2 ram ly Dmllir 1 $ 6 '00 ioe Connection $ ni '00 Ocall Energy - 5KVA Sys*Tl or Le� $ *'ijo' '00 5 '00 DO br each additional T-StEft WOON ONLY: ars Ft $ 1 .00 I 5b Square Ft, or Portion I $ .00 ig:,,�or Detached ached Garage 71 '00 i4 I g pool or Hat Tub $1 .00 indd by RM 19-28-261: (1) Owm-r will occur i the structure for two years after this electrical Permit! finalized, (2)IOwner1srequiri ;trical contractor if abov said pro is for -ale, rent or lease. Permit expires after six months of la inspection. � M above statement, I h raby c9i if-yth Pt 1, the owner of the above named property or a licensed fledftal conheto,. I am maki tallation or alteration i mplia 00 With #wielectdcal laws, N. E.G., RCW. Chapter 19.28, WAC. Chapter 296-468, T1 ie City of Pc opal Code, and Utility SMcificatiland te�rIcal PAI i 1C. 14.05.050 regarding Electrical Permit Applications. or, electrical contr fetor or atinninistrator: 0 cash 0 Check T XQWit Caid N ELEC` IUCAL PERMrr MY OF PORT .ANGELES - 360-417-4735 Application Number . . . . . 16-00000427 Date 3/28/16 Application pin number . . . 207329 Property Address . . 2016 WESTVIEW DR ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 06 -30 -00 -9 -3 -2090 -0000 - Application type description ELECTRICAL ONLY Subdivision Name . . . . Property Use . . . . . . , . Property Zoning . , . . . . . RS7 RESDNTL SINGLE FAMILY Application valuation . . . . 0 ------------------------------------------------ Application desc TANNING BEDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Owner Contractor ---- MC ELROY JEAN KIRSCH ELECTRIC INC. 2016 WESTVIEW DR P. O. BOX 3396 PORT ANGELES WA 983635033 SEQUIM WA 98382 (360) 683-6819 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . . . . ELECTRICAL ALTER RESIDENTIAL Additional desc KIRSCH/ TANNING BED Permit Fee . , . . 75.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date . . . . 3/28/16 Valuation . . . 0 Expiration Date . . 9/24/16 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension 'BASE FEE 75.00 --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Fee summary Charged Paid - Credited Due Permit Fee Total 75.00 75.00 -.00 - ---- .00 Plan Check Total .00 .00 .00 .00 Grand Total 7$.00 75.00 .00 .00 INSPECTION TYPE DTTCH , SERVICE ROUGH -IN FINAL COMMENTS: PERW WILL EMPIRE SIX (6) MONTHS FROM LAS Swat= ofowm or Electrical Contractor X Q\EXCH,ANGMUIWING DATE: T IlvJr tSt.l tut+i - REPORT SALES TAX on your excise tax form to the Cky of Port Ani (L©cadon code ow) IRESULTS: I INSPECTOR: Date: