HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 08/14/2018
Utility Advisory Committee
City Council Chambers
Port Angeles, WA 98362
August 14, 2018
3:00 p.m.
I.Call To Order
II.Roll Call
III.Approval Of Minutes for June 12, 2018
IV.Late Items
V.Public Comment–The Utility Advisory Committee desires to allow the opportunity for Public
Comment. However, the business of the City must proceed in an orderly, timely manner. At its
most restrictive, Public Comment shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes. Individuals may speak
for three (3) minutes or less, depending on the number of people wishing to speak. If more than
20 people are signed up to speak, each speaker may be allocated two (2) minutes. (Taken from
Council Rules of Procedure Section 12).
VI.Discussion Items:
A.Francis Street Outfall Repair
B.Landfill Gas Flare Replacement
VII.Information Only Items:
A.2018 Electric Utility Resource Plan
B.Morse Creek Hydro Project Tour on Friday, September 14 8:30-11:00 am (verbal)
VIII.Next Meeting Date: September 11, 2018
pg 1
Utility Advisory Committee
City Council Chambers
Port Angeles, WA 98362
June 12, 2018
3:00 p.m.
I.Call To Order
Vice Chair Bill Atkinson called the meeting to order at 3:01pm.
II.Roll Call
UAC Assigned
Councilmembers Present:Deputy Mayor Kate Dexter (3:05p.m.), and Councilmember
Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin
Councilmembers Absent: Councilmember CherieKidd
UACMembersPresent:Vice Chair William Atkinson, Mattias Järvegren (3:04p.m.),
Paul Collins, and Rob Feller
UACMembers Absent: Laura Dodd
Staff Present:James Burke, Gregg King, Bill Bloor,Therese Agesson,
Teresa Reed-Jennings, Glen Goodworth, Marian Bodart, and
Michelle Hale
OthersPresent: One Citizen
III.Approval Of Minutes
Vice Chair William Atkinson requested a motion for approval of the May 08, 2018, and
May 15, 2018 minutes. Rob Feller moved to approve the minutes, and
Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin seconded the motion. Motion carried 6-0.
IV.Late Items:None
V.Public Comment:None
VI.Discussion Items:
A.Craig Avenue Road Construction
James Burke, Acting Director of Public Works presented overview for the Craig Avenue Road
Reconstruction project that was a result of a 20” water main break in February 2017. The
projectwillreplace the paved surface of Craig Avenue and make necessary stormwater
pg 2
Design and construction management to be done in house. Completion this summer or early
fall.UAC members stated they, and the high school students would be happy this project will be
Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin made a motion to endorse the Craig Avenue Road
Reconstruction project, and provide a favorable recommendation to the City Council to
award a construction contract in 2018 that fits within the approved project budget.Kate
Dexterseconded. Motion carried 6-0.
B.Ranney Well and Support Building Re-Roof
James Burke, Acting Director of Public Works, provided a summary of the installation of new
TheRanney well pumps the water out of the
roofing on the Ranney Well and Support Building.
Elwha into the Treatment Plant. The building roofs arefailingand have exceeded their expected
life.The project will remove the existing roof material and install a new thermoplastic roofing
material. Funds are available in the approved 2018 budget, for Water Utility capital projects, in the
amount of $40,000. Discussion followed
Kate Dexter made a motion to endorse the Ranney Well and Support Building Re-Roof,
Project WT-01-18, and provide a favorable recommendation to the City Council to award a
Mattias Järvegren seconded. The motion carried 6-0.
construction contract.
C.2018 Landfill Beach Nourishment
James Burke, Acting Director of Public Works, discussed the recurring condition of the City’s Permit
requirement to place beach nourishment material in front of the 454-foot long seawall. The purpose
of the 2018 Landfill Beach Nourishment project is to place 2600 cubic yards of onsite clean beach
nourishment sediment as mitigation for the construction of the seawall that prevents natural erosion
along the bluff face. The project will be advertised for bids in June, and after bids are opened, staff
Funds are available in
will seek approval from City Council for award of a construction contract.
the approved 2018 budget in the amount of $55,000. Discussion followed.
Lindsey Schromen-Wawrin made a motion to endorse the design strategy for 2018 Landfill
Beach Nourishment, Project CON-2018-29, and provide a favorable recommendation that City
Council award a construction contract in 2018 that fits within the approved project budget.
Rob Feller seconded. The Motion carried 6-0.
D.Update Port Angeles Municipal Code 13.65.010
Gregg King, Power Resources Manager, discussed the part of the municipal code that talks about
wastewater rates. Language was added to clarify the Easter Urban Growth Area Boundary (EUGA)
customers and does not change any of the City’s 2018 wastewater rates. The language was added on
Item B of Section 1: “The rate for customers whose monthly water consumption equals or exceeds
430 cubic feet, and for all customers in the unincorporated EUGA:” Discussion followed.
Rob Feller made a motion to provide a favorable recommendation to the City Council to pass
Vice Chair Bill Atkinson seconded. Motion carried 6-0.
the updated Municipal Code 13.65.
pg 3
VII.Information Only Items: None
VIII.Next Meeting Date: July 10, 2018
IX.Adjournment: 3:37 p.m.
___________________________ __________________________________
Chair CherieKidd Michelle Hale, Administrative SpecialistII
pg 4
Date:August 14, 2018
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Lucio Baack, - Civil Engineer I
Subject:Francis Street Outfall Repair Project, DR02-15
Summary:The purpose of the project is to replace the existing damaged Francis Street stormwater
outfall with a new maintainable outfall structure.
Funding:Funds are available in the approved 2018 budget, for Stormwater Utility capital projects,
account 456-7688-594-6510 in the amount of $35,000.
Recommendation:Provide a favorable recommendation to the City Council to award a construction
contract in 2019 for a not-to-exceed amount that fits within the project budget.
Background/ Analysis:The project isinthe2019-204 CFP and will replacethe existing clogged
marine outfallin order to restore the hydraulic capacity of the working storm drain system. Failure of the
existing outfall hascausedback pressure inthe system that hasresultedinablowout (ruptured pipeline
open to the beach surface) approximately 40 feet north ofthe rip-rap slope. Prior to the rupture onthe
beach, there was one episode where stormwater backed up tothe manhole atthetop of the marine bluff.
Reconstruction of the outfall will relieve thecurrent backpressure problem and provide a reliable,
maintainable outfallfor theCity’sStormwater system.
The proposed project will remove aportionof the existing shoreline rip-rap bulkhead to expose the
ductile iron storm drain, install a concreteplug in the outfall end of the existing storm drain,install a new
outfall andenergy dissipater structure in the rip-rap bulkhead, backfill thetrench, and restore therip-rap
to its present configuration.The projectis designedand sequencedsothat no heavy equipment will be
operated on the beach. Theconstruction work will occurwithin the allowablefisheries work windowJuly
16– February 15. After the designis finalized,the environmental permitting process will move
forward in the fourth quarter of2018, withthe aim to advertise theproject for bid in the firstquarter of
Funding Overview: Funds are available in the approved 2018 budget,for Stormwater Utility capital
projects, account 456-7688-594-6510 in the amount of$35,000.
1.Site Photos
2.Existing Condition & Proposed Solution Drawings
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Photo 1: Dye Visible Near Pipe Blowout
Photo 2: Outfall Conceptual Rendering
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pg 7
Date: August 14, 2018
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Lucio Baack, Civil Engineer I,
Subject: 2018 Landfill Gas Flare Replacement, ProjectSW02-17
Summary:The Landfill Gas Flare Replacementproject is included in the 2019-2024 CFPand will
replace theexistingaged,oversized landfill gasflaresystem. Gas monitoring data indicatesthe existing
flare is operating near the low end of the-Closure
consultant, Aspect Consulting LLC,recommendsthe existing flare system be replaced by a smaller skid
mounted flare system. The project was advertised in Julyandbids will beopened August 10, 2018.Staff
will seek approval from City Council for award of theconstruction contractto the lowest responsible
Funding:Funds are available in the approved 2018 budget,for Solid Waste Utility capital projects,
account 454-7588-594-6510, in the amount of $95,000.
Recommendation:It is requested that the UAC endorse the design strategy for the 2018 Landfill Gas
Flare Replacement, Project SW02-17, and provide a favorable recommendation that the City Council
awardaconstruction contract in 2018 which fits within the approved project budget.
Background / Analysis:The Citys closed landfill requires collection and treatment of the landfill gas
being generated in accordance with the permit (SLW08-001) from the Clallam County Environmental
Health Services (CCEHS). The existing flare system, including flare, condensate separator, and controls,
was originally installed in 1992 and was designed to operate across a larger range of landfill gas
collection rates. Over time, the rate of landfill gas generation has decreased and the current collection rate
is at the low end of the existing operatingrange. Consequently, the existing flare
system has been operating with anincreasedrisk of automatic shut down due to reduced gas production.
A more reliable, appropriately sized replacement flare system is required to continue to treat the landfill
gas collected from the landfill.
The Citys consultant, Aspect Consulting LLC, recommended the existing landfill gas flare system be
replaced by a skid mounted utility flare system. New system components include a)landfill gas extraction
blowers, b) elevated landfill gas flare, c) moisture removal equipment, d) flame arrestor, e)
instrumentation, f) and controls.
SCADA system.
The project was advertised for bids in July, and after bids are opened on August 10 2018, staff will seek
approval from City Council for award of the construction contract to the lowest responsible bidder. The
anticipated flare skid system installation date is October 1, 2018 and will include a commissioning phase.
Funding Overview:Funds are available in the approved 2018 budget, for Solid Waste Utility capital
projects, account 454-7588-594-6510, in the amount of $95,000.
pg 8
Date: August 14, 2018
To: Utility Advisory Committee
From: Gregg King, Power Resource Manager
Subject:2018 Electric Utility Resource Plan
The City’s electric utility must comply with a Washington State mandate to provide a biennial update to
its Resource Plan. Updates were previously submitted in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016. A
component of the enabling legislation is that consumer participation in the plan’s development is
encouraged. Further, the governing body of a consumer-owned utility must approve the 2018 plan, and
any future plans, after it has provided public notice and hearing.
Recommendation:Information Only
Background / Analysis:
The electric utility is required, by RCW 19.280.030, to submit an updated Resource Plan (Plan)
to the Washington Department of Commerce by September 1, 2018. The principal desired
outcome is to ensure that electric utilities have resources adequate to meet projected loads.
While the Plan is not a legally binding document, at a minimum it must provide a description of
current power loads and resources, as well as the estimated power loads and resources for a 5-
year and 10-year forecast. The state-required Plan must be updated every two years and will be
available to the public from the City’s website.
As a full resource utility, the Plan was generated by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) using
typical growth rates and the City’s current and anticipated future resource mix. The 2018 Plan shows all
power can be provided by BPA.
Funding Overview:
pg 9