HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-04-12 PC MinutesMINUTES
Port Angeleso Washington 98362
April 12,2017 6:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Public Present:
Matt Bailey, David Amoroso Duane Morris, Andrew
Schwab, Steven Hopkins, Amy Powell
Elwyn Gee
Nathan West, Ben Braudrick
Karen Rogers, Jackson Smart, Andrew
Chair Morris opened the regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Patrick Downie read a proclamation thanking the Planning Commission members for
their efforts as volunteers for the City of Port Angeles.
Commissioner Bailey moved to approve the March 2212017 minutes. Commissioner
Schwab seconded, all were in favor.
1. Facade and Sisr Grant Application: No. l7-01 Ruddell Auto
Assistant Planner Ben Braudrick gave a presentation on the façade grant application for
Ruddell Auto.
Chair Morris asked if the applicant would like to present the design to the Commission. Ms.
Karen Rogers, the representative from Ruddell auto explained the reasoning behind the
landscaped area. Landscape Designer Mr. Andrew May spoke about the horticultural aspects
of the project, explaining that the landscape was design to coexist with the neighboring property,
was designed to be slow growing, and stand on its own with or without signage. Sign Maker
Mr. Jackson Smart presented the details of the proposed sign in the landscape area.
The Commission asked further questions about details of the landscape. There were concerns
about the validity of the grant match and the project being only landscape based. Staff replied
that a landscape feature had been approved in the past and that the match could be a part of the
project but remain only match and not be reimbursed. The project mentioned was attempting to
P lanning Commis s io n Minute s
April 12,2017
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use underground utilities as a match, which were not a portion of the project scope that provided
public benefits.
Commissioner Schwab moved to award Façade Grant 17-01 for the fulI amount of $10,000.00
Commissioner Bailey seconded, the motion passed 5-1, with Commissioner Amoroso
dissenting due to his opinion that the proposal should be revisited once the proposal had been
more specific and a clarification needed for a match.
2. Subcommittee Discussion
Assistant Planner Braudrick opened up the discussion by explaining the reasoning and need
for a subcommittee to review the City's sign code and start to develop a foundation for changes
when staff has the opportunity to begin to make changes.
Commissioner Bailey asked what the timeline for the sign code amendments were scheduled to
take place. Director West replied that it's likely that sign code amendments would take place in
2018. The City Council's priority setting placed it in 2018.
Commissioner Hopkins asked to be on the committee. He felt that signage plays a big role in
showing a newcomer what a city wants to be. Commissioner Bailey he took was interested in
sitting on the subcommittee, and disclosed that although he was a sign making professional, he
felt this experience would assist the committee and he could act impartially. Commissioner
Bailey mentioned that another local sign maker was in the audience, and in accordance with the
bylaws, Mr. Smart could act as a member of the public on the committee. He asked Mr. Smart
if he was interested in sitting on the subcommittee. Mr. Smart replied that in the past he had
helped to rewriting the sign code for the Central Business District and would enjoy contributing
to the subcommittee. Commissioner Schwab also voiced interest, and made reference to his
platform for sign code change in a past bid for Council.
Chair Morris asked what the procedure for creating a subcommittee; if making a motion for its
creation was the best path. Director \ilest agreed that a motion would be the best path.
Commissioner Schwab stated that the Commission should entertain two motions: one for the
creation of the sub-committee and another for the appointment of members. The Commission
Commissioner Bailey made a motion to create a subcommittee and appoint three
commission members to modify the sign code. Commissioner Schwab secondedo all were in
Chair Morris made a motion to appoint Commissioners Baileyo Schwab, and Hopkins to
the Committee. Commissioner Hopkins secondedo all were in approval
Chair Morris appointed Commissioner Hopkins as the Chair of the Subcommittee, and
Commissioner Hopkins accepted
Planning Commission Mínutes
April 12,2017
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Director West updated the Commission on the Race Street Design RFQ and Assistant Planner
explained the reasoning behind returning to the RFQ process.
Chair Morris asked the reasoning for the Human Services portion of the recent municipal code
updates having been taken out of the final ordinance. Director West explained a day prior to the
City Council's first reading of the ordinance, a group of professionals from local human service
organizations approached staffand voiced concerns they had in regard to the code changes and
discussions they had with attorneys from the ACLU. The Attomeys felt that the changes as staff
had recommended them were not legal. The human services professionals also felt that before
changes were made, staff could reach out and work with the local professionals in the field and
verify the legality of the changes. A new memo was drafted for the meeting which removed
those portions of the code relating to Human Services. He assured the Commission that staff
does recognize that this is a community issue that needs to be resolved, whether through zoning
or another type of regulation. He let the Commission know that if they ever had any questions or
issues that staff was available to answer those concerns, whether at ameeting, in the office, or
through email.
Commissioner Amoroso asked about consistency in the building inspector and engineering
division and why an applicant might be getting two different answers to the same questions.
Director West responded that the new stormwater changes could have been a factor in different
messages, but that without knowing the who, what, where and how of the situation it would be
difficult to give a specific reason. He advocated that anytime a member of the public approached
a Commissioner about permitting difficulties that the Commissioner drill down to the reason for
the issue and bring it to Stafls attention.
Commissioner Schwab moved to adjourn. Commissioner Powell seconded. The meeting
adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Ben Braudrick,
PREPARED BY: Ben Braudrick
David Amoroso, Co-Chair